#this was originally supposed to be my drawing for like. day 5? 6?
dailyloopdeloop · 27 days
human loop at a really peaceful picnic with siffrin and the party
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DAY 50: family gathering
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starseneyes · 1 year
Chenford - Lucy Chen / Tim Bradford - The Rookie - Season 5 - Ep 22
"Under Siege" AKA "Who in the Writer's Room Likes Horror?"
It's a bizarre day. If you love Chenford, then you need to know what's going on with the WGA - Writers Guild of America. They are striking for a fair wage and basic protections.
WGA members craft this ship and show we love so much, so please show solidarity for them as they fight for not only their future, but for future generations of writers.
SPOILER ALERT: If you want to remain spoiler free, I have no bloody clue why you're here. I can only assume a friend told you to check this out as a cruel joke. First off, dump that friend. Second, buckle up. It's about to get spoilery!
All good? Great! I can't wait to dive in.
Arrest Me... but make it SCARY
A bit of a different vibe for our opening tonight. No, this isn't Chenford-direct. But, it's important to know the vibe of this episode going in.
If any of you are Avengers: Infinity War fans, you might recall the Wanda / Vision relationship, and their whole sequence where they were ambushed. Originally, it was a lot longer, and had more of a horror movie vibe.
I loved that they went outside the box on that to play with genre throughout the movie.
I feel like The Rookie is playing with that a bit. It's been a while since my heart pounded during an episode.
In all honesty, it was probably Day of Death that last had me on the edge of my seat... and I watched that after I started Season 5 with near-canon Chenford.
Yes, I'm spoiled. Yes, I think OG Chenford fans deserve medals for their patience.
Speaking of which, your patience with me is likely wearing thin... let's get to the Chenford.
"Hey I heard it was Thornson."
Tim and Lucy show up together, and I'm having flashbacks to the two of them bailing out her UC buddy in the dead of night. These two know how to get moving when it matters.
Tim and Lucy immediately separate on their separate missions. That didn't work out too well for Celina and Aaron, but it looks like Chenford survive the night.
Look, I have a lot of ship trauma. "Leaf on the wind" anyone? Yeah, I've got ship trauma.
"A blood drive has been set up at the hospital. If you can do so, please volunteer at the end of shift."
I'm reminded of the fact that Tim Bradford regularly gives blood, so I'm heart-warmed that he's the one who gets to deliver the news to the team.
"Those are not store-bought Halloween masks."
It struck me immediately that Lucy is sitting front row like a Rookie.
Yes, I know that they are packed in there, so somebody has to sit up front... but it's Lucy, so it feels symbolic. As though she is sitting in the Rookie spot in Celina's honor.
"Hey. We heard the good news about Aaron. Unfortunately, none of our CIs have heard anything about a gang targeting the cops."
I know it's a little detail, but I love Tim and Lucy showing up together everywhere.
Of course, someone on Twitter called out the 4x01 parallel to them showing up at Wesley's together after I initially watched the episode. And they're so right. It's another parallel among many in this episode tonight!
"I hate to say it, but this is not gonna break tonight."
This one I spotted immediately the first time through—it's another night where he's sending everyone home because there's nothing more to be done... just like when they lost Jackson.
And I have to wonder if the intentionality of these parallels is to confirm or subvert expectation.
Like, are we supposed to see this similar sequence of events as an omen of doom? Or are we drawing these parallels with the intent of intensifying the torture before the cathartic release of Aaron's survival?
I guess we'll find out together in Season 6.
"I can't lose another."
Oh, Grey. Poor Grey. I guess I wasn't the only one having flashbacks.
Tim and Lucy Embrace
Tim knows Lucy is having that same flashback. There are too many similarities, too many things tying them all back to Jackson and the loss they all endured.
Angela about to give birth. Someone targeting them. An ambush and a shooting.
Yes, Aaron has a chance at making it. But the weight of this moment is not lost on this team who has suffered too much loss before.
Lucy and Tim step into the apartment, and they barely make it past the door before they're in one another's arms.
It's wordless. Tim motions to Lucy, and it reminds me of the hand motions when he offered to carry the War Bags after their last ride together.
Tim and Lucy no longer need a shorthand... they don't even need words.
He knows what she needs without her asking, and she knows what he's offering without a word spoken.
Back in Season 4 Episode 1, Tim asked what she needed. She asked for the hug. Now he knows what she needs in this moment as easily as he knows his own—some semblance of comfort in the horror of history repeating.
QUICK EDIT: Upon rewatch, I find I didn't imagine his "Come here" the first time (another call back), so technically he did use words... but they weren't needed.
Tim holds Lucy in his arms—so similar to their positioning in 4x01—but that's where the similarities end. Because Tim and Lucy of Season 4 no longer exist.
Everything has deepened between them since then. And while, yes, the hanky panky is fun... the trust is what they both need here.
They can't trust that everything will be okay. But they trust that with one another they are truly safe. And right now, they both need that comfort.
"It's okay," he whispers as he holds her, wishing it were true.
Tim kisses Lucy's forehead as he holds her, rubs her arms, and tries to offer some comfort as she leans against him, sobs overtaking her... like the first time he held her in Day of Death.
I know that we're going for the 4x01 parallels with how this is shot and staged, but I see the DOD ones, too. This is where they are safe when nowhere else feels safe.
Tim's hand cradles her head as he holds her. And much as this hurts like hell, this moment is important.
Tim and Lucy are one another's safe place. With each other, there are no pretenses or pretending, anymore. They no longer hide from one another or themselves.
They've embraced the beauty of who they are together, and while there will be many moments of joy... the sorrow is a part of the journey.
Tim and Lucy have had their share of it, true. But this is the first time they've traversed it as boyfriend and girlfriend. And the impact of enduring possibly losing another officer and friend to an ambush is too much.
Does being together make it easier? Hell, no. Is there a slight comfort in knowing you're not enduring it alone? Oh, yes.
"No we know. We ran your prints ... you don't get out of bed for less than 20K a day. Who hired you?"
Tim and Lucy are very good at what they do, and I love how they are supporting one another and building upon each other.
I miss them riding together, but we see what makes them great—they both think on their feet and they are sensational at the "yes, and".
I love getting to see the professional side still fires so beautifully between them. It's a feat I feared fumbled, but I'm freakin' psyched it fared fine.
Oh my goodness, that's way too much alliteration. But, I'm leaving it. It's ridiculous and it makes me smile!
The Trip Wire
Another commonality with Season 4 Episode 1. Gee wiz, we're going for lots of references with this one, and that leaves me curious about the intention... and whether there's a common thread that we're somehow missing that leads all the way back.
Or, I'm reading too much into it because I'm weird. I can roll with that, too.
Tim joins up with Lucy outside the house where she asks him for clarity that none of them have. What the hell is going on!?
"We should move on." "What? No."
Love that Lucy still stands up to Tim at work.
Look, even when he was her TO and then her supervisor, Lucy never shied away from speaking her mind. In this case, she sees something they're missing. And she's not going to let them miss out on an important piece of the puzzle.
"You think it's personal?" "I mean, look, if I was gonna go to the extreme of targeting police officers, why not take out some of my enemies along the way?"
And with that, Lucy BadAss Chen cracks the case. No, I don't know if that's her legal middle name. But it should be.
My brain immediately goes back to Tim accusing her of a social media obsession that happened to crack a case back during one of the Documentary episodes.
There's no skirting around this one—it was all Chen.
"I'll take Moran." "You're not going by yourself." "I'll go with her."
Alright, Fierce Protector. You do you.
"You should be out kicking doors with Metro." "I'm good." "I don't need you protecting me."
Well, damn, I thought it was just me! I thought I was gonna be the only one in this Meta calling out Tim in the Protector role, but I guess my on-screen bestie had to chime in, too.
Also, bringing back "Good" in this scene, which truly feels like their word, and I love it.
Tim will always have Lucy's back. He knows that she is capable and strong, but he's also her boyfriend and spent a lot of time as her TO and then Supervisor. Worrying about her was a part of his job, and now it's an ingrained part of his life.
He's not trying to undermine her independence or capability. He simply wants to be close because then he knows she is safe and doesn't have to hold his breath wondering.
"So, clearly what you're saying is you need me protecting you." "Clearly. You know me so well."
It was pinging my brain, and I couldn't figure out why until someone pulled out the DOD GIF on Twitter and I started slow-clapping like a sports movie.
Yes, of course! When Lucy woke up in the hospital to find Tim by her side... as he is, now.
I kept seeing DOD parallels in this episode, and I'm strangely comforted that others did, too.
Plus, a return of "Clearly", which has been another of Tim and Lucy's words. "Clearly, Ashley's gotta go." "Clearly this isn't working out."
"I'm happy it's you at my six." "Back at you."
Major "We protect each other" vibes, and I bloody approve. Look, we know that Tim is a Fierce Protector. But he also knows that his girlfriend is a kick-ass bad-ass.
Now, we enter into a fight scene that is a bloody masterpiece.
Yes, I wondered why they emptied their clips at the Riot Shields, but I'm not a cop, so I don't know if there's some logic behind it I don't possess. Other than that... this fucking rocked.
Like, literally. I couldn't have been the only Xennial rocking out when Janes Addiction started playing! Someone go hug the Music Supervisor, Music Coordinator, Screenwriter, Director, or whoever threw that track out there, because it's bloody brilliant.
Tim and Lucy are working together, talking it out as they go. And we see all that time they've put into building their communication is really on display, even in a bloody battle.
"We stand a chance, but only together."
