#this was a screenshot from me watchin it sorry that little line is there
th3-savi0r · 9 months
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sometimes babygirl is a grown man
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revisionaryhistory · 4 years
Three Days ~ 34
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Catch up on AO3
 Dog and pony show it is. There were more and varied people at the party, but it felt the same. I felt like I was on a leash being paraded around the room. I was introduced, explained about, talked at, and I acted well enough to win an Oscar. There were some people and some stories which were interesting. Sometimes not. Advertising campaigns are usually less interesting than movie things. Corporate people and I don't have much in common. I have a rudimentary knowledge of corporate executive speak from previous functions, but most of the conversation is them asking me about projects and people. It was really bad after Civil War because everyone wanted information. Information I didn't actually have. Hell, we didn’t know it was a funeral when we filmed the damn thing.
Almost two hours in I escaped to the bar. Wait staff had been delivering me drinks, but this was a moment of escape. I leaned against the bar and asked for tequila. They had the one Emma had said was her favorite. I took a sip and smiled.
 A voice beside me said, "The tequila that good or the party that bad."
 I looked at my glass then the man squeezed in the corner. He was my age, dressed more casual in jeans and a nice shirt, and swirling a healthy two fingers of bourbon around a glass. I opted for truth, "More about the woman who told me this was her favorite."
 "That's better than either." He held out his hand, "I'm Sam."
 I shook his hand, "Sebastian. Nice to meet you." I nodded toward the people. "How do you fit in here?"
 "My wife." He pointed to an attractive redhead. "I’m the arm candy."
 "Good for you."
Sam smirked and took a long drink. "Where is your tequila connoisseur?"
I looked at my watch, "Eighteen hours and a ninety-minute train ride north."
He hissed in a breath, "Sorry."
"No, nothing bad." I was shaking my head. "She's new. It's new." I smiled, "It's good, just new."
"New is good." He cringed, "Too good to expose her to this horse shirt."
We continued talking until I finished my second drink. Sam walked with me over to his wife and my night had taken a definite good turn.
My head hated me in the morning. My stomach wasn't my biggest fan either. I downed a bottle of alkaline water and some Advil before heading to the gym. I grabbed a hangover smoothie on the way. By the time the workout was over I was feeling human. I took a degree of shit for being hungover and a little extra for my weekend plans. Specifically, my hangover would have a negative effect on my weekend. I called bullshit. They were just trying to get into my head.
 For this weekend I packed better. I guess that means I packed better for tonight’s dinner. Tomorrow was a shorts and t-shirt sort of day. I wonder if her team has a uniform? Now I have to pack several different colors of shirts to make sure I'm not walking around in rival colors. Alternatively, I could ask.
 Sebastian ~ What are your team's colors?
 Emma ~ Blue and orange.
 Sebastian ~ I can do blue.
 Emma ~ Got something against orange?
 Sebastian ~ Don't like orange.
 Emma ~ Me either. How was last night?
 Sebastian ~ Tequila!
 There were pictures from the party on the companies Instagram. I took a screenshot and sent one to Emma.
 Emma ~ Your face! Look at your face.
 I'd shaved before dinner. I ran my hand over the stubble that had already grown back.
 Sebastian ~ No beard for this ad.
 Emma ~ Can’t wait to get my hands on your face.
 Sebastian ~ I'm done for the day. Can you pick me up at 3:30? If not, I’ll go visit mom.
 Emma ~ I can. I'll still be in work clothes.
 Sebastian ~ Teacher is hot.
 Emma ~ We'll see...
 Since my meeting canceled and I’m not leaving for a few hours I decided to stretch out on the couch and read. That lasted about fifteen minutes. I'm distracted. Distracted by a woman. It’s been a long time since I've been distracted by a woman. A very long time to this degree. I keep replaying conversations. I can hear her voice, the words she uses, and her laughter. I can see her smile and the way she holds her body. Her beautiful body. Her strength and her confidence, the way she carries herself is sexy. There’s a compilation of clips running through my mind. Thoughts and memories distract me from my day and make me smile. All the damn time.
