#though no one is forcing you to join the guild per se so it’s a close second but not as definitive as joining the college of winterhold
dramaticpandabear · 8 months
After 12 years I’ve come to a realization. No matter which play style, if you follow the main quest you will have to join the college of winterhold in order to proceed.
Which leads me to my conclusion:
The Dovahkiin is definitively the archmage of the college of winterhold
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I would absolutely love to see more of that Naegiri PMD AU! It was great! Also, I want to know what Pokemon the other characters were, if you thought that out.
Anon: Mod kirigiri, what pokemon was byakuya and the others in the mystery dungeon AU if you dont mind me asking?
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…This Mystery Dungeon thing’s gotten more attention than I anticipated.
Not saying that’s a bad thing, just… a bit overwhelming. With how much I love PMD, I’m actually kind of excited about it all. 
Given that I’m moving currently, this seemed like an easier request to tackle. I have a few others relating to it that I’ll get to once things have settled down a bit. Some of these will have more detailed/defined description than others. Keep in mind this is kind of a developing AU, so things are subject to change with time and refinement.
Some of these are based on a previous Pokemon ask I handled, actually the first ask I handled, (which you can find here) others are changed to fit them being a Pokemon more. I mostly tried to avoid Pokemon that were major NPC’s in previous games, but what happens, happens.
Mystery Dungeon AU Pokemon:
Detective Society: The Detective’s Society functions in a similar way to the Explorer’s Guild or Exploration Society does in the other games. Their primary goal is to help rescue Pokemon that have gone missing in Mystery Dungeons and to track down criminals. Despite the name, not all of its members are ‘detectives’ per se, but they all share a similar goal of helping other Pokemon through similar means.
(I don’t actually have names for all the teams yet, but the names bunched together are on a team together.)
Makoto: RockruffMakoto is this story’s human turned Pokemon. With a memory that’s hazy at best, he’s unsure of what he’s doing in this world, but wants to figure it out. By a stroke of luck, the first other Pokemon he meets is Kyouko, who is willing to help him out in investigating his missing memory in exchange for his cooperation in getting her into the Detective’s Society. The two of them get off to a rocky (mind the pun please) start, but the bond they form over the course of their adventure, as they discover Makoto’s purpose and lost memories, is undeniable.Kyouko: EspeonAn aloof Espeon that’s a detective by blood and shrouded in mystery. She has no interest in joining the Detective Society for usual reasons, rather they have information that can only be accessed by its members that she wants. She agrees to help Makoto with his missing memories in exchange for him forming a team with her in the Society. Her blunt words and sometimes cold attitude can sometimes turn others away (as was her intention with Makoto), but with time and patience, she warms up to Makoto to form one of the best teams the Detective Society has ever seen
Hina: BuizelAn energetic former athlete turned Detective Society member. Hina found herself finally reaching the top of the game in athletics and wanted a new challenge, so she decided her next goal would be to make a change in the world that she wanted to see. She’s not exactly the best investigator on cases, but actually taking down outlaws is no challenge for her and her partner Sakura. She especially loves to lead water based investigations and rescuesSakura: MachokeReferred to as the ‘Most Powerful Pokemon’, Sakura decided to use her skills to fight for a good cause. Being the slightly more level-headed of her team, Sakura is a good balance to the ever energetic Hina. Neither she or her partner serve as the best investigators, but are useful allies in rounding up and arresting running outlaws. Her team are some of the closest allies to Makoto and Kyouko.
Taka: RuffletTaka became a member of the Society in order to better the world and clear the air about his family name. His passion and dedication often frighten people off, which made him incapable of keeping a partner for very long until Mondo was assigned to him. Although they initially seemed like the worst enemies, one overnight case seemed to make them the best of friends. After adding Chihiro as officially a part of their team, Taka does his best to lead his team towards the truth on all their cases.Mondo: ScraftyMondo used to lead a gang with his brother, but an accident that led to his death turned him away from that life. Now he wants to use his position to help steer others away from such a path that he took in his life. He tries his best at investigating, but he’s willing to admit that the hunting criminals part is more his speed. Still, he and his team work to the best of their ability to solve the cases presented to them.Chihiro: JoltikChihiro isn’t much of a fighter, preferring to run some behind the scenes things within the Detective’s Society or help investigate some of the smaller cases. Out of the three, he’s the best at investigating, however lacks confidence in his abilities. Chihiro is also responsible for running maintenance on the equipment of the Detective’s Society, including the map, bulletin board, tracking systems, and computers. It seems like a lot, but he handles it all in stride.
