#thread with: carter aiden
teacupcedes · 4 years
Year 18
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, April 25, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Condo; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: It’s Samuel’s 18th birthday and they couple celebrates at home, cuddled up on the couch watching the new Trolls movie. 
Mercedes moved around the kitchen, leaning over a bit, her hand gently cupping the back of Carter’s head as he rested against her chest in the Moby Kangaroo Wrap. She opened the oven and checked on the cake that she had made from scratch for Samuel’s birthday. Humming softly, she decided it needed a few more minutes just to be sure, before she pulled it out to cool. Closing the oven back, she looked down at Carter as he looked around the kitchen with wide and curious eyes. The corners of her lips twitched into a small smile and she let out a hum before she turned back to the counter and continued whipping the icing that she had made to go along with the cake. Over the last few days, she had begun to feel a bit more like herself. She still felt a sadness that she couldn’t quite put her finger on and she still found it a struggle to connect with Carter a bit, but she was trying. She made an effort, that was worth something, right? Softly, she began to hum The Sweetest Gift by Sade to Carter.
Samuel moved into the house with a card and a gift bag that Dallas wanted him to come outside to get. Moving into the condo, he closed the door behind him and locked the door seeing Mercedes in the kitchen. He moved up the steps with the gifts moving into their bedroom and sitting the card down on the counter before he moved to place the wad of cash into a bookbag in their closet, putting it back into his hiding spot. He moved to pull the pound of weed his brother gave him as a birthday gift and he hid that into his sock drawer. He grabbed the card and moved back down the stairs opening up and looked at the card his dad gave him with a gift card for Carter and he smirked. “Right,” he said as he sat the gift card down to Buy Buy Baby for Mercedes to see.
Mercedes dipped her finger into the icing before she tasted it a bit, humming out. It was good, perfect actually. Dipping her finger in once more, she gathered just a bit before she brought her finger to Carter’s mouth, letting him suck the icing off, watching his reaction with a small smirk before she moved to wash her hands. She dried them, then grabbed some plastic wrap, placing some over the bowl as Samuel walked into the kitchen. Looking at the gift card on the counter, she let out a soft chuckle. “Well, Carter appreciates it…” she said, trying to joke a bit. She knew Samuel had been a bit overworked and on edge now that she had been talking things out in therapy and she wanted to try and return things to normalcy as best she could.
Samuel nodded his head. “Yep, we know who he truly loves,” he said sitting the birthday card down against the counter. He moved to watch her, going a little in the kitchen and then looked at his son. He moved for the fridge and grabbed a Mike’s Hard Lemonade that his brother had purchased and brought to him. He opened the bottle and began drinking it down slowly, he licked his lips and moved back towards the couch sitting down.
Biting her lip gently, Mercedes looked down at Carter as his mouth watered and he drooled all down his chin from the taste of the sweet icing. She lifted the bib around his neck and wiped his mouth a bit before she smiled at him as he cooed and smiled at her. She looked up at Samuel, watching as he grabbed the liquor from the fridge and she followed behind him idly, her hand on Carter’s back gently.
Samuel leaned all the way back on the couch taking another sip before he sat the bottle onto the table. He just wanted to relax today and nothing more of this day honestly, he was fine with being at home with Mercedes and Carter. He didn’t want to go out or hang out or anything. Closing his eyes gently he sat there for a moment before he moved to lean up opening his eyes and grabbing the remote.
Walking behind Samuel, Mercedes moved to sit down on the couch beside him and she tucked her feet under her butt, leaning her head on his shoulder slightly, mindful of Carter against her chest. She rubbed soothing circles into Carter’s back as she sat there quietly staring into their son’s beautiful eyes.
Samuel looked for something on TV as Mercedes joined him and he looked over at her gently. He pecked her forehead sweetly before he said, “you okay?” to her curiously. He found himself doing that a lot but that was only because he was so damn scared of what may happen if she wasn’t okay.
Mercedes tilted her head a little, looking at Samuel before she said, “yeah, I’m okay,” gently, a soft smile on her lips from his tender forehead kiss. She shifted slightly, leaning against him a bit more before she said quietly, “the meds are helping…” She looked back down at Carter sighing a bit, “and the therapy,” she added. “One day at a time… right?”
Samuel nodded his head at her words. “Yeah,” he told her softly as he looked at their son and then to the TV. He turned the channel a few more times before he stopped sitting it aside now. “Can I hold Carter?” he asked her with a small smile.
Nodding a bit, Mercedes looked at Carter at Samuel’s question and she said, “yeah…” softly before she leaned up and began to carefully unwrap the cloth that held the child to her chest. She gently tugged Carter’s long body out of the fabric once it was loose enough and she held him out to Samuel.
Samuel watched Mercedes unwrap Carter and hand him over; he kissed the baby’s cheek and smiled. “Hey bud,” he said, easily laying him against his chest as he rubbed his back. “Did you like being in that thing?” he asked him curiously.
Mercedes watched as Samuel took Carter from her and she let out a hum before she finished unwrapping the wrap from her body. She stood up slowly once she had it off and she moved for the kitchen once more, checking on the cake. With a hum, she grabbed her mittens and carefully pulled the cake pan out of the oven, sitting it on the stove. Pulling off a mitten, she grabbed a toothpick and stuck it into the middle of the cake carefully.
Carter cooed at Samuel, staring up at the man with his wide gray eyes. He drooled a little, the slobber sliding down his chin as he wiggled a bit against Samuel’s chest, kicking his little legs a bit.
Samuel moved to wipe Carter’s mouth and chin with his fingers and he wiped them on his sweatpants. “Where are you going?” he chuckled at the boy. He moved to sit Carter in his lap and he said, “are you going to watch Trolls with daddy?” he faced him towards the TV.
Mercedes pulled the toothpick out slowly, smiling softly as nothing came off on it. With a satisfied hum, she left it to cool down a bit. She turned off the oven before walking back over to the couch, resting back down beside Samuel. She watched him with Carter and had to bite back a small laugh. He was such a softy with Carter. “Trolls?” she asked him curiously, a tiny smirk twitching her lips.
As Samuel wiped around his mouth and chin, Carter smiled, gurgling a little as he continued to kick against Samuel happily. He looked off to the side for a moment, something else catching his wandering eye before he looked back at the TV and he giggled softly.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes before he looked down at Carter with a smirk. “What?” he asked her. “It’s for Carter to enjoy,” he lied to her easily, he turned the movie on for him but he knew it was a child’s movie. He bounced the baby only a little in his lap before he stopped, rubbing his stomach.
Mercedes pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, finding much amusement and happiness in the fact that Samuel wanted to watch the children’s movie and was using Carter as an excuse to do it. “Oh, is it?” she asked him sweetly, a bit of a spark in her eye.
Carter cooed as Samuel bounced him and his little hands mushing together before he looked at Mercedes and he smiled his gummy smile at her. As Samuel rested him down and began to rub his stomach, his eyes began to feel heavy and started to flutter.
“Mhm,” Samuel said to her, nodding his head as he was still watching Carter in his lap. Carter was tired and he smirked. “You are sleepy bud,” he breathed as he hoisted him back up and onto his chest. Samuel rubbed up and down the babies back soothingly rocking him a little. “You are supposed to stay up to party with me,” he chuckled.
Mercedes smiled softly, her hands coming up to rub her sore cheeks. She hadn’t smiled this much in a while and now that she was doing so, it took a toll on her muscles. Looking at Carter, she watched his eyes flutter and she said, “it’s about time,” softly. “He fed an hour ago,” she said looking at the clock.
Carter lulled into sleep easily as he rested against Samuel’s chest, his face mushed against the man.
Samuel continued to rub the boys back and he looked at her. “Is he asleep?” he said chuckling, unsure he couldn’t tell from the angle he had him in.
Mercedes looked at Samuel, then at Carter before she nodded and she said, “yeah he’s out like a light,” softly with a smile.
Samuel nodded his head as he shifted Carter into his arms, supporting his head as he did. He pecked his forehead looking down at him as he slept sweetly. He was the cutest thing he ever had laid his eyes on. “I should put him down,” he told her.
Mercedes bit her lip softly, clasping her hands under her chin a bit. She looked at their son before she nodded at Samuel. “Probably,” she told him quietly, shifting on the couch a bit. “Your cake is almost ready,” she threw out randomly before she moved to stand up, walking back into the kitchen.
Samuel nodded his head at her, “okay,” he said sweetly as he moved to stand up with Carter and he took the child to his room. Laying him down and tucking him in nicely before he grabbed his monitor and moved back to the couch. He looked at Mercedes and moved to sit down gently as he looked at the movie playing once more.
Standing in the kitchen, Mercedes flipped the cooled cake out of the pan and into a dish before she placed the pan in the sink and moved over to the counter with the dish. She paused for a moment, moving to wash her hands, before she returned to her task and she peeled the wrap back, grabbing the icing spatula and began to ice the cake with a soft hum.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes as she moved around the kitchen and he sighed to himself. All he really wanted for his birthday was some ass, he didn’t care about the other things.
Mercedes finished icing Samuel’s cake and she bit her lip as she reached into the drawer and pulled out his candles. She placed the 1 and the 8 in the center and lit them before she picked up the dish carefully and moved for her fiancé, singing softly. “Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear Sam...” she smiled softly coming around the couch. “Happy birthday to you…” she leaned down and placed the dish down on the coffee table before him sweetly.
Samuel got into the movie a bit watching it idly and sitting the monitor on the coffee table. He licked his lips hearing Mercedes and he looked up at her happily as she sang to him. He smirked at her and looked down at the cake as it sat before him.
Mercedes rested on the couch beside him once more now and she said, “make a wish,” softly. Tentatively, she reached out and stroked his cheek with her hand, her heart fluttering in her chest as she gazed at him.
Samuel looked at her as she told him to make a wish and he leaned in, his lips crashing with her gently. He pulled away looking at her for a while before he kissed her again. He moved to the table and cake again, leaning in as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want anything but to be able to provide for them for the rest of his life and that she overcame this. He blew the candles out sighing to himself as he leaned back up. “Thank you very much,” he told her.
Mercedes eyes closed as Samuel kissed her and she kissed him back gently, her hand stroking his beard softly. As he pulled away, she bit her lip gently. They hadn’t really kissed much lately but that felt great and it made her feel more like herself. With a hum, she watched as he blew out his candles and she smiled. “You’re welcome baby,” she told him before she leaned in and pecked his lips once more.
Samuel smiled, pecking her back as she did a third time, he looked back at the cake before he leaned against the couch once more. He nodded his head a bit, maybe things were getting to be a little more normal for them. He looked at the TV again watching the movie.
Mercedes pulled back slowly, her hands clamped together in her lap as she gazed at him before she got up slowly and she walked into the kitchen, grabbing a plate, a fork, and a knife. Moving back to the living room, she leaned down and cut Samuel a slice offering the plate and fork to him.
Samuel watched her walk off and move to the kitchen before he looked back at the TV. He took the bottle from the table and he drank it down taking it to the head before he sat it back down. He looked at her as she cut him a slice and he said, “thanks,” again grabbing the plate and fork. He dipped his fork in and stuck the cake into his mouth chewing lightly. “Mm,” he said softly. “It’s really good babe,” he told her quietly.
Mercedes sat the knife down as Samuel took the plate and fork. Sitting down beside him once more, she curled up against him, resting her head against his shoulder lightly. “I’m glad you like it,” she said quietly. “I love you Sam…” she muttered.
Samuel ate more of the cake and she licked the fork clean of the icing on it. “I love you too baby,” he told her quietly.
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sammie-e · 4 years
Tip Top Shape
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Carter Evans, and Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: LOCATION: Doctor Office; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Samuel and Mercedes takes Carter to his 1 month check up.
Mercedes sat on the examination table with Carter in her lap, her hands on his little stomach holding him to her own. She was quiet, looking around the room idly as they waited for the doctor to enter for Carter’s one-month checkup. They were a little late to the party for his check up, but given the circumstances and everything else going on, Mercedes was trying not to beat herself up about it. Her therapist had been telling her that the journey of motherhood was not linear and that it was okay to forget things and make little mistakes, but she had to forgive herself. So, Carter being a week late wasn’t going to be the end of the world. Slowly, she looked over at Samuel, looking him over before she looked away. 
 Samuel sat in the examination room and his arms were folded over his chest as they waited for their doctor to join them. He was interested to see the milestones their son had accomplished in the last month, and how much he weighed as well considering he was a hefty eater. They were a little late to the party but that would be okay considering her mental and physical health is far more important than most things right now. He licked his lips slouched down in the chair, he stuck his ring finger in his mouth, biting down on his fingernail idly. 
 Mercedes looked down at Carter as he rested against her wide awake, fidgeting and wiggling slightly. He just couldn’t stay still. Gently, Mercedes lifted him slightly, turning him to face her as she gazed down at him. “Hi,” she said to him softly, watching as his eyes light up a bit as he stared at her. Her lips twitched into a small smile at the sight of him, his little lips tugging into a smile back at her happily. She bit down on her lip before she looked at her fiancé. “He smiled at me…” she said softly.
 Dr. Acosta moved down the hallway swiftly, rubbing some hand sanitizer into her hands as she did. She spoke to a few nurses as she walked briskly, running a little late to her next appointment. The last baby was just such a handful, did not want to cooperate at all. She hopes this next one, a new patient, would be much better. She stopped off at the nurse’s station, picking up the fresh chart for Carter Evans. Hmm. She read over it carefully before she set off towards the examination room. 
 Samuel continued to bite down on his nail gently, shifting his feet in his tennis shoes a little as he slouched down in the chair a little more. He looked at his watch before he looked at Mercedes. He nodded his head slowly at her with a gentle smile, he smiled quite often, and she only just noticed for major reasons. “He’s a happy baby,” he said, removing his hand from his mouth. 
 Mercedes nodded slowly at Samuel’s response to her before she looked back down at Carter, his eyes followed her slowly but surely. Just looking at him now, her heart fluttered in her chest. She hated that Samuel had drug her to the doctor but now she was beginning to understand why, with the help of the antidepressants and therapy, she was starting to see the light and feel the sun on her skin. It was a feeling that she hadn’t felt since before Carter was born. She shifted Carter once more, holding him with one hand as she stroked his cheek softly. She lifted him gently, pressing a kiss to his tiny little nose and Carter gurgled at her sweetly, causing Mercedes to smile brightly and tears to rush to her eyes. She couldn’t believe she had spent weeks literally ignoring her baby. He was so precious and no she didn’t feel absolutely amazing every day but today was a good day.
 Dr. Acosta moved for the room as she studied the chart, going over the information faxed over from a colleague about Carter’s birth and other information. She side-stepped around a nurse as she flipped to the next page, moving quickly before she reached the room. She flipped the page again, her eyes scanning the information quickly before she dropped her hand to her side, holding the clipboard there as she knocked on the door. 
 Samuel watched Mercedes with Carter and he tilted his head, maybe the medicine actually helped a little. He had his doubts about all of it but maybe she would come out of this a lot better. He licked his lips slowly before he heard a knock at the door and he said, “come in”. 
 Carter’s little hand moved to Mercedes’ on his body and he gripped one of her fingers gently as she held him. Mercedes blinked slowly, pulling her tears back as she just took in their son. Upon hearing the knock on the door, Mercedes looked up slowly as Samuel said come in.
 Dr. Acosta entered the room with a bright smile, a bit shocked to see the two teenagers, but she kept her smile, nonetheless. “Hi,” she said perkily as she closed the door behind her, and she reached out her hand to Samuel. “Nice to meet you all, I am Dr. Acosta,” she greeted before she moved to Mercedes, holding her hand out as well before she looked down at Carter in Mercedes’ hands. “And this must be Carter,” she beamed as she looked down at the child before she moved to wash her hands thoroughly. As she did so she looked back at the couple, “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” she told them. She snatched a napkin and patted her hands dry as she moved to sit down. “Tell me about this little cutie,” she said with them, looking between the two young parents. 