Hell, yeah, Lucy! I've been saying that all season. No, not in terms of having the high ground (rest in pieces, Anikan Skywalker's limbs), but in terms of getting through this thing called life.
Tim and Lucy stand a chance of surviving as Chenford through end of show only if they work together.
And on-the-screen in this particular moment, the same holds true.
"Pull not push, copy that."
Love. Them. Look at Tim taking the word of his capable wife and putting it into practice.
Tim and Lucy are literally fighting for their lives, here, and they are fighting together. When one's on the brink of being overwhelmed, the other is there.
Lucy delivers a strike to free up Tim. He takes on several at once, and she goes for the shield. I was screaming, "Hell, yeah, baby girl!" like the big sister I am to my on-screen bestie because she was crushing.
Tim is the master of pepper spray, I swear. He's used it in many creative ways, but super smart to go straight for the eye-holes on the masks to try to penetrate.
Lucy's close to losing consciousness when Tim rips the guy off of her, repaying the earlier favor of her freeing him up. It's a literal give-and-take... in a fight for their lives. This is bloody brilliant.
Nolan finally makes it up there, and Tim helps Lucy through the door to the stairwell, literally shielding her with his body.
Once inside, Tim has his hand on one of his favorite places—Lucy's leg. But this isn't a sexy-time touch. This is the, "Thank God you're alive" touch. If they hadn't worked together, that could have ended very differently.
"I have Bradford and Chen secured upstairs."
Chen and Bradford, sir. It's Chenford. Not Braden.
"You should be on your way to the hospital." "We'll go after."
At least Tim is saying he'll go. Like, seriously, this guy is the king of avoiding medical attention. And too often when he's gone in, he did so knowing nobody was waiting for him on the other side.
Now, not only is he willingly going to go in with his girlfriend, he knows that they'll leave together. Look how far our boy has come.
A Glance
Our last moment of Tim and Lucy is just a glance... a subtle glance between the two of them where that wordless communication comes in.
They've always have this layer to their relationship—communicating without a word. But it's so much deeper, now.
And as we reflect on the end of a season, I have to say it's been incredible to witness their growth alongside y'all in real-time.
This season has been an absolute roller coaster, and my first with all y'all! I started with 5x01, had to catch up, and have loved this whole journey.
Thank you all for being so welcoming to a late-comer like me. And thank you for reading!
Remember, love one another. Give yourself grace. Don't worry about "perfect" because it doesn't bloody exist. Go after your dreams. Fuck Fear. And believe in yourself, always.
And if you're not ready to believe in yourself... know that I believe in you. And I'm always rooting for good things to come your way. You've got this.
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oscconfessions · 4 months
Objectified sucks! I mean - he has artstyle and some interesting details. BUT THATS ALL I GUESS. BECAUSE - 1) Its suppose to be a apocalypse comic, where is objects against parasites. But we get a freaking "gayass love drama" in all characters arcs, a killers/murders characters. Seriously fans of some characters (Citrus, Dynamite, Razor) - they defend them by justifying this. And also disgusting to see when this fans say all the time - "well, they are cuties, hot, wuggie-huggie pookies uuu, look at my girl/boy, how you cant like them uwu" - SCREW YOU 2) As i said - its love-drama (but actually comedy, that not funny) - HELLO! THERE IS DAMN APOCALYPSE, I NEED LORE ABOUT HOW THIS THINGS KILL OBJECTS! Only Painkiller and Fossil has something of that and probably new chapter with Comet. But not enough! 3) Turtleshell book - its not bad, its really well done fanfic but here is question - WHY DO I NEED THIS? Its not about Objectified, its another story! And for what? Only to know that Razor dad is giant ass Warhammer? woah! (clapping fast). 4) Citrus and Wagyu - the worst characters ever. First just a disgusting lier and also abuser, who killed probably hundred innocents! He is damn murder, how FAQ he has FANbase?! but at the same time boring as hell FATASS. Wagyu - the most idiotic and useless. Only his super ass power to being infested and being ded 2000. BUT EVEN THIS NOT WELL DONE WRITE! HE STILL BORING... 5) Objectified fanbase abuse a CiderAmese - cause thought that if Objectified has a object-monster (aka animals), thats mean this is a original of all object-monsters When CiderAmese steal this. NO - CiderAmese draw object-monster before, even before the creator of Obj join in OSC.... speaking about Obj creator - 6) As i saw and read, he actually not so good person and did a lotsa bad things. Thats why he delete all his social medias and hide. But i think he learn a lesson, and when QA that he and his team planned one day publish (as i think, not sure about this sorry) - there is will be (I HOPE) explains, or just official apologies.
This comic has a potential, but i can see only love-salty drama. Stupid characters and absolutely zero about Parasite and object conflict. Oh and Spool is British... the most scariest thing ever!!!
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alexilulu · 3 months
Books I Read in 2024, #6: Runequest: Roleplaying in Glorantha (Greg Stafford Steve Perrin Jeff Richard Jason Durall and friends, Chaosium Inc., 2019)
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A bronze age-styled fantasy epic setting originally published in 1975 (as White Bear and Red Moon), Glorantha is one of the founding touchstones of fantasy storytelling in the RPG space that draws upon historiography and a firm integration of magic and mysticism into the firmament of its setting.
My first experience with Glorantha, like a great deal of others, was King of Dragon Pass. I don't remember exactly where I first heard about it. It's either on SA in the LP subforum back in the early 2010s or Tumblr in the same era; if it's the latter, Jared is entirely to blame for this, and probably because of him telling me stories about it in my car over the years.
King of Dragon Pass is a management game in which you play the tribal leader of a Heortling group exiled from their homeland in the wake of Belintar's accession to the throne in the Holy Country of Esrolia, forced to travel to the forbidden land of Dragon Pass where centuries ago the Dragonkill War wiped the land clean of all human presence. For you see, the Dragonkill War was named not for what we did to the dragons, but what dragons did to humanity.
Glorantha is like that.
Glorantha sticks in my mind easily, to be honest. It draws such a stark picture of itself so quickly you can't help but feel arrested by how committed it is to being itself. The Gods are so real that reenacting their greatest deeds invests you with their awe-inspiring power, and the Runes they wield are so bound into the fundament that embodying and studying them allows you to manipulate reality directly yourself.
The game itself is straightforward; every skill is rated from 0 to 100, and you roll 2d10 to roll under your skill rating, which you can further influence by channeling your passions or the Runes that represent you. Its character creation is delightfully baroque and fitting with the focus on historiography: you roll to generate the general lifepath of your parents and your own history in the last 21 years of Dragon Pass' history, during an eventful lead-up to the Hero Wars starting in 1625 when the world will enter a true tumult as empires face off.
I really just love the little things about the world here. Glorantha is detailed in the way that only a seasoned reader of history would be, with a light touch to give you plenty of room to imagine your own tribes in the region, the foibles of each village that give it real texture. The book grounds you in the idea of being from each ethnic group, the stereotypes others hold for them and the realities of their lives.
More than once it states that the Orlanthi recognize 6 gender roles and 7 forms of marriage, which is both a refreshing acknowledgement and also just a good reminder that societies for centuries have seen things in ways that would be foreign to the modern reader, and that you have to think of these societies in the context they've been shaped by.
The various pantheons of the world rule. I could evangelize about Orlanth, the god of storms all day, but it rules that the chief god of the largest and best-known pantheon, the Lightbringers, is the god of the season of utter disaster where life becomes cheap and dangerous, which i suppose makes sense as far as who you would beg to for survival during.
It's combat is dangerously swingy, in a way that kind of rules, in that you can plan for a lot of bad things to happen but you really can't stop that 5% roll from putting a javelin through your soft palate. This is your granddaddy's RPG, there's no luck recovery methods. You die, you beg the local priest for a resurrection and pay him handsomely for the privilege and don't do that shit again.
It just sticks in the mind for me. Very few other RPGs take the sort of careful, historically and culturally-focused bent on producing and placing a world in the way that Glorantha does. It feels lived in and loved, with a clear idea of itself and what it wants to be. I wish I could say the same for more games in the space.
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ladykailitha · 1 year
In the Midnight Hour Part 7
Guys, guys, I am sooo close to finishing this. And if I didn’t have real adulting I had to do today, I would have finished it tonight. But...that said I am literally in the middle of writing the Vecna finale. So excited y’all.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Eddie spent the day lounging around his lair, waiting for Vecna. When Vecna finally arrived, Eddie’s eyes flicked to the monster’s right hand and was pleased with what he saw.
“You were supposed to hunt those jocks,” Vecna snarled.
“I was merely keeping my nightly appointment with Harrington as requested,” Eddie said. “And thought I’d weaken more than just his mind.”
Vecna snarled. “I couldn’t see what was going on.”
Eddie reared his head back in confusion. “That’s never happened before.”
“The Harrington boy is becoming a liability,” Vecna snarled. “I want you to kill him.”
Eddie threw his hands up in the air. “I told you at the beginning of this that there is a line I won’t cross. And killing was one of them. If you wanted a murderer, to pick someone else. Despite what this fucking town thinks, I won’t kill.”
Vecna reached out and grabbed Eddie by the neck, lifting him up. “I am your master. You will do as I say!”
Eddie didn’t even bring his hands up to try and stop him. “Do it. Kill me. I’m already dead. All this was just prolonging the inevitable. Making my friends and family suffer. I never wanted to die, but I sure the hell didn’t want to be brought back as your plaything either.”
Vecna threw him against the wall and Eddie made no move with his wings to slow the decent. He knew that would only anger Vecna further.
“I am almost back to full strength,” Vecna roared, “by the end of the month I will rise up and take back that which was mine.”