Byakuya: PersianThe heir to the Togami family, Byakuya is simply a part of the Society out of necessity. His family funds the Society and is tasked with keeping a watchful eye on it’s activities. He’s certainly a competent investigator in his own right, but he’s much less invested in each individual case and less tactful about how he goes about things, and even has used manipulation in the past get things within the society to go his way (with the one exception seeming to be getting assigned a different partner) He finds Makoto “useful, but bothersome” and has occasionally forced him to go along with him on cases.Touko: SneaselA very timid Pokemon with a stutter, Touko doesn’t like to go out to the field often. She prefers to handle other tasks like filing through the requests to post onto the bulletin board and keeping records of completed cases. However, if Byakuya asks (or even if he doesn’t) she will run out to hunt down criminals without a second thought regardless from her. There are moments, however, when she seems to relish in hunting down criminals and even has to be restrained to prevent injuries to them. There are whispers of another, darker personality at play, although few buy into them.
Junko Enoshima: TeddiursaThe one exception to the Society’s team rule due to having lost her previous partner in a tragic accident. Despite the loss, Junko is a very happy and cheery personality, always willing to assist when she can. Often she surprises people with her own combat abilities and her powerful moveset. However, there are some that claim that there’s something off about her, often claiming to hear or see her in more than one location at the same time.Mukuro Ikusaba: ???The former partner of Junko who lost her life in a tragic accident long ago. Little is known about her beyond the fact that she was a powerful foe and not one to go down without a fight.
Not everyone is a part of the Detective’s Society! Some simply live in the town of Hope’s Peak and run businesses or have other jobs
Hiro: EggxecutorSimilar to his DR counterpart, he is a fortune teller (If this were a game he’d also serve the purpose of unlocking treasure boxes with his abilities) He’s not officially a member of the Society, he’s not really good at investigating, but his services are sometimes used by the Society on particularly difficult cases. He’s also on good terms with several members and can often be found lazing about with some of them.
Sayaka: MeowsticSimilar to her DR counterpart, Sayaka is a well known pop idol in this world who befriends Makoto. She ends up being the first client of Makoto and Kyouko after they form their team together and afterwords tends to assist them when she can with her own abilities. Kyouko isn’t entirely trusting of her though, although she’s not quite sure why.
Leon: Monferno Leon is the first criminal caught by Makoto and Kyouko when they are officially Detective Society members. After he’s caught and revealed his intention was only to try and afford reaching his musician aspirations, he is given a chance to reform himself by working with Sayaka. Although a bit brash and hot tempered, he tries his best to help out those in need when he can.
Celeste: GothitelleShe runs a popular cafe in Hope’s Peak known mostly for it’s strange atmosphere and excellent teas. It’s a popular hotspot for Society members to find work when the bulletin board is a little sparse.Celeste herself however, is rather elusive. Those that have met her have described her with one key word: Frightening, and highly recommend to watch your wallet around her.
Hifumi: SmeargleHifumi is a popular artist the frequents Celeste’s cafe to gather inspiration for his work. He’s most well known for creating exaggerated tales about some of the Society members adventures that he overhears while at the cafe, but he dabbles in other works too when commissioned. (If this were in game, he’d probably serve a similar role that Smeargle does in the rescue team games with the flags and such)
As I said, details on this are subject to change and refinement, this is just what I have upon my preliminary drafts for all this. I’d like to also eventually include the SDR2 cast in this AU as well, but I’m not quite sure how to work them in yet.
...The Mystery Dungeon AU is kinda becoming a thing now, so if you have a request that isn’t part 2 of the original post (and I only say that because it’s already being worked on) then shoot em at me.
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Ultear x natsu x erza. 1, 3, 12, 13, 25, 26, 27 (ignore the last part question as its irrelevant) 32, 38, 39, 40. xD. Im sorry. I didnt know if i had a limit you dont have to do all of them xD I literally just jotted down numbers xD Much love, Darky ❤️ xD
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1. - How do they fall asleep? Wake up? Any daily rituals?