 Samuel watched the woman as she entered the room, and he looked her over. She seemed friendly. “Hello” he said quietly to the woman as she introduced herself “yes” he told her “I am Sam” he breathed before he pointed to Mercedes “and that is Mercedes” he spoke for them all. When she told them to tell her about Carter he shrugged lightly and said “he’s 1 month” he told her “was 8 pounds and 10 ounces when he was born” Samuel said nodding. “He’s changed a lot since then, you know… still sleeps all day and plays all night… eats like clockwork” he rambled unsure what to tell the woman.
 Mercedes gazed at the woman as she entered and introduced herself and she let Samuel speak for them, since she unfortunately wasn’t all that caught up with Carter and his developmental growth. However, she wanted to change that now. She had to change that. “Uh… he feeds off of breast milk,” she added in softly, “and uh… he wets a diaper maybe… 6 to 8 times a day…” she bit her lip hard. 
 Dr. Acosta smiled at the couple, taking more that Samuel was doing most of the talking but she said nothing as she nodded along attentively. Looking to Mercedes as she spoke, she smiled and good, “all good things, all good things.” Picking Carter’s chart back up, Dr. Acosta read over Mercedes and Samuel’s information briefly, not having done so before she entered the room and she took note of Mercedes’ PPD diagnosis, which explained why the girl was so quiet. Sitting the chart aside once more she smiled at the couple and said, “we’ll let’s go ahead and check him out then huh?” sweetly as she moved to grab a nursing pillow. She liked to use these to help children these young sit up a bit without any help. She sat it on the examination table beside Mercedes and she said, “may I?” as she carefully reached out her hands to take the child.
 Samuel looked at the woman nodding his head as the woman responded to them both. When she suggested starting the exam Samuel watched the woman as she reached for the child. The kid had to get a shot today which he wasn’t looking forward to, but he knew it was something that had to happen. 
 Mercedes nodded a bit, a small smile tugging at the corners of her mouth from how peppy Dr. Acosta was. As she reached out for Carter, Mercedes held the boy out, handing him over with a small bite of her lip as she did so. 
 Dr. Acosta took Carter with a small hum as she held him to her chest as she moved over to the nursing pillow. Gently she laid the boy down against it, sitting him up just enough to be able to complete her examination. She made sure that he was secure and supported before she said, “first I’m going to measure the circumference of his head.” She reached for her soft measuring tape holding it up for the parents to see before she gently wrapped it around Carter’s little head, measuring easily. “So, we’re looking at about 39cm, which is roughly 15 and a half inches,” she explained to the couple. “From the looks of Carter’s birth measurements, his little head is right on schedule as far as growth goes,” she told them with a smile.
As the woman sat the child up and began to examine Carter, he watched the little boy for only a second before he watched what the doctor was doing. She took his measurements and told them that he was developing properly in that area, he smiled and nodded his head. “Good,” Samuel said back to her gently happy about that news. 
 Mercedes shifted on the examination table, turning her body a bit to face Carter as Dr. Acosta began the examination measuring his head. At her words, she nodded slowly, licking her lips. One test down and so far, so good. She was very optimistic about this. 
 Sitting the measuring tape aside, Dr. Acosta said, “very good,” with a smile before she began to gently undress the child. “Now I’m just going to undress him so that I can look him over,” she explained as she carefully took off his little onesie. She laid it aside gently, looking at the parents every so often for approval. She looked over Carter’s little chest and she checked his umbilical site. “His umbilical site looks good, healing very well,” she explained as she examined it. “His belly button should revert inward within the next few weeks unless he’s going to keep his little outie,” she smiled softly as she gently poked his little stomach. “Next, I’m going to go ahead and listen to his heartbeat,” she told them as she reached for her stethoscope. 
 Samuel continued to watch the woman as she slid her hands into his pockets. Carter was perfect from head and toe so he knew there would be no worries in all of the things she was testing out today. Licking his lips, he nodded his head as she spoke on his belly button. 
 Mercedes gazed at Carter as he laid there, letting the woman examine him without much hassle. He was such a good and tamed baby, only really crying if he needed a change or was hungry. He got fussy every now and again but not often. As the woman began to explain certain things to them, she nodded slowly, trying to remain attentive and focused. 
 Dr. Acosta looked at the couple as they sat quietly, and she smiled gently. Kids, she thought to herself with a small smirk. She moved her stethoscope from around her neck and placed the buds in her ears before she began to rub the diaphragm against her hand, trying to warm it up a bit. With that done, she gently placed it against Carter’s chest, watching his little face as it twitched from the cool feeling of it. “I know, I’m sorry,” she said gently to the baby as he began to wiggle some. She listened to his heartbeat anyhow with a nod. “Heartbeat sounds great,” she told the couple before she removed the diaphragm from Carter’s chest and placed her hand over him gently to warm him up. She kept it there for a moment before she moved it and began to feel for his various pulses with a hum of approval. “So far, Carter is checking out A-okay but we do have a bit more to do,” she told them softly. “Do you have any questions so far?” she asked them.
 Samuel looked at Carter as he kicked his little feet as the woman checked him over thoroughly, he smirked at him before he looked at the woman. “Uh” he said to her before he shook his head “no” he said quietly. Should they have questions? 
 Mercedes watched closely as Dr. Acosta looked over Carter, checking him out from head to toe. She shifted slightly, crossing her ankles as she began to rub her hands up and down her jeans idly, her palms a little sweaty from her nerves. At the question, Mercedes shook her head a little. 
 Dr. Acosta nodded at the two, no questions was usual when it came to teenagers. They typically just wanted whatever information she was willing to give, no more, no less. Looking back at Carter, she began to lift his little legs, checking his range of motion and his hip flexors. “Carter was circumcised right?” she asked the couple with a hum as she looked the child over. She leaned over some, reviewing his chart once more. 
 At the question, Mercedes glanced at Samuel before she nodded. “Y-yeah he was circumcised,” she said softly, her hands still rubbing over her jeans. She was beginning to feel a bit restless. 
 Samuel looked at the woman and then at Mercedes as she answered, he looked at the doctor. Clearly, she was going to have to check on the healing process of that as well, poor little buddy. He remembered how much he used to cry over that area of his body. 
 At the answer, Dr. Acosta nodded slowly. “Okay, so I’m going to have to check his healing for that as well,” she explained to the two teenagers as she stood up and grabbed a fresh diaper from a cabinet before she placed some gloves over her hands. Standing over the child once more, she shifted him a bit as she began to take off his diaper. Seeing that he was actually wet, she quickly grabbed a few wipes and gently cleaned him up and got him prepped and situated with a new diaper. Before she closed up the fresh diaper however, she took the time to check his circumcision site. Nodding at the couple she told them, “It’s healing very well, just keep making sure you’re mindful for the next couple of weeks,” before she fastened his fresh diaper around his little hips, taking her gloves off as well. “I see on the chart that he’s already had his hearing and eye examination, so we don’t have to do that today,” she said thoughtfully. “So now I just want to do a few developmental tests,” she told them as she moved to re-dress the child. “I can already see that he’s very alert and he follows faces with his eyes very well,” she chuckled, “he’s been eyeing me this entire time,” she smiled softly.  
 Mercedes let her mind wander a bit as Dr. Acosta went on with the examination, finding it hard to completely focus though she was trying very hard. In that aspect, she was still working on it. The antidepressants were still working through her body and slowly taking affect so sometimes she still wasn’t all there. At the mention of keeping an eye on Carter’s circumcision site, she nodded a bit before she hummed softly at the woman as she placed Carter’s onesies back onto him. She nodded slowly, biting her lip softly.
 Samuel watched as the woman prepared to check their son’s private area for its healing process and he licked his lips gently. The woman also changed his diaper fully and checked him out; he continued to watch them both easily. “Good, he didn’t like that pain at first” he said easily to the woman with a smirk. “Yeah” he said nodding his head “he loves to stare at you and watch what you do” he said knowing that firsthand. 
 Looking between Mercedes and Samuel, Dr. Acosta smiled, and she said, “that’s common but you two have done a very good job and he shouldn’t really have any more problems in that area as it’s basically fully healed. Just stay gentle for the next couple of weeks, remember to wash gently with lukewarm water and if you feel necessary use a little ointment before placing his diaper on,” she said sweetly. “Yes, he’s very attentive which is good,” she said before she grew quiet, stepping away from the table and the child, knowing that he was indeed secure with the nursing pillow and Mercedes was sitting right there as an extra precaution. She moved over into the corner of the room and began to gently clap her hands watching Carter closely as he moved his head around, trying to look towards the sound the best he could from his position. “Good,” she hummed out before moving back to him. “I can see that he has a very good range of motion with his legs and arms,” she said before she lifted him up some and removed the nursing pillow. “Now is the time that you two should begin really setting out at least 20 minutes to an hour for tummy time with Carter,” she smiled as she turned him into his stomach on the table. Carter was able to lift his head on his own a little and look around which was perfect. “Carter is really checking out wonderfully,” she told the young couple. “Also, I would suggest if you aren't doing so already, to strap Carter on and just carry him around the house as you complete various tasks so that he can start to learn the home and flex his little brain by seeing new things,” she told them. 
 Mercedes shifted on the table, tucking her hair behind her ear as she did, and she let out a small hum as he nodded along. She watched Carter as Dr. Acosta began to wrap up the examination and she said looking to Samuel, “we have a few carriers and wraps at home… right?” 
 Samuel watched the doctor as she spoke, and he nodded his head at the woman knowing that much from stuff he googled and read. “Okay” he told her simply before he licked his lips and watched as she walked away from the boy and to test him further and he passed. Damn, their kid was a genius. As she began to tell them both what they could now be doing with him since he was a little older now. And he nodded his head again “okay” he told her gently, at Mercedes' question and he nodded “yeah I think someone bought some of those” he told her gently. 
 Smiling at the couple, Dr. Acosta asked, “still no questions?” as she tossed Carter’s dirty diaper and her used gloves away, placing the diaper in a designated bin before throwing her gloves in the medical waste recycle bin. “Last but not least, Carter is due for one shot today,” she said knowingly. “I’ll send the nurse on in for that,” she smiled at them. 
 “No, I don’t have any,” Samuel said to the doctor and she began to explain that their son needed to get a single shot today and he nodded. “Okay” he said to her as he moved to stand up and he moved over to Carter picking the boy up and rubbing his back gently. 
 Mercedes shook her head. “No, no questions,” she said softly as she watched Samuel pick Carter up. She placed her hands between her thighs and let out a soft hum as she sat there.
 Dr. Acosta smiled at the couple and said, “alright, well you three enjoy the rest of your day and I’ll send in Akeela,” she smiled as she pushed some hand sanitizer into her hands and moved to exit the room. 
 Samuel nodded his head as he gummed their son’s cheek with his lips, he nodded and watched the woman leave “thanks” he said to her. He looked at Mercedes and then kissed Carter’s cheek gently. He looked at him before he handed the baby over to her, it was the only way to keep her actively engaging with him. “Here” he told her “hold him” he said easily. He didn’t push her hard as her mother did, but she needed to interact with him more. 
 “Thank you,” Mercedes said to Dr. Acosta quietly before she looked to Samuel and Carter, a small smile twitching her lips before she looked away. When Samuel offered Carter to her, she took the child easily, holding him in her arms gently. She looked down at him, smiling at him softly, before she pressed a kiss to his forehead as he cooed. “Uh… I’ll start wearing him around the apartment throughout the day,” she told Samuel softly. She really was trying. 
 “Do you feel comfortable doing that?” Samuel asked her honestly, it made no sense to him if she did it only to give the child the cold shoulder because she felt she had to. He stroked his head of hair gently as she held him in her arms. 
 Looking at Samuel, Mercedes bit her lip hard as she blinked slowly. “I can do it…” she said softly, hugging Carter close to her chest a bit. She had been trying to make a conscious effort to do more and be more involved but Samuel’s doubt in her didn’t help with her confidence. “I want to do it…” she changed her phrasing as she looked down at Carter as he mushed his face in her chest a bit. He was hungry. She still hadn’t been breast feeding him but maybe she could on their way home or before they left the hospital. 
 Akeela knocked on the door, holding what she needed in her hand to administer Carter’s shot. 
 Samuel nodded his head at her and said “okay” he was just checking. His biggest fear lately had been her doing something to their son, he would never live with himself if she did. Ever since her appointment that was all he could think about. He didn’t think she really would, but he didn’t like what if’s either. “Come in,” he said, hearing another knock on the door. 
 Mercedes nodded at Samuel gently before she pressed another kiss to Carter’s forehead. She loved him so much that she couldn’t stand it but she still struggled with properly expressing it. She had been so confident and sure of herself but now, she felt less than. She just needed Samuel to have a little faith in her. She was going to get better; she was. Looking at the door, Mercedes watched as the woman entered.
 Entering the room, Akeela smiled at the couple. “Hi,” she said softly as she closed the door behind her. “I’m here to administer Carter’s second HepB shot and then you guys are free to go,” she said sweetly as she sat everything down on the counter before she washed her hands. With that done, she popped one some gloves and pulled out the sterile tray as she began to prep the vaccine. “Can you unzip his onesie for me and pull out his right arm?” she asked Mercedes as she continued. 
 Samuel watched her and he then looked up at the woman as she walked into the room. “Okay” he said to her easily as she began to prepare for what it was, she was about to do. At the woman’s request he looked at Mercedes expectantly waiting for her to fulfill her request. He hoped Carter didn’t cry, he really wouldn’t like that too much. 
 Mercedes watched the woman as she entered and she said, “hi,” back to the woman as she gently bounced Carter in her arms. At the woman’s request, Mercedes nodded as she shifted with Carter. She rested him against the table and unzipped his onesie easily, pulling his little arm out as she was asked to before she picked him back up, holding him to her chest as she sat up straight. She held him facing her and rubbed his back gently so that the woman might have an easier time giving him the shot.
 Akeela watched as Mercedes did as she asked too when Carter was ready, she ripped open an alcohol wipe and moved to clean the area before she uncapped the syringe. She looked at Mercedes, making sure she had Carter steadily before she quickly pricked the boy with the needle and pushed the flange down. Just like that she was done. Pulling the needle from his skin, she watched him closely as she cleaned the area once more before she placed a band aid there. Not a single tear. 
 Samuel watched Mercedes as she unzipped the boy’s little outfit and pulled his arm out of it easily. She held him as the woman moved in for his boy, she rubbed the area and then pricked him. Samuel watched closely and he licked his lips slowly the boy didn’t cry “big boy” Samuel sang out happily. The woman gave the child a band-aid and Samuel pecked the boy gently. “Such a big boy” he cooed towards him lightly, if it were not for Mercedes' situation it was no telling if you’d ever catch him doing this a day in his life. But the little born warmed his usual cold heart. 
 Mercedes watched Carter closely as the woman pricked him, and he just stared up at her gurgling softly. He was like he didn’t even feel it. She smiled at him before looking up at Samuel as he began cooing and talking to Carter. She smirked softly, a small chuckle escaping her. She never thought that she would see the day. “Mama baby,” she cooed softly, rubbing Carter’s back and when Akeela was finished she shifted him around, fixing his onesie around his body before she looked at the woman. “Can we stay for a bit so that I can feed Carter?” she asked softly.
 Akeela began to clean up everything and she looked at Mercedes saying, “of course,” as she tossed the syringe into its container before she tossed her trash away. “Stay as long as you need,” she told the couple easily. “Just let me know when you’re on your way out,” she smiled before she exited the room. 
 At Mercedes' question Samuel looked a bit confused, he drank from a bottle they could feed him on their way back home, easy. She’d just have to ride in the back of the car with him. As he exited the room he said “the bottle would have to be warmed, but I have those warming things in there. We don’t have to stay here” easily. 
