#thranduil interrogates thorin and his wife comes to investigate
Plight of the Cadhads
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Thranduil interrogates Thorin and Thranduil’s wife comes to see what’s going on.
OC Used:  Enyalie
Word Count:  1,415
Translations are at the bottom (Cadhad is ‘Dwarf’ is Síndarin).
The moment those Dwarves were brought through the gates of our Kingdom, I knew that there would be trouble.  And no, I don't mean that in the same sense as my husband would.  He was the one I worried about causing trouble...
Ever since those Dwarves had 'stolen' the White Gems of Lasgalen, He'd had a massive grudge against their entire Race.  Thranduil--my sometimes foolish husband--was the champion grudge holder in all of Mirkwood.
As soon as I heard that Thranduil had brought the leader of the group of Dwarves before him; someone called Thorin who claimed that he was the rightful King of Erebor; that Lonely Mountain, I hurried to the throne room.  If I knew my husband, he would most likely do some sort of rash thing and embarrass himself yet again...
The soft white silk of my gown trailed behind me as I strode through the cavernous halls of Mirkwood's Palace.  It was so hauntingly beautiful, even if it did sometimes seem like a forbidding place due to the dark creatures and tentacles of Sauron growing ever closer to our once green forest.
At one time our forest had been beautiful and green, the trees growing straight and healthy like they should.  But now we had been plunged into shadow, hence the name of Mirkwood.
As I drew ever nearer, I began to hear snippets of the two males talking.  I couldn't help the smile that teased across my lips as I heard Thranduil's rich tones contrasted against the Dwarf's deep, gravelly voice.  
"...I offer you my help."  I could hear Thranduil say, and my ears, long used to Thranduil's different tones, detected the hidden meaning behind his words.  This was a onetime offer, something that he would only extend in exchange for something of great value.
The Dwarf answered, sounding quite confident.  "I am listening."  
At that moment, I stepped through the great double doors of Thranduil's--our--throne room and swept quickly to my husband's side.  
He was standing a few feet away from a short, stocky Dwarf that wore animals furs over his leather vest, which contrasted with Thranduil's silver robes of the finest quality fabric in Arda; and measured against the Dwarf's lack of height, Thranduil appeared even taller than his 6'5" frame.  
As he caught sight of me, Thranduil let out an annoyed sigh, even as a smile tugged at his lips.  "Enyalie, man ech cared sí?  Ain ist hen Cadhad, Melleth nin."  He murmured, extending a hand to me.  
Smiling brightly at him, I took the offered hand, allowing him to draw me closer to his side.  "Ain cened an hannas osmain gwain gadors, hervenn nín."  I said softly, making him shake his head.  
"Is ed alech uir?  Hí, go' a awarth im di hen Cadhad.  Hen is alpedan cîn lhewegs, bain er."  He said, making me frown.  
Before I could speak, he motioned for me to leave, the rings on his hand sparkling brightly in the rays of sunlight that streamed down from the ceiling, before turning back to the Dwarf.  "I will let you go, if you but return what is mine."  He said loftily to the Dwarf, watching him with piercing blue eyes.  
The Dwarf cocked his head, his long black hair that was sprinkled with grey falling to the side as he raised an eyebrow.  "A favour for a favour."
Thranduil nodded, drawing closer to the Dwarf.  "You have my word.  One King to another."  He said, and I resisted the urge to ask what he was promising in return for the gems.  Eru knew just what lengths Thranduil would go to retrieve them.
But then the Dwarf spoke again, in a harsh, condemning tone.  "I would not trust, Thranduil, the great King, to only his word.  Till the end of all days be upon us!"  He cried loudly, blue eyes flashing.
Thranduil drew away, looking visibly shocked at the Dwarf's words.  But the Dwarf was not done speaking.  "You lack all honour!  I have seen how you treat your friends!  We came to you once, starving, homeless; seeking your help.  But you turned your back!  You, turned away from the suffering of my people and the inferno that destroyed us!"  He screamed, and instantly, I felt his pain.  
The Dwarf had known much hardship, much pain.  He had gone to the only place he could to ask for help, and it was denied to him.  We had turned him away to fend for himself in a cruel world.  
Staring Thranduil straight in the eye, the Dwarf growled out a sentence in a foreign language that I did not recognize.  