            Well, goingwith an offshoot of my AU (Fervent Crimson Flame), Natsu’s a Wizard Saint, andso he’s a part of the new Magic Council. Ultear’s his assistant because Natsuknows nothin’ about politics, and he’d probably get Ishgar into war with thewhole world if left up to him. Mercifully, the new Magic Council doesn’t meetup as often (or, you know, meet up with every member, Natsu included, inattendance). Erza’s the successor to Makarov, so she can’t really “do” anythingabout official Council business thatUltear pulls Natsu away for.
            … The moresuspicious stuff – stuff she doesn’t hear about via frog-man messenger – shekeeps the two detained until she gets more concrete confirmation about Councilactivities. Wouldn’t do to let Ultear spend toomuch time with her dragon…
            With allthe duties piled on them, they rarely get a relaxing day at home. … At leastwith all three of them together. Sometimes, Erza gets to stay home with Natsu.Sometimes, Ultear gets to stay home with Natsu… And sometimes, Natsu just goesout to fish, because that’s way too much time spent in… bed… XD
            There is alot of snuggling involved with bedtime, of course. They needed to get a bed bigenough for the three of them because Erza doesn’t trust Ultear to share Natsuwith separate beds, and Ultear thinks her jealousy and suspicion are justadorable~ Plus, more often than not, Natsu’s head will find its way to betweenher breasts when they sleep, and waking up to that is always amusing,especially when Scarlet sees it happen more than once. And the redhead istightly wrapped around the Dragon Slayer, so it’s amazing how his head keepswinding up between those soft, firm “pillows”. n___n
3.- Are they open about their relationship? How do they feelabout public displays of affection?
            By the timeUltear started gaining traction, worming her way into Natsu’s heart, Erza wasin a relationship with Natsu and was pretty open about it. She didn’t like thedevelopment of Ultear becoming Natsu’s girlfriend as well, and there was alengthy rocky period of time for the three because of it. Hell, it’s still noteasy for Erza to accept she’s part of a harem with Natsu… But she’s gottenbetter at… handling it. She wouldn’t give up Natsu for the world.
            On Ultear’send, she’s pretty surprised she made it this far with Natsu. She really wasn’texpecting anything. She knew Natsuand Erza were close, knew that since her time on the Magic Council. She was justhaving fun with her teasing, lustful ways, but somehow, the Dragon Slayer hadmelted the ice around her heart, and to her surprise, she’d come to besignificant to the pyro as well. Because she wasn’t expecting to get this farwith Natsu, though, Ultear is more open about a polygamous relationship thanErza is.
            On Natsu’send, he just wants both the girls happy. Doesn’t want to hurt either one –especially not Erza. Though the thing is, he doesn’t pay attention to the factthat they’re watching for his happiness, too.
            Ultearlikes making her affection public. Natsu will be caught off-guard half the timebecause she flaunts it about so much, but he returns it easily enough. Erza ismore reserved, but is not above looping arms together, hand-holding, and theoccasional public kiss. Natsu, with his free spirit nature, is a bit closer toUltear in personality when he wants to show affection; basically, he has norespect for decorum. “Screw the rules!” n_____n
12. - Is there a wedding? What was the proposal like? Anykind of honeymoon?
            With Erzain the mix, yeeeah, there’s a wedding. She might not like to share it withUltear, but there is that desperation to be married~. Ultear kind of forces itwhen she helps Natsu throw together the proposal, taking place at Akane Resortwhile Erza’s enjoying strawberry cheesecake… The wedding is formal and held atKardia Cathedral, with everyone from Fairy Tail and the guilds they’ve alliedwith (Mermaid Heel, etc.). … Also, Kagura is Maid of Honor, and Gray is BestMan (mostly Ultear’s choice). The honeymoon is more harmonious, since there’smore of a willingness to… “share” – even if it’s grudging, on Erza’s end.Ultear’s simply more mature. They have a relatively… isolated time, as Ulteartook them to her old home in Isvan. To properly appreciate her new hubby, y’know?Weather’s cold outside, but hubby keeps her warm and tingling all the way downto her toes~
13. - What do they do for fun? Do they have a favoriteactivity or do they like to switch things up?