 Mercedes nodded at the woman with a small smile as she told them it was okay and excited. Looking at Samuel, Mercedes shook her head slightly as she shifted Carter in her arms, and she began to adjust her clothing. “I want to feed him…” she said softly as she adjusted her bra, pulling the cup. She lifted Carter a little and almost immediately he turned his head and latched on. She smiled down at him before she began to pat his back gently, avoiding Samuel’s eyes as she sat there.
 Samuel looked at Mercedes and he nodded his head “okay” he said to her as he moved to sit down in a chair again. Progress he thought, seeing her breast feed him was almost awkward for him. So, he looked elsewhere while she did it. 
 Mercedes kept her gaze elsewhere as Carter suckled from her and she said quietly, “I’m really trying.” She looked at Carter as he rested there in her arms with his eyes closed as he drank from her. “I’m sorry…” she whispered to Carter and to Samuel.
 Samuel looked down at his feet for a while and he looked back up at her words. “I know you are,” he told her quietly. “I didn’t say you weren’t” he breathed softly. 
 Biting her lip softly, Mercedes shifted a bit, her hand patting Carter’s back very gently. She didn’t know what to say to him. She just wished he was a bit more encouraging of her. She knew that just wasn’t who he was but damn. Licking her lips, she shifted Carter slightly, lifting him over her shoulder to burp him a bit, making sure that he got one out before she let him reattach. 
 Samuel looked at her again before he looked back down due to her silence. He couldn’t help that the phases she’d gone through had left an impression on him. It was hard to know what to think of her moment to moment day to day. However, he did have faith in her, and he saw the subtle changes whether he spoke of them or not. You didn’t see someone congratulating a monkey for eating a banana though. 
After a while, Carter had finished feeding and Mercedes placed him over her shoulder again, rubbing and patting his back gently to burp him. She got two big burps out of him before she smiled, and she shifted him around as she moved to slide off the table. She placed him in his carrier and strapped him in, making sure he was secure before she grabbed her things. She placed the thin blanket over Carter’s carrier before she picked him up and moved to exit the room. In the end, at least Carter checked out with a A on all fronts.
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kolasihq · 4 years
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Here are the random pairings for the event! Please remember that threads begin tomorrow at noon and can run through next week. You are able to pick the location and who brought/bid on the basket. If you muse is listed and they should not be, please contact the main as soon as possible!
Ramon Martinez & Lainey Washington
Aiden Parker & Hayley Huffred
Mia Reid & Calliope Hastings
Charlie Chae & Cherry Thompson
Imani Darbandi & Paige Whitaker
Winter Evans & Carter Penn
Rebecca Forbes & Nicholas Klee
Salomé De La Rose & Kiara Clark
Preston Burke & Hunter Huffred
Erin Bitfield & Amelie Brooks
Nijiko Kato & Ezra Rhee
Sienna Levesque & Salem Hwang
Nora Al Fasil & Alex Newman
Lysa Taylor & Maisie St. Clair
Sophia Martinez & Tracy Lance
Kodey Holloway & Chrysan Choi
Saskia Daly & Summer Evans
Esmée Dogan & Milena Lazaro
Wednesday Davenport & Jayden Pierce
Christian Mullins & Clémentine Fraser
Lydia Thomas & Cameron Correia
Jeremy Balfour & Jenna Brady
Chunhua ‘Spring’ Liang & Kiri Samuels
Harper Grant & Lucy Luck
Anna Carpenter & Joanne Hunt
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holidcyhq-blog · 5 years
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tradition in holiday is the blood that runs through the town, what draws in tourists yearly and truly makes the town what it is. that’s why all the locals shouldn’t be surprised that the summer music festival is right around the corner! every august, the hopenbaukers put on a huge festival that spreads throughout the entire town over the span of five days. many businesses are closed on the thursday and friday that the festival takes place. check out the details below the cut on every day! this event will run from sunday, aug 11 at 4pm, to tuesday, aug 20 at 11:59pm.
the kick off event is on wednesday night, where a local town band will open the festival with a performance at the hopenbauker’s performances venue. the opening event is always done by a town band, and the spot tends to be pretty coveted, and try outs run the month previous the event. this part of the event will run from sunday, aug 11 at 4:00pm cst through tuesday, august 13 at 2:00pm cst.
on thursday during the day, there is an open mic at the holiday repertory theatre, which tends to book up pretty quick, so you better be sure to sign up for it soon! that night, one of the headlining acts will preform at the amphitheater located at the the holiday town park. this year, the special performers will be an up and coming british band, the raptors! this part of the event will run from tuesday, aug 13 at 2:00pm cst through thursday, august 15 at 2:00pm cst.
on friday, the hopenbauker’s open up their performance venue for an artisan market during the day time. on that night, the second headlining act will perform at at a stage set up at town square. this year, the friday night performer is carter may! this part of the event will run from thursday, aug 15 at 2:00pm cst through saturday, august 17 at 2:00pm cst.
on saturday, the town invites the a cappella groups in town or in the area to come and compete in a small competition where the winners will come back the next year and perform the closing concert on sunday night. saturday night at the amphitheater, there will be a split performance between aiden gage and adeline lewis! this part of the event will run from saturday, aug 17 at 2:00pm cst through monday, august 19 at 2:00pm cst.
sunday, there is a food truck festival at the holiday town park where all in attendance can vote for their favorite dish. the five winners earn exclusive rights to sell their food at the festival next year during the artisan market the hopenbauker’s put on every friday of the festival. that night, to close out the festival, the previous a cappella competition winners preform at the hopenbauker’s performances venue. this part of the event will run from monday, aug 19 at 2:00pm cst through tuesday, august 20 at 11:59pm cst.
throughout the event, there is a small kid friendly area that is open for the entire duration of the long weekend with carnival games and kidz bop piped throughout it located at the holiday town park. food trucks and tents are a commonly found commodity at most performances. tickets range from per event admittance, to $1000 vip passes that last the whole event and grant the purchaser exclusive access to preferred seating and the vip room set up at holiday brewing with an open bar and light snacks.
obviously we don’t expect you to drop threads every two days, but know that the next part of the event does not OPEN until the listed time, so please write starters accordingly! when the event opens, every gets one free pass to post a free starter that you can write at any point during the event. for all other starters, you must reply to two first. it is your choice whether you pause all other threads or not, but please give priority to event threads! tag all starters with the usual starter tag, holidcystart, as well as holidcyevent002! feel free to share outfits, playlists, or any other muse stuff with that tag as well!
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lightscameramagicrp · 6 years
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Plot Drop #2 - The Seven Deadly Sins
After the video comes to an end, the lights go back to normal. The smoke machines die out. But, all is far from calm for in the center of the room lays a horrific sight.
Seven individuals from the cast and crew lay in two separate heaps upon the floor, each with a name of a sin carved into their foreheads. 
The first heap consists of:
Jennifer Scarrow [Greed]: The werewolf had been tied down as molten gold was lightly drizzled across and hardened into her skin.
Aiden Woods [Lust]: The human had been stripped down to his underwear and blindfolded. A bright red kiss mark clear as day upon his lips as he lays there, withering in pain from the poison currently entering his blood stream.
Ella Ramos [Envy]: The witch has been cursed with the spell of injury transference. But, unlike the typical spell, she not only has to endure the injures of one person, but of a couple of the other six, laying there with burn marks across her back from what appears to have been gold, marks across her head from what appears to have been a silver crown, a thousand cuts all over her body, and broken arms and legs.
Standing above them is a woman most have yet to have met, one Catalina Arguello. A Revelationist who had been recruited a few years back by Vincent Riley no less and is responsible for Graciela Garcia’s Death. The witch stands tall, decked out in weapons, and appears to ready not to go down without a fight. Her special abilities include: Mind Control, Telekinesis, & Teleportation.
(OOC note: This a temporary villain we are introducing for this event. She is a Maria Gabriela De Faria fc played by Admin B. PLEASE FOLLOW HER ACCOUNT HERE. She will only be around for the duration of the event and to potentially wrap up any event threads after the event is over. Feel free to message her account/respond to her starter having your characters interact with her, fight her, be injured by her, kill her etc.)
The second heap consists of:
Daniella Montez [Pride]: The vampire is laying there, limp on the ground after having silver injected straight into her blood stream and a crown of silver spikes pushed into her head.
Michaela Beaumont [Wrath]: The harpy is spilling out light after having a thousand cuts inflicted all over her body.
Elena Morgan [Gluttony]: The vampire has been force fed so much vervain that they now lie there, vomiting up blood.
Carter Andrews [Sloth]: The human has had all the bones in his arms and legs broken so that he won’t be able to move incapsulating the peak of laziness.
Standing above this heap is a face you all know and might have grown to love, Vincent Riley. The hedge witch has been working undercover for the Revelationists since he came to set. He is the true culprit behind the kidnappings and the cloud hack. 
A wicked smile forms across his face as he grabs a member of the crowd- Kate Buchanan’s Public Assistant and Progeny, Patrick- and stakes him through the chest, dropping the dead body to the ground just as an all out fight breaks loose, with everyone still trapped inside.
(OOC note: Like Catalina, Vinny is now an official temporary character. He is of course played by Admin A. Vinny will be taken out of play after the event ends, but for now, feel free to have your characters interact with him, fight him, be injured by him, kill him etc. You all should already be following him, but just in case, his account is here.)
@jennyscarrowstunt, @aiden-woods, @carter-drews, @ellaramos, @danimontez, @michaelabeaumont, @elenamstafford, @vinnyriley, @deseandoparagrace
OOC Note: Please feel free to interact with the two temporary villains and each other in the starter tags whether you were mentioned upon or not. Also, if you were mentioned above, feel free to act out how your characters ended up this way on the dash/who finds them/helps them etc. Once again, if you would like your character to be getting injured and you haven’t gotten admin approval just shoot us a message to the main to let us know! Most importantly have fun.
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tomsland · 6 years
stats ☆
Hello, bellezas! Well, me he dado cuenta que últimamente la actividad de Tumblr no está cooperando y siento que ya perdí mil cosas, así que tuve la necesidad de hacer este post para que no piensen que estoy dejando ningún thread bc quiero rolear con todos por más lenta que sea para contestar :( Debajo del read more están los plots que tengo con cada uno y si tiene dos  ☆☆ es porque yo lo tengo en drafts. De los demás, pueden encontrar mi reply en el tag o pls avisarme por chat si hay algo que no haya visto <3 Trataré de sacar lo que pueda hoy, pero la próxima semana (por trabajo, exámenes, etc) ya estaré mucho más libre para que sigamos los threads. Si ustedes aún tienen algo, don’t worry, tómense todo el tiempo que necesiten as always. <3 
[tag] @rperindie ♦ Michael x Chloe ♦ Harry x Sarah   ☆ ☆ ♦ Wolf x Cindy ☆ ☆ [tag] @xgoner ♦ Harry x Crystal ♦ Samantha x Mia ♦ Steve x Isabelle ☆ ☆ [tag] @pcrkyoongi ♦ Blake x Sophia ♦ Halsey x Matt starter  ☆ ☆
[tag] @illgivethe-sun ♦ Winter x Asher ♦ Harry x Vivianne ♦ Holly x Noah ♦ Gabrielle x Adrien
 [tag] @milcva ♦ Harry x Lisa 
 [tag] @starcrossedmuses ♦ Aleksander x Phillip
 [tag] @dacmati ♦ Robert x Kazmir ☆ ☆ ♦ Robert x Sutton ♦ Harry x Tarynne ♦ Lucas x Syrenne ♦ Reign x Iskra ☆ ☆ ♦ Elizabeth x James
 [tag] @mrawxsomx ♦ Josh x Hugh ☆ ☆
 [tag] @attxntion-whorx ♦ Julian x Aleksandra ☆ ☆ ♦ Richard x Genevive ☆ ☆ ♦ Wolf x Helena  ☆ ☆ ♦ Aleksander x Shantal
 [tag] @suddenlyisblackandwhite ♦ Mary x --- ♦ Keyla x --- ♦ Saoirse x Blaire  ☆  ☆
 [tag] @supernovasnrain ♦ Carter x Terry
 [tag] @sereinies ♦ Henry x Edlyn ♦ Jaspenor ♦ Robert x ----
 [tag] @lareinemargot ♦ Ares x Alice  ☆ ☆ ♦ Aleksander x Meredith ☆ ☆
[tag] @oneiricv ♦ Ares x - ♦ Aiden x - ☆ ☆ ♦ Ryder x Aurore 
 [tag] @imnotxlive ♦ Dann x Emma  ☆ ☆
 [tag] @lotterampling ♦ Riley x Adam ☆ ☆ ♦ Holland x - starter ☆ ☆
 [tag]  @solrenning ♦ Aleksander x Samantha  ☆ ☆ ♦ Saoirse x Cameron  ☆ ☆
[tag] @maddevoti ♦ Bucky x Steve  ☆ ☆
 [tag] @vckinga ♦ Wade x Peter ☆ ☆
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kittycatwriting · 6 years
Who has how many threads
If I am missing your threads on here, please tell me
Suzanne: 1 thread -  Suzanne&Magnus
Isabelle: 6 threads - Isabelle&Adrian, Isabelle&Anna, Isabelle&Everett x2, Isabelle&Freddie, Isabelle&August
Gabrielle: 2 threads - Gabrielle&Theodore, Gabrielle&Kai
Sarah: 2 threads - Sarah&Carter, Sarah&Ro
Samantha: 1 thread - Samantha&Toni
Caitlin: 2 threads - Caitlin&Adam, Caitlin&Jason
Emma: 3 threads - Emma&Nate, Emma&Colton, Emma&Lucia
Theodora: 2 threads - Theodora&Sam, Theodora&Lily
Marielle: 0 threads
Aiden: 0 threads
William: 2 threads - William&Piper, William&Sancia
Sam: 1 thread - Sam&Kenna
Derek: 1 thread - Derek&Lia
Abigail: 1 thread - Abigail&Kane
Layla: 3 threads - Layla&Rowan, Layla&Pope, Layla&Wolf
Victoria: 1 thread - Victoria&Jason
Kaylee: 2 threads - Kaylee&Atlas, Kaylee&Scott
Catalina: 1 thread - Catalina&Jordan
Acantha: 0 threads
Janine: 3 threads - Janine&Jason, Janine&Trent, Janine&Hunter
Sienna: 0 threads
Carolina: 2 threads - Carolina&Will, Carolina&Kane
Jess: 0 threads
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trustmeimawitch · 7 years
NPCs are non-player characters that act as ‘extras’ or ‘supporting cast’ to the RP narrative. I use the term NPC, also, to mean 'minor characters'.
On my blogs, there are several NPCs I may bring in to use within threads and plots. These NPCs can be moved within the story, helping to advance plot, adding drama–etc. etc. As I have created most of these NPCs, I’d prefer writing and directing them myself, in the majority of cases. Plotting is always preferred if we use NPCs extensively in our plots/threads. Some NPCs can be played by my partners--it's all a matter of circumstance/plot depending.
Some of these NPCs are from AUs, past RPs, deceased, and might only be mentioned in passing.
The FCs I use are only for reference as to what these NPC’s look like. It is highly unlikely I will use icons of them for threads.
More NPCs will be added as I create them (or remember them!).
