#thor apparently needs pictures of hela hung up where his used to be in order to see anything wrong with forcing subjugation of other realms
grandthorkiday · 5 years
Mob AU “Playthings” Part 24
[Link to mob!au anon’s “Playthings" fic tag]
[Start at Part 1]*
(*Note: Link is editable for other parts, just change the number. For mobile users, tag is “playthings part1”)
Note from @loxxxlay: MOB ANON HAS REVEALED THEMSELVES!! They are @red-shadow-wolf-19 and they have plans to write more Grandthorki in the future! Go follow them for more of their fics <3
They dragged him out of the bedroom when it was announced on the news the next morning. He knelt in front of the large flat screen, amongst the games controllers that had been his brother’s solice, and watched as the a newscaster said in a sympathetic but efficient manner, “Thor Valhalla was found this morning in critical condition after what appears to be an assault. He was rushed to a hospital but pronounced dead on arrival. He was thirty two.”
“The Brat is dead! Long live the Brat!” Mario crowed, and the crew laughed.
Gast used one finger to lift Loki’s face to his. “You always have your exit strategy, sweetheart. Remember?” He said it almost kindly.
“M-may I go back to the bedroom?”
Back away from the crew and stares, Loki bent over the toilet and threw up in peace. He sobbed into the tile floor, aware that no one this time would come in and stroke his hair or hold him or sing some stupid song from their childhood. It was just him now.
They next day, they dragged him out again. This time because he had to cook breakfast. Life goes on.
Gast began making the rounds on the radio shows, calling in to dramatically cry about the death of one of his lost soulmates. He kept Loki in his lap, hugging him close like a stuffed animal. Occasionally the host would ask after the brunette. Grandmaster’s eyes would flick up to his, and he would politely look away. “In no fit state to talk to anyone, sadly.”
Naturally, that really wasn’t the case. Around three o'clock, Loki found a phone being shoved in his face as he laid on the bed.
“Call the hospital. Tell them you want the body. You can do that, you’re family.” There was an emphasis on ‘family’ that made his skin crawl, but he took the phone and did as he was told. Thor had told him to be good.
[read more cut]
The hospital, unfortunately, was making it difficult. “I’m so sorry, Mr. Valhalla, but Mr. Thor Valhalla’s body was released to your Father already. You will have to speak to him and your sister. I am so sorry for your loss.”
“I-I am his…,” he could barely say the words. He’d wanted to scream them for the last six to seven years, and now he barely had the energy to form a syllable.
“I’m so sorry.”
When he hung up and explained the situation, the slap to the face was almost welcome. “Call your sister! I want his body!”
Thor would have cheekily asked why he hadn’t kept it. He would have couched it as a light-hearted question. Loki simply dialled from memory Hela’s number and said nothing.
“I want Thor’s body,” he said with preamble once she answered the phone.
“Oh, Loki! I-”
“Please, Hela. I want to bury him. We-” he glanced at Gast who looked back at him expectantly, “we want to bury him.”
“After he-”
“He’s my husband, Hela…we got married. Did you know that? I’m legally allowed to have a say over what happens to his…remains.”
“I know, Loki. He told us.”
Loki took a shakey breath, the painful reminder of why Thor wasn’t there twisting in gut like a knife. “Hela, don’t make me fight you in court. Don’t make him fight you. Please, right now…”
“Daddy wants to bury Thor too.” It was said quickly, cutting him off.
“Near Mom?” he couldn’t help the hope that entered his voice.
“N-no. Um…he’s having Thor cremated and buried in another plot.” There was a quick and muffled dialogue on the other end of the phone before she came back. “I suppose we could um…share….him. Split the ashes.”
Loki felt like vomiting again. “Split the ashes?” He glanced at the Grandmaster who shrugged and nodded his assent. “O-okay.”
They arranged when he would come to pick up the ashes. Hela tried to invite him to their private funeral service, but he hung up on her instead. He had to be good. He had to survive. Grandmaster kissed his forehead and tucked him into bed for that.
That’s when he brought 'the trophy’ out. Loki nearly screamed and fled the bedroom, but he forced himself to remain where he was. The older man placed the glass container of strange viscous liquid on the bedside counter. The blue iris of Thor’s eye looked unreal and otherworldly, the veins and disconnected tissue floating out like tentacles or rays of lightning. Loki looked at it in morbid fascination.
“I said, it was his best feature,” Gast said simply, running a finger down the side of the glass.
“Well one of his best features. But you can’t persevere an ass.”
“That’s why you called him Sparkles. Because of his eyes.”
“It’s not like he shot lightning or something.”