 On the train, I started working on a playlist. More than one. A bigger one with songs that had me thinking of Emma. Fast, slow, sexy, whatever songs. I included things I wanted her to hear. I shoved everything into the big playlist. From there I narrowed it down for a smaller one. A soundtrack. Songs I want to dance, sing, make out, and have sex too. I moved things in and out several times. Making a playlist for us is much harder. I don't want songs that don't reflect what I’m feeling, what I want. That's tough because I'm changing every hour. I’m jumping in with both feet, then stepping back to ease in, then running forward again. Back and forth and up and down. Never going backward from where we are. The back and forth is more trying to find what's next. What's too far? And is it too far for me or am I concerned it’s too far for her?
 Time went fast. My project was nowhere near done. Luckily, I had another train ride to work on it come Monday. Outside on the sidewalk was a long line of cars. The traffic was steady, even rushed, to get out of the lot. Just the pickup was delaying the process. It reminded me of a roller coaster where you get in and barely have time to buckle up before the ride is off. I could see a red CRV back almost a dozen vehicles. I walked toward until I was close enough to see Emma in the driver’s seat. She saw me and waved. I heard the door lock disengage as I reached for the handle.
 First things first, a kiss. Slow enough to feel it and quick enough to not get the wrath of the other drivers. Emma reached for my hand, "I'm glad you’re here."
"Me too." I took a moment to check out teacher clothes and started laughing. "What the hell are you wearing?
 Emma smiled, "It's Fantasy Friday."
 "Pull the damn car over!" I point to the right. "Over there." She did as I asked and pulled across two spots. I moved my hand to shift the CRV into Park. "I need to check this out."
 Emma wore a purple gauzy dress with a halter top, a skirt halfway to her knees, and long strands of cloth hanging in different lengths. She had a pair of black tights on under the dress. In her hair, she had a crown of flowers and behind her were white wings.
 After checking out the whole costume I met her eyes with a smile, "Fantasy Friday."
 "I'm a fairy."
 "I can see that." She looked cute and silly. The thought of her teaching class dressed like a fairy made my heart beat faster. I don't have to see her teach to know she’s a good teacher. She's gone all-in. She looked confused by my facial expression. I shook it off, it didn't matter and she’d understood in a second. I reached under her hair, mindful of her wings, and cupped her neck. "Is there a curse or anything for kissing a fairy."
 "Only if you do it badly."
 "I'm safe then."
 I leaned across the console to press my lips to hers. My intention was a relatively chaste but long kiss ending with a hint of tongue. Emma wanted a long, deep, wet, kiss. I was easily convinced. Very easily. I'm pretty sure the only reason we had a mini make-out session in a parking lot was that it was too light and too busy to have sex. We have some kind of incendiary chemistry going on.
 I moved away from the kiss and buried my face against her neck. I laid a wet kiss where she liked best before moving my mouth to her ear and whispering. "I gotta tell you. You look very cute, but this isn't my fantasy."
 Emma ran her hand down my arm, "You'll have to fill me in on your fantasy, so I can make that happen for you." She kissed me and held tight to my bicep.
 The hours of distraction and attempts to pull together a playlist were paying off for me. I was already worked up and excited to see her. Actually being with her, her dressed to read to her students, and our flirting kisses had me on edge. I’m calculating the appropriate time between arrival and having sex. I had a basic idea of continued flirting through dinner, ramping up to sexual flirting before we got to dessert, then cutting loose when we got back home. But I'm telling you, I feel like Emma has other plans. Plans for me. I like being the subject of nefarious plans. I'm feeling kinda stalked. The good kind of stalked. Not the someone tracking my movements through my friends’ Instagram type of stalking. I won’t be going far enough for her to lose me, so she won’t have far to stalk. It's conceivable I could tie myself to her bed and wait for her to show up. Ok, maybe not right now, but it’s an option.
 She told me about Fantasy Friday as she drove. "We have theme days through the months. Like Manic Monday where we incorporate movement and dance into our lessons. More than usual and have a dance party in the afternoon. Naughty or Nice Tuesdays where they earn cards to get them out of things or trade with peers. Camping Thursday is big popular. But Fantasy Fridays are the best. They all get into it and I have boxes of costumes so no one feels left out."
