#thread || these battle scars don't look like they're fading
veryace-ficrecs · 1 year
Obi-Wan Kenobi & Ahsoka Tano Fic Recs
I'm posting this today for @theadmiralbitch happy birthday!!! 🎂
This list will include all ratings and tags, so read at your own discretion! :)
a worthwhile endeavour by wrennette -Rated G
They were currently at nearly 36 hours since Obi-Wan last slept, which meant that tonight, they'd be breaking out the big guns. Ahsoka knew the routine by now, the major points practiced enough that she could improvise a little to keep her Master from catching on. Co-Commanders Tano and Cody have a plan.
Mall Rat Ahsoka by phoenixyfriend - Rated G
Ahsoka falls into the mall fountain, gets fished out by a security guard, and gets Obi-Wan to lie and claim he's her father to get out of trouble. It works.
Diplomacy by Phosphorescent - Rated G
Obi-Wan and Ahsoka's mission to Tatooine does not go according to plan. Anakin's really going to be sorry he missed this... “The Mighty Jabba has been looking for a new dancer ever since our last one… required replacement,” the droid said. It moved closer, head swiveling back and forth between the two Jedi. “You are a fit specimen. Please report to the tailor droid for a fitting of your dancing outfit.” Ahsoka had her lightsaber in hand and ignited practically before the droid had finished speaking.
The Thread That Binds Us by Did_you_see_the_light_in_my_heart - Rated G
Ahsoka is running out of time to get her formal robes for the Yearly Ball For All Sentient Beings and no matter how hard she tries, she can't seem to get Anakin's attention long enough to help her solve the problem. But maybe someone else can help her. “Tell me, my dear, what’s troubling you?” Master Kenobi asks. She lowers her fork and stops, swallowing hard. “I… I don’t have anything to wear for the ball,” she says quietly. Set early in Ahsokas apprenticeship. Relationships are still fresh.
Accepting Emotion by LazarusII - Rated G
Dealing with the stress and anxiety of being a prospective Padawan, Ahsoka Tano struggles to manage her emotions. Obi-Wan Kenobi finds her practicing in the dojo, confidence in tatters. His words make all the difference.
Chosen, not assigned by Lysore - Rated G
"It looks like our problems are solved. Fresh troops, new supplies, and perhaps they brought my new Padawan with them," Obi-Wan had said. Though there seemed to be a misunderstanding regarding the identity of the Master of said Padawan.
carried in your heart by grumpyhedgehogs - Rated G
“I am always with you.” Obi-Wan tells her. Her heart thumps painfully in her chest as her grandmaster rests his palm over it. The organ betrays her, beats away like it can crack her ribs apart and slip between them to leap into Obi-Wan’s chest and stay there with him, always. Slowly, tentatively, Ahsoka lets Obi-Wan guide her to rest her own palm over his heart. It pulses under her fingers, reminding Ahsoka at least one Jedi still lives on. “You are always with me.”
Negotiator's Garden by NyeLung - Rated G
The curious thing is that the clone troopers keep bringing Master Kenobi those cuttings, he accepts them gratefully and then he puts them in soil and waters them and they don't wither and die. They should wither and die. That Alderaani snow zherry cannot withstand hyperspace travel. That Kashyyyk begonia is carnivorous and what Master Kenobi has put into the soil as roots are actually the tentacles it uses to catch prey. The oneshot where Obi-Wan is most likely some kind of space fae, Ahsoka is a botany nerd and there's debatably sentient plants.
these battle scars (don't look like they're fading) by CallToMuster - Rated T
If there was one thing Ahsoka knew about her grandmaster, it was that he hated medical treatment and those who gave it. She just never knew why.
Waiting and Learning by otherhawk - Rated G
During a brief period of time when Ahsoka Tano is working with the 212th under Obi-Wan Kenobi, Ahsoka takes part in a mission to obtain separatist codes. Unfortunately the mission involves a lot of downtime without much entertainment as they wait for an ambush. Along the way Ahsoka gets to know her grandmaster better and makes some new friends.
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aelaer · 2 years
Since you're going to watch the movie again and also an expert in Stephen stuff I'm going to ask a couple of questions that I wasn't clear about when I watched the movie.1. Did our Stephen fix his hands? They don't seem to shake and he could fix his watch.2. I wasn't clear about the fight between our Stephen and Sinister Stephen. Did our Stephen just throw sinister Stephen out of the window? I got that it's self defense and perhaps to stop him from killing other Stephens in the multiverses. 1/2
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Not at all a disturbance! Thank you for thinking of me <3 I love discussing the subject of Stephen in any capacity so this is a lot of fun for me.
Stephen's hands still have the scars, but they're much more faded- which makes sense since it's been almost 4 years (that he's been around) since the accident. (Early 2016-mid 2018, then late 2023 to early 2025). They're still prominent in the right lighting, but otherwise might not be as noticeable as they once were. But I think anyone observant would see them. You also know the wounds are there because Stephen always has his hands curled in at rest, which is unnatural--people have their fingers pointing down when their arms are hanging. It's something I noticed early on and I love that Benedict is so consistent with it. The shaking is still there, too, but that's also less prominent. I definitely had to look for it. It will probably be more noticeable once we have the digital edition and we can pause and slow down thing. I was also very, very pleased to see that during his hand-to-hand combat scene with Mordo, he never actually used his hands. He used his forearms quite a bit, as well as his body and legs, but the only time he used his hands was when they landed on the concrete as he got out of the deep gutter. I wouldn't be surprised if Benedict made sure of that.
I don't think his goal was to kill Sinister Strange. At the end of the fight they were at a stalemate, but Sinister was reaching for the Darkhold to end that stalemate. In return, Stephen generated a note from the harp which turned into magic in the current atmosphere (don't ask me how that works lmao, that's gonna take some thinking). That note broke the stalemate of their music battle (again, no idea how it works) and the explosion blew Sinister through the window. If Sinister had been positioned another way, he'd have hit a wall. So yeah, I think Stephen was aiming for Sinister not to get the book and to end the stalemate before he could. It just so happened that Sinister's positioning was terrible. Stephen didn't have time in that moment to feel bad about it since he had limited time to save America, but it was perhaps something he had to deal with in the aftermath of it all.
Unfortunately it was so much worse. What happened was something similar to What If?Strange. Illuminati Strange used the Darkhold to dream-walk through his other selves to try and find a solution to defeat Thanos. Apparently if you dream-walk too much in a universe, you can risk an incursion because it weakens the border between the two realities or something like that. Then one or both universes are destroyed. So Illuminati Strange, to save his universe after his constant dream-walking, had to destroy the other one. So yeah, Doctor Strange has destroyed a universe twice now in the MCU. Whoops. And that is why he was okay with the rest of the Illuminati killing him. There's a similar thread in the comics (which is honestly one of my least favorite Marvel stories) where all these incursions happened and the Illuminati, these so-called heroes of Earth, ended up killing trillions of others by destroying their Earths to save their planet. The whole comic line ended up with a reboot with Reed Richards somehow restoring the entire cosmos to how it was before and no one remembering the awful things they did. Yeah, it's a crazy story. But those stories are definitely some of the ones where Doctor Strange went his darkest, so it was appropriate of Illuminati Strange to cause such destruction. It mirrors the comic line very well.
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