#this was a lot of fun with this combination of shows
ms-demeanor · 2 days
I also forget that photography is a skill that requires extensive experience and training except I’m on the other end of the spectrum. I have no real experience or education but I bought a NikonD3300 from eBay a while back thinking how hard could it be? And now every time I try to use it I’m like oh right I have no idea what I’m doing lol
(If you have any tricks you can share for capturing a good sunset or perhaps the jungle critters in golden hour I’d be eternally grateful btw)
What are you actually taking a photo of?
Sunsets are very pretty but just a flat plane with a sun dipping below the horizon can be kind of boring. What are you trying to photograph? Are there clouds? Is there a particular gradient to the sky? Do you have a focal point in the foreground of the image?
Considering these questions can help you take better photos of sunsets.
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This is a photo of a sunset. It is also a photo of traffic.
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This is a photo of a sunset. It is also a photo of a salt evaporation pond.
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This is a photo of a sunset. It is also a photo of a road trip.
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This is a photo of a sunset. It is also a photo of someone taking a photo of a sunset.
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This is a photo of a sunset. It is also a photo of a pier.
I enjoy taking sunset photos that feature backlit elements that interest me. I tend to take these photos at high speed and many of these were taken with an ISO that's higher than I would use these days. Remember, if you're taking photos of a sunset you're taking photos of the *sun* - even if it's getting dark outside, you're still taking photos of the ultimate light source and you should set your camera with respect to that.
Both animal photography and golden hour photography are exercises in planning and patience. To shoot at golden hour, you have to show up before golden hour and wait for it. This is exactly the same thing that you have to do to shoot wildlife, so combining the two is twice as complicated. If you know someplace that has jungle critters, I'd say go there and try to figure out the behaviors they have and how you have to behave to capture those behaviors. You're probably going to need a really, really expensive lens to get good photos of wild animals in low light, so instead practice getting good photos of wild animals in bright light. While you're doing that regularly, you can also do regular golden hour photography to practice getting a sense of the settings you want to use in those kinds of lighting conditions. Practice this by bringing your own subjects - take photos of people and cars and objects at golden hour before you decide to spend a lot of time sitting and waiting for some critters to wander by.
Luckily, shooting golden hour means you're going to get a lot of practice shooting sunsets. These two interests will probably be fun to merge together.
Good luck!
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sunnyaliceart · 2 days
❗❗Fallout Show & Ghost Trick Spoilers Below❗❗
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Fallout Trick
My last Ghost Swap of the week! This @fyeahghosttrick prompt was for:
@astrofiish - crossover with whatever fandom you want! Choose whatever characters you want - have fun!
I've been thinking a lot about the Fallout show so I did the tried and true method of combining two of my favorite things. Plus, I needed to get these images out of my head.
One more image under read more. Content warning for language and a small amount of blood, but it's not really graphic
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Lynne would, though. She shows Yomiel empathy in the submarine, she'd show Ghoulmiel mercy after he'd try to sell her organs.
She and Lucy would get along, I think. We love characters that keep their moral core!!!
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Transformers EarthSpark
First, I'm really glad I finally got to enjoy the first part of Season 2. I didn't have Internet when it was released.
I feel as though some explanation as to why Starscream decided to stop co-operating with the Maltos would have been good – was he running a long con from the beginning? Was he merely angry that they continue to be so friendly and forgiving with Megatron? Is he simply unable to trust and feel safe around humans after Mandroid and Croft? Is it a combination? It feels as though it was glossed over.
On the whole, I enjoyed it very much. I love G1 and that has a lot happen for ~ missing missing reasons ~ too. This is a kids' show – cut it some slack. I do and it means I get to have a lot of fun without worrying too much.
At the moment, the new house is undergoing building work. Lots of building work. The TV is disconnected and buried under a dust sheet, as are the Sky box, PC, router, etc. – when I can, I plan to sit down with a notebook and go over the episodes, this time recording what I think and feel. Right now, I don't have that luxury and binged them quick while I had the chance.
I loved JBAM though. Haha! Jawbreaker can be annoying, but he is also very cute. I'm also glad that the episode involving a rampaging mutant bear in the previous series was addressed – I disliked that one because of the lack of explanation and context. It had felt to me as though it had been randomly tossed in there. Now that it makes more sense, I'll enjoy it better.
The episode with the contest, which gave some insight into Cybertronian history and traditions was awesome too – I love that Megatron went easy on the Maltos because they're humans and kids, while Optimus seemed unhappy that it wasn't the traditional contest to the death.
