#thread with: samuel carlton
teacupcedes · 4 years
Year 18
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, April 25, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Condo; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: It’s Samuel’s 18th birthday and they couple celebrates at home, cuddled up on the couch watching the new Trolls movie. 
Mercedes moved around the kitchen, leaning over a bit, her hand gently cupping the back of Carter’s head as he rested against her chest in the Moby Kangaroo Wrap. She opened the oven and checked on the cake that she had made from scratch for Samuel’s birthday. Humming softly, she decided it needed a few more minutes just to be sure, before she pulled it out to cool. Closing the oven back, she looked down at Carter as he looked around the kitchen with wide and curious eyes. The corners of her lips twitched into a small smile and she let out a hum before she turned back to the counter and continued whipping the icing that she had made to go along with the cake. Over the last few days, she had begun to feel a bit more like herself. She still felt a sadness that she couldn’t quite put her finger on and she still found it a struggle to connect with Carter a bit, but she was trying. She made an effort, that was worth something, right? Softly, she began to hum The Sweetest Gift by Sade to Carter.
Samuel moved into the house with a card and a gift bag that Dallas wanted him to come outside to get. Moving into the condo, he closed the door behind him and locked the door seeing Mercedes in the kitchen. He moved up the steps with the gifts moving into their bedroom and sitting the card down on the counter before he moved to place the wad of cash into a bookbag in their closet, putting it back into his hiding spot. He moved to pull the pound of weed his brother gave him as a birthday gift and he hid that into his sock drawer. He grabbed the card and moved back down the stairs opening up and looked at the card his dad gave him with a gift card for Carter and he smirked. “Right,” he said as he sat the gift card down to Buy Buy Baby for Mercedes to see.
Mercedes dipped her finger into the icing before she tasted it a bit, humming out. It was good, perfect actually. Dipping her finger in once more, she gathered just a bit before she brought her finger to Carter’s mouth, letting him suck the icing off, watching his reaction with a small smirk before she moved to wash her hands. She dried them, then grabbed some plastic wrap, placing some over the bowl as Samuel walked into the kitchen. Looking at the gift card on the counter, she let out a soft chuckle. “Well, Carter appreciates it…” she said, trying to joke a bit. She knew Samuel had been a bit overworked and on edge now that she had been talking things out in therapy and she wanted to try and return things to normalcy as best she could.
Samuel nodded his head. “Yep, we know who he truly loves,” he said sitting the birthday card down against the counter. He moved to watch her, going a little in the kitchen and then looked at his son. He moved for the fridge and grabbed a Mike’s Hard Lemonade that his brother had purchased and brought to him. He opened the bottle and began drinking it down slowly, he licked his lips and moved back towards the couch sitting down.
Biting her lip gently, Mercedes looked down at Carter as his mouth watered and he drooled all down his chin from the taste of the sweet icing. She lifted the bib around his neck and wiped his mouth a bit before she smiled at him as he cooed and smiled at her. She looked up at Samuel, watching as he grabbed the liquor from the fridge and she followed behind him idly, her hand on Carter’s back gently.
Samuel leaned all the way back on the couch taking another sip before he sat the bottle onto the table. He just wanted to relax today and nothing more of this day honestly, he was fine with being at home with Mercedes and Carter. He didn’t want to go out or hang out or anything. Closing his eyes gently he sat there for a moment before he moved to lean up opening his eyes and grabbing the remote.
Walking behind Samuel, Mercedes moved to sit down on the couch beside him and she tucked her feet under her butt, leaning her head on his shoulder slightly, mindful of Carter against her chest. She rubbed soothing circles into Carter’s back as she sat there quietly staring into their son’s beautiful eyes.
Samuel looked for something on TV as Mercedes joined him and he looked over at her gently. He pecked her forehead sweetly before he said, “you okay?” to her curiously. He found himself doing that a lot but that was only because he was so damn scared of what may happen if she wasn’t okay.
Mercedes tilted her head a little, looking at Samuel before she said, “yeah, I’m okay,” gently, a soft smile on her lips from his tender forehead kiss. She shifted slightly, leaning against him a bit more before she said quietly, “the meds are helping…” She looked back down at Carter sighing a bit, “and the therapy,” she added. “One day at a time… right?”
Samuel nodded his head at her words. “Yeah,” he told her softly as he looked at their son and then to the TV. He turned the channel a few more times before he stopped sitting it aside now. “Can I hold Carter?” he asked her with a small smile.
Nodding a bit, Mercedes looked at Carter at Samuel’s question and she said, “yeah…” softly before she leaned up and began to carefully unwrap the cloth that held the child to her chest. She gently tugged Carter’s long body out of the fabric once it was loose enough and she held him out to Samuel.
Samuel watched Mercedes unwrap Carter and hand him over; he kissed the baby’s cheek and smiled. “Hey bud,” he said, easily laying him against his chest as he rubbed his back. “Did you like being in that thing?” he asked him curiously.
Mercedes watched as Samuel took Carter from her and she let out a hum before she finished unwrapping the wrap from her body. She stood up slowly once she had it off and she moved for the kitchen once more, checking on the cake. With a hum, she grabbed her mittens and carefully pulled the cake pan out of the oven, sitting it on the stove. Pulling off a mitten, she grabbed a toothpick and stuck it into the middle of the cake carefully.
Carter cooed at Samuel, staring up at the man with his wide gray eyes. He drooled a little, the slobber sliding down his chin as he wiggled a bit against Samuel’s chest, kicking his little legs a bit.
Samuel moved to wipe Carter’s mouth and chin with his fingers and he wiped them on his sweatpants. “Where are you going?” he chuckled at the boy. He moved to sit Carter in his lap and he said, “are you going to watch Trolls with daddy?” he faced him towards the TV.
Mercedes pulled the toothpick out slowly, smiling softly as nothing came off on it. With a satisfied hum, she left it to cool down a bit. She turned off the oven before walking back over to the couch, resting back down beside Samuel. She watched him with Carter and had to bite back a small laugh. He was such a softy with Carter. “Trolls?” she asked him curiously, a tiny smirk twitching her lips.
As Samuel wiped around his mouth and chin, Carter smiled, gurgling a little as he continued to kick against Samuel happily. He looked off to the side for a moment, something else catching his wandering eye before he looked back at the TV and he giggled softly.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes before he looked down at Carter with a smirk. “What?” he asked her. “It’s for Carter to enjoy,” he lied to her easily, he turned the movie on for him but he knew it was a child’s movie. He bounced the baby only a little in his lap before he stopped, rubbing his stomach.
Mercedes pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, finding much amusement and happiness in the fact that Samuel wanted to watch the children’s movie and was using Carter as an excuse to do it. “Oh, is it?” she asked him sweetly, a bit of a spark in her eye.
Carter cooed as Samuel bounced him and his little hands mushing together before he looked at Mercedes and he smiled his gummy smile at her. As Samuel rested him down and began to rub his stomach, his eyes began to feel heavy and started to flutter.
“Mhm,” Samuel said to her, nodding his head as he was still watching Carter in his lap. Carter was tired and he smirked. “You are sleepy bud,” he breathed as he hoisted him back up and onto his chest. Samuel rubbed up and down the babies back soothingly rocking him a little. “You are supposed to stay up to party with me,” he chuckled.
Mercedes smiled softly, her hands coming up to rub her sore cheeks. She hadn’t smiled this much in a while and now that she was doing so, it took a toll on her muscles. Looking at Carter, she watched his eyes flutter and she said, “it’s about time,” softly. “He fed an hour ago,” she said looking at the clock.
Carter lulled into sleep easily as he rested against Samuel’s chest, his face mushed against the man.
Samuel continued to rub the boys back and he looked at her. “Is he asleep?” he said chuckling, unsure he couldn’t tell from the angle he had him in.
Mercedes looked at Samuel, then at Carter before she nodded and she said, “yeah he’s out like a light,” softly with a smile.
Samuel nodded his head as he shifted Carter into his arms, supporting his head as he did. He pecked his forehead looking down at him as he slept sweetly. He was the cutest thing he ever had laid his eyes on. “I should put him down,” he told her.
Mercedes bit her lip softly, clasping her hands under her chin a bit. She looked at their son before she nodded at Samuel. “Probably,” she told him quietly, shifting on the couch a bit. “Your cake is almost ready,” she threw out randomly before she moved to stand up, walking back into the kitchen.
Samuel nodded his head at her, “okay,” he said sweetly as he moved to stand up with Carter and he took the child to his room. Laying him down and tucking him in nicely before he grabbed his monitor and moved back to the couch. He looked at Mercedes and moved to sit down gently as he looked at the movie playing once more.
Standing in the kitchen, Mercedes flipped the cooled cake out of the pan and into a dish before she placed the pan in the sink and moved over to the counter with the dish. She paused for a moment, moving to wash her hands, before she returned to her task and she peeled the wrap back, grabbing the icing spatula and began to ice the cake with a soft hum.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes as she moved around the kitchen and he sighed to himself. All he really wanted for his birthday was some ass, he didn’t care about the other things.
Mercedes finished icing Samuel’s cake and she bit her lip as she reached into the drawer and pulled out his candles. She placed the 1 and the 8 in the center and lit them before she picked up the dish carefully and moved for her fiancé, singing softly. “Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear Sam...” she smiled softly coming around the couch. “Happy birthday to you…” she leaned down and placed the dish down on the coffee table before him sweetly.
Samuel got into the movie a bit watching it idly and sitting the monitor on the coffee table. He licked his lips hearing Mercedes and he looked up at her happily as she sang to him. He smirked at her and looked down at the cake as it sat before him.
Mercedes rested on the couch beside him once more now and she said, “make a wish,” softly. Tentatively, she reached out and stroked his cheek with her hand, her heart fluttering in her chest as she gazed at him.
Samuel looked at her as she told him to make a wish and he leaned in, his lips crashing with her gently. He pulled away looking at her for a while before he kissed her again. He moved to the table and cake again, leaning in as he closed his eyes. He didn’t want anything but to be able to provide for them for the rest of his life and that she overcame this. He blew the candles out sighing to himself as he leaned back up. “Thank you very much,” he told her.
Mercedes eyes closed as Samuel kissed her and she kissed him back gently, her hand stroking his beard softly. As he pulled away, she bit her lip gently. They hadn’t really kissed much lately but that felt great and it made her feel more like herself. With a hum, she watched as he blew out his candles and she smiled. “You’re welcome baby,” she told him before she leaned in and pecked his lips once more.
Samuel smiled, pecking her back as she did a third time, he looked back at the cake before he leaned against the couch once more. He nodded his head a bit, maybe things were getting to be a little more normal for them. He looked at the TV again watching the movie.
Mercedes pulled back slowly, her hands clamped together in her lap as she gazed at him before she got up slowly and she walked into the kitchen, grabbing a plate, a fork, and a knife. Moving back to the living room, she leaned down and cut Samuel a slice offering the plate and fork to him.
Samuel watched her walk off and move to the kitchen before he looked back at the TV. He took the bottle from the table and he drank it down taking it to the head before he sat it back down. He looked at her as she cut him a slice and he said, “thanks,” again grabbing the plate and fork. He dipped his fork in and stuck the cake into his mouth chewing lightly. “Mm,” he said softly. “It’s really good babe,” he told her quietly.
Mercedes sat the knife down as Samuel took the plate and fork. Sitting down beside him once more, she curled up against him, resting her head against his shoulder lightly. “I’m glad you like it,” she said quietly. “I love you Sam…” she muttered.
Samuel ate more of the cake and she licked the fork clean of the icing on it. “I love you too baby,” he told her quietly.
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tasksweekly · 5 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 170+ Saint Vincentian faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Sommore / Lori Ann Rambough (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress and comedian.
Nia Long (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, African-American - actress.
Nikki M. James (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Haitian - actress and singer.
Nicosia Lawson (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Caymanian - model and Miss Cayman Islands 2008.
Cassie / Cassie Ventura (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Anguillan, Mexican / Filipino - actress, singer-songwriter, model, and dancer.
Annaliese Dayes (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Saint Lucian, Afro-Barbadian, Afro-Grenadian / Afro-Jamaican - model, tv personality, and tv presenter.
Julia Holt (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Afro-Barbadian, Kalinago, Indian / Irish, Scottish, French, German, English - actress.
Jezra Matthews (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - model.
Mary-Ana Baker (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Judy Boucher (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Kimya Hypolite (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer, dancer and actress. 
Soli Wallace (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, other - model (instagram: ahtilos_model).
SunDivas (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian, St. Lucian, Barbadian, British - soca artist. 
Jimelle Roberts (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Miss SVG 2017.
F - Athletes:
Joan Baptiste (1959) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Bigna Samuel (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - middle-distance runner.
Jacqueline Ross (1969) Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Gail Prescod (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Shani Anderson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Natalie Martindale (1977) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Juliana Nero (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Natasha Mayers (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Teran Matthews (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Clea Hoyte (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cordel Jack (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sophia Young (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Genielle Greaves (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sancho Lyttle (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Kineke Alexander (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Arantxa King (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Bermudian - long jumper.
Bryanna McCarthy (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Christine Exeter (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Gabrielle George (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Izzy Shne Joachim (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Arthur W. French Jr. (1931) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor and director.
Papa Winnie / Winston Carlisle Peters (1955) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Ardon Bess (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor.
Jamesy P / James Morgan (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Andi Peters / Andrew Peters Eleazu (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - actor, voice-over artist, tv presenter, and producer.
Noel Clarke (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Grenadian, Afro-Trinidadian, Akan Ghanaian - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Kevin Lyttle (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer.
Protoje / Oje Ken Ollivierre (1981) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - singer-songwriter and DJ.
Marlon Roudette (1983) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Trinidadian, Dominican / Scottish, English - singer-songwriter, rapper, guitarist, keyboardist, drummer, percussionist, and producer.
Aml Ameen (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - actor.
Demetrius Joyette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek - actor.
Skarpyon (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian - singer-songwriter.
Watts / Austin Garrick (?) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Greek, Russian, Polish - rapper-songwriter, producer, and composer.
M - Athletes:
Garnet Brisbane (1938) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike Findlay (1943) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Frankie Lucas (1953) Saint Vincentian - boxer.
Colville Browne (1953) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Lance John (1957) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Errington Kelly (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Winston Davis (1958) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Albert Texeira (1960) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Sydney Murphy (1960) Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Orde Ballantyne (1962) Afro-Saint Vincentian - shot putter.
