iamatruthseeker · 3 years
find out more at https://bit.ly/368sUaZ
Know The Amazing Power of Your Mind and Thoughts Know Thyself (mind power)
Know yourself through the power of your thoughts. Your thoughts can affect reality and bring things into manifestation. Your thoughts can create and they are a powerful force in this universe. If we change our thoughts we change our reality and situations in life.
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decisions2love · 7 years
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Play... create and live a life you love! Change your thoughts & life changes... try it! #askothers #followthosethatinspire #dream #laugh #donttakeyourselftooseriously #walkintheparks #createspace #thingsarentastheyappear #socreatewhatyoulove #thoughtsmanifest #thoughtschangereality #dontbeattatchedtophysicalailments #materialchanges #faith #forgive #trust #playinginthepark #hug #love #thankfulforparkbenches (at Stanley Park Vancouver British Colombia)
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