“May I keep his things? At least his drawings?”
“I guess. But keep them somewhere neat. I don’t want them everywhere,” he reached over and laid out three more items: a needle, a small bag of blue crystals, and a lighter. He left, without another word as Loki took them.
He honestly couldn’t remember clearly the last few months. He remembered the funeral. Gast had made an emotional fifteen minute eulogy before bringing him to the front of the packed church to speak. He stood at the lectern, stuttering out something unintelligible before breaking down into sobs at the sight of the blown up picture of Thor. He had been gathered into the Grandmaster’s embrace, though they didn’t leave the altar. The cameras and the world needed to see him.
After that, his life was series of color and moments of sobriety. He tried to stay away from harder stuff, keeping mostly to alcohol and weed, but Gast kept giving him the crystals when he got 'too weepy’. He now slept and lived permanently in the master bedroom. He didn’t have to cook much anymore, mostly because no one trusted him around a stove. But he was good. Perfect. So they couldn’t complain.
Sometimes, he could forget everything. Gast would hold him in his lap during one of the numerous meetings, and Loki would simply exist, as though he had been willed into being just to please this man. Then, he would catch sight of the bar, or maybe something would brush across his cheek and it would come all crashing back. He would hug the man closer, for there was no one else he was allowed to touch anymore, and he would be given a glass of alcohol to keep quiet.
“My poor Lo Lo. All alone now.” He forgets when this was said to him exactly, but the ridiculous sweater he remembers Gast wearing made him think of Christmas. “Maybe I should get you a buddy. An itsy bitsy friend?”
He remembers the tablet being pushed into his face so he could stare at a Facebook page. The kid barely looked out of high school, standing in his board shorts and tank top, his brown hair being picked up by a breeze. He had a wide innocent smile as showed off a farmer’s tan. The photo was posted by Peter Parker, with a caption 'this boi thirsty! For lemonade it’s hooooott’ followed by a confusing jumble of emojis.
Loki had felt his stomach twist and an emotion akin to jealousy and guilt with a twinge of nostalgia settle there. But he was good. Perfect. So he had said as brightly as possible, “He’s cute!”
“I knew you would like him!” Grandmaster had cooed, as though he had picked out a puppy. He had kissed Loki so sweetly, again he almost forget everything. Even Thor’s eye still on the bedside counter.
Loki was slightly drunk when the police finally came to arrest the Grandmaster. They had been expected, but late. To the mobster’s delight he had made quite a scene. They had been at a restaurant, watching Peter, Loki still stalling the inevitable when they had came, led by Bruce Banner. He had tried to scratch the cuffs away and nearly punched Bruce’s face. To the man’s credit, he had been very gentle and guided him back to his seat before continuing. Gast naturally was home the next day, already gloating.
This time the DA did not push for a gag order. They seemed rather unconcerned with what the Grandmaster said or did. And he took full advantage of that fact.
“We’re still mourning our Thor and they do this! After his family would not come to the funeral!”
“Awful,” the interviewer said, shaking her head sympathetically. “Loki, do you have anything to add.”
“Why are they doing this to us? Haven’t…haven’t we lost enough?” He broke down with each word. They didn’t cut away as he choked and sobbed. It made for good television, he supposed.
When they DA announced they had a secret witness, there was a large meeeting in the penthouse about who it was. No one suspected Loki; he rarely left the apartment anymore, and if he could get away with it he stayed mostly in the bedroom. Besides, the secret witness was apparently in protective custody. Anyone who was late or didn’t attend the meeting immediately fell under suspicion and fingers were pointed even at those who showed up early. It was utter chaos. Gast loved it. Loki slipped away to the bedroom with a bottle of wine.
The day of the opening of the trial, Loki was woken up and made to put on the clothes he had worn at the funeral. They were a little too big on him now, he had lost some weight since then, but he still looked impressive. His eyes were bloodshot from all the drinking and drugs, so they gave him a pair of sunglasses.
“Can you even walk a straight line,” Gast asked him mockingly. He could, but his hands shook. They gave him a flask for his pocket and a packet of cigarettes. He didn’t have a wallet or cellphone anymore. He hadn’t since Thor died. All the money under his and his husband’s old mattress had been taken and redistributed to the penthouse crew, except for a hundred dollars which Loki had used for his last solo trip in the city to pick up Thor’s ashes.
The courthouse was packed with the press and the public when they arrived. Gast waved good-humoredly at them as they entered. He made a big production of helping Loki to his seat, kissing and fawning over him. He let the sunglasses dip for a moment so people could see his eyes. Naturally, the press would assume it was because of tears not alcohol. Topaz settled in next to him, a more 'comforting’ figure than Mario.
