#this was supposed to be a merthur study 😭
druid-boy-punk · 5 months
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a bit of a study of my favorite fugitive and criminal <3
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clotpolesonly · 3 years
2021 Fic Year In Review
i was tagged by @rhyslahey, @inell, AND @luulapants so i guess i gotta do the thing now alkjdfg 😂
Total number of completed works: 32, which is more than i thought tbh, but it’s mostly been because of the stiles shipping central discord server’s monthly ficlet exchange, soooo thanks for keeping me going when i otherwise had no motivation whatsoever.
Total word count: once i get the ficlet i’m working on now posted, it’ll be about 53k for the year. which.....is decent, i suppose. but i fall into the trap of comparing myself to my previous self, aaaaand it’s by FAR the least i’ve written annually since i started writing fic again after high school. like, almost 1/5 of my most prolific years. trying to remind myself consistently that it’s okay and even good to have periods of rest and lowered productivity, especially under the circumstances. my brain juice will return from the war eventually probably.
Fandoms written in: Teen Wolf and Merlin, which yeah it was kind of nice to foray briefly back into the latter!! hadn’t written for Merlin in a long time.
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d expected? my expectations for the year were pretty low, i think, after last year was also an extremely unproductive year and i wasn’t feeling much better about things. so, like, i wish i’d written more, but i’m also glad that i wrote anything cuz that was not guaranteed 😬😭😅
What’s your own favorite story of the year? honestly, none of the ones i’ve written this year stand out to me very much..... scanning through the list and it’s taking me EFFORT to even remember what some of them ARE, adlfkh. i guess if i had to pick one, i might say If We Exiled Our Sins?? i originated a pairing tag, first one to write it, and that’s pretty exciting lol. i think i like that fic a lot.
Did you take any writing risks this year? besides writing that pairing ^? not really, i don’t think. everything was pretty chill, low effort and low engagement, short and easy.
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the new year? write more, get my mojo back. try and write something longer than 7k. maybe even a multichap. i miss being able to write long stories 😭
Most popular story of the year? by hits, A Kiss To Remember (Merthur). by kudos, Reach Out, In Reach (Sterek). by bookmarks and comments, Love Is Blind And So Is Stiles (Sterek). by subscriptions, Kids, They Say (Stiles & puppy pack), which surprises and amuses me.
Story of mine most under-appreciated by the universe, in my opinion: Things I Learned In The Storm maybe??? an Erica character study thing, which i quite liked but which got very little response.
Most fun story to write:  Love In The Age Of Sustainable Gardening Practices (Steter) was quite fun 😂
Most unintentionally telling story: uuuhhhh, i don’t think i projected much on any of my stories this year?? there wasn’t much substance to most of them, and 95% of them were based on prompts/requests from others, so they weren’t just things i felt compelled to put out there.
Biggest disappointment: i posted a couple of fics that were gifts for people who didn’t respond to them literally at all......so. that was fun. wonder if they read them......
Biggest surprise: talking myself into accidentally genuinely shipping Laura/Noshiko 🤣 
tagging: ......i can’t think of any writers whom i haven’t seen already get tagged aldkfjghadfg rip
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