"Imrid amrâd ursul!"
Thranduil obviously recognized it, I surmised as he reacted violently to the growled words.  He flew straight towards the Dwarf, coming nose-to-nose with him as the magic that hid his horrific burns slowly faded away, revealing the gruesome sight to the Dwarf's eyes.
"Do not speak to me of dragon fire!  I know its wrath and ruin.  I have faced the great serpents of the North."  He hissed, breathing heavily.
I rushed to his side, pushing him away from the Dwarf.  “Thranduil, glaen torn, melleth nin."  But Thranduil casually brushed me aside, looking down at the Dwarf with a lordly expression.  
"I warned your grandfather of what his greed would summon, but he would not listen."  He said, turning slowly away from the Dwarf and striding towards me, his silver cape flowing behind him.  "You are just like him."  
He motioned for a guard to grab hold of the Dwarf as he neared my side, placing a gentle hand on my arm and drawing me away towards the throne.  "Toldan o han saw, Enyalie, Bereth Nín.  E baw baur minan mi cîn sad."  Thranduil murmured quietly, but I could not move.  I could only watch as the Dwarf struggled violently against the guards holding him in place, waiting for their King's next orders.  
Another gentle tug from Thranduil had me turning away to walk beside him.  Ever the gentleman, Thranduil led me up the steps of his throne, careful not to let his trailing cape get in my way.  
Halfway up, he stopped, pausing long enough to raise his head high and look down at the Dwarf.  "Stay here if you will, and rot.  A hundred years is a mere blink in the life of an Elf.  I'm patient.  I can wait."  He said loudly, a smirk tugging at his lips as he spoke.
With that, the Dwarf was drug away, still struggling, back to the cells where Tauriel, the captain of the guard and Legolas--our son--would guard him tonight.  
Once we were alone, Thranduil turned towards me, looking back over his shoulder.  "Well, my beloved, now that that matter is taken care of, I am free to do whatever you wish this afternoon."  He said, blue eyes twinkling lovingly down at me.
I smiled halfheartedly up at him.  The plight of the Dwarf and his companions would not leave my mind.  I only wished I could have done something to help him, but Thranduil was a stubborn ellon.  
In most cases, I probably could have asked and he would have granted me anything in the world, but when it came down to Dwarves, he refused to let me do anything to help them; his grudge ran too deep, blinding him.  
"Enyalie?"  Thranduil's voice pierced my thoughts, bringing me back to the present.  He was looking at me, his smile a bit concerned now.
I reached a hand out to brush his long silver hair back over his shoulder, the action being one Thranduil only allowed me to do, the silly elf.  He detested anyone but me touching his hair in any way.  He said it was because it knotted easily, but I thought he was just being picky.
"We should get ready for the Feast of Starlight.  It will take me several hours to get ready, and I know you'll take the same amount of time, if not longer, Thranduil."  I said, my voice becoming teasing.
Thranduil nodded, chuckling slightly at my poking fun at him.  "Of course, My love.  You always seem to know best."  He murmured fondly.  
With that, I pulled away from him and made my way carefully down the long, winding staircase of his throne.  Thranduil hurried after me, making me smile.  If I hadn't said anything, he would have left it to the last minute and become stressed since he didn't allow himself enough time to get ready.  
That was why I was his Queen in the first place...  To keep him out of trouble.  Although, I did marry him for a bit more than that.  He was quite charming when he wanted to be.
Enyalie, what are you doing here?  I am interrogating(knowledge) this Dwarf, My love--Enyalie, man ech cared sí?  Ain ist hen Cadhad, Melleth nin.
I was(am) curious (looking for understanding) about our new prisoners, my husband--Ain cened an hannas osmain gwain gadors, hervenn nín.
Aren't you always?  Now, go and leave (abandon) me with this Dwarf.  This is not talk for your ears, fair one--Is ed alech uir?  Hí, go' a awarth im di hen Cadhad.  Hen is alpedan cîn lhewegs, bain er.
Calm down-- Glaen torn
Come away from that filth, Enyalie, My queen.  He does not deserve (have) to be in your presence (place)--Toldan o han saw, Enyalie, Bereth Nín.  E baw baur minan mi cîn sad
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