Rowan Myles - Neoma’s daughter in some AUs. (FYI I’d love to do more stuff with her and Neo, okay?) - FC:  Laneya Grace | Tag
Caroline Slater - Charlie’s ex-wife, Aaron & Jamie’s mother - FC: Jane Fonda | Tag
Mikayla ‘Kay’ Slater - Aaron & Jamie’s deceased half-sister, CJ’s mother, Mason’s former lover.. FC: Lauren Cohan | Tag
Ludlow - Owner of Ludlow’s bar. Handles a lot of black market shit. Ugly demon. No FC yet
Gavin aka Thomas - Dylan’s maker & master. Soultaker demon. Deceased (yay!). FC: Richard Armitage | Tag
Adeline Davenport- Mara’s mother, Andy & Vinnie’s maternal grandmother. She is human with no witchy talents. FC:  Isabelle Huppert | Tag
Victor Pierce Halliwell - Andy & Aiden’s ( @thewiccanmechanic ) son in v; a charmed life. No FC yet
Elizabeth - Dylan’s wife. She died back in the late 1500′s when Dylan was still human/before he became a demon. FC when he was human before he became a demon. No set FC, though in  v; love is not an option. our love is never free with Faith ( @faithiiisms ) I use Eliza Dushku (for reincarnation plot reasons) so that may be what I’ll settle on, or someone with similar features? IDK
Nadya - Mason’s former lover. She died back in 1880 something in childbirth (I need to review my timelines for an exact date but that’s for a later update).  FC:  Oona Chaplin   |Tag
Jasmine Carter - Carter’s daughter. She lives most of the time with her mom. FC: Madison Pettis | Tag
Ethan Slater - Charlie’s brother. Aaron & Jamie’s uncle. Demigod. Deceased. He died in 1954. (toying with the idea of making an AU/Verse because I did enjoy playing him in the last AU I had). FC: Stephen Amell | Tag
Eleanor Slater - Charlie’s mother. Aaron & Jamie’s grandmother. Demigod. Deceased. She died in 2014. FC: Tamsin Egerton | Tag
Sylvie Hall- Nancy’s right-hand woman. She’s a vampire who was sired in the 1970s. She’s loyal to Nancy, having semi taken her under her wing. FC: Tracy Ifeachor | Tag
Bernice Dolan - a witch and high priestess of The Hallowed Circle Coven. She was one of the coven members responsible for murdering Victor Foster. FC: Dianne Wiest | Tag
Victoria Patience Foster - Male!Andy & Aiden’s (@thewiccanmechanic) daughter in v; annoyed at first sight. No FC yet.
Tobias Thorne - a warlock and high priest of the Hallowed Circle Coven. He was among those in the coven who murdered Victor Foster.  FC: Peter Mensah | Tag
Gregory Carlyle - Carla’s  older step brother. Kind of a pain in her ass. No FC yet.
Kathy O’Connell - Aaron’s ex-girlfriend. One of the few he loved, and would’ve settled down with. She left him after a personal tragedy. Broke his heart. FC: Carey Mulligan | Tag
Myriam - Neoma’s mother. She was royalty in another realm/world, who fled to Earth escaping imprisonment. She gave birth to her daughter shortly before she was found and forced to return, leaving Neoma behind for her own protection. FC: Lauren German | Tag
Osmond - Neoma's father. He was a witch who was Myriam's confidant in Scintil. He aided her in her crimes, but left her service when his conscience got the better of him. He took the fall for her later, and was killed in an attempt to keep the truth of her crimes secret. No FC yet.
Alden - Myriam’s Uncle/Neoma’s Great Uncle. He took the throne after Myriam fled and grows more corrupted by the day. No FC yet.
Shane - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Keyboardist and background vocals. No FC yet.
Reese - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Drummer. No FC yet.
Chris - Jamie's friend and band member of Graceful Mile. Bassist. No FC yet.
Danica Franklin - Member of the Kindheart coven, young witch. She doesn't get along with Andy. Antagonist, generally. No FC yet.
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Tinsel Quotes
Official Website: Tinsel Quotes
  • A life of mere pleasure! A little while, in the spring-time of the senses, in the sunshine of prosperity, in the jubilee of health, it may seem well enough. But how insufficient, how mean, how terrible when age comes, and sorrow, and death! A life of pleasure! What does it look like when these great changes beat against it–when the realities of eternity stream in? It looks like the fragments of a feast, when the sun shines upon the withered garlands, and the tinsel, and the overturned tables, and the dead lees of wine. – Edwin Hubbel Chapin • All great humorists are sad… I cannot help seeing beyond the tinsel of humour, and recognising the pitiful basis of jest – the world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind. – H. P. Lovecraft • An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were invited to a Christmas party. The Englishman brought a bag of tinsel, the Scotsman brought a bag of holly and they asked the Irishman: “What have you brought?” He said: “I brought a pair of knickers.” They asked: “What has that got to do with Christmas?” He said “They’re Carol’s.” – Frank Carson • And the sun had on a crown Wrought of gilded thistledown, And a scarf of velvet vapor And a raveled rainbow gown; And his tinsel-tangled hair Tossed and lost upon the air Was glossier and flossier Than any anywhere. – James Whitcomb Riley • At Christmas time we couldn’t afford tinsel, so we’d wait till grandpa sneezed. – Rodney Dangerfield
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Tinsel', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_tinsel').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_tinsel img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Christmas can be celebrated in the school room with pine trees, tinsel and reindeers, but there must be no mention of the man whose birthday is being celebrated. One wonders how a teacher would answer if a student asked why it was called Christmas. – Ronald Reagan • Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show. The secret lies in an inner glow. It’s lighting a fire inside the heart. Good will and joy a vital part. It’s higher thought and a greater plan. It’s glorious dream in the soul of man. – Wilferd Peterson • For instance,” said the boy again, “if Christmas trees were people and people were Christmas trees, we’d all be chopped down, put up in the living room, and covered in tinsel, while the trees opened our presents.” “What does that have to do with it?” asked Milo. “Nothing at all,” he answered, “but it’s an interesting possibility, don’t you think? – Norton Juster • Go out of the house to see the moon, and ‘t is mere tinsel; it will not please as when its light shines upon your necessary journey. The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, who could ever clutch it? Go forth to find it, and it is gone: ‘t is only a mirage as you look from the windows of diligence. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Go out of the house to see the moon, and’t is mere tinsel; it will not please as when its light shines upon your necessary journey. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • God, but life is loneliness, despite all the opiates, despite the shrill tinsel gaiety of “parties” with no purpose, despite the false grinning faces we all wear. And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter – they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long. Yes, there is joy, fulfillment and companionship – but the loneliness of the soul in its appalling self-consciousness is horrible and overpowering. – Sylvia Plath • How is Christmas regarded today? The legend of Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, the decorations of tinsel and mistletoe, and the giving of gifts all express to us the spirit of the day we celebrate; but the true spirit of Christmas lies much deeper than these. It is found in the life of the Savior, in the principles He taught, in His atoning sacrifice-which become our great heritage. – Howard W. Hunter • I believe the message in the hymn “Rise Up, O Men of God” (Hymns, no. 324) is a plea, a call, a divine invitation for us to rise above the telestial tinsel of our time; to deny ourselves of ungodliness and clothe ourselves in the mantle of holiness; to reach and stretch and grasp for that spiritual direction and sacred empowerment promised to the Lord’s agents, to those charged to act in the name of our Principal, Jesus Christ; and to point the way to salvation and deliverance and peace in a world that finds itself enshrouded in darkness, a world that yearns for spiritual leadership. – Robert L. Millet • I fight against the gluttony of time with so many very amusing weapons with gestures and with three attitudes and with charming phrases; with tears and with tinsel, and with sugar-coated pills, and with platitudes slightly regilded. Yes, and I fight him also with little mirrors wherein gleam confusedly the corruptions of lust, and ruddy loyalty, and a bit of moonshine, and the pure diamond of the heart’s desire, and the opal cloudings of human compromise: but, above all, I fight that ravening dotard with the strength of my own folly. – James Branch Cabell • I knew that I would speak in the language of the vanquished No more durable than old customs, family rituals, Christmas tinsel, and once a year the hilarity of carols. – Czeslaw Milosz • If you choose the liberty and pride and strength of the single soul, and the free fraternization of men, as the purpose which your life is to make manifest then do not sell it for tinsel. Think that your soul is strong and will hold its way; and slowly, through bitter struggle perhaps the strength will grow. – Voltairine de Cleyre • In every Christian’s Heart, there is a cross and a throne, and the Christian is on the throne till he puts himself on the cross; if he refuses the cross, he remains on the throne. Perhaps this is at the bottom of the backsliding and worldliness among Gospel believers today. We want to be saved, but we insist that Christ do all the dying. No cross for us, no dethronement, no dying. We remain king within the little kingdom of man’s soul and wear our tinsel crown with all the pride of a caesar; but we doom ourselves to shadows and weakness and spiritual sterility. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • In our worship of certainty we must distinguish between the sound certainty and the sham, between what is gold and what is tinsel; and then, when certainty is attained, we must remember that it is not the only good; that we can buy it at too high a price; that there is danger in perpetual quiescence as well as in perpetual motion; and that a compromise must be found in a principle of growth. – Benjamin Cardozo • I’ve developed a way to separate myself from me being me, to me being the character. I can separate watching me, Tinsel Korey, from watching Emily – Tinsel Korey • I’ve sold shoes, hawked newspapers, jerked sodas, gazed rapturously at the tinsel dream at the end of a runway from my usher’s aisle in a burley-cue, drove a truck – then because I didn’t like being pushed around, started pushing a pencil around. – Burne Hogarth • Life would be no better than candlelight tinsel and daylight rubbish if our spirits were not touched by what has been. – George Eliot • Obstinate are the trammels, but my heart aches when I try to break them. Freedom is all I want, but to hope for it I feel ashamed. I am certain that priceless wealth is in thee, and that thou art my best friend, but I have not the heart to sweep away the tinsel that fills my room. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I hate it, yet hug it in love. My debts are large, my failures great, my shame secret and heavy; yet when I come to ask for my good, I quake in fear lest my prayer be granted. – Rabindranath Tagore • Oh, heart, let’s never grow too old To smile anew, when Christmas comes, At tassels red and tinsel thread, And tarlatan bags f sugarplums. – Nancy Byrd Turner • Oho, now I know what you are. You are an advocate of Useful Knowledge…. Well, allow me to introduce myself to you as an advocate of Ornamental Knowledge. You like the mind to be a neat machine, equipped to work efficiently, if narrowly, and with no extra bits or useless parts. I like the mind to be a dustbin of scraps of brilliant fabric, odd gems, worthless but fascinating curiosities, tinsel, quaint bits of carving, and a reasonable amount of healthy dirt. Shake the machine and it goes out of order; shake the dustbin and it adjusts itself beautifully to its new position. – Robertson Davies • Popularity – a piece of faded tinsel, that is out of date. – Victor Hugo • She’s not my type,’ Carter says. ‘So what is your type?’ ‘Tall, skinny, black hair, blue eyes, freckly nose. Blue tinsel wig and snowflakes optional.’ ‘Skinny?’ I squeal. ‘Definitely. Pretending to be shy, sensible and stand-offish when really you’re mad about me.’ ‘You sure about that?’ ‘No, but I’m hoping. – Cathy Cassidy • Silent night, holy night, when the bough flies from the tree and is hung everywhere, when from tables the crusts fly, when the gifts begin to tremble because lovelessness walks through the world, because it snarls at you, barks at you from the snow, and the silver ribbons rip and the tinsel rustles silvery, and the silver and gold, and a golden word come to you on which you choke because you have been sold and betrayed, and because it does not suffice that for you one is redeemed who once died. – Ingeborg Bachmann • someone had tried to warn me of the kind of catastrophe that is likely to occur when you involve yourself too closely in one of those destinies that is ringed around by the transient tinsel of human applause. – Mary Deasy • Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you’ll find the real tinsel underneath. – Oscar Levant • The ribbons! The wrappings! The tags! And the tinsel! The trimmings! The trappings! – Dr. Seuss • There is a frantic race to merchandise tinsel and trash under the guise of ‘modernism.’ – Raymond Loewy • This barren verbiage, current among men, Light coin, the tinsel clink of compliment. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Thought is a garment and the soul’s a bride That cannot in that trash and tinsel hide: Hatred of God may bring the soul to God. – William Butler Yeats • Time, which runs through the world like an endless tinsel thread, seemed to pass through the centre of this room and through the centre of these people and suddenly to pause and petrify, stiff, still and glittering… and the objects in the room drew a little closer together. – Robert Musil • Tinsel in February, tinsel in August. There are things in a man besides his reason. – Wallace Stevens • Tinsel is really snakes’ mirrors. – Steven Wright • Titles are tinsel, power a corrupter, glorya bubble, and excessive wealth a libel on its possessor. – Percy Bysshe Shelley • Unfortunately, the headlights of the car were bright enough for them to see Mae’s outfit quite clearly. “Oh my God,” said Nick, and shut his eyes. Jamie gave a small, nervous laugh. “What?” Mae demanded. “Alan told us that we were supposed to dress as we truly are!” “And you felt that what you truly are is a Christmas tree with too much tinsel.” Nick grinned. “Huh. – Sarah Rees Brennan • We expect too much at Christmas. It’s got to be magical. It’s got to go right. Feasting. Fun. The perfect present. All that anticipation. Take it easy. Love’s the thing. The rest is tinsel. – Pam Brown • You couldn’t make yourself stop feeling a certain way, no matter what the other person did. You had to just wait. Eventually the feeling went away because others came along. Or sometimes it didn’t go away but got squeezed into something tiny, and hung like a piece of tinsel in the back of your mind. – Elizabeth Strout
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teacupcedes · 4 years
A Mother’s Help
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, Erica Jones, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Friday Afternoon, April 10, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: After not hearing from Mercedes in a few days, which is unusual, Erica drops by to visit the couple and their new baby.
Mercedes moved around the house tidying up a bit, despite the fact that she truly did not feel like it. Her mother had invited herself over to just check in on them and spend a little time with Carter, so Mercedes was forced to get out of bed, the place that she had been for the last two days, and make the apartment look presentable.
Samuel carried Carter into his room and made it his business to change the child’s diaper before Mercedes’ mother arrived. He wanted to freshen him up a bit, make him look all cute and cuddly for his grandma. After he changed his diaper Samuel changed his clothes, putting him on a little outfit with a matching pair of socks and a matching hat. He had managed to get this part of the baby care process down pact, no thanks to Mercedes. He felt like a single father most days; the girl didn’t get out of bed and ignored Carter, in his head, most of the time now. She said she was tired and he got that, but a screaming baby was enough to wake you up out of any trance. “You look and smell good kid,” Samuel said to him as he hoisted the boy up, dropping his old diaper in the Diaper Genie before he left the room.
Mercedes scrambled around the apartment, wiping down the counters and sweeping the floors, which really did nothing about the mess of baskets of unfolded clothes in the living room or the clean dishes just stacked up in the rack, almost so full it could all topple over at any moment. Plus, she looked an absolute mess with her hair in a messy bun atop of her head, most of the hair hanging out the back and the sides, framing her face. She had on a two-day old shirt and her leggings had dried up spit up from a week ago on them. The bags under her eyes were deep and she looked absolutely exhausted, as she did all of the time now.
Samuel brought Carter into the living room where Mercedes was and he placed the child in his latest gift to him, his mamaRoo. Once he laid him in it, he strapped him in and turned it on proudly and watched as their son laid within it, content and quiet. Once he knew for sure Carter wouldn’t cry or scream, he walked away picking up the basket of clothes and moved them into their bedroom and placed them a corner. When he walked back out, he took the dishes out of the rack and placed them in the cabinets where they belonged.
With the counters wiped down, Mercedes moved into the living room and she sat down on the couch tiredly, rubbing her hands over her legging gently. She really wished that she could just tell her mother not to come but then she would be forced to explain why; she didn’t know why. She barely looked in Samuel’s direction as he moved around and she bit her lip hard before her eyes moved to their son in his mamaRoo. She eyed him, her chest constricting a bit at the sight of him before she shook her head and she curled up on the couch, laying her tired body down as she stared at the child blankly.
Erica through the hallway to the apartment and she let out a deep hum. She had only seen her grandson and daughter once after they had left the hospital and Mercedes hadn’t even called her or anything in the last few weeks. She had no idea what could possibly be going on, but she was going to find out. Mercedes had been calling her every day, sometimes twice a day, and then it just dwindled down to nothing in a matter of days. She was curious. She walked up to their door and knocked twice before she stepped forward some, trying to listen in a bit to hear what was happening inside their apartment.
