#those singers are good only for fanfiction as far as I'm concerned
a---fire---inside · 2 years
no sanremo this year for me. not only because I hated the pointless drama over zelensky's presence, as if sanremo didn't have every year pathetic guests spewing pathetic monologues about social problems that ugh I don't think help anyone but ok. As if Zelensky didn't have all the right to give visibility to the tragedy his country is suffering by the dirty hands of ruZZia, whose propaganda is dirtying italy since forever and everyone is happy about it or unknowing and unknowingly spreading it even more. But because of the indifference the 99% of italian musicians and celebrities had and have towards Ukraine...when it's not more or less direct support for ruZZia, through the NATO proxy war narrative. Fuck them all tbh, the war showed their real shitty colors.
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birlwrites · 4 months
How goes Bloodfinch! Are you at the stage of writing parts yet? Is there a particular area of writing (dialogue, point of view etc) that's particularly fun with it?
And another hopefully answerable but somewhat generic question (to give you the power of surprise yet if you want it!): what person and tense have you gone for? or have you varied it according to a pattern of your own design?
If there's stuff to say about the process of writing concerning what brings you joy (and not further worldbuilding/plot details necessarily that I'm sure time will reveal) it'd be interesting to hear it!
Also, as a side note, you said you very much identified with the sliding meme of your opinion on your skills varying. Hence, I desire to communicate that I think you're consistently brilliant! I am curious why you feel that way though, as I was shocked it was somewhat widespread (I have days where things don't go so well writing, naturally as consistency isn't quite how it works as an area, but find my faith in my skills is rather solid and veers only between "I'm fine at it I suppose?" to "oh yes, it's an area of skills I've worked on that I'm good at" with more sporadic bursts of "I'm a genius! I'm so great at this!" never reaching more despairing "I'm hopeless, utterly hopeless").
it goes well!!! i'm having fun!!! i'm nearing 2.5k now - i had a longer draft, but had to frog that since i decided to start the story in a different place. i'll probably grab and reuse snippets of it later on though. and the outline is complete!! i'm hoping that it'll be similar to lachrimae in terms of time it'll take me to write, although unlike lachrimae i'll then do at least one round of editing once i have a full draft, plus then i'll need to do like. layouts and get cover art and stuff
finch, the pov character, is a singer, and i'm having a WILD time being able to write a very highly trained singer - her tutor (dulceis) definitely has. some traits in common with. certain singing teachers i've had. just wrote a line about dulceis standing on the opposite side of the room from finch yelling 'WHERE ARE YOUR CONSONANTS I CAN'T FIND THEM' and. yes
it's first person present tense and it'll stick to that - normally i'm a third person present tense writer by default, but i'm going for first person here because a) we are VERY deep inside finch's head and b) that was the best way for me to make clear that despite her calling herself finch, that's not what other people call her
i also just created yet another saint today, the sea-saint, who's associated with the sea (duh) and those who make their living from the ocean (sailors, fishers, etc), AND ALSO rhetoric, poetry, and all of the word-arts. the sea-saint is associated with fluidity (duh), impermanence, but also a certain type of control - navigating uncertainty. there is a story about the sea-saint calming choppy waters just by speaking to them and persuading them to settle. they're represented with a wave, a seashell, or a siren (this tends to be the less positive side of the saint, representing fickleness, hunger, and misleading appearances)
oh and i also just wrote up a little story about the origins of bloodfinches, because i was going to type up my handwritten notes but writing up notes was boring and writing up a story that conveyed the same information was far more interesting - so perhaps i'll post that! in a different post though, so it can just be its own thing instead of being buried in this response
naturally from finch's pov i also get to go wild with the auditory imagery which is fantastic, and i'm also having a great time with introducing original characters - even though i work with very, very, very, very, VERY minor characters in hp fanfiction, so minor that in many cases i am inventing characterization out of wholecloth, people still already have certain impressions about characters' appearances, personalities, and general vibes. that is not at all the case with completely original characters and figuring out how to introduce them and convey impressions of them is SO MUCH FUN i forgot how fun it was
i think that the reason my perception of my own writing tends to swing back and forth wildly is because i associate it with ease. words are flowing? plot details are blooming? everything feels great! but if i am not living up to my own expectations, if trying to write feels like banging my head against a wall, or if a scene isn't coming out the way i imagined it and i don't know what the problem is, or i DO know what the problem is and it's going to be a shitload of work to fix, or if it's not connecting with readers the way i thought it would, then i do have a tendency to spiral
logically, i am a fairly confident writer, but emotionally, i'm of course more inconsistent, and emotions tend to rule the day when it comes to how i'm feeling about my skills at any given moment. fortunately, i'm at least aware of that, and i know that feeling like it's hopeless means a) it's not actually hopeless, my brain just likes to latch onto worst-case scenarios, and b) it is well past time for a break
a central issue here is that i often expect very high levels of productivity from myself, and so then even if i know it's time for a break, i then am fighting a separate battle in which i have to convince my brain not to beat me up over needing Break Time, and it all leads to me staring at the wall wishing i could put my brain in a washing machine
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pricescigar · 3 years
The Hummingbird
Summary: The year is 1978 Elvira recently joining the CIA, under the custody of Russell Adler. She would finally her first mission, disguised as a singer to gather all information of Perseus.
Another fanfiction for @kretentious
This fanfic includes Russian pickuplines and swear words included which will be translated and mentioned here for better understanding!
