#thread / maeve.
riley-macnally · 2 months
Tag: @maevemacnallyLocation: Riley's home
Having Maeve ask him if she could stay with him, or if he could stay with her on her first night of 'freedom' from rehab actually meant a lot to him. Riley liked that he didn't need to pitch the idea himself and run the risk of crowding her. It was a delicate process, he knew that, and whilst he also knew Maeve better than anyone else, he always tried to take extra thought when it came to this. He wanted his suggestions to be taken at face value and not make her think he didn't trust her.
After she'd gone to bed, Riley plodded quietly around the house and played out in the garden for an hour with Buffy. It was only when he realised he was too wired to sleep that he got to work on something uniquely fitting for him and his twin. "Evie?" He calls softly after knocking gently on the door to her room. "Get up, kid. Need ya downstairs." Still with a soft tone so she doesn't panic without any reason to, he wanders away and waits for her in the living room.
"Ta-dah!" Opening his arms out with a boyish grin, he's transformed the living area into a hideout. Blanket forts and cushions from the sofa are positioned in the middle, he opens up a blanket and gestures for her to go inside. Snacks, drinks, battery tea lights just to keep the darkness away. This was his renewed version of their midnight club. Many times growing up, they'd sneak downstairs at midnight and talk, check in, and help each other if they had found the week difficult. "Didn't think we'd fit under my kitchen island like we did at home, so..." He shrugs, carefully climbing in and getting comfortable on the pile of blankets.
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silcntsinners · 1 month
Is that why you're here? ( maeve wiley / anyone! )
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Otis was never good with words, he was the socially awkward kid that had no experience around girls, especially ones he liked when in school. He had never stopped loving Maeve, even when they had to end their relationship due to distance and going on different paths. Every now and then, he’d check up on her social media and see her happiness with her new boyfriend in America. Otis was happy for her but that didn’t change anything, she was someone who he would never forget. Once he had finished studying, Otis decided to travel for a while around America.
He could not understand it but something had dragged him to Wallace university that day, he knew she was in her final year and Otis knew he shouldn’t have come. The man now stood in front of his ex girlfriend, a sigh leaving his lips. “I- I don’t know why I’m here. I was travelling around America and somehow I found myself trying to come find you-“ he stated in his awkward tone.
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sincityszn · 7 months
closed starter for @huntrcssqueen // plot
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every summer, knox had something to look forward to. his mom’s best friend would come up to his family’s beach house to stay for the entirety of the season, bringing her daughter along with her. as he was just getting settled in his room, he heard his mom yell for him from downstairs, and the male was quick to get on his feet and rush to get downstairs. once his eyes landed on maeve, his jaw just about dropped at how much she had changed in the last year.
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mackmontgomery · 9 days
closed for: @maevexallen
In a tragic twist of events, Mack had lost Chelsea in the crowd after he returned from the bathroom, though every cloud did in fact have a silver lining because in his search for her he had managed to find something just as endearing to him.
"Well, well, well m'lady."
Maeve was in fact not his lady and would never be -- her loud words, not his -- but God loves a trier and Mack was the embodiment of one as he tips his Woody cosplay hat to her.
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"What are the odds that you and I would be in this club, on this night, at this exact second? Run those numbers and I'm pretty you'd get one plus one equals fate."
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mournfulminds · 15 days
𝐖𝐇𝐎: Maeve / 「 @cigvrettedvet 」
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍: Summer / 2024
𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: Highland Hospital
Mercer first contemplated the beams of fluorescents when she came to, squinting under the harsh light as the scent of antiseptic chemicals wafted past her signalling that she was in fact in the emergency room, strewn out across a bed with a thin curtain concealing her privacy ─ lovely. The last thing she could recall was a fly fishing expedition in the Chesapeake Bay (more of a business trip), and then her mother picking her up from the train station, despite her protests, so they could "talk about something".
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Adjusting her cardigan and then combing her fingers through her hair, her mother's voice came into earshot, over the PA system, informing the doctor of her concerns that her daughter has whiplash and then excusing herself to find a "decent" cup of coffee in the cafeteria. Her plan of exit was to check herself out and send a text later, but to do that, she'd have to get a doctor or nurse to sign off on that. An unsteady trail led her to the doorway only to be met with someone coming to check on her ─ perfect timing, Mercer stumbling out of the way, perhaps a bit more hazy than she led on. Just her luck too, as it's none other than a being from her past; her married life, still like a fresh wound as she ushers a smile to the front. "Aren't you a sight for sore eyes, Maeve Chapman," Using the other woman to steady her stance, Mercer regards her, unfazed, as if they're old friends and perhaps they are, "I was just wondering how I was gonna bribe the nurse to let me out of here."
