#those cartoons are 20 years old and their out here like deleting and removing things and DISBANDED CN
socksandbuttons · 1 year
Hey youuuuu…. Did ya know that kids next door is on hbo max (max)? 💥
what uppppp and yes i do know! however, i have other sources and my old computer that has my cartoons like knd and ppg
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gjyyngii · 5 years
Just a rant about someone that I know for years.
Okay, so, I've been meaning to get this out of my chest for a very long time. And people, please don't attack me for this. I am just giving my personal thoughts about this person. And to the one who's reading this post, you know who you are. Not pointing any fingers. Anyways, on with my rant.
So, there was this one person on deviantART that I used to, or tried to watch, and fave their stuff. This was back in 2014. I was about 16 when this happened, and he was in his mid 20s. One day, when I was going to fav something from him, he actually blocked me for absolutely no reason. I felt hurt. I just can't believe that I would be blocked by someone after faving their artwork. And this is not the first time that it happened to me. I know people hate being blocked by others, but still. Anyways, I really felt betrayed. So then, I tried to move on. And every time I going to fave another artwork from someone else, I see this guy's comments complimenting them, am I just groan in disgust, and scroll back up, because I really don't like to see him around the site. Inside of me, there is a feeling of hatred, and it never goes away. His artwork is somewhat decent to me, but in general, he just has a bad personality. I really can't forgive him for blocking me like that. And I wonder if he does the same to others who try to fave and watch him. Now, that's what I call a dick move. Also, his fursona is quite unoriginal. Seriously, you fuse a villain from comic book, and an anime character to get that? I'm sorry, but you could have thought of something better. Whenever somebody watches him, he will be like, "Stranger danger," and them blocks out of the blue. It's completely random, and distasteful.
The following year, I went to find this guy on a Wikia page of a cartoon. And to my luck, I did find him. So, I went to his message wall, and I asked him why he blocked me on deviantART? And do you know what his reply was? Was it...
A. Because I can. Now fuck off!
B. Do I know you, nerd?
C. I'm very sorry. Here, I will do the favor and unblock you from there. I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings.
D. Can someone get this kid out of here?!
If you guessed B, then your answer is correct. I was shocked and insulted. I mean, this man was in his twenties for crying out loud. Why couldn't he just answer with a more mature response than just calling me a nerd? It's just childish. Then he made another comment saying "Nerdist alert." That's when I had enough. I told him that he needs to think twice about his actions before he blocks people. And he shouldn't be doing that without a good reason. And then, one of the admins showed up saying if he keeps up with that rude attitude along with his suspicious deletion practices, then he would be removed from the wiki. The admin also told me to keep the conflicts like that outside the wiki, and they gave me a pass just because of it. Well, lucky for me, I never got a strike. So I agreed. However, I never heard from the guy again. There's no other way for me to contact him. Although he has me accounts on a few sites, I decided to not bother following him again, because if I do, he would just pull that nasty trick up his sleeve again.
It's now 2019, and I am 2 months away from being 22 years old. Meanwhile, the guy is now 31. and sometimes, I always think to myself, is he ever going to unblock those people that tried to watch him? Is he ever sorry for the mistakes he's made? Who knows? And last month, I decided to go incognito and search up his usernames on Google. That's when I found other things about him. I found 3 videos of him on YouTube. Two of them being from one person. I also learned that he would falsely report people on the site after he blocks them. Like, who does that? And how did he not get his account deactivated for falsely reporting people after he block them for no reason at all? I also found a forum of him on Kiwi Farms. This guy is even under the lolcow section. And yes, he also made hate art. Oooh, very edgy. There are pictures of his old artworks he made that are no longer in his gallery (some of them being hate art from shows on Nick). For example, there was one artwork where he made a comic of a fangirl, and two characters from a cartoon show are beating the living daylights out of her because she was trying to "use" the main protagonist of the show.... Yeah. Instead of reporting the person that stole his art, he decided to make hate art of 2 anthropomorphic dogs beating up a little girl. Doesn't that count as child abuse? Not only that, but he also states that it's the last time he will ever draw females. This tells me that he's misogynistic. All because this one girl stole a pic from his gallery. How low can you go? He also hates anything that relates to lesbians and bisexuality, which doesn't surprise me at all. He may be a gay man, but he should not have a full hatred against women in general. That's just messed up. To be honest, I'm glad that there is a forum of him on Kiwi Farms. I never liked him after what he's done. But all I can say is, he had it coming. It's what he gets for blocking people for no reason.
End of rant. Feel free to share your thoughts.
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