Devushka - Girl, young lady/miss
Dorogaya - dear/darling
Ti ochen krasivaya - You're very beautiful
Pchyolka - Little Bee
Mudak - Idiot
Gavno - Shit
Rybka - Little fish (Equivalent to "baby" , "Honey")
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A normal day like no other, the team would have their everyday briefing. Before they would be off to do their daily routine in working, translating intel, going on operation missions. All the sorts to take down Perseus, the problem was is that the man had gone dark for years now. And they knew he was planning something big, something far bigger that could change the whole course of the Cold War. So gathering information was crucial, any information at this point would do a great deal. After all this would help Adler getting closer to his own nemesis, although his obsession with catching Perseus. Raise concern at times, yet no one said a thing about it.
"Everyone listen up. In a couple of days time, Perseus and his agents will be attending at the large gathering. As we speak from now, what that means is This; It'll be a good chance, to gather any forms of information. Perseus has been dark remember, but he may still be crawling around." Hudson said looking at those who attended the meeting.
"Peice of cake huh? Who woulda thought that man was still elegant and gentleman like, who's goin' exactly?" Woods asked in pure curiosity.
"I thought of this more of a solo mission, but back up will be there when required and when said so. I chosen our newest member of the team, Wolff." Hudson replied.
"You're crazy? She's just a kid, a damn kid and you're putting her in danger. You should get someone else, and let them do the mission." Adler negotiated, he wasn't willing to let Hudson put her in danger straight away. She had not long been in America, sure the girl knew Russian and found Perseus oddly familiar; Like an old friend. Not to mention she knew her way around things, how to escape from dangerous situations. Hell even kill a person with no regrets, but for her to go to Russia alone? Far too risky in his eyes, he vowed himself to protect that kid no matter what happens. After all Elvira was placed under his care, since she was still very young. He treated her like she was his own daughter he never had.
"I'm sure she can manage, besides she's proved to us enough by all of the training courses we've put her on and translating all of the other intel. And her working performance with Park, is exceptionally well Adler." Hudson negotiated back with him.
It seemed like Hudson himself already had great faith in her. She was a remarkable young after all, Elvira was skillful, resourceful, intellgient, hardworking and a good fighter. Some would say she was born in the battlefield, bullets flying everywhere. Death and destruction all around, and a but a child born in the midst of all the chaos. A girl so young, yet so intelligent willing to put her life in danger. No one else that young, would ever have the guts or will to do so.
Adler stayed silent, yet what Hudson said was the truth. For her young age, she was extremely useful and respectful. Any private organisation, the army alone. Would dream to have someone like Elvira Wolff, a sigh escaped his lips but he nodded in agreement.
"Fine... She can go on the mission." Adler merely replied, rather that he was still apprehensive about it. She was under his care for a few weeks now, but that alone he would do anything to protect the young girl with his life. No matter the cause. For once he wasn't sour to anyone, like a lemon got stuck to his mouth. Well he was only sweet around Elvira.
"Alright then, Elvira Wolff will be chosen to go on this operation. I expect she'll being us a lot of information." Hudson replied with confidence.
Elvira was brought the meeting, she walked into the meeting room closing the door behind her. Going over to one of the empty seats, sitting herself down on the chair and straightening her posture.
"You needed me for something?" She asked curiously, her English wasn't the best yet she was still learning but being a quick learner. There were no problems at all.
"We have decided for you to go on your first solo mission, you think you're up for that? It's extremely difficult, but this will be your chance to prove to us what you really know." Hudson spoke.
Elvira thought about it for the moment, beats than doing office work. Which she hated, yet she didn't complain about it. More or less the annoying part was that she still had to exercise a lot. To still keep in shape, so nodding in agreement.
"Ja, I'm up for it. Why not? Let's do this." She replied confidentially.
"Good, that's what I would like to hear... In a few days time, it has been rumoured that Perseus and his agents. Will be attending at a large gathering,q an undercover name has been set for you... We just want you to blend in, get much intel as you can. Even if you have to go deep into the rabbit hole." Hudson said.
"Back up will also be there, if needed and an emergency exfil from Russia. Just in case things go side ways." He lastly added, depsite him looking miserable. The man was content and happy, that their new recrurit would finally be putting some action on.
Elvira took all of the information in, at least backup would be there when needed. She knew that she would have to plan all of this, in her head somehow. Or a piece of paper, either way she would have to be extremely careful. When Hudson was finished speaking, she slowly nodded.
"Alright danke... I won't dissapoint you, I'll get as much information as there is. I'll find many different ways to blend in into the crowd itself."
"That's what I like to hear, coming from a young driven person like yourself. Best of luck Wolff." Hudson extended his hand, so she could shake it.
Elvira nodded and extended her hand, the two shook hands. Let the operation begin. The one operation, which would change the whole course of finding Perseus forever.
The day before the mission, Elvira left America to travel over to Russia in order to prepare herself for the mission. The long and enduring flight gave her a lot of time to plan things over, and when she would finally arrive at the grand hotel. More specifically The Ritz-Carlton, in Moscow. A grand and luxury hotel, anyone would dare to dream and stay there. That's when she would properly get started in planning everything, with all of the files and little information that is with her.
Finally arriving in Moscow early evening, Elvira felt a little exhausted yet she didn't have time to sleep. Luckily her learning Russian at a young age, proven to be useful. If she was to blend in, might as well put on the accent. Yet due to her recent accident, and near death experience. Her enemies could be there as well, now she wasn't the one for cosmetics and make up. Still feeling self continously in showing the scar on her face, so the bandage around her left eye remained there. Others would easily assume the young girl got into an accident, and was still recovering from it.