The build-up to the action went a little bit wrong on my end, because Paramount+ put the episode about OP's trailer up as episode 10. If that hadn't happened, it would have been much more effective.
Coming back to the trailer episode... I enjoyed the humour. Jawbreaker's endless stream of questions and the foot massage, Robby's constant worrying about the extra work inflicted on him by the Decepticons' antics and Optimus's sneeze, which set his horn off. The mischief that a tiny bit of pine sap can cause...
As I say, I've only seen each episode once and the environment I was watching in was quite distracting, so I expect I'll find more to say later. Not sure when that will be, though, so I wanted to put something out there now.
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canisalbus · 6 months
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✦ 2023 summary of art ✦
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togepies · 15 days
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happy wednesday 💛🤍💜🖤
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lyril · 8 months
alright, enough polls focused on the main adventure time characters, we all know marceline is sweeping them
i misspelled lady rainicorn but it's ok we'll live
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krikitunes · 7 months
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Hey, squeaker! (/affectionate /p)
I don't normally do stuff like this but I saw you liked Aizetsu and Gyutaro as a QPR and I have shipped them in secret since before I saw that. So it made my day to find. As an aro-spec person, I don't really see QPRs talked about much either and most people kind of just don't care about them as a result.
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-> the actual point of my submission is that you recently reblogged one of my arts with the tag "good luck charm" as you were denoting affection to it for helping to uplift your mood during difficult times. It really warmed my heart, so I wanted to make something intentionally for you in that vein of "good luck charm".
I know your original tags were in reference to an endouma doodle, but I wanted to toss you something for one of your rarer pairings. (I was shocked to see it in the wild!! /pos)
Hope your week gets better, man!
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I COULD COMPLETELY BURST INTO TEARS,!!!!!!! THEYRE SUCH DORK ASSES I hope someone stuffs them both in lockers they probably already do it to eachother as some odd affection ritual. Weirdos. OBSESSED.. sincerely I do not have the words to describe how MUCH I appreciate this 😭😭😭! Since you sent this things have thankfully gotten better so thank you!! Your charm worked!! (Things are still scary and new! But im feeling much better :-})
actually I am drawing a little something right now for you .holdon.
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they're stargazing :-}.. I have so many little things in my head of these two but I wanted to make something quick right this second in exchange because AGWAA!!IM GRATEFUL!! I'll keep them close to my heart for EVER💥💥💥💥💥💥💥
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bodhisatta · 1 year
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19 Days but make it mecha
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gildedmuse · 1 year
Despite all appearances otherwise, I'm still (like barely) alive. I'm actually all caught up with the anime right now and there is just so much I've been needing to scream into the electronic void talk about. (I've even got screenshots/gifs for most of it, it's just a matter of finding a time when work doesn't drain every inch of my health by the end of day.)
But I didn't stop by to complain! No, I just wanted to share a minor clip from one of the more recent episodes. Nothing big or spoilery or anything, promise. It's just this small, otherwise unimportant, entirely missable scene....
You know, the one with Zoro being so unbelievably sexy that I haven't once stopped thinking about it in DAYS.
Just look at him! That smirk! (Are they sure Enma is the sharpest blade because that smile could cut right through a Mihawk's cold, haki infused heart.) Actually, you don't even have to look at him, that voice alone is easily more powerful than Gears 1 through 3 (and hey, I won't claim it could take on the god-like powers of Gear 4, we don't really have enough material to judge. Oh, here's an idea! Let's put them both in front of Law, see which one destroys him faster. I don't care if Gear 4 is Buggy-Bunny-But-The-Rock, The Rock still has to wind up his punches. But that look directed right at you? The devastation is likely immediate and irreversible.)
Like, the way he starts out almost defeated, the gravity and soberness in that initial "No" as he turns to face this seemingly unbeatable force. He's put the weight of Luffy's dream and the promise he's made to his captain on winning this battle, and taken along with how serious and direct he's been with Franky so far it helps create an expectation we're going to see that determined, unemotional, unbending Zoro from Thriller Bark or his battle with Kaido. He'll probably say something somehow very self centered while appearing selfless with that grave steeliness he gets when he's resolved against all odds like, "No, I have to do this alone" or "No, what good am I as a swordsman if I can't do this for my crew and our captain?" or if he wanted to go with the typical overly dramatic swordsman tone: "No, Luffy is trusting me - to defeat this man, and make him king of the pirates!" And we'd all swoon because even though Luffy's default introduction/greeting/phrase to yell out regardless of the circumstances is, "My name is Luffy D Monkey and I'm going to be the king of the pirates!" when it's someone else saying it, fans get all emotional. Especially if it's one of the core characters who has a reputation as being more mature or is typically more reserved and private or is, I don't know, someone who tends not to waste his breath correcting stupid people who are being stupid because what does Zoro he care what these nobodies think, Zoro he knows with unshakeable certainty that what Luffy says is true and has enough confidence in both his captain and his own abilities that other's opinions aren't worth addressing.
