#those leaks were 100% oml
hayden-christensen · 1 year
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HAYDEN CHRISTENSEN as ANAKIN SKYWALKER Ahsoka - Part Seven: Dreams and Madness (2023)
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cottage-babe · 4 years
Burning Scars part VII
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not me studying ATLA maps when i should be studying for school oml
Summary: Y/n, a werewolf from a hidden village, comes across Zuko and Iroh after being exiled. How has fate intertwined the wolf into the avatar’s destiny? 
*****this chapter takes place at Season 2 Episode 12*****
Oh boy... this is so rough.
It was quite crazy how everything could tumble down hill so quickly. 
After the teen’s fight at the Misty Palms Oasis, Y/n and Zuko refused to talk to one another. It was a constant, petty competition between them; waiting to see who would crack first. It was astonishing how Iroh managed to keep himself collected when the two children he looked over were in a silent battle. 
Iroh’s club had (thankfully) fetched the trio’s Ostrich-Horses from the stables and collected all of their things. After saying their thanks to the White Lotus, they hopped onto the saddles of their rides and set off toward their next town; Ba Sing Se. 
Y/n refused to share seats with Zuko as she had previously and tried to convince Iroh to see her point of view. The uncle had shut-down her idea at first, but when noticing her ‘persistence,’ he agreed and let her ride on the back of his saddle. ‘Persistence,’ of course, being her threats of walking beside them and slowing down their estimated week-long trip. Ahh, the power of time. 
They had wanted to go straight through the desert to save the days that it would take them to go around it, but the citizens of the desert advised against it. The Wi Shong Desert was impossible to cross. It would be unbearably hot, their water would disappear quickly, and it was easy to get lost when your surrounded by identical mounds of sand. Not wanting to take a chance, the trio followed the directions and traveled the edge of the taunting desert. 
This new path was preferred by Y/n, as she didn’t have the appropriate coverings for the heat like the two men did. They were returning to the same terrain that they were in before, the foresty-rocky one. The werewolf was definitely more comfortable with this change. 
The days passed slowly. 
Iroh and Y/n talked a bit, but not as much as they had before. Of course, it wasn’t like they were mad at each other or anything, it was just that the tension between the two teens were still present and it made things... awkward. The werewolf didn’t want Zuko to hear her talk about things because it might give him the impression that she grew comfortable with him again when she 100% was not. Zuko never talked much, but now there was an ever-present scowl embedded on his face. It wasn’t a pretty sight. 
When night came, the tension was even worse. They would sit, eat, drink, all in silence. Iroh, being the wonderful person that he was, tried to chisel at the quiet, but either neither would answer or one would release a snarky comment. 
After the first couple of days, Y/n’s anger and annoyance had eased slightly. She wasn’t even mad at him anymore for what he had done, the only thing that continued to irk her was the fact that he never apologized. He never admitted that he was wrong or that he understood her reaction. Zuko just continued on with the trip acting like she was in the wrong. 
There was one night in particular that set her off once again. 
They were unpacking the food that they had; the supply was dwindling. Of course, the trio had enough to last them the entire trip, but the sight of their food becoming so minimal was affecting their morals. At least, it was for Zuko. 
The boy made it his very job to complain about their supply almost every second. Iroh and Y/n learned to tune out his whines and pouts, but then he said something that triggered her anger. 
The werewolf couldn’t even fully remember the words that he said, but the idea still lingered in her mind.
“Maybe we should quit wasting our food on dead-weight like Y/n.”
She honestly could’ve just let it go like she had done with everything else he had said. Perhaps it was the traveling that lowered her tolerance, but those words set her off the edge. 
Y/n had stood up from her seated position around the campfire and glared at Zuko. Then, she simply turned around and left. No words exited her mouth, no reassurance that she was coming back, absolutely nothing. Iroh had jumped up from his seat and asked her where she was going, but he didn’t receive an answer. Just the silent crunching of her feet on the dirt path and her silhouette disappearing into the trees.
It wasn’t until twenty minutes later that the girl returned.
Her appearance was shaggy; her clothes were obviously put on lazily and her hair was slightly messed up. The one thing that was most prominent, however, was the very dead rabbit resting in her grip. 
