#tho ofc he can stay quiet and still perfectly fine if he really wants to
m-ieli-blog · 7 years
rakan has a notable case of adhd. as the such, it’s a frequent issue of his that he fails to pay attention to any briefing of a plan or to stay completely focused on a task. his thoughts wander, sometimes more quickly than other times, to anything and everything that comes to mind. in addition, his restlessness, notable for the most part by the soft singing he does when idle or little movements in-between, creates the appropriate differentiation between adhd and add.  all things considered, he has issues paying continuous attention when spoken to or doing something, easily gets sidetracked by things that catch his attention and drifting thoughts and finds it rather difficult to stay completely still and silent for a prolonged period of time.
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serowotonin · 4 years
𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐞𝐭𝐨𝐞 | k.k.
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ a serowotonin christmas special ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
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✲︎— you and kenma have had feelings for each other for far too long without doing anything about it. kuroo, with the help of some mistletoe, finally decides to step in and hurry things along...
⊰ pairing ⊱ kozume kenma x gn!reader
⊰ genre ⊱ fluff, crack(?)
⊰ word count ⊱ 1.2k
⊰ type ⊱ hcs + scenario
⊰ tags & warnings ⊱ pining, mistletoe, matchmaker!kuroo, unedited, no caps:D
author’s note. its almost 3AM. i still don’t feel sleepy but my bren ded
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you’ve had a crush on kenma for the longest time
and, unbeknownst to you, so has he
ofc you two never seemed to realize this cuz… thats just the way you were??
kuroo knew tho,, bout kenma’s crush and had an inkling that you may like him back
he also almost “accidentally” let it slip a few times in front you
kenma always did smth to either shut him up or divert your attention elsewhere so you wouldn’t hear what kuroo was saying
poor kuroo he just wants to be that helpful senpai and see his two cute kohais get together
after a few too many “slip-ups” around you though, kenma made kuroo swear not to breathe a word of his crush to you
and kuroo reluctantly obliged,,,, but this boi still had a few things up his sleeve 😼😼
christmas time came and, as usual, everyone was abuzz with holiday fever and stress for the upcoming exams:,(
now during exam time, kuroo would often invite kenma to his house to study (even tho they’re in different grades) and this year was no different
except,,,,,, for some reason that some reason being kuroo you were also there??
kuroo and kenma were just sitting there talking about you when, coincidentally, the bell rang and they opened the door to you
“ah glad you could make it y/n ~” kuroo said in a playful tone upon your entrance
kenma knew he was up to something and few moments later, he was proven right
“actually now that you’re here, i got an errand i need to run. you two enjoy studying i’ll be back real quick;3”
you & kenma: “wAIT WHAT?!??” *internally panics at the thought of being alone with each other*
you: “sooo...👉👈”
kenma: “....👉👈”
let’s just say the two of you actually managed to do some a lot of studying cuz you two felt too shy to do anything else 
when kuroo came back, he couldn’t say he wasn’t surprised. he knew kenna would’ve been too shy to initiate anything but he figured you might’ve at least had the confidence to say smth
but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ guess you two were more similar than he thought
that just brought him to phase 2 of his grand plan to get you two together
which was to be carried out at the christmas party after exams...
exams were finally over and you felt like a weight had been lifted off your heart. of course, even though the weight of exams were lifted, the weight of… other things, still anchored your heart. as you combed a hand through your hair, you tried your best to ignore those anchors. they weren’t something you were brave enough to do anything about anyway.  
one last look in the mirror and you deemed yourself good enough to leave the house. you weren’t wearing anything fancy or special for the night’s event; just a simple holiday sweater and classic blue jeans. you grabbed your things and headed out, texting your friends telling them that you’ll meet them at the station in a few minutes. 
seconds later, you felt your phone vibrate and pulled it out.
kenma: y/n, are you going to the christmas party?
you: yep, im on my way to the station rn actually.
kenma: oh ok.
you wondered what he wanted, your brain already coming up with tons of possibilities. you quickly shook them out of your head and texted him back.
you: how bout you? are you coming too??
there was a slight delay in his reply and you had to shut your phone to navigate through the small crowd in front of the station. your friends spotted you first and quickly made their way to you. you all boarded the train and found yourselves a few seats towards the back to sit on. checking your phone for the time, you saw Kenma texted back.
kenma: yeah i have no choice. kuro’s making me go TT
you: lol poor you. im sure it’ll be fine tho 
kenma: mmm he’s probably going to ditch me once we get there
you: i’ll stay with you if he ditches you then hahahha
he didn’t reply for a few seconds and internally you were lowkey panicking. as the train came to a halt, your phone lit up again with a message.
kenma: i’ll be glad if you did (:
you started grinning to yourself but before you could type a reply, the train doors opened and you had to pocket your phone to navigate through the crowd leaving and entering the cabin. 
. ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ . ⊹ . ⋅ ˚̣- : ✧ : – ⭒ ⊹ ⭒ – : ✧ : -˚̣⋅ .
the gym was brightly-lit with streamers of all colors, sizes, and fluffiness adorning the walls. a standard-sized christmas tree stood in one corner with a large number of what you presumed to be placebo presents arranged neatly around it.
your eyes scanned the groups of students until finally landing on a lone boy with hair that seemed to shimmer under the christmas lights. to most others, he seemed quiet and reserved. he wasn’t easily approachable, to everyone else at least. 
you walked over and easily struck a conversation. to you, kenma wasn’t someone someone hard to approach or talk to. he was kenma afterall. what was hard, however, was trying to hide your blush every time he smiled at you, trying to keep a neutral face whenever he said your name, and most importantly, making sure your crush on him was not in any way obvious to him.
oblivious to you, he was trying hard to do just the same. and oblivious to the both of you, kuroo had already completed preparations for ‘phase 2 of getting kenma and y/n together’. 
dont give the man too much credit, “preparations” is just a fancy way of saying he found some mistletoe
lucky for kuroo, you two were exactly where he wanted you to be —standing face to face in a quiet corner of the beautifully decorated gym. 
like a large cat sneaking up on it’s prey, kuroo silently made his way towards the two of you.
“hEY ! y/n, kenma,” he said nodding to each of you respectively. “enjoying the party?”
before either of you could answer, kuroo continued talking.
“oH would you look at that.. it seems you two have been caught under some mistletoe~”
he waved his hand holding the mistletoe just above your heads as the both of you started blushing furiously. 
“cmon, you two know what you have to do~ :3” 
you couldn’t think straight. one moment everything was fine with you and kenma, and the next, some big bloke pops up out of nowhere ruining your peace of mind.
nervously, you glanced at kenma. he was staring at the ground with visibly red cheeks. kuroo kept poking him while he attempted to swat kuroo away. of course that didn't work, but it did make you swoon a bit because damn if kenma wasnt really cute right now…
taking a deep breath, you thought to yourself ‘why the heck not?’. before you had the chance to properly think, you took two steps forward and gave kenma a quick peck on the cheek. 
“oh come on y/n,,, you can do better than that~” kuroo teased. 
not even attempting to hide your blush or embarrassment anymore, you looked at kenma and saw he, too, was as red as his volleyball uniform. what struck most was the way he looked back at you. his eyes seemed to mirror yours perfectly. both searching the others for something to just push you off the edge and admit to each other how you felt. 
it seems you two found it as you both leaned in for another kiss, a proper one. 
— ✲︎
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author’s note btw remember how kuroo had an “errand he needed to run”. yes that errand was coming to give yours truly some cuddles;3 ditch exam review to sleep-n-cuddle bitch ψ( ` ∇ ´ )ψ
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undadasea · 5 years
Hello! I came a little late into the YOI fandom but i want to write stuff for it, the stories are so good! The thing is, i've never written for fun before, so i dont know how to like,, do it? (Also i'm kinda shy, and English is not my first language) Do u have any writing tips or any advice you could give me? I love your work!
hi!! first welcome to the fandom! it’s a little quiet right now, yea, but as soon as there’s any news again? i can’t wait to see the fandom rocking again. and second i’m so happy you like my work enough to ask me for advice??? TTwTT i’ll try my best to help!
-okay so aaaaaaaa first just remember that, regardless of what some people may say, there is no right or wrong way to write a character. when you write, you want to write what is genuine to you, what you think the characters would do or say. you think victor secretly swears a lot? cool! you think yurio is trans? dope! you think yuuri and phichit were lovers? awesome! there is so much liberty you can take when writing fanfiction while still staying true to the characters themselves.
for me, i like writing yurio so he is actually a sweetheart, and he just acts mean. is this 100% canon? who knows! who cares! because it’s my personal interpretation of him, it’s how i see his character.
so if it’s something you see the character doing, then have them do it!
