#this? the design stays consistent!! it's the same snowball thing but it sets on fire!! really cool!
front-facing-pokemon · 5 months
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mokatechgq-blog · 7 years
Ars staff members uncovered: our home office setups We'll demonstrate to you our own on the off chance that you demonstrate to us yours.
What's your home office setup like? Regardless of what number of work areas with PCs we've all found in our lives, it generally a touch of energizing and voyeuristic to investigate another person's life to perceive how they set up their workspace. Here at Ars, there's a really various range with regards to our own home office setups, some of which you may have as of now observed from our latest Ars Technicast post.
Since the analysts on that post have invested some energy investigating what they see on our work areas so far, we thought it is pleasant to let some different Ars staff members in on the good times. Underneath, you can see the home office setups for various staff members and givers, alongside short portrayals of what they have running. We don't generally work at our work areas—and a few of us don't have work areas—however when we do, this is the thing that they resemble.
Lee Aylward: Lead Programmer
This goliath work area has stayed with me for a long time and through five moves. It has heaps of space for tablets, drinks, and the incidental feline. After I started telecommuting, I immediately understood that I required a more agreeable seat, so on Ken's proposal I grabbed an Aeron. The 30" LCD is another expansion, and I cherish how well it functions with the little 11" Macbook Air. There is a Windows PC tucked under the work area for gaming and sporadic IE testing. A couple of other critical things: bobble head Spock, smaller than expected Tom Servo, and renegade mythical beast.
Aurich Lawson: Creative Director
While my MacBook Air is propped up by a straightforward cardboard box (despite the fact that I some of the time troll Craigslist to search for something more pleasant), I for the most part do the vast majority of my genuine work in the more strong ViewSonic screen. I have 2TB of outside capacity connected to my WiFi switch and portable PC, alongside an arrangement of speakers. My printer/scanner is holed up behind my screen. My work area is normally semi-disrupted, and I have a variety of devices adjacent—an auto tablet charger, a compact advanced recorder, an old iPod nano that I've been intending to offer. The recognitions over the work areas are my better half's (left) and mine (right). They are student degrees (however our Master's degrees are above, not imagined). And keeping in mind that I may not be a large portion of the rebel that Capt. Benjamin Sisko was, I keep two balls around my work area to hurl around when I get exhausted.
Iljitsch van Beijnum: Ars Contributor
Having moved as of late, I haven't had the opportunity to cover my work space under a heap of rubble at this time, and my IBM Model M is still away. So it's quite recently the basics: a MacBook Pro, a MacBook Air, a pot of tea, a sound nibble. Normally the 23" Dell screen is all I require, yet I can open up the portable PCs in the event that I require more screen land. I as of late abandoned my six-year-old Mighty Mouse's scrollball, so now I have the enchantment trackpad for looking over, swiping, and squeezing, however despite everything I wind up going after the mouse consistently. The little speaker under the screen has bluetooth—everything is better with bluetooth all things considered—however so far I've for the most part been utilizing it wired, not at all like the mouse, trackpad, and console. Goodness, and once you attempt a roundabout mousepad, there's no backpedaling.
Jon Brodkin: Senior IT Reporter
There's no space for an "office" in my one-room townhouse, however I get by with a work area I purchased in school for $45 and have tucked toward the side of my lounge. It has quite recently enough space for a Core i7 Mac smaller than normal (256GB SSD, 750GB turning plate, and 16GB of RAM), a 3TB outside drive, SIP telephone, call recording gadget, and evidently a smooth. 16GB of RAM is extravagant for running virtual machines, and I have a Windows 7 segment that can be gotten to either from Boot Camp or in Parallels.
The two screens are delightful, yet they make the space feel cramped, so I'm investigating extending the workspace or simply purchasing a greater work area. (Refresh: This article enlivened me to go purchase somewhat table/plate that can fit under my work area and hold my console.) Not envisioned is my copier/faxer/scanner/printer, and a MacBook Air that goes down remotely to the Mountain Lion Server introduced on the smaller than usual. Also, yes, that is tape over the webcam. What occurs at Jon's work area remains at Jon's work area.
Chris Foresman: Ars Contributor
My workstation is intended to augment working space in my little corner of the home office I share with my sweetheart and her child. The work area is an extra to IKEA's Expedit stockpiling rack; the mix keeps running about $120. The seat is additionally an IKEA plan that cost $89.
