#thorin oakenshiend imagine
reddeaddamnation · 5 years
“To there and back...or not” - Thorin Oakenshield x reader [part 1]
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Requested by @witch-of-letters​
Of all the days, today was the worst for you. You hadn’t slept all night and kept almost falling asleep throughout the entire day and that caught the attention of your professors in the college you attended. They scolded you again and again and to make matters worse, the biggest bitch on campus started annoying you with both words and presence until you told her to get lost. She didn’t take this kindly and you two engaged in a verbal war. To make it even worse, on your way home someone almost hit your car, but only managed to bump into your left rear view mirror, but luckily it didn’t break. 
All you wanted to do was to go home and indulge in a good book to make all your worries go away. The Hobbit was one you haven’t read in awhile. No matter how many times you re-read it, every time it felt like the first time. You just never get tired of the atmospheric, immersive story and felt somewhat of a nostalgia over the beautifully described places in the book. You longed to know what it would be like to live in a world such as that and often imagined yourself in it. You liked to see yourself of the dwarven race. There was something about their culture, tradition and behavior that appealed to you. 
As you sat comfortably on your couch, finally in the safety of your own apartment, you opened the book in your lap and lost yourself among the pages. Chapter one, chapter two... It started feeling like you were there. The green trees, the golden meadows, the clear skies with not a single cloud. The sun was almost setting to make way for the moon and everything was tinted in a shade of reddish gold. In the distance you saw a river, the waters of which were so calm, they reflected the trees on the other side of it. It all looked so vivid... there was something that made you feel like this was where you belonged. Like there was nothing strange to be here. 
When you turned around to look what was behind you, your breath caught in your throat. It was the Shire! Something you wanted to see since forever! It was even more beautiful than you imagined. The grass was so green, with spots of color from the flower gardens of the hobbits. You started walking towards the Shire like in a haze. Upon closer look, you noticed figures moving around, busy with their duties. Since it was almost night, you supposed the stalls in the marketplace were closing up and everyone was going home. You wondered if it was a good idea to go there.
Was this a dream? Surely you have fallen asleep on your couch. Deciding since this was probably a dream, it wouldn’t hurt to look around and made your way through the field towards the settlement. By the time you reached the main street it was already dark. There were still several hobbits outside in front of their houses, enjoying the evening, but many gave you strange looks, probably because of your clothes and how strange you looked overall. You wore a plain black t-shirt, an unzipped black and white hoodie above it, grey sweatpants and red sneakers, which contrasted strongly to the clothes of the people around you in their linen and leather clothes. Some even went as far as to go inside their houses at the sight of you!  You noticed that hobbits were just a few centimeters shorter than you.
You paid them no mind as you curiously wandered the streets, intending to go to the only place you knew of. Just follow the main road and you will reach Bag’s End, where one of your favorite characters lived - Bilbo Baggins. This was just a dream, so why not visit him? You probably won’t get such a chance again anyway. When you finally reached your destination, you gently knocked on the door. You heard rather loud cheering and the clatter of kitchenware from inside, which almost immediately stopped when your knock was heard. A moment later, the door was opened and a weary, frustrated looking Bilbo came into view. 
He stared at you expectantly. As did the two dwarves behind him. They looked young, judging by their youthful faces and short beards. One was blonde and the other - black haired. Those must be Fili and Kili. Under their intense gazes, all your words were lost, swallowed back. “Yes?” Bilbo raised his eyebrows. “Um...” you started, but didn’t know what to say. “Are you a dwarf?” The black haired dwarf - Kili asked. “You look like one if I say so myself.” Fili stated after his brother. “I, uh, yes.” you answered, going along “[Y/N] at your service.” you grinned awkwardly and bowed slightly, imitating how the dwarves had introduced themselves. 