Elvira briefly looked at her passport, luckily they gave her a Russian passport. So it would look less suspicious, and more flexible to not raise any trouble.
"At least Hudson gave me a good name... Leni Ivanovna." She mumbled to herself, realistically she would have to think up a whole backstory of herself. And not her current one.
Checking into the hotel was a breeze, finally getting into her room and closing the door behind her. Taking a look around the room, she was so astonished by the design. Never seeing something so fancy in all her life, unpacking all of her things. Along with the plans putting it to one side, taking a good look at the time. It was getting late, Elvira thought it would be best to have some dinner first to even begin to plan anything.
Getting changed into a different outfit, not to mention putting makeup on her face to hide the scar. It didn't make her feel any better, mainly because she was hiding her true origins. Yet that feeling was temporary, Elvira grabbed her jacket, her journal, pencile and a eraser. And walked out of her room closing the door behind her. Making sure it was locked and secure.
Heading down the stairs, observing the many different architecture and furniture alone. It was quite beautiful, luckily keeping her journal with her wherever she went. It gave Elvira a good chance, to draw some of the things here. Elvira found her way to the dining room, the place was so beautiful! All she ever knew was a simple house, a simple life, basic foods that was fordable. Even with the clothing, seeing so many people smartly dressed, all the fancy food and alcohol. She was truly amazed.
"Oh miss Ivanovna! Please come take a seat, we'll get everything prepared for you!" A butler caught her attention, following him over to a table. The butler left her with a menu, and would return to her momentarily when she came to a decision in what she wanted from the menu.
"Oh, alright.... Thank you." Elvira replied, putting on the Russian accent. Sat down looking at the menu, seeing all of the various options they sounded so fancy. But the dishes that caught her eye the most were: Beef stroganoff, Borscht and Solyanka.
"Miss Ivanovna! Have you decided on what you wanted?" The Butler returned to her table, having a small notepad wanting to note down on what she wanted to order with it.
"Oh, I do..." Elvira nodded briefly looking back at the menu again.
"May I have the Beef Stroganoff, I'll have water with it as well please." She said.
"Wonderful selection, that'll be prepared for you shortly." The butler gave a kind smile, and took the menu from her and he walked away from her table.
Elvira nodded to him, as she observed her surroundings a bit more. Grabbed her journal that she had beside her. Opening to a new blank page, getting her pencil. Maybe she would draw a little? Until her food would be ready. The first thing she would look at, and that'll be drawn. And the first thing that her eyes laid on, was no other than the bartender at the bar. She began to draw, letting time go by. Hearing the various conversations from all different guests.
"Are you all alone devushka?" A voice caught her attention, which made Elvira look up from her journal. Only to see a man standing beside her, observing on what she was doing. Not in a creepy way, by all means. He was simply curious.
The man had a well built physic, he was broad, tall. Intriguing, the accent alone fitted him perfectly. He wore a well tailored suit, what stood out most of him was his mismatched eyes. One eye was blue, and the other was white. Someone just like her! A simple indication he must've been involved in a accident, although he did look oddly familiar to Elvira. However, she couldn't place her finger on it.
"I am, but I don't mind... I do appreciate the corcern though, my name is Leni Ivanovna." Elvira replied kindly to him, she began to think. Where did she see him? Maybe somewhere in the many documents back in America, after all they were after Perseus. But it was more than just one person. He had a whole bunch of agents.
"I'm Vikhor Kuzmin, but people call me Stitch. It's a pleasure to meet you, dorogaya." He gently took her hand and kissed it tenderly out of politeness.
"Ti ochen krasivaya, why are you all alone?" He asked curiously, she looked so ethereal Stitch was smitten for her already. And he only just met her, she was so perfect to him.
"I'm..." Elvira briefly thought on what she should say, she knew she couldn't stay silent for far too long without him being suspicious before then smiling at him. "Well I'm on a small holiday, a well deserved break." She replied to him.
"I've been working so hard back in Berlin, so I decided to take a small break and have some time to myself."
"You've chosen the right place, they have amazing food here devushka... I see you are drawing, may I take a look if you don't mind?" Stitch asked politely, as he went over to the empty spare seat across from her and he sat down. Yet across from them, at one of the larger booths of the fine dining room. Sat Freya "Wraith" Helvig, Roman "Knight" Gray, Kapano "Naga" Vang and Owethu "Jackal" Mabuza. And no other than Perseus, sitting with them as well. All smartly dressed for this lovely occasion.
"Hey look! Stitch is chatting up a young woman! Don't she look pretty?" Naga chuckled with a teasing tone to his voice, placing his hands on the table.
"Yeah. Let's hope he doesn't go too overboard. You know how he can be sometimes." Knight cackled, taking a sip of his Whiskey placing it back down on the table observing them.
"Come on Stitch you can do it! Bring her over here! Show us the gal!" Naga shouted out to him, along with clapping his hands cheering on for him. To which a few strangers stopped taking and looked over to the commotion.
Elvira let Stitch have a look at the sketches, mentally she was panicking to the core. Remembering she had various drawings of her team; Adler, Woods, Mason, Park, Sims, Lazar and Hudson. Luckily he didn't dive too deep into the journal, only a few pages luckily so she didn't have to worry too much. Yet she still kept a close eye on him, if he dived far too personal in her own journal.
