#this video template on snow made me laugh so hard
vanillamuke · 4 years
ushijima's psa to everyone who didn't go to shiratorizawa 😘
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noisyquokka · 5 years
A Whole Mess- Part 2
pairing: Felix x Reader
genre: Fluff
length: 3k
warnings: N/A
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It’s a bit late but here’s part numero dos 😄 enjoy the last of my 2019 Holiday fluff and have a happy New Year loves 💕
Part 1 
"Vacation somewhere cold or hot for the holidays?"
"That's easy. Cold, hands down!"
You rolled over on the bed, brows furrowed. You set your gaze on your best friend sprawled across the floor. His attention was on his phone, scrolling through Twitter as the playlist you'd made together thumped through the Bluetooth speakers on his desk. At the lack of another question, Felix looked up at you.
You set your tablet on the blanket, sitting up in a criss-cross position on the mattress. Felix found himself doing the same, setting his phone down on the floor.
"You'd actually choose to vacation somewhere cold over - oh, I don't know - the Bahama's?" You asked. This earned you a laugh and a shake of the head. He finally decided the floor wasn't as comfortable as he thought, instead plopping down next to you on his bed.
"Considering how hot Australia is and the fact that seeing snow is a rarity for me, yes!" He replied, falling back on his blankets. "I'd very much choose a cold climate for a holiday vacation."
"Alright, I guess you have a point!" You said, scrolling through the questions on Buzzfeed. As you scrolled, you felt a pair of eyes on you. A small smile graced your lips but you didn't stop what you were doing.
"You're staring, you know."
"How would you know? You're back is turned to me!"
You laughed, looking over your shoulder at the Aussie. Who was totally staring before you looked his way. Felix tried his best to pass it off as staring at the ceiling, but he knew he'd been caught. He was quick to snatch you by the waist, your giggles erupting throughout the room.
"I know you were staring!" You managed to get out, curling into his arms.
"What kinda voodoo have you started experimenting with?" He joked, poking your side. You hid your smile behind your tablet, finally finding a rather appropriate question.
"Alright, alright, I found a good one." You said.
"Hit me!"
Felix's protests could be heard throughout the dorm as you literally whaled on him with a pillow. You'd managed to pin him to his bed until he got his hands on the nerf gun under his blankets.
"Put 'em up and drop the weapon!"
You stifled a laugh, pursing your lips as you raised your arms slowly. He noticed the glint in your eyes, quickly swapping places with you. The smile on his face made you melt and you'd finally broke as well, smacking him once more.
"Honestly, where do you hide all these nerf guns?" You asked, admiring the mess of a boy above you. His hair was sticking out in all directions from your antics just moments ago, a few stray hairs falling in his eyes. You found yourself sweeping them away from his face, fingers weaving through the now unruly strands atop his head. Felix kept his eyes on you, seemingly entranced by the feeling of you playing with his fiery locks. A sigh left your lips, the feeling of content taking over the room. Everything felt how it was supposed to!
Both of you found yourselves about to slip into a slumber had it not been for the alarm going off, signaling the dough was ready to bake. You swiped the notification off the screen, looking down at Felix, who somehow switched positions rather quickly.
"Felix, get up." You muttered, a hand still running through his hair absentmindedly. You heard him groan, cuddling into your side. You rolled your eyes. At this point, you were basically trapped in his embrace. His arms wrapped around your torso, head resting on your stomach, lips in a pout.
Gosh, this boy made you crazy!
"Felix... what happened to creating that masterpiece?" You tried, reminding him of the gingerbread house you were supposed to be making. He didn't budge.
You swore you'd never seen him wake up quicker. A teasing grin tattooed on your lips, you stood up from the bed and grabbed the tablet. Meanwhile, Felix sat there glaring at you.
"That was bold of you, y'know." He said, watching you fix your hair in the mirror. You chuckled at his statement, turning around to send him a wink.
"Got your attention though, didn't it?"
He shook his head in mock annoyance. Everyone and anyone knew how much Felix hated being called by his Korean name. Of course, you were more than well aware of this. Which was why you used it sparingly! Sometimes, Felix could be stubborn as a bull and it worked out for you most of the time. Felix on the other hand quite possibly enjoyed hearing you say his Korean name... possibly!!
"Come on grumbles, let's go make a gingerbread house." You said, pulling him off his bed. With an overdramatic groan, Felix got up and followed you back out to the kitchen.
