#dettlaff van der eretein x reader
cosmos-coma · 1 year
Blood and Vengeance - Part 1
A/N: I've had this story saved in my drafts for a while now and i think about it every dang day so here it is! Finally!
Pairing: Dettlaff x Reader
Words: 1332
Summary: You answer an ad for a housekeeping job at the estate of the two new mysterious visitors in town, despite strange rumors circulating around town you know the pay makes it well worth it. However, when you arrive it seems to be part housekeeping and part "nanny" as you're tasked with getting the dark-brooding Dettlaff used to humans. surely this will go smoothly, right?
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7| Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 (Final)
Your town had always been a sleepy place as far as you could remember. Small markets, rarely any visitors, and relatively little commotion as far as you were concerned; but maybe that's what attracted the two mysterious men to your tiny town. 
Word of their arrival spread quickly and quietly through the streets of the town, warping the way all rumors do. Some said they just seemed like two standard rich men. One was pleasant, always carrying a bag of herbs and odd-smelling concoctions, and the other didn’t seem to like anyone and was strangely intense for such a quiet man. However, in no time those rumors faded out, instead replaced by speculation of criminal pasts, and fake identities- some even went so far as to swear they had seen them turn into bats when the veil of night fell.
Either direction the rumors went you found yourself growing more and more curious the longer you stared at the posted ad on the noticeboard. 
It said they were looking for a few workers; mostly gardeners and people to help renovate- neither of which you knew how to do well enough, but you did think you could settle into the housekeeping role well. It looked like it paid nicely and you’d get to have a room at the manor as well. It was bound to be long hours and being on call at a moment's notice, but soon enough you should be able to save up a small fortune and live your life quietly on your own time. 
You nodded, determined in your decision, and went straight there to apply, despite the way your nerves grew with each step. 
As you walked up to the estate It’s multiple levels loomed over you and blocked out the low-hanging sun. You pushed open the iron-wrought gate which creaked with age as you closed it behind you and walked through the freshly tilled gardens. The home had been worn by decades of neglect and paint flecked off in patches here and there revealing an older color underneath. 
“I guess they must’ve already found gardeners” you commented as you made your way up to the door. A deep breath steadied your nerves long enough to lift the heavy door knocker, clacking it against the old wood twice. 
It was quiet for a short while before the sound of footsteps suddenly came from behind the door as it was pulled open with ease by an older-looking gentleman. His hair and sideburns were a sooty gray and his eyes held bags beneath them that betrayed the exhaustion his pleasant smile tried to hide. “Ah, you must be here to apply for one of the posted jobs?” He held his hand out for you to shake. “Emiel Regis, it’s a pleasure.” 
You put on your best smile, shaking his hand as you introduced yourself, “Yes, um- I was hoping the housekeeping position was still open..?”
An amusing thought seemed to cross him as he glanced you over once more, barely noticeable if you weren’t watching. He nodded and ushered you in right away, into the darkened entryway. “Of course. Come in, come in- I might as well show you around if you're going to be working here,” he said, leading the way.
Two large staircases curved their way out and upward and met at the next level. Rugs lined each step and the hallway before you, worn to a small degree but mostly dulled with dirt, dust, and age. The wood lining the walls could use a layer of polish, but you were surprised to see what decent shape the interior was in. 
Mostly the interior just showed aging, from the dimmed dirty windows to the cobwebs in the corners. “You’ll have to pardon the mess while we get everything put back to its former glory. The house Is big, but please don’t let it become daunting to you. I-” He paused his steps and his words to listen to the quiet house for a moment before he continued. 
“Well if I have to be frank. This job is in part a regular housekeeping job, I assure you. But it is also because I would like to have someone to keep an eye on my dear friend Dettlaff.” He said, glancing back at you before he continued giving you a tour of the house. “I-I promise it’s nothing strange. Ah- but that probably only made it sound stranger, didn’t it?” 
“Very much so..” you replied, laughing lightly, but still holding your satchel close as you went from room to room. A few of the rooms were more finished than the others- the bedrooms and the kitchens for example- others seemed to be more of storage for extra materials. 
“I apologize… I had no intention of making you feel uncomfortable. It’s just- Well, how do I put this… Dettlaff is not good with people. At all.” Regis huffed in mild annoyance. Because Dettlaff was such a good friend, Regis could only acknowledge his shortcomings for what they were. Dangerous liabilities. “He feels far too much, but I think small introductions could be good for him; someone who can pepper him with how people work socially” He further explained, waving a hand of his with nails that were just a bit longer than normal. 
This was all starting to get a little bit weird… but you still couldn't deny this kind of pay, plus room and board. “So you want me to be a sort of… glorified nanny for your friend?” You asked, increasing your pace to step side by side with the older man.
“Well, when you put it like that…” he began to mumble, but you quickly interjected. 
“I’ll do it. When can I start?” you stepped in front of him and held out your hand to shake on it, causing the older man to stop short and raise his eyebrows in surprise.
“My, my… you certainly seem like a rather tenacious creature, don’t you? Though I think that could prove you well in dealing with him…” He smiled that friendly smile again and shook your hand. “If you’re up to it you can start tomorrow. I’ll create a list of daily duties and It’ll be waiting for you in the room we’ve set aside for you. We can discuss your pay after your first day, does that arrangement work for you miss Y/n?” He asked, looking at you with nothing but an earnest expression and kind eyes. 
You smiled as you nodded, hefting your bag further up on your shoulder as you were led back to the front door and seen off by the older man. 
You were quiet on your walk home, quickly scampering through the streets before the sun fully fell and the more malicious folks came out for the evening. As soon as the door clicked closed you shouted in excitement and did a little dance. You weren’t even a hundred percent sure where all the confidence had come from, but you didn’t care! A huge grin spread across your face as you breathed a sigh of relief. 
“Oh, shit, I’ve got to get packing…” you thought aloud as you sprung yourself up and began pulling things together. For once you were thankful that you had only been renting in this little town. It felt like ages ago that you had walked away from your childhood home to try and make a life for yourself and for once it seemed to actually be working out. You didn’t have too much to pack up, mostly books, clothes, and a few little knickknacks you had picked up over the years, but each one held a small special place with you. 
A small smile painted on your expression as you put the last of your things away in a bag and gave the old place one last look around. 
Tomorrow would change the trajectory of the rest of your life for you, you could feel it. And you had never been more ready. 
Taglist: @writingmysanity @open--till--midnight (thought you might like to be tagged in this!)
Wanna be added to a certian taglist? DM me to Let me know!
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ineffable-omen · 2 years
dett x reader fics can be about what happened after BoW events. You can write about how love is bigger than fear from vampires,or when dett save reader from bandits and the relationships begin. I always imagine Dettlaff would met someone in this way. Or the fic that dett never met syanna in metinna instead he met girl who truly love him. Our vampire going to brothel is also good idea. Hope I gave some ideas X3
That does sound interesting... shall start now!
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queenxxxsupreme · 2 years
can i request a dettlaff with another higher vampire? maybe they're friends with regis and/or geralt? thank you!
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A/N: These both literally were sent in in 2020 but I was keeping them because I love them and I love Dettlaff and I knew they’d be used one day 🤡🤡 I’m a terrible writer lmao I did change it up just a little but I hope it’s okay! and I um hope the two who sent these in are still around.... cause yeah 2 years.... 
Warnings: none, fluffy
The Rosemary and Thyme was rambunctious and lively as bards sang and performers dance for the crowd. Every table was crammed full and there was a large group of people dancing closer to the stage. 