Eddie let his body go slack. He knew the only way to deal with bullies and abusers was to let them think you’re too weak to move and unless they were intent on killing you they would get disgusted and leave. Can’t enjoy it if the person is unconscious and couldn’t feel it.
Vecna snarled and vanished.
Eddie sighed in relief. He had learned a lot. Did drinking from Steve make it so his connection to Vecna weakened? Because if it did, this was both really good and very bad.
He had a plan. Or at least something like a plan and he just needed to get to the right person.
Eddie chewed his lip.
He was going to go for the easiest person and hope Vecna didn’t find him out.
His nightly visit to Steve was going to be interesting to say the least. Especially since Steve was already out on the roof waiting for him.
“Hello, Stevie,” Eddie said, landing lightly on the roof next to him. “Waiting for  me again?”
“Didn’t we establish that I’m always waiting for you?” Steve asked with a small smile.
Eddie sat down next to him and looked out over the neighborhood. “What’s on your mind tonight?”
Steve sighed. “I got Robin to talk to my resident little D&D nerds.”
“Couldn’t do it yourself?” Eddie asked.
Steve shook his head. “I’m distancing myself from them because of you.”
Eddie winced. “Because I might be a Vecna haunt?”
“Originally, yeah,” Steve said. “And then I fell out with Dustin. And since they’re always together...”
“It was hard to talk to them?” Eddie finished.
“Yeah,” Steve said drawing his knees to his chest and hugging them. “Anyway, they brought up Kas.”
Eddie’s confusion cleared. “Ah.”
“Yeah, dude,” Steve murmured. “I keep working on this puzzle in my head and I keep feeling like a piece is missing.”
“And what is the puzzle of?” Eddie asked. “What’s the picture on the box?”
Steve sighed. “The Upside Down destroyed and everyone I love safe and sound.”
“That can’t include me,” Eddie said softly.
“Why not?” Steve asked in whine. “Why can’t I have it all for once in my god damned life. Why do I have to keep sacrificing my happiness for everyone else’s?”
“Steve...” Eddie said. “Once you kill Vecna, I’m dead, too. You have to know that.”
Steve closed his eyes and let the tears fall. Eddie wanted nothing more than to hold this boy in his arms and tell him it would be okay. But he couldn’t touch Steve and he couldn’t lie.
“There has to be a way,” Steve croaked through his tears.
“You guys are running out of time,” Eddie said. “I can’t tell you more than that but you can’t wait on a plan that would save me.”
Steve nodded. “They haven’t told me what their plan is. I don’t know it. But the second I’m told, I won’t be able to see anymore.”
Eddie nodded. “Because you can’t be sure about what Vecna can sense or see. I know.”
“You’ll know when that happens.”
Eddie smiled. “Hey, you still smoke?”
Steve looked up and grinned. “You craving a cigarette after all that?”
Eddie shrugged. “Aren’t you?”
Steve laughed. “Yeah, yeah, yeah. Give me a second.” Steve got up and crawled through his window.
He was back a minute or two later with a pack of Camels and a Zippo lighter.
“I didn’t know you smoked Camels,” Eddie said as he pulled a cigarette from the box.
Steve pulled out a cigarette for himself and lit it. He passed the lighter to Eddie. “I didn’t.”
Eddie lit the cigarette and handed the light back. “Thanks, man.” He took a long drag and blew the smoke out over his head.
Steve smoked silently beside him as the night wore on.
Over head clouds rolled in hiding the stars.
“Uh oh,” Eddie said. “Looks like a storm might be coming in.”
Steve stubbed out his cigarette on the roof and flicked the bud into the garden below. “It been so long since it rained, it’ll be a good thing for the town.”
“I always love it when it rains,” Eddie said still smoking the remains of his cigarette.
“Yeah?” Steve asked. “I always hated it. Because it meant being kept inside with my parents, bored with nothing to do.”
Eddie chuckled and shook his head. “For me it meant being able to hide from the world with a blanket and a book.”
“Maybe I could like it if I had someone to share it with,” Steve muttered mostly to himself.
Eddie closed his eyes and only opened them when the first rain drop hit his eyelashes.
“Go inside, Steve,” he whispered. “It’s about to rain.”
Steve looked up at the darkened skies and nodded. Without thinking about it, he brushed Eddie’s shoulder with his fingers.
Eddie looked up at him and smiled. For inside his head, Vecna screamed in pain.
Eddie began to spend the hours between dusk and midnight at the Motel 6. Tap, tap. Thump, tap. And getting the same taps in response. One night he changed the taps.
Wayne threw open the door to his motel room and rushed out to see Eddie curled up beside the door.
He crouched gently in front of him. He could finally see what Steve meant by wrong. He had assumed that Eddie had been twisted on the inside. But the long black tips of his fingers that extended into claws, the large leather bat wings, the sharp teeth and even the once doe-like eyes now angry and red told a different story.
“Hey, son,” he greeted softly.
“Wayne!” Eddie cried. He covered his face with his hands. “I didn’t mean for you to see me like this.”
“I’m know, sweetheart,” Wayne murmured. “But I had to see you.”
“I don’t know how much is me anymore,” Eddie lamented. “I feel all twisted and angry inside. I hurt people now. Because I have to. To survive. I wish I had stayed dead.”
Wayne fell forward onto his knees. “You’re still my Eddie.”
Eddie began to sob. “I don’t want to hurt you.”
“You could never,” Wayne said firmly. “Whatever beastie you have in your head, they’re the ones that would be responsible if you ever did.”
“Henry Creel,” he gasped. He feel Vecna getting angry, but Eddie didn’t care anymore. He was going to be dead and with any luck Vecna with him.
“I know, sweetheart,” Wayne said leaning forward. “Steve told me everything.”
Eddie leapt forward, throwing his arms around his uncle. Wayne hesitantly put his arms around his nephew. His hands hovered for a moment before he gave in.
Eddie squeezed his eyes shut against the screaming in his head. “I only have mere seconds before Vecna yanks me back to the Upside Down. But I love you.”
Wayne squeezed him once and then let go, just as Eddie was lifted into the air.
Wayne’s hand went to his mouth as tears streamed down his face as his nephew was forcibly pulled from his sight back to hell.
“Why?” Vecna screamed. “Why does someone touching you hurt me?”
Eddie scrambled away from the monster, pressing up against the wall in terror. “I don’t know!”
Vecna advanced on him. “You know.”
Eddie put his hands up over his face. “I swear I don’t. I thought it was just Steve. Just like you.”  
“You will stay here until you figure it out,” Vecna snarled. “I can’t risk you being touched.”
“How will I eat?” Eddie asked. “And what about Steve?”
Vecna roared, picking Eddie up and tossing him around like a rag doll. Eddie felt his brain rattle around in his head.
“Please...” he managed to rasp.
Vecna tossed him in the direction of the pile of blankets and pillows that he used for a bed. He landed roughly, but at least it was softer than the floor or wall.
“You will feed only on the Harrington boy, and you will see him only when you need to eat,” Vecna sneered.
Eddie nodded weakly.
Once Vecna had vanished. Eddie curled up on his side and sobbed. He didn’t know why anyone touching Eddie caused Vecna pain, but he wanted to go out and be touched by as many people as possible.
Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12  Part 13
Tag List: @clumsywriter @steddie-there @gregre369 @currently-steddiebrainrot @steddieassheg0es @estrellami-1 @anzelsilver @thequeenrainacorn @savory-babby @chaoticlovingdreamer @grtwdsmwhr  @renaissan-vvitch @panicatthediaz @swimmingbirdrunningrock
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strongsam · 11 months
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sam x mika playlist
first tumblr post hehe. i’ve been a huge fan of seduce me for years, i remember being in high school obsessed with the game. erik was my fav at first actually but then sam became my husband for all these years after playing his route.
i have a very diverse music taste so the songs may seem a little all over the place, but i hope you all enjoy nonetheless! i’m sure with the variety there will be something for everyone
(this originally was supposed to be a playlist for just sam but somehow became one for sam x mika bc i love them sm)
1. Therapy - Khalid
Mika is Sam's therapy, period. Although he initially tried to hide his feelings for her, he later recognizes his deep emotional dependence on her and how much he actually needs their relationship.
2. Hatefuck - Cruel Youth
"Will you love me tomorrow?" - Sam rhetorically asks Mika if he is worthy of her love, questioning whether he can live up to her expectations and fears that he may not be good enough for her.
3. Demons - Imagine Dragons
A more obvious choice, but like...c'mon. Sam is reluctant to tell Mika the truth about him and his past, however, it is impossible to do this because his past is who he is. Sam was scared to show his flaws and insecurities to Mika. Sam has a dark side to him but Mika does not get the full truth of this until Sam reveals everything about his past to her
4. Irresistible - Fall Out Boy
Sam initially had no intention of falling for Mika, seeing her as merely a source of energy. However, as they spend more time together, they develop a strong connection and unexpectedly fall in love with each other.
5. Sweater Weather - The Neighbourhood
In Sam's route, he falls deeply in love with Mika, finding comfort and solace in their intimate moments. Sam needs that feeling of warmth from the intimacy he shares with Mika.
6. Do I Wanna Know? - Arctic Monkeys
Sam trying to figure out how Mika feels about him by attempting to determine if she's showing him overt behaviour that would suggest that she has feelings for him (blushing, etc). I believe Sam would do this because of his anxiety about Mika's interest in him, specifically when she can be with a "real man" like James instead of him (Sam was seriously gonna ask James for lessons on how to be a real man and I will never, ever forget this)
7. Fell for You - Green Day
Ugh, this one. This song is actually how I picture Sam falling in love with someone, the vibe of this song just suits him perfectly. Sam fell for Mika and ever since then, his thoughts have been surrounded by her. Of course, our baby tsun tsun is gonna deny that he's fallen for her and has insecurities about their relationship because he believes Mika is too good for him ("I'm a mess and you're a work of art) and that he doesn't deserve a "perfect" girl like Mika.