Blood was leaking from it into her hands and some of it was smeared on her face. She was still irritated as she skinned and cooked the animal across the fire; her glare piercing through the top of the flames straight into Zuko’s eyes. Y/n shared the meat with Iroh that night and he seemed glad to have some real food for once. 
She felt as though she earned some respect after that night. 
For the rest of the trip, Zuko didn’t complain as much. He didn’t say things that would purposely get on her nerves, he just remained silent. Not one word left him again. 
His silence really helped Y/n get the time she needed to think. She thought about those feeling that she had for him in the flower shop, but she couldn’t see herself as that person anymore; as that love-sick teenager. It’s not who she is, it never was. It must’ve been the vulnerability that Zuko offered her; she fell for the soft side of him, a side that isn’t Zuko. They both had let down their guard and look where it got them; not even on speaking terms. 
It was relieving when they made it to the boarding docks that would bring them to the gates of Ba Sing Se. They were at an underground place, a cave from the looks of it. There were many people formed in lines or waiting with their baggage beside them. All the way across the cove, there was a large wall stretched to each side. Y/n assumed that there was water hiding behind it. 
Before they entered the docks (Full Moon Bay, as Iroh had called it), the trio tied their Ostrich-Horses to some stables and gathered their things. While the boys put on their bags and such, Y/n stood in front of their rides. 
“Thank you,” she whispered and smoothed back both of their feathers. “You’ve done so much for us, I wish we could repay you.”
Their two steeds looked down at her with a look that showed their understanding of her words. But their expressions revealed something else too; like their was something she could do. She honestly didn’t know what it was, not until they began walking away from the stables. 
“So, are we going to be coming back? What’s gonna happen to the Ostrich-horses?” Y/n asked just as her eyes saw the interior of Full Moon Bay. 
Iroh shrugged his shoulders. “They will possibly be handed over to other travelers. We don’t have a use for them anymore; when someone goes to Ba Sing Se, they hardly ever leave.”
Y/n stopped walking as the words hit her. Quickly, she turned around and shouted to the duo about forgetting to get something. It wasn’t a great excuse, but she needed to do one last thing before she started her new life here.
She had talked to Iroh privately before they started on their trip to Ba Sing Se. He told her how Zuko and him were planning to stay there for a long time or at least until everything died down. Iroh gave her permission to leave whenever she wanted, but said that he and Zuko would love it if she stayed with them. Y/n, at the time, almost considered leaving because of the situation with the other teen in the group. She had spent a couple days thinking about it; about the pros and cons, the risks that she would be taking, etc. In the end, she decided that staying in the boy’s company could benefit her, especially if Ba Sing Se was as wonderful as everyone else made it out to be. If anything, she could leave their group when they made it inside the walls; if she really wanted to. 
But she still needed to do this one thing first.
Y/n ran back to the stables and looked for their animals. There were quite a few there, but she quickly found the ones that she had been riding for the last week. They seemed happy to see her and she felt the same toward them; she finally understood what they needed from her. 
The werewolf untied their straps and removed the saddles from their backs. 
Then, she brought them to the edge of the forest, away from traveler’s eyes. Without a word, Y/n let them go out into the wilderness, free of the restricting fabrics that the humans had put on them. They almost didn’t run at first, just staring at her with large eyes, but after a moment they walked into the trees and their silhouettes blended with the shadows. 
Y/n let out a sigh. She felt really good. 
Quickly, she ran back to the entrance of the Bay and met up with Iroh and Zuko. The uncle greeted her while the boy just ignored her presence and continued walking. They followed Iroh to one of the lines and waited, explaining that they needed to get their passports checked first. 
Y/n was pouting the entire time. She wasn’t used to waiting in long human lines; she didn’t see the point of it. Why didn’t they just get more people to look at their documents so everything would go by faster?
Both her travel buddies were silent the entire wait and she was fine with it. Y/n spent her time people-watching; something that she found herself doing quite often. She excused herself by saying that she needed to ‘study the human culture,’ but in reality she just found it interesting. There were so many types of people around; some with large amounts of luggage, big families, even a group of bald people wearing yellow and holding a stick! There were so many interesting characters here.
Finally, they made it to the front of the line. 
A woman checked their passports, then handed them three tickets with a stamp. They each took one of the papers and headed over to the large wall that towered over the people. 
