#those are the two most prominently featured in this so yEAH I'm tagging them
thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Earlier I was rethinking how I wanted to structure and release new stories about my OCs, and I’ve decided I’m gonna try and put new, short installments of fics on a semi-regular basis—likely no more than bi-weekly, but hopefully no less than monthly. Hopefully, then, I can write more than the whole one (1) chapter that I wrote last year.
With that new plan for it in mind, here’s an updated, re-worked version of that one whole story: “The Temple In The Jungle”, wherein, on his first mission alongside the Angels, Cer discovers a temple deep within the Devaronian jungle—a discovery that will change his life forever. So far I’m up to four chapters (the original first chapter of Shadows and Stardust split into three, with one new one right now), and if my estimate is right this story’ll likely end up being 6-7 chapters in total. After this, it’s anyone’s guess which story I’ll do next, BUT hopefully it’ll be something cool!
So yeah, come check this out if you have the chance! Let me know what you think, leave whatever feedback you have, and yeah, hopefully I’ll have more up for you soon! :D
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lorebreaker · 2 years
8, 11, 13 [TTRPG ASKS] Please
I'm going to keep with the trend of answering these questions for Ophelia.
8: What do they look like? (Do you have art of them? Are you open to fan art?) Ophelia is the first of a new draconic bloodline, and as such, she has very prominent draconic features. Those features have been disguised almost her entire life because reasons. I'd be happy to elaborate if you'd like to know more.
I have a bunch of art of her! I use this tag for all the art I've commissioned, and I use Toyhouse for all the art that doesn't get posted to tumblr. This question is a nice excuse to post some off-site stuff, so here is what Ophelia actually looks like:
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and here is the disguise she didn't even know she was wearing:
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AND UMM YEAH SUPER OPEN TO FAN ART??? I would probably die.
11: Where did they grow up? Do they miss it? Would they ever go back if they could? Ophelia grew up in Fernhallow, which is a very small farming town on the Trade Way south of Daggerford. Our campaign is set in Faerûn, on the Sword Coast, but we've made it entirely our own. I based Fernhallow on where I currently live: rural town along a highway that's basically just a pit stop for most people. I would say, presently, Ophelia does not miss Fernhallow. She felt very liberated at the start of the campaign, but after realizing just how deadly adventuring is (not like in stories!! way more dangerous!!), she felt the need to go back home. And she did! She let her parents know she was safe, introduced them to the rest of the party, and made it very clear that she would be leaving again. As of last session, Ophelia is actually headed back to Fernhallow to confront her parents and get some gotdang answers once and for all.
13: What is their alignment? What would THEY say their alignment is? Does it matter to them? HMM. I would say Ophelia is probably chaotic good in the sense that she will always try to do what she believes is the right thing, no matter the personal cost. She frequently puts herself at risk, and can be very reckless in her attempts to be heroic. For example, at one point she decided to help seal a rift to the Abyss by sheer force of charisma. Like, there's an actual ritual that needs to be preformed to do it and she was just like nope, I'm gonna use up the magic within me and around me and make my desires real. It worked but she took two points of exhaustion as a direct consequence--and that did not stop her from doing it a second time a few sessions ago. She's also physically put herself in front of Elion to protect him from harm more times than I can count (but I mean she has 16 AC which is 21 with shield so is it really thaaaaaat reckless). Ophelia is heavily burdened with self-doubt and often wonders if she's doing the right thing, and her opinion of herself is kidna warped, so she'd probably say she was true neutral? I don't think alignments matter to her in the literal sense, but I think she cares deeply about using the power she has to do some good.
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elenajohansenreads · 3 years
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Books I Read in 2021
#83 - Shadowmarch, by Tad Williams
Mount TBR: 69/100
Beat the Backlist Bingo: Cover features your favorite color prominently
Rating: 1/5 stars
Well, that was a slog.
So I have a history with this piece of intellectual property. I was introduced to Williams as an author in college (1998) because several of the friends I made my first year were big fantasy nerds--no surprise there--and I was perfectly ready to move on from my high-school-era love of less sophisticated fantasy authors. I borrowed The Dragonbone Chair from one of those friends and off I went.
So in 2001 when news about Williams writing an online serial went around, and I saw the $15 price tag...well, I was a perpetually almost-broke college student still, and sure I spent money on books, but that was a high gateway, because a) I didn't own my own computer yet, I was borrowing friends' or using the computer lab to write papers and such; and b) sure, a chunky fantasy novel might be $7 or $8 in paperback, but it was portable, easy to reread whenever, and nobody had tablets or smartphones or e-readers yet, so an online serial publication was definitely not portable. Even fifteen dollars seemed like too much for the inconvenience of a book I could only read sitting at a computer, and couldn't read all of at once.
I was genuinely angry about this shift away from the paradigm, and much like Williams vowing this serial was online only and would never be published traditionally (which I distinctly remember but don't actually have a source for) I too vowed that I would never read it.
I held out much longer than he did, if my memory of that claim is even true. But I'm wishing now that I hadn't bothered.
This is bad. Not even close to the level of quality I expect from Williams, based on the earlier Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn series, as well as War of the Flowers--which was weird but I enjoyed it--and the Otherland series, which was even weirder and not always good, but yeah, I still enjoyed that too, for the most part.
