#Cerate Evis
rejectmonster · 2 years
Was thinking fun h0rny thoughts but now I just want to violently evis//cerate myself. im so fucking normal
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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HeY y’all, look at my SON!!
I talked a little bit ago about how Cer generally keeps his hair down, so YE I wanted to go and draw that, and BOY is he beautiful!! I kinda just LOVE him, idK.
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piercingorangeeyes · 7 years
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Cerate Evis for @thefoodwiththedood cuz its their burfday!! Happy birthday friendo!
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rekkingcrew · 7 years
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My half of an art trade with @thefoodwiththedood! He requested a pencil sketch of Hes Chaddic and Cerate Evis having the after-mission break down from the Rick and Morty Season 3 opener (https://youtu.be/z91-IgdO1Wk).
Poor things!
Also, here are some practice sketches I did to try to get the dimensions.
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I swear, keeping my scanner clean is a constant struggle.
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What do the Core 4 think of Christmas?
Mal thinks it’s hilariously, tragically overrated, overthought of, WAY too expensive, and more trouble than it’s worth, especially when you even try and even have fun at the major parties, as there’s always reporters roaming around, everyone’s pretty much trying to flaunt of their wealth by throwing it to the needy masses (which they had a hand in cerating, but that’s a different topic), and the aforementioned donations and incredibly aggressive soliciting tactics.
Evie thinks its a WONDROUS time of the year, where there’s so much opportunity for fashion designing, getting orders and materials by the bulk, and proceeding to show it off as much as you’d like in a socially acceptable fashion, along with sending off bribes and “free” gifts without getting accused of buttering up people or intentionally getting a leg up on the competition by indebting yourself to them, and exploiting Auradon’s vulnerability to reciprocity.
Jay thinks it sucks, as there’s snow everywhere and he’s very poorly equipped for it genetically speaking, there’s not much to do indoors with so many people going home for the holidays, and definitely not enough athletes to have any sort of reasonably fair and interesting R.O.A.R. matches, and he’s bothered by people coming up to him to try and take his stuff. (Politely, and with his consent, but he can’t help but become paranoid when he has pockets full of goods in the four layers he needs to wear, and there’s suddenly “like fifty people coming up to me all at once holding out buckets.”)
Carlos thinks it’s incredible, the absolute best holiday of the year, can’t think of anything better except for his Annual Unbirthday (Cruella can’t remember the actual date), especially with all the sales going around for toys and thus, things he can deconstruct, study, and use for his own experiments, and you better believe the R&D departments of every major toy company bring their A+++ game for the Holiday season, not to mention all the new videogame and tech releases.
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
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✦ 4 BBY Versions ✦ 0 BBY Versions ✦
As I was looking through all my AI files, I thought it was cool to see how the main crew of the Lady Lucy had progressed over the years, so I thought I’d share how everyone’s changed from their first designs! I of course have more age-ups planned, but still, I wanted to show off these now that I have them done :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 6 years
The ten headcanons for Cerate?
Give me a character and I’ll give you 10+ headcannons
SURE! I’ll never pass up a chance to talk about my Spiky Son™. I’m mostly gonna be talking about adult Cer with this, since I haven’t gotten many chances to talk about that version of him yet :D
In his adult ref I drew him with his hair up in a bun, but most of the time Cer actually likes to keep his hair down—and lemme just say, that boy has some  b e a u t i f u l  locks. Like, he basically has the same hair as Moana, though maybe just a tad shorter and just a tad curlier.
After Devaron is liberated, I definitely see Cer going off to college—if I had to guess, he’d probably go to Theed University on Naboo and double-major in Xenoanthropology and Galactic Literature. He’s read books and hung out with weird aliens all his life, so he’d know those two things pretty well.
More on Cer’s college years: I plan on having him meet his future wife there—a fellow Xenoanthropology major named Chelvei Ogoriie. In fact, I even have Chel partially designed! If you remember this post from a while back, Chel’s gonna be the Mirialan/Zabrak hybrid in the top right corner.
With Chel, I plan on Cer having three kids, all of whom are adults around 34 ABY: Iseswe, who runs away from home to join the Resistance; Luhsahnuhes, who trains to become a Jedi; and Otepu, who becomes a reporter for the HoloNet News. Different paths, definitely, but they’re all good kids—or they’re gonna be in theory, anyway.
I imagine Cerate’s adult voice being Kyle Hebert, who voiced Gohan and Kamina in the english dubs for DBZ and TTGL, respectively. I always saw Cer as being equal parts an academic like Gohan and a brave leader like Kamina, so the voice just seemed to fit.