Stark and Romanov entered, ignoring the press as they went to their table. They spoke in low voices and passed a cellphone and a tablet back and forth between them. Loki didn’t pay attention, keeping his eyes forward on Gast and trying to memorize the New York seal on the judge’s bench.
“All rise!” called the bailiff. The courthouse stood as a small heavily whiskered man soon and settled himself in the high bench. “The Honorable Patel preceding.”
“Sit down,” the judge said, fiddling with papers on his desk as the courthouse sat. “I will hear opening statements. Mr. Stark?”
The ADA stood and spoke very succinctly. They had evidence of weapon trafficking as well as drug trafficking. They also had evidence of sexual and physical assault, and conspiracy to attempt murder. Gast, he explained rather dryly, was a danger to the city and society and had manipulated his way out of justice before. “Hopefully, he won’t this time. With your help,” he concluded, thanking the jury.
Gast’s lawyer stood as soon as Stark sat and began to dramatically recount the last year: the DA’s first attempt to sully the Grandmaster by manipulating his lover, Loki which resulted in Loki’s suicide attempt. The brunette shifted uncomfortably in his seat at being part of this, but he made no move to shield himself from view. Then, he spoke about losing Thor to thugs collecting a gambling debt. Bile rose in his throat at that, but he pushed it down. He was good. Perfect.
“And now, DA is dragging this man and his loved ones back into court not four months after burying his beloved as some sick way to get votes. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, you have the poor to end this! Listen to the weakness of this case, and then find En Dwi Gast not guilty!” A few people in the gallery clapped, causing the judge to bang his gavel a few times.
“Stark, are you ready to proceed with your secret witness?”
“Already? Blowing your load a little early, aren’t you?” Gast quipped. The gallery laughed. The gavel fell.
“This is not an open mic night. Please refrain from comments. Mr. Stark?”
Tony nodded, dialled a number on his phone and said a few words. A side door opened. The room gasped.
Loki didn’t look at first. He was good. Perfect. But finally when Gast gasped as well, he swiveled his head robotically around. He let out a cry.
Thor stood, supporting himself on a cane and Valkyrie’s arm. He had an eye patch his left eye and his hair had gotten a little longer than the Grandmaster ever let it grow. Every step he made to the witness box was slow and pained, but he barely seemed to care. His one eye found the defense side of the room and he glared with venom at the older man.
Loki’s limbs moved on their own. He stood, knocking over Topaz. By the time the woman had recovered, he had walked out of the gallery. Gast was calling to him, using all the sweet nicknames he had. It made not an ounce of difference. The judge was saying something and the bailiff tried to intercept him but Val had waved him off as Stark shouted to be heard.
He was standing in front of Thor, the sun streaming over them from the high windows. Thor’s expression had softened as he had gotten closer. He was crying now, reaching out to him, stroking his face tenderly like he had the last time they had seen one another. Loki took the hand before launching into his arms, nearly knocking him to the ground.
The brothers held one another for several moments, the courtroom holding their breath as they spoke in hushed and hurried voices. Finally, the younger let go, turning to Stark. He spoke in a watery voice slightly hoarse from months of crying, drinking, and disuse.
“Can I be added to the witness list, too?”
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grandthorkiday · 5 years
Mob AU! “Playthings” Part 16
[Link to mob!au anon’s “Playthings" fic tag]
[Start at Part 1]*
(*Note: Link is editable for other parts, just change the number. For mobile users, tag is “playthings part1”)
Maybe she was up because she expected the call. Maybe she had envisioned this call for the last six to seven months. Maybe while thinking of something else she could have said to make him feel better that afternoon, she had already heard this phone call in her mind.
“Valkyrie! Thank Christ you’re awake! It’s Loki! He’s been sent to the hospital!”
“Why?” Her voice was steady, but there was a note of panic as she rose from her bed.
“He…tried to kill himself. I have a bunch of pain meds on the grounds and usually they’re locked away but Loki knew where we keep the keys! It’s never been a problem before! And usually we have an alarm if anyone opens it but it was disabled for some reason! He’s never indicated-”
“Where is he?”
“Mercy. We caught him fairly early so it’s pretty certain he’ll make it. Odin’s security guard went with him.”
That made a warning light go off. “I thought Odin wanted nothing to do with him anymore?”
“Either he lied or Hela hired the guy, because he’s been hanging around since this afternoon. Val, how soon can you get her in the morning?”
She glanced at the clock as it flashed one fifteen. “If traffic is kind, five.”
“He’s going to need you.”