In sync, Stitch and Elvira looked over to the loud and obnoxious voice from across the rude. No other than Naga, simply cheering on for his friend. Elvira blushed in emabresmemt looking away, before then clearing her throat to simply break the awkwardness.
Stitch only face palmed and huff out of annoyance, while he was having the time of his life in getting to know her. Of course had to be interrupted!
"I apologise for my friend, pchyolka... He's very annoying... I do hope I get to see you again?" His tone sounded hopeful.
Elvira smiled softly at him.
"It's ok you don't need to apologise. I can understand, sometimes friends can embaress you for the better. You will see me again, I can assure you." She chuckled softly before shaking her head.
Stitch handed back her journal, before standing up from the seat pushing it back into the table. If only he could stay for longer.
"We'll meet again soon, Miss Ivanovna. Good night." He gave a small wink, before walking away and going back to the booth where the other agents were.
"Goodnight Mr Kuzmin, enjoy the rest of your evening." Elvira politely gestured back to him, watching him walk away. As she was alone with her thoughts once more. In a matter of time her dinner finally came to her table as she began to eat it.
"What's the woman's name you've glued your eyes to her! She looks very pretty." Naga asked clearly interested, but there was also slight curiosity within his tone. Taking a sip of his alcohol placing it back down on the table.
"Her name is Leni Ivanovna, she's so beautiful... I wanted to spend more time with the young Maiden, before you interrupted with your big mouth." Stitch said in anger and embaressment, he couldn't get her out of his mind. Even if he only knew her for a matter of a couple of minutes, he was immediately lovestruck by her.
"Hm... Where is she from? She looks like she's not from around here." Knight asked stating the obvious, to his own suspect she looked European. When he was able to get a good look at her, mostly he observed her features closely.
"German?" He guessed, tilting his head a little.
"A German with a Russian name? Don't be silly." Wraith shook her head in disagreement.
"She clearly has Russian heritage if she has a Russian name, maybe she's half German?" She added onto their little guessing game, this was entertaining enough. Better than them squabbling half of the time.
"What do you think Perseus?" Naga asked their boss, who had stayed silent throughout the whole time. Even when Stitch was talking to Elvira.
Perseus observed Elvira closely who was just across from them, her curly black raven hair, her posture, her eyes especially stood out the most. Perhaps because they were mismatched, which stood her out even more. That emerald green eye looked so familiar to him, but how? It bothered him a lot, but he couldn't put his mind to it. Either way he knew once his memory comes back to him, it would be far too late for him to even act in the first place.
When Perseus snapped back into reality, when his agents wanted to include him into their little guessing game. All but a sigh escaped his lips, as if he was thinking. "German." Was all he said.
The evening ran by smoothly with no problems at all, after Elvira had her dinner and her dessert. It gave her the perfect opportunity to scout out the place, take any form of notes, sketching the various rooms too. Especially making her little blueprints, taking notes of exits. Potential escape routes, all of these notes were deemed useful to her and for the C.I.A especially. It was no wonder why Elvira was chosen for this job, she was just too good at it. Well it wasn't the first time, she planned like that. Elvira knew she had to get close to Perseus, and his agents to get every single amount of information she could. But how? There had to be something, that could help her one way or another. Perhaps something out of this world.
Elvira's eyes drifted over to a poster on the main floor of the reception room, the poster explained that they was looking for a singer for tomoroww night for the huge party. And that's when the magnificent idea, immediately came into her mind. A small grin appeared on her features, tomorrow night. Will be history.
The next day came along quickly, Elvira spent most of the morning in her hotel room. Using much room as she had, planning for her her performance in the evening ahead. The same ordeal going downstairs for breakfast and lunch, seeing the familiar faces of Perseus and his agents. She took a good look at the place, loads of escape routes perfect for her to be collected once the damage she would do will be done. After all of this, Elvira would have to get her outfit ready for tonight.
Poor Stitch couldn't get Elvira or more specifically "Leni Ivanovna" Out of his mind, the other agents even teased him for it. which left him more angry and embarrassed, nevertheless when tonight would come he would pick up the courage and ask her out to a proper date.
Elvira was getting ready for the big night ahead, she made sure she had enough weapons/melee packed and hidden within her clothing. Some were well hidden enough, it was difficult enough to smuggle most of the weapons in. So it mainly contained of pistols, knives, which she would to work her way around with. Taking one last look at the mirror, the makeup was on her face once again to hide the scar. Her hair also was in a Dutch braid, so the small strands of hair wouldn't get in the way. Before placing the mask on her face. It covered the top half, but not her mouth. More or less it his her face perfectly, and made her mysterious in a way. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves sorting the suit jacket making sure it was neaten before leaving her hotel room.
Every other guest was already in the dining hall, where they would early wait for a performance. As word spreaded quickly through the hotel link a plague; They found a signer for tonight's performance, everyone was egarly waiting for the performance. Every person that was there sitting in their own designated places, various guards were there as well carrying weapons with them. The whole hotel was in tight security, Elvira hoped to herself she would get out of here in one piece. One could hope.
"Look at Stitch all googly eyed, trying to find the Maiden you saw yesterday? Aww... She's not here sadly." Naga spoke up with a laugh. He'd been tormenting Stitch all last night, and this morning including. Over his little crush that he had recently developed, what a good friend he is.