“Never heard of you.“ Kili shrugged his shoulders indifferently, but a slight amusement could be seen on his features. “Who are you?“ Fili asked “And what are you wearing? Where do you come from?“ he eyed your attire curiously, while showering you with questions. Should people in your dreams be asking this much questions? “I...I,“ you stuttered, wondering how to explain yourself “I come from another world, I suppose.“ was the first thing that came to mind. In the next moment, all three of them were staring at you with their mouths and eyes wide open. “What? What’s all the commotion about?“ a rather large dwarf with red hair came into view and joined his brethren in the confused stares as soon as he saw you. That must be Bombur. “I come from the real world.“ you stated, throwing them all into utter confusion. “Real world?!“ Kili slapped his forehead in shock “I thought this is the real world!“ Fili sighed loudly and scolded his brother “Of course it is!” then he turned to you “Tell us without playing with our minds, woman!“ You sighed in frustration “Alright.“ you said angrily “I come from another world. The distant future, if you may.“ They all gasped
“Could it be true?“ Fili whispered. “Well, I suppose.“ Kili answered “She does look the part.“ Fili raised an eyebrow at his brother “And how do you know what the future looks like?“ Kili shrugged his shoulders again “I’m only guessing. All I know is that the way she’s dressed surely isn’t from our time.“ Fili groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose “No, this must be some elvish trick. What else could it be?“ In such a moment, you felt uncomfortable enough, but it had to be Bombur who suddenly shouted “Bifur, Bofur! Hey, everyone! Come have a look!“ And that was the moment all the voices inside roared back to life, talking over each other and coming out the door to see what Bombur was talking about. You felt like an exhibit in a museum. Everyone’s eyes were on you curiously. Suddenly, a tall elderly man in a long grey robe and long white hairs and beard came from one of the rooms and made his way to the front of the crowd. 
“What is going on?“ he asked. Gandalf. “Who are you?“ There was something intimidating about his presence now that you were seeing him in front of you. Thoughts filled your mind as you pondered what to do. This was just a dream, you repeated to yourself. This was a dream. You were going to wake up any moment now. You didn’t even realize that you were thinking out loud. “This is a dream.“ you repeated “I’m dreaming...“ Gandalf was the one to snap you back to reality. “I’m afraid this is very much real. Please, tell us who you are.“
You stared at him for several moments. “My name is [Y/N]...” you started but Kili cut you off “She claims to be from another world.” Fili added after him “And from another reality, if you will.” Bombur, who was present at the conversation from earlier joined in “From the future! I heard everything!” Gandalf’s eyes averted to each dwarf who was talking and then back to you “Future?” he repeated “Another reality... Interesting.” the last part, he muttered to himself mysteriously.
Someone suddenly cleared their throat behind you and everyone including you looked away from you to someone behind you. Another dwarf, this one quite older than Fili and Kili, but still younger than most dwarves inside Bilbo’s house. “Uncle!” Kili exclaimed. Oh, that must be Thorin! The Thorin Oakenshield in the flesh right in front of you! Or more likely behind you... If you had to be honest, he was your favorite character in the book and you always found him to be the perfect man. At least how you imagined him. And your imagination wasn’t far from what you saw in front of you. 
You found yourself blushing red as a tomato and shifting in your place awkwardly as he watched you curiously, yet his eyes had a certain softness in them “Who is this?” he asked in a deep voice, which sent shivers down your spine. “This...” Gandalf started “Ah, she should tell you herself.” Thorin didn’t look away from you even for a moment. You felt his intense gaze even though you were too nervous to look at him yourself. “Are you a dwarf?.” he asked you softly. Finally, you gained enough courage to look him in the eyes innocently and simply nodded your head. “She claims to be from the future!” Kili exclaimed, earning a scolding look from his uncle. “Let her talk, Kili.” he cut him off and when he was sure his nephew wouldn’t interrupt anymore, looked at you again “What is your name?” 
You cleared your throat, looking away from him again, but decided that wasn’t in your best interest so your eyes traveled to meet his again “[Y-Y/N]” you stuttered. “That is an unusual name for a dwarf...” Thorin thought for a moment “But what are you all standing at the door for?” he exclaimed, averting his gaze to the company, still craning their necks to look out the circular door “Let’s go inside and talk there. Away from curious ears and eyes.” And without waiting for an invitation, he allowed himself to walk inside, everyone making way for him in the process.