There was a man there that asked for their tickets and directed them toward a very large boat. It marveled Y/n. She had heard stories of these large things that could float on water, but seeing it in person was something else. 
How can this hold a bunch of people?
The werewolf had paused in her spot to think this and Zuko, who was walking behind her, shoved her shoulder as he pushed passed her. 
“Watch it, you’re in the way.”
She huffed and crossed her arms. Iroh placed a hand on her should for comfort before he kept walking to catch up with his nephew. Y/n was getting a little sick of all this. 
They walked across a board and entered the ferry. They were told to stay on the top deck until they landed at the boarders of Ba Sing Se. Y/n trailed behind the boys as they looked for a spot empty enough for them to rest; eventually settling near a railing on the side of the boat. 
A kind lady went around the ship passing bowls of food to each passenger; the trio being included. Before Y/n took a sip, however, she looked over the edge into the the deep blue water. They were very high up.
“We’re going really fast.” She thought aloud. 
Iroh joined her on the railing and looked at the water, ignoring her random words. “Who would have thought after all these years, I'd return to the scene of my greatest military disgrace,” he shut his eyes as he paused. “As a tourist!”
Y/n let out a small laugh at the old man’s silly words. But then, of course, Zuko had to come and ruin it. 
“Look around. We're not tourists, we're refugees.” He said as he move to stand on her other side.
“Lighten up, Zuko.” Y/n replied while her eyes stayed on lake in front of her. Maybe she’d be able to see a fish jump out!
She could feel the boy glaring at the side of her head, but she chose to ignore it, just like she did when he would complain before. She heard Zuko take a sip of his bowl before spitting it out dramatically. “Ugh! I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this!”
The werewolf rolled her eyes, but set the bowl down on the deck, taking his reaction to the food into consideration. I think I can wait until we make it to the city. 
“Aren't we all?” 
The trio turned around from their positions on the rail and saw three teens, all about the same age as Y/n and Zuko. One stood closer to the front, a boy, about the same height as Zuko, but with shaggier hair. He had a smirk etched across his face and a plant stuck out from between his teeth. 
“My name's Jet,” The boy explained as he walked out from the covers that the Ferry had set up. He extended his hand behind him. “And these are my Freedom Fighters, Smellerbee and Longshot.” 
Behind him, the two teens let out a greeting. Well, the shorter one did, but the tall, mysterious guy just nodded his head. Zuko let out a small "hello" while Y/n waved politely. This was the first time she personally met another set of human teens. 
The first boy, Jet, began to walk up to Zuko as he spoke. "Here's the deal. I hear the captain's eating like a king while the refugees have to feed off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair, does it?"
Zuko wasn't answering the kid, wasn't even looking at him anymore, so Y/n almost did all of them a favor and declined the boy's advances for her travel buddies, but Iroh spoke before she could. 
"What sort of king is he eating like?" The uncle asked. Y/n rolled her eyes; that's not what she expected him to say. 
"The fat, happy kind." He smirked at Iroh before turning his attention back to Zuko. "Want to help us 'liberate' some food?"
The werewolf tugged on Iroh's sleeve. "I really don't think this is a good idea." 
Trust her, if her instincts were telling them not to, then they really shouldn't. She knew all about stealing food (especially from the humans), but something was off about Jet. She didn't want her group getting mixed up with the "freedom fighters" if they didn't have to. All they had to do was wait until the next morning to buy food from the city. 
Y/n looked at Zuko and met his eyes. She was pleading silently, don't. 
But the boy didn't listen to her. He threw his bowl out into the water and turned toward the group of teens. 
"I'm in." 
Y/n placed her hand on her forehead in exasperation. Of course he would do his own thing. She decided to settle for glaring at Jet's welcoming smile. 
The strange boy seemed to feel her eyes and turned to look at her. 
"Don't worry, princess, we'll bring your boyfriend back in one piece." Jet spoke once Zuko made his way over to the group.
Y/n and Zuko both scoffed at his words. Jet looked between them quickly while his smirk grew. 
"Ohh… I see." The boy took a step toward her. "Why don't you come too? I could use another lookout."
Y/n crossed her arms. Lookout?
Just as she was about to voice her opinion, Zuko stopped Jet's advancements with a stuck-out hand. 
