fairlyfriendlylurker · 8 months
Why Pretty Privilege Sucks Ass
I've always understood the beckoning of plastic surgery. Being pretty is 100% a blessing, whether the person realizes it or not, but it's an arbitrary gift. And it's not fair that only a few get to enjoy it. Most people aren't outright treated with disdain or affection on the basis of their looks but there's always that subconscious factor. Not to mention plenty of us DO just straight-up shit on unattractive people simply for being unattractive. I've always hated it when people used the word ugly as an insult. You're basically condemning someone for existing. I can't believe society categorizes people as having varying value or worth just because they were born a certain way that they can't help. Sometimes I feel ashamed to just EXIST the way I do among prettier people. Being insecure and feeling plain and unattractive is definitely a big part of the reason I'm so trapped in this shell, although I don't think I realized it before. What makes me feel the most helpless about it all is that these labels of worthiness/unworthiness are given subconsciously. People don't even realize it's going on but it is. It's an inherent prejudice, engrained in us, and I don't think we're ever going to find a way to get rid of it. Maybe it's because of this that I sometimes deliberately go out of my way to be nicer to less attractive people and generally wary of the more attractive ones. Most of the time, though, I keep this to myself. Inwardly loathing the attractiveness of girls on the internet like a jealous bitter old hag (which I guess I kinda am) is one thing, but I would never outright treat them differently because that would essentially be doing the same thing I have been complaining about this whole time; treating people differently based on how they were born. But mark my words, if I had a villain origin story, my motive would be something along these lines. No amount of inspiring and encouraging body positivity influencers or wholesome-seeming messages is gonna make me believe I'm pretty, because I'm not. They all parrot the same thing, that "everyone is beautiful" but that's a load of bullshit because OBVIOUSLY not everyone is physically good-looking. I wish people would just be honest, because if they were, we wouldn't all have false hopes which lingered only to be dashed. Even understanding that being pretty isn't an accomplishment doesn't make me feel better. The only thing that WOULD make me feel better is realizing I'm pretty, which is not going to happen unless I have some sort of massive glow up in the future. And, yeah. That's pretty much the gist of it, sorry for making you endure this- I may have made it deeper and more dramatic than necessary- but I think this stuff will fare better out there than inside me. If you think you aren't pretty- regardless of whether you actually are or not- I'm with you. I hope someday we can figure something out and feel at peace about all this for once.
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asgardian-sapphire · 5 years
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Guys I need your help, for all the Buffy/Angelus fanfic lovers I need help finding a particular one. It was on Fanfict.net, I can’t remember the other. It was a slight crossover with Angel and Buffy TVS, it was about Angelus coming back to help kill the Beast, Buffy is called for some reason. Angelus kills the Beast and takes Conner with him back to Sunnydale because Buffy is dealing with Glory, Buffy finds out Conner is her son from ‘The forgotten day’. Buffy dies, Angelus and Conner stay in Sunnydale and then Buffy is resurrected.
If anyone knows this fanfic please comment and let me know!! 💜💜
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hawkeyekatebishop · 7 years
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Feels like this mug is my life these days.. #BackPainSucks #StillRecovering #ThisIsDrivingMeCrazy
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perkygothx · 9 years
Need help
I recently discovered that I am a demisexual, I have been in a relationship for almost 5 years but honestly I am terrified to come out with him, I'm not ashamed of being a demisexual individual, I just don't want him to take advantage of that situation or something 😔 I don't know, I imagine some things and it doesn't allow me to open myself.
Suggestions? Have u even been in that situation or a similar one?
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There are two kinds of alone. There is one where you think and get your shit together and then there is this alone-alone. where you dont know what will happen to your life now and you have no one to talk to and you just push people and you just want one person. And i am that kind of alone without you.
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