"Hey, where did Chan run off to?" You asked Changbin, who still sat comfortably on the couch watching TV. He turned his head only slightly, keeping his eyes on the screen.
"He's in his room, trying to compose some lyrics."
You hummed in response, turning towards Felix who was already getting the dough out of the fridge. Grabbing the templates from your bag, you set them on the countertop next to the cookie sheet.
"What are those for?" Felix asked as you started rolling out the dough.
"They're the templates for cutting the dough."
Felix quickly scoffed, grabbing them off the counter.
"What are you doing with those?" You asked. He made his way around the kitchen island to slip the templates back into your bag.
"We won't be needing them." You furrowed your brows, letting out a chuckle.
"When did you become so confident? It's not every day you make a gingerbread house!" You reminded him, setting aside the rolling pin to grab a knife.
"It can't be that hard to make a gingerbread house from scratch. I mean we've gotten this far!"
"Alright, hotshot," You grabbed the knife off the counter, holding it out towards the boy. "Try your hand at cutting the pieces out then."
Felix rolled his eyes, carefully snatching the knife from your hand. You left your tablet propped up on the countertop, the Buzzfeed questions still up on the screen.
"Oh, I still have that question for you!" You said, watching him from across the island.
"As long as you don't actually hit me this time, go ahead!" You chuckled, hopping up on the corner barstool.
"Ok, would you rather live in a gingerbread house with your group of friends or never be able to live with any of them?" You read aloud, continuing to scroll through what questions were left.
The red-haired boy stopped what he was doing, pondering the thought. You couldn't help the smile tugging at your lips. He hadn't fixed his hair from earlier, so the unruly strands still sat upon his head. Seeing as it was Christmas break for them, he didn't need to worry about makeup. Which meant you got the best view of his freckles!
"Mmm, think I've gotta go with life in a gingerbread house with my friends." He finally answered, resuming his cutting of the dough.
"Wait, for real?" And with an answer like that, Felix just had to roll his eyes.
"Why do you say that?" He asked.
"Well for one, living in a gingerbread house is pretty damn scary! I mean, just try leaning on a wall. The entire thing would collapse!" You explained, closing your internet app. Felix glanced up at you, a chuckle leaving his throat. God, you were such a dork! But that was reason number three of infinity why he loved you.
"But if I choose the other option, I'd never be able to live with you if I wanted." He admitted, slowly finishing up the pieces to the house. You took your eyes off the screen to look at him. Did he actually mean that?
"Well, wait a minute... does this also include like... sleepovers and such? Because that would suck even more." Felix wondered aloud. You shook your head.
"I think it only includes living together!" You said, getting down off the barstool to take your spot next to him. You grabbed the cookie sheets, carefully placing them in the oven. With a quick set of the timer, both of you were back to patiently waiting.
Felix had made his way into the living area, sitting down where Changbin had been seated earlier. The rapper was nowhere to be seen, so Felix found himself taking up the entire couch. You took your spot on the armrest of the couch, tapping the Youtube app to pass the time. As quickly as you had made yourself comfy on the armrest, you were pulled onto the couch by Felix.
"Hey! I was comfy there!" You whined, scrolling through the vast array of funny animal videos.
"Psh, sure you were..." Felix breathed, choosing the video for you. He basically had you pinned between him and the back of the couch, not that you were complaining. As you both watched a fluffy kitten chasing a Samoyed, you felt Felix's arms tighten their hold around your waist. A smile tugged at the corners of your lips. Why could you always find the most comfort in Felix's embrace?
You turned your attention to the boy next to you, whose eyes were closed. You couldn't blame him for being so exhausted. Just thinking about all the work that goes into promoting albums, nevermind one, made your head spin! Yeah, college might be stressful. But nothing can compare to fame, even if it's what one wanted to do for the rest of their life. The dark circles adorning his eyes were proof of that.
"You're staring."
Felix's deep voice caused you to jump slightly in his arms, a chuckle accompanying the content smile on his lips. Oh, how you loved the sound of his laugh. You smacked his chest lightly, finally opting to forget the video and cuddle instead. Both of you found the silence to be just what was needed to fall into a deep slumber.
"Aren't they adorable!"
"Hey, don't do that! You're gonna wake them up!"
"Please, they're both dead to the world..."