"Shut up Mudak! Leave me alone you little gavno..." Stitch grumbled with the same embaressment and anger mixed together, like a witches potion in the cauldron pot. He crossed his arms not bothering to look at his other colleagues. Yet it was true, he couldn't get her out of his mind. He hoped he would see her again, no longer could he contain his feeling for her. Even if only knowing her for a night, she was just so beautiful and mysterious.
Naga bursted into laughter, seeing him get so mad and embarrassed. It was too amusing for him, he loved winding him up and see Stitch get all angry. His gateway of his own comedic values. He even got chased by Stitch last night, since Naga was more agile he got away from Stitch.
"You two act like children sometimes, whatever happened to you two being serious all the time...?" Wraith shook her head at the sight of them, taking a sip of her whiskey.
"No we don't!" Naga and Stitch said together in sync, before glaring one at another intently. Staying like that longer than they originally expected.
"Are- ... Are you two having a staring contest?" Knight furrowed his eyebrows, to which Jackal chuckled.  Knight waved his hand in between Stitch and Naga, so the two would stop.
Jackal stayed silent, he had nothing to say really. Maybe he did. Yet he just found it amusing enough to watch them two fight, all they ever did was bicker half of the time. Perseus? He watched too, his mind was too busy thinking about who the young woman was Stitch was so love struck by.
"Now shh! Be quiet the singer is coming on soon!" Naga quickly shushed the group, even if none of them was speaking in the first place anyways. He alone like the other agents, was intrigued and excited. Just to hear the lovely voice that would soon walk upon the stage.
Elvira was preparing herself last minute, as the organisers dolled her up even more for the singing performance. A touch more of make up on her eyes and features, before putting the mask back on her face. She was finally ready to go on the stage, finally getting into her place. When Elvira was given the signal to go, she finally went on the stage. Walking towards the microphone that was placed our for the signer, with anticipation she could feel her heart beating faster. There was so many people here, more than she expected. But it gave her a good and overall view of the dining room more. She approached the strange, while he guests watched her with their intent eyes. What song would she sing for them? This song especially, a song which always tug people's heartstrings.
The music began to play, Elvira clenched onto the microphone. She began to sing 'The end of the world'. As Elvira sung, she had a euphonious voice! The vocal tone and control she had over her own voice, was unlike any other in this world.
Stitch listened to her closely as she sung, he was completely head over heels for her. His eyes sparkling with admiration, her voice was so magical to him. Completely ignoring his surroundings, and his eyes forced on the mysterious singer who had the most amazing voice in the whole wide world.
The performance soon ended, everyone stood up from their seats cheering and clapping their hands. A few whistles were heard in the crowd as well, even Perseus and his agents stood up clapping too.
Elvira politely bowed down, as they continued to cheer for her. Even a small smile appeared on her features, she couldn't recall the last time sheperformed for anyone. And that was a long time ago. She was glad the confidence still stayed with her, after all this time. She walked off the stage, and went to walk away from the crowd.
Perseus left the table, where his agents stayed. And approached over to the mysterious singer, purely to give compliments on how amazing the performances was. Approaching over to Elvira, stopping her walking away giving her a kind smile.
"Devushka, must I say your performance was amazing. Please, come back with me, would you like a drink and done with us?" Perseus offered to her, he was hoping deep down she wouldn't say no. She just looked so familiar, he had to know who this singer truly was.
Elvira looked up seeing Perseus, he was much older now. The evidence back at the C.I.A headquarters only had one single picture of him, he was much younger then in that picture. Now? He was much older easily in his 50's silver slicked back hair, and a moustache. Some would even say he was quite the silver fox, devilishly handsome too. When she heard the offer, that was the only way Elvira could get any single information she could possibly get.
"Of course, sir I do appreciate your offer." Elvira nodded to him, taking on his offer. Before then gesturing her hand to him to shake his hand. To still be polite.
"My name is Leni Ivanovna, it is a pleasure to meet you." She responded to him.
"What a beautiful name... I'm Perseus." He gladly shook her hand, before leading her over to the booth table where he sat with his agents. As Elvira followed him closely, still keeping the mask on to still add the mysterious touch.
"I brought the singer here to sit with us, and to have meal also. Be nice to her, her name is Leni Ivanovna." Perseus spoke to his agents, as he introduced her to them.
Immediately Naga had a grin on his face, when he heard the name. Leni Ivanovna, the girl Stitch is under the spell by! 'Truly she must be a witch right?' Naga pondered to himself, Stitch was a rough and stern, violen man. To see him all soft, well it was something indeed.
"Ooooh, look Stitch! It's the girl!" Naga cackled, immediately making Jackal, Knight and Wraith move their places. Even Perseus' place, just so he can make Elvira and Stitch sit together.
"Take a sit miss! We really loved your performance!" He said.
"Oh thank you, you're kind sir." Elvira smiled a bit, before then taking a sit next to Stitch. Although she did have a confused look on her face. A brow was raised.
"Hm what about 'the girl' Do you mean me, by any chance?" She asked.
"You're a real gavno..." Stitch face palmed hiding his rosy cheeks, so he wouldn't be embarrassed infront of Elvira and his other colleagues. He stayed silent, so he wouldn't stammer on his words so much.
"Don't listen to him rybka." He said reassuringly to her.
Elvira slowly nodded, all of them individually looked so intimidating. But she wasn't scared of them that's for sure, mostly Perseus was staring at her. Trying to figure out who she actually was, he knew it was on the top of his mind. Yet couldn't put his finger on it.