André François (1964) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Errion Charles (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Roger Gurley (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lenford O'Garro (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ian Allen (1965) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Verbin Sutherland (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Dawnley Joseph (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Leroy Blugh (1966) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Fitzgerald Bramble (1967) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lennox Adams (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - triple jumper.
Tyrone Prince (1968) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eversley Linley (1969) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Kendale Mercury (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cameron Cuffy (1970) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Mike McLean (1970) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Keith Ollivierre (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Carlton Myers (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Italian - basketball player.
Kendall Velox (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Michael Williams (1971) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rodney Jack (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Eswort Coombs (1972) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Ezra Hendrickson (1972) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Linvoy Primus (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Pamenos Ballantyne (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long-distance runner.
Nixon McLean (1973) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Julian Joachim (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Deighton Butler (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Joel Mascoll (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Melvin Andrews (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Thomas Dickson (1974) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Orlanzo Jackson (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Cornelius Bernard Huggins (1974) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Adonal Foyle (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Erasto Sampson (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Wesley Charles (1975) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Marlon James (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sabuton John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Oronde Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Wesley John (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Rohan Ash (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kenlyn Gonsalves (1976) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Zema Abbey (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Julian Charles (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kahlil Cato (1977) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Nathan Abbey (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Ghanaian - footballer.
Dan Gadzuric (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Serbian - basketball player.
Bront DeFreitas (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Caswain Mason (1978) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kenroy Martin (1979) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Clayton Latham (1980) Afro-Saint Vincentian - long jumper.
Kenroy Peters (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shawn King (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Calvert Hooper (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Jared Lewis (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Hyron Shallow (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Shandel Samuel (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Romel Currency (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Stephenson Wallace (1982) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Alston Bobb (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Omari Aldridge (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Kishore Shallow (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Andy Grant (1984) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Lindon James (1984) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Donnie Defreitas (1985) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Casnel Bushay (1985) Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Miles Bascombe (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Damal Francis (1986) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Nyika Williams (1987) Afro-Saint Vincentian - basketball player.
Donwell Hector (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Othneil Bailey (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - squash player.
Delorn Johnson (1988) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Kieran Agard (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian, Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Jamaican - footballer.
Jolanshoy McDowall (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Keron Cottoy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Dwayne Sandy (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Cornelius Stewart (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gavin James (1989) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Junior Cadougan (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Trinidadian - basketball player.
Reginald Richardson (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chad Balcombe (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Darren Stewart (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Afro-Jamaican - mixed martial artist.
Kesrick Williams (1990) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gregson Hazell (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Courtney Carl Williams (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Jamal Yorke (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Atticus Browne (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
David Pitt (1991) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jomel Warrican (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Myron Samuel (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jesse Lingard (1992) Afro-Saint Vincentian / English - footballer.
Nazir McBurnette (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Akeem Williams (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Sunil Ambris (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tolga Akcayli (1993) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Turkish - swimmer.
Kevin Francis (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tevin Slater (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Azinho Solomon (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jahvin Sutherland (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Ray Jordan (1994) Afro-Saint Vincentian - cricketer.
Brandon John (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Chavel Cunningham (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Lemus Christopher (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Brandon Valentine-Parris (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - sprinter.
Oalex Anderson (1995) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Gidron Pope (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Jevon Cottoy (1996) Afro-Saint Vincentian - Canadian football player.
Kyle Edwards (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Obed McCoy (1997) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Tayo Edun (1998) Afro-Saint Vincentian / Yoruba Nigerian - footballer.
Nikolas Sylvester (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - swimmer.
Diel Spring (2000) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
Joel Quashie (2001) Afro-Saint Vincentian - footballer.
21 Sa**ge / Shéyaa Bin Abraham-Joseph (1992) Afro-Dominiquais, Afro-Haitian, Afro-Saint Vincentian - rapper-songwriter and producer. - His stage name involves an anti-native slur despite not being native, in his song ASMR he had anti-semitic lyrics, and made tweets supporting rape culture.
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fan-of-mulligan · 4 years
My Thoughts On MK Dons 2-0 Gillingham................
This was a very disappointing defeat for Gillingham, Because I was looking ahead to the matches that Gillingham have got coming up in the next four league games, and those fixtures are as follows,,,,, 20th Of October Portsmouth Home, 24th Fleetwood Town, Home 27th Ipswich Town Away, And 31st Sunderland Home, And taking those four matches into consideration, It was essential that Gillingham went into those four matches against Portsmouth, Fleetwood Town, Ipswich Town and Sunderland off the back of a away win against MK Dons at Stadium MK, But that was not the case, and these four matches were always going to be difficult matches, but these four matches start to become more challenging because Gillingham have lost against MK Dons, and we now need to see a response from Gillingham against Portsmouth on Tuesday Night.
MK Dons Away was actually Gillingham's first away fixture that was postponed when we initially locked down back in March, and whilst no supporters could watch MK Dons V Gillingham inside the football stadium for the league match on October 17th, we could at the very least watch MK Dons V Gillingham on I Follow, Again, Gillingham are kicking off early with A 1PM Kick Off Time, and the early kick off time means that football clubs are saving money on not using the floodlights (which makes me wonder why more matches in League One and League Two are not kicking off at 1PM ???) MK Dons are bottom of League One going into this league match against Gillingham, But The League One Table doesn't take on much importance in the early stages of the season, I think once we get to ten or fifteen league matches, that's when you can start to look at The League One Table more seriously.
Gillingham's Team News Was In, And Gillingham Lined Up As Follows...... Jack Bonham (GK), Ryan Jackson, Jack Tucker, Zech Medley, Connor Ogilvie, Declan Drysdale, Scott Robertson, Kyle Dempsey, Dominic Samuel, Vadaine Oliver, Jordan Graham, SUBS: Joe Walsh (GK), Robbie McKenzie, Christian Maghoma, Josh Eccles, Alex MacDonald, Trae Coyle and John Akinde - So Matty Willock, Henry Woods and Tom O'Connor all miss out, whilst we also found out that Jacob Mellis was not named in the match-day squad because of illness, But Kyle Dempsey and Scott Robertson both returning to the starting line up was a massive boost, especially with the league and cup fixtures Gillingham have got coming up over the next few weeks.
Three Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons create the first goal-scoring opportunity of the game, Zech Medley tries to pick out Jordan Graham with a diagonal cross-field cross pass down the left side of the pitch, and Regan Poole manages to intercept the ball before threading a first time through-ball through to Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome takes on Zech Medley and manages to pick out Carlton Morris with a low cross across towards the near post, And Carlton Morris takes a touch to control the ball before hooking his effort towards goal clear of Gillingham's Crossbar by some considerable distance, and MK Dons have created the best goal-scoring opportunity in the match so far, Five Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons create another goal-scoring opportunity as Lee Nicholls kicks the ball long down-field and Carlton Morris wins the initial aerial challenge up against Jack Tucker and the second ball drops kindly to Scott Fraser, who goes on a driving run forwards down the left side of the pitch - Gillingham's Right - And Scott Fraser continue's his run inside Gillingham's Penalty Area and Scott Fraser tries to pick out Cameron Jerome with a dangerous in-swinging cross but Jack Bonham was able to gather the ball with ease.
Ten Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons create there third goal-scoring opportunity of the match, David Kasumu has possession of the ball for MK Dons on the halfway line, and David Kasumu passes the ball forwards to Carlton Morris, who manages to retain possession of the ball despite being closely marked by Jack Tucker, And Carlton Morris passes the ball square to Louie Thompson, And Louie Thompson takes a touch to control the ball before hitting a cross-field cross diagonal ball towards Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome does in-fact manage to header the ball down towards Scott Fraser, And Scott Fraser manages to retain possession of the ball despite being triple marked by Jack Tucker, Zech Medley and Declan Drysdale, And Scott Fraser takes a few touches in possession of the ball before laying the ball off to Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome has hit the ball low towards goal first time and Jack Bonham was in the right place at the right time to make a comfortable save - either side of Jack Bonham and MK Dons could have taken the lead.
But despite MK Dons creating three decent goal-scoring opportunities, Gillingham almost took the lead twelve minutes into the match, Gillingham are awarded a throw on down the left side of the pitch in MK Dons Final Third, And Connor Ogilvie throws the ball short to Jordan Graham, who passes the ball back to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie clips the ball forwards towards Dominic Samuel inside MK Dons Penalty Area, And Dominic Samuel chests the ball under control before trying to pick out the bottom right corner of the net with a placed effort across the face of goal and Dominic Samuel was unable to hit the target - I think Dean Lewington had done just about enough to put Dominic Samuel Off.
Sixteen Minutes Into The Match, And Daniel Harvie whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Jack Tucker was able to header the ball clear and away from goal, and Jordan Graham manages to get on to the loose ball and pass the ball back to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie boots the ball long down-field and Gillingham manage to clear there defensive lines, However, Eighteen Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons manage to take the lead, Regan Poole throws the ball square to Cameron Jerome from A MK Dons Throw On, And Cameron Jerome spins past Scott Robertson, And Cameron Jerome see's his fiercely driven effort towards goal blocked by Declan Drysdale, and the hosts still have possession of the ball with George Williams passing the ball forwards to Louis Thompson, And Louis Thompson lays the ball off to George Williams, And George Williams plays a one / two with Regan Poole before passing the ball inside to Louis Thompson, And Louis Thompson takes a touch to control the ball before threading the ball through to Regan Poole - who had made a third man run inside Gillingham's Penalty Area - And Regan Poole takes a touch to control the ball before managing to pick out Cameron Jerome with a accurate pull-back, And Cameron Jerome just accurately places the ball into the bottom left corner of the net and MK Dons have taken the lead - MK DONS 1-0 GILLINGHAM - This was a really good goal from MK Dons, with good pass and move football with George Williams, Louis Thompson and Regan Poole all involved in the build up, and Cameron Jerome has finished off that neat passing move with a accurate finish, In Gillingham's last away league fixture, The Gills had to battle back from a goal down against Shrewsbury Town, and now, Gillingham have to try and replicate that come-back against Shrewsbury Town to ensure that Gillingham get something out of this match against MK Dons.
Twenty One Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham created a half chance to try and equalise just three minutes after MK Dons had opened the scoring, Gillingham were awarded a throw on down the left side of the pitch in MK Dons Final Third, and from the resulting throw on, Connor Ogilvie throws the ball back to Zech Medley, who takes a touch to control the ball, and Zech Medley passes the ball square to Jack Tucker on the halfway line, And Jack Tucker takes a touch to control the ball before kicking the ball long down-field down the left side of the pitch, And Jordan Graham manages to keep the ball in play before working his way towards the byline, and Jordan Graham cuts back on to his favoured right foot before twisting and turning and running away from goal, And Jordan Graham back-heals the ball towards Connor Ogilvie on the over-lap, And Connor Ogilvie whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross first time and George Williams manages to header the ball clear and away from goal and out of play for A Gillingham Throw On, Twenty Two Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham created another half decent opportunity to try and score a equaliser, Gillingham create the chance from the resulting throw on and Connor Ogilvie’s long throw is headed clear back out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, who passes the ball short to Scott Robertson, And Scott Robertson takes a touch to control the ball before twisting and turning in possession of the ball inside MK Dons Penalty Area, And Scott Robertson manages to pick out Declan Drysdale on the edge of MK Dons Penalty Area with a decent pass, and Declan Drysdale see’s his low effort on goal blocked by Dean Lewington and George Williams was also in the right place at the right time to clear Jordan Graham’s in-swinging cross.
Twenty Three Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons had the chance to go 2-0 up, David Kasumu passes the ball square to Scott Fraser inside Gillingham’s Half Of The Pitch, And Scott Fraser takes a touch to control the ball before managing to pick out Daniel Harvie with a decent pass down the left side of the pitch in Gillingham’s Final Third - Gillingham’s Right - And Daniel Harvie takes a touch to control the ball before whipping in a high and hanging cross towards the back-stick and Carlton Morris’s side-foot volleyed effort fails to hit the target and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick - But that was the chance for MK Dons to go 2-0 up though.
But after that goal-scoring opportunity for the hosts, Gillingham create a succession of goal-scoring opportunities to try and get themselves back on to level terms, the first of these successive goal-scoring opportunities see’s Jack Bonham kick the ball long down-field from the resulting goal-kick, and Vadaine Oliver knocks the ball down into Kyle Dempsey’s path, And Kyle Dempsey plays a short return pass back to Vadaine Oliver, And Vadaine Oliver runs forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham manages to get the ball under control before evading the challenge from Regan Poole, And Jordan Graham whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Richard Keogh headers the ball partially clear and away from danger, and Connor Ogilvie headers the ball back out-wide to Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham manages to skip past Regan Poole’s attempted challenge, But Jordan Graham is limping momentarily and Referee Neil Hair awards Gillingham a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Jordan Graham whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Dean Lewington manages to header the ball clear down the right side of the pitch, and Jack Tucker gets to the loose ball ahead of Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome pushes Jack Tucker down to the deck, and Gillingham have been awarded another free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Scott Robertson has whipped in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the back-stick, and Regan Poole has done just about enough to header the ball away from goal and Jack Tucker shields the ball out of play for A Gillingham Corner Kick, And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Jordan Graham passes the ball short to Scott Robertson on the edge of MK Dons Penalty Area, And Scott Robertson’s chip is mis-kicked and the ball goes out of play for A MK Dons Goal-Kick - A Corner Kick Routine which unfortunately did not come off for The Gills, But since Cameron Jerome’s Goal from MK Dons, we have seen a much better improvement from The Gills and we are putting some pressure on to MK Dons Goal.
Twenty Seven Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham are on the front-foot again, Richard Keogh kicks the ball towards the halfway line with a rushed clearance and Scott Robertson manages to header the ball forwards towards Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham takes a touch to control the ball before taking on Regan Poole one on one, and Jordan Graham works his way out-wide and fires in a low dangerous cross and David Kasumu is in the right place at the right time to kick the ball out of play for A Gillingham Throw On - Jordan Graham has been a constant nuisance for MK Dons to deal with, It’s just that Gillingham’s crossing in the final third has been more miss than hit at this moment in time.
But In The Twenty Ninth Minute Of The Match, we had the big controversial talking point, Because Gillingham should have been awarded a penalty kick, Gillingham have a free kick on the halfway line and Zech Medley plays a one / two with Jack Tucker before passing the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie takes a touch to control the ball before continuing his run forwards down the left side of the pitch, And Connor Ogilvie stands a high and hanging cross towards the back-stick and Vadaine Oliver wins the aerial battle to header the ball backwards towards Dominic Samuel, And Dominic Samuel gets the ball under control before being clipped from behind by Dean Lewington and Gillingham should have been awarded a penalty kick, But Referee Neil Hair inexplicably awards MK Dons a free kick for simulation by Dominic Samuel - REF!!!! Was my reaction to the penalty kick not being awarded to Gillingham - Because that was a stonewall penalty kick, there is no arguments or debates about this penalty decision, because this isn’t a penalty kick where you can say, some of these decisions are given, and some of these decisions are not given, Dean Lewington has clipped Dominic Samuel and Gillingham should have been awarded a penalty kick.