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h-a-unted · 2 months
Glimpse of the past starter for @innerwar 's Homelander
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For a while, she feels like she might give out. The excitement she had felt over this new beginning quickly faded the moment she was about to face the people eagerly waiting for both her and her companion to take the spotlight. She understood the excitement towards Homelander, of course, but the fact that she also was going to have eyes on her did little to ease her. Instead, she felt her fingers shake, legs grow wobbly, breath cutting off...
And, somehow, as the two first members of the team stand against the relentless cameras, voices, presence of the paparazzi and fans... She seems to be in a lot better state than Homelander – the star of the show. When she finally turns over to him, she notices just how pale, uneasy, how out of place he seemed. He was... just as uncomfortable as she was, if not more.
Seeing that look on his face, the glint in his eyes, it moved her. Usually, she'd swallow her own feelings to please others – her parents before, her newest bosses in Vought now. She'd hide how terrified she felt behind a smile and scold herself for not being stronger later. But no, not this time. She would not allow for him to feel the same. Despite thinking the world might fall apart if she took a wrong turn, she stopped her shaky hand waves and smiles to turn towards her companion, hand lightly touching his shoulder. "Hey, let's get out of here, yeah?"
Though she encourages with a question, she takes the liberty to grab him by the hand. "Run!" She says before holding him tight and dashing away from the multitude. They'd probably get scolded, yes, but she would fix that later.
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liambyrnc · 2 months
@lawunabiding (Maeve)
His Place
Most of the time, he felt like Maeve was the only person in the world who understood him. Some would call it twin intuition or whatever, and he believed that, which was ironic considering that he didn't believe in much. A part of him always felt guilty that she had to come back, knowing that Maeve was way more than this town. He took a drag from his cigarette, letting out a puff of smoke. "D'you ever just wonder if things are meant to be?" She was the one person he could open up to, without feeling vulnerable, even if it was a vague sort of opening. "Like Declan with the Casino?" Yeah, sure, this was about Declan and not him.
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theirmadness · 2 months
getting frisky with @awkwardcourage. ♡
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❝ how about this, twink— you shut up and let me use your body to get off, and we don't braid each other's hairs and sync up our cycles. how does that sound to you? ❞
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soflor · 2 months
who: @lawunabiding where: maeve's place
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Maeve was a welcomed distraction—a much-needed respite from the chaos consuming Sofia's thoughts. As her best friend, Maeve provided comfort and solace, and Sofia craved the mere companionship from someone who understood. With Bethany's return to town, the turmoil of the Valentine's Day event, and the vandalism at Lady Luck, Sofia's mind was fraught with unrest. Seeking refuge at Maeve's, Sofia found temporary relief. Resting her head aginst the couch, Sofia's vulnerability laid bare. "I'm terrified to step back onto the stage," she confessed softly, uncertain of Maeve's response, taking a sip of her wine. "I felt like a target up there."
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rebellionevoked · 10 months
— CLOSED STARTER ; CASSÍA + MAEVE at their apartment.
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     "Please tell me you're not going out tonight." The first thing Cassía had done upon arriving home after work and setting her things down was find Maeve. "I've got plans for us." Nothing big, nothing fancy, but something that promised quality time with her favorite person nonetheless. "I'm gonna put on something comfy and the takeout I ordered should be here soon. Then we'll start on the collection of movies I got." DVDs weren't really a thing anymore but there was something nostalgic about them that excited her. Plus, it didn't hurt that her coworker was giving them away and there were some comedy classics in there. ( @alwaysxangel )
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thebrokengoddesses · 3 months
for jo @onismstrikes Since her arrival at Seattle Grace, she'd been watching Jo. There was no way to tell someone you hadn't even spoken to yet that you're not just related, but you're half sisters. So, she wasn't going to. Not yet. But sitting in the bar, she saw the other woman seated a few spots down. The minute someone left and the spot next to Jo opened, she picked up her drink and moved over to it. "It's Jo, right?" she asked. "I've seen you around the hospital, we haven't officially met. I'm Maeve, I'm in plastics."
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riley-macnally · 11 months
location: tonopah's bike festival when: 9 months ago tag: @maevemacnally
Riley had been as loud and hyper as ever today, the annual bike ride was something he always looked forward to. Though, this being said, the Irish man looked forward to any and all events, parties and gatherings. But this one was always special, something he could share with all his brothers, his family whether it was via blood or loyalty. As they set off, he stole a glance behind him as they were still riding slow, spotting his dad a few rows behind. A bright grin dimpled his cheeks as he settled into the ride, already thinking about afterwards, when he could finally go stuff his face and drink until he was on his back.