-think your story idea is cliche or overused? do it anyway! 
listen, take it from someone who has probably read most of the mafia au victuuri fanfiction on ao3. readers don’t care if it’s been done before. sometimes, they look for a story because it’s been done before, and they enjoyed reading it so they want to again! your style is different from other authors, so naturally your story isn’t going to be the exact same.
at this point in history, there are a LOT of stories that have already been done and if you freak out constantly about having a 100% perfectly unique, never been done story, then you are going to scrap so many amazing ideas! your story will ALWAYS be unique because only you can write the story that’s in your head. 
please please please never stop writing a story because you don’t think it’s unique enough. 
-also, you don’t have to post everything you write. if you just want to mess around and write a few silly things just to get a feel for it, that’s totally ok! i have a lot of stuff that i’ve written and never published for various reasons. sometimes i was just messing around with ideas, or maybe i didn’t like how it was. i have so much really old hetalia fanfiction i wrote when i was younger that i would probably die if it ever got published.
and that’s fine! when i first started writing, i didn’t have the option to publish it, but i still wrote, and i shared it with my sisters. 
just try out new techniques, mess around with the way you can word things, play around with how you think a character would respond to something (it’s also a good way to get a feel for the characters) you can just play around and keep those little stories to yourself. 
-sometimes you see people who publish a lot of stuff in a short amount of time. good for them! but if you don’t write that fast, don’t worry about it. you don’t have to post something every day in order to gain loyal readers and followers. trust me, those who enjoy your stories will wait forever for you to update, and they will be there when you do post again, with the same amount of excitement. 
hell, i’ve waited 2-3 YEARS for an update from someone, and i’m STILL waiting, and i’m STILL checking to see if it’s happened yet. when it finally does? you bet i’m going to read that update with love and tell the author how much i’ve missed the story.
and if you DO write fast, and post lots, guess what? people are going to be so excited every time you post. i promise you that you will get followers who will read everything you write. 
-as for actually doing the writing? it can be hard to tell you exactly how to start, because i can’t even remember how i did myself. it just sort of.. happened. 
if you want to get into writing the characters out, then i’d recommend just writing small lines first, just to get your head working to learn how to write stories for fun. 
“Victor whistled while he walked.” “Yurio sighed as he pet his cat.” 
just write small things first, little actions. slowly that can make it’s way into a story.
“Victor whistled as he walked down the street, glancing from house to house. He wondered how everyone was doing. Since his skating accident, he hadn’t seen anyone in ages. Did they miss him?”
“Yurio sighed as he pet his cat, lowering his phone from where he had been scrolling instagram. Yakov had sent him home for ‘bad behavior’ and he was so bored.”
-and if you can’t think of anything to write about, writing prompts are the BEST THING EVER. just search them up on google, pinterest, instagram, or i like to search here on tumblr. sentence prompts, idea prompts, character prompts. the people who write them out are amazing and there are so many great ideas of things to write. actually a lot of i write comes from writing prompts. just take an idea and think “in this scenario, who would be who? what would they do to solve the issue? and how did they even end up in this situation??”
-another good place to get ideas is music, or at least in my case. i love listening to music when i write, too, because it can set the right mood. feel like writing something fun? boppy pop songs. angsty? emo songs. a little crazy? lord knows there are some weird songs out there. 
and then there are songs that have stories and you just want twist it just so, and write the characters there. the first song that comes to mind for me is “Whiskey Lullaby” which is a very sad song, with a very sad story. but hell if i haven’t considered writing a story based on it. 
-then of course, there’s writing a story based on another one. whether it be based on a shakespeare play, that movie you saw last week, your favorite show, a book you read as a kid, etc. that’s ok too! even writing a story based on a different fanfic. tho of course, you always want to cite your inspiration in this case. i’ve read stories that were based off of others, that they asked if they could write a story in the same world, even. and those stories stood on their own, and i loved them all.
(me, remembering that my biggest story was inspired by someone else-)
-finally, i tell you that numbers are just numbers. 
this is something that a lot of people are still trying to learn (me included, sometimes) but numbers are fake. 
no matter what number you are looking at, i promise you it’s not worth it to stress out over it. 
number of kudos? number a views? number of comments? number of words? number of chapters?
none of it matters. because numbers aren’t a reason to write. write for YOU, and share the gift you have created with others. 
ok i can’t really think of much else to tell you and this already got,,, a LOT longer than i meant it to so i’m gonna stop here ;;; what and when and if you write will be up to you. 
if there’s anything specific you want to ask me about, either you want me to elaborate on something here, or you want to know about something not mentioned, i will absolutely try my best to help you. if you want another 1,000+ word essay on writing, let me know bc i just looked at the word count for this and almost fainted- this goes for everyone, by the way! 
also, i will absolutely read your first story whenever you decide to publish it!! (if you do, ofc) just let me know and i will be your first reader-
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