Since I'm the kind of individual that normally has roughly 647 activities in different phases of advance, it doesn't generally look as clean as I'd like. Be that as it may, abundant capacity given by the eight extensive segments of the Expedit rack makes it simple to keep the wreckage avoided general view. The huge work area surface is more than I requirement for my 11" MacBook Air, however it has a lot of space for amplifiers for podcasting, books I'm perusing or utilizing for research, heaps of photographs, and materials for visual computerization ventures. There's additionally huge amounts of room underneath the work area, so I utilize some fundamental archive stockpiling boxes to keep ventures I've put on hold inside simple reach.
The most vital component of my workstation, nonetheless, is that I'm found sufficiently close to the workplace way to close and bolt it when I need to dig in and Get Things Done.
Megan Geuss: Staff Editor
I get a kick out of the chance to surmise that the scattered wreckage you see here is on account of everything else that I do on the PC is recently so damn sorted out, and I don't have room schedule-wise to keep my IRL space clean. Lamentably, the case might be that I'm quite recently chaotic constantly. I require two rulers (who doesn't?) and you'll see my MacBook charging calmly next to my PC desktop for crisis discharge circumstances that may happen in my home office. You'll additionally see the edge of a Kindle Fire behind that towel. The octopus guarding my tower is quite great at what he does (yet despite everything I utilize against infection programming).
Eric Bangeman: Managing Editor
Here you see Eric Bangeman's 2008 "Harpertown" Mac Pro that accompanies two 3.0GHz quad-center Xeon processors, 10GB of DDR2 RAM, an ATI Radeon HD 2600 XT and an ATI Radeon HD 5770. The machine keeps running with a 480GB OWC Mercury Extreme Pro SSD within, and in addition two 2TB Western Digital Black drives running at 7200rpm. Eric embellishes this look with three screens: a 30" Apple Cinema Display running off one of the design cards, and a couple of 23" Apple LCDs off the other. What's more, when he's giving his hair a chance to down for a trek to the nearby Panera, he brings his trusty 11" MacBook Air. Très chic!
Cesar Torres: Social Editor
I like moderation in my work process and in my home style, so my work setup is planned to be perfect and streamlined. I utilize a Crate and Barrel work area in polished white, on which I utilize a 2011 iMac and a Blue Snowball mouthpiece for podcasting. Indeed, even the mic is white. Underneath my work area I run an outside drive for all my sight and sound. I utilize a rack underneath the work area for it, so I can keep the surface of the work area mess free. I do my reinforcements remotely utilizing Time Capsule. At whatever point I utilize note pads, pens or books on the work area, I try to put them away when I am done, with a specific end goal to keep the work area spotless and moderate.
Ryan Paul: Open Source Editor
I work at a tallness customizable work area that enables me to exchange amongst sitting and standing positions for the duration of the day. I regularly utilize two PCs without a moment's delay, a MacBook Air associated with a 27-inch Thunderbolt show and a PC tower that runs Ubuntu. I utilize Synergy to share enter gadgets between the two frameworks. The left-hand screen is mounted on an articulating arm with the goal that I can swing it out over my work area.
Diminish Bright: Microsoft Editor
I have a custom-fabricated, L-formed work area coordinated into the custom-manufactured bookshelf that spreads one mass of my office. On the work area I have an old Aiwa NSX 999 across the board greetings fi that is generously broken, yet at the same time has an utilitarian speaker and volume dial, three Dell UltraSharp U2410 24" screens, a Dell AT102W console, a Logitech Performance Mouse MX, a 13-port USB center point, a wired Xbox 360 controller, a Sennheiser PC 150 headset, a couple of Webcams (one Logitech QuickCam Orbit AF, one Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920), a 64GB third era iPod touch, a no-name 20-in-1 memory card peruser, a USB infrared collector for a remote control, and a more established model 1TB Western Digital MyBook. These things are altogether associated with a self-constructed full tower PC. This is outstanding for being housed in a SilverStone Fortress FT02 case, which puts the motherboard's back board connectors on the highest point of the PC, enabling me to connect things to without moving the framework far from the divider.
Notwithstanding this, my work area regularly likewise contains a Lenovo X300 portable workstation, a mid 2008-era MacBook Pro, and for as long as couple of months, a Samsung Series 7 Slate on which I've been trying Windows 8. The Slate is matched to a Microsoft Bluetooth Mobile Keyboard 5000 and a Microsoft Arc Touch Mouse. There's likewise a Polycom SoundPoint IP 320 Desktop IP Telephone.
The seat is an old, rather shoddy office seat that should be supplanted with something more agreeable.