Samuel watched Mercedes with a raised brow as she sat there, he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her, but he was so tired of it. He finished putting the dishes up in the cabinets before he heard a knock on the door and he moved to it, a freshly bathed and dressed Samuel opened the door to Erica. “Hey,” he said cheerfully. “How’s it going?” he asked her, opening the door for her to walk in.
Mercedes heard the door but she didn’t move a single muscle. She just continued to lay there, staring at Carter blankly. As Samuel opened the door, Mercedes shifted slightly, pulling her shirt up some to cover her face.
Erica stepped back as Samuel opened the door and she gazed at him with soft eyes. “Samuel,” she smiled softly, “hi,” she said as she stepped forward, opening her arms to pull him into a light hug as she stepped into the house. “I am fine,” she said as she pulled away from him, looking around the apartment now. “I’m more curious about how things are going over here,” she said gently, eyeing the place slowly.
Samuel looked at Erica pulling her into a gentle hug. “Uh, that’s good,” he said softly to the woman at her words. “I–” he shrugged as he looked around, “pretty okay,” he lied to her with a plastered smile as he let her into the room completely. He locked the front door behind the woman and moved into the home as he looked at their son in the mamaRoo.
Mercedes covered her face more as she heard her mother move into the house and ask Samuel how things were going. She curled up even more, almost into the fetal position, making room on the couch as she laid there.
Erica gazed up at Samuel, nodding slowly before she glanced around the apartment. She eyed the mamaRoo and she walked over, cooing at the baby as she leaned down, just taking him in. He was such a beautiful little boy. “Hi Carter,” she whispered softly to him, gently rubbing his stomach as he gazed up at her. “Hi,” she repeated in a baby-like voice before she stood upright and looked at her daughter, curled up on the couch. She sat down beside Mercedes and placed her hand on her daughter's hip, rubbing her there a bit. “Hi sweetheart,” she whispered softly. “You feeling okay?” she asked.
Samuel watched Erica and he walked around in the background idly, he licked his lips. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he watched mother and daughter interact.
Mercedes cowered away from her mother’s touch and she curled up further. “Hi…” she mumbled; her face still covered. “I’m fine mom…” she said in a whisper.
Erica looked at Mercedes, just taking her in before she looked up at Samuel. She shifted slightly patting Mercedes hip before she stood up and walked over to Samuel whispering, “Is she sick?” as she ushered for him to move with her into the kitchen. She stood by the island, her eyes on the back of the couch before she looked up at Samuel once more.
Samuel watched Mercedes to see if she’d give her mother the same treatment that he had been getting all this time from her. When the woman did, she turned to him for some understanding, and he didn’t have much to offer. At her question he shook his head no at the woman, he looked away from her for a moment. “She’s been like that for a while, but she isn’t sick with anything,” he said to her under his breath. “She says she’s tired” he told her averting his eyes. “She doesn’t do anything for him or anything around the house… just lays there,” he said shaking his head.  
Erica gazed at Samuel, nodding slowly at his words. She pressed her hands into the island as she took in what he said. Erica pursed her lips and whispered back to Samuel, “how long is a while?” she asked Samuel. “She seemed fine when I visited before…” she said softly as she looked back at the back of the couch. “Is she holding Carter at all?” she asked softly.
Mercedes shifted on the couch; her eyes closed under her shirt. She could faintly hear her mother and Samuel whispering but she couldn’t make out what they were talking about when Carter began to cry. She let out a frustrated noise as she sat up on the couch, gazing at Carter in his mamaRoo. The child let out a loud wail, it was his, i'm hungry cry. She blinked slowly as she gazed at him. “What… what do you need Carter?” she asked the child tiredly.
Samuel looked at her mother and said, “a couple weeks,” to her easy before he shrugged. “No,” he breathed. “I get him most of the time,” he told her. He said before he heard the boy and he looked at Carter and then Mercedes, sighing softly he moved to grab the baby. “I got him,” he told Mercedes raising his hand to her and he unstrapped the child from the mamaRoo and picked him up, holding him gently. Samuel moved into the kitchen again with Cater and he moved to warm him a bottle, after getting it from the fridge. “Shh,” he said softly to him gently as he bounced the child.
Erica stood there and she frowned at Samuel’s words. “A couple of weeks?” she whispered, that wasn’t a good sign. Listening to Samuel more, Erica nodded a bit. As Carter began crying, she turned looking at Mercedes as she sat up speaking to the child oddly. Erica stood there, watching as Samuel gathered the child and returned into the kitchen with him. “I’ll take him,” she said softly, carefully working Carter out of Samuel’s arms and into her own. She held the child close, bouncing him a little and patting his diaper-clad butt gently. “Has Mercedes tried to hurt Carter at all?” she asked Samuel, needing to know.
Mercedes just sat there staring at the child until Samuel gathered him up and took him into the kitchen. She let out a sigh of relief and stood up from the couch, walking to the steps and moving up them slowly. When she got upstairs, she moved into the bedroom and pulled out clothes to take a shower and make herself look somewhat presentable to her mother.
Samuel looked at Erica and he nodded his head at her handing the child over easily. Samuel placed the bottle into the bottle warmer on the counter and he waited for it to warm as he watched Mercedes leave. When she did, he finally answered Erica and shook his head, “not to my knowledge,” he said to her softly. “But I go to school and I go to work. When I am gone… I don’t know. I always just hope she actually cares for him,” he said in confidence to the older woman.
Erica held the child expertly, holding him close to her bosom. She continued to pat his butt lightly as he fidgeted and wiggled in her arms, his little face turning red as he cried. Looking up at Samuel, she nodded slowly before she looked up at Samuel and she said, “Mercedes might be depressed Samuel.” She shifted on her feet, looking back down at the little boy in her arms. “Some women get it after having a child,” she told him softly, “I, uh, I had it after Mercedes…” she explained.
“Depressed about what?” Samuel said to her, jerking his neck, the boy took the bottle out of the warmer and he tested it on the back of his hand. Licking his lips, he handed it over before he moved to grab a bib for the child. He walked back into the kitchen and said, “so what do we do?”
Erica sighed out softly at Samuel’s question and she began to explain. “It’s called postpartum depression, some women develop it after childbirth because of all of the hormones and the stress of a new baby,” she told him quietly as she took the bottle, popping it into Carter’s mouth swiftly, watching as the child immediately began to suck away. “Well… I would take Mercedes to the doctor,” she told Samuel truthfully, “get her examined and they’ll tell you what needs to be done from there… since every woman is different.” She shifted on her feet, her hand holding the bottle to Carter’s mouth as she held him close to her chest with her other arm. “I had to be medicated for a while,” she admitted. “Symptoms of it are typically crying for no real reason, irritability, anxiety, extreme fatigue on one end of the spectrum or extreme insomnia on the other, dramatic mood swings, inability to connect with the baby, lack of concentration…” she sighed softly, “the list goes on and on…” she told Samuel, “when it get really bad a mother could experience overwhelming sadness, guilt, thoughts of maybe hurting herself or the baby, lack of appetite, withdrawal from loved ones…” she said before she looked up at Samuel, “any of these seem about right to you?” she asked him.  
Samuel raised a brow at Erica, sticking his hands between her and Carter securing a bib around his neck easily. Once he did that, he stood back resting his hand against the counter and leaning on it taking in what she had to say. He shrugged his shoulders, “well, yeah,” he told her nonchalantly. “Some of that,” he sighed heavily having made up his mind already that he simply did not have time for this, there was so much going on already.
Erica allowed Samuel to place the bib on Carter as she shifted him in her arms. “Yes, she needs to see a doctor Samuel,” she told the boy easily. She could take Mercedes, but Samuel needed to do it. This was their child, their life, they needed to handle the situation. It would not only show their growth but their maturity, mainly Samuel’s as he would have to continue to take care of Mercedes until things got better for her.
“Okay, so you are gonna take her right?” Samuel asked Erica quickly. “I have to watch Carter and stuff, school, I have two jobs now,” he told the woman. He didn’t have all the time in the world to do all these things, it just wouldn’t happen that way.
Erica shook her head. “No, you’re going to take her,” she told Samuel easily. “Yes, I know, juggling life and a baby is not easy,” she said to him with a hum, “but you’re going to have to figure it out,” she told him simply. It was a test. They went and got pregnant and had a baby, now they had to handle it and all of the consequences and struggles that came with it. It was unfortunate, yes, and she felt for her daughter and would step in if she absolutely had too but Samuel and Mercedes needed to figure it out on their own.
“That’s not fair, how am I supposed to do everything by myself?” Samuel argued back to the woman. “Carter isn’t even supposed to be out right now, how am I going to take her?” he asked seriously.
“Life is not fair,” Erica told him easily as she slowly pulled the bottle from Carter’s mouth as he finished it. She sat the bottle on the counter before she picked up a towel off the oven handle and placed it over her shoulder easily. “What would you do if you didn’t have me here?” she asked Samuel. “You would find a way to make it work,” she told him. “So… make it work,” she said. “Now, if you ask, I might watch Carter for you all but you need to be the one to take her to the doctor Samuel, it’s important for you to know and understand what is happening with her,” she placed Carter over her towel-covered shoulder and began to pat his little back. It was like second nature to her.
“Fine,” Samuel said angrily, did she not get the fact that he didn’t have the damn time. It was beyond Carter right now; he was in deep with both jobs and he couldn’t neglect school. He had to graduate with a decent GPA, if he was going to go to school which he probably wouldn’t because of Carter and the lack of money. Sighing, he moved to plop down on the couch angrily.
Erica watched Samuel as he stormed off and she began to hum softly to herself and to Carter as she continued to pat his back, burping him easily. “Oh, good boy,” she said to him in a coo. “Nice burp,” she hummed out as she continued patting needing at least one more out of him.
Mercedes slowly emerged from the bedroom fresh and clean with her hair washed and pulled back into a low bun with fresh clothes on her body. It was the first time she had actually taken a real shower in the last week. She had just been taking a wet towel and wiping her body off and laying back down. She had even brushed her teeth this time. As she moved down the steps, she tried her best to have an upbeat and perky outlook despite how she truly felt. “Hi mom,” she said, finally greeting her mother with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
Samuel sat there, folding his arms over his chest as he thought about how he was going to do it all. As Mercedes moved back towards them greeting her mother for the first time, he looked at her tucking his lips in with a small headshake. Having a kid was causing more drama than anything for them lately.  
“Oh yeah,” Erica said as Carter released another burp and she began to rub his back now instead of patting it. As Mercedes walked toward her looking slightly refreshed, she gazed at her with soft eyes. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she met her halfway, still holding Carter to her shoulder. “How are you feeling?” she asked as she held Carter to her with one hand and used her other to stroke Mercedes’ cheek.
Mercedes gazed at her mother a bit blankly. “I am fine,” she said softly, dropping her gaze as her mother stroked her cheek. She leaned away from her touch but only slightly as she said, “just tired,” which was her typical response now. She shifted on her feet, pressing her hand into the counter before she lifted her head and looked at the back of Carter’s head full of hair. “He’s a handful…” she mumbled softly.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes and Erica as they spoke, the girl gave the same ole answers and had the same ole mood every time. Why even bother asking if Erica knew so much and knew what she had? He turned his head away from them and shifted on the couch as they interacted.
Erica nodded slowly at Mercedes’ words, taking in her response and her overall disposition with a small nod. “Yes, the first few months of motherhood are hard and tiring.” Looking down at Carter, she chuckled and said, “take him,” to Mercedes as she held the child out to her.
Mercedes nodded slowly, dragging her hand down her face before her mother offered the child out to her and she shook her head. “I don’t want to hold him,” she told her mother out right.
Samuel looked back over to Mercedes at her words, he then looked to Erica with a raised brow. Yet, she thought it would be smart for him to deal with that all alone, a fool she was.
Erica arched an eyebrow at Mercedes as she continued to hold Carter out as he shifted and fidgeted a bit in her hands. “Mercedes hold your son,” she said sternly.
Mercedes smacked her lips, reluctantly reaching out and taking Carter. She held him, keeping him turned away from her as she held him between his legs, holding his body to her chest.
“Good,” Erica said as Mercedes took the child. “Now look at him,” she said, “turn him around and look at him. That is your child Mercedes,” she told her daughter.
Mercedes blinked at her mother as she held the boy to her chest. “I know he’s my son…” she said as she made no effort to turn him around and look at him. “I had him…” she said, a bit agitated. “He came from him…” she huffed a bit.
“So… then look at him,” Erica gestured towards the child. “Love on him,” she said easily.
Mercedes shifted Carter slightly against her chest and she grew quiet at her mother’s words. She shifted her weight on her feet, feeling a bit uncomfortable as she averted her gaze from her mother. She looked over at Samuel on the couch for just a second before she looked at the floor. Slowly but surely, she eventually shifted Carter in her arms, turning him around as she held him by his butt now, her hand splayed, supporting his back as well. She lifted her gaze from the floor as she stared at her son.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes again with a head shake once more, when did it get this bad? This was all so very nuts to him; a mother was supposed to love a child and she didn’t even want to hold hers. Sighing softly, he looked away from her as she looked at him, looking elsewhere.
Erica stood there silently as Mercedes looked everywhere but at her own child, her eyes following Mercedes eyes. When Mercedes finally looked at Carter she said, “look at him… he’s so beautiful…” she whispered, stepping forward, placing her hand over Mercedes’ on Carter’s back. “He’s you and he’s Samuel… he’s so perfectly blended and he’s love…” she said softly. “He loves you and he needs for you to love him back; he needs for you to be there for him,” she told Mercedes.
Mercedes stared into Carter’s big gray eyes as they blinked slowly, sleepily, from having just eaten before her eyes began to water at her mother’s words. She bit her lip hard as she took in Carter’s beautiful slightly tanned complexion and little pink lips. His head of hair was beginning to get a bit curly atop of his head and he was indeed beautiful. Slowly but surely Mercedes began to cry and she shifted Carter in her arms, hugging him flush against her chest as she closed her eyes, sniffling hard. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” she cried softly.
Samuel looked back over at Erica as she spoke about their son, who was indeed beautiful. Mercedes got emotional and he felt bad, but he didn’t know how to help her aside from getting her help which he knew he had to.
Erica watched as Mercedes broke down, hugging the boy close and she sighed out looking over to Samuel before she looked back at her daughter. “It’s okay,” she said quietly. “We’re going to get you some help,” she whispered, rubbing Mercedes’ arm now. “It’s going to be okay,” she said softly.
