#im done im done im fine im totally fine
socksandbuttons · 1 year
Hey youuuuu…. Did ya know that kids next door is on hbo max (max)? 💥
what uppppp and yes i do know! however, i have other sources and my old computer that has my cartoons like knd and ppg
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baarishgf · 5 months
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sorry for not making you my centrefold, over and over
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artsycooky13 · 11 months
connverse fam but genderswap
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i tried hahaaaaaa
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whimper audio now
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krotiation · 3 months
I love rhack bc I'll be drawing something silly with them and then I suddenly start thinking about how jack tried to kill both of them hand in unlovable hand style and my stomach starts hurting
Like yeah, we're aware that jack tried to kill rhys but we really gloss over the whole suicide aspect of it. I mean he found out that he lost his daughter and then helios crashed so y'know... why not die together with the dude who was right by your side up until this point?
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nano30cm · 3 months
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im sure they all get along swimmingly
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fuckyeah-bears · 8 months
you know 99% of the time i get nice, totally reasonable, polite, and frequently kind asks on bearotonin. but every now and then i get some asks that just make me wanna reply snarkily so badly lmao
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hybbat · 1 year
"You saved me so I can kill you", "my wretch of a wife", and "30 seconds" all happened in this series, yet y'all cry divorce on the ranchers.
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triforce-of-mischief · 5 months
Hello! This is your secret santa gift and I’m SO sorry about it being so late the holidays have been a bit hectic and I haven’t had a chance to finish it until now, but I hope you had a happy holiday! :D
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AAAA thank you so much i love it i love it i love it!!! hes so cute in his scarf and hat 💜 i absolutely love the colors, it feels so vibrant and cozy at the same time :D
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the-valiant-valkyrie · 9 months
Safe to say, after the harrowing ordeal that was operation Rising Phoenix, the newly world renown agent wants nothing more than to catch a break... And yet, despite their exhaustion and pure disarray, there's just one delicate little matter that they have to deal with first. How in the world were they supposed to rest at their handler's expense? When the sleepless nights he must have been enduring were their fault to begin with, in a strange, roundabout sort of way? They'd pay the man a quick visit... It's the least they can do. A quick pop in, then back out for a little peace. No way in hell Agent Phoenix would turn down some vacation time to themself, right? [aka, phoenix delegates just a little time to checking in with their handler; immediately re-remembers how much they miss their handler]
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slutdge · 4 months
typical 7 am judas moment where im sobbing over what i could have been and accomplished if my parents had loved me :)
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science-lings · 1 year
Prompt idea! One of the Links birthday! (Could be Time or Wild, both of them got confusing ages)
None of the Links were known for doing things halfway. In fights, they worked like a well-oiled machine, with impeccable skill and attention. None of them ever had to worry about their backs being exposed because there was always someone there to protect them.
Even when setting up camp, they all had their jobs that tended to change enough to keep everyone happy. Except for cooking, Wild was the only one trusted to do that. Though he usually employed the use of another hero's help to assist him with preparations. Perhaps someday a few of them would learn enough to cook something on their own.
This is all to say that the moment whispers of Time's birthday reached them all, it was destined to be quite the event. Behind the old man's back, plans were concocted. Though, they could only convince Time to go patrol with one of them so many times before getting suspicious and they ran out of paper from Warriors' diary after a few days of passing notes.
Still, they managed. Warriors and Wind were in charge of the whole affair, seeing as they were the ones who knew the date of Time's birthday in the first place. They took the job incredibly seriously, making sure that everyone was involved in some way.
Finally, the day had come and the plan spurred into motion. First, Four faked being sick, ensuring that they'd have a late start to the day, giving Wild enough time to make them a hearty breakfast. Full on pancakes, eggs, bacon, and hashbrowns, Wild even made a fresh wildberry syrup and whipped cream made of Lon Lon milk that he saved special from their last visit to the ranch.
Most of the day passed normally, all the monsters they ran into were easily disposed of, then the fun really started.