Be that as it may, the most vital thing of all is the thing that I call the stroking stage. The little stage on the left with the blue-green cover is a Kitt-In Box from The Refined Feline. Tragically ceased, these are feline beds that rush to a work area, giving my feline Millie some place to rest other than on my console.
Jacqui Cheng: Senior Apple Editor
When I'm really working in my home office, I utilize a 27" 3.06GHz Core 2 Duo iMac that was discharged in 2009. Within, it has 4GB of RAM and a 1TB hard drive—this thing was a survey machine when it was first acquired, so it's a quite standard model. When I'm not at my work area—or notwithstanding when I am—I additionally utilize a 11" Core i7 MacBook Air from mid-2011. Furthermore, obviously I generally have my third-gen iPad and iPhone 4 convenient for OS, application, and different other testing purposes.
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izloveshorses · 8 years
Alrighty so while I’m thinking about it here’s basically every element from Beauty and the Beast that I adored
can I say how surreal it was to be in a theater packed with young girls of all ages wearing yellow dresses with their Belle barbies 
not to mention all the adults and people my age who’ve been singing Be Our Guest for eternity were all so excited 
it was almost like when The Force Awakens came out and Star Wars was alive again and everyone, old and new generations of fans, gathered together.... ya know what I’m talking about? where everyone in the room is buzzing with anticipation
the CGI wasn’t as terrible as y’all thought, y’all need to have a little faith sometimes lol
the casting was excellent!!
i know people have mixed feelings about Emma Watson playing Belle but I honestly wouldn’t have casted it any other way. She’s always been a women’s rights activist, a bookworm and a thinker, and a strong role model for young girls. and her favorite princess was always Belle I mean come on. and her singing voice was so incredible!! that was what I was most looking forward to in this movie and it did not disappoint
she also said in a buzzfeed interview that she imagines Belle would open the Beast’s library to the public and start a school!!! How rad is that?? HEADCANON ACCEPTED 
shout out to Dan Stevens for waltzing in 10 inch stilts while wearing a 40 pound body suit 
ok Luke Evans and Josh Gad must’ve thought they were in Dirty Dancing because they had the time of their lives
and Luke was pretty attractive. just sayin
overall, the cast was really diverse! not one but two interracial couples! and in general there were a lot of poc in the village featuring a wonderfully sweet librarian dude
Everything about Belle’s character was fantastic I’m not kidding
i think the town had such a consistent routine that she could precisely time when the morning rush started?
despite the village blatantly gossiping about her she was still so nice and polite to everyone
so??? much??? sass??? it was unreal??? When Gaston asked why she wouldn’t go out to dinner with him he assumed she had plans but she was just like “No...” and she didn’t even explain further how freakin savage she shot that boy down
(a few more examples bc this girl was on fire) “Why would I be startled? I’m talking to a candle” and “Is that a joke? are you making jokes now?” and my fav “’Maybe you just haven’t met the right man?’ ‘It’s a small village Gaston, I’ve met them all’”
this is Elizabeth Bennet level Jane Austen would be proud
they touched on how women were expected to have kids in their late teens/early 20s and she’s like “screw that” yeah girl smash that patriarchy
how on earth did it take me 17 years to realize she’s considered odd because she’s the only literate girl in the whole village???????? how did I, a history buff obsessed with the French Revolution, never make that connection before???? this isn’t specific to the new film but still I applaud it good job disney
she was an inventor!!! i don’t know if i’ve ever been happier than when i saw her solving equations and tinkering and making a washing machine so she can read and get chores done simultaneously. emma totally had something to do with this decision absolutely no doubt
she doesn’t ride her horse sidesaddle and that was like a huge faux pas for ladies back then (again, smashing the patriarchy one step at a time)
she planned to escape the castle from the beginning and was really creative about it, and no matter what she always found some sort of weapon lying around lol (a random stick, a chair, a pitcher Belle what would you do with that) but she was always prepared to defend herself with somewhat of a plan and attempt at thinking ahead
She was really curious about the curse and asked questions about it to figure out this mystery herself
she was always problem-solving and trying to find a solution to situations and that was so cool girls need to see that strong female leads aren’t always the ones that can fight, but girls with wit and bravery
there was lots of nice background info on characters that otherwise wouldn’t exist, like Belle’s mom’s death, why Maurice chose to stay in that boring village and Adam’s dad being a jerk and turning him into a monster (no pun intended)
Mrs Potts giving us a reason why the entire castle was cursed, not just Adam. They didn’t do anything to stop Adam’s dad from corrupting him and man that’s some heavy stuff
I feel like each character, especially the servants, were so much richer and stronger and more complex, and the stakes were higher bc each time a rose petal fell they became less and less human
even the enchantress had a name and she was gorgeous?