Fate, however, had other plans. With his eyes on the road ahead, Riley only heard the explosion at first. Blue eyes fall to his mirror, seeing nothing but blazing orange and black smoke. Losing control of his bike, he and the fellow bikers around him had ended up in something of a pile-up. Hitting the ground with a thud, he was quick to pull his leg from under his Harley and clamber up with a quiet groan. Disorientated, he didn't know what the fuck had happened, but whilst his blue eyes spoke nothing other than panic as he looked at the heart of the explosion, he still lingered. Stayed where he was just to help people back up onto their feet.
Looking for all his club, he was slowly making his way closer to the actual trauma of it. That's when his heart truly started to race - seeing people injured, bloodied, unconscious... Watching people trying to grab their babies and run off, it took no genius mind to know that whoever had been in close proximity to that explosion would not be getting back up. "Joel.. Joel," spotting the member, he grabs his shoulders, relieved to see he wasn't that badly injured. "I gotta find my folks," already backing away like there was no time to waste, it wasn't just his folks. He wanted eyes on his siblings too, the longer he went without seeing them all upright and safe, the more he felt like he couldn't quite take a breath in. Though, it had to be said that perhaps Riley was deflecting, just a little. A thought that was instantly pushed to the back of his mind - a thought that said 'your dad was back there', he wouldn't entertain it. No, there wasn't a chance, because his dad was tough as shit, the type of man to walk into a lava pit and come out unburned. At least, that's what he was telling himself just so his own feet could keep moving through the crowds.
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taliah-tezel · 11 months
location: mad dog brewery tag: @maevemacnally
"Yeah, so I've literally packed everything except one black dress into boxes. I just needed an entirely new wardrobe, but they're in my front room for a couple days. If you want to come by and route through, you're welcome to. There are things in there still with tags on." Taliah shrugged, sipping at her cocktail. "There's probably a couple of your things in there too actually, you know, the things I borrowed and never gave back." Laughing, she feigns innocent eyes, but the smirk on her face deceives her completely.
Feeling someone touch her arm, that smirk dissolves into an instant frown even before she turns to look. Slightly startled by how close the man was standing to her, she scoffs. "Man, you heard of personal space? Back off." Clearly not impressed, especially when she recognizes him as the friend of the man who did the same thing to Maeve not 10 minutes ago. He doesn't seem deterred, continuing to ask if he could convince them to join his table. A persistence that only serves to make her skin crawl. "I wasn't very clear, was I? Fuck. Off." Firmer now, it bothers her that he only laughs in response, but, he does walk away, thankfully. "What the fuck? How creepy was he."
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devilsrow · 11 months
. ´ closed starter — @ultrcviolet
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javier sat on the cold stone steps of the local cathedral, his tired eyes scanning the deserted streets around him. usually he'd be fast asleep by now, but the argument with maeve at hope's funeral still echoed in his mind. he wanted to try to make things right, to bridge the chasm that had suddenly formed between them, which is why he'd finally given in and texted maeve a short, but sweet text message earlier in the day:
let's chat (or fuck) tonight if you're feeling up for it. i am calm now 👍
he sighed, glancing at the time on his phone, the minutes slowly climbing. he'd hoped that this rendezvous, beneath the watchful eyes of stained glass saints, would be their turning point — a chance to apologise and take back their words, or continue on with throwing low-blows at one another.
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felteverywhere · 1 year
closed starter for @babyfacewrites​
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things had been different, as of late. quieter. nico’s apartment had taken on an emptiness he didn’t quite recognise, as if he could truly see maeve’s absence in a way he hadn’t with anyone else he’d maintained a casual relationship with. he supposed that no one before her had kept much at his place, since things had never lasted all that long, but he kept expecting to see little parts of her like he usually did. and don’t even get him started on the dreams. two of them, since they’d seen each other, one where he woke up stretching out in bed, thinking she was there only to find empty space. it was... embarrassing, to say the least, but easy to hide behind an air of normalcy. he’d been working as much as he could, going on hikes with his dog and his camera, taking plenty of photographs and replying to any and all emails at the speed of light. a night out had seemed like a good idea when one of his friends had suggested it, until he’d gotten out and realised the group of friends was much larger than had been expressed to him. in fact, he spied a dark head of hair within two minutes of entering the few booths their friend group were sharing. instantly he was asking for shots, taking two to start himself off, as he tried his best not to watch her. when she caught notice of him, he lifted his hand in an awkward wave, giving a small, nervous smile. 
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camrynstlaurent · 5 months
WHO: @maevemacnally LOCATION: Scarlet Lounge
"And he had the audacity to say 'what are you doing in front of my building' like he fuckin' owns the place. Putain..." The French curse word slipped out just before she downed the remainder of her drink. "I'd been doing so well not running into him until now, but I guess whatever higher power is out there decided to fuck with me again because they're not entertained enough. Men, am I right?"
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