Who am I supposed to care about in this book? I'm no stranger to multiple protagonists, but there are simply too many here, meaning none of them get the development time they would need to be interesting. I'm trying to wean myself from the complaint that protagonists need to be "likable," because a character can be a jerk and still be interesting, but few of these protagonists are particularly likable either!
1. Barrick is a whiny jerk who folds under pressure and abdicates responsibility to his sister, and then makes a spectacularly bad decision for no reason other than to set up some tension at the end, and his future arc. If it's because he's "mad," bad plot reason, and if it's because he's affected by the more general shadow-madness, well, I guess he could be vulnerable to it like anyone else, but that's pretty flimsy too. 2. Briony is a fairly standard "if only I weren't a woman, people would take me seriously" princess who doesn't fold as much under pressure but is dealt a really raw deal. I'll give her credit, she does legitimately try her best to rule her lands, but she's also kind of a whiny jerk like her brother, too. 3. Quinnitan is...pointless. Sure, I see how the end of her arc in this book echoes those of the Eddon twins, but there is no direct connection between her plot and anyone else's. And I mean that literally, if there's anything that ties her story to any other single part of the book, I simply do not see it, it's buried in lore or foreshadowing that was lost on me amid the sheer weight of nearly 800 pages of plodding narrative. I read all of her scenes constantly wondering why I should care, and the fact that her arc is a very basic harem plot, "I don't want to be a token wife but really what choice do I have?" sort of thing, doesn't help, because on its own it's incredibly unoriginal. 4. Chert is marginally likable, because he's arguably got the most defined personality and most personal growth in the book, as a person of a "little" race who is distinctly not human--I get a mix of gnome and dwarf, with a faint whiff of Podling from The Dark Crystal--and who deals with an unexpected foundling by taking him into his family and trying to make it work, even when that foundling is really a big blank space in the story who still manages to get into trouble. 5. Captain Vansen gets points from me for being the guardsman deep in unrequited love, which is a trope I would absolutely eat up with a spoon. The problem is, the object of that love is a protagonist I don't care for (Briony,) leading me to question what the eff he's thinking that he can even admire her from a distance, let alone be in infatuation/love. And his plot arc is mostly "something goes wrong that's not really has fault but everyone blames him anyway." Which got dull.
Chert and Vansen are most of the reason this book gets a second star*, honestly. Chert's scenes with the Rooftoppers are generally pretty excellent, even if they're mostly tied to a plot arc that I don't care for.
The other thing that's getting me about this is that it feels like a deliberately grim-dark retread of Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. You've got a castle that's the seat of current government but used to belong to the enemy--the enemy that no one is sure even exists anymore, that lives in a land far enough away to feel distant but also somehow close enough to be threatening, once people believe in them again. That castle is perched upon magically important ruins/caverns, and that enemy has forms of magic/communication that affect humans and can cause or appear symptomatic of madness. There's a race of small likable people who aren't quite dwarves or any other "standard" fantasy race, but are still somehow cute/appealing. There's a crippled prince who's not really well-liked. One of the primary female protagonists is a young woman who laments the limitations of her womanhood under the patriarchal feudal system of the world.
And to someone who's never read either of these series, that list of similarities could mostly read like fairly common fantasy tropes, and I forgive anyone who reads this review and thinks that. But I've read MSaT probably ten times all the way through in the twenty-plus years since I was introduced to it, and I feel like I've just been handed the same story again, with a thick coat of gray paint slathered on it and a few details changed--and those changes are basically always for the worse. No one in this story can be said to be a direct equivalent to Simon, who gets a very clear hero's journey, but if I'm supposed to slot Barrick in as a Simon/Josua mashup (that crippled prince problem) then it takes the entire book to get Barrick out of his comfort zone and on his journey, where Simon got booted from the castle at the end of the first act of the first book.
And that gets at the underlying problem that is at least partially fueling all other problems--this book is clearly just the first act of the larger story, and yes i know! that is what first books do! but this also doesn't have a lot of forward motion on its own, and it doesn't resolve anything aside from the mystery of a single murder at that happens near the beginning. Seriously, all other plot threads get kicked down the road with the "and now they're exiles" theme that the ending has assigned to most of the protagonists. Chert doesn't suffer that fate, but the ending of his story line--also the end of the book itself--is the foundling reasserting that he doesn't know who he is, which is not new information. We've literally not known who he is the whole time, except that we do find out who his mother is, but don't find out how he was taken or why he apparently hasn't aged as much as he should have or what the Qar intended by sending him back "home." The identity of his mother is basically the least important question surrounding him.
I truly feel like I just read a 750-page prologue, and that is not a good feeling.
*Yeah, I told myself this was a two-star book, but by the time I wrote the whole review, it's not and I can't pretend I still believe that. This is a one-star book. This is so bad I don't want to go on with the series, even though it almost has to get better, now that most of our protagonists are out on their journeys. And because it could hardly get worse, right? But this already took up so much of my time (I had to take a week-long break in the middle to binge some romances, as a relief from all this grimdark toil) and even though I've managed to collect secondhand copies of the rest of the series, and they've been sitting on my shelves for a few years waiting for me to invest my energy into them...I'm giving up. Not worth it.
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