8. pink bubblegum - lavi kou
First off, Sam's fav body part is the neck sooo...and Mika loves purple and kinda resembles that colour. and hickeys are usually purple so..ya i'm dumb ik. Sam may pretend not to like Mika openly, but he secretly fantasizes about being with her. Mika's love for the color purple resonates with Sam, and the idea of leaving hickeys symbolizes his hidden desire and the passion between them.
9. A Little Death - The Neighbourhood
This song makes me feel a certain type of way. I feel like Sam would want Mika to give herself to him fully at her own expense, knowing that she is participating in a relationship with a brute whose looks are "deadly" and who has an abundance of power and lethal allure, which creates that complex dynamic between them.
10. Animals - Maroon 5
This song reveals the intense passion and desire between Sam and Mika. The song depicts a raw, animalistic attraction, reflecting Sam's initial purely physical interest in Mika. It portrays his longing for her and the powerful magnetism that draws them together. As their relationship progresses, this intense attraction transforms into a deeper emotional connection.
11. Prisoner - Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa
This song reminds me of "Chained the Monster". Sam's love may make Mika feel like a "prisoner" and the other way around with Sam feeling like a "prisoner" to Mika, but neither of them can forget each other because they have a passion that is so strong. Essentially, both feel like prisoners in their intense relationship, unable to forget each other due to the overwhelming passion they share.
12. Training Wheels - Melanie Martinez
Sam is not the easiest man to love or hell, even communicate with, yet Mika still has an immense amount of patience with him and stays with him throughout the whole thing in his route. Sam does not have a lot of experience with loving and trusting another person, and Mika is able to ease him through the process of forming a true connection with another person. Mika is probably the person who understands Sam the most in his route and Mika displays immense patience and understanding towards Sam. Through their journey, Mika helps Sam learn to love and trust, taking baby steps to form a deep connection with him.
13. New Perspective - Panic! At The Disco
Sam is a strong boi, and part of the reason for this is that no matter what happens to him, he never lets it defeat him. Sam is a resilient character who refuses to let his past define him. However, as his relationship with Mika grows, he fears that his less desirable traits will affect her. Sam hopes to become a better man for Mika while staying true to his strength and identity. The song also alludes to Sam's initial awkwardness and difficulty in opening up emotionally.
14. Religion - Lana Del Rey
Sam and Mika's relationship began kind of..rough, you know, with the whole kissing without consent (Sam obviously had his reasons) and Sam's attitude. Despite this, Mika chooses to stay with him, emphasizing her dedication to him and their love.
15. Mr. Brightside - The Killers
"It was only a kiss" (literally Sam and Mika's first interaction together, I couldn't resist) it was simply just a way for Sam to get energy when he desperately needed it at the time (Although he did feel at least a bit of remorse when he found out that the kiss meant more to Mika, as it was her first kiss) This emphasis of "it was only a kiss" reveals how to Sam, this should have only been a kiss for him to acquire energy, and nothing more, but it becomes so much more in Sam's route. Sam may also experience moments of jealousy when Mika receives attention from other boys.
16. Take My Name - Parmalee
This song is just adorable, I know it's about proposing to someone you love and wanting to spend the rest of your life with them, but besides that and it reminded me of when Sam shares his demon name with Mika, "Aomaris", which then helps her in an upcoming dangerous situation with Malix. It represents the depth of their connection and how Sam is willing to reveal a vulnerable part of himself to protect her.
17. Guns and Roses - Lana Del Rey
I chose this song because it reminds me of how Sam is quite a destructive man, a "brute" who loves destructive actions and objects, he also manages to fall in love with someone like Mika. The title's oxymoron reflects the contradiction between Sam's rough exterior and his capacity for deep affection.
18. Monster - Adventure Time
Sam's tough exterior and emotional guardedness stem from his difficult upbringing, where he had to learn to fend for himself. This song also speaks to how Sam is seen as a brute by pretty much everyone around him, so he is used to feeling like the "bad guy". While he fears being seen as weak, Mika helps him embrace vulnerability and understand that she loves him despite his flaws.
19. Broken - DNMO & Sub Urban
Ending with some angst apparently lmfao. This song represents the initial phase of Sam and Mika's relationship, where Sam primarily uses her for sexual gratification and fails to appreciate her as a person. It highlights his self-destructive tendencies and their journey towards a healthier connection.
20. Love is a Battlefield - Pat Benatar
I think this reflects the tumultuous nature of Sam and Mika's relationship. The song speaks to the challenges they face, the conflicts they navigate, and the intense emotions they experience while being in love. It captures the idea that love can sometimes feel like a war zone, where they must fight for their connection and overcome obstacles together.
There you guys go. This surely isn't perfect and there's a lot of my own self-indulgence in there bc I love them but this is honestly just supposed to be for fun and honestly a good distraction from a pretty hard time in my life.
I'm currently working on a mika playlist, which i'm actually having a lot of fun with i'm ngl. I find making a playlist so much easier with Mika than Sam (maybe bc she's a more simple character than Sam) but idk, part of me thinks I just understand females more than males lol. I found myself being very picky with this one, which is what took me so long making this
I'd love to hear what you guys think! And what songs you'd choose for these two :)
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janearts · 2 years
Top ten peeves with "medieval" fantasy armour, and/or top ten Actually Quite Practical things that the time period had in its armour that you feel are underappreciated by a modern audience?
I’ve been drawing Dragon Age armour for the past 5+ years and hating much of it so I’ve decided to specify my pet peeves for their armour designs. 🙈
Obligatory Disclaimer: I understand that the DA franchise and the DA devs have absolutely zero (0) obligation to stick to historical armours and understand that they deviate from historical sources however referenced intentionally to create their own unique fantasy blend. I’m taking the piss.
Jane’s Top 10 Pet Peeves with Fantasy Dragon Age Armour:
Side Note: DA armour is “mediaeval” in that from DAO to DAI, the DA franchise increasingly borrows bits and bobs from the Middle Ages. Examples of this include Blackwall’s gambeson and the splint-styled armour that Alistair wears. It’s a bit of a hodgepodge--Alistair’s “splintmail” armour would historically predate the more traditional plate armour you also see in the game. Splinted armour was a bridge between mail and plate, which was well-established by the early half of the 15th century.
ANYWAY, here are my pet peeves:
1. The overuse of the noble belt. IRL you wouldn’t need that many and as an artist they’re a pain in the ass to draw.
2. DAO is responsible for the ugliest and most unnatural looking couters I’ve ever had the displeasure to draw. They look like bowls attached to your elbows and they make no sense. Which leads me to my next point...
3. DAO is also responsible for separate bits of plate armour for your arm that do not connect where they ought to. In the Middle Ages, the armour for your arm was all interconnected: the pauldron connects to the rerebrace which connects to the couter which connects to the vambrace. In DAO, you’ve just got your elbow pads, maybe a gauntlet, a bit of plate that I suppose is supposed to be a rerebrace or spaulder for your upper arms, and then a godawful misshapen pauldron. Which leads me to my next point...
4. Pauldrons that have spikes that look like they will KO their wearer if given the chance. Also pauldrons that look like they would “catch” weapons instead of cleanly deflecting the blow away from the body.
5. Armour with rondels and winged pauldrons. Larger pauldrons do the work of a rondel: they protect your armpit. If you have a spaulder or a smaller pauldron that doesn’t protect your armpit then you might go for a rondel. In the DA franchise, they seem to enjoy stapling rondels (or maybe they’re just giant bolts?) to pauldrons.
6. The SMALLEST chestplates known to man. Or a chestplate without its buddy the backplate. This is a Warden callout. :’) It screams “Crush my collarbone, you swine, my chestplate can’t do shit!”
7. The heinous and unforgivable lack of cuisses. Go ahead and tell your thighs they don’t matter then kiss those puppies goodbye.
8. A gorget that is YAWNING so wide it doesn’t actually protect the goddamn neck! I am specifically calling out the Templars on this one.
9. The goddamn overuse of tassets--at least I think they were going for tassets--by the franchise as a whole. The segmented style is called an Almain rivet and you can see that on Templar & Warden armour... except it’s never actually attached to the cuirass? It always seems to be held up by a belt? It’s not meant to be a substitute for cuisses. I don’t know what they were thinking. They probably weren’t and probably figured no one would notice/care. BUT I DO. I DO!
10. They overuse tassets, but don’t cover the assets if you know what I mean. I originally thought that what I’m referring to as tassets could have been their attempt at faulds & culets? Not sure on that one. Anyway, faulds & culets are bits of plate that tend to cover the hips/waist/ass area. One sure sign that a designer is looking at jousting armour is when they don’t. cover. the ass. (The original wearer didn’t need to because they’d be on a horse! But your footsoldier absolutely needs to cover their ass.) I’m thinking of the DAI Wardens again with this one. :’)
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cosmos-coma · 1 year
Blood and Vengeance - Part 4
A/N: Split the original chapter into two parts so I can draw out the drama. It isn't at all because my energy is running on empty and I'm running out of already written material haha.
Pairing: Dettlaff x Reader
Words: 1292
Part 1 | Part 2| Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (final)
This particular morning found you struggling with the will to pull the covers back and climb out of bed. It was supposed to be colder today than you would have liked, and the stone floors below certainly didn’t motivate you to leave the comfort of your blanket.