[read more cut]
Traffic was not kind and she arrived at the hospital at about six. Bruce and Tony were waiting for her in the lobby as she entered.
“Took you long enough!”
“Hey, I’m here! Why aren’t you guys upstairs? Where’s Strange?”
“We haven’t been allowed in the room, as of yet. And Strange is talking to the doctors.”
“Is he awake?”
“Apparently, he woke up around four thirty and then went back to sleep. That was last thing anyone told us.”
“Well, let’s go and try to get some answers.”
There were a few reporters milling around when arrived on Loki’s floor. Barely any of them took interest in the three as the moved to the nurse’s station, where Strange was drumming his fingers waiting for a nurse to get off the phone. He looked as though he hadn’t slept at all that night; his eyes were bloodshot and large dark circles hung under them.
“They won’t tell me anything,” Strange growled. “Didn’t let me in the room when he was awake. He was up for about forty minutes, and they didn’t even come get me from the administration office!”
“He’s still technically in your custody though, right?” Tony said. “I mean, you can go over their heads. We can go over their heads.”
“Actually, we’re in a gray area there. Once Loki was admitted here, he ceased being my patient. Well, he’s still my patient, but I’m not his primary doctor. Dr. Paige is.”
“Well, where’s this Paige?” Bruce asked testily.
Strange waved a hand to the nurse, “I’ve been looking for him. After he saw Loki and made his rounds be went M.I.A.”
“You think he’s the one who called the vultures?” She jerked her head towards the gaggle of press, a few checking their phones expectantly.
“Most definitely.”
The nurse finally hung up the phone and turned back to Strange, a professional smile her face. “Dr. Paige is going to be arriving soon. He says then he will see if Mr. Valhalla wants visitors.”
“I’m his psychiatrist! And this is the god damn cops and ADA!”
She smiled brightly. “I have to make my rounds, Sir.”
Strange turned back to them once she left. “I’ve been dealing with this for an hour!”
“I have a feeling it’s only get worse.”
“A lot worse! Look!” Bruce pushed them all to look down the hallway. The press too had noticed and were moving down to meet the small group moving towards them.
Leading the group was a doctor, obviously Dr. Paige who had primped and preened to be ready for the reporters. Beside him was Gast’s lawyer, already catching sight of the detectives and Tony. He smiled smugly and waved the familiar blue court order paper as way of greeting. Behind the two of them, walked Gast himself, wearing a pair of sunglasses and leaning on Thor’s arm as though he was about to collapse. A fine bit of theater for the cameras that flashed before the nurses began to reprimand the photographers.
“Ah, Dr. Strange!” Paige stuck out his hand as he walked up them. Next to the haggard psychiatrist, he looked like an angel offering his hand to a goblin. “I’m glad you can make time to see me to discuss my patient.”
“MY patient.” Strange corrected. “My patient.”
“I think you will find come,” the other doctor glanced at his watch, “twenty minutes ago, he’s mine.”
“He has to consent to it.”
“Who do you think got the ball rolling?”
“I think you’ll need this,” Gast’s lawyer spoke up, handing Tony the order with a greasy smile.
Tony opened and read it like he was sucking on a lemon. “The charges are being dropped.”
“WHAT?!” The hall erupted into more flashes of cameras and questions from the reporters. The nurses began to push them outside, threatening to call security as they yelled to be heard.
“Loki recanted this morning when he woke up. He wants to go home.” The lawyer said, smiling. Val swore she saw his client’s mouth twitch into a smile for just a moment.
“Can we see him?” Thor asked. He was looking past the doctor to a rotation chart.
“N-” Strange and Bruce began.
“Of course,” Paige said jovially, guiding them down the hall and through the labyrinth of turns to Loki’s room. Tony glared at the other lawyer the entire way and Strange tried to speak to Paige who seemed to blissfully deflect all questions. Bruce watched in a silent fury as once out of sight of the press, Gast whipped off the sunglasses and quaffed his hair. He didn’t let of Thor’s arm, but he certainly wasn’t leaning on it anymore; he was guiding it. Val watched the blonde man. Out of everyone, he seemed the most anxious and worried, more in hurry to get to room than all rest. It was Gast who was keeping him steady, having him not break into a run.
They arrived to find the security guard coming out of the room, looking around. He saw them and nodded. “Just on time. He woke and is asking for yah!”
Paige smiled. “There, you see!”
“Not you, Doc,” the guard looked for at Gast and Thor. “He’s been asking for you, Boss.”
The word hit Val full in her face. She took two steps back, the world reeling before bouncing back, hands reaching, going for the Grandmaster’s throat. “You…SON OF A-”
“Hey now!” Gast placed himself between her and the other man, a sly triumphant smile on his face. “Don’t want to be disturbing the peace. This is a hospital!” He winked and she felt bile in her throat.