Once everyone was at the table, things didn’t become any better. Everyone stared inside their mugs with drink inside, while Bilbo was leaning against the door, arms crossed over his chest and a look of suspicion visible on his face. As if all those dwarves weren’t enough to ruin his perfect evening and now a girl from the future was added into the mixture! Thorin was at the head of the table, his mouth opening to say something, but when no words came out, closed it again. You sat next to him, to his right, Fili and Kili sitting across from you and Bifur sitting next to you. Gandalf was watching you intently, as he smoked his pipe. The brothers threw you weird looks every so often, while you just stared at the table, shrinking in your seat and wondering when you are going to wake up from this dream. By now you were even wondering whether this was even a dream or not. 
“So,“ Thorin started, clearing his throat again “What is this about the future? How did you end up here then?“ you looked at him with the same innocent look you gave him at the door. “I don’t know. The last thing I remember...“ you spoke in perfect Khuzdul making everyone suddenly cut you off with loud gasps “You even know our language?“ Bombur whispered. “What?“ you gave him a puzzled look. “You speak Khuzdul?“ Fili repeated “Where did you learn it from?“ You shrugged your shoulders “I don’t know. I feel like I have always known it.“ Thorin shook his head impatiently “Yes, yes. As you were saying?“ he urged. “As I was saying, the last thing I remember is reading The Hobbit on my couch at home. The next thing I remember is that I’m here.“ you explained. “The Hobbit?“ Bilbo exclaimed quietly, interest peaked up. You nodded “Yeah. It’s the story about you guys.“ you looked over the dwarves. “They write books about us in the future?“ Kili’s eyes sparkled with joy and a wide grin was stretched across his lips. “Why is it called ‘The Hobbit‘ then?“ Ori wondered. You sighed “It’s from Bilbo’s perspective!“ you explained further. 
“I don’t have a story to tell about them!“ Bilbo almost shouted, gesticulating at the dwarves “I barely know them!“ Thorin was growing impatient by now, as his jaw was clenched tightly and his eye was twitching. “We talk of irrelevant things!“ he stated loudly, making everyone shut up “So you don’t know how you ended up here?“ he asked you, more quietly, as to not startle you. You shook your head no. “So how’s it like?“ Kili couldn’t help but ask, full of curiosity. “It’s...hard to explain.“ you laughed nervously, shifting in your seat. “Are there any elves?“ Dwalin asked. “Not that I’m aware of. I’ve heard of legends though.“ you answered. “So they’re finally gone?“ Kili exclaimed, keeping in laughter. “But there are obviously dwarves in the future.“ Gloin stated matter-of-factly. “What about the race of men? Are there any in your time?“ Bofur asked. “Well, yes.“ you answered “Plenty at that.“ Then Bilbo joined in on the conversation “Okay, but how exactly did you end up in my home of all places?“ You turned your attention to him “It says it in the book. Where you live, how to get there.“ Bilbo scoffed sarcastically “Oh, perfect. There are books that waypoint the way to my house being distributed now?!“
More questions were thrown at you and you wondered which to answer first. “Tell us something about the future!”, “Do you fight with swords?”, “What are those clothes? Is that what you people in the future wear?” Thorin was the first to sense your discomfort and once again tried to put an end to their persistence. “Quiet! Everyone quiet!” he shouted “Can’t you see you’re all suffocating her?!” You looked at him again and your eyes met. As soon as it happened, the stern look in his was gone, replaced by the softness from earlier. You blushed again and quickly looked away, unable to hold his gaze. “Hm, I suppose there is nothing we can do for now.” he spoke, but to no one in particular “We can’t just leave her to wander off and get herself killed.” he looked at you again “Do you want to come with us on our journey to Erebor?”
Your heart skipped in your chest at the question and you almost jumped up onto the table from happiness “Yes!” you exclaimed happily. “But we have to warn you, lass. It’s a dangerous journey.” Balin warned you in a soft voice “We will protect you as much as we can but I think it’s best if we assign someone to train you in battle.” At that Kili and Fili both jumped from their seats and raised their hands at the same time “I will!” they both exclaimed in one voice. Balin looked them over and silently asked them to just sit down. “Someone more experienced, if I may.” Dwalin cleared his throat, standing up “No.” Thorin interrupted “That someone will be me.” he stared at you, asking if it would be alright with you. “I-I don’t mind.” you stuttered, blushing again. “I have just one more question!” Nori stated and waited for an objection. When there were none, he continued “Do you know who we are?” You nodded your head “All of your names are in the book.” The impressed gasps, looks and “Ooh” that followed made you smile. 