You were squeezed onto a bench between Dettlaff and Geralt. You were trying your best to contain your excitement, but it was quite difficult. Every now and then, you would find yourself clapping along with the music or even dancing in your seat. Being that the bench you were on was crowded, nearly every movement you made had you bumping into either Geralt or Dettlaff.
“You should go up there to dance, Y/N.” Geralt suggested, nodding to the crowd at the front of the room. 
“You’re sittin’ there squirmin’ like you’ve got ants in your trousers.” Zoltan commented from across the table. 
“It’s not often that I get to come to events like these.” You explained. “Dettlaff doesn’t enjoy them.”
“He looks like he’s being tortured. The poor sap.” Zoltan shifted his gaze to the higher vampire. 
You turned your head to look at your husband. 
He wasn’t paying a bit of attention to the bards or the performers. The look that was on his face screamed displeasure and discontent. 
“Geralt is right, Y/N.” Regis spoke from the other side of Dettlaff. “You should go dance. You would enjoy it.”
“I would only go if someone joins me.”
Dettlaff could feel your eyes on him. 
He shook his head, bringing his hand up to pinch the bridge of his nose. 
“My heart–,”
“It would just be for a few minutes, Dettlaff.”
“And in those few minutes, I would make a fool of myself dancing to this kind of music.”
“Always dramatic, Dettlaff, my love.” You rubbed his arm with a little smile. 
A couple minutes later, Priscilla was making her way on to the stage. 
You began to cheer for your friend and even going as far as to stand up as you clapped.
“Dettlaff, look!”
“I see who it is, my dear.”
“Clap for her, Dettlaff!”
“Darling, our beloved Dettlaff is an old soul.” Regis put his hand on Dettlaff’s arm. “In every sense of the word.”
You returned to your seat, smoothing out your skirt and then taking a sip of your drink.
“What does that make us?” You raised a brow with a little grin. 
“Young and lively, of course. While Dettlaff lives up to his age, we will never be older than one-hundred-and-twenty.”
“I like the sound of that.” You giggled. 
The night seemed to be over far too soon. You enjoyed the time spent with friends. Stories and drinks were shared, and there were many laughs. 
After parting ways with everyone, you and Dettlaff began to walk by yourselves towards the inn you would be staying at. 
With your arm hooked around his elbow, you leaned against him. 
“Did you enjoy tonight?” You looked over at him. 
“I always enjoy my nights spent with you.” He smiled tenderly at you. “Did you?”
“I had a fantastic evening.” You nodded. “The only thing that would have made it better would have been dancing with my husband.”
“Well, I don’t think that is something I can help you with.” He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “You know very well I don’t dance, especially not to that music.”
“You are so picky about what music you dance to.” You came to a stop and made him turn to face you. “I guess I will have to employ an orchestra from Toussaint to follow us around so that you will dance with me whenever I please.”
“Oh, I don’t think that is how that works.”
“Why not?” You giggled. “If I make sure we have the right music, why can’t we dance?”
“I only dance for you and you alone, my heart.”
“You really know how to charm me, don’t you?”
“I’ve had plenty of time to learn.” Large hands slipped around your waist and drew you in closer to him. 
“We need to do this more often.” You kissed his cheek and then his lips. “Once a week.”
“I think once a decade is enough for me.”
“Oh, Dettlaff!” You groaned, pulling away from him to continue walking down the street. “You really are an old soul.”
“I know, my heart.”
Taglist: @samuraigrl89 @burningcoffeetimetravel @open--till--midnight @beautifulsweetschaos @gm_abbo @thefirelordm @here4thespice @many-fandoms-lover @one-eyed-captain-kinky @sparrowsparadise @bluscryn @blushingskywalker @buckysxgal @lady-of-glass-and-bone @super-calithehamm @invelda @eddyofthetruth @hc-geralt-23 @persephonehemingway @adhdhufflepuff @Purple-Tsuki @bitquirkydoe
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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imaginethewitcher · 6 years
Hey, love! I'm running out of ideas about how to phrase those requests! Pls forgive me. Anyway, could you give us some hcs about how Dettlaff, Dandelion, Geralt, Iris and Philippa would try to get their s/o to get up in the morning? S/o doesn't want to get up. Just like me! But maybe they have to bc of idk. Sth!
This requests fits actually ver well, because I need to get up early tomorrow. I really wouldn’t mind, if Philippa or Iris would wake me up.
Wakesyou up with the sound of his lute and his singing voice
Knowsand tells you every saying about waking up early in the morning
Hedoesn’t want to awake you by being loud, so he whispers in your ear that youneed to get up
Helpsyou to get up and carries you in his arms
Bringsyou a cup of fresh strong coffee
Rousesyou by shaking your shoulder
Mightuse Axii, if he has to or announces it at least
Luresyou out of bed with a special breakfast consisting of your favourite food
Selectssome nice clothes for you and tells you how dazzling you would look in them andthat you need to get up to try them on
Shakesyou gently and whispers that you need to get up
Jokesto turn you into a frog, if you don’t wake up
Whenyou need too long to get out of bed, she will cast little rain clouds over you
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adeliniel · 2 years
SFW alphabet | Dettlaff
Yes, I do write not only LOTR things, but some others as well.
Enjoy and have a nice day^^
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) 
Dettlaff feels everything deeper than we, humans, so it must be said that his affection is really strong. It grows slowly, cause he questions all of his feelings toward you.
It makes him feel completely vulnerable, seeing you watching him, and at first he ignores you a little rudely. Later he changed the way he interacted with you to something more warm and polite, and it became the point of no return.
B = Body (Their favorite body part of their partner, why? Do they like touch?) 
Shoulders line. Considering Beauclair's fashion on closed dresses, Dettlaff finds this part of your body very intimate to show. And it feels very precious to be able to touch you there, kiss soft skin on your sharp bones.
C = Courtship (What do they do to take your attention?) 
Doesn't really want to take your attention. He prefers to stay in the shadows and watch, waiting if you would notice him or not. Being sure that you like him back makes him more confident - he'll come to talk with you, share a meal or drink, escort you on a journey to the nearby city - having no other thoughts that make you feel comfortable around him.
D = Domestic (Are they the type to settle down with you? Are they willing to help with chores? What is your daily routine with them?) 
He doesn't have a real understanding of what home really is. Dettlaff thinks about it as a place where you can sleep or wait out the danger. At this point he doesn't care about having one special place to stay.  It'll take a lot of time for him to get used to what home really is, not without your help, of course.  
E = Espousal (Do they want to marry you eventually? Who proposes to who?) 
Believes you're his forever from the moment you became lovers. Doesn't really get the concept of marriage, because for him it changes nothing in his attitude - he loves you and only this makes sense. May agree to the ceremony, if you explain why this is so important to you, but definitely won't be that one who proposed.
F = Fragile (How protective are they of you? If they are, how do they show this?) 
Extremely protective, sometimes even too much. Rarely does it feel like he's making a bubble around you, so no one and nothing could hurt you. Vampires do not die in the usual sense, but live, knowing he couldn't protect you, seems much worse to him. Dettlaff does everything he could and even more for you to still be safe.
G = Gifts (What type of gifts do they give their s/o? Do they like receiving gifts?)
It could be both usual gifts, popular in the human world, and something crazy, that he finds suitable for the occasion. Has an explanation for why he chose this or that to give to you, but what really makes him happy is when you see right through and understand the meaning of the gift by yourself.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) 
He'd like to say that he is not a hug-lover, but the point is he's just not used to it. The more you hug him, the more he likes it. If it started as some awkward friend hugs, soon it'll evolve to more passionate and tight hugs. For now he could really spend an hour or two lying down and hugging you.
