#those that don't care or otherwise are inhibited (one way or another) from intelligence based lifestyles have... less of that filter
whatudottu · 2 years
Honestly the whole deal with Blukic and Driba as well as some of the terrible decisions Azmuth has made throughout the franchise has led me to headcanon that the Galvan species as a whole tends to be very high intelligence and low wisdom. Even the dumbest Galvan is more intelligent than the smartest human and the species tends to have good intentions for the most part, but they have little to no common sense and tend to be more preoccupied with whether or not they can do something rather than whether or not they should.
Haha, it's probably WHY Blukic and Driba are the dumbasses of Omniverse, not because they're unintelligent but because they aren't overcompensating for their lack of wisdom it comes across more obviously that there may be a few uh... galvan standards and stereotypes surrounding that 'good judgement' wisdom is better described as; intelligence may give you the ability and know how solve shit but wisdom is the 'okay what does this situation actually call for' pre-step to doing.
I mean, Azmuth is a smart guy and he makes high level technology, but he fucks off to Xenon without telling anyone and disappears into the void for no one to find or contact him after (canonically, whether or not I decide to ignore it) going through relationship troubles post-'making a literal sword' Incurcean homeworld destruction? Like, not the most thought out plan I've heard-
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