harryknowsme · 7 years
lets see we talk on the daily so i feel like you know everything about me, lets seeeeee.... oi i hate hate hate eating yellow bananas, and will only eat green ones, same goes for mangoes. Ummmm i despise oreos, and really anything chocolatey make me uneasy a bit. i prefer hard candy lol. my fun food facts for ya.
SOAP!  I had NO IDEA you were such a weirdo (just kidding!).  Eating green bananas just sounds gross.  They’re hard and not ripe at all at that point.  Ugh. But if that’s what you like, then I suppose that’s what you like.  Now green MANGOES are the bomb!  Love mangoes.  In fact, that gets me thinking about how I’ve missed them lately.  Need to get to the store! 
When it comes to candy and sweets, I don’t buy many manufactured cookies. There’s just something tastier about homemade cookies, so that’s how I make them when I want a cookie.  I am NOT a hard candy fan.  Give me chocolate any time!  I used to keep a candy dish with nothing but hard candy in it because I don’t like hard candy and it was safe for me.  But my colleagues prefer chocolate, so now I keep two candy dishes:  one with mints and one with chocolate.  Both get used pretty regularly.  For me, though.....chocolate all the way!!!
Tell Me Something (I Don’t Already Know)
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narryschonceaf · 7 years
92 Truths
92 truths
Tagged by @thisoneforthemcurls​ It’s been ages since I was tagged but I’M FINALLY DOING IT. Rules: Write 92 truths about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged.
What was your… Last drink: Water

Last phone call: My brother

Last text message: My cousin
Last song you listened to: Gives You Hell - All American Rejects
Last time you cried: I honestly don’t remember. 
Have you ever… Dated someone twice: No

Been cheated on: No

Kissed someone and regretted it: No

Lost someone special: I guess anytime you lose someone who was once important to you you’re losing someone special so... yes. 
Been depressed: No
In the past year, have you… Made a new friend: Yes! @thisoneforthemcurls​ ;)
Fallen out of love: No

Laughed until you cried: I don’t remember a specific time, but I’d be surprised if I hadn’t.
Met someone who changed you: Not in any drastic way.
Found out who your true friends are: More like I found out the different roles my friends play.
Kissed anyone on your followers/following: No

How many people from your Tumblr you know irl: 0 :(

Do you want to change your name: No. I feel like my name suits me well.
What time did you wake up today: 8:30-ish?

What were you doing at midnight last night: Watching Finding Vivian Maier.
Name something you can’t wait for: My 6 more years (at least) of college to be over.
What is the one thing you wish you could change about your life: I wish I could go on more adventures.
What are you listening to right now: Use Somebody - Kings of Leon
What’s getting on your nerves right now: Currently, nothing.
About me… Nicknames: Court, Courty, Stewart.
Relationship: Single
Zodiac sign: Aquarius 
Pronouns: She/her

Favorite TV shows: I don’t really have favorites when if comes to tv and movies. 
Hair colour: Light brown
Long or short hair: Medium

Do I have a crush on someone: In real life, no. But I do have plenty of celebrity crushes :P 
What do you like about yourself: I’m not judgmental.
Firsts… First surgery ever: Haven’t had one.
First piercing: Ears

First sport you joined: Pft! Yeah, okay.
First pair of trainers/sneakers: Absolutely no idea.
Right now… Eating: Nothing
Drinking: Nothing
Listening to: Arrows of Eros - The Golden Silvers (been ages since I last listened to it)

Waiting for: My dad to get home so I can eat lunch.
Wanting kids: Eventually 

Career: Don’t have one yet.
Romantic stuff… Lips or eyes: Both
Hugs or kisses: Hugs
Shorter or taller: Taller

Older or younger: Older

Romantically spontaneous: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Sensitive or loud: Not sure what this means...

Hook-up or relationship: Relationship

Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant, but still able to stand up for his beliefs.
Have you ever… Kissed a stranger: No