But you did have work to do… so the moment you got the courage you quickly pulled the covers off of your head and swung your legs over the edge, bracing yourself for the unpleasant cold to be your first sensation that morning.
Only it didn’t come. The stone was cool- yes, but not sharply cold. And now that you registered it you had yet to find goosebumps on your arms when the cold air of the room should’ve been hitting you. Instead, you looked over to find the fireplace filled with small flames and large chunks of glowing embers, the remnants of a warm fire, and a newly replenished pile of firewood beside it. But you didn’t remember getting up to light a fire last night? You never did that…
You shuffled sleepily to the fireplace and found a carefully folded note sitting on the mantle, a little drawing of a moth adorning the corner of the paper. You unfolded the note as you warmed your legs in front of the dying fire, pleased to find it was from Dettlaff. It detailed that Regis had left again and Dettlaff went after him, saying that he needed to talk to him about something of great importance and to not expect him back for a good part of the day. Your lips turned upward as you read through the note, a small puff of laughter even tugging at you as you read over his final words. 
‘Stay warm today, my little moth.
Your heart fluttered furiously at his new nickname for you; his little moth. You bit your lip to fight back the growing smile that spread across your lips as your fingers ran over the dried ink. Despite having such important things to deal with, he still lit a fire to ensure you woke up comfortably.
With careful hands you folded the note back up and placed it with his last one on your bedside table before going to get ready, a new brightness invigorating you from this simple act of love.
The house was quiet as you worked, with neither Regis nor Dettlaff there to make noise and fill the house with some semblance of life. Though, you were thankful as always to have Amelia whose presence and test dishes gave you and your stomach pleasant company.
 “Mmm,” you hummed happily as you took a bite, thinking for a minute on your critique, “I like it, but I think you need a different bread. The tang of sourdough just doesn’t sit well with the rest of the dish…” you commented as you set the piece of bread aside to continue eating.
 “I know, I know. The baker said he didn’t have enough supplies to fulfill our order right away, but he should drop by with it sometime today.” She took a large, frustrating bite of bread as she spoke. “Damn you, sourdough….”
You laughed and shook your head at your friend’s antics and continued eating and idly chatting until a particular sound caught your attention.
The familiar groan of the heavy iron gate followed by the heavy CLACK of the door knocker let you know someone had finally arrived.
“Oh, that must be the baker.” You perked up, “I’ll get it, you can finish eating.” You told her and stood, straightening out your dress before you went over to answer.
“You’re just hoping your handsome brooding man is back..!” she yelled with a snicker, her laugh only growing when you yelled back.
“Ah, shut up, Amelia!”
Dettlaff poured into the cracks of Regis’s private crypt in the form of black and red smoke, coming down to the ground to solidify into his normal self. 
“Regis..?” he called out as he walked around, searching the darkened tunnels.
“Dettlaff… I wasn’t expecting you here. What’s going on?” Regis said, poking his head out from a dimly lit room.
“We need to talk- I… I don’t know what’s going on anymore.” He mumbled as he paced the room. “About Y/n, I- just…” his hand rubbed over his face as he let out a frustrated growl.
Regis quickly dropped everything and moved toward his pacing friend. He was hoping on his eternal life that this wasn’t another tea-spilling incident. It had been obvious as of late how preoccupied Dettlaff had become with you, you were one of the only things he talked about after all. He had been making leaps and strides towards understanding humans as a whole and if that had all turned on a dime…. He almost didn’t want to know. 
“What’s happened now?” The older vampire asked, already dreading the next few words.
 “I…” Dettlaff struggled and ground his teeth audibly “I think I love a human…” He finally admitted, as if admitting shameful defeat. 
Silence bounced around the dark cavern until the crackle of laughter rippled through the air. Regis didn’t even realize he was laughing so hard until he was doubled over from it. 
“STOP LAUGHING” Dettlaff roared out, anger painting over his embarrassment. “Stop laughing at me, Regis!” he hissed, his features twisting into a flash of his more bat-like self. 
“Ah… ah, I’m sorry my friend… I truly don’t mean to laugh I just- I may have seen this coming for some time, but you still surprise me.” Regis said with a pleasant sigh to catch his breath as he righted himself once more.
Dettlaff paused, “You… saw this coming…?” 
Regis almost laughed again, “Dettlaff. My friend- if she walks anywhere near you your brain instantly goes to half capacity. You look at her like a bat looks longingly at its cave come sunrise… I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so caught up on someone,” Regis explained as he shook his head. It’s like he was dealing with a couple of schoolchildren dancing circles around their crush.
“Don’t even get me started on the way she looks at you. I swear-” 
Dettlaff's ears perked up at that, “you think she looks at me the same way?” he interrupted quickly. Humans were often so subtle in their actions and their words that he wasn’t sure if you were just teaching him to be friendly like Regis asked or if you genuinely felt the same. 
Regis raised his eyebrow, arms crossed as if this should all be perfectly clear to the other vampire, “Since the first day she saw you she’s been positively enamored…” 
The cave was quiet once again as Dettlaff took this in, nodding to himself as he took this new information into account. He had just opened his mouth to say something when a horrible feeling pinged deep in his chest. 
Something was wrong.
It was like the deepest pain and grief hit a sudden rolling boil in his chest. His shoulders raised as his entire body tightened with fear, his fingers twitching with the need for action. 
Regis watched him go through the whole thing, his features twisting again as an odd sense of fight or flight kicked in. “What is it?” he asked, having felt his own small shiver of unease- but nothing like his fellow bat. 
“Something’s wrong… something’s really wrong…” Dettlaff’s breath quickened as he looked around him, noting no immediate danger. 
“Go back to the house. Now. I’ll follow behind and keep an eye out.”
With that smoke filled the cavern once more; gray, black, and red fog shooting out of the smallest cracks in the cave's ceiling to race toward home.
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight @unstable-kiwi @madamemelancholysstuff
Wanna be added to a specific taglist? DM me to let me know!
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maydayfireball · 1 year
Len model finished !! His video was suppose to be a black background like rin's was, but i got a little carried away.. Just like Rin, check below for the model progress timeline and video credits !!
Turning Rin into Len ! I'm lazy and i want these two to look very similar, so i just edited rins face and body. Time elapsed: 00:34:53 (his head isn't smaller i just didn't screenshot well.)
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2. Struggled drawing Len's hair ! I wouldn't normally include this part in my time, but like. fuck len. tumblr helped pick which one i used of these two blue prints. Time elapsed: 01:07:00
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3. Len hair finished ! Why does this man hate me ! Time elapsed: 02:46:44 (almost two hours, huh..)
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4. Body rig ! Unlike rin, I decided to rig len from scratch. This is because his base is too different from anyone else's to get away with weight transferring. (significantly shorter than kaito / gackpo, but with a different body shape than rin.) So here's a gif of his silly little arm movin. Time elapsed: 04:08:32
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5. Hair Rig / Physics. For all the models (except rin) I've done their hair rig / physics right after rigging the body. This is mostly so i can have a fully optimized base to work off of later when making outfits. For rin i just.. forgot to do her hair lol. anyway time elapsed: 04:34:30
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6. Outfit Designing. I didn't time this for rin since that timing was more for commission reference sake, and more clients won't have me designing their stuff. so it wouldn't have made sense to include it. but here we are. Rough outfit sketch. Fuck drawing headphones. Time elapsed: 05:06:05 for all my original models, the concept was more or less blending their design aspects together. (with the exception of gackpo, who's only difference between updates is colors and slight hair changes.)
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7. Outfit modeling ! He went pretty easy, since It was just a matter of making parts i already did for Rin. So anything I struggled with last time, i had practice for. Time Elapsed: 7:50:25
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8. UV Mapping. I included this step into texturing last time, but I felt like separating it this time around. Basically, i unwrapped all the UVs for the model and laid them out on a texture sheet to draw over. From what i've seen, a lot of people do this differently / in different orders? like they might uv map and then immediately texture the shirt, before moving onto the next piece of clothing. But texturing (using my tablet in general) hurts my shoulders typically, so i try to get it all out of the way at once. So i uvmap before even pulling the tablet out. Time elapsed: 8:50:48
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9. Texturing. My neck hurts ! Time Elapsed: 11:40:19
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10. Extruding, triangulating, exporting.. and then spas / toons. i think last time i included the extruding / triangulating in meta under texturing? But i've decided to break it up this time. Basically, i add depth to parts of the outfit, manually turn quads into triangles on tricky sections (like shoulders and hips) so they're easier to rig. Basically getting it ready for pmx before i export it. Time elapsed : 12:45:23 (left is unextruded / mirrored, right is extruded with the mirroring fixed.)
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11. Rigging adjustments and physics ! Basically, used the weight transfer plugin to transfer the weight onto the outfit to match the base. I then cleaned the rig up and added bones / physics for parts that needed them. Time elapsed: 13:40:25
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12. Cleaned ! Honestly there wasn't much to do, since most of the cleaning (like renaming bones) carried over from Rin.
Total time elapsed: 13:41:56 !!
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Significantly less time than Rin, but that's honestly to be expected. Overall three days worth of work? Since I didn't. actually work on him much the first day.
I've also discovered that my models shoulders tend to disagree with game rip motions (which is why they look so. sharp. in the video), though i've noticed other models doing this as well.. it occurs since most motion rips don't use the rotate bones, but mine are made with those in mind. Kind of annoying, but maybe i can find a work around.
Final thoughts??? He might be my favorite original model right now honestly. I really like him. I might even distribute him and Rin, with expressions to remove their headphones and arm warmers.