I = Intimacy (How romantic are they? Do they have problems with intimacy?)  
Intimacy and romance are hard things for Dettlaff. He has no need for such, and barely catches the right mood. But the closer you get, the more intimate he will become. Bare sex changes to making love, usual meetings in the town become something more like dates, his words and action appear more and more dedicated to you and express his real feelings. He opens his heart, and it is priceless.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He has a big feeling of possessiveness. Despite he considers you as a part of his pack, Dettlaff has no intentions of sharing you with anybody. He gets truly aggressive when jealous, but the most difficult thing is that his jealousy sometimes is indeed unfounded. He is not good at understanding people's ways of communication and it happens that he perceives someone's good manners for flirting.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?) 
Most of Dettlaff’s kisses are passionate and wild. It feels like you're walking on a knife blade. Sometimes he bites your lips to blood, unintentionally, and it feels dangerous and exciting at the same time. But on those rare (well, not really rare) occasions, when you kiss him first, he froses for a moment and then answers softly and gently, maintaining your path.
L = Love language (What’s their love language?) 
Attention and actions. If Dettlaff is in love - he is fully dedicated to his partner. All his thoughts and actions are aimed at his beloved one. He notices every change, every little detail, and he remembers all of them. Actions mean more than words, but before acting he wants to be sure he knows how to do it properly.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) 
Depends on whether he spends the night with you or not. If yes, he'd probably wait until you wake up, looking at your face, touching your hair or tracing his fingertips on your bare shoulders.
If not, he'll wait for you somewhere around the house, smirking at your sleepy look and gladly responding to your morning hugs.
N = Nicknames (What do they call you? What do you call them?)
Doesn't use them and simply call you by the name. And for very rare occasions may use "Love". Similarly isn't very fond of hearing different nicknames towards himself, but secretly loves that time, when you couldn't remember his name and used to call him "Mister Vampire".
O = Overture (How did everything start?) 
First he saw you some years after his Beauclair "adventure". He was living quietly, hiding in a small village near the mountains, when you came there to visit your friends. Dettlaff followed you back to Beauclair, attracted by curiosity he never expected to feel towards the human world again.
P = Pace (Are they fast-paced in a relationship? Or do they like to take things slow?) 
Unexpectedly, he really hurries into a relationship. Because Dettlaff feels everything very deeply, his feelings overwhelm him, and he just couldn't resist his urgent need to speed up the events. He barely touches your hand, but blood already rushes through his veins, making him want to grab you in his arms and never let go.
Q = Queen/King (Who takes the initiative in relationships?)
It could be said that you take the initiative equally. Sometimes it's him who leads, other times it's your turn to reveal your wishes and be the one who takes responsibility. Everything is fine while you listen to one another.
R = Remembrance (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?) 
That day when you first stayed for the night together somewhere in the little house in the mountains. Staring at the stars, drinking wine, talking about something funny and noncenless... That felt so surreal, so unbelievable, and yet that was so true.  
S = Salvage (What issues does this relationship help him to cope with?) 
From the very start your relationship helps him with his total distrust of people. Humans lied to him and betrayed him many times, so he didn't expect to give them any other chance. But here he is, trying to learn how to live with people around, trying to join your circle of friends.
T = Tiny (How are they around children?)
That fact that he voluntarily worked as a toy maker in Beauclair says that at least he is not against children. Is not a type who wants his own children but will not be against if one or two orphans would be around.
U = Ulterior (What’s their secret?) 
Dettlaff would never admit it, even under the threat of death, but he likes when you scratch his back. Especially when during this he could embrace you.
V = Vulnerable (How long until they can be vulnerable around their s/o? What are they like in this state?) 
He is quick enough with the relations, but it takes really a lot of time for him to be able to reveal what's on his mind. Most of the time he takes time for your problems and needs, neglecting his own. And it means so much when you sit next to him, take his pale cold palms to yours and make him speak, listen to everything he wants to whisper to you, either it's words of love or his biggest fear.
W = Wound (How do they feel about exposing their scars/injuries?) 
As a vampire Dettlaff has great regeneration skills, so he doesn't get scars or so. And all of the injuries heal really quick on him. Only the one time you saw him wounded - when some other vampire pierced him with his claws. You lost consciousness, being scared to death by that picture. He swore that never again he would let you see anything like that.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon about your relationship) 
He finds it cute when you get a little drunk. It's mostly impossible for a vampire to feel intoxicated, but humans do get drunk, and it seems funny for him. Seeing you smiling more than usual and how your cheeks become red, excites him a lot.
Y = Yearning (How well do they cope when their SO isn’t with them?) 
He panics. Your absence makes him so nervous that he can't concentrate on anything. Even if you let him know that you'd be gone for some time, he will hastily pacing around the room, waiting for your comeback. There were a couple of times when he tried to follow you, but when you asked for some time to be alone, Dettlaff tries his best to stay away and not bother you.
Z = Zzz (How are nights spent with them?) 
Vampires don't need to sleep, actually, so at first he just said "Good night" to you and left you alone, then wandering around the house till morning. Yet sometimes you fell asleep on his chest or laps and he could stay still all night just to let you sleep. Still strange to him, but he likes it when you say that it's too cold or too scary to sleep alone, and he can legally stay in your bed. 
Thank you for reading!
You can find more of my writings right here
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geraltgwynbleidd · 2 years
Today's not your day, Dettlaff 🐺
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witcher-fam · 2 years
Two higher vampires and a young human woman made for quite an unlikely pack, indeed - but you, Dettlaff, and Regis would have it no other way.
As fate would have it, it is that bond of friendship that may end up saving not only Beauclair, but also the two vampires themselves.
The story of how you, Dettlaff, and Regis forge an unbreakable bond of friendship and family - and how this bond is nurtured and tested over time.
Spoilers for "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", its "Blood and Wine DLC", "Regis Journey" in "GWENT: The Witcher Card Game", and "The Witcher" Books. 
Warnings: Injury, accidents, near-death experiences, and other content warnings found at the beginning of each chapter (more tags will be added as the story progresses).
Hi everyone! I’ve decided to write a reader-insert featuring Regis and Dettlaff. The relationship between the reader and both vampires is purely platonic, with a growing found family dynamic! 😄
I’m not sure if there’s much of an audience for this, but you’re all more than welcome to join me for the ride! 😄
Thank you, and I hope you all have a wonderful day! 😄
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mellomadness · 3 years
hello, i am not dead.
Chapter 5 is posted! Sorry for the long wait, but I hope you guys enjoy it!
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thee-sinbin · 4 years
Nsfw fic, had some help with friends on this one!
Regis x reader x Dettlaff
Mostly Regis smut hcs
My friends and us being horny on main for Vampire dilfs
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nanamonky · 4 years
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it’s done! finished illu for posi’s fanfic “alone together” :)
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ineffable-omen · 2 years
Hi,there would be any Dettlaff x reader fanfics? I would love it ^^ Detti deserved much better much better. I wish he found someone who truly loved him
Ofc!! Our dettbat deserved better and im free to start on a dettlaff x reader fic :> only problem is that I don't have much ideas on writing, so I hope you don't mind if it's not great writer content.. 🦇💕🖤 thank you for the ask, dear anon and I'll start working on it! ^^ ❤️
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queenxxxsupreme · 4 years
Hi babe 🥰
Happy Valentine’s Day! 💕
Si, i gotta ask. How do you think Dettlaff would celebrate Valentine’s Day with his SO/reader?