Drank hard liquor: No

Lost glasses or contacts: No

Been arrested: Well.......No lol.
Turned someone down: Yes

Cried when someone died: Of course. 
Fallen for a friend: Nope
Do you believe…
In yourself: Yeah
Miracles: 100%
Love at first sight: maybe
Santa Claus: No doubt :P
I tag: not sure who’s done this so I’m not gonna tag anyone. But if you want to, knock yourself out!
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thisoneforthemcurls · 7 years
I just wanted to say that i hit my first 100 on this new blog and i cant be more appreciative, since i only had started it in September of last year and it means so much that you have actually taken an interest in my blog. So Thank you! And i want to give special thanks to... 
she is literally my other half and super nice i love her to death and her blog is amazing. We always talk and she is super friendly and i am so glad to have made a friend here on this site. we tend to daydream about harry and niall and its so fun so check out her blog. 
she is also very nice and amazing and her blog is just wow. We also talk and she is also super friendly and has amazing hair and her selfies are super cute!
I also love her and her amazing writing so if you want to read harry fics and so on and want to feel like the character she is your gal just go read it and you will be blown away. Oh check out her recently written blurb/imagine Shape Of You part 1 and Shape Of Your part 2 , its amazingggggg just like the rest of her writing. 
Check out her Masterlist!
she is a cutie pie and so sweet literally so you really should check her out. And her harry edit are insane also congrats again on the interview so proud of you hun bun!
I also love her writing many of you may know her already but she deserves to be tagged on this anyways because she is that cool. Her writing will blow you away. Check out Evening the Score from her is amazing and you will want to cry tears of joy and ugh just go. 
Also check out her Masterlist!
I love her as well and she is also another amazing writing bless your souls seriously. She is the author of Over Again she if you are a Niall girl you definitely don’t want to miss this fic because like damn, and yes i am low key a Niall girl and proud. 
Check out her Masterlist for more chapters of Over Again and her other writings!
She is super sweet and you guys need to totally check her blog out for some of her amazing writing. Her writing is so good like makes you want to cry!! And look at the adorable face like how could you resist that!
Also Check out her Masterlist for some major harry feels!
So thank you all for enjoying my blog and special thanks for making my dash a little more beautiful each day love you mwah! <3 
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fairylightsstyles · 7 years
i hate mint chocolate chip to high five
okay good I’m not the only one (idk how people eat it) 
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cheshirehunshine · 7 years
Tumblr media
I don’t know how it happened but I’ve reached 2k followers today. As I always say, it makes me happy to know that so many people like my blog. I do my best to keep it a chilled safe place for everyone, and I wouldn’t even try it if I didn′t appreciate all of you the way I do. Since the day I created this blog 7 months ago I’ve only had a good time here, I’ve been through so much last year and I really needed it. As cheesy as it may sound, you all make my days better so THANK YOU for that!! Even if I don’t follow you back, it’s just because if I follow everyone my dash would be chaotic, but I’m still really grateful!!
Now to the mentions:
I considered doing a list of all my mutuals but they are more than 300 so it would take me forever. I decided to mention my favorite ones instead. They are all pretty amazing and I love seeing them on my dash! I just want you to know that I love all of my mutuals even if you’re not on the list, thank you so much for following!! 
(bolded are extra special, starred (*) are my friends whom I love with all my ♥)
IMPORTANT: Read the tags :)
@arthoestyles @androgynoustyles @butterfly-harrys @bestactorharry @blamethecupcake @blueskxn @britishhaz  @boyfriend-niall​ @caitlin32387 @causeitsweird @centrecity @chrissy22787 @colourfulmindxx @curlalmightys @columbia-harold @crankerbell @cvliforniaharry @dawniestyles @divineharry @domestic-styles @doubledenimniall @dunquirky @fuck-h-styles @freddiesvodkaaunt @fairylightsstyles @fstopsteph 
@icedcoffeeharry @idekstyles @ifheartscouldfly @hotmessharry @harryqstyles @hazoffstyles @hes-happily @hotharreh @harrysbunshun @heart-attack-harry* @harryandjefe @hardystyls @harryslittlepumpkin @harryismywonderwall @harrysolomusic @honeyskins @hardcoreharrie @harrysmeadow @hi-mr-styles @hesgoingholo @harryfuckmesideways @harryslovelylocks* @harryfeatstyles @hrrystyles @hallaharry @hotsauceharry @habibharry @harrystyler @harryisclever 
@kyra73 @leftsdimple @legendharrystyles @legend-waitforit-harry @lexicate @little-black-dress-24 @littlewhitelies1403 @lovedandinlove1d @lovelhes @loveyooumeanit @louisftaoki @lucyvanpelt78 @matilda-breeze @niallandharrymakemestrong @nips-and-tats @narryart @never-enough-harry @narryschonceaf @nojemmyproteste