Video Credits: Song: My Love Is Hellfire by SLAVE.V-V-R Len Cover: XZenvii Motion: anonRipper, Colorful Palette Scripts: TearlessHen, thtrandomlurker, minmode, skyth effects: おたもん, soboro, beammanp, 化身バレッタ, 呉石
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ahoge-fish · 1 year
Hello! I love your art and the way you draw Jotaro 👌 I was actually wondering if you could offer some tips on developing a JJBA OC? I'm working on creating one but am getting a bit hung up on writing her in a way that makes sense within the context of the Jojo universe, not to mention I'm trying to work out the mechanics of her stand. Are there any resources or things that helped you develop your OC? Thanks so much! Have a great day/night! :)
HIIIII!! Omg thank you so much for the complimeents I APPRECIATE THEM SO MUCH GNGNGNGBGNF💖💖💖💖💖💖
And of course! I can try >:3 because I express like shit HAHAHA
IMPORTANT! Everyone r e a d 🔫
There are gonna be some spoilers from part 3 to 6, but since Stone Ocean just came out and I'm pretty sure that people here already saw/read from part 3 to 5, I'll put a very visible warning just for Stone Ocean spoiler that may come. And I'll even use this type of font because peripherical vision can be a bitch sometimes HAHAHAHA But in case I warned you guys even for part 3 to 4 spoilers, then the risk to take is yours 👀👀👀👀
Also I'd like to make it clear that the things you guys are gonna read are based on my opinions, my likings, so you totally can also not agree with them and so you don't have to f o r c e f u l l y do what I've said :>
And NOW you can read the answer HAHAHA
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Welp, it's not that I've actually adapted her in the canon universe, because since I want it to be a happy world, a happy place for myself to have fun in I've changed some things in order to not make some characters die because I love them too much and it breaks my heart everytime realizing some characters are dead ;v; That's the thing I've changed and ofc I added my OCs so more things changed, but not in a way to change the original story line (I hope I've explained myself well HAHAHA)
OC strenght and fights
Aaaaaand a thing I would do (/do in my universe), is not making an OC too OP, because yes they are a protagonist for you, but the story told in the anime/manga is the canon protagonist's one so I kind of like wouldn't want to steal their spot light. (In fact when in DIU Josuke wasn't the one to kill Kira but was a FRICKING AMBULANCE TO DO THAT- and even Jotaro that gave him a final blow- I was like "nuuuu but Josuke- noooo", I mean he had his very cool figh with Kira but I still wanted to see him defeat the hand fetish man once and for all. But it was still a very cool ending don't get me wrong :3)
And since I want the protagonist to kill the main enemy AAND a happy ending for Stone Ocean, I made it happen in a way that was Jolyne that gave Pucci a final punch in order to kill him FUCK YOU BITCH
Your OC can of course help, but I wouldn't make them do important kills like killing DIO for example, or important kills for a character in general.
For example: your OC could defeat Blue Moon but I would avoid them defeating The Hanged Man since all what happened with Sherry, while Blue Moon just took Jotaro as his enemy and didn't serve for a character development. Yes, Jotaro unlocked Star Finger, but he still could do that and then your OC can give Blue Moon the final blow. What I want to say with that is that your OC can defeat a non important secondary villain, but always with the help of who was originally supposed to defeat them. So to not take their spot light. But then if an event that you decided to make happen don't let you do that then it's okay! I'd still make it in a way to make them fight together, it's just my personal opinion and I think a way to make your OC fit better in the JJBA universe :3
But then of course you want your OC to have THEIR fight alone (or with another character, but always that you OC is now the protagonist of this fight) so in this case I'd create an enemy stand just for them to defeat ;)
Having always in mind the "not making your OC too OP", in making the stand you can go WILD. You could use some facts about anything that you know and like to create it! I used the ones I know to create my OC Alexandra's stand Kubary Fighter! But you can also creating it depending on the role you want to give your OC in the group, thing I've did with my other OC Yanyu's stand Precious Memories :3
I don't have much to say on about creating a stand, because you can literally do anything HAHAHAHAHA But ye knowing little facts by being curious in life can be handy when doing those things :3 You can also search for them and getting informed about things of course
Also have in mind that a stand is the extension of one's soul, so you can start from thinking how your OC's mental state is to give their stand the right amount of power and durability, because then I think that the other stats depends on the ability you wanna give the stand :3
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OC design
For the designs, you can go CCCCCCCRAAAAZY with them as you can see from Araki's characters, *and they're very recognizable because he has his own way to make unique designs (we'll get to this later).
Each character has a very recognizable design, that isn't especially bizzare, but that has that one feature that makes their silouette recognizable (even without posing). Let's take our favourite french man Polnareff as an example: his clothes aren't as bizzare as Giorno's for example, they're pretty simple (not basic, just simple for one of Araki's design). And so what makes his silouette recognizable? H I S H A I R!
Look at this
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You can 100% tell who is Polnareff from these two silouettes, and I'm sure you can even guess who is the other silouette even tho it is far more simple from Polnareff's. The thing is that it is still recognizable! So if you said Okuyasu then WOHOOOO he has a recognizable silouette!
You don't have to forcefully follow this rule, but it is a great help for character design because it makes people recognize and remember your OC a lot better!
Now, taking this *point, let's talk about how Araki's design are recognizable. It depends from character to character, but most of them don't necessarily have lots of accessories, but they sure have LOTS of details, and overall bizzare clothing. Take Jolyne's number one simp Anasui for example: his shirt (if we can call it that) doesn't make fucking sense HAHAHAHA His design is very cool tho, but what I want to say is that you don't see anywhere Anasui's shirt, it's unique and bizzare. I wouldn't count the foot prints on his shirt as accessories, because they're technically pockets, but they still serve as details for Anasui's design.
It's the details and shape of the clothes that you have to keep in mind, not the accessories. Of course you can add them to your OC's design, but I think you shouldn't give them as much priority as the shape of the clothes. I say that it would be better to do it that way, because this is the way the manority of JJBA character's design are. But then we have other characters that have lots of accessories, but the shape of their clothes is very simple.
Now we'll take our fave ocean man Jotaro as an example: his clothes are very simple, but the accessories he has give them its own personality and character. Because even the accessories are bizzare! I mean- look at his big ass golden chain, where else do you find a chain THAT big? No wonder his neck is so damn big, the boy has to walk straight in order to not fuck up his posture (even tho it is a little fucked up in the healthy way, but I love it so much because DAT PELVIS- MMMM), and the same goes for all of his pins in the other parts designs.
Now, I want you to take a look at these clothes
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Love them, beautiful, gorgeous, so edgy with lots if accessories, bbbbbut they personally don't give that JJBA vibe. Why? Because the clothes have a normal shape and the accessories (even tho they're a lot and basically what makes the outfit pop) are not bizzare.
And now, I want you to look at THESE clothes
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The shape of them are very unusual, a thing that you would only see at fashion shows, but that you would see in the streets in the JJBA universe.
Now, look at THESE accessories
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I hope I made the difference clear, because I don't hate on the ones that make their JJBA OC wear that edgy outfit with lots of chains, I just personally don't think they give that JJBA vibe.
And with colors too, go crazy with them BUT!! Keep in mind color theory
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My personal favourite are the complementary and split complementary theory, but you of course can use the one you like the most!
Also this could help too with the skin color 👀
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I followed it for my OC Yanyu, but I didn't for my OC Alexandra, because as some of you know her main colors are turquoise and orange, but her skin tone is more of a pinkish one and as you can see on the turquoise and orange skin colors, they are more of a yellowish one. As I said, you don't have to forcefully follow these things! They are tips not rules, so you can do what you think for you is the best, because afterall the OC is yours :3
All of this design talk obv goes for the stand too :3 That can be literally anything, like- even a talking shopping cart made out of noodles with donuts that replace the wheels *w h e e z e*
Also I'd have in mind the part you want your OC to be in, because part 3 designs are more simple than for example part 5 designs, so that you can avoid making your OC feel like out of place (This goes for the stand users and not for the stands).
Aaaand that's all I think! I really hope that I've managed to explain things in an understandable way and that the things I've said can help you create your OC :3 I wish you a great day/night too! 💖💖💖💖💖💖
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charliecharmeleon · 5 months
tagged by @wednesdaytoo (technically) for 15 questions + 15 friends (but idt i even have 15 active mutuals so um. ur tagged if u want 😭
1. Are you named after anyone?
my parents have never admitted it but i have a Strong suspicion my birthname came from a certain female action character in a certain popular action film that came out right before i was born LOL. as far as my chosen name.. chuckie from da rugrats
2. When was the last time you cried?
uhhh like 4 days ago when i watched Willard (2003) when (spoilers) socrates the rat is killed even though i KNEW it was going to happen bc i have already seen the original willard film from the 70's so like. idiot fool who cries over fictional rats
3. Do you have kids?
no and i dont want any lol
4. What sports do you play/have played?
never played any organized sports but i liked to play baseball when i was little
5. Do you use sarcasm?
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
the way they look.... so sorry
7. What's your eye color?
hazel. the part around my pupils is brown and the rest is a foresty green
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
both, either, neither, i watch a lot. mostly scary i suppose
9. Any talents?
ummmm i can draw ok. straining my brain to try to think of anything else and i cannot unfortunately
10. Where were you born?
in a hospital (california)
11. What are your hobbies?
watch movie collect movie play video game go to thrift store eat the plainest snacks known to man
12. Do you have any pets?
nop but theres 4 animals in this house im fine
13. How tall are you?
5'6.5" or 168 cm!