"Your singing was beautiful miss, just beautiful might I say... You surprised is all!" Knight praised her, rasing his glass of whiskey before he downed it and placing the empty glass back on the table.
"Thank you I really appreciate it." Elvira nodded, taking so many compliments at a time was a new thing to her. Sometimes she had her doubts if they was lying or not, which tended her to overthink the whole scenario itself.
"It was beautiful, you sounded like a true goddess. Hell. You made our friend here look yo to you with such admiration." Jackal spoke up, a deep chuckle parted from his lips.
Elvira couldn't help but chuckled softly, more or less a mixture of the nerves, appreciation of the compliments. And because she did find it a little funny, she had always attracted men in the most strangest ways. With little effort.
"You're all too kind, I appreciate the compliments." She said.
"With that being said! A gift from me! Especially!" Naga raised his voice, getting a few stacks of money out of his pocket all tied together to keep it neat. Placing it down infront of her.
"Spend it on whatever you want, I don't care. For your fine performance that you did." He said to her with a carefree tone. Naga had a lot of money anyways, so he didn't care.
Elvira looked at the stack of money slightly shocked, never would she expect she'll gift of money stacked together. Thousands of Russian Rubel's! Taking the stack of money, keeping it close to her.
"I appreciate it a lot, danke... I don't really know what to say." She was still shocked and surprised.
"Oh you don't need to say anything! You deserve it! More gifts from us will be given to you, where's your room located? More gifts will be given to you there!" Naga asked with a smile.
"If you say so, then... My room is on the fifth floor, and the door number is 81." Elvira replied, to which Naga nodded to her reply. Elvira never had been showed with gifts before, but still it was just a common sign of curtesy.
"All gifts will be sent there!" Naga replied to her with enthusiasm, all the gifts they had for the singer alone was somewhat creative. Albeit wether it would be; flowers, alcohol, money, sweets or chocolates. You name it.
Stitch had to pull himself together, poor man was struggling to even speak to her. She looked so young, it almost felt wrong to him. And would be rude of him to ask her how old she was, he was still a gentleman after all.
"You have beautiful eyes, Leni. Really beautiful eyes... But how did you injured your left one?" Wraith noticed, pointing her own left eye looking at her in curiosity.
Elvira stayed silent momentarily, thinking. She couldn't tell them the actual truth, that would put her out on the spot immediately and she would get captured. Part of her also was worried, more because of Perseus. That man alone... He was awfully familiar to Elvira, on rare occasions she even dreamed about him. Not in a creepy way by all means, perhaps think of it as an old friend. A fragment of her memory; Or simply because she worked too much, and dreamt of the Soviet Agent. Nine times out of then it was work related, but to her it was something else... Dwelling deep within her past.
To break such minor silence, Elvira could only laugh awkwardly. Luckily something came to her mind in a flash. She simply smiled nervously.
"Just a silly little accident I had when I was a child, I can still see though my left eye... Partically." She almost gulped out of nervousness, hoping the lie worked enough to keep her wits high.
"Ah childhood accidents, you know they happen." Naga simply shrugged, tapping his fingers onto the table.
"But it makes you look mysterious though! In a good way." He grinned a little.
"Oh? If it makes me look mysterious in a good way, then I accept the compliment with a heavy heart." Elvira replied to him, she had to keep the conversation going. There was no form of information yet, but who knows.
The whole group ordered their food, and what they wanted from the fine menu. The drinks and stories they shared, and this was the perfect occasion. Maybe to Perseus and his agents, because they would never expect such a thing.
Elvira gotten as much information she could out of them, purely by being polite. And the only thing she would need to do now? Was to somehow slip away from them, that was the most challenging part of it all. Saying she needed to go to bed wasn't a good enough excuse, or thst a busy day was ahead of her. Slipping away and not coming back was extremely rude, oh god. She had gone too deep within the rabbit hole, and would have to climb her way out. Somehow.
"Are you alright miss Ivanovna?" Perseus spoke up, observing her closely. He knew she looked so familiar yet his mind couldn't jumble all the puzzle pieces together. And it annoyed him a lot, for the whole evening. All he wanted to know who she actually was, part of him expected that this wasn't a Leni Ivanovna. He had never heard of someone like that, ever. Yet the man was so good at hiding his true feelings, no one actually knows what he's truly thinking of.
If you took away the desire to take away capitalism, for the new world and for the greater good, and wanting to take down America's monster... You might find the true answer.
"Oh I'm alright, danke. I might go outside for a bit for some fresh air... If you don't mind, of course." Elvira asked politely, hoping she could leave the booth. To actually have a think about how she would escape from here. She had to contact Hudson at some point in order to exfil here, the C.I.A was eagerly waiting for the Wolff's return.
Perseus nodded in approval, he had no objects at all. He gestured for her to go, as he looked at her. "Take as long as you need to, we're not going anywhere any time soon. We still have the whole evening after all, miss." He said to her. Sooner or later, he would hate himself for what would come soon enough.
Elvira nodded as she moved out of the booth, walking out of the dining room and finding her way to the outside of the hotel. Sighing in relief, she found herself a bench before then sitting down. The night was calm, and the air was chilly. But it didn't bother her one bit.
Stitch had followed her, keeping his distance to make it less suspicious. Purely just to make sure she was ok. And of course no one would taunt her, or even flirt with her also. He approached over to her, before clearing his throat. Just to make sure she got his attention.