            Ultearlikes to taunt Erza by being openly affectionate with their dragon~. Beyondthat, this is a fairly unique OT3, with their similar and clashing personalitytraits. Sometimes they’ll go to a jazz club, sometimes they’ll go see a theaterplay, sometimes they’ll spar (well, Natsu and Erza will), sometimes they’llfish… sometimes they’ll cook (Erza’s not allowed in the kitchen), sometimesthey’ll just spend time in the guild… And sometimes, they just spend the day in…bed. XD
25. - How much time do they spend together? Do they sharetheir feelings, or hold things in?
            They spenda lot of time together – whether it’s just two of them or all three. Erza andNatsu are ready and perfectly willing to share feelings with one another,though Ultear is more reserved than them, and it takes some work for her to comeforward every now and then. Only when she has to, and it’s usually with Natsu…of course.
26. - How do their friends feel about their relationship?Their families?
            Meredy’sjealous. Jellal… tries to keep happy for them. Gray is… a little pissed forvarying reasons; most have to do with Ultear, and the fact that if Natsumarries her, they’ll be related. Kagura’s a little miffed as well, because toher, it’s as if Natsu’s saying Erza “isn’t enough”. Takes everyone a littletime to adjust to it, but thanks to the fact the dynamic between the threeremains largely unchanged, it’s a fairly easy adjustment period.
27. - Do they have kids? Grow old together? Split up?
            Erza andUltear have at least one kid with Natsu each; Erza being the more competitiveof the two, she might have a second child, or a third if they’re twins. ForUltear, she’s just happy she can bear Natsu’s child and give him or her a childhoodshe herself never had the opportunity to have. It’s similar for Erza and herchildren, and Natsu wants to make sure all of his children never lose theirdad. And definitely not lose him like he had lost Igneel. (ignored the lastpart of the question, as requested; for anyone curious, I think it’s fairlyobvious that these three stick together. XD)
32.- Do they ever get into trouble? Is it serious, or arethey just mischievous?
            Natsu andUltear are obviously the more mischievous of the two. Their troublemaking islargely smalltime, but sometimes, Natsu causes enough trouble that it affectsErza’s duties and reputation as Guild Master, so there’s definitely some “Punishment”that gets dished out occasionally. It’s just how it’s always been, though. Evenwith how rowdy he is, Erza can still rein in her dragon. n___n
38. - What are they like in the bedroom? Anykinks/fetishes/turn-ons? Anything they won’t do?
            Passionate.Things get heated pretty quickly, though Ultear is pretty firm in not lettingNatsu (or Erza) yank her hair or do anything super wild with her. She’ll allow Natsu’s instincts to take over andravage her body, but only after working him up first. In other words, she hasthis tendency to dominate at first and get him worked up, then she lets him have his hungry, lustful way with her nubile body,and makes damn sure he hits all the g-spots. n___n
            For Erzaand Natsu’s part, it’s not always about the lust, or even the lovemaking. Withthe two of them, they will do anything and everythingtogether, simply because they have this “need” for their bodies to bejoined together. Only when joined do they feel “whole”, and everything they dojust feels… right. Even whensomething Natsu does hurts at first, and Erza digs her nails into his skin, thepain eventually melts away, and she’s bouncing on him, hugging him for all she’sworth, and nibbling at his skin, leaving marks of her own. Natsu certainly hasno qualms leaving marks in inappropriate places on her that will beuncomfortable to answer later, when Gray or someone asks. XD
            A lot ofthe time, they’ll just take turns. Erza soon grows weary of Ultear “double-teaming”her, and it’s not like watching Natsu ravage Ultear is a bad thing… Okay, so she gets a little worked up when she sees thedazed expressions on Ultear’s face, and gets extra demanding when she renewsher carnal acts with Natsu, but that’s still a pretty good boon, yeah? Makesthem appreciate each other more~… A little jealousy goes a long way~.
39. - Who initiated the relationship? Who kissed whofirst?  When did they realize they werein love?