“We should sleep.“ Thorin stated suddenly “We have to get up early tomorrow.“ But nobody was ready to go to bed yet. They were still so curious about your ways and life. That quickly turned into a merry conversation over delicious food and drinks. You asked just as many questions about their culture and you could say the tension in the air was quickly disposed of. And Kili and Fili were the most curious “So your people don’t have to use horses anymore? How did you call your steeds?“ Kili asked “They’re called cars and we can travel with them for as long as we want without stopping.“ you explained “And the letters we send are received instantly through a contraption called a phone.“ It was safe to say that your stories were keeping their interest peaked “We can also talk in real time with someone even if they are across the world through this phone.“ Balin looked bewildered “That’s like magic!“ he stated in awe “Your people are wizards!“
Only Bilbo was keeping away from the conversation. You noticed him throwing you suspicious looks and you wondered why. But you tried not to think about it too much, as this was the most fun you have had in your life. Thorin was also smiling at you so sweetly, so kindly... Too bad it was just a dream... And you will probably wake up as soon as the banquet died down and everyone went to bed. 
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
“To there and back...or not” - Thorin Oakenshield x reader [part 2]
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You were awoken by someone loudly fumbling around you and knocking over something heavy, followed by a quiet curse. The sun’s rays filtered through the window and shone in your face. You opened your eyes to see Kili looking through various bags and reaching up on shelves, in search for something. You shook your head, confused still and rubbed the sleep out of your eyes. “Kili?” you perked his attention. “Oh! You’re awake.” he smiled “I’m just looking for my sword.” You looked around instinctively and noticed a weapon that resembled a sword, propped up against the wall in a corner “Is it that one?” you pointed in direction of said sword. “I mean we’re already a bit late and I was just about to wake you up before... Oh! That’s where I left it!” he exclaimed, laughing and walked over to the corner to retrieve his belonging.
By the time you got ready and walked outside of Bilbo’s house, the company had already gathered and were waiting for you. “Hey, sorry, I hope I didn’t keep you waiting too long.” you apologized. “Alright.” Thorin spoke indifferently “If everyone is ready, we continue our journey.” With those words, he turned towards the road and started walking. “Wait!” you exclaimed “What about Bilbo?” you asked, knowing he was supposed to come as well. “Leave him. He made it clear that he does not want to come.” answered the dwarven king with the same indifference. “But you need him!” you shouted suddenly, not really realizing your own change of tone.
For some reason, you didn’t know why, you believed they needed Bilbo. You had no idea what was going to happen from here on, although you could recall faint memories of last night in which you had told the company something about a book. You remembered going to the hobbit’s house because you didn’t know any other, but how you knew where to find him, that fact you couldn’t recall. “And why is it that we need him so much?” Thorin asked sternly, raising an eyebrow “Another trick from your magic book of the future?” sarcasm dripped from his voice. “I...I suppose...” you furrowed your eyebrows, trying hard to remember what book he was talking about. But to no avail. “I have a feeling she knows how this journey will end.” Kili grinned widely “Tell us, will we succeed? Will we reclaim our land and rid the world of the dragon?” 
Dwalin was next to speak “Surely we have. Otherwise whoever wrote the book wouldn’t tell the story. What interest could a lost battle hold?” Kili exclaimed in joy “Aha! Then we will succeed!” But you weren’t listening to them. You were trying to recall what happens next, but your memories betrayed you. You had forgotten everything, but one thing was sure - you had an awful feeling of dread in your heart and you didn’t know why. “Enough!” Thorin cut off sharply “Of course we will succeed and we don’t need any book to tell us that.” his eyes traveled over every dwarf, as if daring them to say otherwise “We have idled enough. Time to go.” And with those words, he turned his back on the company and started walking down the main road “I don’t even know why we had to come here in the first place.” he murmured “Another one of Gandalf’s schemes that did only just delay us.” The wizard didn’t openly show disdain, but wasn’t happy about the accusation. “Trust me.” he spoke in a mysterious voice “He will come.” Thorin merely rolled his eyes “Well I do not plan to waste another day until master Baggins decides to change his mind.”