Dean Lewington is down injured with a head injury after thirty minutes, But I am still shocked that Gillingham were not awarded a penalty kick, How have the official’s awarded a free kick against Gillingham when Dominic Samuel was the player being fouled ??? - This is going to be a controversial talking point, Because if a penalty kick was awarded to Gillingham, then Gillingham had the chance to level the game up at 1-1.
Thirty One Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons created a half decent goal-scoring opportunity, As Regan Poole whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross towards the back-stick and Daniel Harvie couldn’t make contact with the ball at the far post, and Ryan Jackson must have got the faintest of touches on the ball to divert Regan Poole’s in-swinging cross out of play for A MK Dons Throw, And from the resulting throw on, MK Dons almost scored for 2-0, Daniel Harvie throws the ball short to Scott Fraser, And Scott Fraser plays a first time short pass inside to Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome lays the ball off to Daniel Harvie, And Daniel Harvie places a low cross across the face of goal and Carlton Morris’s first time effort towards goal is blocked by Connor Ogilvie and Carlton Morris’s effort was on target as well, and Gillingham survive the latest attacking onslaught on to our goal, and Louie Thompson is penalised and booked for his lunging challenge on Dominic Samuel in Gillingham’s Own Defensive Final Third.
And from the resulting free kick, Gillingham had the chance to equalise, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Connor Ogilvie wins the aerial challenge to flick the ball on towards Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham gets the ball under control before trying to pick out Kyle Dempsey with a pass inside centrally, But Scott Fraser passes the ball back to Regan Poole, who passes the ball back to Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls, And Lee Nicholls takes a touch to control the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and Connor Ogilvie headers the ball forwards and Regan Poole wins the initial aerial challenge, and Kyle Dempsey manages to get on to the second ball, And Kyle Dempsey runs forwards in possession of the ball down the left side of the pitch before back-healing the ball to Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham see’s his first time pass deflect into Kyle Dempsey’s Path, And Kyle Dempsey plays a short pass back to Scott Robertson, And Scott Robertson passes the ball out-wide to Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham takes a touch to control the ball before twisting and turning and Jordan Graham whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross low towards the near post and George Williams partially clears the ball towards the edge of MK Dons Penalty Area, and Declan Drysdale’s first time effort towards goal clears MK Dons Crossbar by some considerable distance - and after that shot went over, I experienced a momentarily lag on I Follow, before the video worked again.
Thirty Four Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons have the chance to go 2-0 up, Scott Fraser manages to pick out Cameron Jerome with a threaded pass down the left side of the pitch inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Cameron Jerome out-strength’s Zech Medley by the byline, And Cameron Jerome tries to pick out Carlton Morris with a clipped cross across the face of goal across the six yard box, But Carlton Morris cannot make contact with the ball, and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick - Much to the relief of every Gillingham Supporter who was watching the match on I Follow, listening to this match on the radio, or following MK Dons V Gillingham on social media.
Thirty Nine Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham have won themselves a corner kick, and it is from this corner kick where Gillingham almost equalised, Jordan Graham passes the ball short to Kyle Dempsey, who runs towards the edge of MK Dons Penalty Area in possession of the ball and Kyle Dempsey whips in a sensational low in-swinging cross and somehow both Dominic Samuel and Vadaine Oliver do not make contact with the ball and the ball goes out of play for A MK Dons Goal-Kick - BUT WHAT WAS THE CHANCE FOR GILLINGHAM TO EQUALISE!!!! - Fantastic cross from Kyle Dempsey and if Dominic Samuel or Vadaine Oliver make contact and direct the ball goal-wards then Gillingham level the game up at 1-1.
Forty Four Minutes Into The Match, And Lee Nicholls long kick down-field is over-hit and runs through to Jack Bonham who makes a comfortable save and Gillingham create two half decent opportunities to try and level the match up at 1-1 before half time, the first of these two goal-scoring opportunities see’s Jack Bonham kick the ball long down-field and Jordan Graham gets the ball under control down the left side of the pitch in MK Dons Final Third, And Jordan Graham passes the ball back to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie takes a touch to control the ball before threading a pass through to Kyle Dempsey, And Kyle Dempsey plays a first time pass out-wide to Jordan Graham, And Jordan Graham uses his pace to take on Regan Poole, But Jordan Graham’s Cross towards the back-stick is over-hit, and the ball goes out of play for A MK Dons Goal-Kick - Jordan Graham has been getting a lot of the ball in MK Dons Final Third, but his crossing has been very disappointing, and Gillingham’s decision making in the final third just has been underwhelming to say the least - And the final noteworthy moment of the first half see’s Jordan Graham clip the ball forwards to Connor Ogilvie from a uncontested drop ball, and Connor Ogilvie tries to header the ball square towards Vadaine Oliver inside MK Dons Penalty Area, But Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls comes off his goal-line quickly to gather the loose ball, and Gillingham go in at half time at Stadium MK Losing 1-0 to MK Dons.
I put the following status update on to Twitter at Half Time,,,,,, HALF TIME: MK DONS 1-0 GILLINGHAM - Cameron Jerome's goal is the difference between both teams at the break, but the big talking point has to be the penalty kick not awarded to Gills for Dean Lewington's foul on Dominic Samuel, and that penalty was a 100% stonewall penalty not given. MK Dons have had chances to score with Carlton Morris, and Cameron Jerome both having chances to score in the opening stages of the match, Dominic Samuel has fired one effort across the face of goal, And Kyle Dempsey's cross just needed a touch for Gills to score the equaliser. Gillingham have looked particularly strong down the left side of the pitch with Jordan Graham getting possession of the ball on numerous occasions, I am just surprised that Gillingham have opted for short throws when long throws can cause MK Dons more problems defensively.
I am stunned Gillingham were not awarded a penalty for that foul on Dominic Samuel. I would say from 25 minutes onwards, Gillingham have grown into the game, just that our decision making in the final third has been more miss then hit, the lack of long throws is also a surprise, I also noted in the first half that MK Dons Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls probably had just as many touches of the ball outside his penalty area as well as inside his penalty area, And Gillingham could catch MK Dons out at the back, if there is a poor pass amongst there back three with Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls pushing so advanced off his goal-line.
Gillingham were 1-0 down at half time against Shrewsbury Town and managed to salvage a point in our previous away league game, and Gillingham need to find a way to try and do the same-thing against MK Dons at Stadium MK, Mind you, with the next four matches against Portsmouth, Fleetwood Town, Ipswich Town and Sunderland coming up in quick succession, It’s all three points that Gillingham need against MK Dons heading into those four league matches, and if Gillingham can just improve in the final third, then there is every chance that Gillingham can turn this 1-0 deficit around, as for any substitution suggestions at half time, I don’t think Steve Evans will be opting to be making any changes, Because after MK Dons had opened the scoring and until half time, Gillingham were on the front-foot and we were causing MK Dons plenty of problems defensively, So here’s hoping that a half time team talk and some words of encouragement will do the trick - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!
But we couldn’t have made a worst possible start to the second half, Because MK Dons manage to double there advantage and go 2-0 up, Kyle Dempsey is penalised for his foul on David Kasumu in MK Dons half of the pitch, and it is from this free kick where MK Dons manage to go 2-0 up, George Williams kicks a long diagonal cross-field cross and Ryan Jackson wins the initial aerial challenge and Declan Drysdale wins the fifty / fifty challenge with Scott Fraser to header the ball towards Dominic Samuel, and Dominic Samuel losses possession of the ball and Dean Lewington is on to the loose ball, and Dean Lewington passes the ball forwards to Cameron Jerome, who gets the ball under control on the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Cameron Jerome passes the ball square to Louie Thompson, who cannot get the ball under control and Jack Tucker passes the ball forwards to Jordan Graham, who does really well to manage to thread the ball through to Kyle Dempsey, And Kyle Dempsey passes the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie kicks the ball long down-field, and although Vadaine Oliver wins the initial aerial challenge, Ryan Fraser flicks the ball towards Carlton Morris, And Carlton Morris runs forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Ryan Fraser, And Ryan Fraser passes the ball back to David Kasumu, and David Kasumu passes the ball square to George Williams, And George Williams plays a first time pass forwards towards Louie Thompson, And Louie Thompson manages to pass the ball forwards to Cameron Jerome on the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Cameron Jerome passes the ball back to Louie Thompson, And Louie Thompson passes the ball through to Carlton Morris inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Carlton Morris takes one touch to control the ball, and another touch to accurately place the ball past the advancing Jack Bonham to stick the ball into the back of the net to give MK Dons A Two Goal Lead - MK DONS 2-0 GILLINGHAM.
The first goal MK Dons scored was a very good goal, the second goal was a poor goal to concede, Jack Tucker, Declan Drysdale and Zech Medley were all drawn towards Cameron Jerome, and this just gave Carlton Morris plenty of time and space inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area and it’s a good finish from Carlton Morris, but the defending from Gillingham was very poor, 1-0 down, Gillingham still had a chance, 2-0 down, your asking for a monumental performance from Gillingham to pull back from two goals down to draw 2-2 at the very least.
And once there is a stoppage in play, John Akinde comes on to replace Declan Drysdale, And John Akinde will play alongside Vadaine Oliver, just to give Gillingham more of a attacking option, Because MK Dons three man central defence of George Williams, Richard Keogh and Dean Lewington have perhaps not been severely tested with just Vadaine Oliver in the middle to deal with, And Vadaine Oliver isn’t the quickest of strikers either, But John Akinde and Vadaine Oliver up-front is very much going to see Gillingham knock the ball long and get the ball forwards very quickly.
And In The Fiftieth Minute Of The Match, Gillingham had a golden goal-scoring opportunity to try and get themselves back into this match, John Akinde manages to retain possession of the ball for Gillingham before playing a short pass inside to Dominic Samuel, And Dominic Samuel takes a touch to control the ball before managing to pick out Ryan Jackson with a pass down the right side of the pitch just inside MK Dons Half, And Ryan Jackson uses his pace and trickery to take on Daniel Harvie, And Ryan Jackson passes the ball back to Kyle Dempsey, And Kyle Dempsey takes a few touches in possession of the ball before whipping in a fantastic low cross towards the back post and Vadaine Oliver can only divert his effort towards goal wide of the far post, AND THAT WAS THE CHANCE FOR GILLINGHAM TO SCORE TO BRING THEMSELVES BACK INTO THIS MATCH AT 2-1 DOWN!!!!! - Maybe, Vadaine Oliver was on the stretch and it was difficult for Vadaine Oliver to divert his effort on goal on target, But had that gone in for 2-1, Then Gillingham would still have a chance of getting something out of this match against MK Dons at Stadium MK.
Fifty Five Minutes Into The Match, And I thought Scott Robertson had won the physical battle up against Louie Thompson, only for a free kick to be awarded to MK Dons, and after that free kick decision had been awarded to the home side, there was a off the ball incident between George Williams and Scott Robertson, a off the ball incident which see’s both players shown a yellow card by Referee Neil Hair - And from the resulting free kick, MK Dons had the chance to go 3-0 up, George Williams kicks the ball long down-field and Jack Tucker wins the initial aerial challenge and Kyle Dempsey hooks the ball further away from goal and Dominic Samuel does really well to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Scott Robertson, And Scott Robertson takes a touch to control the ball before passing the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, who runs down the left flank in possession of the ball towards the halfway line, And Connor Ogilvie runs into trouble and just about does enough to pass the ball back to Zech Medley, And Zech Medley passes the ball square to Jack Tucker, who passes the ball back to Jack Bonham, And Jack Bonham takes a few touches in possession of the ball before kicking the ball long down-field and Dominic Samuel wins the initial aerial challenge and George Williams kicks the ball clear down-field, and Carlton Morris does exceptionally well to retain possession of the ball before passing the ball back to Regan Poole, And Regan Poole passes the ball inside to David Kasumu, And The MK Dons Midfielder runs forwards in possession of the ball before passing the ball forwards to Scott Fraser, And Scott Fraser hits a fiercely driven effort towards goal from the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area and Jack Bonham make a important save to keep Gillingham in this match and Ryan Jackson and Kyle Dempsey between the two of them manage to clear Gillingham’s Defensive Lines.
Fifty Nine Minutes Into The Match, And John Akinde is penalised for a foul, and from the resulting free kick, MK Dons had the chance to go 3-0 up, George Williams passes the ball forwards to Cameron Jerome, who lays the ball off to Louie Thompson, And Louie Thompson passes the ball inside to Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome passes the ball back to George Williams, And George Williams passes the ball down the line towards Regan Poole, who does exceptionally well to retain possession of the ball and pass the ball back to George Williams, And George Williams manages to thread the ball down the line towards Louie Thompson, who passes the ball inside centrally to David Kasumu, And David Kasumu lays the ball off to Louie Thompson, And Louie Thompson passes the ball forwards to Scott Fraser, who steps over the ball to allow the ball to run through to Daniel Harvie, And Daniel Harvie has failed to hit the target with his first time effort towards goal - But this was another opportunity for MK Dons to score that all important third goal - and had MK Dons scored, then 3-0 would have been a impossible goal tally for Gillingham to battle back from to try and salvage a point from a losing position.
Sixty One Minutes Into The Match, And Gillingham created a half chance to try and half the deficit, Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Vadaine Oliver wins the initial aerial challenge and Dominic Samuel manages to get on to the loose ball down the right side of the pitch, And Dominic Samuel gets the ball under control and his pass inside deflects nicely into Vadaine Oliver’s Path, And Vadaine Oliver see’s his first time effort towards goal fail to hit the target by some considerable distance and the ball goes out of play for A MK Dons Goal-Kick.
Sixty Five Minutes Into The Match, And David Kasumu is penalised for a foul on Vadaine Oliver, And Gillingham have been awarded a free kick in there own half of the pitch, and from the resulting free kick, Gillingham had the chance to score to bring themselves back into the game at 2-1 down, and from the resulting free kick, Kyle Dempsey passes the ball short to Jack Tucker, who kicks the ball long down-field, and John Akinde manages to bring the ball under control and pass the ball out-wide to Connor Ogilvie, And Connor Ogilvie takes a touch to control the ball before running forwards in possession of the ball, and Connor Ogilvie whips in a fantastic cross and Dominic Samuel on the stretch can only divert the ball over MK Dons Crossbar - It would have been a difficult technique to pull off with the ball bouncing high off the turf, But Dominic Samuel could not hit the target with Gillingham’s latest goal-scoring opportunity.
