#tho THAAD and sment fuckery will still exist to keep exo suffering
sasukelandia · 4 months
if i were the one to form exo in 2012 it would be like this:
dyo, chen, and baekhyun as main vocalists of course
absolutely no rapline. chanyeol will join suho and luhan in the sub vocalists division as a needed baritone. suho is still the leader and luhan will be the pretty boy stan attractor on top of that.
zitao, lay, and kai are the main dancers— with zitao specializing in wushu flashiness
exo-K will be made up of dyo, baekhyun, chanyeol, and suho & exo-M will be made up of chen, luhan, zitao, and lay. kai is a dual member cus he’s The Key (← that’s lore stuff btw)
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