            As statedpreviously, Natsu and Erza were already in a relationship by the time Ultearstarted becoming part of the group. You wanna be technical, Ultear “did” peckNatsu on the cheek before Natsu and Erza were in a relationship, but that wasjust to set Scarlet off, and nothing was really meant. … Not ‘til later,anyway~. In this AU, Ultear and Meredy join Fairy Tail, and Zeref held offAcnologia on Tenrou, so there was no “seven year timeskip”, per se. Not atimeskip that the characters experienced; the readers still did, but nocharacters were “behind” any of the others. It was in the seven years beforethe GMG in X791 that Ultear started to become a part of the harem, and itlargely happened because Natsu had been so supportive in giving her a chance toturn her life around. Natsu was already aware that Ultear meant something tohim; he just didn’t think she reciprocated. Again, Erza wasn’t happy in makingit a harem, but the rough patch between them eventually ended, or at leastsmoothed out a bit.
40. - Any special memories? Do they have a special placethey like to go to?
            Erza willalways be thankful for what Natsu did for her at the Tower of Heaven, and allthe times he saved Fairy Tail and their allies. Similarly, Natsu cherishes allthe times that Erza smiles – and especially the times when Ultear genuinely smiles (not mischievous orforced). For Ultear, there was Tenrou Island, when Natsu (and Gray) helped showthe error of her ways; and then there was during the dragon invasion, when she’dbeen about to cast Lost Ages, and Natsu stopped her. Ultear still can’t getover how much Natsu cares for her.
            Specialplaces, they like to be out in the woods near Natsu’s home when they can.Ultear likes to bring them to Isvan, and Erza likes to revisit Akane Resort.
And Pyro answers this Ask with love~ ❤️ n______n
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Been a while since I did one of these... Hnn. Brandish won the coin toss. Sooo... Let's do a pairing breakdown for Natsu x Brandish. Let's see how an AU would pan out... ^__^
How did they meet: Due to circumstances, Lucy is left an orphan before she's taken in by Grammi, who at least feels partially responsible for Lucy's loss. As a result, she and Brandish grow up together, with the family of three eventually settling near the port of Hargeon. Consequently, when Natsu comes in search of Igneel, he encounters Brandish and Lucy both. The Dragon Slayer extends Lucy an invitation to join Fairy Tail, since she is still a huge fan, though Brandish expresses no desire to travel, much less join a Wizard Guild, as that sounded like too much work. However, Grammi forces the issue and promises to move to Magnolia with them, thinking it would do her Brandi good to get out there and see the world.
... Obviously, Brandish is less than happy about the whole thing. Despite their first Fairy Tail acquaintance having a flying, talking cat that she could jumbo-size at her leisure.
Who developed romantic feelings first: Technically, Brandish develops her feelings first. It's nothing like 'falling in love at first sight', though. Quite the opposite. It takes months and months for even a spark to develop, and even then, it starts as a jealousy of the 'mighty Titania', who oh-so-effortlessly can make Natsu smile and just overall demonstrates a powerful bond with the Pyro.
.... Stupid redheaded bimbo. Hogging that wonderful space heater. Making him pumped for everything when he could be taking it easy, like her... 
Who is their biggest “shipper”: Lucy, when she finds out Brandish is harboring a crush on the Dragon Slayer (that she, of course, denies). Though Happy is a close second... After all, Brandish likes to make him big, and the Exceed likes towering over the Guildhall. It's a win-win.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances: It takes Natsu to initiate anything. Brandish deems her growing feelings as "troublesome", and won't meet the Dragon Slayer halfway, since he may not even feel anything for her. It ultimately just comes down to one day where the two of them are having fun messing with Lucy - one of their favorite hobbies. And it's not like Natsu is immediately hit with a revelation or anything; he just becomes curious of what it would be like to kiss a girl, and Brandish seemed like the least likely to seriously hurt him for it, as that would take too much effort for her liking.
Imagine Natsu's surprise when Brandish shrinks him to action figure size, and Brandish grills him over the "random" action. Oh boy.
Who confessed their feelings first: Well, shortly after the kissing incident, Brandish distances herself for a time, and Natsu is left panicking over how he can get into her good graces again. Lucy and Gray try to walk him through his own feelings without tipping him off to Brandish's, and at first Natsu is sort of at a loss. It's not like Igneel told him about relationships in-depth - and if he did so, Natsu sure as hell didn't pay attention. In the end, though finding Igneel is still his first priority, Natsu decides he wouldn't be able to look his father in the eye if he didn't patch things up with Brandish first. He tries to explain his feelings to Brandish - which comes off more as rambling - and the green-head calls him an idiot for getting so worked up over a trifling thing.
Then Brandish initiates a kiss, much to Natsu's shock...