Nobody argued and soon the company followed after their leader, one by one. You followed close behind, walking in the back, next to Nori. Not far from the Shire, there were several ponies, whose reins were tied to a tree. The animals stood in one place, calmly grazing the grass and nearby bushes, huffing through their noses and hoofs digging into the dirt underneath them. There was one for each dwarf, one big horse for Gandalf and one or two to spare. You watched as the dwarves hopped onto their mounts. “Can you ride?” Thorin turned to you. “I like to think so, yes.” you answered, shrugging your shoulders. You remembered one Medieval Fair that you had went to and ridden an actual live horse and didn’t manage to fall off. “Go on then.” he pointed his chin towards a black and white spotted pony with a long white mane and cute white “boots” that covered its hoofs from view,which was looking around curiously. You hesitated for a moment, wondering if it was a good idea and if the animal could bare your weight. After all, you never had ridden a pony. The horse you rode was much larger, but then remembered you weren’t any taller than the dwarves and had relatively less armor to worry about weighing you down. As you hopped on your pony, the next question to worry you was your clothes. Your current ones offered no protection in case of an attack or from the weather conditions themselves. Wherever you were going, you doubted it was always going to be sunny and warm like in the Shire.
“We should get you something proper to wear as well.“ Thorin stated. You spurred the pony forward to catch up to the dwarven king “What do you suggest?“ you asked. He eyed your attire with a strange look “Well...Something more fitting...for our time at least.“ You suppressed a giggle caused by his funny expression, but then Kili rode up to you with his ever present smile “Would you let me wear your cloak?“ he asked enthusiastically, gesticulating to your hoodie “I have never seen anything like it!“ This time you straight up laughed “Sure, Kili. If you think it will fit you.“ He beamed at your answer “I’ll let you try on my armor if you want in return!“ You two shared a laugh, not noticing Thorin’s eye twitch.
You spent quite some time now on the road, keeping a steady walking pace, during which you asked Kili tons of questions about dwarven customs, traditions and history. You would have loved to talk to Thorin as well, but his nephew was more talkative, describing things in vivid detail and exaggerated gestures and such tone, while Thorin answered with little to no words. In return, you told stories of your own, or at least the ones you could remember from the world outside of Middle Earth. What you didn’t realize was that you remembered less and less...
With a merry conversation, time passed faster. Eventually Balin and Fili joined in on your conversation and the three made it their goal to teach as much to you about the dwarves as possible in a small time span. At some point, everyone was stopped in their tracks by someone yelling “Wait!” behind you. The ponies stopped and the company turned around to see a certain hobbit run after them, breathing heavily and waving a long piece of paper in his hand. Who knows how long he had been running. “I...” he panted, leaning on his knees tiredly “I signed the paper...” he handed the document to Balin who tried to contain a stern look, but couldn’t hide a small smile. The older dwarf looked over the document thoroughly, before finally smiling freely and answered “Welcome to the Company of Thorin Oakenshield, master Baggins.” cheerfully. “Give him a pony.” Thorin ordered. “Oh! Oh, no.” Bilbo protested nervously “It’s fine... I’ll...I’ll walk. It’s no problem at all...” 
But the dwarves weren’t having it, as two of them scooped him up easily by the arms and placed him onto the free mount. There was no room for protest anymore. Now that the company was whole, there was no more reason to delay. You rode into the unknown, being involved in a matter you hardly understood with a people you never would have guessed existed if you weren’t seeing them with your own eyes, but was still very thrilled to partake in. You didn’t know what was to come, but were sure as hell determined to give it your best and help in any way you could. You were going on an adventure!
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reddeaddamnation · 5 years
“To there and back...or not” - Thorin Oakenshield x reader [part 3]
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Tag: @witch-of-letters​
It had been several days since [Y/N] was traveling with the company. She wasn’t used to life on the road and this proved to bother her more than she anticipated. All sorts of bugs bothered her during the night and she could feel the hard ground and its unevenness through her sleeping bag. She had went camping before, but never for this long and she didn’t know for how long more she had to endure it. The nights became colder and colder the more she traveled and that fact didn’t escape Thorin. He watched her shiver from the cold beneath her covers and one night, he decided he couldn’t stand back and watch.