Now that I have an adult ref for Cer, I may or may not have one or two NSFW headcanons thought up for him—I’m gonna save those for a different time, though, so feel free to send a separate ask if you’re curious.
Cer and Ziemma are still best friends even into their 20s, and even though piracy isn’t his forte, he does sometimes go along with her and the Nohnanzo gang on raids. Lucky for him, ever since Ziemma took charge, they mostly go after Imperial ships, rather than civilian vessels.
Cerate and @deer-head-xiris‘s Mel and Citro were all childhood friends, and now that I have Cer’s adult ref done to match both of theirs, I totally see the three of them going on some crazy adventure together at least once. I’ll have to get back to you on what exactly that adventure is, but I can at least tell you that I’m slowly formulating an idea for one.
I have a story in mind where, sometime after defeating the Inquisitor that killed his mother, Cer travels to Takodana in hopes he’ll find answers about what happened to his dad. There, Maz tells him about how Naj died in a fight with an Inquisitor years ago, and she directs Cer to his parents’ old quadjumper still parked behind the castle. In the ship, Cer discovers GG-4T, his parents’ old astromech, and in her memory banks he finds a whole cache of family photos and home movies. For the first time, he sees his parents as they really were, and he almost breaks down crying right then and there.
I imagine that, when it comes time for Devaron to be liberated, Cer’s gonna be the one to plan the whole attack. And boy, does he go all-out—I won’t go into the full details of his plan here, but I can tell you it involves jumping out of hyperspace in-atmosphere, hovering a Lucrehulk cruiser over Montellian Serat, and pulling a Star Destroyer out of the sky with the Force. Basically, shit hits the fan, and the fan’s blowing towards the Empire this time around.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Even though I’m way behind my original schedule, I’m happy to say I finally got another chapter of Hes and Cer’s story done! I’m pretty happy with how this one turned out and I’m super excited to see where the story goes from here, so yeah, I hope you guys like it too! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Here's an innocent TMI ask! Hes, why did you cut your hair, and Cerate, how'd you get that scar on your eye?
It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
Hes: “That probably is the most innocent one we’ve gotten, isn’t it?”
Cerate: “I think so! Anyway, yeah, it’s funny you should ask, because we have sort of the same answer for both.”
Hes: “The short version of it? Empire.”
Cerate: “Pffbt, yeah, I think that sums up all our problems. The longer version is that, a couple years back, there was this Inquisitor tracking us down. The same Inquisitor that, uh…killed my mom, in fact. Guess she wanted me too, huh?”
Hes: “We sure put that bitch in her place, though, didn’t we?”
Cerate: “Well yeah, but I think that’s just ‘cause we got lucky—I’m getting to that, though,”
(The rest of the story’s under the cut, it got a little long as I was writing it)
Cerate: “So basically, the Inquisitor chased us halfway across the galaxy and back,”
Hes: “And not ‘cause she was ordered to, might I add, this cunt just wanted to finish the job that bad—I’m pretty sure the Emperor even had the Inquisitorius disbanded by this point, so she was probably just goin’ rogue.”
Cerate: “That’d explain why she was alone, I guess. Anyway, yeah, eventually we just got tired of running, and we decided to just stop and try to kill her—or slow her down, at least.”
Hes: “No easy feat, keep in mind—did we mention she was a Gen’dai? As in, a virtually-unkillable, gross-sack-of-immortal-muscles-and-shit Gen’dai?”
Cerate: “Not just virtually unkillable—had we not been at the right place at the right time, she’d probably still be hunting us. Again, though, I’ll get to that. So yeah, we decided we’d choose Alderaan as a place to fight—no reason why, really, it was just the closest planet to us. We parked our ship in the forest, she parked hers across from ours, and for a while she just stood there, staring us down all creepy-like,”
Hes: “Bit needlessly dramatic, if you ask me, but what else can you expect from a Sith,”
Cerate: “I know, right? So finally, I walked out with my sabers drawn, while Hes stood back by the ship in case I needed backup—and that’s where the fight began.”
Hes: “No joke, kid, I’m still surprised how well you held your own there—you weren’t even breakin’ a sweat!”
Cerate: “I know! I’m glad I at least looked convincing, ‘cause I was legit scared half to death. So yeah, for a little bit it was just me fighting her, but eventually I did kinda slip up. She knocked one of my sabers out of my hand, and while I was trying to grab it she got a quick slash in on my face—hence, of course, the scar,”
Hes: “I almost had a heart attack right then, not gonna lie,”
Cerate: “Imagine how I felt! So yeah, I’m on the ground, one hand on my face, and this giant Gen’dai is standing over me about to deliver a killing blow. So what do I do? I pull my other saber towards me with the Force, it ignites mid-air, and BAM, clean cut right through her waist!”