they went pretty dark in this one... like something caused that tree to fall in Maurice’s path and back into an upright position. the wolves wouldn’t cross the gates because of some boundary. the way the whole castle shuddered with each drop of a pedal. i could go on... and the added character depth really helped that dark stuff too
THE MUSIC!!!! WAS SO GOOD!!! I’ve had the album on repeat for.... four days now and I’m not sick of it yet?? please send help
seriously, they did an amazing job. it was perfectly balanced w both old an new songs, and neither of them overshadowed the other. each song got it’s spotlight, they honored the old ones while including new original ones that were awesome (cough forevermore cough cough)
Gaaaaaastonnnnnnnnnnnn omg that sequence was awesome. honestly i think everyone in the theater tapped their foot when he was stomping and dancing on the tabletops
Belle was really good too to me because i’m a nerd for that set design
Days in the Sun is extremely underrated!! but yes, Forevermore is breathtaking it’s growing on me more and more each day
lots of rotating cinematography and spinning i’m a nerd i love it
the costume and set design.... holy crAP it’s stunning
i read somewhere that Belle’s casual getup has large pockets for her books and she has part of her skirt pinned up so she can ride Philipe easier and that’s beautiful
each scene was packed with tiny details that most movie makers overlook and I’m so impressed???? not just visually but there were so many sounds that truly made it feel real like in the village I’d occasionally hear a crying baby or a dog barking or just constant chatter and that’s stuff you’d expect to hear in a crowded village square
the little twinkling lights during the ballroom dance was probably my favorite i may have cried
No one ever say anything bad about Belle’s dress again IT WAS SO GORGEOUS it floated across the floor like a bundle of sunshine
and there were so many details in that scene? did anybody notice her gold earrings she wore they were wonderful
her hairstyles throughout the whole movie were so cute (esp at the end with that updo!! and that pretty flower dress I need it)
the historical accuracies??? unreal??
so much baroque architecture with all of the elaborate gold designs ahhh i love it
half of it looked like a rococo painting, the other half a neoclassicism painting
girls weren’t allowed to be educated so that’s why Belle was hated so much--and so cool--and ohhhh my mind is blown why did i not understand this until now
lol a giant chunk of France was illiterate at the time too so LeFou realizing that halfway through trying to spell Gaston was hilarious
actually the mob song in general is scarily accurate. what starts with a small discomfort turns into irrational fear which turns into extremism in crowds and they did the stupidest things like “hey there’s a monster that we’ve never seen or heard of and it’s never attacked us before but LETS KILL IT” seriously the French loved mobs
they included a lot more intimate moments w Belle and the Beast to build up their relationship more carefully 
Belle almost in tears when she was in that library because honestly same girl
my favorite moment in the entire movie, although small, was when they were in the library during “Something There” and she just kept grabbing book after book and he was walking behind her holding this massive stack that was so cute
honorable mentions: when the Beast shook his head like the horse omg. and I freaking cackled when he threw that giant snowball at her face
when they were in Paris, and Belle figured out that her mother died of the plague and she said “let’s go home”
she just rode off while still wearing her ball dress
“no time to change gotta go save my pa i’m keeping this btw”
and then she strips down to her undergarments because they’re about to go after Adam and that’s the final straw nobody messes with him under her watch she has to save him and, sorry, but she won’t let a big bulky dress get in the way of that despite how beautiful it is
Belle participated in the climax fight scene she was not taking any of Gaston’s crap
and then Adam was like “stay there I’m coming” and she completely ignored him so she could step in if he needed her
“I am not a Beast”
the transformation scenes were amazing
LeFou’s character arc was surprisingly great! and I support him and his boyfriend
that one growl at the end... you know the one... I’m very confused why was that so sexy is that bad
there were so many moments where i got goosebumps and sudden tears from the swelling of the orchestra or a certain chilling line and i was just so moved by this movie
in every showing that i went to there was a massive applause from the crowd and i love it you deserve it disney
I'm running out of adjectives
There was hardly an aspect that I disliked. Maybe more of Mrs Potts would’ve been nice, maybe Belle asking Adam to grow a beard was a little strange, maybe Ewan could work on his French accent a little more (don’t get me wrong I love this man but it could use a little more work... other than that his acting was superb). my complaints stop there! I honestly loved this film so much and I’d been pumped since I first heard about it back in 2015. It didn’t disappoint! that means a lot coming from a person who had insanely high expectations for it.
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