Thorin got out of his sleeping bag and walked over to her, removing his fur coat in the process. “[Y/N].” he called her softly. She opened her eyes and looked at him curiously. He handed her the fur cloth, looking away as if in a shy way. “I saw you were cold.” he explained quietly “I didn’t want you to catch a cold.” The girl smiled kindly and took the coat gratefully, wrapping it around her shoulders. “Thank you, Thorin.” The dwarven king grumbled out a response, looking away from her as if shyly. 
A long moment passed, during which the two fell into a heavy silence, the only sound around them being the wind ruffling the trees’ leaves around them and the soft snoring of the company. “Thorin?” she broke the silence in a quiet, gentle voice. He looked down at her sitting position, snuggling into his furs with her knees to her chest. “What will happen to me after all this is over?” her question caught him off guard and at first he didn’t know what to answer. “Have you thought about going back to your realm?”
Now it was her turn to be taken aback. What realm was he talking about? “What do you mean with that?” she asked, staring at him with a confused expression. The painful reality was that she unknowingly, as the days passed one by one, her memories of a previous life slowly faded away and were replaced with... absolutely nothing. All she could still recall was her name and scenery of tall metal buildings with flashing lights of the cars beneath them, many people and some kind of contraptions that allowed her to see things that aren’t really in front of her. Those memories made her feel comfort, familiarity and warmth. She also remembered one word...fernweh... Nostalgia over a place she has never been to. 
It felt like she has always been on the road with Thorin and his company. Like she has always known them. Like she was always a dwarf as well... But why she was dressed differently than them was another question. “I...” Thorin bit his lip, shocked and at a loss of words at her question “The future...Didn’t you say you come from the future?” [Y/N] furrowed her brows, straining every part of herself to remember what future she told them about. Nothing... “I don’t remember...” she confessed finally. “What do you mean you don’t remember? You told us all about life there. You told us of your machines you use to travel and fly and see what is happening on the other side of the world!” Thorin wasn’t mad in reality and didn’t mean the words that came out of his mouth to sound more harsh. He was just shocked that she was speaking of such things and suddenly forgets all about them. He was afraid the most that she was lying... and if she was it meant her identity was a complete mystery.
[Y/N] flinched slightly from his tone, but didn’t stay silent. “I don’t remember!” she answered a bit louder as well “I remember some strange places, but I have no idea from where I know of them!” Another heavy silence stepped in between them, during which Thorin contemplated whether what she is speaking could be true. Could she really be losing her memories? Or was this a trick...was she a trick his enemies were using against him? Little did he know... Bilbo was awake as well, eavesdropping on their conversation and was contemplating the same thing.
Bilbo didn’t trust her from the start. She was a stranger. A stranger who claimed to be from some futuristic reality and that she knows them from a book. She spoke of all sorts of seemingly impossible inventions and now suddenly doesn’t know where she comes from? Oh, Bilbo was sure to speak with Thorin in private about this girl. He hoped, of course, that Thorin would make the right decision and send her away, so that him and the king would keep their good relations, but then Thorin’s response made his heart sink in his chest. “Alright. You will remain with us for now until we find a way to get your memories back.”
Relief washed over [Y/N]. She was afraid he wouldn’t believe her and send her away in a fit of paranoia and distrust. But he decided to let her stay and that was all that mattered to her. Because in such a state, she would be lost. She didn’t know where to go, what to do and these were the only people she knew and was acquainted to, if not was friends with. She didn’t know who could be a potential enemy and on top of it all, they were in the middle of the woods.
The complete opposite was what Bilbo felt. He had a bad feeling about her and was now sure to talk to Thorin about it as soon as he finds him alone... He hoped Thorin would trust him. It was obvious this woman had bewitched the dwarves, but Bilbo knew better than to fall for the fairytales of a pretty woman. Especially in times like these when they had only each other and any outsider could prove to be a bigger danger than anticipated.
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