After a rivetingly pathetic performance by Four, they decided to set up camp nice and early, they were too far to make it to the closest town anyway.
Warriors went with Legend and Hyrule to distract Time for long enough that preparations could be completed, and several 'accidents' were planned to waste plenty of time. Wild started on the cake while Sky frantically finished his wood carving present that he'd only been able to work on at night.
Four and Wind furiously cut up little pieces of ribbon to stuff into both the smithies and Sky's gust bellows, hoping to create an explosion of confetti when the time came. They were also figuring out how to rig some deku nuts into decorative smoke bombs.
Until it was time to make the frosting, Twilight was sent to watch the other group from the shadows, to make sure they didn't come back too soon.
When Wolfie caught a whiff of warm vanilla, he headed back to the campsite quietly, satisfied that the other Links would be occupied with Hyrule stuck high up in a tree.
Twilight, being the perfect equilibrium of strength and stamina, was the perfect person to whip up the frosting. He wasn't bothered by the vigorous whisking for minutes at a time or by the powdered sugar dusting his tunic and wolf pelt.
They all helped decorate the cake, Wild with the swirling frosting and the rest covering it in berries, intermittently popping one in their mouths as there seemed to be more than enough to do so.
When it came to the final touches, Wild paused.
"Have we ever figured out how old he is?" Piping tip pointing at the top left of the cake, getting ready to frost the message.
"No..." Twilight muttered after a moment of thought, "You could probably just go with 'Happy Birthday', his age doesn't matter."
"I have a better idea, but you guys can't look until he gets here." Wild smiled mischievously. It made Twilight and Sky share a nervous look but ultimately figured what Wild had in mind wouldn't be too bad. At worst it would be a joke that wouldn't land.
"Get ready to bring them back, I think we're ready," Wild announced after a couple minutes of focused silence.
After a long few minutes of waiting for Wolfie to return with the other half of the group, the whole time being spent keeping Wind away from reading what had been written on the cake, the only thing that managed the feat was letting the kid hold one of the gust bellows turned confetti poppers.
Finally, the time had come, the sound of footsteps neared and the anticipation for the moment heightened considerably. All their planning and scheming had come to this. Their passive conversation had stopped as they prepared for the rest of the group to exit the treeline.
With a pop and a melodic whoosh, the air was suddenly filled with shimmering flecks and sparkling smoke as well as the congratulatory voices of eight heroes.
Time only recovered from the shock for a moment before he read the writing on his meticulously decorated cake, and he laughed. The same loud dad-laugh that he did when pranked one of the others, mostly Warriors. He had to lean over for a moment to catch his breath after the fit, prompting the others to see what the cook had written on it.
'Happy 69th Birthday Gramps'
Well, at least Time seemed to like it.
Send me prompts?
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hockstuff · 2 years
when my non-hockey friends ask me how hockey’s going
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marenwithanm · 1 year
The best part about having a running story is I get to evilly plot stuff that will make people sad and cackle about it. The worst part is I can't tell people my ideas because they are spoilers. Can I not have my cake and eat it too? 😔
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rainyjackalope · 7 months
btw i will make a sona for myself based on your favorite animal but you have to draw yourself as a jackalope in return
im dead serious
you can be a bunny or a hare, doesn't matter. look up different breeds and species and colors if you want and then give them some kind of horns or antlers (wolpertingers are also fine but they have to be rabbit/hare based it's the rules.) it can also be a hybrid in general and not have strictly rabbit features, i dont wanna limit people too much
my conditions are i wont do bugs for mine (unless its a moth!) i like bugs but i rly dont like looking at photos of some kinds too much and some bugs are too intricate for me to do justice for comfortably in anthro form. i havent practiced that enough also: no open species type things. actual animals or general cryptids please i don't get into open species stuff at all
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Testing out some art styles, wanted to draw best girl, also can anybody tell me how tf artists draw a thing and then not hate how it looks immediately afterwards I am STRUGGLING
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