He turned away from her and took Thor’s hand in mock tenderness before entering the room. There was a scream.
Before anyone could stop her, Val raced into the room after them, knocking Paige into the door as she went. Her stomach dropped.
Loki was crying, holding out his arms to Gast like a child reaching for a beloved toy. “YOU CAME!! OH THANK GOD!! I MISSED YOU!! I’M SO SORRY!!! PLEASE, I’M SO SORRY!!!”
The Grandmaster basked in the attention, leisurely making his way to the bed. He reached out and took the younger man’s face into his hands. “Oh my Lo Lo. What have you done to yourself?” He said it almost admiringly.
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. I won’t do it again! I was alone. I didn’t-”
“I know you didn’t, sweetheart. I know you didn’t.” He petted the dark wavy hair. “We’re going to go home. I think a nice bath is in order. Than we’ll see about ordering up something for your tummy. Something light.”
Loki was nodding along, still hiccupping apologetically. Thor stood at the foot of the bed for a few moments before he was noticed. The younger brother reached out before turning to the Grandmaster, his eyes looking pleading up. He was asking for permission.
“Sparkles, come here! Look how much you’re distressing him!”
Thor nearly flew into Loki’s arms, gathering him up into a tight embrace. The younger broke down into fresh sobs, but said nothing. He reached and grasped his brother’s left shoulder who did the same. A few words were whispered, but nothing the detective could hear.
“Mrs. Brunnhilde I could have you removed from the hospital for assault!” Paige entered the room, straightening out his scrubs. “I am going to ask you to leave the room while I look over my patient.”
“Is that what Loki wants?” Val asked. She stared past Gast, past even Thor’s forearm to the young man’s face. She caught a look of watery green eyes. “Do you want me to leave?”
“Y-yes,” the response was quiet. “I want you to go.”
“You heard him,” the Grandmaster purred. “Out.”
“He’s already brought at least one photographer!” Bruce tried to thrust his phone into Val’s face, a picture of Gast kissing Loki in the hospital room on the screen. She pushed it away.
“They have to file every form,” Tony repeated the phrase that had become his mantra over the last four hours. “We’re not off the case until every form is filed.” It reminded Val of war movies, where a soldier continued to fight even though they were heart beats away from death. But she sat beside him, just as ready to stick it out if he was.
They were sitting in a small out of the way hallway near a few vending machines. The press had been let in once Paige had ‘cleared’ Loki, only to be kicked out again once they had tried to mob Strange as he left with questions about the ‘failures’ in his facility. A few still roamed the halls, harassing nurses and doctors and asking them questions. If any saw Tony, Bruce, and Val, they ignored them. A small kindness.
None of them had heard him approach or stop in front of them. They nearly gave themselves whiplash as they looked up. Thor stood over them, staring down at their knees. His eyes hollow and there was a slump to his shoulders that made him appear smaller than he was.
“Hey,” he repeated awkwardly.
No one spoke.
“You wouldn’t happen to have change, would you? For the vending machine?”
They stared at him in confusion.
He sneered, a gesture that had been picked up from Gast. “Seriously? Come one. All I got is a fifty.” He pulled out the bill to show them.
Bruce nearly gasped but Val kicked his leg. Tony was adjusting his glasses, shifting in his seat. She just looked at the bill, speechless.
“Never seen a fifty before?” He waved the bill so it fluttered in front of them.
“Cop salary,” she finally quipped, her voice hoarse.
“I think I have change,” Tony pulled out his wallet and handed two twenties and a ten to the young man. “You’re lucky my kid’s traveling right now. Always getting asked to buy something.”
“I bet,” Thor said in disinterest. They watched him walk over to the vending machines and bought three drinks before walking away without even a glance back towards them.
“Please tell me that actually happened,” Bruce whispered. “That I didn’t just have a fucking stroke or something.”
“No, that happened!” Val tried to keep her voice down. She turned to Tony. “What do we do?”
“We wait here. They have to file every form. We’re not off the case until every form is filed.” There was none of the determination from before as he said the words, but his eyes spoke volumes. They stayed. To make it look as realistic as possible, they stayed.
He passed the fifty dollar bill to her as he sat back, making it seem like he simply didn’t want to touch or be near it. She held it and looked at it until she had memorized everything before placing in her own wallet.
Written in permanent marker on the bill was: 'Korg’s Gym. After 6pm, Mons, Weds, Sats. Upstairs. Ask for Hammer’s room. No uniforms.’
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