You stirred in your sleep, slowly coming to in the warmth of Felix's arms. Had you not rubbed the sleep from your eyes first, you would have seen the two boys leaning over the back of the couch. Completely infatuated with the scene before them.
"Wh-what are you guys doing? Binnie put your phone away!"
Of course, your scolding didn't bother Changbin, his not so little collection of photos taking up storage in his phone. But Chan's smack on the back of his head got his attention.
"Told you they'd wake up, idiot!"
You buried your face in Felix's neck, getting his attention quickly. You felt his arms tighten around you as he stretched, pulling you closer into his chest. As soon as Felix opened his eyes, he was greeted by the exact same thing you were moments ago.
"Why are you two so damn obsessed!" He muttered, deep, raspy voice resonating throughout the room. His eyes, still hooded from sleep, trailed down to your hand on his chest. Your fingers clung to his T-shirt, and you were still donning his hoodie from earlier. He would have smiled at that. Really, he would have! If not for the numerous amounts of awwws and ohhhs that came from the two older boys standing behind the couch. Oh, and the alarm ringing somewhere between his body and yours.
"Aren't you both supposed to be doing... I don't know, anything other than staring at us!" You whined into Felix's neck, earning, even more, teasing at the sight of his not so subtle smile. If only Felix had somewhere to hide his face.
"You guys are too! Damn! Much!" Chan beamed next to Changbin, turning on his heel and making a B-line for the kitchen. You and Felix scoffed in unison, stretching but not getting up just yet.
"And you two are relentless!" You called to make sure the older Aussie could hear. You snatched the phone from Changbin's hands, quickly slipping out of Felix's arms and into the hallway towards the bathroom. The rapper chased you, cursing your quick reflexes as you closed the door just as he got there.
"Y/N! Give me back my phone!" You heard from the other side of the door. A quick scroll through Binnie's photo album had you scowling at the massive amount of horrid photos he'd taken.
"This phone has been in your hand since I walked in the door! I can't believe you have like six pictures of me drooling!" You complained, the quick work of your thumb deleting all but one photo. One that you sent to yourself before unlocking and opening the bathroom door. Changbin stood before you, hand jutted out between the two of you.
"You're something else! You know that?" He breathed, taking his phone back as you walked past him back towards the kitchen. You grabbed your tablet off the coffee table, trying to get Felix up off the couch.
"Felix, you gotta get up!" You said, rubbing his arm. He groaned, turning his back to you.
"Wake me up when it's Christmas!" He grumbled, making you laugh.
"I would, but we've got a gingerbread house to decorate!"
A soft smile graced his face, sitting up and rubbing his eyes. You grabbed his arm, pulling him up and into the kitchen where Chan sat at the island. Both cookie sheets sat on top of the oven, already cooled.
"Ah, thanks, Chan!" You said, sending him a smile. Chan shot his own back, dimples and all!
"Don't mention it. I heard your alarm going off. Didn't wanna end up burning to death, y'know."
You chuckled, running a hand through your tangled hair. There were only two things left to do; ice and decorate! Reaching for the bowl of icing, you swiftly bagged half in one bag for Felix, adding the rest into a pastry bag of your own. And... damn, Felix quit eating the masterpiece! A sigh fell from your lips, flicking the boy in the shoulder to get his attention.
"Stop eating the ingredients! You save that for after you finish the gingerbread house, dork!"
"But, this icing is really good!!" He mumbled, remnants of said sweet ingredient sitting on the corner of his mouth. Once again, you wiped his mouth like a mother taking care of their messy child. Chan watched the two of you from his spot at the kitchen counter, a wholesome smile on his face.
"Aw, such couple goals!" He cooed, his own phone in hand. You heard the snap with each photo he took, and even if you didn't, the way he held his phone made it obvious what he was up to.
"Not you, too! You guys are worse than the paparazzi!" You said, grabbing the baking sheets off the stove. You started decorating each piece on one sheet while Felix worked on the others. Windows were added, some sloppier than others, along with the front door. Once those were done, you and Felix let the icing dry before actually assembling the gingerbread into a house.
"We need the-"
"-Candy. Yes, I know." You answered, grabbing the bags of sweets from your tote. A smug smile found its place on Felix's lips, taking the bag of candy canes from your hold. You narrowed your eyes at him, a silent scold that, honestly... didn't do much! His fingers quickly tore the bag open, grabbing one of the sugary sticks to pop in his mouth.