"Sorry if I followed you, devushka. But I didn't want you to get lost or harmed... In anyway of course." He said to her, before he sat down beside her. Feeling awkwardalready he mentally he  face palmed. God, he needed to get his act together. For someone who had a strong and violent personality, she really did catch his heart like a net.
"Oh it's alright, I appreciate the night and the food so far it's really nice. And to talk to your colleagues as well I presume?" Elvira replied to him, as she looked over to him.
Stitch nodded as he laughed a bit, scratching the back of his neck a little out of nervousness.
"You're welcome devushka really, I have to say this again. I know I said it before a whole ago, but... Ti ochen krasivaya, you really are." He grabbed her hand gently, planting a kiss on her hand. Never in his life had he ever been soft like this, it was as if he was casted into an irreversible spell he can't get out of.
Elvira blushed softly in embarrassment as she smiled a bit, still being kind and accepting the complement.
"You're a true gentleman Stitch, I like it. I should go back inside now, I don't want to worry the others too much now." She replied to him, gently taking her hand away and getting up from the bench.
"Let's go pchyolka." Stitch nodded in agreement, standing up from the bench and walking back into the hotel with her. Back into the dining room, where the others would be waiting for them.
They was chatting amongst themselves also, Naga and Jackal on the other hand were observing Stitch and Elvira.
"I wondered if he actually kissed her or not." Naga hummed in curiosity, as he watched Stitch and Elvira walk back over to the table smirking softly.
"No I don't think he had the guts to do it, I can understand why he really likes her though... Pretty little girl after all." Jackal replied calmly, looking to Naga.
"You find this too entertaining." He scoffed.
Elvira was walking Stitch back to the booth of the table, a guard wasn't clearly paying attention to his own surroundings. And he bumped into Elvira, casually walking away like nothing had happened in the first place.
"Scheisse... Watch where you're going!" Elvira replied in anger, due to the big impact the mask had fallen off her face. Quickly bending down to pick it back up from the floor, and standing back up. This was the moment of realisation for Perseus, it was like a lightbulb had finally lit. Elvira...
"Elvira? Dekta, it's that really you?" Perseus said looking at her shocked, with utter disbelief. He thought she had died, or even worse. And now working with the C.I.A, the first thought that went through his mind; What did Adler do to you?
Elvira stood there stunned, she quickly got the gun out of her pocket before then aiming it at Perseus. Jackal however was quick to act, shooting the gun out of her hand. The rest of Perseus' agents stood up from the booth aiming all of  their guns at her too, thus she quickly bent down under a table, throwing out a smoke bomb from her suit jacket. The smoke appearing into the room, grabbing her gun quickly. Easily causing a commotion, the people began to panic at the sudden gunshot. All of them running out of the room, Perseus’' guards easily gotten informed. And all of the lights in the hotel, suddenly went dark.
The two mahogany doors opened again, multiple footsteps could be heard as they entered the dining room. The torches attached to their guns and the multiple layers pointing around, in search for Elvira.
"Look for Elvira already! We cannot waste anymore time! Bring her to me immediately!" Perseus spoke with seriousness, before then leaving the room. His agents staying behind, to aid the search. The Wolff disappeared into thin air, like how a magician would do at their performances.
Elvira could see the outline of multiple shadows, walking around like predator catching their prays for dinner. Under the cloth of the table, she observed closely. Her breathing lowered, became quiet as ever. Quiet as a mouse. The beating drum of her heart, she was eagarly waiting for the right time to strike. Moving the table cloth by an inch, briefly peeking her head out. One of Perseus' solider walked right by her, aiming his gun around.
Elvira grabbed him by the feet, pulling him to the ground quickly. Pulling him under the table, covering his mouth, grabbing her Bowie Knife slicing his throat. He choaked on his own blood, quickly getting out under from the table grabbing the gun from the floor. Which the solider had dropped. Rising from the floor reloading the gun aiming, at one of the solider beginning to shoot them.
They was too late to react, with Elvira eliminating all of them in the room. Bolting out of the dining hall, using the only source of light from the attachment of the gun. Letting the light guide her, going up the various stairs to get back to her room. Various of Perseus' men were swarming everywhere, eliminating them quietly won't be easy. Not to mention the whereabouts of Perseus' agents were unknown. Using the Bowie Knife, to attack the crucial parts of Perseus' soliders to advance on. Elvira managed to get to the fourth floor, and was near her hotel room. Out of the shadows a hand was placed over her mouth, pulling her into the darkness.
"I like you a lot, Wolff. You're sly, sneaky and multilayered... Ha, you're just like Perseus himself!" Naga hummed as he held her tightly into his grip, despite his height the man was very agile and sneaky.
"But your little game is over, and you're coming with us! Stitch would be very happy to hear that... Big Russian man gone all soft, he'd never have the guts to hurt you." He laughed.
Elvira became stared as she kicked him in the knee, grabbing him by the arm and pulling him over her and slamming him to the ground. Keeping hold of Naga, she leant down simply whispering to him.
"Don't you dare attack me like that again." She said grabbing her gun from the floor quickly, running over to her room. Shutting the door immediately and locking it, grabbing a chair leaning it under the door handle.
Elvira's eyes looked over to the various gifts, still kind of them. But for now it'll only be good enough as evidence, grabbing her bag packing everything she needed along with the gifts hoping the damage won't inflict on them. Only them it'll be useless evidence, grabbing her Walkie Talkie and turning it on.