Hes: “And that’s where I jumped in—while she was re-forming, I helped Cer up and pulled out my own sabers, then we double-teamed that bitch,”
Cerate: “Oh, c’mon, don’t say it like that—yeah, so me and Hes fought together to cut her up some more, and all she could manage to do before she was totally diced was go for Hes’ neck.”
Hes: “But ya guessed it, all she got was my hair. I grew that shit for YEARS, and what does she do? Shears that shit off in an instant. All I could smell was burnt hair for days after, it was the worst,”
Cerate: “I think the alternative would’ve been the worst. So yeah, once she was in pieces, we used the Force to throw them every which way, and we made a bee-line back to our ship.
Hes: “Then we blew her ship up, flew off, and we were in the clear!”
Cerate: “Well, as in the clear as we could’ve been then. We both knew she’d be back—like you said, Gen’dai are virtually unkillable. So we agreed to just bide our time, get stronger, and the next time, whenever it came, we would be ready. That would’ve been ‘The End’, but...”
Hes: “KABOOM! We look back behind us and, guess what? Alderaan’s gone. Just blown up. Vaporized. Literally the whole planet, just gone in an instant.”
Cerate: “Needless to say, we were...shocked. All those people dead, all of them innocent...and what’s worse, just before we jumped to hyperspace, we saw the Empire’s Death Star in the wake of it all.”
Hes: “It’s just...how could they...to a whole planet of their own? I’m just glad that bastard Tarkin got what was coming to him, eventually,”
Cerate: “It was an emotional ride back to Devaron, to say the least. If it wasn’t for the Alliance, they might’ve come to us next,”
Hes: “We’re still not joining them, though. I’ll die fighting for Devaron before I become one of Mothma’s lackeys,”
Cerate: “I know, I know, I’m just giving credit where it’s due—point is, that Inquisitor’s probably gone for good now, the Death Star’s destroyed, and Hes and I are all good,”
Hes: “If a little pissed still—I really liked my hair like that,”
Cerate: “Hey, c’mon, your hair still looks good! At least now you can wear a helmet again,”
Hes: “Yeah, true—and hey, that scar looks badass too, not gonna lie,”
Cerate: “Aw, thanks! Guess it’s nice to get something out of that fight,”
Hes: “Besides some well-earned revenge, you mean,”
Cerate: “Now now, revenge isn’t the Jedi way, is it?”
Hes: “Ha! We’re way too cool to be Jedi, you know that—oh, shit, we went off on a tangent there, didn’t we?”
Cerate: “We sure did! Anyway, yeah, thanks for the ask!”
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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To round out the set, here’s all my new, aged-up OC designs together! All in all, I’m super happy with how these turned out, and I’m super excited to do stuff with these new versions! I hope you guys like ‘em, too! :D
Refs of each one individually:
✦ Cer ✦ Hes ✦ Russ, Vonnie, & Gemre ✦ U’ruk & Kobelka ✦ Heraath ✦ 0R-D3 ✦
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Hey everyone! Earlier I was rethinking how I wanted to structure and release new stories about my OCs, and I’ve decided I’m gonna try and put new, short installments of fics on a semi-regular basis—likely no more than bi-weekly, but hopefully no less than monthly. Hopefully, then, I can write more than the whole one (1) chapter that I wrote last year.
With that new plan for it in mind, here’s an updated, re-worked version of that one whole story: “The Temple In The Jungle”, wherein, on his first mission alongside the Angels, Cer discovers a temple deep within the Devaronian jungle—a discovery that will change his life forever. So far I’m up to four chapters (the original first chapter of Shadows and Stardust split into three, with one new one right now), and if my estimate is right this story’ll likely end up being 6-7 chapters in total. After this, it’s anyone’s guess which story I’ll do next, BUT hopefully it’ll be something cool!
So yeah, come check this out if you have the chance! Let me know what you think, leave whatever feedback you have, and yeah, hopefully I’ll have more up for you soon! :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
OC Fact Swap: Both Corvax and Rhaenyra have black strands of hair that mix with the silver ones. An odd tell that they're half human and half echani.
OC fact swap.
Ooooh, cool! I’ve never seen anyone make an Echani OC before, much less a half-human one, so yEah, I like the variety there :D
Cerate’s got a similar deal, being a hybrid himself. He’s Iridonian on his mom’s side and Dathomirian on his dad’s, making him ¾ Zabrak and ¼ Nightsister. This doesn’t affect his appearance too much outwardly, though—save, of course, for his weird glow-in-the-dark eyes he got from his dad. Even then, he doesn’t always notice them; sometimes he’ll just find himself in darkness and he’s like, “hey what’s that weird yellow li—oh, wait, it’s me”.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
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Rek: “...So when I woke up, I was totally naked ‘cept for a pair of panties stretched over my lekku, my left kidney was missing, and the Nightsister was never heard from again!”