"You better not eat all the decor!" You warned, opening the bag of gumdrops. Both of you carried on opening the bags of candy, finally getting on to gluing the house together. Which was... interesting, to say the least.
There were times where it was you holding one of the walls while Felix took to icing it and vice versa. Both of you went for the 'extra snowy look' on the roof, the gumdrops that you guys stuck on having no desire to stick. So instead, you opted to sprinkle nerds on top, adding extra squiggles and bows to the front of the house.
By the time you guys were done, even Chan was questioning where you went wrong.
"I have no clue what this is supposed to be..."
The three of you stood there before this, uhh - masterpiece - watching as it slowly started to collapse on its side. What few pieces of licorice were stuck on with icing had slid down the side of the walls. Two of the three candy canes Felix had tried placing on the back of it already fell off. As you tried your best to fix the mess of a house, something had caught your eye.
"Oh, my g- Felix, did you fold the dough when you were cutting the pieces out?"
"Uh, yeah!" He said as if it was the obvious thing to do. You facepalmed.
"That's the problem, you idiot! You rolled the top of each sidewall, making it top-heavy." You said, setting the pieces down on the plate. "This is why I had the templates. But nooo! Someone wanted to be a showoff!" You mocked, getting a laugh out of him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't realize that gingerbread making was so damn specific!"
Chan sighed next to you, shrugging his shoulders.
"I'm sure it tastes good, though. May I?" He pointed at the plate, brows raised.
"Knock yourself out!" You said, washing your hands at the sink. Yep, Chan was right! As awful as it looked on display, you couldn't beat the sweet taste of icing and gingerbread. Felix cleaned up what was left over on the counter before you found yourselves trudging back to his room. You plopped down on the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
"Boy, that was a flop." You muttered. Felix chuckled to himself, crawling on to the bed next to you.
"I'm sorry. We'll get it right next time!" He replied, nuzzling into the crook of your neck. You smiled at his words.
"We will, indeed!"
And you would, but now was the time to rest and relax. That's what you two did for the rest of the evening, the feeling of Felix leaving kisses on the back of your neck being the last thing you remember.
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elde-goss · 8 years
I was tagged by @1of1prism​ ;* Thanks bae ;D
01: Do you have a good relationship with your parents? I think for now I do but I have a very bad feeling it won’t stay this way because of the amount of things I don’t feel comfortable talking to them about. They’re very er... They’re the conservative type I think and prefer the “normal” way of things if that makes any sense...
02: Who did you last say “I love you” to? Maybe @1of1prism​?? I don’t remember but I don’t say I love you very often to people
03: Do you regret anything? LOL too many things...
04: Are you insecure? Yikes, I’m so insecure it’s probably not healthy...
05: What is your relationship status? Single Married to the lovely Kim Seokjin <3 ;)
06: How do you want to die? Of old age
07: What did you last eat? A Honey Madeleine from Uncle Tetsu’s Cheesecake shop!!
08: Played any sports? I played soccer just for the sake of exercise. I ski and skate too I guess.
09: Do you bite your nails? Occasionally but it’s pretty rare nowadays.
10: When was your last physical fight? LOL probably sometime in elementary school. I was a good kid and teachers liked me but the issue was if I got really pissed I’d resort to using my fists... Though people look at me now and wouldn’t believe I used to do that :P
11: Do you like someone? Um??? Kim Seokjin?? My one and only??
12: Have you ever stayed up 48 hours? Why the fuck do you all stay up this much I can barely last 24 hours...
13: Do you hate anyone at the moment? Hate?? Er... No one pops into my mind immediately in terms of personal hate but like the usual stuff like Trump and all those people involved in those shenanigans...
14: Do you miss someone? Mmm not anyone I can think of immediately? Social Media makes this so much easier...
15: Have any pets? Nopeeee
16: How exactly are you feeling at the moment? Tired because I was shopping all day but I’m excited to build my website and play video games tonight. Plus I got some cute clothes today :D
17: Ever made out in the bathroom? LOL no.
18: Are you scared of spiders? Fuck yes I am, but I can kill them now...
19: Would you go back in time if you were given the chance? And see my past self?? Lol no.
20: Where was the last place you snogged someone? Didn’t know what that word meant so I had to look it up... No...
21: What are your plans for this weekend? Play video games... Visit friends... Talk to people?? Exercise!!!! EAT ALL YOU CAN EAT SUSHI WITH THE FAM!!!!
