#this was probably a lot longer than you wanted sorryyyt
hey hi, if you don't mind me asking, do you have a backstory to the tattoo? if so I'd love to hear about it :)
thanks for the ask!
so dan has said this quote a few times over the years - in his vid ‘existential crisis’ as well as having merch with it on and also in wad to name a few
to me as someone who has struggled with my mental health my entire life (which turns out was undiagnosed autism! slay!) learning to live in my darkness and be unapologetically myself is the only way i have ever learnt happiness. embracing my cringe interests and stims and shutdowns instead of feeling like a freak for them has allowed me a new sense of self, i love these things about me. it’s taken time but it’s finally true
and having the courage to exist in a queer sense too - i have repressed my sexuality and tried to change my queerness to please other people and hiding who i am also has never led to happiness, so i will never allow myself to do that again
i have hundreds of tattoos and they are a catalogue of things i love and inside jokes and things i find pretty and that make me happy, and since i was 10 years old dnp have been there for me. that’s 12 years of figuring out my mental health and neurodivergence and queerness and transness that they have accompanied me for, and i am incredibly grateful for them <3
(also working as a tattooist means whenever people are available they offer you free tatts)
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