#this was fun and i hope i didnt embarrass myself by getting something wrong sdkmfsakdfmgf
wickymicky · 4 years
Hey I was wondering if you can talk a little about each of the members weki meki's personalities? I want to start getting into them more
ooooh! sure thing!
so first is Suyeon, the leader, who they jokingly refer to as “hyung” because she’s kind of a bro, lol. i love that about her. she’s cool, she’s weird, she’s a perfect leader for this goofy ass group. like a lot of main vocalists, she also doesn’t seem to care that much for some of the intricacies of being an idol haha. she cares about her image to an extent, just as any person in that situation would, but by comparison to other idols lmao Suyeon seems like she doesnt give a flying fuck whatsoever haha. which is awesome. she’s kind of known for swearing on camera without thinking about it, and messing around with the other members and laughing riotously. but also, i can’t finish this without talking about how great a leader she is. she’s not necessarily good at reining in their chaos, especially when she starts the chaos, but she is good at bringing out the best in all of them and they all trust her completely. when theyre just hanging out, she can be kinda casual and forget to be a leader, leading to members like Rina exasperatedly telling them to quit goofing off haha. but when theyre doing idol stuff like performances or shows, Suyeon takes charge and takes care of them.
Elly is silly too lol. Suyeon wasn’t part of the original predebut lineup when it was first announced, and Elly probably would have been the leader in that case, so she has some leader-like qualities too! the members have talked about how she took care of them when they were trainees and stuff. but... i feel like since she’s not the leader, she’s free to be even sillier, and she’s relishing in that freedom lol. 
Yoojung is a little ball of energy, especially back closer to their debut. she’s actually mellowed out a lot over the years, but that tends to happen when you hit your 20s lol. she can still be a ball of wild chaotic energy though. she’s surprisingly introspective too though, and she can be really hard on herself, but that’s related i think to just how passionate she is about what she does. i could say a lot more about her obviously, but i’ll stop here haha
people who dont really know them sometimes think that Doyeon doesnt seem to fit in at first glance, and in some videos she kinda spaces out while everyone else is talking, but she fits in a lot better than they realize. she’s just as weird as any of them, she’s just like... introverted lol. and busy, and tired. but when she has fun with them, she goes just as crazy as everyone else, if not moreso sometimes lmao
Sei is great, she’s been described as being like human green tea lol. she talks kinda slowly, which is endearing haha. she’s just a relaxing person. but she also has another layer of being kinda savage or chaotic too a little bit, especially i think in her friendship with Doyeon, which can kinda be one of those “Tom and Jerry” friendships sometimes
Lua is interesting because her newfound confidence and attention-grabbing look are a really cool development, but her personality hasnt really changed, which is good. she’s probably the goofiest member of this goofy ass group. she and Yoojung are the “mood-makers”, because theyre always bouncing off walls and dancing and yelling lol. Lua’s so cartoony sometimes, but in the best possible way. i wonder if people whose first impression of her is her short dark green hair have any idea how much of a total dork she is haha
Rina is the most softspoken member of the group haha. i feel like she’s often the voice of reason. she’s probably the most “normal” member... but like, i said “most normal”, i didnt say “normal” haha. she can still get wild, she’s a member of Weki Meki after all. to be honest though, Rina’s the member i feel like i personally know the least about, because she doesn’t seem to jump into the fray as much as the others, and i’ve only been diving into more extra content like Weki Meki Mohae (their reality show from 2018), so i’m starting to get a better idea of what she’s like, but i’m not fully there yet. all i know is that i like her lol
Lucy is another member who i’m not super knowledgeable about actually. i tend to not know as much about the maknae lines of the groups i stan lol. she’s one of those maknae-on-top types though, i think. she’s the second tallest member and that makes her friendship with Doyeon interesting lol, especially cause Lucy is also really coming into her own as a visual. she’s learning from the best, i guess haha. i feel like Lucy is often getting into the fray and shenanigans, she’s a lively person. 
I’ve only been stanning them for like a year, so if there are any OG kilings who wanna correct me on any of this or add to this, lmk!
a year ago, i had been into them for a little while, but i could not have answered this question. i could have told you about Yoojung and a little bit about Suyeon and Lua, and theyre still the three whose personalities i feel like i have the best understanding of, but i didnt really know that much about most of them. i listed Weki Meki as one of my ult groups, and i made “wickymicky” my url, primarily because I love Picky Picky and Yoojung became one of my ult biases really quickly, but i felt kind of guilty because i feel like i didnt really know the group well enough to put them on that level. i felt like every time i listed them as one of my favorite groups, i had to have an asterisk attached to it that said that i dont really know them that well. there are a lot of posts where i did that on this blog back then osdkflmskdgf. 
but, like, as time has gone on, it’s become more and more true. when i first started listing them as one of my favorites, i don’t think i was lying, but it’s definitely more true now than it was then, you know? i listed them as like my #5 group or something, and now they’re my #2, and the gap between them and my #1 is actually pretty small now. i feel like i actually do know and appreciate all 8 members now, so when i say “ahhhh i love her” in the tags when i reblog a member, i actually like... mean it now. lol. the only thing i can think of is that i picked up on Weki Meki’s vibe really early on, and i knew that they would end up as one of my ults, but i just hadn’t really learned enough to back that up at that point. well, i have now, and i was right the whole time lol. my gut instinct was correct, i knew that i would love them, and i do <3
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