And after the ball had gone out of play, Gillingham make a double substitution and Josh Eccles and Trae Coyle come on to replace Scott Robertson and Dominic Samuel, And Gillingham have made there third and final substitution with twenty four minutes of this match plus stoppage time remaining, And In The Sixty Seventh Minute Of The Match, MK Dons really should have scored for 3-0, David Kasumu passes the ball forwards to Carlton Morris, who retains possession of the ball and passes the ball back to Scott Fraser, And Scott Fraser plays a first time threaded through-ball through to Cameron Jerome, And Cameron Jerome is through on goal inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Cameron Jerome takes one touch to set himself, and Jerome’s second touch see’s his shot blocked by Zech Medley at the expense of conceding a corner kick, and from the resulting corner kick, Regan Poole has whipped in a dangerous in-swinging cross which is comfortably saved by Jack Bonham.
Sixty Eight Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons make there first substitution of the match, As Joe Mason comes on to replace Cameron Jerome, And In The Sixty Ninth Minute, MK Dons create another goal-scoring opportunity to try and go 3-0 up, MK Dons have a throw on down there left side of the pitch, And Daniel Harvie throws the ball short to Carlton Morris, And Carlton Morris passes the ball out-wide to Daniel Harvie, And Daniel Harvie runs right towards the corner flag in possession of the ball, And Ryan Jackson manages to intercept the ball and kick the ball down-field, But Ryan Jackson’s clearance goes straight towards Scott Fraser, And Scott Fraser gets the ball under control and threads a accurate pass forwards towards Carlton Morris, who lays the ball off to Daniel Harvie, And Daniel Harvie skips past Jack Tucker’s Attempted Challenge before seeing his shot towards goal on the stretch go wide of the far left post - And that was the chance for MK Dons to score to make the score-line 3-0 - Which would surely give Gillingham no chance at all of getting anything out of this match.
Seventy One Minutes Into The Match, And Dean Lewington is penalised for handball and Gillingham have been awarded a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Gillingham had the chance to score for 2-1 down, Jordan Graham whips in a dangerous cross and John Akinde’s looping header was comfortable for Goalkeeper Lee Nicholls to save, John Akinde’s header towards goal needed to be a powerful header to severely test Lee Nicholls, or, John Akinde headers the ball down to a team-mate inside MK Dons Penalty Area to try and score.
And having not taken that opportunity at one end of the pitch, MK Dons almost scored for 3-0 In The Seventy Third Minute Of The Match, And Scott Fraser just manages to pick out Joe Mason with one simple through-ball and Gillingham’s Back Four has completely disappeared, and Joe Mason gets the ball under control before seeing his shot towards goal saved by Jack Bonham’s out-stretched leg and Gillingham are just about still in this match - But where was the defence ??? And how comes one pass from Scott Fraser see’s Joe Mason through one on one with Jack Bonham ???
Seventy Seven Minutes Into The Match, And Regan Poole’s dangerous in-swinging cross is blocked by Connor Ogilvie and the ball deflects out of play for A MK Dons Corner Kick, And before the corner kick can be taken, MK Dons make there second substitution as Former Gillingham Midfielder Jordan Houghton comes on to replace Scott Fraser, and from the resulting corner kick, Regan Poole whops in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Richard Keogh’s header fails to hit the target by some considerable distance and the ball goes out of play for A Gillingham Goal-Kick.
Seventy Nine Minutes Into The Match, And MK Dons Striker Carlton Morris see’s his shot towards goal take a huge deflection off Zech Medley, and the ball diverts out of play for A MK Dons Corner Kick, And From The Resulting Corner Kick, Regan Poole whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Jack Bonham cannot keep hold of the ball from the cross and Jack Tucker is in the right place at the right time to clear Gillingham’s Defensive Lines - And that was another opportunity for MK Dons to score the third goal which would guarantee that the hosts would pick up all three points from this League One Fixture.
Eighty One Minutes Into The Match, And Trae Coyle is penalised for his foul on Jordan Houghton, And Jordan Houghton was quick to get up and pass the ball short to George Williams, who goes on a driving run forwards in possession of the ball, And George Williams threads a pass through towards Louie Thompson on the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Louie Thompson manages to pass the ball through to Carlton Morris, who is unmarked inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Carlton Morris gets the ball under control before seeing his one on one effort towards goal brilliantly saved by Jack Bonham and Kyle Dempsey was fouled on the edge of Gillingham’s Penalty Area, And Gillingham have been awarded a defensive free kick - Carlton Morris was unmarked for MK Dons second goal of the game, and he was left unmarked inside Gillingham’s Penalty Area again, but this time, Jack Bonham has made a incredible save to keep the score-line at 2-0.
Eighty Three Minutes Into The Match, And David Kasumu is penalised and booked for his challenge on Vadaine Oliver and Gillingham have been awarded a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Jordan Graham’s curling free kick towards goal has failed to hit the target by some considerable distance, and really, if Gillingham were to stand any chance of getting something out of this match, Then Jordan Graham needed to score for 2-1 to set up a grand-stand finish, Ben Gladwin has also come on to replace Louie Thompson for the hosts as MK Dons make there third and final substitution of the game.
Ninety Minutes Into The Match, And there is a opportunity for Gillingham to cause MK Dons problems defensively, and a goal now with five additional minutes still gives Gillingham a glimmer of hope that we can get something out of this match, Ryan Jackson throws the ball short to Josh Eccles, who passes the ball back to Jack Tucker, And Jack Tucker passes the ball square to Zech Medley, who passes the ball back to Jack Bonham, And Jack Bonham kicks the ball long down-field and Vadaine Oliver wins the aerial challenge to flick the ball on and Daniel Harvie gets the ball clear and away from goal and Ryan Jackson kicks the ball up into the air and Ryan Jackson lays the loose ball off to Jack Tucker, who passes the ball inside centrally to Josh Eccles, And Josh Eccles manages to pick out Connor Ogilvie with a diagonal cross-field cross pass in MK Dons Final Third, And Connor Ogilvie gets the ball under control and his low dangerous in-swinging cross is cleared by George Williams and the chance had gone for The Gills.
And right at the end of the match, Gillingham are awarded two free kicks in quick succession, the first of those free kicks see’s David Kasumu penalised for a foul on Jordan Graham on the halfway line, and from the resulting free kick, Zech Medley kicks the ball long down-field and Richard Keogh wins the initial aerial challenge and David Kasumu just smashes the ball long down-field and anywhere will do as far as MK Dons are concerned, And In The Ninety Fourth Minute Of The Match, Josh Eccles is tripped by Ben Gladwin, And Gillingham have been awarded a free kick, and from the resulting free kick, Jordan Graham whips in a dangerous in-swinging cross and Connor Ogilvie’s looping header fails to hit the target and the ball loops out of play for A MK Dons Goal-Kick - And that was the final noteworthy moment of the match, And Referee Neil Hair blows his full time whistle after five minutes of additional time, and the full time whistle at Stadium MK is MK Dons 2-0 Gillingham.
I put the following status update on to Twitter after the full time whistle had been blown at Stadium MK, FT: MK DONS 2-0 GILLINGHAM - Morris's goal for MK Dons right at the start of the second half gave Gillingham a real uphill battle to try and get something out of this match at Stadium MK, Akinde & Coyle came on as Gills went 4-2-4, But Gills never severely tested Nicholls in goal, And had it not been for Jack Bonham (who saved efforts on goal from Fraser, Mason and Morris) We could have been talking about a more one sided score-line for MK Dons this afternoon, But these goal-scoring chances were created whilst Gillingham were chasing the game at 2-0 down. I don't think Gillingham have tested Lee Nicholls in The MK Dons Goal, Akinde, Ogilvie, Samuel and Oliver all have had chances to score for The Gills (especially the goal-scoring opportunities created for Samuel and Oliver) But The MK Dons Goalkeeper hasn't had to make a save.
Gills In The Blood gave Jack Bonham A Seven Out Of Ten Rating, And I replied with the following message,,,, I can see why Jack Bonham was given 7 out of 10, Jack Bonham saved efforts on goal from Fraser, Mason & Morris in the second half, and if those saves kept Gills in the match and we somehow managed to pull the match back from 2-0 down to 2-2, Bonham would have earned Gills a point, What is especially frustrating about The 2-0 defeat against MK Dons is the fact that Gillingham play against Portsmouth, Fleetwood Town, Ipswich Town and Sunderland in the next four league games, and ideally, we would have liked to have seen Gillingham go into those four league games off the back of a away win against MK Dons.
Yes, it was a stonewall penalty and how a foul was given against Dominic Samuel, I have no idea, But Carlton Morris was given so much time and space for the second goal, and Gillingham did not learn there lesson, Because Carlton Morris was one on one with Jack Bonham again, only this time, Jack Bonham made a very important save, And Jack Bonham also made important saves to prevent Joe Mason and Scott Fraser from scoring efforts on goal in the second half as well.
And because of those saves, Jack Bonham was My Choice For Man Of The Match, Vadaine Oliver and John Akinde as a partnership just did not work as Gillingham knocked the ball long and MK Dons always had the spare man in defence with George Williams, Richard Keogh and Dean Lewington as MK Dons Three Man Central Defensive Partnership, MK Dons dominated possession, but they also showed great game management to see out the rest of the match, moving the ball backwards and sideways just to maintain possession and not give Gillingham any opportunities to score, But if we did score with one of those chances either from Dominic Samuel or Vadaine Oliver in the second half, then maybe Gillingham could have fought back from 2-0 down to draw 2-2.
This result is a disappointing result, but there can be no arguments about the score-line, MK Dons deserved to pick up all three points, they created the better goal-scoring opportunities, I do think if Gillingham were awarded that penalty kick in the first half and if we levelled the game up at 1-1, we could be talking about a completely different outcome, But MK Dons could have won 4-0 based on the chances they created in the second half, And Jack Bonham’s saves kept Gillingham in the match at 2-0 down, and if Gillingham did draw 2-2, then Jack Bonham would probably still be Man Of The Match, Because his saves would have earned Gillingham a point.
I personally think that Trae Coyle should have perhaps come on for Declan Drysdale, and Gillingham could have lined up with Dominic Samuel and Vadaine Oliver in attack, and Jordan Graham and Trae Coyle on the wings, Scott Robertson coming off for Josh Eccles appeared to be a planned substitution, and there are concerns with Kyle Dempsey, Because Kyle Dempsey picked up a knock towards the end of the match against MK Dons, And Kyle Dempsey could have picked up another serious injury again.
And now, Gillingham go into two very important league matches against Portsmouth and Fleetwood Town at Priestfield Stadium, Hopefully, Gillingham can recover from this disappointing defeat against MK Dons and Gillingham can pick up four or six points against Portsmouth and Fleetwood Town, A Win And A Draw from these two matches would be superb, But back to back home wins against two excellent League One Teams would be out-standing, And back to back home league wins would be a great way for Gillingham to put this disappointing defeat against MK Dons begins us - COME ON THE GILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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teacupcedes · 4 years
A Mother’s Help
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, Erica Jones, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Friday Afternoon, April 10, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: After not hearing from Mercedes in a few days, which is unusual, Erica drops by to visit the couple and their new baby.
Mercedes moved around the house tidying up a bit, despite the fact that she truly did not feel like it. Her mother had invited herself over to just check in on them and spend a little time with Carter, so Mercedes was forced to get out of bed, the place that she had been for the last two days, and make the apartment look presentable.
Samuel carried Carter into his room and made it his business to change the child’s diaper before Mercedes’ mother arrived. He wanted to freshen him up a bit, make him look all cute and cuddly for his grandma. After he changed his diaper Samuel changed his clothes, putting him on a little outfit with a matching pair of socks and a matching hat. He had managed to get this part of the baby care process down pact, no thanks to Mercedes. He felt like a single father most days; the girl didn’t get out of bed and ignored Carter, in his head, most of the time now. She said she was tired and he got that, but a screaming baby was enough to wake you up out of any trance. “You look and smell good kid,” Samuel said to him as he hoisted the boy up, dropping his old diaper in the Diaper Genie before he left the room.
Mercedes scrambled around the apartment, wiping down the counters and sweeping the floors, which really did nothing about the mess of baskets of unfolded clothes in the living room or the clean dishes just stacked up in the rack, almost so full it could all topple over at any moment. Plus, she looked an absolute mess with her hair in a messy bun atop of her head, most of the hair hanging out the back and the sides, framing her face. She had on a two-day old shirt and her leggings had dried up spit up from a week ago on them. The bags under her eyes were deep and she looked absolutely exhausted, as she did all of the time now.
Samuel brought Carter into the living room where Mercedes was and he placed the child in his latest gift to him, his mamaRoo. Once he laid him in it, he strapped him in and turned it on proudly and watched as their son laid within it, content and quiet. Once he knew for sure Carter wouldn’t cry or scream, he walked away picking up the basket of clothes and moved them into their bedroom and placed them a corner. When he walked back out, he took the dishes out of the rack and placed them in the cabinets where they belonged.
With the counters wiped down, Mercedes moved into the living room and she sat down on the couch tiredly, rubbing her hands over her legging gently. She really wished that she could just tell her mother not to come but then she would be forced to explain why; she didn’t know why. She barely looked in Samuel’s direction as he moved around and she bit her lip hard before her eyes moved to their son in his mamaRoo. She eyed him, her chest constricting a bit at the sight of him before she shook her head and she curled up on the couch, laying her tired body down as she stared at the child blankly.
Erica through the hallway to the apartment and she let out a deep hum. She had only seen her grandson and daughter once after they had left the hospital and Mercedes hadn’t even called her or anything in the last few weeks. She had no idea what could possibly be going on, but she was going to find out. Mercedes had been calling her every day, sometimes twice a day, and then it just dwindled down to nothing in a matter of days. She was curious. She walked up to their door and knocked twice before she stepped forward some, trying to listen in a bit to hear what was happening inside their apartment.
Samuel watched Mercedes with a raised brow as she sat there, he didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her, but he was so tired of it. He finished putting the dishes up in the cabinets before he heard a knock on the door and he moved to it, a freshly bathed and dressed Samuel opened the door to Erica. “Hey,” he said cheerfully. “How’s it going?” he asked her, opening the door for her to walk in.