14. Favorite subject in school?
i enjoyed english a lot tbh. also i had a forensics class in high school that was fun but that was half because karsen would just show up half the time even though she did not have that class. i liked lunch i liked hanging out w friends
in college i liked my gender studies classes and sociology classes. i had a couple media classes that were specifically focused on gender+race and those were cool. had a class called diverse genders and sexualities and that was dope as a baby gaytrans still learning
15. Dream job?
i dont think i have one =_= i want to be a devoted house husband TBH!!!!! but also ive been curious about horror movie makeup/effects for a long time but have 0 knowledge or experience
ty for reading goodnight
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onyxalsolikesart · 10 months
update for a few art related things that i don't think anyone really cares about
1. went to the cinema 2 hours before a screening so that i could secure my ticket - wait for 2 hours - watch the movie. i took my sketchbook in my bag, just in case i get drawing urges while waiting. i didn't. but i did get thirst urges and got a cold water bottle. didn't finish it and put it in my bag. half way through the movie i stick my hand in my bag and my sketchbook is soaked.
the poor guy is still recovering and the paper is wavy. (this happened 3 days ago. i am too scared to open it and look at the damage)
so i'm INCREDIBLY thankful that i take pics of my work to post it here
pray for sketchy okay 👍
2. still procrastinating on that birthday gift i was supposed to draw. it was for a week ago. i still haven't given that person their gift. i feel extremely horrible and private circumstances about this person and my relationship with them make the guilt worse. I just am not doing it and i don't understand why. i mean i have the time to watch barbie and hang out on tumblr. i don't know what's wrong with me. (this procrastination problem has been an extreme issue in my school/uni life as well. i am actively struggling and hoping i can get that fixed soon)
3. i made a commitment to a bunch of people on here for drawing requests - and still feel extremely horrible that i haven't finished any of them. i've done a few sketches for a couple of the requests and the guilt for that is also actively building up in my chest. i want to apologize to every one of you who have made a request and i don't know wether to give up and accept that i'm extremely unreliable or just make these people wait again. i can't seem to start and i don't know what's wrong with me.
4. any of you guys have advice for whatever procrastination-to-literal-no-productivity-at-all issues i have??? i feel like i'm begging for pity or attention but i promise i'm not this is like. a big problem in my life
5. also want to apologize for thinking i would NEVER procrastinate on drawing as an "ARTIST" who LOVES DRAWING SO MUCH. i thought this was just an issue with things i didn't want to do/most people don't like to do. like study for exams/homework/etc
i still knew my problem and overestimated myself and underestimated the power of whatever bullshit's in my head.
literally just tell me if you're willing to wait and see if i am capable of picking up a pen or if you just prefer giving up on it in case it takes too long
i genuinely really like all your requests and was genuinely interested in making them and i loved your ocs and your designs and your backstories that's not what this is about i swear
umm and uh
6. i have fanart and original ideas i also can't bring myself to start. like a spidersona, a barbiesona, character designing on new additions to my ocs, etc
i am in a server with friends and i see their work and just disintegrate because their spidersonas are so cool and they're friends and i have an idea for one but i just. literally let that inner saboteur (as mama ru would say) stop me from participating and stop feeling excluded
so in conclusion here is my list of art things i gotta do
- do the late birthday gift
- do the requests
- buy a new sketchbook...
- character work
- the sonas
- overdue fanart ideas
if you have any advice or any insight/input/personal experience with all of this let me know
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shynetyme06 · 11 months
1 - 23 :3
cracks knuckles okay
1. how would you describe your art style? uhhhhhhhh, maybe "safe" is the word rn. whenever I think of my art style, what comes to mind is just how little I've been pushing things with it. I wanna change that ;D
2. what's your favorite thing about your style? I realize I like to use semi-realistic proportions, its cool how comfortable I've gotten with drawing faces and bodies
3. what's your least favorite thing about your style? It's so static man. same thing I said for the first question, I don't think anything really looks bad, but it just is lacking in creativity in comparison to the older art that should be looking worse than what I do now. I prefer my older stuff ;D (looking at you inktobertale2021.. where did it all go wrong)
4. favorite thing to draw? regular ol people. human characters are def more in my comfort zone, which explains why I keep hitting skeletons with the humanization ray (also I prefer to draw feminine characters)
5. least favorite thing to draw? I can't even say I rlly dislike it cuz of how rarely I even do it, but I am procrastinating so hard on learning backgrounds..
6. warm colors or cool colors? cool colors are my fav, but i find it easier to work with warm ones (I used to put a cool overlay over all my warm toned drawings hgdhfg)
7. show us a WIP behold, the wip ever. this drawing... was supposed to be posted on august 2022. and then, it was supposed to be posted on dec 21st, dream and nightmares birthday. (atp if I do end up wanting to finish this idea again, I'll probably just scrap it and start over)
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8. what's the most fun and least fun parts about your process? most fun is flat color and rendering. (though I rarely do the latter anymore) and for least fun, tbh a lot of the sketching part tends to be difficult for me, sometimes its cool tho
9. show us a finished piece alongside the original sketch example from when sketching was fun
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10. how many different sketches do you usually have until your piece is finished? I think I do need to make more of at least thumbnail sketches tbh.. I usually just make one and keep editing it, trusting the process. (and that fails like 70% of the time. woww wonder why sketching isnt fun for me-) 11. show us the last thing you drew, be it a finished piece or a small doodle can this count,,
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12. show us an old drawing first deltarune drawing. here's the redraw I later made of this :3 (also old hsgdhgf)
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13. how long do you usually take one a piece? depends. I'll have like 276478923 wips started, and then I get a random idea that I just have to do right at that moment, and I'll get it done in like 1-4 hours. meanwhile old sketches start to rot and maybe if its lucky I'll revisit it before my motivation dies and my style is too different to wanna continue from where I left off 14. digital or traditional? digital all the way, i've gotten too dependent on the transform tool + liquefy ;D (and many other things tbh but I'd be here all day if I tried comparing them more jhdjdf)
15. if digital, what program do you use? procreate, the layouts on other drawing programs scare me
16. favorite media to work with when drawing traditionally pen on paper (am I understanding this right wdym media-)
17. what do you love getting compliments about? I like when people enjoy the humanizations I come up with, and also original designs in general 18. are you satisfied with the attention your art usually gets? hmmm yeah
19. how often do you draw? very often, I just don't have finished things to share most days
20. a piece from this year that you're really proud of :3
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21. something you would like to improve on the dynamicness (well, the lack of it) of everything, as said before
22. what inspires you? Ink sans and a ton of creators in this fandom (also animated shows and movies, I love animation)
23. what's something you hope people notice when looking at your art? idk tbh, just notice it at all and I'm happy :>
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insecateur · 2 years
rating every lysandre tcg card illustrations so far and then ranking them
i’m putting this under a cut because it’s going to be long and have pictures but let’s go. i did this once on my private twitter account but there are more cards now. i will do them in chronological order and then rank them at the end
1. regular "lysandre”
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this is literally just his og ref in front of a wall. absolutely no shade to that his og ref is good and i never get tired of looking at it. i like that it looks like he’s just casually standing in a corner waiting for you like a jrpg mob. which i guess he is in a way. 
rating: 5/10. it does what it’s supposed to. were i able to tire of his og art i would rate this 4/10 for lack of originality but alas
2. full art “lysandre”
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this is it. the blueprint. the standard. this is the card all lysandre cards need to be compared to. i own this card three times and i carry one of them in my wallet. this is not a pokémon card this is my official id delivered to me by the government of france. everything about this illustration is perfect. there is nothing bad you could possibly say about it. his jaw. his nose. his big lips. the weird pointy shape of his ears. delightful.
rating: 11/10. truly no other card can compare. but we will try anyway.
3. regular “lysandre’s trump card”
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this has nothing to do with the illustration but to this day i still don’t understand why this card isn’t named “lysandre’s last resort.” it is absolutely his last resort and not his trump card. fuck you.
this illustration is good. if i had to trust someone to draw lysandre and ken sugimori was unavailable i would ask hitoshi ariga. the pose and framing are good. he’s ready to fight alongside his army of bees. i like the one that’s pointed at him and seems to be asking “is it time for us to feed father?” i also appreciate that both of his fists are clenched. 
rating: 8/10. hitoshi ariga gets it.
4. full art “lysandre’s trump card”
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i love this card for a reason which is not related to the card itself and it’s that it very obviously inspired guladari from pokéka and i’m very grateful for that. the concept of lysandre with yellow highlights in his hair is genius. anyway.
the pose is extremely good. the mood conveyed is on point. he is once again clenching his fist, as he should. i love his expression a lot, kind of a shame we can’t see his eyes but i know my man hitoshi ariga would have pulled it off. big fan of the highlights everywhere but especially on the hair and suit. and the burning background like the og full art. chef’s kiss.
rating: 9/10. maybe even 9,5 if i want to give half a point in honor of guladari’s impeccable design.
5. pikachu lysandre
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he is literally just a little guy. he’s just a little creacher. nothing he can do about it. this is obviously just promo art but i like it. the shapes are good, very slick. i love that they went with making the pikachu mimic the og art poses, it’s such a fun idea. his little frowny face is adorable. also this has nothing to do with the illustration but i like the first attack’s name.
rating: 5/10. he is just a little guy.