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A/N: I saw my chance to answer another ask so I took it!
You gently tugged at the blankets that covered Dettlaff’s sleeping form. 
“Dettlaff.” You sing-songed his name, a little smile tugging at the corners of your lips. 
The Higher Vampire groaned, readjusting the pillows that he had stuffed beneath his head, and tucked his nose into their warmth. 
You pulled away three different blankets from him, pulling them down to expose his bare shoulders to the cold air of the room. You moved from the foot of the bed to his side, your fingers trailing like feathers along his spine. 
“Come on, darling. You’ve been sleeping for three hours.”
 He shivered beneath your touch, your warm fingers a stark contrast to his chilly skin. 
“Lay down with me for just a moment, my love.” His words were muffled by the pillows but you could understand him just fine. 
“Now you know that isn’t a good idea.” You propped one knee up on the edge of the bed and leaned down to kiss the space behind his ear. “Then we’d never get out of bed.”
“That doesn’t sound so bad, does it?”
“No, but everyone will be here shortly for dinner.”
Finally understanding that he couldn’t stay in bed with you for the rest of the night, Dettlaff let out a heavy sigh and rolled over onto his back. He looked up at you for a few moments, icy blue eyes inspecting your features. 
“How many of them are coming? Just Regis and Orianna, I hope.”
“Well, they are coming. But so is Geralt and Yennefer, and Lambert and Aiden. Eskel is bringing someone too, though I haven’t met them yet.”
“You know, I think it would’ve been lovely if we had just made plans for ourselves and no one else.” His hand came up to cup your face.
“We can make plans for ourselves any other night of the year. Tonight, we can spend time with friends.” You leaned down to kiss his chest just above his heart. 
“We can make plans for friends any other night of the year.” He muttered. His hand trailed around to the back of your head, long and slender fingers carding through your hair. 
“Dettlaff.” You sighed softly. “You were excited about it when we put the plans together two weeks ago.”
“That was two weeks ago.”
“I should know better by now. My lovely introvert.” You teased as you leaned forward once more to kiss him. 
“You really should. You’d think you’d learn your lesson after spending half a decade with me.”
You were glad to see he was in a good mood. Hopefully that meant this evening would go over smoothly. 
“Come on.” You patted his chest and slipped out of the bed. “We’re going to go for a little walk before anyone gets here just so we can have some time to ourselves. I’ll be leaving a note on the table should anyone arrive early.”
“Regis.” Dettlaff grumbled as he sat up.
“He does like being punctual.”
The moon hung high in the sky, shining down through the thick tree canopies. 
Dettlaff walked alongside you, your arms woven together as you leaned into him. 
“I think it will be fun.” You thought out loud.
“What will?” He turned his head to look at you.
“Spending the night with friends. Well, they’re practically family, aren’t they?”
“You could say that.” Dettlaff nodded. “Though I think it would’ve been wiser to spend Valentine’s night with you alone in our home than crowded around a table with a bunch of loud dogs.”
“Hindsight is 20/20.” You giggled. “Don’t worry, darling. You’ll have plenty of time after they leave to spend alone with me.”
He grumbled something incoherent under his breath. 
“I do appreciate you agreeing to this, Dettlaff.” You came to a stop and turned to face him. “I know crowds aren’t your favorite and you aren’t one for socializing. It means a lot to me that you suggested we do something like this tonight.”
His blue eyes stayed on you as his hand came up to brush a stray piece of hair behind your ear. 
“I know how much you enjoy their company. And I’m willing to sacrifice my sanity for a few hours to see you happy.”
You smiled.
“But that isn’t my only gift for you. I do have something else.” He dug his hand into the pocket of his coat. “Can I see your wrist please?”
“Which one?”
“Either one.”
You gave him your left, watching as he clasped a silver bracelet around your wrist. Before letting you go, he brought your wrist to his mouth, pressing a tender kiss to the veins on the underside of your wrist. 
“It isn’t much, but it made me think of you when I saw it.” He explained, nervously shifting his weight from one foot to the other. “Well, not exactly you. I-I thought that it would remind you of me. I know I’m not always around. Sometimes I’m gone with Regis and other times I’m just…. So I wanted you to have something that reminded you of me.”
You turned your wrist around, examining the piece of jewelry. There was a little bat charm on it that made you smile. 
“Dettlaff, it’s beautiful.”
“You like it?”
“I do.” You nodded, wrapping your arms around his broad shoulders and squeezing him tightly. “Thank you.”
He hugged you back, tucking his nose into your shoulder. 
“I have something for you too.” You pulled away, keeping one hand on his shoulder. “But it’s back home.”
“Let’s finish our walk and we can go back.” 
You led the way down the hall towards your shared bedroom with Dettlaff. 
He listened to the way your heart picked up pace, the way it changed from that of the flap of a butterflies wings to something more akin to a hummingbird. You were excited. 
You guided him over to the bed and gestured for him to sit.
“Stay here and close your eyes. I’ll go grab it. It’s in my study.”
He sat down on the edge of the bed, eyes following you as you left the room. 
“Are your eyes shut, Dettlaff?”
“Of course, my heart.” He answered, closing his eyes.
“Will you keep them shut?”
“Do you not trust me?” He teased.
“Don’t use any of your vampiric magic either.”
He grinned a little. Though his eyes were shut, he could still tell exactly where you were in the house. You were in the closet in your study, moving things around. You cursed a little and muttered under your breath about how cluttered things were. After a few moments, however, you were making your way back towards the bedroom. 
Dettlaff couldn’t figure out what it was that you were gifting him. It had no smell, no taste that tainted the air. It emitted no sound. He listened more carefully, but was dumbfounded. All the ideas that had been forming in his head were disappearing. 
“Darling, can I open-,”
“No.” You answered quickly, your voice sounding strained. “Keep them shut just-just a moment longer.”
It took all of the Higher Vampire’s self control to not open his eyes and see what it was that you had. But he didn’t want to upset you. He didn’t want to ruin your surprise. 
You grunted a little and there was a deep thunk. 
“Damn.” You cursed quietly.
“Is all well, my love?”
“Yes, yes. Just fine. You can open your eyes now.”
Dettlaff opened his eyes and instantly found you standing in front of him with a wide smile on your lips. Your hands were clasped together in front of you and you were messing with your fingers. 
“I know how frustrated you get when you can’t find a mirror that works for you.” Your voice was quiet and timid. You stepped aside to reveal a large square mirror leaning against the dresser behind you. “The ones I have here, they are made with silver. So I had one specially made for you.”
Dettlaff’s lips parted as he looked at the mirror, seeing his own reflection in the surface. He couldn’t find the words to express what was going through his head. 
Being that you weren’t sure how to take his silence, you continued to talk, your nervous ramblings getting the best of you.
“I know you like to get ready in the mornings with me and it puts quite a damper on the mood when you can’t see yourself. And-And you do take pride in your looks. You’re a dashing man-,”
“My heart?”
“Come here.” He held his hand out for you.
You moved towards him, settling between his parted knees with your hands in his. 
“Thank you.” He kissed your knuckles. “That was very kind of you. And very expensive, I presume.”
“That doesn’t matter.” You shook your head, reaching one hand around to place it on the back of Dettlaff’s head. You pulled his head into your chest and kissed his hair. “I wanted to do something for you.”
“And all I got you was a little bracelet.”
“It isn’t a competition of who gave the most expensive gift, Dettlaff.” You reminded him, pulling away so you could get a better look at him. “I’ve been planning this for a while, and it just happened that I had the means for now.”