"She's not coming with us." Zuko looked at her sternly. "Stay here and watch my Uncle."
Y/n was about to let out a sarcastic comment, or even something slightly mean to say that he can't control her, but there was something about his eyes that made her rethink it. He seemed… cautious? Maybe he can see how shady these teens really are. 
"Fine, but if you get caught, don't expect us to come and save you." 
With that, she turned on her heel and faced the lake once again, hearing the four receding footsteps as they walked away. 
The werewolf folded her arms and placed her head on them with a sigh. She really shouldn't be worried about Zuko, especially since they weren't on the best terms at the moment, but her heart couldn't help it. They had made it so far and it could all be ruined with this act of rebellion. Not to mention, if he let her go with him, Y/n could protect him if he needs it. Zuko has his bending, but that could only get him so far. She was trained for fighting. 
"You look as though you have a lot on your mind."
She lifted her head and looked to where the voice came from. Iroh was sitting on the floor, his bowl of rotten food resting in his palms while his eyes shined the colors of the setting sun. The girl took the spot next to him and followed his line of sight. 
The sunset was beautiful. The sky was a mixture of pinks and oranges all the way down to the giant ball of fire that glowed. Beams of light shined passed the small clouds that littered the sky, showing the power of the rays of sun. It was so pretty that she wished she could paint it to remember this moment. 
“So much has been happening recently; it’s just a lot to handle.” Y/n whispered.
Iroh nodded his head in agreement. “I can understand that. You’ve gone through a lot at such a young age.” He paused for a moment. “And I’m sorry that my nephew has added on to your stress.”
“It’s not you that I need an apology from, it’s Zuko.” She shook her head dejectedly. “And what is up with him?! One minute he’s all friendly, like he cares, and then the next he’s just so... infuriating.” 
The sun finally made it’s way past the tips of the mountains and fell out of sight. The orange took a deeper tone, but the view still left her awestruck. Iroh placed a hand on the wolf’s shoulder.
“I think there are some things that you need to learn about my nephew,” He began. “Zuko didn’t have many friends when he was a child, he was reserved and only ever talked to his sister and mother. And then after his incident when he was thirteen, he had taught himself to put up barriers, ones that not even I could break. But you must remember; Zuko is a child, just as you are. He may act cold-hearted, but underneath it all, he has a good spirit.”
Thirteen? He’s been out on his father’s mission for at least three years? 
“So, what you’re saying is that him being rude is actually his way of showing he cares? That doesn’t make any sense.”
Iroh laughed a hearty laugh. Y/n joined in slightly, but couldn’t see what was so funny. 
“I suppose that is a good way of putting it.” His laughter died down to a serious tone. “I just want you to know, Y/n, that although this does explain his personality, it does not excuse it. If you are having issues with him, then talk to him and let him know.”
Y/n sighed as the sky finally receded into darkness. Maybe he is right, she’s had plenty of time to think about everything, so the next step would just be to talk. The werewolf decided to point the topic in a different direction. 
“So, Zuko told me about the four nations and what bending was. He thinks I’m part of the Earth Kingdom.” She smiled at the older man. “Do you think I can bend?”
Iroh shrugged his shoulders with the same laugh as before. “Maybe. If you’d like, I can teach you some techniques that I know.”
Y/n’s eyes widened. Wait, I might be able to bend?
“But I thought you could only bend one element? You can do two?”
“No, no, no.” He waved his hand out. “I just studied their techniques and memorized some. I can’t say that I can help you fully, but I can try my best.”
That was honestly good for her. After Zuko had told her last time that it probably wasn’t possible, she had felt dejected. But maybe there’s hope now?
Suddenly, she saw something moving around in the sky. It was hard to focus her eyes in the dark, but the sight of a large animal flying over head caught the duos attention. 
“Uhh, what is that?” Y/n eyes with her eyes squinting. 
It flew off past their boat and into the opposite direction of Ba Sing Se.
Iroh shrugged his shoulders. “I’ve only seen one like that before...” Then he looked at the girl next to him. “Don’t tell Zuko that you saw that. He... is scared of flying animals.” 
She raised an eyebrow at his obvious lie, but promised to not tell the other boy. It was then that a smell hit her.
It smelled so warm and delicious that her mouth almost watered the second it hit her nostrils. She looked around until she saw the source of the aroma. 
