#this was about the rose tattoo 1955 but true for many movies
muirneach · 1 year
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lovemesomesurveys · 4 years
ONE - HI THERE ! It's an intro ! What do most people call you? Stephanie or Steph.
In what month is your birthday? July.
What country were you born in? America.
Do you have siblings? How many, if you do? I have two brothers.
Who do you live with? I live with my parents, brother, and doggo.
Are you in a relationship? Nope.
Do you go to school? No, I graduated UC back in 2015.
What mood are you in right now? A crappy one. 
What does your shirt look like? It’s rose gold with a glittery gold Disney “D” in puffy paint on the left corner with est. 1955 written underneath and then across the top on the back it says Disneyland in the same glittery gold puffy paint. 
What's your zodiac sign? Leo.
TWO - Your Appearance If you could have plastic surgery on any one body part, what would it be? I don’t want to have plastic surgery.
Are you satisfied with your hair? No. It badly needs to be dyed and trimmed for one. I also just don’t do anything with it besides throw it up in a bun because I have no energy or motivation to do anything else and blah.
Do you have a hitchhikers or a straight thumb? A hitchhiker’s thumb.
What colour are your eyes? Brown.
Do you have any tan lines? Nope. I’ve hardly gone outside for the past year.
How old do people usually think you are? They tend to guess early 20s.
What about your appearance do you get complimented on the most? Nothing. 
Are you comfortable with your weight? No.
Do you have any piercings or tattoos? Where? I just have my earlobes pierced. No tattoos. 
How tall are you? Like 5′4.
THREE - True or False. I love winter. I have eaten meat in the past five days. I have painted a room in a house. I can whistle. My keyboard is black. I have never bought something off an infomercial. I own a snuggie / would like to own a snuggie. I bite my pens / pencils. I wear glasses / contacts. My nails are painted right now.
FOUR - Childhood Memories ! (Cue the 'AWWW') What was your all time favourite movie as a kid? Disney movies. I also watched The Mask a lot as a kid for some reason haha I could quote the entire movie.
Do you still have your first pair of shoes somewhere? I actually do. 
Did you have anything you always dragged around the house, like a blanket? No.
What toy did you play with the most? I was a Barbie girl. 
Did you ever bring your favourite toys in the bathtub? Yep.
Did you used to take baths with siblings/cousins? No.
Are you still friends with your best friends from long ago? No.
Do your parents ever tell you stories about how cute/silly you were? Yeah, I’ve heard many stories. 
Did you go to the park often? Yeah. 
What was a typical outfit for the 5-year-old you? Something Osh Kosh B’gosh probably. It was a common kid brand back then. I think still is?
FIVE - FAVOURITES ! (Yes, I spell it with a 'u') Actor/Actress. Alexander Skarsgard.
Singer/Band/Both. I have many.
Chocolate. White chocolate.
Toothpaste. Sensdodyne. 
Picture of yourself. Ones from when I was a baby or little kid.
Pair of sunglasses. I don’t wear sunglasses.
Vegetable. Potatoes, spinach, and green onions.
Sandwich. Breakfast sandwich.
Aspect of nature. The ocean.
Word to say. Hmm.
SIX - Love Life ;) Who was the first person to ever ask you out? My first (and technically only) boyfriend, Derek.
What does your ideal date consist of? Food and something chill.
What's one thing your partner must be able to accept about you? The health stuff I’m dealing with and some of the things that come along with that.
Does your ideal person have any special talents? Such as...? I mean, if they’re artistic at all or play an instrument that would be cool.
Do your parents like the person you're with? (Or the last person) They liked Joseph.
Do you like pet names? They can be cheesy and cute. I prefer made up ones for each other over like “babe” or “baby”, though.
What is your age range? I’m 31, so somewhere in the 30s.
What is one attribute that your ideal partner must have? Patience.
When was the last time someone seriously said "I love you." to you? My mom did recently.
Have you ever been in more than one relationship at a time? No. 
SEVEN - The wonderful world of the Internet ! What is your most used website? Tumblr and YouTube.
Do you play any online games? No.
Which chat program do you use most often? None.
Facebook vs Myspace- which is better? Myspace isn’t even in the running anymore, it died over a decade ago.
Have you ever sold something on Ebay or Craigslist? No.
Have you ever gone on Chatroulette? Or Omegle video? I’ve gone on both before.
Are there any videos of yourself on Youtube? Yes, but they’re all private now.
Mac or PC? Mac all the way.
Have you ever Googled your name? Yeah.
EIGHT - This or That? Twilight or Harry Potter? French fries or potato wedges? Liquid or tape white out? Digital or film camera? Nail clippers or nail scissors? Rock, paper, or scissors? Beard or mustache? Knee high or ankle socks? Hockey or basketball? Mr Clean or sponge and 'the other leading cleaning product'? NINE - Be cool, stay in school! Ugh no that was a lame rhyme.. What subject are/were you best at? English.
How old will you be when you graduate high school / how old were you? I was 18.
Isn't there that point in the year when you stop caring so much? I definitely would get burnt out towards the end.
Do/did you have any really cool teachers? Yeah, a lot of my teachers were pretty cool.
Who is/was your most strict teacher? These two math professors I had in community college. They were awful.
Where do/did you sit at lunch? I didn’t have a particular spot.
What do/did you do at recess? Hung out with friends.
There's always that one kid who no one really knows, right? I’m sure that was me in high school.
Is/was your cafeterias food actually any good? I liked some of it. In high school I only ate school lunch freshman year, though.
Do/did you have a stereotypical school, with all those cliques and such? I mean yeah there were cliques, but it wasn’t how it was portrayed in the movies. 
TEN - Randomly Platypus. Do you like your toothbrush really wet when you're brushing your teeth? Yeah. 
What song are you currently obsessed with? There is one currently. I haven’t been listening to music lately.
Do you enjoy playing with tape? I don’t find tape entertaining. 
What's one word/phrase you say too much? “I don’t know”, ha.
When was the last time you went trick-or-treating? When I was like 17. One last hoorah. 
What did you last use a knife for? To cut a piece of brownie.
When you open a pack of gum, why is everyone your best friend? Trueee.
What has been on your mind way too much? Health related stuff. 2021 decided to start off with everything bothering me at once. 
Did you actually enjoy my survey? Yeah, it was cool.
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