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Tinsel Quotes
Official Website: Tinsel Quotes
  • A life of mere pleasure! A little while, in the spring-time of the senses, in the sunshine of prosperity, in the jubilee of health, it may seem well enough. But how insufficient, how mean, how terrible when age comes, and sorrow, and death! A life of pleasure! What does it look like when these great changes beat against it–when the realities of eternity stream in? It looks like the fragments of a feast, when the sun shines upon the withered garlands, and the tinsel, and the overturned tables, and the dead lees of wine. – Edwin Hubbel Chapin • All great humorists are sad… I cannot help seeing beyond the tinsel of humour, and recognising the pitiful basis of jest – the world is indeed comic, but the joke is on mankind. – H. P. Lovecraft • An Englishman, Irishman and Scotsman were invited to a Christmas party. The Englishman brought a bag of tinsel, the Scotsman brought a bag of holly and they asked the Irishman: “What have you brought?” He said: “I brought a pair of knickers.” They asked: “What has that got to do with Christmas?” He said “They’re Carol’s.” – Frank Carson • And the sun had on a crown Wrought of gilded thistledown, And a scarf of velvet vapor And a raveled rainbow gown; And his tinsel-tangled hair Tossed and lost upon the air Was glossier and flossier Than any anywhere. – James Whitcomb Riley • At Christmas time we couldn’t afford tinsel, so we’d wait till grandpa sneezed. – Rodney Dangerfield
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Tinsel', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_tinsel').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_tinsel img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Christmas can be celebrated in the school room with pine trees, tinsel and reindeers, but there must be no mention of the man whose birthday is being celebrated. One wonders how a teacher would answer if a student asked why it was called Christmas. – Ronald Reagan • Christmas is not in tinsel and lights and outward show. The secret lies in an inner glow. It’s lighting a fire inside the heart. Good will and joy a vital part. It’s higher thought and a greater plan. It’s glorious dream in the soul of man. – Wilferd Peterson • For instance,” said the boy again, “if Christmas trees were people and people were Christmas trees, we’d all be chopped down, put up in the living room, and covered in tinsel, while the trees opened our presents.” “What does that have to do with it?” asked Milo. “Nothing at all,” he answered, “but it’s an interesting possibility, don’t you think? – Norton Juster • Go out of the house to see the moon, and ‘t is mere tinsel; it will not please as when its light shines upon your necessary journey. The beauty that shimmers in the yellow afternoons of October, who could ever clutch it? Go forth to find it, and it is gone: ‘t is only a mirage as you look from the windows of diligence. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • Go out of the house to see the moon, and’t is mere tinsel; it will not please as when its light shines upon your necessary journey. – Ralph Waldo Emerson • God, but life is loneliness, despite all the opiates, despite the shrill tinsel gaiety of “parties” with no purpose, despite the false grinning faces we all wear. And when at last you find someone to whom you feel you can pour out your soul, you stop in shock at the words you utter – they are so rusty, so ugly, so meaningless and feeble from being kept in the small cramped dark inside you so long. Yes, there is joy, fulfillment and companionship – but the loneliness of the soul in its appalling self-consciousness is horrible and overpowering. – Sylvia Plath • How is Christmas regarded today? The legend of Santa Claus, the Christmas tree, the decorations of tinsel and mistletoe, and the giving of gifts all express to us the spirit of the day we celebrate; but the true spirit of Christmas lies much deeper than these. It is found in the life of the Savior, in the principles He taught, in His atoning sacrifice-which become our great heritage. – Howard W. Hunter • I believe the message in the hymn “Rise Up, O Men of God” (Hymns, no. 324) is a plea, a call, a divine invitation for us to rise above the telestial tinsel of our time; to deny ourselves of ungodliness and clothe ourselves in the mantle of holiness; to reach and stretch and grasp for that spiritual direction and sacred empowerment promised to the Lord’s agents, to those charged to act in the name of our Principal, Jesus Christ; and to point the way to salvation and deliverance and peace in a world that finds itself enshrouded in darkness, a world that yearns for spiritual leadership. – Robert L. Millet • I fight against the gluttony of time with so many very amusing weapons with gestures and with three attitudes and with charming phrases; with tears and with tinsel, and with sugar-coated pills, and with platitudes slightly regilded. Yes, and I fight him also with little mirrors wherein gleam confusedly the corruptions of lust, and ruddy loyalty, and a bit of moonshine, and the pure diamond of the heart’s desire, and the opal cloudings of human compromise: but, above all, I fight that ravening dotard with the strength of my own folly. – James Branch Cabell • I knew that I would speak in the language of the vanquished No more durable than old customs, family rituals, Christmas tinsel, and once a year the hilarity of carols. – Czeslaw Milosz • If you choose the liberty and pride and strength of the single soul, and the free fraternization of men, as the purpose which your life is to make manifest then do not sell it for tinsel. Think that your soul is strong and will hold its way; and slowly, through bitter struggle perhaps the strength will grow. – Voltairine de Cleyre • In every Christian’s Heart, there is a cross and a throne, and the Christian is on the throne till he puts himself on the cross; if he refuses the cross, he remains on the throne. Perhaps this is at the bottom of the backsliding and worldliness among Gospel believers today. We want to be saved, but we insist that Christ do all the dying. No cross for us, no dethronement, no dying. We remain king within the little kingdom of man’s soul and wear our tinsel crown with all the pride of a caesar; but we doom ourselves to shadows and weakness and spiritual sterility. – Aiden Wilson Tozer • In our worship of certainty we must distinguish between the sound certainty and the sham, between what is gold and what is tinsel; and then, when certainty is attained, we must remember that it is not the only good; that we can buy it at too high a price; that there is danger in perpetual quiescence as well as in perpetual motion; and that a compromise must be found in a principle of growth. – Benjamin Cardozo • I’ve developed a way to separate myself from me being me, to me being the character. I can separate watching me, Tinsel Korey, from watching Emily – Tinsel Korey • I’ve sold shoes, hawked newspapers, jerked sodas, gazed rapturously at the tinsel dream at the end of a runway from my usher’s aisle in a burley-cue, drove a truck – then because I didn’t like being pushed around, started pushing a pencil around. – Burne Hogarth • Life would be no better than candlelight tinsel and daylight rubbish if our spirits were not touched by what has been. – George Eliot • Obstinate are the trammels, but my heart aches when I try to break them. Freedom is all I want, but to hope for it I feel ashamed. I am certain that priceless wealth is in thee, and that thou art my best friend, but I have not the heart to sweep away the tinsel that fills my room. The shroud that covers me is a shroud of dust and death; I hate it, yet hug it in love. My debts are large, my failures great, my shame secret and heavy; yet when I come to ask for my good, I quake in fear lest my prayer be granted. – Rabindranath Tagore • Oh, heart, let’s never grow too old To smile anew, when Christmas comes, At tassels red and tinsel thread, And tarlatan bags f sugarplums. – Nancy Byrd Turner • Oho, now I know what you are. You are an advocate of Useful Knowledge…. Well, allow me to introduce myself to you as an advocate of Ornamental Knowledge. You like the mind to be a neat machine, equipped to work efficiently, if narrowly, and with no extra bits or useless parts. I like the mind to be a dustbin of scraps of brilliant fabric, odd gems, worthless but fascinating curiosities, tinsel, quaint bits of carving, and a reasonable amount of healthy dirt. Shake the machine and it goes out of order; shake the dustbin and it adjusts itself beautifully to its new position. – Robertson Davies • Popularity – a piece of faded tinsel, that is out of date. – Victor Hugo • She’s not my type,’ Carter says. ‘So what is your type?’ ‘Tall, skinny, black hair, blue eyes, freckly nose. Blue tinsel wig and snowflakes optional.’ ‘Skinny?’ I squeal. ‘Definitely. Pretending to be shy, sensible and stand-offish when really you’re mad about me.’ ‘You sure about that?’ ‘No, but I’m hoping. – Cathy Cassidy • Silent night, holy night, when the bough flies from the tree and is hung everywhere, when from tables the crusts fly, when the gifts begin to tremble because lovelessness walks through the world, because it snarls at you, barks at you from the snow, and the silver ribbons rip and the tinsel rustles silvery, and the silver and gold, and a golden word come to you on which you choke because you have been sold and betrayed, and because it does not suffice that for you one is redeemed who once died. – Ingeborg Bachmann • someone had tried to warn me of the kind of catastrophe that is likely to occur when you involve yourself too closely in one of those destinies that is ringed around by the transient tinsel of human applause. – Mary Deasy • Strip away the phony tinsel of Hollywood and you’ll find the real tinsel underneath. – Oscar Levant • The ribbons! The wrappings! The tags! And the tinsel! The trimmings! The trappings! – Dr. Seuss • There is a frantic race to merchandise tinsel and trash under the guise of ‘modernism.’ – Raymond Loewy • This barren verbiage, current among men, Light coin, the tinsel clink of compliment. – Alfred Lord Tennyson • Thought is a garment and the soul’s a bride That cannot in that trash and tinsel hide: Hatred of God may bring the soul to God. – William Butler Yeats • Time, which runs through the world like an endless tinsel thread, seemed to pass through the centre of this room and through the centre of these people and suddenly to pause and petrify, stiff, still and glittering… and the objects in the room drew a little closer together. – Robert Musil • Tinsel in February, tinsel in August. There are things in a man besides his reason. – Wallace Stevens • Tinsel is really snakes’ mirrors. – Steven Wright • Titles are tinsel, power a corrupter, glorya bubble, and excessive wealth a libel on its possessor. – Percy Bysshe Shelley • Unfortunately, the headlights of the car were bright enough for them to see Mae’s outfit quite clearly. “Oh my God,” said Nick, and shut his eyes. Jamie gave a small, nervous laugh. “What?” Mae demanded. “Alan told us that we were supposed to dress as we truly are!” “And you felt that what you truly are is a Christmas tree with too much tinsel.” Nick grinned. “Huh. – Sarah Rees Brennan • We expect too much at Christmas. It’s got to be magical. It’s got to go right. Feasting. Fun. The perfect present. All that anticipation. Take it easy. Love’s the thing. The rest is tinsel. – Pam Brown • You couldn’t make yourself stop feeling a certain way, no matter what the other person did. You had to just wait. Eventually the feeling went away because others came along. Or sometimes it didn’t go away but got squeezed into something tiny, and hung like a piece of tinsel in the back of your mind. – Elizabeth Strout
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0 notes
monsterboysrp · 7 years
// okay, today’s the day. I’m dropping a handful of threads I have been waiting on replies for, with the exception of the ones whose mun I managed to talk to after posting about it last week.
2 with @thefandomdesires​:
Billy/Chase (jan 24) DROPPED
Scott/Ethan (jan 25) DROPPED
1 with @lonelyheartedboys​:
Arges/Aiden (jan 25) DROPPED
1 with @your-lonely-witches​:
Leo/Graves (feb 10) DROPPED
8 with @seanrps​: (discussed OOC)
Isaac/Sterling (feb 14)
Leo/Elijah (feb 14)
Arges/Julius  (feb 14)
Roman/Azari (feb 15)
Percival/Parker (feb 15)
Cyrus/Jesus (feb 15)
Lysander/Travis (feb 15)
Dorian/Remy (feb 15)
1 with @breedables:  (mun seems to be on hiatus)
Riley/Kevin (feb 19)
1 with @slvtscentral​: (mun seems to be on semi hiatus)
Indra/Parker (feb 21)
1 with @gayslutsrp​: (liked the post)
Carter/Jace (feb 23)
that said this is not a comprehensive list of threads i have going right now, that is on my thread tracker
0 notes
teacupcedes · 5 years
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Sunday, March 22, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Mercedes comes home from a little grocery shopping, having left Carter with Samuel for an hour or so. Samuel gave Mercedes money to deposit into their account and a spat arose between the two.
Mercedes moved through the front door, holding a few bags from the store and her purse on her shoulder. She huffed softly as she moved for the kitchen and sat the bags on the counter. Licking her lips, she called out, “baby, I’m back,” to Samuel. She had only been gone for an hour and thirty minutes as she promised. She had deposited the money Samuel asked her to and did a little grocery shopping. It felt good to actually get out of the house too. She had been in the hospital, then holed up in the house with Carter for the last few days. She loved it, of course she did, but a little fresh air and sunlight did her good.
Samuel was in their bed; the TV was on watching him at this point in time as he laid there on his back. His eyes were closed, hair in a bun and a sleeping Carter rested on his side nuzzled near Samuel’s chest. Samuel’s hand rested on the baby gently and he released a snore softly as they slept together. Somewhere in Carter’s room were two dirty diapers filled with so many wipes they wouldn’t close. Samuel had to change his shirt twice from the boy throwing up and those rested on the ground next to the bed. He didn’t even bother putting another back on. Carter was laying with him with just a diaper on and nothing more and there were empty bottles cascading the bed.
Mercedes slowly but surely began to unpack the groceries, putting them up as she listened intently to the silence in the apartment. It was quiet. Too quiet. As she finished putting up all of the groceries, she washed and dried her hands before she moved to investigate. She moved out into the living room, looking around slowly. Nothing out of the normal there. She then moved for Carter’s nursery, her face scrunching immediately at the sight of the dirty diapers. “What in the world…” she mumbled to herself as she collected them both, forcing them closed as best she could before she threw them in the diaper trash can in the room. She then moved to crack the window, letting the room air out some. She shook her head as she moved into the bathroom, washing her hands again. Carter hadn’t been in his crib, so he had to be in the bedroom with Samuel. Licking her lips, she dried her hands, pumping a bit of lotion into them and rubbing it in as he moved for their bedroom. She entered slowly, eying Samuel and Carter asleep in the bed. She knew Carter had to be freezing as he was laying there tucked under Samuel’s arm in nothing but a diaper. Sighing softly, Mercedes ran her hand down her face before she collected the bottles from the bed. “Sam…”
Samuel grumbled in his sleep and he subconsciously caressed their son’s stomach as they both slept. As Mercedes walked into the room and called his name, he woke up immediately looking down at their still sleeping son. “I’m up,” he told her as he shifted to get up, sitting upright in the bed a little mindful of Carter.
Mercedes held two of the bottles in one hand as she looked at her fiancé and she said, “why doesn’t he have on any clothes baby, he can get sick and he’s too new to be getting sick,” she said in a motherly tone. “Also, the diapers?” she asked him confused.
Samuel looked at her and he blinked rapidly before he said, “he threw up twice, he kept messing up our clothes,” defensively. “I turned the air up a little so he wouldn’t be cold and there’s a blanket right here,” he told her. “He was hungry and fussy, and he had shit everywhere,” he told her.
Mercedes sighed out as she moved to set the bottles down on the nightstand. “Baby, he needs to be clothed,” she told him softly as she eyed the blanket that wasn’t even covering the baby. “Here,” she said as she moved around the bed, reaching for the sleeping child. “You didn’t want to throw the diapers away?”
Samuel looked at her and he looked away. “Understood,” he said to her patiently, he was trying not to get annoyed, she was Carter’s mother after all. “I guess not,” he said as he pursed his lips.
Lifting Carter out of the bed, Mercedes gently laid him against her shoulder, rubbing his back softly. She gazed at her Samuel before she turned and moved out of the room with their son. She walked him into the nursery, laying him down on the changing table and lifting the guard rails as a precaution before she moved around the room, grabbing him something to wear. She pulled out a long sleeve pants onesie and a pair of mittens, quickly moving back towards him. She lowered the railing, working quickly but gently to dress him in his sleep state. Once he was clothed, she lifted him back over her shoulder, kissing his plump cheek softly. “You have a nice time with daddy?” she whispered softly as she bounced around the room some, still rubbing Carter’s back. After a moment, she laid him down in his crib.
As she walked away Samuel shifted out of the bed and he picked up his dirty shirts moving to put them in their hamper filled with dirty clothes. He grabbed another shirt, putting it on and he moved to grab the kids bottles. He took them into the kitchen and unscrewed them before he began to rinse them of the contents that remained in them.
Mercedes pressed a tender kiss to Carter’s forehead before she made sure his crib was secure. Turning on the monitor and grabbing her own, she moved into the kitchen where she heard Samuel. She sat the monitor down and leaned against the counter, watching him quietly.
Samuel began to wash the bottles now, using streaming hot water as he used some bottle cleaner that she had gotten. He used their bristled brush and stuck it inside, swirling it around the bottle before he rinsed it and repeated the task. He felt her eyes on him, but he ignored them as he continued to clean the bottles and rested them on the drying mat she bought specifically for his bottles, on the counter.
Watching Samuel, Mercedes bit her lip and she walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his midsection as she pressed up against his back. She inhaled his scent and let out a content sigh. “So…” she began sweetly. “Outside of exploding diapers and being thrown up on, how was your father, son hour?” she asked him.
“Okay, I guess,” Samuel replied back to her as he washed another bottle and he rinsed it, placing it on the mat as well before he turned the water off. He stuck the brush back into its holder on the sink before he dried his hands.
Mercedes rested her head on Samuel’s back, clutching him lovingly, her hands on his abs. “Just okay?” she asked him softly.