And even though Zoro turning all seriousness and focused marks some amazing moments in battles, the way that at the last second he is staring straight ahead at this natural disaster level foe and that smile just cuts across his face, completely slicing through that more serious mask Zoro sometimes wears to reveal that bloodlust and pure unadulterated love of the challenge is so absolutely gorgeous and perfect and satisfying.
Like, yeah, of course I love when Zoro gets all Business-Only, For-My-Crew-Name-And-Captain and just doesn't back down or lose focus because he understands this is something he has to do and only he can take on this fight. It fills me with so many, many emotions all of which Zoro is doggedly ignoring because it's all about The Fight but in my heart I know it's because he feels so much for his friends that he's decided that this is his role on the crew to act as both attack and guard dog and take/deal the hits they can't. Beautiful.
But man, oh, man, can anything beat when Zoro goes full "fucking brat who thought learning to hold a katana between his teeth and stumbling his way through a handful of forgettable bounties meant that when the worldwide champion, a warlord, a man so unmatched he's become bored of the very art he master just happened to be passing by he immediately thought to himself, yeah, I'm MORE than ready to kick this asshole off his throne. Hell, just last week I was stabbed and nearly killed by some shitty clown but look how that turned out. I can take on anyone, this bastard included. For fuck's sake he's only got one sword. Fucking amateur."? And whose sole reaction to having his chest sliced in half was, "yo, captain, if you've got a fucking problem with me being fucking UNSTOPPABLE speak up while you can because after this, it's all kicking ass all the time."?
Like, man, you are one cocky little idiot. Never change.
And he didn't.
#here#these are my feelings#have them to do with as you please#which lets be real is likely scroll passed them while thinking wtf its a 10 second clip how'd this bitch write an entire 5 paragraph essay?#well this bitch had a LOT of feeling about this clip and this scene and this arc and this show and this boy#(also a literature degree that ensures she can literally just produce full essays with 3 part thesis statements on any subject at any time)#(and will do so just for the fun of it. Oh she enjoys your eyerolls and attempts at apathy)#my thesis is as follows: the combination of natural talents & practiced skill can be seen in more than Roronoa Zoro's swordsmanship however#its reflected in aspects of the character: his more 'inherent' or childish personality and the later learned and practiced mature version#both of which he has nutured to become intense enough that a single look or short phrase can easily devastate the heart/soul#by being so fucking sexy#okay I might leave that last part out in a submited paper but only because it's the natural conclusion implied by the essay itself#one piece#roronoa zoro#wano arc#thought I should get in my actual useful tags while I had room#Zoro has one plan#and it's clearly to take someone to bed after defeating this asshole King guy#which he'll be doing with swords of course. oh yeah so really his actual plan?#swords#but just think of what that means for the after-party#I managed to sneak some MiZo ZoLaw & ZoLu in that post in which none of those other characters are mentioned/referenced/concerned/involved#impressed?#cause I mean actually then I would just assumed you haven't visited this blog before; don't bother looking around it's all this shameless#cyborg franky#king the wildfire#sword smirks#Zoro that smile is sharp enough to stab a man through the heart and the voice is so hot you could forge a meito over it#so yeah that is this post: shameless fangirlling this 10 second clip#I actually have this same reaction whenever Law smirks and says 'ROOOOM' or 'Shambles!' but I assume everyone does
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meanwhile, some quotes about the material:
The "musical within a musical" is about a ramshackle theater troupe haphazardly putting on a show destined for Broadway in exchange for doing chores around the farm. People fall in and out of love throughout the process, all while the city folk comically struggle with the country life. Emmy-winning writer Cheri Steinkellner was given one mandate, however: "No tractor," she laughed on the phone just weeks before the show was set to begin previews. "They were adamant about that. And there's a tractor in the movie. There's a tractor in almost every scene. It's in many ways about a tractor. But I was told absolutely no tractor." [...] "We're all working on this like we're on an actual summer stock schedule. Art imitates life imitates art. It's just go, go, go. And I couldn't be prouder of our cast, and our Jane and Joe," Steinkellner, who is also a Golden Globe winner, said. Her writing partner also happens to be her husband Bill. "Our 'Summer Stock' is more 'inspired by' than adaptation. There are four songs included from the original film that you can't not do. But the new songs are the best of the old songs. The secret sauce was the great American Songbook." She said "It Had To Be You" is one of the classics audiences can expect.  