What was their first official date: Unsurprisingly, their first date is quite a quirky one. Brandish suggests having a picnic while flying on top of Jumbo Happy, and Natsu chips in that they should shrink Lucy to the size of a Barbie doll and tease her by "almost" dropping her a few times off of Air Happy.
Brandish is highly amused.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates: They're not against them, per se... Brandish doesn't care for them because that involves more socializing, but if Natsu feels like agreeing to a group date with Gray and Ultear, she won't object. Keep an eye on Ultear, yes, but object, no.
What do they do in their downtime: Brandish likes their downtime. Downtime translates to cuddle-time, which Brandish finds heavenly. When they're not cuddling, they're invading Lucy's apartment and just having a jolly old time messing with her.
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like: Well, Natsu has Grammi's blessing. She knew he'd be a good influence on Brandi the moment her daughter introduced the Dragon Slayer, and by the time the two are dating, Grammi knows Natsu well enough to know he's not the type of guy to pull anything. Now, Aquarius, who is still close to Brandish, is a slightly different story, with the bluenette intimidating the Dragon Slayer into behaving. Brandish won't be meeting Igneel for a while, so it's largely up to Gray - the protective brother - and Erza to make sure she doesn't trample on Natsu's feelings, no matter how "troublesome" they may be.
.... That said, Erza is a bit put out she didn't progress her relationship with the Dragon Slayer. Even if she still believes she loves Jellal, she can't help feeling a twinge of jealousy at seeing Natsu and Brandish so happy together. Something along the lines of, "That could've been me!" 
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it: Though various girls are close to Natsu, there comes a few occasions when Ultear crosses the line with her teasing. It was one of these incidents that sparked bitter feelings from Brandish, as Natsu doesn't do anything overt to reject Ultear's "advances". Even so, it doesn't take Natsu long to make things up with her; a contrite apology here, some toying around with Lucy there, and Brandish drops the issue. She comes to grips with the fact that Natsu is a very likeable guy, and there will be... others... that are curious about dating the Pyro.
.... Alas, Brandish will not be giving him up.
Which one is more easily made jealous: Brandish, hands down. Don't get her too worked up, or she'll shrink you... >.>
What is their favourite thing to get to eat: They aren't that picky, though once they visit Caracole Island... Let's just say star mango gelatos are the "food of the gods", to quote a certain green-head...
Who’s the cuddly one: Brandish. Though as time goes on, Natsu grows to like holding her close, too.
Are they hand holders: Too troublesome.
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time: They're sleeping in the same bed fairly early on because Brandish likes to cuddle, though sex doesn't enter the picture until mooonths into their relationship.
Who tops: When they get down to it, Brandish is fine with letting Natsu keep the reins. .... Though he'd better make sure to make it worth her while (which he has never failed to accomplish).
Who does the shopping and the cooking: When it becomes clear just how much Natsu likes to fish, Brandish finally deigns something to be worth the effort, and she grudgingly does all the shopping to get a variety of meals. On the condition that Natsu does all the cooking, since he's not half bad at it.
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness: Pfft. These two? Tidy? Brandish will sooner shrink the pile of junk when it gets too unbearable, and then have Natsu burn all of it. Chances are when you drop by their home, it will be a pigsty.
Who proposes: Natsu.
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bachelorette parties or separate: At their friends' insistence, separate... Though Brandish is keen to warn certain girls not attending her party that if she hears they dropped by Natsu's.... there will be "consequences".
Who is the best man/maid of honor: Loke and Lucy. Natsu doesn't trust the Stripper to not steal the show with his habit. And of course Brandish doesn't trust Ultear or Erza nearly as much as Lucy.
Natsu is hers, damn it.
Big Ceremony or Small: Small, held at Kardia Cathedral.
Do they have a honeymoon: Sure. Brandish keeps a pretty tight lid on it, though. They depart and return on Air Happy, and not even probing the Exceed bears any answers, as he's been sufficiently bribed into silence.
There might or might not have been a witness or two of a giant cat flying past Hargeon in the direction of Caracole Island.....
Do they have children/How many: At least one girl. If they did make another attempt, they ended up having twins, which just meant more work... So troublesome. But Natsu's sooo good in bed; and the Dragon Slayer certainly likes getting kinky with his Brandi-chan.
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