#tho I think audible still has an iron grip on new English releases
You can kinda tell in each discussion page how many people are audiobook readers compared to other formats by how big of an opinion they have on the audible situation with the secret projects
I rarely use audiobooks and despise audible with a passion, so I am mostly kinda glad at the middle finger to amazon. But it is very interesting hearing from people who actually use it regularly
To be clear the reason I despise audible as a company is because it’s so tied to their subscription service
If I want to purchase a certain audiobook from them and not get the subscription service, it doesn’t show up in their app at all. Neither the books that I have paid for myself at full price or the books that other family members have and I should have access to through family sharing. Only through logging in on a specific website (not audible it’s some other library part of amazon that I can never find on the first try) on a computer is it possible to access the audiobooks and listen to them. Same website on phone or ipad gives you nothing. That is impractical to the point that I only ever do it when it’s something I need for school and have no other option, no matter how much I pay not only do I not actually own the product but I can’t even access it properly. It wouldn’t be a problem if they had competitors where I could buy them instead, but as established a lot of books are only sold through amazon. Kindle works fine with 0 issues so it’s very specifically audible that is trash in that department
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