6. prism lysandre
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this is my second favorite tcg illustration of lysandre. what did i say about my man hitoshi ariga? i can trust him. he will pull it off. he knows what he’s doing. this is an extremely good lysandre. first of all he is smiling evilly, but not in an ugly way, which is commendable. the highlights are once again on point. he is doing an evil villain pose with his hand that shows off his ring. if you cannot see how this is the only lysandre illustration that can compare to the og full art i don’t even know what to say. i’m so delighted that hitoshi ariga has drawn him three times i hope that it’s because he likes him.
rating: 10/10. i would like to meet hitoshi ariga in real life and shake his hand.
7. pyroar
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“samifer this isn’t a lysandre card” he’s on it so it counts.
i REALLY LOVE this card. i love how lysandre is drawn on it. yes he is seen from afar but there is something very special about the choices that have been made in how to draw him. i like that his hair is a darker, redder color. i like the more angular shapes. the pose is also extremely good. he needs to stand with his legs spread this far because (redacted)
the background is also EXTREMELY nice. like genuinely. and of course pyroar is gorgeous even though we’re not rating pyroar cards i will still say this. mitsuhiro arita thank you for your service.
rating: 8/10. this is my windows profile pic. this has nothing to do with the rating i just wanted to say it.
8. regular “boss’s orders”
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what the fuck is this.
okay i’m being too mean it’s not THAT bad now that i’m looking at it again. honestly it’s kind of growing on me seeing it again for this ranking. why is his head so small though. also i hate when his beard is drawn like that.
good things about it: it displays how large he is very adequately. the pose is very nice, i like the hands although they are a bit small but it goes well with his small head i suppose. i like the big hair even if it only enhances the small head. 
rating: 3/10. he kind of looks like an alien ngl. sorry ryuta fuse.
9. full art “boss’s orders”
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i had a visceral negative reaction to this card when i first saw it but actually it’s largely fine. its biggest crime is making lysandre’s mouth Like That. what does he need such a big wide mouth for??? don’t answer that.
the pose is good! he is once again doing evil things with his left hand, as he deserves. i like the texture of the fur collar and i like how the hair and beard are drawn. honestly if it weren’t for the mouth this would probably be one of my favorite illustrations of him. :(
rating: 6/10. maybe 6,5 if i want to be generous. ruined by the mouth.
and that’se IT. that’s all the lysandre cards so far. honestly apart from one that i really don’t vibe with they’re all good so not much to complain about.
now for our ranking:
full art “lysandre”: absolutely cannot be beat. it’s perfect.
prism lysandre: my man hitoshi aruga at his best.
full art “lysandre’s last resort”: gave us guladari and also is just good.
regular “lysandre’s last resort”/pyroar: two very good cards with different vibes.
full art “boss’s orders”: please close your mouth.
regular “lysandre”/pikachu lysandre: just average but they do the job.
regular “boss’s orders”: why does he look like that tho
thank you for coming to my ted talk.
tl;dr hitoshi aruga please draw lysandre again ily
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(btw i really love man-sized, just finished it a couple days ago and AAAAAAAAA ITS SO GOOD I SWEAR!!!! LIKE MARRY ME PLEASE?!!?!)
Oh my goodness. You must be what they call a pookie 😘❤️ (I will marry you or adopt you, there's no middle ground.)
Thank you so much, you're making me blush!
I'm probably not the best person to give advice because I don't really know what's going on with my writing… It's a godawful mess. But I'll try!
So, writing tips under the cut ->
1. This might be boring and said a 100 times before, but... Show, don't tell! Obviously, I break this rule all the time when I go inside my character's head and explain how they feel and not just what they see, smell, hear, and touch. But if you're writing angst or fluff like I am, I'd say you must go inside the skin to dig into the character. (Also, f* the rules 😇)
2. If you don't know where to start, start with the dialogue. Even if it's just 4-10 sentences per scene. Then you can fill the gaps with some action, emotion/sensation and worldbuilding. But dialogue is actually the heart of your story and it creates some of the best tension; treat it with respect! Also: less is more with dialogue. Not always... but usually is.
3. Write from your own experience. We all have something to draw from, even if it's something as simple as how it feels to skinny dip in a cold lake. Or a hot bathtub. How does it feel to wake up from a nightmare or kiss someone you love? Like, truly feel? Don't tone it down!
4. If you want to sound more poetic, use metaphors and symbols and mythology. If you want to sound original, use history and culture and simply anything you have up your sleeve. All the "useless" knowledge: bring it on baby! When used sparingly, these can add to the depth of your storytelling.
5. Sculpt the paragraphs, then focus on the sentences, then hone single words. Whip out a goddamn dictionary. Search synonyms online (Thesaurus etc). Work with the words until they sound right for the story you wish to tell. Choose words that are most "alive" in your story's context, words that inspire feeling and stir emotion.
6. Read your story out loud or at least inside your head. That way you'll notice the errors and can fix the flow and rhythm of the story. Everyone loves a well-paced story! Sometimes just moving a sentence to a different paragraph or deleting it entirely can resolve an issue.
7. If you write a long fic, establish a core problem in the first chapter and remember to solve it before the story ends. For example in Man-sized, I presented an issue of trust. It was heavily inspired by my own lack of trust in men and the fear of getting played. Again, don't be afraid to draw from your own experience!
8. Music can help set the mood and bring out your creative flow. I have numerous playlists for writing or create a new one for the particular story in mind. If I want to write some heavyweight yearning, I'll blast some heavyweight yearning songs while I write. I don't know if this works for everybody; some people might need silence and space for creating.
9. The most important tip: WRITE FOR YOURSELF. Write the difficult, the overwhelming, the taboo. Write the most self-indulgent, shmexy scene ever! Or the fluffiest meet-cute that puts a smile on your face.
And if you're one of those writers who are not happy with their writing... write some more. Play with it, just don't give a shit. Let the inner demons give you courage and inspiration. Write about how shitty it feels to feel inadequate. You might find you just wrote some good poetry on suffering.
It's always better to write from love and joy instead of fear and shame – besides, life is too damn short to feel ashamed! Live a little and enjoy what you do, let writing be your escape. It's supposed to be a shelter where you can flee to when life is dull and hard and unfair. If other people's writing inspires you to write, then read. If other people's writing puts you down, save yourself some heartache and don't engage: just mind your own business and do your own thing.
Hope you found some of these tips helpful 💕 Much love 🩷💋 and happy, reckless writing!
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astralartefact · 6 months
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My Entry for the DOD3 10th Anniversary Countdown! featuring Five P. Sullivan and uncensored Four Wazowski
I had a lot of fun with the process so I put together some of my sketches and thoughts below the cut!
I still wonder if we would have gotten a promotional Intoner Idol Unit if DoD3 came out a few years later... Because the Intoners are definitely at least Idol-adjacent (i know i know they're directly based on Madoka so it's actually a magical girl thing - trust me, i know) but those purely promotional short lived Idol Units (like in Girlish Number if anybody remembers that anime) weren't really a thing until years later... Were we robbed...? I mean SaitoP probably would have just had Gems Company do it so who knows.
But also I think in that case they might actually have went with the original DoD4 Pitch so they could make the intoners an actual Idol Unit in-game and tie it more directly into the story... (I still would love to see what the DoD4 pitch would have looked like in practice. really keeps me up at night.)
Anyways. All that to say that's why they're an Idol Unit.
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Since I love when Idol Albums go hard on a theme I decided on a parade/marching band theme relatively quickly in the spirit of commemorating and celebrating this milestone. The outfit designs are heavily inspired by X's outfit from Caligula 2. Which I haven't played but the music is good. (Also, Zero's thing is supposed to be a whistle nestled in a flower not the Pokémon Glimmet)
Also I made Idol signatures for them bc that's my secret passion
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Btw I'm not really into the -zaka46s of the Idol World but I was really tempted to just redraw some of the Sakurazaka Covers for this because some of those (specifically some of the alternate Nobody's Fault and Ban covers) are very Drakengard 3 coded.
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Because those also always seem to have at least 5 alternates for the same release I was also thinking about doing 2 additional alternate covers (the one above was originally going to be an alternate just with 5+4+1=10) and i even sketched an idea i had for the original main one out:
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but i don't know, i don't hate it, but i didn't feel it either. Maybe it was the horrible realization that i would have to draw multiple instruments, maybe it was how badly I fucked up one's arm in the sketch but I just... didn't want to continue it so I changed plans and ended up with what you saw above.
Btw I wanted to Mike Wazowski Four from the very beginning that was going to happen regardless because that's a) what she deserves and 2) it was Five's day and that's exactly what Five would dol!!! Like I love Four, she's one of my favorite Intoners, but you always have to portray Four at least a little bit pathetic. That's her entire thing! (I think it ended up looking more like I'm holding her face hostage until 19/12 like it's an patreon exclusive instead of looking like one of those stickers japanese cd packaging often have, but eh I still think it's funny)
I also think Utahime 5 is a better sounding name than Utahime 6 but I crumbled to the pressure of knowing that somebody would complain about it.
Anyways. The inspiration for the version I arrived at was actually Bish's Zutto Music Video (specifically the shot at 2:46) and wouldn't you know it Bish is also pretty Drakengard 3 coded and since I love that shot and it's kind of Five's vibe especially with the Yellow Shopping Cart I just based the entire thing on it - it just fit an album with her as the center really well and if there is one thing that I like more than out there themes for an Idol Album/Single it's when they also have out there centers - so I guess I got lucky getting Day 5 so I had even more reason to center this piece around Five!
Anyways, Happy 10th Birthday Drakengard 3! I love you <3 Thanks to the other artist for their great works (it's been great waking up and seeing 2 new pieces of DoD3 Art every day!!!) and of course also to the organizers of the Countdown for doing the hard work of putting this together!!! Also, I love these girls. I do think about them more often that I should, even after all of these years.
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