 Emma’s attention to make sure no one would feel left out was one more thing on the list of things that make her an amazing teacher. "What happens on Fantasy Friday?"
 “Today they had to present their character story. Where they're from, what skills they have, what their lives are like."
 I could tell by the tone of her voice she had fun with her backstory. "Tell me yours."
 Emma smiled at me, "I am the lost fairy of Central Park. There was a war with the bridge trolls and I was sent away for my safety. Soon an agreement will be reached and I will return to my home. I enjoy pollinating, singing to flowers, and providing mediation between arguing animals."
 "Is this lesson recorded?" I was most interested in the pollinating.
 "It is."
 "Can I watch?"
 "If I can watch something of yours."
 I squeezed her hand. "Deal."
 At her condo I followed her in, watching the fabric swish and admiring her ass. Like I said, worked up. Worked the fuck up.
 Emma opened the door and walked in, holding the door. She smiled as I walked in and spoke, "Bine-ai revenit, Sebasti-an."
 I stopped dead in my tracks. Emma had said, "Welcome back, Sebastian" in a not too bad Romanian. The accent was off, but her pronunciation of my name was beautiful. To me anyway.
 My mouth hung open in surprise, a slight smile curving the sides. "Mulţumesc. (thank you) Did you learn words to be able to say my name?" Last weekend we’d discovered I prefer the Romanian pronunciation of my name, but it didn’t sound right in connection with English sentences.
 Her smile answered, "Da." (Yes)
 I walked to her, pressing her back to the wall, with my hands on either side of her shoulders. I was affected more than I would have expected. "How much do you know?"
 She grimaced, "Not a lot. Pronunciation is hard."
"I know someone who can teach you."
 "Gotta be phrases so I can say your name."
“Sărută-mă. Repeat." My eyes stayed on hers.
"What am I saying?"
"Try it and see." This was fun. And hot, really fucking hot.
"Sărută-mă, Sebasti-an." She may not know what she’s saying, but her tone was perfect.  Fucking hell. I can't believe her.
 "Fericit, iubito." I dipped down and sucked her bottom lip between mine. Emma licked along my lips urging me to open to her. It didn’t take much urging.
 Emma kissed my collar bone, "What did you have me say."
 "Kiss me." I went for her neck, "And I said “Happily, baby".”
 I continued kissing her neck, loving the way she sighed and the feel of her hands on me. I stepped closer to press the length of my body against hers. My cock was hard and the pressure against her stomach felt amazing. I pulled my head back to breathe, looking up and closing my eyes. I felt her hands cup my face and tilt my face back to hers.
 "Do you want me like I want you? Right now." She licked her lips.
 I groaned before I spoke, "I really fucking do."
 We crashed together. Emma rubbed against my cock and I kissed her like it had been forever. I dug underneath the fairy fabric and hooked my thumbs in her tights, taking those and her panties down to the floor. I reached for my bag and found a condom. I held the corner between my teeth as I stood. I needed my hands to run up her legs and one to slide into her. The way she curled her hips against my hand made me smile around the condom.
 Emma plucked the condom from between my teeth and tucked it into her bra, "Give me that." She was kissing me before the words died in the air. Her hands went for my jeans. A slow stroke of my cock preceded the sweet sound of my zipper. Her hand wrapped around me as soon as she had my jeans over my ass.
 I pushed my jeans down farther and nuzzled between her breasts. I grabbed the condom with my teeth and mumbled, "I need this back." I worked quickly, covering myself and bending my knees to push up into her.
 Emma cried out and I moaned loudly. I put my hands on her ass to lift her, using the wall to help support her. She wrapped her legs and arms around me, holding on while I thrust into her. There was nothing but the sounds of sex. No words, just sound. God, it felt good. All lust and need. I wanted the sex. I wanted the contact. I wanted the closeness. She fucking learned Romanian to use my name. That’s the thought that sent me over the edge. I buried myself deep and came hard.
Emma's fingers ran through my hair as her legs went back to the ground. My face was buried against her neck, "I think I smashed your wings."