[source: ‘High School Musical’s’ Corbin Bleu makes his Goodspeed debut in ‘Summer Stock’]
So, how different is the musical Summer Stock from the movie? It feels like a whole new animal, even though we’ve borrowed some elements from the movie. It is still, first and foremost, a love letter to the theater; it’s about this group of players who come to a farm to put on a show. So many numbers are how they get into farming through performance! We also still focus on how Joe and his partner Phil [played by Gilbert L. Bailey II] fight to get the show on its feet, and how Joe helps his eventual love interest Jane [played by Danielle Wade] find her inner performer. But a lot has changed from the film, including some of the relationships. We have a brilliant new writer, Cheri Steinkellner, who has dropped in a lot of nods to why we love musical theater. We have Veanne Cox as Orville’s mother, who is the new “villain” of the piece. And we’ve added a lot of music, such as “It Had to Be You” and “It’s Only a Paper Moon,” and we’ve switched around who’s singing some of the film’s songs, such as “Dig, Dig, Dig” and “Happy Harvest.” But the most important thing is that while we’re still in the late 1940s, there are two Black actors playing the male leads – me and Gilbert Bailey as Phil – and it is definitely not color-blind casting; it’s color-conscious. That means we’re dealing with an interracial love affair, for instance. The racial element is an additional driving force, which I think is necessary, but the main story isn’t about the struggle for racial equality. In the end, it’s still a feel-good MGM-like affair. You’ve previously stepped into the figurative shoes of Gene Kelly, who originated the role of Joe in the movie, as well as Fred Astaire. How does that feel? I am always aware these golden age icons from MGM have such a specific style and that they make what they do look easy. Of course, I want to bring that to Joe. But in the tap dance sequence, for instance, we also have a bit of Gregory Hines, even though I’m no Gregory Hines. And at the end of the day, it’s me on stage, and I work hardest on finding my own characterization of these roles. This is your first time working with Donna Feore, who is one of Canada’s leading directors and choreographers. Tell me about your experience with her? Donna is wonderful to work with, both as director and choreographer. I think the best thing about her handling both roles is we don’t have to get everyone on the same page, because she is the same page. She’s also really hands-on with the music; she fought to have a drummer in the room during rehearsals so we could find those beats while we created the choreography, not just insert them later. As she directs, she considers the movement of every scene, but also the story that we’re telling through that movement! It’s not movement for movement’s sake, and I appreciate that! Goodspeed isn’t the easiest place to do a dance-oriented show, is it? Yes, we’re dealing with the confines of a very small stage, it’s like dancing on a Chiclet. I am so impressed how vibrantly our cast can move on this stage. We’re on top of each other!  I think we’d look great on a bigger stage, which is just one reason why everyone is focused on moving this show to New York.