“Yeah, I mean he’s a baby,” Samuel said to her as he wiped the counter down from where he split a little breast milk earlier.
Sighing once more, Mercedes nodded and she said, “that he is,” as she walked out of the kitchen. She moved into their bathroom, pulling her hair up into a bun before she moved into the bedroom and began to undress.
Samuel placed the cloth in the sink before he moved to walk out of the kitchen, he moved into Carter nursery quietly. He thought that she had the other monitor and would hear him, he made sure he put whatever he ‘messed up’ back neatly before he took the trash out of Carter’s can. When he did, he tied it off to sat it aside before he placed another one of his bags in and left his room with the trash. Samuel fixed his messy bun with one hand tucking hair away and he walked out of the condo and tossed the trash down the shoot at the end of the hallway before he moved back into their space, bare foot.
Mercedes pulled her shirt off, tossing it into the hamper before she adjusted her maternity bra a bit. Taking off her jeans, she tossed them into the hamper too before she walked over to the drawer, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Truthfully, she didn’t look bad. She had a bit of extra stomach pudge but that was all. It wasn’t terrible like she saw some women. She was only a few days postpartum and basically looked how she did before pregnancy, give or take a stretch mark or two and that extra stomach pudge. She placed her hand against her lower stomach longingly, actually missing her belly a bit.
Samuel moved into their room looking over at Mercedes, he didn’t touch whatever she was going through. Instead he minded his own business. Women had a way about things and he knew from experience to just not speak unless spoken to. He moved to sit down on their bed and he grabbed the remote changing the station.
As Samuel entered the room, Mercedes quickly turned away from the mirror, tucking a loose piece of hair that had fallen from her bun behind her ear. She continued to the dresser, opening up a drawer and pulling out a pair of short-shorts. She stepped into them quickly before she opened one of Samuel’s drawers, pulling on one of his t-shirts. It drowned her. She let out a hum as she looked around for the baby monitor now. She glanced around the room before she walked into the bathroom, not seeing it there either. She bit her lip as she quickly moved out of the room and into the kitchen, snatching it up off the counter. She attached it to her hip protectively before she moved back into the bedroom with Samuel, grabbing a baby book off the nightstand as she climbed into bed. It was mid-day but she was exhausted.
Samuel watched her as she put clothes on and began to walk around the room cluelessly, he looked to her oddly before he looked back at the TV. Samuel licked his lips before he got up when she settled and moved into his sock drawer. “Dallas came and brought me this after you left,” he said easily tossing her ten-thousand dollars. He sat back on the bed and looked at the TV again biting his nails.
Mercedes looked at the money as it landed on the bed and she picked it up with pursed lips as she fanned through it. “And what the hell did Dallas do to get all of this money?” she asked him as she tossed it back to her boyfriend as he sat down. “We don’t need his drug money,” she said knowingly. “We’re fine…” she shook her head before she mumbled to herself as she flipped the book open, “crazy… what kind of example does that set for Carter?” she shook her head more.
Samuel looked back at her as the money dropped down beside him, he picked it back up and tossed to her. “That is my money, he owed me,” he told her with a raised brow. “You don’t know anything about some drugs and Dallas. Don’t be talkin’ like that,” he said angrily to her as he turned back around to the TV. “Carter is a baby anyway; he doesn’t know what’s buying his damn pampers…” he said lowly.
Mercedes looked at Samuel with an arched eyebrow as he tossed the money back at her. She looked at it, “he owed you?” she asked him. “It’s drug money regardless and you know that,” she said to him as he got angry with her. She looked him up and down and said, “I’m not depositing this and you shouldn’t want to,” she told him as she tossed it back. “He needs good examples of men in his life,” she said to Samuel, “a drug dealer? Not a good example,” she said, shaking her head. “You brought home money yesterday and didn’t have to sell a single drug to do it, you worked hard for it, you didn’t take the easy way out,” she said, “that is what Carter needs to see,” she said with a huff.
Samuel looked to her and picked the money back up. He stood to his feet and gazed at her angrily. She was all off base and she didn’t even know it. He didn’t care how he got money. He got it because they needed it. To survive, to provide for Carter. Their son would grow up to need money for a multitude of things, especially college, he would be better than Sam. Sam would stop at nothing to make that happen. “You are talking out of your ass right now Mercedes,” he said bitterly. “This is my money,” he voiced loudly, “I need to provide for my son!” he argued. “I don’t care how he got the money; this is mine now,” he repeated, “and Carter won’t want for anything all because you want to be judgmental. Carter can be whatever the fuck he wants to be but not if he has a worthless as sorry-ass, stupid-ass, broke-ass father!” he yelled harshly. “I’ll deposit the shit my fucking self,” he said as he walked away from her.
Mercedes looked at Samuel, shocked by how upset he had become and she blinked slowly, listening to him as he yelled at her. She flinched a little from the harshness and the validity of his words. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t care how Dallas got the money. Did he not care about the way it could affect their son? If Carter grew up to know that Dallas sold drugs, he might think he could do the same, especially if Samuel condoned it. Accepted it for what it was. At his final harsh yell, Carter began screaming and crying in his crib and Mercedes jumped out of the bed quickly as she rushed to him. She moved into his nursery, dropping the railing and hoisting him up. She cradled him in her arms and bounced him lovingly. “It’s okay baby,” she whispered, “it’s okay, it’s okay,” she repeated over and over again as she tried to sooth him.
Samuel watched as she ran off to their son and he moved to place the money he had in his backpack. Whenever he tried to do right, people always found something wrong with it. He licked his lips as he lowered himself on the couch hearing Carter cry. That upset him most of all, that and the way she flinched when he yelled. He ran his hands over his face as he gazed out the window beside him.
“My sweet boy,” Mercedes breathed out quietly. “It’s okay baby,” she said kissing his forehead now, still trying to calm him. She laid him over her shoulder, rubbing his back and patting his bottom now. “Carter,” she said softly as he wailed. She moved to sit down in the rocking chair in his room and began to rock with him. She rubbed his back in soothing circles as he cried loudly.
Samuel continued to listen to Carter screaming and crying though he knew his mother had him. He didn’t move for a long while before he figured he needed to comfort the child himself. Samuel picked himself up off the couch and he moved towards his room, looking at her he reached out for the boy. Samuel hoisted him up and placed him over his shoulder, pecking his cheek and he said, “shh baby,” softly to the baby. “Everything is fine,” he said as he rubbed his back as he walked out the room with a sigh.
Mercedes tried her hardest to sooth Carter, racking her brain trying to think of something. She had sung to him every now and again when he was in her belly and that calmed him down. She wondered if it would do the trick now. “Here comes the sun, doo-dun doo-doo,” she began to sing The Beatles song. “Here comes the sun, and I say, it's all right, little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter, little darling, it feels like years since it's been here…” she trailed off as Samuel walked in taking Carter from her. She sighed out as she stopped singing, watching him walk out with Carter.
Samuel kissed his son’s cheek once more as he began to quiet down some now, he bounced him subtly in his arms. He continued to rub his back as he moved into the living room with him. “I love you,” he told the kid softly. “I’ll do anything for you and no one will ever stop me from doing what I have to do for you,” he said.
Mercedes sat there, listening closely as Carter began to quiet down and she deflated a bit. Why couldn’t she get him to calm down? Licking her lips slowly, Mercedes stood up and she tip-toed into the living room, peering at Samuel and Carter discretely before she moved back into their bedroom and she plopped down on the bed.
Samuel sat down on the couch with his son, looking to see if he were asleep. His eyes were closed and he was quiet so he only assumed he was as he continued to rub his back gently. Thankfully, he was obviously doing something right.
Mercedes sat there, feeling so defeated before she crawled up the bed and curled up on her side. She didn’t understand why Carter wouldn’t calm down for her or why Samuel was so upset with her for her feelings about Dallas and drugs and even the influence on Carter. Sighing out, tears began to fill her eyes and she sniffled softly.
After a while, Samuel moved to stand with Carter and he walked into his room placing him back into his bed comfortably. He placed a little blanket over him, closed his window, looked to his monitor and then walked out again. He made sure he stayed in the living room, away from her. He wasn’t really upset but he was annoyed and didn’t want another argument to happen.
Mercedes could hear Samuel placing Carter back into his crib over the monitor and she sniffled harder as she cried, more tears rolling down her face, falling into the pillow. Taking the monitor off her hip, she sat it on the nightstand carefully before she slid under the covers and pulled them over her head, crying herself to sleep.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
The New Normal
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Mercedes Jones, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, March 21, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Samuel comes home after a run out with Dallas. Mercedes feeds Carter for only the second time that day and cooks Samuel an early dinner. 
Mercedes rested in the nursery sitting in the rocking chair watching Carter as he slept. She knew that she was supposed to sleep when he slept but she couldn’t help it. He was just too perfect. Too precious. Too fragile. She wanted to watch over him day and night and right now it just so happened to be day, around noon. She should definitely be napping because he had kept her up all night but she just couldn’t. Her mind was always running a mile a minute thinking about him.
Samuel moved into the house and he dropped his backpack down by the door, it was quiet, too quiet. That meant Carter was most likely sleeping and so was Mercedes. He opened his backpack discreetly and pulled out a wad of cash before he zipped it back and moved his backpack to his hiding place. He had only been out for an hour or so, no more than that. He had to cater her, and their son now as well, his other occupations had to wait. Until night fell or she wasn’t noticing. He began to count the cash slowly to himself, anything to ensure their son had what he needed, he’d do anything. He moved to the kitchen counter, placing the cash there in stacks as he counted.
Mercedes heard the front door open and close and she lifted her head slightly. Who was coming into the house? She hadn’t heard Samuel leave. Slowly, Mercedes pulled herself out of the chair and she walked over to the crib, reaching in to gently and carefully stoke Carter’s three-day-old cheek. She let out a content hum as his lips parted slightly and she swooned before she moved out of his room after turning on his baby monitor and picking up her monitor. She attached it to the waistband of her yoga pants and moved to where she heard Samuel, the kitchen. She padded into the kitchen quietly only to stop short, seeing him counting money. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit and she bit her lip. Maybe that’s why he left, maybe his dad had given him some money. Shrugging it off, she quietly moved for the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bottle of water out. “I didn’t know you left,” she finally said.
Samuel continued to count slowly; he had managed to make nearly 4 thousand dollars today which wasn’t bad. He hadn’t sold much in the last 2 days and he wanted to make sure he kept on top of things. He licked his thumb and kept counting, double checking behind himself before he heard the fridge and shot his head up. “Huh?” he said, she had managed to scare him to death as she stood there. “I–” he said taking a deep breath “I had to do some quick work,” he told her as she placed a rubber band around the money and ran his hands through his hair.
Mercedes uncapped the water bottle and took a sip as she eyed Samuel. She drank down some water and nodded slowly. “Oh okay,” she said with another nod before she sat the bottle on the counter and said, “he’s been sleeping all day,” as he walked up to him wrapping her arms around him. She rested her head on his chest and sighed out.
As she brushed it off, Samuel high-fived himself internally and he chuckled. “I hear that’s what babies do,” he joked lightly taking away from his own suspicion. Samuel hugged her to his chest, before he said, “I’m hungry,” and he pulled away from her to find something to eat, leaving the money on the counter.
Mercedes chuckled softly and she said, “I know,” with another sigh. “He’s only fed once,” she said softly. “I don’t know if I would wake him and feed him or just let him be,” she admitted as Samuel said he was hungrily himself. She smirked and said, “there’s leftovers in the red container.” Looking at the money on the counter, Mercedes eyed it before she turned to Samuel. “Exactly what work did you do today?” she asked him, seeing the stack just sitting like that making her wonder. “They just paid you on the spot in cash?” she asked him picking up the stack.
Samuel grabbed the leftovers nodding his head. “Great,” he told her as he warmed it up a little in their microwave. He grabbed himself a fork and looked at her. “Uh,” he said, “yeah, I worked on someone’s car, under the table,” he lied. “They just paid me uh… what it would have cost them… anyway,” he said to her, “you should probably go put that up to deposit later,” he informed to her.
Mercedes eyed the money a bit more before she looked at Samuel as he stood there and she nodded slowly. “Oh, okay…” she said going along, though something in her gut just didn’t feel right. “I’ll deposit it tomorrow when I go out, I have to go to the store,” she told him truthfully as she leaned against the counter some. She sat the money back down and sighed out. “Uh, what did you want for dinner tonight?” she asked him.
Samuel looked at her, nodding his head gently at her as he grabbed the food out of the microwave when it stopped. He began to eat the leftovers and he nodded again as she explained she had to go out tomorrow. “Um, whatever you want to make babe,” he told her honestly as he moved to lean against the counter scarfing down some more food.
Mercedes bit her lip as she said, “I don’t want to take him out just yet, can you stay here with him while I go out tomorrow?” she asked. “I won’t be long. Just an hour or two,” she told him. “I don’t want to be exposed to too many germs right now,” she told her fiancé, worried that their son could get sick. At his words, she nodded and moved for the fridge herself, “uh,” she said looking at their options. “I can make spaghetti,” she said thoughtfully, “with home-made garlic bread.”
Samuel nodded his head, continuing to eat hungrily as she explained what she needed from him tomorrow. “Okay,” he said easily, that was no problem their son slept for the most part. “I can do that babe,” he told her, swallowing hard and chewing more food that he had shoved in his mouth hungrily. “Sounds good,” he said tilting the bowl towards his mouth and pushing the food into it with his fork before he licked his lips and sat the bowl in the sink. “You should wake him up and feed him first. I’ll watch him while you cook,” he told her.
Mercedes listened to Samuel and she nodded slowly. “Thank you, baby,” she said sweetly as she moved for him, pressing a kiss to his beard. She let out a hum, watching him devour the leftovers from the other night and she knew she needed to hop on dinner soon. He was clearly hungry. “Are you sure baby? It won’t take me long to whip up spaghetti for you,” she said sweetly before she looked down at the monitor on her hip, hearing Carter gurgle and moan a little in his sleep.
Samuel looked at her, “yeah, he has to eat,” he said to her with a shrug. “Plus, that food will hold me over for a bit I am sure,” he commented easily as he moved to sit down on the couch, turning the TV on and his gaming system.
Taking in Samuel’s words, Mercedes bit her lip. “You’re right,” she said softly. “Okay baby,” she said as she picked the money back up off the counter, making a mental note to deposit it tomorrow. She then walked into the bedroom and placed it in her purse before she went and washed her hands. She moved into Carter’s nursery and she smiled softly as she looked down at her son. Carefully she pushed down the side of the crib before she lifted Carter into her arms, her hand on his back and neck, holding him to her chest. Carter mushed his sleeping face into her chest as she held him and Mercedes’ heart fluttered. She grabbed a blanket and moved out into the living room with Samuel. She sat down and got comfortable before she laid the blanket down in her lap and adjusted Carter.
Samuel looked to her with a smile as he geared up a game, he rested his feet on the coffee table and he watched Mercedes as they returned with their son. She sat beside him and he began to play GTA turning the volume down on the TV so that it didn’t upset their son as he began a mission focusing all his attention on it.
Mercedes laid Carter down in her lap long enough to adjust her clothing so that she could properly feed him. She lifted one side of her shirt, taking it off that shoulder in general. With that done, she placed her hand on his little belly, rubbing him there sweetly, trying to sooth him into waking up enough to be able to properly latch. Carter’s little mouth opened and closed and he let out a gurgle before he opened his eyes once, then twice, blinking hard. Mercedes watched his little eyes flutter and she smiled as she pulled her bra cup down and lifted him into her arms. She held her breast in her hand as she helped him latch before she cradled him in her arms as he suckled from her in his sleepy state. She gently patted his little diaper clad butt as she watched the TV as Samuel played.