His eyes lingered on you, a little smile on his lips. 
“I am the luckiest creature alive, you know that right?”
“Oh, perhaps.” You grinned, giving him a chaste kiss. “I should go start dinner. I’m surprised Regis and Orianna-,”
A knock from the other room cut you off.
“You spoke too soon.” Dettlaff sighed. “It’s only Regis and Orianna. Hopefully the wolves are late.”
“Knowing them, they probably will be.” You moved towards the bedroom door. But at the last minute, you turned to look back at him. “I love you, Dettlaff.”
“I love you more, my heart.” 
Taglist: @pressedinthepages @mishafaye @whitewolfandthefox @wolfyland07 @belalugosisdead @persephonehemingway @keira-hulmaster @dinonuggs69 @greatestauthorofmygeneration @shadow-hunters-lover @dancingwith-thesunflowers @tedi-fach-las @thecomfortofoldstorries @raspberrydreamclouds @natkowaa @disasteren @weathervanes-my-oneandlonely @onlyhenrys @wackylurker @criminaly-supernatural @magpie343 @permanently-exhausted-witcher @hina-chans-stuff @the-space-between-heartbeats @havenoffandoms @carriebee1 @ger-bearofrivia @naominami @writingawaymylife @reaganjenelle @theawkwardpedestrian @scarlettwitcher @badassspaceprincess @just-a-sad-donut @summersong69 @an--actual--human--disaster @rubyqueen819 @omgkatinka @c-a-v-a-l-r-y @vonxcon @mazakeen @bravelittlesunflower @thereagles @awkward-turtles-world @menalliha @cotton_mo @maan24 @thefirelordm @monkeymo @krenee1drful @nympha-door-a @unadulteratedtreecrusade @Aquarius-pisces-rose @mentallyscreamingsincebirth @fl0ating @sometimesiwrite @you-fxcking-wish-bish @thanks-bruh-for-nothing @maan2442 @thegaydeath @creatingstuffinpeace @wellthisstinks @andyrazzledazzle @ameliasmistake @winterwolf @caraqas @bluscryn
If your name is in italics, it wouldn’t let me tag you :(
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imaginethewitcher · 6 years
Heyyyy... Dettlaff and Iris... discovering that their s/o is crying!! D: Comfort... I cannot build sentences anymore!
Comfort is good. So I hope it’s actually comforting D:
Dettlaff: Youlaid curled up in bed, tears flew over her face. The unwelcome feeling grew andtook over you. Neither did you know why it was there nor how to eliminate it.It was a normal day. You did the daily chores, read some chapters of anenjoyable book and wrote some letters to your friends, yet dreariness creeped towardsyou. There was no reason. Or was there and you just didn’t recognize it?You wiped your tears away and tookthe aforementioned book from the old nightstand. Maybe reading a few pageswould cheer you up. Reading however turned out to be a challenge for your eyesfilled with tears again, blurring the letters. You sighed and shut the book,putting it back to its familiar spot. Nothing appeared to help, so you tried tosleep, but sleeping was difficult with wet eyes and a running nose.Out of sudden you heard a knock onthe door. You didn’t want to get up thus pretending to not be there and pulled yourblanket over your head. You didn’t know from any visit in those late hours.Another knock, this time louder and faster. You grumbled as you reluctantlyseparated from your beloved bed, moving sluggishly to the door, rubbing awaythe tears and roughly cleaning your nose in an attempt to look halfway decent.You opened the door slightly and recognized a well-known figure.“Dettlaff, what are you doing here?I didn’t expect you to turn up. I thought you had a lot of work to do today”,you wondered.“I’m already done”, he said, “And Iwas worried about you. Some of your friends told me you seemed dejected andyour eyes are all puffy. Are you alright? Did someone bother you?”.“No, it’s nothing”, you tried tosound convincing, yet your voice cracked and tears emerged in your eyes.“I don’t mean to bother you, but ifthere is something I can do for you, tell me”, he offered. His eyes lookedrestless around, before pulling a scroll out of his coat, which was tied with ared ribbon.“I made this for you and hoped tocheer you up with this”, he said and handed it to you.You pulled on the ribbon andunrolled the scroll. On the paper you saw different drawings with variousmotives of you. He looked at you in waiting of your reaction.“Thank you. Your drawings are alwaysso beautiful, but you didn’t have to draw something for me. You could havespent your time on your work”, you replied.“I wanted to do it. For you. You arenot a waste of my time, but are important to me. Making a drawing for you isthe least I can do to make you feel slightly better at least, my dearest”.You smiled at him. Dettlaff alwaysseemed to know how to cheer you up. You appreciated his attentive gifts.“I’m already glad to see you. Isometimes feel down for no apparent reason, yet you perpetually make me feelbetter. It’s really stupid actually”, you hugged him, “Thank you”.“I would do everything for, mydearest. Whenever you are sad, I’m there for you. Whatever the reason may be,it’s never stupid. Feelings can be strange or unexplainable from to time, thatdoes not make it stupid”.He returned the embrace and gave youa kiss on your forehead. The sadness vanished, replaced by comfort.
Iris: Thepast days were dull and bleak. The enjoyment you felt when reading, writing or drawingwas not there anymore instead it felt boring or even senseless to consult inthese activities. Even Iris wasn’t able to cheer you up. You never showed heryour sadness, but instead pretended to smile and be joyful as if nothingdisturbed you. Upsetting Iris was something you didn’t want. She always caresfor you and gives her best, you don’t want to see her unhappy because of you.For some time you were happier after her attentiveness, however gloom soon tookover you. You felt egoistic only thinking that way.While you sat there and contemplated,a pair of warm hand covered your eyes.“Who-”, you shrieked out of fright.“It’s me! Your beloved wife”, Irisrevealed, pulling her hands away again and kissed you on the cheek.“You scared me. I thought you werean intruder”.“No, just me”, she looked at youwith her loving eyes and warm smile.She knelt down before you and putyour hands in hers. You put on a smile again as you did so often currently.“You smile, but not like you used to”,she said, “Something is wrong. I heard you crying last night and it makes me worried.You don’t need to tell me, if you don’t want to, but talking about it, mighthelp you”.Her loving eyes became anxious andher warm smile became distressed. You knew how persistent she can be and thatyour half-hearted lies won’t help turning her away. You brushed a loose strandof hair out of her face and noticed how tears ran down your face.“I’m sorry”, you tried to wipingaway the tears, but they continued flowing.“It’s alright”, she said and pulledyou in an embrace, “Breath slowly and evenly”.While she hugged you slowed yourhasty breath down to calm yourself. Her advice helped.“I’m sorry I upset you. It was notmy intention. I didn’t want to cause you trouble”, you confided still in anunsure voice, “You paint, give me flowers, take walks with me and are there forme. You do all these wonderful things for me, yet I feel empty inside. It’s notbecause of you, I can’t even explain to myself why I feel that way”.You took a break to take a breath torecollect yourself. She nodded understandingly.“The things I fancied and liked todo, don’t anymore. I just don’t know what to do against it”.Iris loosened the embrace whileholding onto you and looked you in the eyes.“You don’t need to apologize, Ishould have talk to you sooner. It’s not your fault either. Feelings are weirdsometimes”, she said slowly, “I can’t offer much I’m afraid except forlistening and being there for you, but don’t locket inside you. It’s too muchfor one person to bear. You don’t upset me by telling me, but by not telling me”.You rubbed away the last tears for thestream of tears finally stopped. You felt composed and lighter.“Thank you. That’s more than enough.I feel much better now”, you said and your lips formed a smile, this time anhonest smile.“Not worth mentioning. I’m justhappy to see you happy again”, she replied with her loving eyes and warm smile.