Zuko, Jet, and his two freedom fighters were back with two large bags. They were reaching into the sacks and pulling out bowls, passing them to the refugees on the ship.
When they were finished, they made their way back to Iroh and Y/n with their bowls in hand. Zuko had given a bowl to Iroh and completely ignored Y/n, so she had to get her food from Jet. 
“Thank you, Jet.” She said with a smile as the sight of the food made her happy. Maybe the freedom fighters won’t so bad. 
Iroh and Y/n shifted their seating arrangement until they formed a circle with the four other teens. Jet was going to take the seat beside the werewolf, but Zuko beat him to it, claiming that his bag was there, so it’s his seat. 
They began to eat, Y/n almost scarfing down her entire bowl with one bite. She couldn’t deny it, she was hungry. They were surviving off of food that barely filled her, so now that she had the opportunity to eat, she wasn’t going to miss it. 
Y/n was so invested in her bowl of food that she couldn’t even process the conversation going on around her, all she knew was that Smellerbee had stormed off and Longshot had gone after her. All that was left was her two traveling friends and Jet. She decided that now was the time to tune into the banter that was happening.
“From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se. I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant wall.” Jet said as he leaned back into his arms. 
Iroh nodded his head. “It’s a magnificent sight.” 
“So, you’ve been there before?”
Y/n slowly lowered her bowl with wide eyes. Was he going to tell him about his life of a war general?
Instead, Iroh settled for a solemn look on his face. “Once, when I was a... different man.”
Surprisingly, Jet didn’t pry the way she expected him to. “I've done some things in my past that I'm not proud of, but that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se: for a new beginning. A second chance.”
A new beginning? Is that what I need?
It hadn’t hit her until then, but this new life that she strove for, a life away from her pack, away from her shame, was something that she already had. The boys had given her this opportunity the moment they asked her to join their trip. 
Ba Sing Se was this refuge for people who wanted what she had. It was a refuge for Iroh and Zuko, too. Did I really consider leaving them? It made her feel a bit of shame, she can’t just leave when things get tough.
“Hey, Zuko?” Y/n asked as she set her bowl on the ground in front of her. 
The boy just hummed in response, not quite looking at her as he continued to eat. 
“Do you think we could talk? Soon?”
Zuko stopped his chewing and looked at her questioningly. He set down his half eaten bowl and stood up. “Let’s go.”
She followed him to a separate area of the ferry. Most people were around the front of the ship, either eating the remains of the food or sleeping against the hardwood floor. There were some families around them at the back of the ship, but most weren’t paying attention. The duo stopped at the railings at the end of the boat. 
They were silent for a second, Zuko waiting for the girl to say something while Y/n was trying to regain her thoughts. C’mon brain, you can do this. 
“So, I guess I should start off with a ‘sorry’? I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you, especially since what you did was an accident.” She paused to let him talk, but he just continued to stare with a bored look on his face. “Uhh... I’m also sorry for insulting you. I was mad and didn’t think about my words. Everything else I said after that, though, I completely meant. You were a jerk to me.”
The corners of Zuko’s mouth lifted slightly at her words as he soaked them in. She didn’t really have much else to say, she hadn’t done much wrong. Y/n could only hope that the boy understood that. 
He sighed and looked off to the side. “I guess... you not at total fault here.”
Y/n almost scoffed, almost, but held it back. This was what Iroh was talking about; Zuko had walls and this might be the best apology that she’d get out of him for now. She didn’t really know what else to say, so she was happy when he started to speak again.
“I-uh-maybe shouldn’t have gotten mad when you called me out. Should’ve just accepted it and moved on, but-uh-I’m still learning.” 
Ok, this is going way better than I expected.
She half expected him to reject her apology and stomp off angrily, continuing to hate her for the rest of his life. She was glad that it’s going in the opposite direction. 
Y/n couldn’t help the giddiness that she felt rise within her and wrapped her arms around the boy’s stomach. He didn’t hug her back at first, but when he realized that she wouldn’t let go, he awkwardly settled his arms around her shoulders. She could tell that he was slightly uncomfortable with the affection, so she eased herself off of him with a grin on her face.
They began their walk back to the group with much less tension than when they came. 