Mercedes heard the door but she didn’t move a single muscle. She just continued to lay there, staring at Carter blankly. As Samuel opened the door, Mercedes shifted slightly, pulling her shirt up some to cover her face.
Erica stepped back as Samuel opened the door and she gazed at him with soft eyes. “Samuel,” she smiled softly, “hi,” she said as she stepped forward, opening her arms to pull him into a light hug as she stepped into the house. “I am fine,” she said as she pulled away from him, looking around the apartment now. “I’m more curious about how things are going over here,” she said gently, eyeing the place slowly.
Samuel looked at Erica pulling her into a gentle hug. “Uh, that’s good,” he said softly to the woman at her words. “I–” he shrugged as he looked around, “pretty okay,” he lied to her with a plastered smile as he let her into the room completely. He locked the front door behind the woman and moved into the home as he looked at their son in the mamaRoo.
Mercedes covered her face more as she heard her mother move into the house and ask Samuel how things were going. She curled up even more, almost into the fetal position, making room on the couch as she laid there.
Erica gazed up at Samuel, nodding slowly before she glanced around the apartment. She eyed the mamaRoo and she walked over, cooing at the baby as she leaned down, just taking him in. He was such a beautiful little boy. “Hi Carter,” she whispered softly to him, gently rubbing his stomach as he gazed up at her. “Hi,” she repeated in a baby-like voice before she stood upright and looked at her daughter, curled up on the couch. She sat down beside Mercedes and placed her hand on her daughter's hip, rubbing her there a bit. “Hi sweetheart,” she whispered softly. “You feeling okay?” she asked.
Samuel watched Erica and he walked around in the background idly, he licked his lips. He stuck his hands in his pockets as he watched mother and daughter interact.
Mercedes cowered away from her mother’s touch and she curled up further. “Hi…” she mumbled; her face still covered. “I’m fine mom…” she said in a whisper.
Erica looked at Mercedes, just taking her in before she looked up at Samuel. She shifted slightly patting Mercedes hip before she stood up and walked over to Samuel whispering, “Is she sick?” as she ushered for him to move with her into the kitchen. She stood by the island, her eyes on the back of the couch before she looked up at Samuel once more.
Samuel watched Mercedes to see if she’d give her mother the same treatment that he had been getting all this time from her. When the woman did, she turned to him for some understanding, and he didn’t have much to offer. At her question he shook his head no at the woman, he looked away from her for a moment. “She’s been like that for a while, but she isn’t sick with anything,” he said to her under his breath. “She says she’s tired” he told her averting his eyes. “She doesn’t do anything for him or anything around the house… just lays there,” he said shaking his head.  
Erica gazed at Samuel, nodding slowly at his words. She pressed her hands into the island as she took in what he said. Erica pursed her lips and whispered back to Samuel, “how long is a while?” she asked Samuel. “She seemed fine when I visited before…” she said softly as she looked back at the back of the couch. “Is she holding Carter at all?” she asked softly.
Mercedes shifted on the couch; her eyes closed under her shirt. She could faintly hear her mother and Samuel whispering but she couldn’t make out what they were talking about when Carter began to cry. She let out a frustrated noise as she sat up on the couch, gazing at Carter in his mamaRoo. The child let out a loud wail, it was his, i'm hungry cry. She blinked slowly as she gazed at him. “What… what do you need Carter?” she asked the child tiredly.
Samuel looked at her mother and said, “a couple weeks,” to her easy before he shrugged. “No,” he breathed. “I get him most of the time,” he told her. He said before he heard the boy and he looked at Carter and then Mercedes, sighing softly he moved to grab the baby. “I got him,” he told Mercedes raising his hand to her and he unstrapped the child from the mamaRoo and picked him up, holding him gently. Samuel moved into the kitchen again with Cater and he moved to warm him a bottle, after getting it from the fridge. “Shh,” he said softly to him gently as he bounced the child.
Erica stood there and she frowned at Samuel’s words. “A couple of weeks?” she whispered, that wasn’t a good sign. Listening to Samuel more, Erica nodded a bit. As Carter began crying, she turned looking at Mercedes as she sat up speaking to the child oddly. Erica stood there, watching as Samuel gathered the child and returned into the kitchen with him. “I’ll take him,” she said softly, carefully working Carter out of Samuel’s arms and into her own. She held the child close, bouncing him a little and patting his diaper-clad butt gently. “Has Mercedes tried to hurt Carter at all?” she asked Samuel, needing to know.
Mercedes just sat there staring at the child until Samuel gathered him up and took him into the kitchen. She let out a sigh of relief and stood up from the couch, walking to the steps and moving up them slowly. When she got upstairs, she moved into the bedroom and pulled out clothes to take a shower and make herself look somewhat presentable to her mother.
Samuel looked at Erica and he nodded his head at her handing the child over easily. Samuel placed the bottle into the bottle warmer on the counter and he waited for it to warm as he watched Mercedes leave. When she did, he finally answered Erica and shook his head, “not to my knowledge,” he said to her softly. “But I go to school and I go to work. When I am gone… I don’t know. I always just hope she actually cares for him,” he said in confidence to the older woman.
Erica held the child expertly, holding him close to her bosom. She continued to pat his butt lightly as he fidgeted and wiggled in her arms, his little face turning red as he cried. Looking up at Samuel, she nodded slowly before she looked up at Samuel and she said, “Mercedes might be depressed Samuel.” She shifted on her feet, looking back down at the little boy in her arms. “Some women get it after having a child,” she told him softly, “I, uh, I had it after Mercedes…” she explained.
“Depressed about what?” Samuel said to her, jerking his neck, the boy took the bottle out of the warmer and he tested it on the back of his hand. Licking his lips, he handed it over before he moved to grab a bib for the child. He walked back into the kitchen and said, “so what do we do?”
Erica sighed out softly at Samuel’s question and she began to explain. “It’s called postpartum depression, some women develop it after childbirth because of all of the hormones and the stress of a new baby,” she told him quietly as she took the bottle, popping it into Carter’s mouth swiftly, watching as the child immediately began to suck away. “Well… I would take Mercedes to the doctor,” she told Samuel truthfully, “get her examined and they’ll tell you what needs to be done from there… since every woman is different.” She shifted on her feet, her hand holding the bottle to Carter’s mouth as she held him close to her chest with her other arm. “I had to be medicated for a while,” she admitted. “Symptoms of it are typically crying for no real reason, irritability, anxiety, extreme fatigue on one end of the spectrum or extreme insomnia on the other, dramatic mood swings, inability to connect with the baby, lack of concentration…” she sighed softly, “the list goes on and on…” she told Samuel, “when it get really bad a mother could experience overwhelming sadness, guilt, thoughts of maybe hurting herself or the baby, lack of appetite, withdrawal from loved ones…” she said before she looked up at Samuel, “any of these seem about right to you?” she asked him.  
Samuel raised a brow at Erica, sticking his hands between her and Carter securing a bib around his neck easily. Once he did that, he stood back resting his hand against the counter and leaning on it taking in what she had to say. He shrugged his shoulders, “well, yeah,” he told her nonchalantly. “Some of that,” he sighed heavily having made up his mind already that he simply did not have time for this, there was so much going on already.
Erica allowed Samuel to place the bib on Carter as she shifted him in her arms. “Yes, she needs to see a doctor Samuel,” she told the boy easily. She could take Mercedes, but Samuel needed to do it. This was their child, their life, they needed to handle the situation. It would not only show their growth but their maturity, mainly Samuel’s as he would have to continue to take care of Mercedes until things got better for her.
“Okay, so you are gonna take her right?” Samuel asked Erica quickly. “I have to watch Carter and stuff, school, I have two jobs now,” he told the woman. He didn’t have all the time in the world to do all these things, it just wouldn’t happen that way.
Erica shook her head. “No, you’re going to take her,” she told Samuel easily. “Yes, I know, juggling life and a baby is not easy,” she said to him with a hum, “but you’re going to have to figure it out,” she told him simply. It was a test. They went and got pregnant and had a baby, now they had to handle it and all of the consequences and struggles that came with it. It was unfortunate, yes, and she felt for her daughter and would step in if she absolutely had too but Samuel and Mercedes needed to figure it out on their own.
“That’s not fair, how am I supposed to do everything by myself?” Samuel argued back to the woman. “Carter isn’t even supposed to be out right now, how am I going to take her?” he asked seriously.
“Life is not fair,” Erica told him easily as she slowly pulled the bottle from Carter’s mouth as he finished it. She sat the bottle on the counter before she picked up a towel off the oven handle and placed it over her shoulder easily. “What would you do if you didn’t have me here?” she asked Samuel. “You would find a way to make it work,” she told him. “So… make it work,” she said. “Now, if you ask, I might watch Carter for you all but you need to be the one to take her to the doctor Samuel, it’s important for you to know and understand what is happening with her,” she placed Carter over her towel-covered shoulder and began to pat his little back. It was like second nature to her.
“Fine,” Samuel said angrily, did she not get the fact that he didn’t have the damn time. It was beyond Carter right now; he was in deep with both jobs and he couldn’t neglect school. He had to graduate with a decent GPA, if he was going to go to school which he probably wouldn’t because of Carter and the lack of money. Sighing, he moved to plop down on the couch angrily.
Erica watched Samuel as he stormed off and she began to hum softly to herself and to Carter as she continued to pat his back, burping him easily. “Oh, good boy,” she said to him in a coo. “Nice burp,” she hummed out as she continued patting needing at least one more out of him.
Mercedes slowly emerged from the bedroom fresh and clean with her hair washed and pulled back into a low bun with fresh clothes on her body. It was the first time she had actually taken a real shower in the last week. She had just been taking a wet towel and wiping her body off and laying back down. She had even brushed her teeth this time. As she moved down the steps, she tried her best to have an upbeat and perky outlook despite how she truly felt. “Hi mom,” she said, finally greeting her mother with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
Samuel sat there, folding his arms over his chest as he thought about how he was going to do it all. As Mercedes moved back towards them greeting her mother for the first time, he looked at her tucking his lips in with a small headshake. Having a kid was causing more drama than anything for them lately.  
“Oh yeah,” Erica said as Carter released another burp and she began to rub his back now instead of patting it. As Mercedes walked toward her looking slightly refreshed, she gazed at her with soft eyes. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she met her halfway, still holding Carter to her shoulder. “How are you feeling?” she asked as she held Carter to her with one hand and used her other to stroke Mercedes’ cheek.
Mercedes gazed at her mother a bit blankly. “I am fine,” she said softly, dropping her gaze as her mother stroked her cheek. She leaned away from her touch but only slightly as she said, “just tired,” which was her typical response now. She shifted on her feet, pressing her hand into the counter before she lifted her head and looked at the back of Carter’s head full of hair. “He’s a handful…” she mumbled softly.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes and Erica as they spoke, the girl gave the same ole answers and had the same ole mood every time. Why even bother asking if Erica knew so much and knew what she had? He turned his head away from them and shifted on the couch as they interacted.
Erica nodded slowly at Mercedes’ words, taking in her response and her overall disposition with a small nod. “Yes, the first few months of motherhood are hard and tiring.” Looking down at Carter, she chuckled and said, “take him,” to Mercedes as she held the child out to her.
Mercedes nodded slowly, dragging her hand down her face before her mother offered the child out to her and she shook her head. “I don’t want to hold him,” she told her mother out right.
Samuel looked back over to Mercedes at her words, he then looked to Erica with a raised brow. Yet, she thought it would be smart for him to deal with that all alone, a fool she was.
Erica arched an eyebrow at Mercedes as she continued to hold Carter out as he shifted and fidgeted a bit in her hands. “Mercedes hold your son,” she said sternly.
Mercedes smacked her lips, reluctantly reaching out and taking Carter. She held him, keeping him turned away from her as she held him between his legs, holding his body to her chest.
“Good,” Erica said as Mercedes took the child. “Now look at him,” she said, “turn him around and look at him. That is your child Mercedes,” she told her daughter.
Mercedes blinked at her mother as she held the boy to her chest. “I know he’s my son…” she said as she made no effort to turn him around and look at him. “I had him…” she said, a bit agitated. “He came from him…” she huffed a bit.
“So… then look at him,” Erica gestured towards the child. “Love on him,” she said easily.
Mercedes shifted Carter slightly against her chest and she grew quiet at her mother’s words. She shifted her weight on her feet, feeling a bit uncomfortable as she averted her gaze from her mother. She looked over at Samuel on the couch for just a second before she looked at the floor. Slowly but surely, she eventually shifted Carter in her arms, turning him around as she held him by his butt now, her hand splayed, supporting his back as well. She lifted her gaze from the floor as she stared at her son.
Samuel looked over at Mercedes again with a head shake once more, when did it get this bad? This was all so very nuts to him; a mother was supposed to love a child and she didn’t even want to hold hers. Sighing softly, he looked away from her as she looked at him, looking elsewhere.
Erica stood there silently as Mercedes looked everywhere but at her own child, her eyes following Mercedes eyes. When Mercedes finally looked at Carter she said, “look at him… he’s so beautiful…” she whispered, stepping forward, placing her hand over Mercedes’ on Carter’s back. “He’s you and he’s Samuel… he’s so perfectly blended and he’s love…” she said softly. “He loves you and he needs for you to love him back; he needs for you to be there for him,” she told Mercedes.
Mercedes stared into Carter’s big gray eyes as they blinked slowly, sleepily, from having just eaten before her eyes began to water at her mother’s words. She bit her lip hard as she took in Carter’s beautiful slightly tanned complexion and little pink lips. His head of hair was beginning to get a bit curly atop of his head and he was indeed beautiful. Slowly but surely Mercedes began to cry and she shifted Carter in her arms, hugging him flush against her chest as she closed her eyes, sniffling hard. “I don’t know what’s wrong with me…” she cried softly.
Samuel looked back over at Erica as she spoke about their son, who was indeed beautiful. Mercedes got emotional and he felt bad, but he didn’t know how to help her aside from getting her help which he knew he had to.
Erica watched as Mercedes broke down, hugging the boy close and she sighed out looking over to Samuel before she looked back at her daughter. “It’s okay,” she said quietly. “We’re going to get you some help,” she whispered, rubbing Mercedes’ arm now. “It’s going to be okay,” she said softly.
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teacupcedes · 4 years
Baby Blues
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Monday, March 30, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Mercedes just isn’t feeling like herself. She’s down and out for no real reason and Samuel doesn’t know what is wrong with her.