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hellimagines · 4 years
Scared to Love You -- Dettlaff van der Eretein
Request: “hi!! i have a detlaff request!! something like reader was his friend and she knew about syanna’s secret!! she tried to warn detlaff but well he didn’t believe her. later they meet again when geralt convinced detlaff what syanna did and detlaff feels angry at him for treating reader like that! ilysm❤️”
Summary: You and Dettlaff have an argument when you try telling him about who Rhenawedd really is, only for him to lash out and break your heart. 
Warnings: big angst in the beginning, with fluff at the end (as a treat)
Pairing: Dettlaff x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,900+
A/N: I haven’t played Blood and Wine in a while, so I’m sorry if the timeline is a little funky.
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A stuffed bear hurtled across the room, exploding into a mess of stuffing and fur when it made contact with the wall, a few inches beside your head. Pieces of the bear got tangled with your hair, but you made no move to pick them out or even spare them a glance. A few more of Dettlaff’s toy creations met the same fate as the vampire destroyed the room in his rage. 
Suddenly he turned on you, his eyes filled with rage. “You’re wrong. Rhenawedd wouldn’t fake her own kidnapping or use me to kill a couple of knights. This is someone else’s doing, she would have no reason for this!” Dettlaff snarled and his face began to contort as his transformation threatened to take over. 
“That’s because she isn’t Rhenawedd, it’s not her real name!” you cried while peeling yourself away from the wall. “Her name is Sylvia Anna, and she is the sister of Duchess Anna Henrietta, I’ve told you this!”
Dettlaff scoffed lowly, “Yes, you have told me about this supposed conspiracy, after admitting to having spied on her.” 
Your cheeks burned at Dettlaff’s words, causing you to scowl up at him. “She was acting strangely and I was worried. Not only about her, but about you. I care about you, more than she does! You are walking into a trap and you are going to get yourself killed!” you yelled at him, no longer trying to keep the peace.
Dettlaff stalked forward, cowering you against the wall once more. “Have you ever stopped to consider that I don’t care about you or what you have to say? I’m aware of your feelings for me, (Y/N), you must at least know that. I can hear your heart race and I can smell your arousal whenever I’m near. Your jealousy of Rhenawedd is a stench that permeates the room, and it disgusts me. Nothing you can say or do will make me love you the way you love me, or care about you as I care for Rhenawedd.”
You tried, god did you try, to keep the quiver from your lip and the tears from your eyes, but you couldn’t. Your heart shattered at your friend’s words, falling to pieces like a weight in your stomach as he glared down at you viciously. For the better part of ten years, you had traveled at Dettlaff’s side, giving him company and keeping him safe. You helped him feed, helped him find comfortable places to stay, helped him with Regis, helped him with Rhenawedd. You did anything he asked, and in turn, he kept you safe and happy; even when he would ask you to find somewhere else for the night because Rhenawedd was there, even when you would have to sleep in the forest or in Regis’ crypt because there was nowhere else, even when he randomly left you alone for days or weeks because ‘Rhenawedd has never seen Skellige, and she’s been sad lately’, you were still happy because Dettlaff was happy and you could still call him your friend. But now, listening to his claws scratching against the wall by your head as he closed his hand into a fist, you felt angry and broken and stupid. So very, very stupid. 
“You are a cruel man, Dettlaff. I would call you a monster, but monsters are brainless creatures that hurt others because that’s all they know how to do. You’re not a monster, you’re just heartless and pathetic,” you spat after a moment to gather your thoughts. Your tears fell down your rage-filled face, slipping into the creases and dripping over your nose and your lips, but you didn’t wipe a single one away. You didn’t care that you probably looked like the naive, foolish girl Dettlaff had seen you as this whole time, your body and your mind felt too exhausted from the crash of heartache you had been hit with. You slammed your hands against his chest, causing him to stumble back in shock from not only the push but your words as well. “I wish you the best of luck in finding Rhenawedd, and I sincerely hope I am wrong because I would hate to have to tell Regis that you died for someone who wouldn’t spare your burning corpse a single glance.”
Dettlaff didn’t make any move to stop you as you left the room and stormed downstairs, leaving him, and the life you had with him, behind.
A couple of weeks had passed since your argument with Dettlaff, and you had been living in a small cottage on the outskirts of Beauclair, near the cemetery Regis’ was staying at, courtesy of Orianna. Regis knew of your whereabouts, but when you refused to tell him why you were in the cottage rather than with Dettlaff, he had respectfully let the manner drop. Orianna had been kind enough to give you a job tending to the flowers in her estate and hadn’t bothered with any questions when you told her you were trying to save money so you could go north, away from Toussaint. Needless to say, you were surviving just fine without Dettlaff and had even managed to keep yourself from asking the other vampires about him. However, of course Dettlaff would come barreling into your life once more right when you had managed to put a few pieces of your heart back together. 
It was late and you had just returned home after tending to a new batch of flowers Orianna had received. Your feet ached due to the long journey from the estate back to your cottage, but when you noticed your front door wide open, the pain seemed to vanish. Adrenaline took its place when you heard huffs of rage from inside your house, causing you to grab a nearby shovel before going inside. 
You were expecting to be met with a destroyed home, with what few belongings you had to be tossed on the floor and the furniture to be upturned. Instead, everything was just how you had left it this morning, minus the shaking vampire on your couch. You knew it was Dettlaff before he raised his head, recognizing the gothic coat and black hair instantly. When Dettlaff looked at you, his blue eyes didn’t hold any of the rage you had seen the last time you saw him, and instead were filled with sorrow- no doubt mimicking the own heartbreak in your eyes.
“What are you doing here?” you questioned when Dettlaff didn’t speak, setting the shovel down and shutting your front door. 
Dettlaff remained silent for a few more minutes, staring at you as though he had no idea why he was there. He swallowed thickly before standing, and his clawed hand twitched at his side, in an effort to keep from reaching out to you. “I’m sorry,” he said quickly, the words tumbling off his tongue in a nearly illegible speed. “What I said to you was cruel, and I’m sorry. I didn’t mean any of it, I was just so angry and hurt at the thought of Rhenawedd using me as a weapon. It does not excuse my words or my actions, but I need you to know that I didn’t mean any of it. I do care about you, I always have, and I will never stop caring about you.”
You ignored the ache in your chest to reach out for him. “Why are you here, Dettlaff?” you repeated, schooling your face into one of neutrality. 
“You were right. About Rhen-... about Syanna. Geralt and Regis cornered me and brought Syanna along with them. She admitted to faking the kidnapping and being the one responsible for the letters.” Your eyes widened in brief shock at Dettlaff’s words. “I wanted to go after her and kill her, kill her for what she did, and for what I did to you. But Regis said you wouldn’t appreciate that as much as me coming to you without blood all over me.”
“Regis is a smart man,” you hummed while eyeing the vampire before you. His words were honest, you could tell, but it didn’t fix the hollowness you still felt inside your chest. “I’m sorry you got hurt, Dettlaff, but it doesn’t make up for the fact that you hurt me, really bad.”
“I know and I’m so sorry,” he practically whined, quickly come to stand before you. “When I first sensed that you saw me as more than a friend, I became terrified. I didn’t understand how, after everything you had seen me do, you could care for me in such an intimate way. I didn’t want to have you by my side only to watch you die from old age or disease or a mortal wound. So I hoped if I ignored your feelings, and in turn my own, you would give up and leave.”