She laughed, "They detach. Snaps."
"Oh, good." I pulled us away from the wall, feeling around for the snaps as she hugged me, her hands caressing my back. I undid the snaps and dropped the wings on my bag. "Come with me."
I took her hand, leading her to the couch. I led her to sit across my lap, her fingers ran over my chin. "I don't know if I like the gray patch or dimple more."
I didn’t care as long as she kept touching me, "I don't always have control of any hair on my body."
She kissed me lightly, "I saw I,Tonya."
I cringed, "Bad look all around."
"Everything grows back or can be shaved off."
I trailed my finger along her shins, over her knees, then back to her feet, "I lost a section of pubic hair for the Bronze." Her eyes widened with amusement. "Character had a tattoo. An Olympic medal."
 Emma laughed, "Narcissist."
I said the line, "I am the fucking god of gymnastics."
"We should watch that later tonight."
 "No, we shouldn't." I kissed her before she could voice any other shitty ideas. I moved my caress under her legs and when I got to the back of her knees her legs fell open, which was what I was going for. I kissed over to her ear, "That's what I wanted."
I slid two fingers inside her, rubbing the wall of her vagina to find her g-spot. I massaged internally and
barely used my thumb on her clit just enough to get amp things up.
Emma took a shuddering breath, "Talk to me."
I kept up the stimulation and moved my mouth close to her ear. The words came out in long sentences. Long Romanian sentences. When her nails started to dig into my arm I moved back where I could see her face. "You gonna come for me, baby?"
"I am."
I used more pressure inside and out.
 Emma gasped and arched her back, "Oh fuck, Bastian. Your fingers...”
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doodlingadventures · 6 years
Spirits be with you pt 1 - beta
Hey! this is a transcription of the questline “The fallen chieftain”, regarding Vol’jin’s fate in Battle for Azeroth. It includes the quest texts, but also a few screenshots, the dialogues in between, and a bit of commentary. This is as far as we have in the beta, and there is a missing quest line between the end of this one and Talanji and Vol’jin’s cinematic, so remember that what I’m showing you now can change once it hits live.
It’s spoilers for BFA, so if you want to avoid them, stop reading and come back at a later time! (and if you’re on the app… i’m so sorry. this is going to be long).
After completing the Scenario “Zandalar Forever” and turning in the quest, Rokhan will appear on the Great Seal, offering the following quest
Zalzane returns.
Rokhan: Hero, I’ve never needed your help as much as I do this day. My home be under attack.
I only just heard myself, Master Gadrin be callin’ for aid. Zalazane, an old enemy of da Darkspears, has returned to da Echo Isles and has brought with him an army of da dead.
Zalazane be a traitor who has slain many Darkspears and defiled their souls. Will you come with me to defeat him? We can take da ship dat departs da Port of Zandalar.
Rokhan (to Talanji): I gotta borrow da champion for a bit. An old enemy somehow escaped Bwonsamdi and now be threatenin’ my home.
Talanji: My dear Rokhan, de Darkspear tribe has more than earned de aid of de Zandalar. I will join you to help as I can.
Once you take the ship and arrive to the Echo Isles, you can already see hostile undead trolls attacking the Darkspear NPCs.
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(the only thing I don’t like about this is that they took the red feathers from the urn :C now it looks less like Vol’jin)
Broken Bargain.
Master Gadrin: These mindless undead just keep coming. They be far stronger than they were last time Zalazane walked this world.
Please help us drive these undead back.
The Glaive of Vol’jin.
Zen’tabra:When fighting someone who has escaped the grasp of Bwonsamdi, as Zalazane has, it is best to bring weapons that can hurt him.
In Darkspear Hold you will find the Glaive of Vol'jin. It should have enough bond with Vol'jin's spirit to aid us in this fight.
As you kill the Undead Trolls, you can hear Zalazane yelling.
Zalazane: Search, minions. Find da ashes of Vol’jin and bring them to me.
When retrieving the glaive, you can notice one of the undead just observing it.
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Broken Bargain. Completion.
Master Gadrin: The dead should stay dead.
The Glaive o Vol’jin. Completion
Zen’tabra: The bond between Vol'jin and Zalazane was one of magic and bargains with loa.