Samuel looked over at Carter and he smiled at him widely, his son was really a sight to see he was so adorable. He made him feel all mushy inside and he didn’t know how to feel about that. As he opened his eyes and he looked at his grey orbs smirking at that. He looked like the perfect mixture of the two of them, he couldn’t be more perfect in Samuel’s mind. As she popped her boob out to feed him, he watched their son latch on and he smirked at that turning his head back to the game.
Mercedes glanced at Samuel, a small smile on her face as she watched him, watch their son. She smirked softly, looking down at Carter as his little pink lips suckled nutrients from her. She looked back at the TV saying, “I didn’t pump at all day,” as she thought about it. Now that she was feeding her son again it had hit her. She looked down at Carter again before back at the TV and she shifted slightly, her arms holding him close. “Baby, can you go grab my pump?” she asked him softly.
Samuel tried to conquer the difficult mission and he looked to her nodding his head. “Sure” he said as she paused the game and sat the controller down. Samuel moved into Carter’s bedroom and he grabbed the pumping equipment stored in its own little bag. He carried it back into the living room for her, sitting it on the table. He opened the bag and looked at her expectantly.
Mercedes patted Carter’s butt softly and his little hand came to rest near his face as he drank from her. As Samuel returned with her pumping equipment, she smiled at him, “could you help me set it up?” she asked him, holding Carter with both of her arms, making sure he was properly supported.
Samuel nodded his head before he said, “yeah if you show me again,” easily to her. She had shown him once but Sam wasn’t actually retaining the information to be capable of repeating it. He needed to have gotten the job done for the moment.
Nodding, Mercedes said, “take out the bottle part,” she began to explain, “and you just screw that other part with the handle into it,” she told him simply. Licking her lips, Mercedes looked back down at Carter as he wiggled in her arms a bit as she continued to pat his butt as he drank still, his eyes closed now.
Samuel nodded his head as he did what she told him to do, this time he would remember. He screwed the handle piece onto a bottle piece and handed it to her, easy. “Gonna do that now?” he asked her grabbing the controller once more.
Mercedes watched as Samuel put the pump together easily and she smiled. She shifted Carter just slightly as she took the pump and laid it in her lap. “Yeah, I need to, he only fed one other time today and I am producing a lot of milk,” she explained, “I’m not hurting thank goodness but I can feel that I need to release pressure,” she said as she adjusted her shirt more and pulled her bra cup down on that side. She hadn’t even realized she was leaking. Sighing to herself, she brought the pump up and placed it over her breast, making sure it was lined up right as she began to pump the lever. She looked back down at Carter as she did so.
Samuel nodded his head at her as he began to play the game once more, looking over at her as she balanced feeding their son and pumping at the same time. She was an everyday superwoman; she could do anything. He moved his eyes back to the TV screen and put his feet back on their coffee table as he resumed the mission once more. “He was hungry,” he said to her biting his lip as he aimed to shoot the man in the car.
Pumping the lever, Mercedes looked at how much milk she was producing, and she bit her lip. It amazed her. She had read that some women didn’t produce much milk or really any at all after giving birth and it was a bit shocking to her truthfully. She knew some women prefer formula over breastfeeding, but she had no idea that was a reason why for some women. Looking at Samuel at his words, she looked back at Carter, and she chuckled. “Like his daddy,” she said sweetly as she continued to pump the lever. Carter suckled still, his eyes closed as he drunk and drunk from Mercedes hungrily.
Samuel smirked at her comment before he focused on the game again and he shot the dude off the motorcycle before he moved to the next part of the mission. He sat up a little now as the intensity drove him to get far more serious, he leaned into the TV a little more though there was still much distance between them.
Looking to the TV as Samuel played the game, Mercedes watched silently. She pumped away until Carter finally stopped feeding from her and she pulled the pump away from her breast, just letting it leak now as she shifted Carter in her arms. She rested his tired body against her shoulder and rubbed his back sweetly, letting him digest a little and catch his breath before she tried to burp him.
Samuel stuck his tongue out of his mouth as he continued to play the game, if he didn’t beat this level, he’d pull the TV out of the wall because honestly, he’d been at it for days. He didn’t know why GTA was so difficult, but this level seemed to be the worst one yet and it was starting to work his nerves as his fingers worked fast against the PS controller.
Looking to the TV as she rubbed Carter’s back, Mercedes watched as Samuel focused. She smirked slightly, the corners of her lips twitching up before she began whispering to Carter, “you full my sweet boy?” she asked him with a hum as she continued to rub his back. She slowly pulled him away from her shoulder, looking at him as his eyes fluttered tiredly and she chuckled as she sat him in her lap, holding him upright with one hand as she began to pat his back with the other. She paused for a moment, reaching into his pump bag and pulling out a bib just in case. She placed it on him before she resumed patting his back, trying to get him to burp. “Burp for mama,” she said softly as she gazed at him.
Samuel nostril flared a bit, the game was cheating no doubt. He continued however trying to get to the end of the mission. He heard Mercedes but he couldn’t look back just yet he had to continue to fight against the elements of the game. As she spoke again, he bit down on his bottom lip as he continued to fire off the gun and when his player died, he rolled his eyes falling back annoyed by that. He looked at his son and shook his head, “he’s milk wasted,” he told her.
Mercedes looked between Carter and the TV as Samuel tried to beat the mission. She dropped her eyes back to Carter and at Samuel’s words and she chuckled. “The best kind of wasted,” she giggled as she continued to pat his back despite the fact that he was indeed falling right back asleep. “Uh, uh,” she said as she laid him over her shoulder once more, patting his back still. “Gotta burp baby boy,” she hummed out sweetly. Carter finally released a burp and she smiled, still rubbing his back and patting a little. “Give me one more,” she said to him.
Samuel watched their son as he fell back asleep and when she repositioned him again, he looked back to the TV sighing. He sat the controller aside, “that’s my boy” he said happily as he looked back at the boy again. “Can I try?” he asked Mercedes gently.
Mercedes looked over at Samuel at his question and she smiled at him. “Of course,” she said sweetly as she shifted Carter, holding him in her lap for a moment to gaze at him before she carefully held Carter out for Samuel. “You just lay him over your shoulder or sit him in your lap and pat his back, not too gentle that it won’t do anything but not too hard that you hurt him either,” she said sweetly.
Samuel nodded his head and he held their son and he placed the baby over his shoulder like she had and he patted his back gently, firm but not too hard making sure he actually got the job done. He licked his lips as he waited to see if the boy would actually burp for him.
Mercedes watched as Samuel laid Carter over his shoulder and she smiled as she finally took the time to grab a wipe and clean herself up a bit before she continued to pump. She watched as Samuel patted Carter’s back and Carter let out another burp, throwing up a little as he did, right over Samuel’s shoulder. Mercedes bit her lip softly, wincing as he watched the little bit of throw up roll down Samuel’s back. “Baby,” she said softly as she reached for a towel.
Samuel continued to pat the baby’s back and when he heard another burp he smirked, he actually managed to do it. Go him. He didn’t actually suck at being a dad at all. As she called him, he said, “huh,” to her, still patting their son’s back as he shifted, feeling something on his back and he asked, “did this kid throw up on me?” curiously.
Mercedes nibbled her lip as she said, “he did,” with a small giggle. “Lean up some,” she said as she wiped his back as best she could, her other hand still pumping the lever. She looked at Carter as he laid against Samuel’s shoulder, eyes closed fully now, he was definitely asleep. “And he’s asleep,” she told Samuel with a chuckle.
Samuel sighed heavily as she confirmed that the child had thrown up on him, he shook her head. “Your bad butt,” he chuckled at Carter gently as he shifted around so that Mercedes could wipe his back clean.
Chuckling a bit more, Mercedes made sure Samuel’s back was as clean as she could get it before she sat the towel on the coffee table. She finished pumping, finally, and sat the bottle on the coffee table as well before she fixed her bra cups and pulled her shirt back on properly. “Do you want me to lay him back down or do you want to continue to hold him?” She asked sweetly as she stood from the couch, picking up the pump and she took off the pumping top and replaced it with a regular top as she moved to place it in the fridge in the kitchen. Returning, she began to clean up the area a bit.
“I want to hold him,” Samuel said to her easily as she began to clean up her things from pumping. He shifted Carter to rest on his chest now and he rubbed the little boys back and gently caressed his plump cheeks before he pecked him through his head of hair. Picking up the controller he began to play the mission once more, placing his feet back up and he comfortably sunk down in his seat and began to play again.
Mercedes smiled at Samuel and she nodded, watching as he rested comfortable with their son on his broad chest. The sight made her heart skip a beat and she swooned for a moment before pulling herself together. She finished cleaning up and she walked the pumping bag into the kitchen, quickly washing out the pump before she dried it and placed it back into the bag with two other bottles. She took the bag and placed it back in the nursery where it belonged. Returning to the kitchen, Mercedes yawned now as she washed her hands before she began to prepare their dinner.
Samuel watched her walk away after cleaning and he pecked Carter’s head again. “You did not have to throw up on daddy like that you know,” he whispered as his eyes stayed on the screen. “Oh, come on,” he told the screen with a head shake as he pressed through the level. “Can’t throw up on daddy next time,” he reminded the little boy as his fingers worked, his hands resting on his lower stomach gently.
Mercedes took her time prepping the sauce and getting the water boiling for the simple meal. She also worked to make the home-made garlic bread. In all it took her 35 minutes before she called out, “dinner is ready,” to Samuel. She made him a plate, sitting it on the table for him before she made her own. She then quickly began to place the rest of the food into a container, letting it sit on the counter to cool for now.
Samuel rested with Carter, his breath shallow as the game continued to play in the background. He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but the controller was still in his hand, and the newborn baby was shuffling against his chest sleep as well. He didn’t hear Mercedes call out for him as he let out a snore into the living room.
Mercedes listened for a response from Samuel and when she didn’t get one, she walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands off on a towel. She turned the corner and saw Carter laying on his back on Samuel’s chest with no support and she quickly moved over to them, tossing the towel over her shoulder before she picked up Carter from Samuel’s chest carefully. She laid their son over her shoulder, her hand on his back, holding him in place as she leaned down, rubbing Samuel’s chest with a shake of her head.
Samuel continued to sleep silently, he felt something against his chest and his eyes shot open as he remembered their son subconsciously. Looking up to Mercedes seeing that she had him, he groaned out as he shifted, placing the controller aside. Samuel rubbed his eyes gently and eyes fell closed tiredly, as if to fall back asleep before he sat upright, he opened his eyes again moving to stand up.
Mercedes held Carter over her shoulder, rubbing his back lovingly as she watched Samuel. She stopped rubbing his chest as he opened his eyes and she smirked slightly. “Nice nap?” she asked him as she bounced Carter a bit, patting his butt now. “Dinner is ready baby,” she said, “I made you a plate,” she added as she moved to walk away, going to lay Carter down in his crib.
Samuel looked to her stretching his long body and he nodded his head at her words. At her words, he nodded and rubbed his flat stomach. “Okay,” he breathed as she moved to leave with Carter. Samuel washed his hands in the kitchen before he sat down at the bar and began to eat the food that she prepared for them.
Laying Carter down, Mercedes secured his crib back in place and made sure it was locked before double checking both of the baby monitors, the one in his room and the one on her hip, before she walked out, turning off the light. She entered the kitchen and washed her hands before she sat down beside Samuel and began to eat her food with a hum. “Did you see your dad or Dallas today?
Samuel forked spaghetti in his mouth, when she surfaced again, he said, “this is good,” to her kindly. At her question he shook his head lying, he’d seen his brother earlier when they were out making rounds but he’d have to explain too much if he told her that. “Why?” he asked shoving a forkful into his mouth again.
“I’m glad you like it,” Mercedes said sweetly as she ate more food herself. “Just curious,” she said softly. “They hasn’t been by to see Carter and everyone else can’t stop begging,” she said thoughtfully as she bit into her garlic bread.
“Dad is busy and well… Dallas is Dallas,” Samuel replied back to her easily. “He will show up eventually,” he shrugged lightly. “He came to the hospital, he may just be giving us space…” he stuck more food into his mouth, licking sauce off his lips slowly.
Nodding slowly, Mercedes sighed out as she said “yeah…” softly. She had assumed his dad would attempt to be a bit more involved after Carter was born but she understood how he could be busy. “Maybe,” she said softly, eating more of her spaghetti. Laying her head against his arm, Mercedes sat her fork down tiredly. It was finally really starting to hit her. She yawned softly, nuzzling her face in his arm a bit before she sat up-right in her seat and ate more. “I’m glad you’ve been finding steady work,” she said sweetly.
Samuel nodded his head, licking his lips again making sure he got all the red sauce off of his mouth before he stuck more food in. As she rested against him, he looked down at her for only a moment watching her yawn before he moved back to his plate. At her next words he nodded. “Mhm” was all he could manage to get out knowing that would be a very different story had she known exactly what he was doing as work. “We need money so…” he breathed trailing off as he began to scrape the plate and licking the fork.
Smiling softly, Mercedes finished off her small portion of spaghetti and garlic bread before she stood up and moved for the sink. She rinsed her plate before she sat it in the water to wash later. Humming softly, she nodded, “I know and I’m so grateful,” she said biting her lip. “It’s like things just started working out with perfect timing.” Turning from the sink, she wiped her hands on a towel before she stood behind him rubbing his shoulders a bit. She kissed his cheek before she said, “I’m going to lay down.”
Samuel nodded his head at her. “Well, what kind of father would I be if I couldn’t provide for him,” he said kicking himself subconsciously. “I told you I’d take care of us, I meant that,” he told her next. He began to swipe his garlic bread across the sauce on the plate biting it hungrily. “Okay,” he said looking back at her with a head nod.
“You’re a great father,” Mercedes said sweetly, nodding as she kissed him once more. “I know baby,” she said before she gave his shoulder a squeeze and walked out of the kitchen. She moved into their bedroom, toeing off her slippers as she laid down on top of the comforter with a deep, tired sigh.
At her words he smirked widely, nodding his head and when she confirmed that she knew he’d take care of them he smiled softly. She walked away and Samuel watched her with a lick of his lips. These 6 weeks were going to kill him slowly honestly. He turned back to his bread eating the last bit of it before he got up and moved to wash the dishes. It wasn’t something he did often, but now with the baby, he tried very hard to assist her every way he could. He ran a little water and cleaned the dishes that were there before he put them up.
Mercedes laid in the bed, growing more and more comfortable. She yawned softly, gripping the pillow as she laid in her stomach. She could faintly hear Samuel in the kitchen as she drifted off to sleep.
Samuel turned the game and the TV off; he turned the lights off and he moved towards their bedroom. Samuel pulled the monitor from her hip and he moved to sit it beside him as he turned the TV on and turned the volume down low lying there beside her.
As Samuel moved into the bedroom, Mercedes groaned quietly. She felt him pull the monitor from her and she shifted her body. As he rested beside her, she rolled into him, her hand on his chest as she curled up into his side.
Samuel shifted lightly against the bed, crossing his sock covered feet at his ankles. As she rolled into him, he looked down at her wrapping his arm around her and holding her close before his eyes moved back to the TV.
A small smile twitched at Mercedes lips as Samuel wrapped her up and she let out a small snore as she fell deeper into sleep. “I love you,” she mumbled in her sleep in between snores.
Samuel smirked rubbing her side lovingly and he said, “I love you to baby girl,” sweetly.
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monsterboysrp · 7 years
// okay, as of today, I am dropping anything started before February 1 that I am still waiting on replies for.
2 for @iceicetomeetyou: Carter/Bobby & Grayson/Piotr
2 for @thefandomdesires: Billy/Chase & Ethan/Scott
1 for @lonelyheartedboys: Arges/Aiden
1 for @gxldroyals: Axel/Jinse
1 for @redboneddd: Finn/Thorn
If you were tagged and you want to keep the thread going please IM me to let me know -- if not, I will assume you agree we should drop it, and we can start new things.
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