Hes: “Duuude, that’s crazy! I can top it, though—so one time I met this Harch arms dealer on Garel, and man was she handsy. I mean, she had me totally off the ground at one point, with one arm waaay up in my...”
Tales of (mis)adventure and sexploits aside, here’s the final product of a collab I did with the wonderful @rekkingcrew! He sketched these two out, and he was kind enough to let me do the lines and colors! Not only did it all end up looking great, but it was super fun to bring Rek and Hes’ unique brand of competitive vulgarity to life—thanks so much for doing this with me! :D
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Russ does not approve.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Bombarill, that adorable besalisk you sold me, once wanted to be an uxibeast herder when he grew up. He quickly decided that was not the job for him when he encountered their *ahem* solid waste products for the first time
Tell me a fact about your oc and I will respond with a semi-related fact about mine
Aww, poor guy! He should stick with that career, though, uxibeast herders make good money, from what I hear.
Cerate had a similar conundrum. Before he learned about the Jedi and the Force, Cer wanted to simply fight with the rebellion and, if he survived that, study literature at TU (Theed University) on Naboo. Of course, that dream got put on the back burner when he began his Force training—part of him wants to just stick with the whole Jedi thing, but who knows, maybe he’ll get back on that path again one day. Sure would be nice to take a break from blasting troopers and just get back to reading books :D
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
Character fact, i have a bith called Malt, and they sound like Whoopi Goldberg.
Tell me a fact about your OC(s) and I’ll respond with a fact about mine!
Oh yeah, I think you told me about them once! They sound cool, I can’t wait to see more of them! :D
I’ve got most of my guys’ voice claims figured out, too: Hes’ is Danielle Brooks, Cer’s is Art Parkinson , Russoc’s is Keith David, Vonnie’s is Susan Egan, Gemre’s is Dante Basco, and 0R-D3′s is a pithced-down version of a dial-up internet router. Beyond those guys, I haven’t really figured out much—granted, I haven’t really done much of anything with Heraath, Kobelka, U’ruk, and the rest of the B-team, but still. Maybe I’ll start to figure it out when I get more of a read on their personalities, idk.
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thefoodwiththedood · 7 years
So, Cer, what do you think of Jedi training so far? What's it like having Hes as a teacher?
send me questions you have about my character!
Cerate: “It’s awesome! It’s not at all what I expected, though—from what I read about the Jedi before we started, I always thought masters were supposed to be nice and supportive, while still firm and strict with their padawans. Hes is…not that,”
Hes: “Count yourself lucky, kid—I had to deal with at least half ‘a dozen masters while I was training, and they all sucked compared to me,”
Cerate: “Literally the first thing she told me when we started was, and I quote, ‘the Force is a buncha bantha fodder—”
Hes: “WAIT, wait, no lemme tell it! Yeah, the Force is a buncha bantha fodder. Surrounds us, penetrates us, binds us together—kriff all that. The Force is just some little microscopic shits creepin’ around in your blood that give ya crazy powers—some fueled by reason, some by emotion, and a whole spectrum of ones in between. Light? Dark? Forget it—it’s just all different shades ‘a gray,”
Cerate: “Meaning, my training hasn’t been like any Jedi’s—parts of it are like the records said it’d be, like meditating and learning the saber forms, but then there’s parts that Hes kinda…puts her own ‘spin’ on. I remember one time she taught me how to do mind tricks just so we could get free food from the Biscuit Baron in Plaeree,”
Hes: “Hey man, don’t act like you didn’t take advantage ‘a that with them twenty-piece nuna-nuggies—besides, now you know one of the best Force powers out there!”
Cerate: “And there was that other time where we jumped out of Lucy mid-flight so I’d learn how to cushion my fall with the Force,”
Hes: “Parachutes aren’t cheap, man, that’s an important skill to learn in case we run out,”
Cerate: “And lest we forget the “lightsaber-made grilled cheese sandwich” debacle,”
Hes: “Well, I would say we all learned a valuable lesson that day—but we didn’t, so I won’t”
Cerate: “We did learn cheese doesn’t come out of our sabers or Vonnie’s hair very easily, that’s for sure. Either way, the point is this: Hes isn’t exactly the most ‘dignified’ teacher, but she’s definitely the most fun! And in spite of all our (mis)adventures, I do feel like I’m getting better—maybe I’ll actually be able to fight one day!”
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