[source: Interview: Corbin Bleu Talks About the New Musical Summer Stock and the Fourth Season of HSMTMTS]
“Summer Stock” is right in Corbin Bleu’s wheelhouse. “I feel at home on the stage,” he said. An actor, singer and dancer his whole life, Bleu is appearing in the upcoming stage adaptation of the Hollywood musical beginning July 7 at the Goodspeed Opera House. “I established myself in this particular genre, doing shows associated with Gene Kelly or Fred Astaire,” he said. “I am a bit of an old soul. This is what my voice naturally goes to.” The “High School Musical” star is playing Joe Ross, one of a troupe of actors that descends on a small farming town to turn an old barn into a theater. It appears he was born to play the role originated by Kelly on the big screen. “I grew up as a theater kid,” Bleu said. “I grew up watching old MGM movies. I was a theater nerd and a musical theater fan. My dad kept a storage unit of stuff from our childhood, and he found an old school paper from when I was in elementary school where I’m dreaming of performing in musicals.” [...] Of the four shows, “Holiday Inn” is most similar to “Summer Stock,” which was also adapted from a movie . “Holiday Inn” was a fairly close reworking of the film, but “Summer Stock” takes a few more liberties. “It’s not the exact same story,” Bleu said. “When I watch the movie, I think it could definitely use some updates.” Those updates include a multi-racial cast. “Let’s not skirt the obvious,” Bleu said. “I’m a Black guy doing characters traditionally played by white men, doing things Black men weren’t traditionally able to do easily at the time these shows take place.” [...] “Some parts of the book are still in process,” Bleu said. “Cheri is in the room with us at rehearsals. We want this to feel modern, but we don’t want to shoehorn anything in. “I was also part of the workshop we did in New York a month and a half ago,” he added. “I’m loving seeing it and I’m loving being a part of it. We know this genre. It’s a feel-good musical comedy, a big song and dance show.” Though there is a lot that has been rethought when reshaping “Summer Stock” for the 21st-century stage, those who know it as a Gene Kelly movie will have plenty to latch onto. “We are completely paying our homage to Gene,” Bleu said. “I am not Gene, but I do have a natural tendency to lean into that style. Gregory Hines is also a big inspiration. There’s tap dancing in this. There’s a whole Lindy Hop number. There are a lot of very large dance numbers.”
[source: ‘High School Musical’ star Corbin Bleu is rethinking ‘Summer Stock’ at the Goodspeed Opera House]
#already able to guess abt the ''inspired by'' more than [trying for a peak one to one adaptation] and gilbert as phil (as herb in the film)#and vienna as margaret wingate as orville's mother....#doing the like look up & kinda combine nodding and a head tilt abt [moving the show to new york] didn't occur to me but like oh yeah ig#hand on my shoulder like even in looking through one actor's relatively recent oeuvre you See the productions' iterations travel....#hand back on my own shoulder like counterpoint i don't know or much notice or extrapolate shit lol. unless? when i do#you gotta love the meta show bound for nyc within a show about what it takes putting on a show etc etc what all & have you#summer stock#implicitly:#will roland#explicitly a lot re:#corbin bleu#for everyone keeping up with the corbinews / corbin bleuws. got htm:tm:ts in that lol didn't know he was Fictional Corbin in there...#this is just like when corbin bleu went to see the show ft. will roland on bway with a show within its show mentioning going to bway fr...#oh i'd also thought about the tractor issue and figured that truly might be a bit much for a stage production#there's a lot you can move around / evolve / excise / add in the film's material. including the parts about the tractor i'm very sure#even though that's the main character's big Actually Nice moment lmao. i assume an inspired change is that he's Overall actually nice#remembering that fun fact of bmc's bway stage actually being shallower than its off-bway dimensions
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pizzabookbuying · 1 year
the fact that new moon was the first twilight movie I ever saw is actually so funny because I fully thought new moon was the first movie and was just…perplexed at people fawning over Edward. Like within 20 minutes of meeting him he leaves Bella alone in the forest and then is very absent from the film I was just…not vibing with this man
Also one of the only things I remembered from that first viewing was the movie theater scene and the part where sweet baby Jacob morphs into “I’m gonna punch your face off” and I was simultaneously confused and impressed with the screenwriters’ refusal to spoonfeed the audience any context whatsoever
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years
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Ghostly Charm
Available on Redbubble
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edducard · 2 years
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Cutely makes a PASWG AU hee hee hee hee
Tord is Panty (Since she's lust, makes sense ykno ykno)
Tom is Stocking (Gluttony, but instead of sweets it's alcohol)
Edd n Matt are Scanty and Kneesocks but I haven't figured out who's who yet
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Extra doodles of what their weapons are n stuff, I'm set on Tom staying w stockings but I kinda like the pants idea w Tord, iunno mayb he just wears a skirt???? iunno if u got any ideas lmk rewgjnrejkghwreg
Also they're not siblings in this au, they're jus angel dudes in the same predicament so they're workin together to get back into heaven.