“And yet you allowed Syanna to love you and stand by your side,” you muttered with a frown.
“I was never scared of losing her or watching her die, not like I am with you. When I sensed your sadness during our fight, it broke something in me. I never wished to hurt you or to be the cause of your despair, and for that, I will never truly forgive myself. I didn’t come here to beg for your forgiveness, either, to play the victim in a fight I caused. I came here to make sure you know how much I care about you and how much I love you. If you wish for me to leave, I will-”
You interrupted Dettlaff before he could finish his sentence, and shook your head. “I don’t want you to leave. I understand now, why you did what you did, and even though I’m still hurt, I do forgive you. I’ve always seen you as strong and sensitive and kind, but I never thought that you might be scared of loving me.”
Dettlaff reached forward and pulled you against his body, sighing a breath of relief when you went willing. You uncrossed your arms and wrapped them around his waist, clutching the back of his coat in a white-knuckled grip. He had one hand gripping your hip and the other cradling the back of your head, holding you tightly against his body. As you breathed in the familiar scent of expensive Beauclair cologne, your breath stuttered with the sudden urge to cry. Dettlaff muttered apologies, words of praise, and promises-to-come as you quietly sobbed against his chest. 
“Wherever we go from here, and I do mean we, I will never treat you so horribly again. I love you so very much, (Y/N), and I regret taking so long to be honest with you about it,” Dettlaff whispered once your sobs turned to sniffles and your sniffles to silent hiccups. 
As exhaustion settled into your bones, making your body feel heavy and your brain feel foggy, all you could manage was a nod. You would have time later for heartfelt words and soft kisses and nights spent clutching bedsheets, but for now, you were content to be held in his arms as your heart thrummed with happiness once again.
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gauntie-o-dimm · 5 years
Dettlaff | Pain And Pleasure
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Prompt: "I didn't mean to hurt you."
Alongside the following request:
"Not long after Blood and Wine events, Dettlaff accidentally calls Syanna’s name during lovemaking, you get deeply offended and teach him a lesson to make sure it never happens again. Can include tying up to bed or another way of restraining Dettlaff, like magic spell or silver (maybe even dimeritium if it makes sense) shackles. Smutty smut-smut."
Word count: 2500+ Warnings: Smut, swearing, angst, slight bondage?
His body was warm against me, thick dark locks sliding through my fingers like soft silk. I breathed against him, his tongue tangling with mine in a heated kiss. The bed dipped as soon as he laid me upon it, my anticipating body nearly sinking away in the comfortable sheets. Like a shadow he loomed over me, face pressing against my neck, teeth playfully roaming around the soft spots he knew too well - a whimper left me, 'Dettlaff...' and he pulled back, breathing ragged and lips slightly swollen. His blue eyes were darker than usual, pupils fully blown as his eyes searched my face. The soft growl that was audible in his breaths made my stomach tingle pleasantly. His hands slid under my shirt, taking it away like it was nothing. Even though the air around us was far from cold, goosebumps appeared on my skin. Perhaps it was the look he was giving me, I figured. I always felt so undeniably vulnerable under the passionate Vampire's touch, knowing he could break me like a twig within seconds. Not that he would ever do that, of course. The rest of our clothes soon joined my shirt on the floor - Dettlaff's heavy frock coat fell with a loud thud. The Higher Vampire smiled from ear to ear as he looked at me, a gesture that was purely reserved for me and only me, and his voice decreased to a whisper. '(Y/n), you are so beautiful.' His fingers parted my wet folds and stretched me open a little to see if I was ready - of course I was, I had been for at least an hour now as soon as we had started kissing. There was no need for more foreplay tonight, was his conclusion. As he brought himself inside of me, it was like a breath of relief. I let out a soft moan, my legs wrapping around his waist as he began pounding into me with a steady yet forceful pace. 'Oh, (Y/n), you feel so tight around me...' he groaned, pressing his forehead against mine. 'You're so big...' I said with a sensual tone - I know he loved the praise. He twitched inside of me, only adding up to the sensation of being one flesh. Skin slapping skin alongside the scent that lingered in the room made me curl my toes, uneven gasps leaving my throat. He caged me against the bed even tighter, where his hands had been resting next to my head now being replaced by his forearm, so his body was closer to mine. Dettlaff buried his face in my neck, letting out soft groans as I felt that he was starting to come undone. 'Oh, Syanna...' I suddenly heard him whisper in my ear. The pleasurable feeling I had in my core shattered right then and there, alongside my heart. 'Get the fuck off of me!' I sneered, taken aback by the volume of my own voice. Dettlaff pulled out, shifting away from me as if he had been pierced by a silver blade. As I looked at his panting form, I felt tears start to sting behind my eyes. I sniffled, crawling back until I hit the headboard. 'You were thinking about here, were you not?' 'What?' he said with a confused tone, as if he hadn't even noticed him saying her name. 'You moaned her name.' I mumbled, and as I actually said it, it hit me harder. A few tears started to slide across my face. 'You moaned Syanna's name.' I looked away from his face, feeling naked and broken. Dettlaff blinked a few times, shaking his head. 'But... I don't understand! I didn't mean to, (Y/n)! I love you. I love you. I didn't mean to hurt you.' he whispered, on the verge of crying. I still didn't want to meet his gaze, my body trembling as I wanted to reach for my clothes. The Higher Vampire took my wrist to prevent me from doing so. 'Please, (Y/n), look at me. I love you.' I looked at him with puffy eyes, swallowing thickly as I saw how heartbroken he seemed. 'Then why did you say her name instead of mine?' 'It was an accident.' 'Were you thinking about her?' 'No! Of course not! She is a bad woman!' 'But you loved her.' He was silent and thickly swallowed. 'Please, (Y/n), you have to believe me when I say that I wasn't thinking about her. I was thinking about you. It was an accident, I swear.' He reached out to me, but I shook my head, sitting down on the edge of the bed to grab my clothes. 'Forget it. I am not in the mood anymore.' I tried to suppress fresh tears, but it was difficult to do so. Dettlaff opened his mouth to plead some more, but I held up my hand in the air to stop him. 'No Dettlaff. Just leave me alone for a while, okay?' He cast his gaze downwards, giving a small nod. Without saying another word, I rushed out of the room
~ It had been a week since that incident, and even though we lived together I barely said a word to the Higher Vampire, unless it was absolutely necessary. The fact that he was trying to make it up made me feel like I was a jerk, but he had to feel that it had broken my heart when I heard him say that. One particular evening, he returned home with a small box, not larger than a crown. 'Darling, please look at me.' he said, my shoulders tensing at the sound of his voice. I didn't look up from preparing dinner, continuing to stir in the pan of soup like he wasn't even there. '(Y/n).' 'Dettlaff, I don't want to hear it.' He let out a sigh and it was silent for a bit, apart from a little bit of rustling. Suddenly, I felt something cold pressing against my neck. I jumped at the feel, trying to turn around to see what was going on, but I was soon restrained by a pair of strong hands on my arms. 'Sweetheart... Please calm down.' As I looked at the cold object that was resting around my neck now, I let out a small gasp. A gorgeous diamond necklace now decorated the small dent in between my collarbones - it must've cost a fortune. 'This reminded me of you, of how much I love you and how beautiful you are.' He released me so I could spin around to look at him. 'So you think you can make it up to me by buying me a present?' The words alone made me feel horrible, but I wanted him to know that it wasn't something so easily forgiven. 