@pansexualharry @perfectliam @punkcupcakestyles @stockholmsstyles @packersbeanie​ @polaroidgirlfriend @preciousharry @permanentcross @rocketmommy @robotharru @roseonhissleeve @stylesthebaker @stylesplayedme @sweetxdreamz @stolenkisses-pretttylies @stylininmi @stylessemantics @savage-styles @shadeharry @stylesinthewild @softbronze @shipwreckharold 
@walkingintheamm @tanktop-narry @teenageweirdo15 @team-styles @theboyfromwhiteeskimo94 @thatspartofyou @theharrystyleseffect @truelovealwayshurts* @thisoneforthemcurls @thoselipsharry @tsevers @tweedygal @valentinehes @valentinesharry @wdmsusie @wickedlovve  @weeklyfangirl* @whoopsharrystyles* @woahello
Once again, thank you so much to all my followers ❤
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Falling, Love on Tour: NYC3 (via @thisoneforthemcurls )
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emulateharry · 6 years
@dirtystyles  tagged me...Here we go.
nickname: mama bear, tc
gender: female
zodiac: scorpio
height: 5′1″
age: decrepit
time: 13:06
favorite bands / solo artists: Harry Styles,One Direction, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, so many more  
song stuck in my head: Olivia
last movie i saw: Deadpool 2 with @whoopsharrystyles
last thing i googled: how to can soup
other blogs:none
do i get asks: almost never
why i chose my username: The world would be a nicer place if we emulated harry.
# following: a fair few
average amount of sleep: 8 hours
lucky number:5
what am i wearing: Harry tour shirt, sweatpants
dream job: author
dream trip: Great Britain
favorite food: all of them
play any instrument: piano, barely (Mrs. Thomppert would be so disappointed)
favorite song: Sign of the Times
play(ed) any sport: softball
hair color: brown
eye color: blue
language you speak/are learning: English, a bit of spanish and, on a good day, I can read Hebrew.
describe yourself as an aesthetic/things: person standing in a pool, on tiptoes, with nose just barely above the water gasping for air.
I tag @tokingharry, @thisoneforthemcurls, @kschoice1982, @jojoleemac
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melissas173 · 7 years
11 Questions
I was tagged by the wonderful @i-dont-even-give-a  Thank you Meghan!  
Rules: repost with rules, answer the 11 questions, then ask your own 11 questions and tag 11 people
1. If you could live in the world of one book, which book would it be? - I tend to read historical fiction and I’m not sure I’d want to live in one of those times so let’s say The Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton, a book I remember fondly. 
2. Is there a song you ever wish you could turn directly into a book to read? - I love a good crime story so let’s go with Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen or Velveteen by Transvision Vamp. 
3. If you had to choose one food/dish to eat for the rest of your life and health wasn’t a factor, what would you choose? - Mashed Potato, simple I know but there are so many variations on how people make it that I always want to sample it. 
4. What’s your dream house? - It’s a type of house built here in early Australia.  A house with a long hallway with floorboards down one wall, rooms on the other side opening up into the living area.  
5. What’s one of your favorite childhood memories? - Visiting the beach on holidays and going to sleep with the sound of the waves. 
6. What two singer/songwriters would you like to see collab? - Aside from Niall Horan and Harry Styles, Adele and Eminem, don’t ask me why, just I think it would be a trip. 
7. Do you prefer the mountains or the beach? -- The beach - I love the sound of waves crashing 
8. Who would you choose to narrate your life story? - Anna Kendrick - sarcastically funny, like me 
9. Is there a song that defines how you’re feeling right now? - Wow this was a hard one!  I’m going to go with mostly “Happy” by Pharrell with the occasional “Killing in the Name” by Rage against the Machine.  
10. If you could pick one thing that was guaranteed in your future, what would it be? - That I’ll get less accident prone as I get older!  And that all my nearest and dearest are safe and well. 
11. Is there a person that knows all of your secrets? - No, but there a couple who know most of them, not that I have many! 
I’m supposed to come up with my own 11 questions but these were so tricky that I’d love to see what others answer!  
I tag @niallandharrymakemestrong @whoopsharrystyles @emulateharry @squirrely83 @irish-nlessing @itsaniallworldafterall @heauxforhoran @thepainofbeingafangirl @kyra73 @liamsgirl4eva @marylovingharry @thisoneforthemcurls  and because I think you should answer your own questions Meghan @i-dont-even-give-a 
P.S. This list is full of amazing writers, please go read everything they’ve written or just drop by and say hi! 
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roseonhissleeve · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
1. Always post these rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people.
I was tagged by @heart-attack-harry. Thank you love. x
1. What is one 1D song that you think Harry would sound great singing himself?
Moments. His vocals in that song always K I L L me. 
2. What time do you get up in the mornings?
It honestly depends. I have literally no fixed sleep schedule, and sometimes I can wake up after four hours and feel fully rested and sometimes I’m still tired after nine hours. The past few days my average wake-up time has been 11 am.