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ablednt · 2 years
Can't come over today I'm busy psychoanalyzing societies that don't actually exist, yeah tomorrow too, sorry
#verdict#I'm just [thinks about it all/exo]#I do not in particular or at all want to go back to that life but I just#dear god. thinking of it all. having thoughts about it#I'm rediscovering a fictional culture that isn't even written anywhere#which you may think 'isn't that just having ocs' but no it isn't our world building skills are absolutely abysmal#it's just that the author of my source really just kinda. didn't explore my culture all that much#other than basing it off the roman empire (but also just kind of. both republic and empire and then also with a lot of influences that were#definitely medieval italian so it's a whole mess yk?#so now I've had the fun of going 'hey some of my memories don't match up with roman culture as we know it what was up with that'#and it's just all really interesting#like we had different pronouns we used to show different relations to people and to show status#and nonbinary/neutral genders were recognized so there were neutral forms of these generally#gender as a whole and gender roles were also very interesting since it was in this weird limbo where#misogynistic laws were very much in place but it was not a proper patriarchy either? so there's just this nuance that is pretty wild to me#when I compare it to stuff I'm familiar with in this world#also the most common informal word for parent was the pronouns children usually use for their parents (also some of their first words)#combined and it was a whole concept yk? like oh this is my parent this is who my first words were for and that was just really sweet to me#there's also a lot of fucked up shit probably obviously because its inspiration is one of the messiest and shittiest empires ever so I'm#also thinking about all of that and experiencing the agony etc#there's just so much#and it feels so bizarre that it's only real now inside of our memories
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mejomonster · 2 years
I read a summary of what grunge used to mean, before companies got ahold of sanitizing it. And realized yeah okay the original definition matches me. My sister grew up as original grunge as a counterculture fashion movement started up, and I think looking at her and wanting to be like her I probably picked up the idea. Likewise with punk and my mom I think.
#rant#in the sense of like. grunge being wearing whats cheap and comfy. making it last and wearing things until they break.#grunge being makeup thats NOT perfect and that might be a day old or looks like it#(which modern grunge makeup tutorials the instant they use settjng spray or primer or multiple X products of same typw#have already failed. grunge makeup was u can put it on in a short time. or do it up before a band show but#just touch up ur eyeliner or some small thing thw next day and keep wearing it)#grunge makeup was the opposite of modern wear 10-20 makeup products and look perfect#for camera on instagram.#and i do my makeup the old grunge way. i prioritize speed and convienience to me and i like#things looking a bit imperfect and realistic#and clothes like. the punk idea of going against the grain. doing what y want and doing it Loud#wearing bold things that dont necessarily conform. making ur own idea of what looks good#not followjng set rules and modifying ur xlothes as desired.#so like. in Lolita a fashion i like. i find myself leaning to gothic and punk lolita. but punk a lot#because its the lolita substyle most likely to Want to break lolita standards and use some but not all#and combine stuff not normally combined#bjt it means often punk lolita doesnt even get comsidered lolita by lolita communities#and it just. im sure my attitude toward rule abiding fashion trends came from punk expectations?#if that makes sense#like. im sure me caring so fucking little for trend rules and so much for what i find personally fun and loud
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featherymainffins · 3 months
One thing about me is you can always count on me to want the character who is incomprehensible. People often say "Oh you're gonna want this one for sure" because they think I have a type. There's the secret: There is no type. The only type is confusion.
If the character you are showing to me is perfectly comprehensible and makes sense well unfortunately I will be normal about them. Horny? Perhaps. But to a normal degree.
Show me a cunt who makes no sense at all and it's over. I'm finished. KO'd. I'm done. It's over for me forever.
#at this point i have learned this about myself as well#because i didnt know this either suprisingly#i got the memo after i became insane about Gor//tash#after that i went 'oh ok i think i understand it all now'#actually there ARE some outliers but those are artificially manufactured outliers#as in i become insane about any character i analyse. which means that i get really weird and freaky even if theyre comprehensible#its that uuuh its that one quote. about how you need to understand your enemy in order to defeat them but once you understand#them you love them. so i think thats just what happens in my brain after an analysis. and some of the characters are outliers#because they are both incomprehensible and have been analysed. but that is perhaps a different factor#like as in i become insane about an incomprehensible character i analyse them to understand#i get even more insane.#funniest example of his has got to be Var//ney Castle//vania because the analysis doesnt even explain anything thats wrong with him#like it says a lot of other stuff but hes just incomprehensible for fun. even from a meta perspective hes hilarious they literally#had only two designs and the result is the combination of both of them. no nobody explains why he specifically has weird eyes#see? incomprehensible.#anyway sorry for that. but yeah basically people need to stop being surprised that i want to rail a character when theyre#a puzzle for me to solve or to try to solve. like??? what were you expecting.#show me a character with problems that would take a team of psychologists from all approaches several decades to understand#and ill show you how weird i can get. literally my only criterion for getting insane and unhinged about a character#this is a psa so that nobody gets surprised in the future
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