'If there is anything you want me to do, then please... Tell me...' I looked at his blue eyes, pondering for a few seconds. If he really wanted me back, then he should let go of one of the strongest things that lived within him - the need to have absolute control over everything. 'Go to the fucking bedroom.' I demanded, turning around to remove the pan from the stove. Wiping my hands on a rag and putting my apron down, I watched him obey my order - a small smile spread over my face. It was not often he did something I asked in such a way. He wanted control over everything. I followed him after I made sure that he was already there, and I found him halfway undressed, sitting on the edge of the bed. 'Darling...' he murmured, 'I want to make you feel good-' 'Shut the fuck up, undress and lay down.' From one of the drawers, I took something that I had never used before - a pair of handcuffs, that I had never had the guts to begin about before. I had "borrowed" them from Kaer Morhen a while ago and hadn't returned it yet. Dettlaff's eyes widened as he saw what I was holding. I pointed at the bed and he understood what I meant, and he sprawled himself out over the duvet, fully nude and glorious. I grabbed his wrists, forced him to wrap them around the middle bar of the headboard, and bound them together with the cuffs. He pulled on them to show that they were indeed securely tied, looking at me with a confused gaze. 'What are you going to do to me?' I smiled a little, undressing slowly to make him suffer even more. 'I am going to make sure that my name is the only thing you remember, ever. Don't like those restraints, huh? Giving up all control.' I slipped my hand between my bare thighs, massaging my own folds while letting out a vulgar sound. His erection twitched as it was resting against his abdomen, his legs slightly tensing at the sight. 'Fuck...' he mumbled, and I moved closer to sit on the bed. 'Someone is a little turned-on.' I murmured, smiling innocently as I cupped my breasts, pushing them together. Dettlaff licked his lips, his gaze fixated on it. 'Hmmm... I'm so wet, Dettlaff. Do you want to see?' I sat on my knees and leaned backwards a bit, parting my own folds to show how excited I was. He let out a shivering groan, pulling on his shackles to no avail - well, if he truly couldn't contain himself, I would be long underneath him. Slowly, I started to stroke circles around the hard nub between my labia, letting out a small moan. 'Oh, I'm so horny...' I moaned, 'If there was only something that could get me off...' I inserted a finger into myself, adding another, starting to take care of myself. A lewd wet sound started to grow in the room. Dettlaff deeply inhaled, smelling my arousal, 'Fuck (Y/n), don't be like that!' but I didn't listen, instead choosing to continue pleasuring myself until my breathing became uneven. 'Oh, I think I am going to cum!' I curled my fingers to hit my g-spot, knowing that it would drive the Higher Vampire crazy. He growled dangerously low and I was afraid that he would turn into his Vampiric state for a moment. His gaze suddenly shifted - he knew me too well to know that I wouldn't torture him like that, that I wouldn't let myself- -But I did. I arched my back, letting out a cry of pleasure as I released all over him. The heat of it seemed to hiss on his skin - or was it a sound that came from his gritted fangs? '(Y/n)!' he wailed loudly, '(Y/n) unshackle me at once! I need you, fuck, I need you!' 'Not a chance, pretty boy.' I purred, letting out a sigh as I rubbed myself through the final jolts of my orgasm. I brushed my hair from my face, crawling on top of the Vampire while having a minimal amount of skin on skin contact. The darkness in his eyes was making a shiver roll down my spine - I knew what he'd do if I had indeed undone those restraints. Dettlaff was not one to tolerate teasing for long - too bad I was the one in charge right now. 'Are you going to say my name?' I asked with a tone as innocent as possible, lowering myself against the base of his erect cock. I moved my hips towards it, the weight of it pressing flat against his stomach. I felt him pulsate in between my folds, knowing that he could explode at any moment. '(Y/n)...' he whimpered, his voice smaller than I had ever heard it. '(Y/n), please...' he whispered, swallowing thickly as small droplets of sweat trickled down his flushed face. I rested my hands against his chest, grinding steadily on his length, not giving him the satisfaction of penetration. His lips trembled, brow furrowed in a mixture of agony and pleasure. Oh, he was going to cum very soon, a small dollop of pre-cum already appearing at his tip. My core soon rubbed against it, Dettlaff trying to buck his hips upwards in an attempt to slip inside of me, but I wouldn't give him the satisfaction.
My clit grazed against the veins of his cock, making me shiver in anticipation. The way he was looking right now made a wave of confidence wash over me. I smiled a little, leaning forward to press a haphazard hickey against his collarbone. 'Do you want to cum, Dettlaff?' 'Please, (Y/n).' I felt powerful in this position, my nipples grazing against his chest as I kept moving onto him, endlessly teasing, chasing after my high. Goosebumps appeared all over his skin. 'I beg you, my darling, the light of my life, please...' He was going crazy, teeth gritting painfully as he let out a groan. 'Go ahead, then. And moan my name this time.' '(Y/n), oh fuck! Fuck!' I stilled in my movements against his length, looking on as his tip started to ooze all over his abdomen. I moved my hand down, rubbing myself through my second orgasm - the sight was delicious enough to get my climax in three seconds. Dettlaff gasped for air, closing his eyes tightly as I felt his length twitch and throb between my folds. A proud smile fell over my face and I leaned down, slowly starting to lick his seed off his skin. The Higher Vampire watched me, face full of adoration and longing. 'You know how it felt when you said her name last week? It really broke my heart. I felt like a placeholder, just some toy that you could pretend I was her.' I explained suddenly with sorrow in my voice after fully cleaning him up. His eyes snapped open to find mine, his face contorting to one of guilt and sadness.
'I'm so deeply sorry about that, my love... I've told you a hundred times and I will tell it a hundred times more. I love you, you know that. Syanna took advantage of me, and I know that. I feel nothing for her anymore. My eyes are all on you.' He was crying, something he rarely did. I bit my lip, leaning down to kiss him for a few moments. 'I forgive you.' I whispered, 'I forgive you.' He smiled, leaning upwards to kiss me. I reached for the key that belonged to the handcuffs, the Higher Vampire letting out a sound of protest as he reluctantly pulled his lips from mine - but he wanted to touch me, so he was patient enough until the shackles fell with a thud behind the bed. 'Are you going to keep those?' he said with a grin as he wrapped his arms around me, fingers rubbing his painful wrists. 'You like being dominated?' I nuzzled my face against the crook of his neck. He felt hot against my skin, his hands moving down to cup my ass. 'Every now and then, I won't mind.' 'I will keep you to it, then.' I replied, 'And... I love you, too.'
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witcher-fam · 2 years
Two higher vampires and a young human woman made for quite an unlikely pack, indeed - but you, Dettlaff, and Regis would have it no other way.
As fate would have it, it is that bond of friendship that may end up saving not only Beauclair, but also the two vampires themselves.
The story of how you, Dettlaff, and Regis forge an unbreakable bond of friendship and family - and how this bond is nurtured and tested over time.
Spoilers for "The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt", its "Blood and Wine DLC", "Regis Journey" in "GWENT: The Witcher Card Game", and "The Witcher" Books. 
Warnings: Injury, accidents, near-death experiences, and other content warnings found at the beginning of each chapter (more tags will be added as the story progresses).
Hi everyone! It slipped my mind to share the second chapter here on Tumblr (my bad!), but here it is now! I have a bit more schoolwork to take care of, but I'm working on the third chapter as we speak, and it'll hopefully be up soon! 😄
This is a reader-insert featuring Regis and Dettlaff. The relationship between the reader and both vampires is purely platonic, with a growing found family dynamic! 😄
I hope you all have a wonderful day!! 😄
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