The bond between Vol'jin and dis weapon was also great. Dis may be what we need to finally destroy that spirit.
Vengeance for Vol’jin.
Master Gadrin: If we mean to destroy Zalazane then we gonna need something that can damage that spirit.
Da Glaive of Vol'jin might be what we need to do this.
Zalazane be hovering near where he fell so many years ago. Rokhan and Talanji have already gone to face him. Go, slay Zalazane, and then plunge da glaive into the spirit before it can escape. Let us hope de bargain Vol'jin made be powerful enough to destroy this enemy.
When you head towards Zalazane’s fall and engage him, he has a few lines.
Zalazane:Ya not be hidin’ him from me forever. I’m gonna have my revenge on Vol’jin and all of da Darkspear!
Zalazane: I have learned much by watching Bwonsamdi as he tortured my soul. Let me show ya some of his style of voovoo.
Zalazane:Ya be tinkin’ ya can win? Ya can only delay ya destiny.
Spirit of Zalazane: Ya tink destroyin’ my body… that’s gonna stop me… from ripping ya apart?
Once you kill him, his spirit appears and starts attacking you. This is when you can activate Vol’jin’s glaive effect on use.
Spirit of Zalazane:What? Vol’jin… you could not have grown so strong without becoming… a…
(Vol’jin does not show up. Zalazane just glows for a moment and then banishes in the same effect Bwonsamdi uses to appear and disappear)
Before turning in, the characters have a few lines.
Master Gadrin: Da dead, dey be fallin’...
Rokhan: Zalazane not gonna come back from dat. Even in death, Vol’jin be watchin’ over us.
Talanji: Few spirits have ever shown such… power. Master Gadrin, I invite you to bring dis chieftain’s ashes to Atal’Dazar. If his spirit is worthy, he may have a place of honor amongst our greatest kings.
Vengeance for Vol’jin. Completion.
Master Gadrin:Da blade... it be glowin'. It never did dat before.
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Squad goals.
Honoring a true leader.
Master Gadrin: Vol'jin. I have often felt our old chieftain's spirit whisperin' to me. His strength was da lifeblood of da Darkspear tribe. Some would even say he was da spirit of da true Horde.
Princess Talanji's offer is a great one. I shall travel with Vol'jin's ashes to Atal'Dazar. If ya be wishin' to join us for dis procession, meet us upon da famed Golden Road.
We take back the ship and head towards Atal’dazar’s flightpoint. Master Gadrin and Talanji are waiting for us.
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Honoring a true leader. Completion.
Master Gadrin: Da power here... it be in da very earth. Da spirits be strong and ancient in dis land.
Vol’jin, son of Sen’jin.
Master Gadrin: Even in da Echo Isles we have heard of da traditions of da Golden Road. We must walk in da presence of royalty and hail da accomplishments of Vol'jin so dat his spirit be welcome here amongst da ancient kings.
I shall carry da ashes, if you light da fires. Know that any member of any other tribe may contest us. As our champion, we will need you to fend them off if they do.
The quest starts, and you follow Master Gadrin and Talanji.
Master Gadrin: We come bearin’ da ashes of Vol’jin, son of Sen’jin, ta be honored in dis sacred place.
Talanji: Dis is an honor seldom awarded to one not of Zandalar. Come, walk de path with me and share dis Vol’jin’s deeds.
There are three Braziers on the path that you must light. Each one shows a familiar scene.
First brazier lighted.
Master Gadrin: Vol’jin made a deal wit’ Bwonsamdi ta defeat da powerful Zalazane.
Vision of Vol’jin: Aid us, Bwonsamdi! Help us regain our home! Return de Darkspear to d Isles and hear your drums again! Drink your ritual offerings once more! Dis, as de Son of Sen’jin, I swear (with his old voice. It’s the scene from the old event on teh Echo Isles during Wrath).
As you try to continue your path, two sandfury challengers appear, yelling : No Horde filth gonna be worthy of dis place. We of da Sandfury challenge ya!
Master Gadrin and Talanji will simply wait for you at the next brazier while you kill these idiots. You can take your time.