3. If you could do one of the following with Harry, which would you choose: write a song with him, sing a song with him, or play an instrument in his band?
Play an instrument in his band. I think it’d be a super cool experience to tour around and perform with him. (NOTE TO SELF: FIC IDEA!!!)
4. If you could cast Harry in another movie, what kind of role would it be?
Not gonna lie fam, something in a Nicholas Sparks movie because I am trash for his stories and so is Harry. :’)
5. Are you a gold or silver person?
6. What is your go-to lunch?
Sandwiches. :)
7. Favorite decade of music?
A lot of people don’t know this about me, but I’m a huge fan of jazz music. So the 50s, I would say. The era of free jazz.
Honestly, other than that I really do love current music. Not necessarily everything (not really into rap and EDM) but for the most part I do genuinely enjoy music that is being created now. You just gotta know where to find the good stuff.
8. Favorite memory with a friend?
Selena Gomez concert with one of my best friends last summer. We danced in line while waiting to get into the venue and waited for her to come out afterwards, and he and I managed to get everyone else waiting to sing a song with us. It was super cool.
9. Name a person, band, movie, song, etc. that you think is overrated.
Honestly, I’m gonna get reamed for this but...Beyoncé.
10. Did you pre-order Harry’s album? If so, what version?
Yes, the CD booklet. It was actually gifted to me by a friend that I really look up to immensely, and I don’t think she knows how much it meant to me. I’ve been having a tough time with money lately so when she offered to give it to me I got very emotional. The album means so much more to me now because of her. 
11. Most romantic thing someone has done for you?
My ex-partner bought me a thousand-dollar promise ring...when we broke up I told him to keep it and give it to his daughter (she’s almost one) but it was a lovely gesture at the time. We’re still best friends.
1. What are three things that you are proud of?
2. If you could learn how to sing/perform one song perfectly, what song would it be?
3. If you were a superhero, what would your superpower be?
4. Do you have any tattoos/do you want any tattoos? Tell us about them.
5. Where do you go when you need to think?
6. What is your favorite Disney/animated movie?
7. What is your favorite book & why?
8. What is a song that not a lot of people know that you wish was more popular?
9. Where do you get your inspiration?
10. What makes you happy?
11. Why are you a 1D fan?
I am tagging: @stylishmuser, @wdmsusie, @cheshirepuddin, @haroldslovekitten, @stylessemantics, @whoopsharrystyles, @magic-view, @thisoneforthemcurls, @ohharryhoney,  @harryslovelylocks, @sing-me-a-song-harry
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harryknowsme · 7 years
Do you love me as much as I love you
Yes or No Asks.
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fairylightsstyles · 7 years
Thank you!
Windflower: List 5 of your favourite blogs and explain why i like them
My actual bestfriend, who i love wayyyy to much. Also has an aesthetically pleasing blog and is extremely pretty! 
A new friend who is extremely nice and sweet! Knows just how to cheer me up when i need it!
Has a great blog with the best harry pics. Also one of the nicest people i’ve met on here, Knows when to say the right things 
Whenever i go on her blog it always cheers me up, comes up with and reblogs many harry scenarios that will probably kill me 
One of my favourite harry blogs. A really sweet and funny person, who i’m glad i met on here! 
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cheshirehunshine · 7 years
I have a couple of crushes on @fairylightsstyles and @narryschonceaf and of course @chesirepuddin
Hello cutiepie!!! Thank you so much!! And I’m not surprised you have a crush on @fairylightsstyles & @narryschonceaf ;)
Go on anon and tell me which tumblr user you have a crush on
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Adore You, Love on Tour: NYC3 (via @thisoneforthemcurls )
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harryknowsme · 7 years
thisoneforthemcurls replied to your post: Do you love me as much as I love you
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harryknowsme · 7 years
I followed you because i love you and how could someone not want to follow you. YOURE AMAZINGGGGG MWAH!!!! XXOXOXOXOOXX
Aw, thank you, Tumblr Little Sis!!!!!  YOU are the one who is amazing.  I’m in awe always of how wonderful and smart you are!  I’m so blessed that you came into my life.  And I remind the world that YOU are the reason Snog Me Senseless exists at all!  MWAH!!! XOXOXOXOXOXOXXXXXX!!!
Tell Me Why You Follow Me
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harryknowsme · 7 years
My happiest moment was being friends with you big sis. Muwah !!!!!
That’s definitely in my top five moments this past year, sis!  LOVE YOU SO MUCH!  You are the bestest ever!  
(P.S.  If you all aren’t following my little Tumblr sis, @thisoneforthemcurls​, you’re missing out!  She’s amazing!!!!)
Tell Me Your Happiest Moment
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