#though its possible gieger just sees Stu doing it and is copying... hm.
2500dollarmagikarp · 1 year
(@pokemon-history) Im not sure if its all Hypno or just the few that I've personally interacted with, but id say they get very attached to their trainers; more so than most pokemon. I have a feeling this is where paranoid horror stories come from about them. Even my rescue is nearly attached at the hip, though it did take him a long time to trust humans again after his previous home.
(For the headcanon/funfacts thing)
I do think Hypno in general tend to get quite attached to the people around them, though how they show it can vary a bit. My boy, Stu, isn't so clingy physically but is always the first person or 'mon there to help me with any task that he possibly could. I believe I've mentioned it before, but he also eats my nightmares and helps me sleep, as I'm prone to bad dreams and insomnia.
Though it probably does contributed to horror stories via paranoia, another contributor is that Hypno are prone to hovering over trainer's beds and watching them sleep. Probably gives a hell of a fright to people not aware of that already when they get one.
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