"Hudson? Hudson it's Wolff. I need exfil immediately, I need to get out of this fucking hell hole!" Elvira cursed down the Walkie Talkie, a loud bang could be heard from her bedroom door. Looking over, that chair wouldn't be able to hold on for much longer.
"We've been waiting to hear from you Wolff, goddammit what happened in there?" Hudson asked from the Walkie Talkie.
"Immediate exfil is coming, you'll have to get out of there. The halo will be at Sokolniki Park just not far from the hotel, fight your way through. It'll be waiting." He said.
"Alright danke!" Elvira turned off her Walkie Talkie, another loud bang was heard. The door was so close to breaking, she threw her bag over her shoulders. Ready to leave as ever, history loves repeating itself. Going over to the window and opening it, stepping onto the balcony looking down to see how big the drop was. All but a memory flashed to when she escaped her home through the window back in Germany, by breaking through the window. But that alone resulted in many injuries, taking a deep breathing. Leaping one leg over the balcony, holding on for dear life. The over leg going over, another balcony was beneath her.
Elvira lowered her legs down holding onto the rails, so her feet were dangling down. She was determined to get out of here, aligning her feet just right so her landing on the lower balcony would be perfectly safe. The sudden burst of the open door from her room, lost her concentration. Loosening her grip, falling down. Her ankle making contact with the balcony raising, as she fell onto the balcony groaning in pain.
"She was here! I could've sworn! She ran to her room!" Naga's voice could be heard, as he went on the balcony. He was right above her, as he looked out for any sight of Elvira but no luck.
"You idiot! You should've brought her to Perseus without you chatting away to her, you know serious Perseusis now in getting her." Jackal could be heard too.
"Unless she jumped." He said, leaning over the balcony to look down. Elvira quickly moved her legs away, leaning against the doors. Quietly hissing in pain as her right ankle was in excruciating pain.
"She has to be around, come on... I'll find her. Don't you worry."  Naga spoke with confidence, their footsteps could be heard leaving the upper balcony.
Elvira slowly stood up, feeling the pain in her right ankle immediately grabbing onto the railing.
"Scheisse... Scheisse..." She hissed a couple of times in pain putting pressure on it didn't help at all, she was near the streets of Moscow. Easily she realised, exfil isn't going to wait forever. Elvira climbed over the balcony once again, ignoring the pain on her ankle. Getting on the glass arch roof would prove to be a lot of work, if she jumped correctly. She could slide down to the front side of the hotel, taking the only chance leaping forward successfully sliding down. At the last second, grabbing the end of it. When her body stopped swaying around, letting go jumping down onto the pavement.
She groaned a bit in pain, falling onto her butt. Taking a few moments, before getting up making sure to not put pressure on her ankle, the doors of the hotel opened. It was Perseus guards hearing the impact, Elvira got the gun out of her jacket. Shooting the guards quickly, before running away, depsite the occasional hobble because of her sprained ankle. She made her way to get to Sokolniki Park.
"Wolff! Where the are you? You're running out of time! Exfil is almost at the park!" Hudson said over the Walkie Talkie, they was running out of time. And he certainly didn't want to leave her in Moscow, he never left a teammate behind. Ever.
"I'm trying! You try to run with a fucking sprained ankle! Perseus' Soldiers, and agents are on my tail!" Elvira replied down the Walkie Talkie, she was half way there. No way would she get there by walking.
"You need to think of a good plan Wolff! We're all counting on you!" Hudson replied, before getting off the Walkie Talkie.
Elvira had to stop running, to not worsen her ankle. Grabbing another pistol out of her bag, putting it into her pocket. Hearing a group of cars coming and shouting in the distance. From the corner of her eye, she looked over seeing a car, using her elbow breaking the window, and opening the car door from the inside. Throwing her bag in the passenger seat, opening the hatch to where the various wires were and began to hotwire it. Bullets came into contact on the car, destroying the paint. Dodging every bullet, she walks other activated the car.
"Come on... Come on goddamnit!" Elvira cursed, the engine finally started. She looked out on the review mirror, seeing soldiers still shooting at the car. Immediately accelerating the car looking behind, grabbing her gun leaning out of the window shooting the soldiers. Before focusing onto the road, beginning the wild car chase. Dodging all of the incoming traffic, while the soldiers went through all the traffic without a care in the world. All the motorways were closed off, she was getting close to the park depsite them tailing so close to her.
Elvira successfully got to the park leaving the car behind, it was in complete ruined with all the bullet holes and the windhshield utterly destroyed. The loud sound of the helicopter was near. So with one last push, she ran towards the exfil. The helicopter was landed in the park, waiting for her as they saw her in the distance.
"She's getting away shoot her! Do not let her escape from here!" Stitch ordered, the agents in sync got their guns and began to shoot. Elvira threw her bag into the helicopter, the C.I.A agent grabbed her hand pulling her into the helicopter closing it and gave the signal that they was all good to fly away.
By the time Perseus' agents got to where the helicopter was, it was already gone. Stitch sighed frustratingly, before pulling out the Walkie Talkie.
"Sir. Wolff is gone... She got away from us." He said.
"She'll be in our hands again eventually, don't worry about it." Perseus said over the Walkie Talkie, before leaving it aside. Grabbing the telephone, and dialing the number pressing it against his ear.
"Perseus? Good evening sir, I hope you're having a wonderful evening. What can I do for sir?" Jürgen asked him with curiosity.
"What kind of leads do you have on Elvira Wolff?" Perseus asked him.
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