Mercedes laid in the bed, curled up with the covers over her head as she listened to Carter scream and cry. It was all that he did. He cried and slept, slept and cried. She was exhausted. With a deep sigh, she pushed the covers off of her body and she stood, grabbing her robe as she did. Slipping it on, she walked into Carter’s nursery and she stood before his crib, staring down at him. His tiny body kicked and fidgeted slightly in the bed. Reluctantly, she reached down and picked him up, holding him close to her chest as she bounced him gently. “It’s okay…” she cooed out without much emotion as she walked out into the living room with him, sitting down on the couch as he calmed down.
Samuel came into the house, a dirty mess from working at the shop today, he closed the door and locked it behind him toeing his work boots off at the door. “What’s up,” he said to Mercedes easily as he moved towards her, he leaned down pecking Carter only quickly as he moved to wash the dirt and oil off his hands, body, and face. He moved into their bedroom and into their bathroom turning on some hot water in the shower.
Sitting there, Mercedes rested back on the couch, Carter just lying against her chest now as she stared up at the ceiling. She blinked slowly, only turning her head slightly as Samuel entered. “Hi…” she said quietly, her hands at her sides. As Samuel moved past, kissing Carter, she let out a deep sigh. She closed her eyes now, just sitting there with a weight on her chest.
Samuel moved to pull his clothes off from his body, putting them in the hamper before he climbed into the shower letting all the dirt melt away. Samuel stood under the hot water for a while, watching all the dirt swirl down the drain before he picked up his soap and began to wash his body clean with a washcloth. After he was done with his body, he moved to wash his hair fully and then he shampooed it and conditioned all the way through.
Mercedes shifted slightly, not even looking down at Carter as he wiggled against her chest a bit. Slowly her eyes looked at the clock on the wall and she sighed out as she stood with the child and moved into the kitchen. She opened the fridge and pulled out a bottle, shaking it up a bit before she moved towards the warmer, placing it inside and turning it on. Slowly she looked down at Carter as his big grey eyes gazed at her and she huffed. “Don’t look at me…” she mumbled.
Samuel rang his hair out and swirled it around into a bun before he climbed out, dripping wet. He grabbed a towel and pat himself dry before he tossed the towel aside. Once back into their room he pulled some sweatpants on and grabbed a hair tie, placing it around his wet bun before he moved out the room seeing Mercedes and Carter in the kitchen. “Hey little man,” he spoke as he grabbed Carter from her and held the baby to his chest. “Daddy missed you bud,” he told him pecking his forehead. “Are you about to feed him?” he asked Mercedes.
Mercedes watched the warmer closely, nibbling her lip as she did. When Samuel walked in, taking their son from her, she let out a small noise of relief before she said, “yeah… you can do it…” She picked up the bottle, testing it a bit before she handed it to Samuel, without really looking at him.
Samuel grabbed the bottle and nodded, “you don’t feel like… breastfeeding him?” he asked her both curious and confused. He tested the milk behind her out of habit and he moved to sit down on the couch with Carter placing the bottle up to his lips for him to drink.
Mercedes looked through Samuel as she shrugged her shoulders a bit. “I already warmed the bottle,” she said, not really answering his question. Walking behind them, Mercedes sat down on the loveseat, curling up a bit as she did. She rested her head against the armrest, staring up at the ceiling once more.
Samuel watched Carter as he sucked from the bottle and he said, “you are hungry huh?” to him gently as he looked back into the kids grey eyes. This happened to be his favorite part of the day, coming home to a woken Carter and being able to spend some time with him. He looked over at Mercedes and said, “you okay?” to her curiously.
Mercedes faintly listened to Samuel as he spoke to their son and she let out a small hum. Blinking slowly, she allowed her eyes to close as she rested there and at his question, she shrugged her shoulder a bit. “Just tired…” she told him. She felt so drained and despite the fact that Samuel was now holding Carter, she still felt a weight on her chest.
Samuel looked at her and said, “why don’t you go take a nap then?” he asked easily as he got up, having forgotten about a bib. “You look like shit,” he told her seriously as he moved to Carter’s room. He removed the bottle for a moment placing a bib for Carter around his neck before he placed him on his shoulder patting his back a little. Samuel grabbed his bottle and he moved back for the living room patting his back the entire way.
Mercedes looked over at her fiancé at his words and she let out a breath before tears began to fill her eyes. She sat there sniffling softly as she curled up even more on the chair, pulling the large shirt over her knees as she dropped her head to them. She exhaled a harsh breath as she began to cry.
Samuel walked back into the living room to see Mercedes and he looked to her crazily. What the hell was her damn issue? He sat down and said, “aye,” to her getting her attention, “bro, what you got going on man?” he asked her seriously. He rested Carter back in his arms and he placed the bottle to the boys lips again letting him drink.
Sniffling hard, Mercedes gently banged her head against her knees until Samuel entered speaking to her once more. She slowly lifted her head, looking up at him with red, tired eyes. She gazed at him, then down at their baby, before she dropped her head once more. What was wrong with her? “You told me I look like shit,” she whined.
“Yeah ‘cause you do,” Samuel said looking to her as if she was stupid. “Have you even bathed today?” he asked her, looking her over. “I told you to go take a nap if that’s what you need,” he repeated, “right now you trippin’ B,” he said as he balanced Carter and the bottle with one hand grabbing the remote with the other.
Mercedes let out a huff before she stood up quickly. She looked at Samuel and Carter before she said, “I’m going to lay down,” with a mumble. She walked off, moving into their bedroom and she closed the door behind her. Walking into the bathroom, she closed and locked the door before she moved into the shower, turning the water on and sitting down on the shower floor, letting the water pour down on her.
Samuel looked at Mercedes again, his face scrunched as he looked her over. He rolled his eyes and looked back to the TV as it played before him. After a while he looked down at Carter as he continued to suck from the bottle with his eyes closed. Samuel put his feet up on the coffee table and got comfortable as he watched cartoons.
Sitting there, Mercedes rested her head against the shower wall, breathing deeply as she did. Eyes closed, Mercedes fell asleep, the water pouring down on her.
Samuel looked down, to see that Carter was done with the few ounces in the bottle and he sat it aside. He lifted the boy up on his shoulder and he began to pat him on the back to burp him as he continued to watch TV. After a few minutes his son burped twice, and Samuel continued to pat his back for good measure before he moved into Carter’s room. He placed Carter on the changing table and changed his diaper, before he redressed the kid and moved to lie him back down in his own bed. Samuel turned the monitor on before he left the room looking for the other. He walked into their bedroom spotting it but hearing water running in the bathroom and he knocked on the door. She said she was sleeping, now she’s showering, she couldn’t make up her mind.
Mercedes rested there, finally feeling a bit of relief as she slept. She was uncomfortable and could barely breath as the water got warmer and warmer but at least she felt some relief. She shifted slightly, head still leaning against the shower wall and she couldn’t hear Samuel as he knocked on the door over the water beating down against her tired body.
Samuel didn’t get a response so instead he grabbed the monitor and went back out into the living room, moving into the same position he was in before he tucked Carter away in his bed. He sat the monitor aside before he folded his arms and zoned into the show.
The steaming water got so hot that Mercedes was struggling for air and that struggle made her wake up. She groaned softly as she gasped a little as the realization dawned upon her and she leaned up as quickly as she could, wiping water from her face as she quickly turned the knob, turning the water off. She sat there, breathing deeply now, her chest rising and falling rapidly. Her skin felt like pins and needles from the scalding hot water. Carefully she stood up, looking down at her soaking wet clothes and she let out a small whine as she began to cry again, feeling like she was spiraling. She sobbed to herself as she took off her clothes and let them fall onto the shower floor. Stepping out, she grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her body as she stood there, looking at herself in the mirror. She towel dried quietly, sniffling hard to herself as tears ran down her face. She walked out into the bedroom now, laying out across the bed in the towel.
Samuel yawned lightly before his stomach rumbled and he looked to the kitchen with a sigh. He didn’t know what Mercedes had done all day but she could have at least cooked by now. Licking his lips, he turned the TV to another cartoon and laid his head back against the couch. When he heard shuffling, he moved to stand up on his feet and he moved in their room. “Um, are you cooking dinner?” he asked, taking her in, laying there, in a towel on their bed.
Lifting her head slowly, Mercedes looked towards the direction of Samuel’s voice and she squinted slightly, blinking slowly. “Uh…” she dropped her head down on the bed. “Y-yeah…” she mumbled as she slowly pulled herself up in the bed. She gripped the towel around her body as she walked over to a drawer. She pulled it open and grabbed a pair of panties before dropping the towel and stepping into the panties. She opened another drawer. Pulling on a maternity bra before she pulled a shirt out and put that on as well. She shifted on her feet as she asked, “what did you want to eat?” quietly.
Samuel watched her as she got naked before him and began to dress herself up in some clothes. He licked his lips shrugging. “Uh, doesn’t matter, I am just starving,” he told her easily.
Mercedes looked at Samuel and she nodded slowly as she walked past him now, moving into the kitchen. She opened the fridge door and looked over the options. Sighing out, she let out a deep yawn before she opened the freezer and grabbed out a package of chicken wings. Sitting them on the counter, she sighed out. Moving to the pantry, she grabbed a few potatoes out the bag.
As she walked past him, Samuel followed her as she took out stuff to cook with and watched her, looking her up and down. He shifted on his feet, his arms crossed over his chest. “So um,” he started, “you feelin’ some type of way ‘bout the money thing… or?” he asked.
Sitting the potatoes on the counter, Mercedes looked at Samuel, actually looking into his eyes for the first time since he entered the house and she shook her head. “No…” she mumbled as her shoulders dropped some. She walked over to him and rested her head on his chest gently, her arms hanging at her sides.
As she said no to him, Samuel raised his brows; he didn’t know whether to believe her or not. He watched as she moved towards him laying her head on his chest and he looked down at her for a moment before he rubbed her back gently. Samuel pecked her forehead before he said, “give me a kiss,” with authority laced in his loving voice. “You should just go sleep… I’ll eat cereal,” he said trying to be understanding.
Mercedes shoulders slumped slightly before he kissed her forehead and she looked up at him. Leaning up on her toes slightly, she kissed his lips gently before she rested back down on her feet and she nodded slowly. “Okay,” she whispered before she moved to walk off. She entered their bedroom and climbed under the covers, laying down and closing her tired eyes.
Samuel stood there taking her in as she kissed his lips and he watched her walk away moving to their bedroom again. Samuel sighed, he placed the chicken in the fridge and he moved to grab a bowl, a box of cereal, and some milk.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Sunday, March 22, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Mercedes comes home from a little grocery shopping, having left Carter with Samuel for an hour or so. Samuel gave Mercedes money to deposit into their account and a spat arose between the two.
Mercedes moved through the front door, holding a few bags from the store and her purse on her shoulder. She huffed softly as she moved for the kitchen and sat the bags on the counter. Licking her lips, she called out, “baby, I’m back,” to Samuel. She had only been gone for an hour and thirty minutes as she promised. She had deposited the money Samuel asked her to and did a little grocery shopping. It felt good to actually get out of the house too. She had been in the hospital, then holed up in the house with Carter for the last few days. She loved it, of course she did, but a little fresh air and sunlight did her good.
Samuel was in their bed; the TV was on watching him at this point in time as he laid there on his back. His eyes were closed, hair in a bun and a sleeping Carter rested on his side nuzzled near Samuel’s chest. Samuel’s hand rested on the baby gently and he released a snore softly as they slept together. Somewhere in Carter’s room were two dirty diapers filled with so many wipes they wouldn’t close. Samuel had to change his shirt twice from the boy throwing up and those rested on the ground next to the bed. He didn’t even bother putting another back on. Carter was laying with him with just a diaper on and nothing more and there were empty bottles cascading the bed.
Mercedes slowly but surely began to unpack the groceries, putting them up as she listened intently to the silence in the apartment. It was quiet. Too quiet. As she finished putting up all of the groceries, she washed and dried her hands before she moved to investigate. She moved out into the living room, looking around slowly. Nothing out of the normal there. She then moved for Carter’s nursery, her face scrunching immediately at the sight of the dirty diapers. “What in the world…” she mumbled to herself as she collected them both, forcing them closed as best she could before she threw them in the diaper trash can in the room. She then moved to crack the window, letting the room air out some. She shook her head as she moved into the bathroom, washing her hands again. Carter hadn’t been in his crib, so he had to be in the bedroom with Samuel. Licking her lips, she dried her hands, pumping a bit of lotion into them and rubbing it in as he moved for their bedroom. She entered slowly, eying Samuel and Carter asleep in the bed. She knew Carter had to be freezing as he was laying there tucked under Samuel’s arm in nothing but a diaper. Sighing softly, Mercedes ran her hand down her face before she collected the bottles from the bed. “Sam…”
Samuel grumbled in his sleep and he subconsciously caressed their son’s stomach as they both slept. As Mercedes walked into the room and called his name, he woke up immediately looking down at their still sleeping son. “I’m up,” he told her as he shifted to get up, sitting upright in the bed a little mindful of Carter.
Mercedes held two of the bottles in one hand as she looked at her fiancé and she said, “why doesn’t he have on any clothes baby, he can get sick and he’s too new to be getting sick,” she said in a motherly tone. “Also, the diapers?” she asked him confused.
Samuel looked at her and he blinked rapidly before he said, “he threw up twice, he kept messing up our clothes,” defensively. “I turned the air up a little so he wouldn’t be cold and there’s a blanket right here,” he told her. “He was hungry and fussy, and he had shit everywhere,” he told her.
Mercedes sighed out as she moved to set the bottles down on the nightstand. “Baby, he needs to be clothed,” she told him softly as she eyed the blanket that wasn’t even covering the baby. “Here,” she said as she moved around the bed, reaching for the sleeping child. “You didn’t want to throw the diapers away?”
Samuel looked at her and he looked away. “Understood,” he said to her patiently, he was trying not to get annoyed, she was Carter’s mother after all. “I guess not,” he said as he pursed his lips.
Lifting Carter out of the bed, Mercedes gently laid him against her shoulder, rubbing his back softly. She gazed at her Samuel before she turned and moved out of the room with their son. She walked him into the nursery, laying him down on the changing table and lifting the guard rails as a precaution before she moved around the room, grabbing him something to wear. She pulled out a long sleeve pants onesie and a pair of mittens, quickly moving back towards him. She lowered the railing, working quickly but gently to dress him in his sleep state. Once he was clothed, she lifted him back over her shoulder, kissing his plump cheek softly. “You have a nice time with daddy?” she whispered softly as she bounced around the room some, still rubbing Carter’s back. After a moment, she laid him down in his crib.