“You know, Iroh told me that he’d teach me some earthbending to see if I was a bender.” Y/n spoke smugly. 
“Really? He shouldn’t, it’d be a waste of time.” The boy replied as she pouted in response. “I hope you know that I had to tell Uncle to make sure you would stay during the travel to Full Moon Bay. Don’t make me regret asking him.”
Y/n smiled. So, that was why Iroh brought up her leaving? She was kind of confused on why he would mention it if he wanted her to stay, but not it make sense. His approach was wrong, but it made sense. 
“So what I’m hearing is... you’d miss me if I left?”
Zuko just groaned out and sped up his pace, leaving her behind as their group came into view. For the rest of the night, the random cluster of six talked and joked around, the anger no longer being apparent between each teen. 
It was finally back to the way it used to be; only ten times better. 
There’s something so fulfilling abt writing a long chapter, I love it
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supersgirls · 7 years
dance academy movie thoughts!
spoilers below (obviously) apologies for how long this got!
the opening credits...beautiful! 
tara and christian at the start was cute!! him inviting her to movie in with him and everything! but as always i was hating it by the end of the movie because they never just stay together, they’re always on again, off again. If they stayed on I would be fine with it, but as that’s not the case its pretty annoying watching them break up and get back together for what- the fourth time?
im so glad christian is happy teaching though, it really is perfect for him
when tara and kat were sharing kats bed, and kat farted after having drank a fancy pine needle drink and was like ‘hey! at least it smells like christmas!’ and then tara ‘speaking of which, how’s ethan?’ i was dead. best joke omg
ollie- yaaas queen i love your poncho! amazing
ollie irish dancing in nothing but those small pants. again, amazing. 100% need to gif
wasn’t expecting him to not be in the company though, after he repeated third year to get in, and then got in, but quit to pursue music
oh but him singing the shows theme song! hahah gold
miss raine insisting he live with them! i love her so much oml when she’s not teaching she’s just the softest person ever!!!
apart from christian, ben seemed to be the only one really enjoying their job, which makes his cancer return all the more sad
the dance tara and be made up was just so beautiful, i loved it. they just have an enormous amount of dance chemistry and i want to watch that montage on repeat a thousand times
including the ‘pretending to play jenga and then sneaking off’ bit once miss raine left
ms rains partner whispering to her ‘they are so doing it’ dead, i was dead
BENSTARA AS THEIR ENTRY NAME!! ben never stop being you omg
and then when they got caught and ben was like ‘ignoring the fact that you opened my personal mail’ and miss raine, blank faced - it was addressed to ‘benstara’
just the whole plot about them creating their own dance was my favourite
and when they go dancing with the old people after tara gets into the company was adorable, but then when tara kissed him i was like no!! tara stop! ultimately i would want ben and tara together, but we all know she is just going to go back to christian so i’d rather she leave him alone that way :/
when tara was dancing with the company and wasn’t around to check for warning signs of ben being overworked and then the screen shows you that rash on bens hand....oh boy
and then when he was in hospital and ‘say something’ was playing!! i was so worried they were going to kill him but thank god they didn’t
here is about where my memory starts going foggy about what happened because this is when i started to dislike the end of the movie
ben and kat being put together....noooooo. it was so clear the writers were just like ben is single, kat is single, eh it’ll do here you go. i just MUCH MUCH would have rathered they didn’t. sure ben had a crush on her in s2, but kat has never been remotely interested, or all that close with ben at all before this
but then i remembered when i got home at least its not grace fml that was horrible
still though. should have kept them single, really not a fan of ben/kat
also speaking of kat, it was in character, but i was sad about her boyfriend storyline/ the leaking the nude photos (although it did lead to another a+ miss rain line so theres that)
and now the ending...i like it for tara, but for eveyone else? not so much. i don’t know, it just makes the whole tv series feel a little pointless, i guess? like it was such a build up to who was going to get the contract, and then in the end it didn’t matter? I kind of would have liked it written that ollie, abigail and kat staying in the company/acting because they enjoyed it, tara still went on her whole journey trying to get back in the company and then choreographing with ben, and then started her own company with ben, (who needs something lower energy for now because of the cancer, but still wants to dance) with the help of christian too.
so yeah overall i loved it except for the last ten minutes or so and i want to gif pretty much every second of it when i can find a download of it
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