22: Do you want to have kids? How many? I really want kids and I want 2 or 3 <3
23: Do you have piercings? How many? Nope, and I don’t plan on getting any anytime soon...
24: What is/are/were your best subject(s)? LOL I’m stupid as fuck (ok not actually) In high school I was really good at French, Math, and Music... But in Uni I guess I’m good at some Maths and strangely hardware related courses??? I also did pretty well in my Speech course....
25: Do you miss anyone from your past? I don’t think so. I have a really good spread of friends any way and I make friends relatively easily.
26: What are you craving right now? I’m full as fuck in terms of food but I crave self esteem, self love, and Kim Seokjin’s di-
27: Have you ever broken someone’s heart? LOL no way.........
28: Have you ever been cheated on? That would require me to have been in a relationship... so no...
29: Have you made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? Read 28...
30: What’s irritating you right now? Right now? Nothing in particular... Lately? Just like when my parents don’t even bother to try to understand my brother and I (particularly my mom). Also this one coworker is sort of annoying.
31: Does somebody love you? Uhh... Platonically probably. Romantically? no way.
32: What is your favourite color? ORANGE!!! Blue is a close second...
33: Do you have trust issues? Uh probably, maybe, idk I’m quick to judge someone and be cautious around them at first but it’s really easy for me to have my opinion swayed.
34: Who/what was your last dream about? The last one I remember clearly was I was eating dinner with J-Hope of BTS and that was cute, lemme relive that moment pls LOL
35: Who was the last person you cried in front of? Cried in FRONT OF?? Maybe @pandemo-nium​?? I don’t remember though.
36: Do you give out second chances too easily? Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...... Not sure. My second chances aren’t really second chances I feel like... It’s hard to explain :P
37: Is it easier to forgive or forget? Tbh for me it’s probably easier to forget... Oops.. :$
38: Is this year the best year of your life? No, but it’s a better year than the past like 4 or 5, there’s just been a constant downwards trend but this year it seems a bit better?
39: How old were you when you had your first kiss? Nah
40: Have you ever walked outside completely naked? Um... wtf... no...
51: Favourite food? Sushi!!! omgggg so many options and it’s so good for you and I just love <3 <3 <3
52: Do you believe everything happens for a reason? I don’t know, this is too existential for me right now LOL
53: What is the last thing you did before you went to bed last night? I played overwatch with a few of my friends and was deciding on a template for my website...
54: Is cheating ever okay? No. Like I don’t even wanna hear an excuse.
55: Are you mean? I want to say no. Like I try really hard to be nice and make sure everyone is happy and stuff but sometimes I might have had enough and I might just say whatever I want and it might be mean... Idk though.
56: How many people have you fist fought? LOL like 2 people in grade 4...
57: Do you believe in true love? I want to but I like I don’t understand how 2 people can just both mutually love eachother like this concept is so foreign to me...
58: Favourite weather? Not a cloud in the sky and it’s about 18 degrees. Around 10 am on a May morning!!
59: Do you like the snow? I do!! Unless I’m driving in which case please melt away...
60: Do you wanna get married? Yea, tbh one of things I want to do the most in my life is get married...
61: Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby? I wouldn’t know but thinking about it, it sounds weird and I’m shuddering so probably not...
62: What makes you happy? Lots of things but the 2 things that make me the most happy is when I make people laugh and happy and when someone complements something about my appearance, whether it’s me or my clothes.
63: Would you change your name? Mmm... Probably not. I don’t love my name or anything but I’ve never thought about this so I don’t think I would.
64: Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed? “ya cause they don’t exist lol” lol I’m keeping Marina’s quote cuz relatable...
65: Your best friend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? Uhh... I don’t really think that’s possible..?
66: Do you have a friend of the opposite sex who you can act your complete self around? Uh... Like... All of them...?
67: Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to? @1of1prism​ probably through tumblr messaging LOL
68: Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? Awks in a box @asprinkleoftutting because I think it was @happycloudinthesky :$ haha..!!!
69: Do you believe in soulmates? I think I used to, but I don’t think so any more...
70: Is there anyone you would die for? ... Kim Seokjin... LOL Uh I don’t know, it’s hard to say now because I’m not actually in a situation where I could risk my life for another...
Anyone who wants to do this can do it but this took a while so I don’t wanna pressure anyone LOL
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