As she walked away Samuel shifted out of the bed and he picked up his dirty shirts moving to put them in their hamper filled with dirty clothes. He grabbed another shirt, putting it on and he moved to grab the kids bottles. He took them into the kitchen and unscrewed them before he began to rinse them of the contents that remained in them.
Mercedes pressed a tender kiss to Carter’s forehead before she made sure his crib was secure. Turning on the monitor and grabbing her own, she moved into the kitchen where she heard Samuel. She sat the monitor down and leaned against the counter, watching him quietly.
Samuel began to wash the bottles now, using streaming hot water as he used some bottle cleaner that she had gotten. He used their bristled brush and stuck it inside, swirling it around the bottle before he rinsed it and repeated the task. He felt her eyes on him, but he ignored them as he continued to clean the bottles and rested them on the drying mat she bought specifically for his bottles, on the counter.
Watching Samuel, Mercedes bit her lip and she walked up behind him wrapping her arms around his midsection as she pressed up against his back. She inhaled his scent and let out a content sigh. “So…” she began sweetly. “Outside of exploding diapers and being thrown up on, how was your father, son hour?” she asked him.
“Okay, I guess,” Samuel replied back to her as he washed another bottle and he rinsed it, placing it on the mat as well before he turned the water off. He stuck the brush back into its holder on the sink before he dried his hands.
Mercedes rested her head on Samuel’s back, clutching him lovingly, her hands on his abs. “Just okay?” she asked him softly.
“Yeah, I mean he’s a baby,” Samuel said to her as he wiped the counter down from where he split a little breast milk earlier.
Sighing once more, Mercedes nodded and she said, “that he is,” as she walked out of the kitchen. She moved into their bathroom, pulling her hair up into a bun before she moved into the bedroom and began to undress.
Samuel placed the cloth in the sink before he moved to walk out of the kitchen, he moved into Carter nursery quietly. He thought that she had the other monitor and would hear him, he made sure he put whatever he ‘messed up’ back neatly before he took the trash out of Carter’s can. When he did, he tied it off to sat it aside before he placed another one of his bags in and left his room with the trash. Samuel fixed his messy bun with one hand tucking hair away and he walked out of the condo and tossed the trash down the shoot at the end of the hallway before he moved back into their space, bare foot.
Mercedes pulled her shirt off, tossing it into the hamper before she adjusted her maternity bra a bit. Taking off her jeans, she tossed them into the hamper too before she walked over to the drawer, catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror. Truthfully, she didn’t look bad. She had a bit of extra stomach pudge but that was all. It wasn’t terrible like she saw some women. She was only a few days postpartum and basically looked how she did before pregnancy, give or take a stretch mark or two and that extra stomach pudge. She placed her hand against her lower stomach longingly, actually missing her belly a bit.
Samuel moved into their room looking over at Mercedes, he didn’t touch whatever she was going through. Instead he minded his own business. Women had a way about things and he knew from experience to just not speak unless spoken to. He moved to sit down on their bed and he grabbed the remote changing the station.
As Samuel entered the room, Mercedes quickly turned away from the mirror, tucking a loose piece of hair that had fallen from her bun behind her ear. She continued to the dresser, opening up a drawer and pulling out a pair of short-shorts. She stepped into them quickly before she opened one of Samuel’s drawers, pulling on one of his t-shirts. It drowned her. She let out a hum as she looked around for the baby monitor now. She glanced around the room before she walked into the bathroom, not seeing it there either. She bit her lip as she quickly moved out of the room and into the kitchen, snatching it up off the counter. She attached it to her hip protectively before she moved back into the bedroom with Samuel, grabbing a baby book off the nightstand as she climbed into bed. It was mid-day but she was exhausted.
Samuel watched her as she put clothes on and began to walk around the room cluelessly, he looked to her oddly before he looked back at the TV. Samuel licked his lips before he got up when she settled and moved into his sock drawer. “Dallas came and brought me this after you left,” he said easily tossing her ten-thousand dollars. He sat back on the bed and looked at the TV again biting his nails.
Mercedes looked at the money as it landed on the bed and she picked it up with pursed lips as she fanned through it. “And what the hell did Dallas do to get all of this money?” she asked him as she tossed it back to her boyfriend as he sat down. “We don’t need his drug money,” she said knowingly. “We’re fine…” she shook her head before she mumbled to herself as she flipped the book open, “crazy… what kind of example does that set for Carter?” she shook her head more.
Samuel looked back at her as the money dropped down beside him, he picked it back up and tossed to her. “That is my money, he owed me,” he told her with a raised brow. “You don’t know anything about some drugs and Dallas. Don’t be talkin’ like that,” he said angrily to her as he turned back around to the TV. “Carter is a baby anyway; he doesn’t know what’s buying his damn pampers…” he said lowly.
Mercedes looked at Samuel with an arched eyebrow as he tossed the money back at her. She looked at it, “he owed you?” she asked him. “It’s drug money regardless and you know that,” she said to him as he got angry with her. She looked him up and down and said, “I’m not depositing this and you shouldn’t want to,” she told him as she tossed it back. “He needs good examples of men in his life,” she said to Samuel, “a drug dealer? Not a good example,” she said, shaking her head. “You brought home money yesterday and didn’t have to sell a single drug to do it, you worked hard for it, you didn’t take the easy way out,” she said, “that is what Carter needs to see,” she said with a huff.
Samuel looked to her and picked the money back up. He stood to his feet and gazed at her angrily. She was all off base and she didn’t even know it. He didn’t care how he got money. He got it because they needed it. To survive, to provide for Carter. Their son would grow up to need money for a multitude of things, especially college, he would be better than Sam. Sam would stop at nothing to make that happen. “You are talking out of your ass right now Mercedes,” he said bitterly. “This is my money,” he voiced loudly, “I need to provide for my son!” he argued. “I don’t care how he got the money; this is mine now,” he repeated, “and Carter won’t want for anything all because you want to be judgmental. Carter can be whatever the fuck he wants to be but not if he has a worthless as sorry-ass, stupid-ass, broke-ass father!” he yelled harshly. “I’ll deposit the shit my fucking self,” he said as he walked away from her.
Mercedes looked at Samuel, shocked by how upset he had become and she blinked slowly, listening to him as he yelled at her. She flinched a little from the harshness and the validity of his words. She couldn’t believe that he didn’t care how Dallas got the money. Did he not care about the way it could affect their son? If Carter grew up to know that Dallas sold drugs, he might think he could do the same, especially if Samuel condoned it. Accepted it for what it was. At his final harsh yell, Carter began screaming and crying in his crib and Mercedes jumped out of the bed quickly as she rushed to him. She moved into his nursery, dropping the railing and hoisting him up. She cradled him in her arms and bounced him lovingly. “It’s okay baby,” she whispered, “it’s okay, it’s okay,” she repeated over and over again as she tried to sooth him.
Samuel watched as she ran off to their son and he moved to place the money he had in his backpack. Whenever he tried to do right, people always found something wrong with it. He licked his lips as he lowered himself on the couch hearing Carter cry. That upset him most of all, that and the way she flinched when he yelled. He ran his hands over his face as he gazed out the window beside him.
“My sweet boy,” Mercedes breathed out quietly. “It’s okay baby,” she said kissing his forehead now, still trying to calm him. She laid him over her shoulder, rubbing his back and patting his bottom now. “Carter,” she said softly as he wailed. She moved to sit down in the rocking chair in his room and began to rock with him. She rubbed his back in soothing circles as he cried loudly.
Samuel continued to listen to Carter screaming and crying though he knew his mother had him. He didn’t move for a long while before he figured he needed to comfort the child himself. Samuel picked himself up off the couch and he moved towards his room, looking at her he reached out for the boy. Samuel hoisted him up and placed him over his shoulder, pecking his cheek and he said, “shh baby,” softly to the baby. “Everything is fine,” he said as he rubbed his back as he walked out the room with a sigh.
Mercedes tried her hardest to sooth Carter, racking her brain trying to think of something. She had sung to him every now and again when he was in her belly and that calmed him down. She wondered if it would do the trick now. “Here comes the sun, doo-dun doo-doo,” she began to sing The Beatles song. “Here comes the sun, and I say, it's all right, little darling, it's been a long cold lonely winter, little darling, it feels like years since it's been here…” she trailed off as Samuel walked in taking Carter from her. She sighed out as she stopped singing, watching him walk out with Carter.
Samuel kissed his son’s cheek once more as he began to quiet down some now, he bounced him subtly in his arms. He continued to rub his back as he moved into the living room with him. “I love you,” he told the kid softly. “I’ll do anything for you and no one will ever stop me from doing what I have to do for you,” he said.
Mercedes sat there, listening closely as Carter began to quiet down and she deflated a bit. Why couldn’t she get him to calm down? Licking her lips slowly, Mercedes stood up and she tip-toed into the living room, peering at Samuel and Carter discretely before she moved back into their bedroom and she plopped down on the bed.
Samuel sat down on the couch with his son, looking to see if he were asleep. His eyes were closed and he was quiet so he only assumed he was as he continued to rub his back gently. Thankfully, he was obviously doing something right.
Mercedes sat there, feeling so defeated before she crawled up the bed and curled up on her side. She didn’t understand why Carter wouldn’t calm down for her or why Samuel was so upset with her for her feelings about Dallas and drugs and even the influence on Carter. Sighing out, tears began to fill her eyes and she sniffled softly.
After a while, Samuel moved to stand with Carter and he walked into his room placing him back into his bed comfortably. He placed a little blanket over him, closed his window, looked to his monitor and then walked out again. He made sure he stayed in the living room, away from her. He wasn’t really upset but he was annoyed and didn’t want another argument to happen.
Mercedes could hear Samuel placing Carter back into his crib over the monitor and she sniffled harder as she cried, more tears rolling down her face, falling into the pillow. Taking the monitor off her hip, she sat it on the nightstand carefully before she slid under the covers and pulled them over her head, crying herself to sleep.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
The New Normal
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans, Mercedes Jones, and Carter Evans TIME FRAME: Saturday, March 21, 2020 LOCATION: Jones-Evans Apartment; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Samuel comes home after a run out with Dallas. Mercedes feeds Carter for only the second time that day and cooks Samuel an early dinner. 
Mercedes rested in the nursery sitting in the rocking chair watching Carter as he slept. She knew that she was supposed to sleep when he slept but she couldn’t help it. He was just too perfect. Too precious. Too fragile. She wanted to watch over him day and night and right now it just so happened to be day, around noon. She should definitely be napping because he had kept her up all night but she just couldn’t. Her mind was always running a mile a minute thinking about him.
Samuel moved into the house and he dropped his backpack down by the door, it was quiet, too quiet. That meant Carter was most likely sleeping and so was Mercedes. He opened his backpack discreetly and pulled out a wad of cash before he zipped it back and moved his backpack to his hiding place. He had only been out for an hour or so, no more than that. He had to cater her, and their son now as well, his other occupations had to wait. Until night fell or she wasn’t noticing. He began to count the cash slowly to himself, anything to ensure their son had what he needed, he’d do anything. He moved to the kitchen counter, placing the cash there in stacks as he counted.
Mercedes heard the front door open and close and she lifted her head slightly. Who was coming into the house? She hadn’t heard Samuel leave. Slowly, Mercedes pulled herself out of the chair and she walked over to the crib, reaching in to gently and carefully stoke Carter’s three-day-old cheek. She let out a content hum as his lips parted slightly and she swooned before she moved out of his room after turning on his baby monitor and picking up her monitor. She attached it to the waistband of her yoga pants and moved to where she heard Samuel, the kitchen. She padded into the kitchen quietly only to stop short, seeing him counting money. Her eyebrows furrowed a bit and she bit her lip. Maybe that’s why he left, maybe his dad had given him some money. Shrugging it off, she quietly moved for the fridge, opening it and grabbing a bottle of water out. “I didn’t know you left,” she finally said.
Samuel continued to count slowly; he had managed to make nearly 4 thousand dollars today which wasn’t bad. He hadn’t sold much in the last 2 days and he wanted to make sure he kept on top of things. He licked his thumb and kept counting, double checking behind himself before he heard the fridge and shot his head up. “Huh?” he said, she had managed to scare him to death as she stood there. “I–” he said taking a deep breath “I had to do some quick work,” he told her as she placed a rubber band around the money and ran his hands through his hair.
Mercedes uncapped the water bottle and took a sip as she eyed Samuel. She drank down some water and nodded slowly. “Oh okay,” she said with another nod before she sat the bottle on the counter and said, “he’s been sleeping all day,” as he walked up to him wrapping her arms around him. She rested her head on his chest and sighed out.
As she brushed it off, Samuel high-fived himself internally and he chuckled. “I hear that’s what babies do,” he joked lightly taking away from his own suspicion. Samuel hugged her to his chest, before he said, “I’m hungry,” and he pulled away from her to find something to eat, leaving the money on the counter.
Mercedes chuckled softly and she said, “I know,” with another sigh. “He’s only fed once,” she said softly. “I don’t know if I would wake him and feed him or just let him be,” she admitted as Samuel said he was hungrily himself. She smirked and said, “there’s leftovers in the red container.” Looking at the money on the counter, Mercedes eyed it before she turned to Samuel. “Exactly what work did you do today?” she asked him, seeing the stack just sitting like that making her wonder. “They just paid you on the spot in cash?” she asked him picking up the stack.
Samuel grabbed the leftovers nodding his head. “Great,” he told her as he warmed it up a little in their microwave. He grabbed himself a fork and looked at her. “Uh,” he said, “yeah, I worked on someone’s car, under the table,” he lied. “They just paid me uh… what it would have cost them… anyway,” he said to her, “you should probably go put that up to deposit later,” he informed to her.
Mercedes eyed the money a bit more before she looked at Samuel as he stood there and she nodded slowly. “Oh, okay…” she said going along, though something in her gut just didn’t feel right. “I’ll deposit it tomorrow when I go out, I have to go to the store,” she told him truthfully as she leaned against the counter some. She sat the money back down and sighed out. “Uh, what did you want for dinner tonight?” she asked him.
Samuel looked at her, nodding his head gently at her as he grabbed the food out of the microwave when it stopped. He began to eat the leftovers and he nodded again as she explained she had to go out tomorrow. “Um, whatever you want to make babe,” he told her honestly as he moved to lean against the counter scarfing down some more food.
Mercedes bit her lip as she said, “I don’t want to take him out just yet, can you stay here with him while I go out tomorrow?” she asked. “I won’t be long. Just an hour or two,” she told him. “I don’t want to be exposed to too many germs right now,” she told her fiancé, worried that their son could get sick. At his words, she nodded and moved for the fridge herself, “uh,” she said looking at their options. “I can make spaghetti,” she said thoughtfully, “with home-made garlic bread.”