Before reaching the second brazier, a Gurubashi berserker appears, bellowing: No Darkspear! No dumb trolls in fancy troll place!
Second brazier lighted.
Master Gadrin: When Zandalar tried ta unite da troll tribes, Vol’jin chose da safety of his people over da prophet’s dar powers.
Talanji: At de time, Zul’s vision of a grand troll empire was very tempting to my father. I must commend your chieftain for seeing de bigger picture.
On your way to the last brazier, a couple of Amani challengers yell : Ya not gonna be bringin’ dat Horde lovin’ traitor to dis sacred place! (bitch eat my shrapnel bombs)
Third brazier lighted.
Master Gadrin: When it be clear dat our warchief, Garrosh, be unwillin’ ta lead with honor, Vol’jin led da rebellion ta depose da warmonger.
Talanji: It is a hard thing to do what your leaders will not.
Vol’jin, son of Sen’jin. Completion.
Talanji: Vol'jin. I must admit, I am impressed with his deeds. Had we met in dis world, I am sure he and I would have had much in common.(blizzard pls)
Atal’dazar; Ashes of a Warchief.
Talanji: I have learned much of de Darkspear lately. Truth is, I have quietly admired dem since I was a little girl, hearin' of Vol'jin's defiance of Zul's reckless call to action. (girl HOW OLD ARE YOUU?!?!?!?!)
Vol'jin was Warchief of the Horde, chieftain of de Darkspear, and more troll den most can claim to be (thank you). His ashes should be honored in a place of kings and queens.
Take de ashes to Atal'Dazar with my blessing and honor your former Warchief as he deserves.
If you’re not a rogue or a hunter, you’ll need a group for this.
Past  the first boss, starting at the right, there’s a small, tranquil lake where you can see the glowing silhouette of the urn.
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Once you place it, Bwonsamdi will materialize.
Bwonsamdi: No, no, no, my little hero. Ya not be leavin’ dat here.
Atal’dazar; Ashes of a Warchief. Completion.
Bwonsamdi: You and I need be talkin'.
You owe me a spirit.
Bwonsamdi: Ya not leaving that here. Ol' Vol'jin not be dancin' in my house. I not be seein' his spirit for a long time. 
Its absence has broken de bonds dat held Zalazane in my control. So... I want you to lift dat heavy urn, and bring it to my necropolis.
Vol'jin and I gonna have a face to face on my ground.
Then you have to go to the Necropolis, in Nazmir. The only thing different is that Zalazane’s spirit is no longer dangling at the entrance.
You owe me a spirit. Completion.
Bwonsamdi: I have waited some time for dis. Long overdue hee hee... wait a moment.
As for now, you only get the achievement “The fallen chieftain” (first half of the “spirits be with you” questline). There are no following quests to this one, yet, but if you stay, Bwonsamdi has a few extra lines.
Bwonsamdi: Be off, hero. Ain’ nothin’ for ya here now.
Bwonsamdi: Ay, Vol’jin? Come one outta dat urn. Wait… wait, wait… no! Where be da spirit?! Where be Vol’jin?
Bwonsamdi: No! No! Impossible. Da boss ain’t gonna like dis.Ol’ Bwonsamdi not be losin’ a spirit in… oh, dis be bad.
This raises a lot of questions. Like, a lot XD but for now it’s all we have. I am curious as to where they are taking this.They keep mentioning Vol’jin’s past deeds as a leader, and also the union of the tribes keeps being mentioned; in this questline, in other as you advance the story, and by a couple of “predictions” a certain NPC on the Zocalo give us. (Madame Konawla)
(I mean, she gives a lot, but these two are the most interesting regarding our current topic)
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Uniting the troll tribes (this I have repeated enough on my theories xD) and “ressurection of former friend”. I can only think of Vol’jin or Zalazane , since she  mentions “it will depend on your friend” (although Zalazane would only makes sense if she was talking to a darkspear, and she gives this to any race I’ve tried) If you can think of someone else please say, I get stuck very easily
Well, you know where the inbox is 8D I’ll say as soon as I find the second questline avaiable!
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