Samuel nodded his head, continuing to eat hungrily as she explained what she needed from him tomorrow. “Okay,” he said easily, that was no problem their son slept for the most part. “I can do that babe,” he told her, swallowing hard and chewing more food that he had shoved in his mouth hungrily. “Sounds good,” he said tilting the bowl towards his mouth and pushing the food into it with his fork before he licked his lips and sat the bowl in the sink. “You should wake him up and feed him first. I’ll watch him while you cook,” he told her.
Mercedes listened to Samuel and she nodded slowly. “Thank you, baby,” she said sweetly as she moved for him, pressing a kiss to his beard. She let out a hum, watching him devour the leftovers from the other night and she knew she needed to hop on dinner soon. He was clearly hungry. “Are you sure baby? It won’t take me long to whip up spaghetti for you,” she said sweetly before she looked down at the monitor on her hip, hearing Carter gurgle and moan a little in his sleep.
Samuel looked at her, “yeah, he has to eat,” he said to her with a shrug. “Plus, that food will hold me over for a bit I am sure,” he commented easily as he moved to sit down on the couch, turning the TV on and his gaming system.
Taking in Samuel’s words, Mercedes bit her lip. “You’re right,” she said softly. “Okay baby,” she said as she picked the money back up off the counter, making a mental note to deposit it tomorrow. She then walked into the bedroom and placed it in her purse before she went and washed her hands. She moved into Carter’s nursery and she smiled softly as she looked down at her son. Carefully she pushed down the side of the crib before she lifted Carter into her arms, her hand on his back and neck, holding him to her chest. Carter mushed his sleeping face into her chest as she held him and Mercedes’ heart fluttered. She grabbed a blanket and moved out into the living room with Samuel. She sat down and got comfortable before she laid the blanket down in her lap and adjusted Carter.
Samuel looked to her with a smile as he geared up a game, he rested his feet on the coffee table and he watched Mercedes as they returned with their son. She sat beside him and he began to play GTA turning the volume down on the TV so that it didn’t upset their son as he began a mission focusing all his attention on it.
Mercedes laid Carter down in her lap long enough to adjust her clothing so that she could properly feed him. She lifted one side of her shirt, taking it off that shoulder in general. With that done, she placed her hand on his little belly, rubbing him there sweetly, trying to sooth him into waking up enough to be able to properly latch. Carter’s little mouth opened and closed and he let out a gurgle before he opened his eyes once, then twice, blinking hard. Mercedes watched his little eyes flutter and she smiled as she pulled her bra cup down and lifted him into her arms. She held her breast in her hand as she helped him latch before she cradled him in her arms as he suckled from her in his sleepy state. She gently patted his little diaper clad butt as she watched the TV as Samuel played.
Samuel looked over at Carter and he smiled at him widely, his son was really a sight to see he was so adorable. He made him feel all mushy inside and he didn’t know how to feel about that. As he opened his eyes and he looked at his grey orbs smirking at that. He looked like the perfect mixture of the two of them, he couldn’t be more perfect in Samuel’s mind. As she popped her boob out to feed him, he watched their son latch on and he smirked at that turning his head back to the game.
Mercedes glanced at Samuel, a small smile on her face as she watched him, watch their son. She smirked softly, looking down at Carter as his little pink lips suckled nutrients from her. She looked back at the TV saying, “I didn’t pump at all day,” as she thought about it. Now that she was feeding her son again it had hit her. She looked down at Carter again before back at the TV and she shifted slightly, her arms holding him close. “Baby, can you go grab my pump?” she asked him softly.
Samuel tried to conquer the difficult mission and he looked to her nodding his head. “Sure” he said as she paused the game and sat the controller down. Samuel moved into Carter’s bedroom and he grabbed the pumping equipment stored in its own little bag. He carried it back into the living room for her, sitting it on the table. He opened the bag and looked at her expectantly.
Mercedes patted Carter’s butt softly and his little hand came to rest near his face as he drank from her. As Samuel returned with her pumping equipment, she smiled at him, “could you help me set it up?” she asked him, holding Carter with both of her arms, making sure he was properly supported.
Samuel nodded his head before he said, “yeah if you show me again,” easily to her. She had shown him once but Sam wasn’t actually retaining the information to be capable of repeating it. He needed to have gotten the job done for the moment.
Nodding, Mercedes said, “take out the bottle part,” she began to explain, “and you just screw that other part with the handle into it,” she told him simply. Licking her lips, Mercedes looked back down at Carter as he wiggled in her arms a bit as she continued to pat his butt as he drank still, his eyes closed now.
Samuel nodded his head as he did what she told him to do, this time he would remember. He screwed the handle piece onto a bottle piece and handed it to her, easy. “Gonna do that now?” he asked her grabbing the controller once more.
Mercedes watched as Samuel put the pump together easily and she smiled. She shifted Carter just slightly as she took the pump and laid it in her lap. “Yeah, I need to, he only fed one other time today and I am producing a lot of milk,” she explained, “I’m not hurting thank goodness but I can feel that I need to release pressure,” she said as she adjusted her shirt more and pulled her bra cup down on that side. She hadn’t even realized she was leaking. Sighing to herself, she brought the pump up and placed it over her breast, making sure it was lined up right as she began to pump the lever. She looked back down at Carter as she did so.
Samuel nodded his head at her as he began to play the game once more, looking over at her as she balanced feeding their son and pumping at the same time. She was an everyday superwoman; she could do anything. He moved his eyes back to the TV screen and put his feet back on their coffee table as he resumed the mission once more. “He was hungry,” he said to her biting his lip as he aimed to shoot the man in the car.
Pumping the lever, Mercedes looked at how much milk she was producing, and she bit her lip. It amazed her. She had read that some women didn’t produce much milk or really any at all after giving birth and it was a bit shocking to her truthfully. She knew some women prefer formula over breastfeeding, but she had no idea that was a reason why for some women. Looking at Samuel at his words, she looked back at Carter, and she chuckled. “Like his daddy,” she said sweetly as she continued to pump the lever. Carter suckled still, his eyes closed as he drunk and drunk from Mercedes hungrily.
Samuel smirked at her comment before he focused on the game again and he shot the dude off the motorcycle before he moved to the next part of the mission. He sat up a little now as the intensity drove him to get far more serious, he leaned into the TV a little more though there was still much distance between them.
Looking to the TV as Samuel played the game, Mercedes watched silently. She pumped away until Carter finally stopped feeding from her and she pulled the pump away from her breast, just letting it leak now as she shifted Carter in her arms. She rested his tired body against her shoulder and rubbed his back sweetly, letting him digest a little and catch his breath before she tried to burp him.
Samuel stuck his tongue out of his mouth as he continued to play the game, if he didn’t beat this level, he’d pull the TV out of the wall because honestly, he’d been at it for days. He didn’t know why GTA was so difficult, but this level seemed to be the worst one yet and it was starting to work his nerves as his fingers worked fast against the PS controller.
Looking to the TV as she rubbed Carter’s back, Mercedes watched as Samuel focused. She smirked slightly, the corners of her lips twitching up before she began whispering to Carter, “you full my sweet boy?” she asked him with a hum as she continued to rub his back. She slowly pulled him away from her shoulder, looking at him as his eyes fluttered tiredly and she chuckled as she sat him in her lap, holding him upright with one hand as she began to pat his back with the other. She paused for a moment, reaching into his pump bag and pulling out a bib just in case. She placed it on him before she resumed patting his back, trying to get him to burp. “Burp for mama,” she said softly as she gazed at him.
Samuel nostril flared a bit, the game was cheating no doubt. He continued however trying to get to the end of the mission. He heard Mercedes but he couldn’t look back just yet he had to continue to fight against the elements of the game. As she spoke again, he bit down on his bottom lip as he continued to fire off the gun and when his player died, he rolled his eyes falling back annoyed by that. He looked at his son and shook his head, “he’s milk wasted,” he told her.
Mercedes looked between Carter and the TV as Samuel tried to beat the mission. She dropped her eyes back to Carter and at Samuel’s words and she chuckled. “The best kind of wasted,” she giggled as she continued to pat his back despite the fact that he was indeed falling right back asleep. “Uh, uh,” she said as she laid him over her shoulder once more, patting his back still. “Gotta burp baby boy,” she hummed out sweetly. Carter finally released a burp and she smiled, still rubbing his back and patting a little. “Give me one more,” she said to him.
Samuel watched their son as he fell back asleep and when she repositioned him again, he looked back to the TV sighing. He sat the controller aside, “that’s my boy” he said happily as he looked back at the boy again. “Can I try?” he asked Mercedes gently.
Mercedes looked over at Samuel at his question and she smiled at him. “Of course,” she said sweetly as she shifted Carter, holding him in her lap for a moment to gaze at him before she carefully held Carter out for Samuel. “You just lay him over your shoulder or sit him in your lap and pat his back, not too gentle that it won’t do anything but not too hard that you hurt him either,” she said sweetly.
Samuel nodded his head and he held their son and he placed the baby over his shoulder like she had and he patted his back gently, firm but not too hard making sure he actually got the job done. He licked his lips as he waited to see if the boy would actually burp for him.
Mercedes watched as Samuel laid Carter over his shoulder and she smiled as she finally took the time to grab a wipe and clean herself up a bit before she continued to pump. She watched as Samuel patted Carter’s back and Carter let out another burp, throwing up a little as he did, right over Samuel’s shoulder. Mercedes bit her lip softly, wincing as he watched the little bit of throw up roll down Samuel’s back. “Baby,” she said softly as she reached for a towel.
Samuel continued to pat the baby’s back and when he heard another burp he smirked, he actually managed to do it. Go him. He didn’t actually suck at being a dad at all. As she called him, he said, “huh,” to her, still patting their son’s back as he shifted, feeling something on his back and he asked, “did this kid throw up on me?” curiously.
Mercedes nibbled her lip as she said, “he did,” with a small giggle. “Lean up some,” she said as she wiped his back as best she could, her other hand still pumping the lever. She looked at Carter as he laid against Samuel’s shoulder, eyes closed fully now, he was definitely asleep. “And he’s asleep,” she told Samuel with a chuckle.
Samuel sighed heavily as she confirmed that the child had thrown up on him, he shook her head. “Your bad butt,” he chuckled at Carter gently as he shifted around so that Mercedes could wipe his back clean.
Chuckling a bit more, Mercedes made sure Samuel’s back was as clean as she could get it before she sat the towel on the coffee table. She finished pumping, finally, and sat the bottle on the coffee table as well before she fixed her bra cups and pulled her shirt back on properly. “Do you want me to lay him back down or do you want to continue to hold him?” She asked sweetly as she stood from the couch, picking up the pump and she took off the pumping top and replaced it with a regular top as she moved to place it in the fridge in the kitchen. Returning, she began to clean up the area a bit.
“I want to hold him,” Samuel said to her easily as she began to clean up her things from pumping. He shifted Carter to rest on his chest now and he rubbed the little boys back and gently caressed his plump cheeks before he pecked him through his head of hair. Picking up the controller he began to play the mission once more, placing his feet back up and he comfortably sunk down in his seat and began to play again.
Mercedes smiled at Samuel and she nodded, watching as he rested comfortable with their son on his broad chest. The sight made her heart skip a beat and she swooned for a moment before pulling herself together. She finished cleaning up and she walked the pumping bag into the kitchen, quickly washing out the pump before she dried it and placed it back into the bag with two other bottles. She took the bag and placed it back in the nursery where it belonged. Returning to the kitchen, Mercedes yawned now as she washed her hands before she began to prepare their dinner.
Samuel watched her walk away after cleaning and he pecked Carter’s head again. “You did not have to throw up on daddy like that you know,” he whispered as his eyes stayed on the screen. “Oh, come on,” he told the screen with a head shake as he pressed through the level. “Can’t throw up on daddy next time,” he reminded the little boy as his fingers worked, his hands resting on his lower stomach gently.
Mercedes took her time prepping the sauce and getting the water boiling for the simple meal. She also worked to make the home-made garlic bread. In all it took her 35 minutes before she called out, “dinner is ready,” to Samuel. She made him a plate, sitting it on the table for him before she made her own. She then quickly began to place the rest of the food into a container, letting it sit on the counter to cool for now.
Samuel rested with Carter, his breath shallow as the game continued to play in the background. He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but the controller was still in his hand, and the newborn baby was shuffling against his chest sleep as well. He didn’t hear Mercedes call out for him as he let out a snore into the living room.
Mercedes listened for a response from Samuel and when she didn’t get one, she walked out of the kitchen, wiping her hands off on a towel. She turned the corner and saw Carter laying on his back on Samuel’s chest with no support and she quickly moved over to them, tossing the towel over her shoulder before she picked up Carter from Samuel’s chest carefully. She laid their son over her shoulder, her hand on his back, holding him in place as she leaned down, rubbing Samuel’s chest with a shake of her head.
Samuel continued to sleep silently, he felt something against his chest and his eyes shot open as he remembered their son subconsciously. Looking up to Mercedes seeing that she had him, he groaned out as he shifted, placing the controller aside. Samuel rubbed his eyes gently and eyes fell closed tiredly, as if to fall back asleep before he sat upright, he opened his eyes again moving to stand up.
Mercedes held Carter over her shoulder, rubbing his back lovingly as she watched Samuel. She stopped rubbing his chest as he opened his eyes and she smirked slightly. “Nice nap?” she asked him as she bounced Carter a bit, patting his butt now. “Dinner is ready baby,” she said, “I made you a plate,” she added as she moved to walk away, going to lay Carter down in his crib.
Samuel looked to her stretching his long body and he nodded his head at her words. At her words, he nodded and rubbed his flat stomach. “Okay,” he breathed as she moved to leave with Carter. Samuel washed his hands in the kitchen before he sat down at the bar and began to eat the food that she prepared for them.
Laying Carter down, Mercedes secured his crib back in place and made sure it was locked before double checking both of the baby monitors, the one in his room and the one on her hip, before she walked out, turning off the light. She entered the kitchen and washed her hands before she sat down beside Samuel and began to eat her food with a hum. “Did you see your dad or Dallas today?
Samuel forked spaghetti in his mouth, when she surfaced again, he said, “this is good,” to her kindly. At her question he shook his head lying, he’d seen his brother earlier when they were out making rounds but he’d have to explain too much if he told her that. “Why?” he asked shoving a forkful into his mouth again.
“I’m glad you like it,” Mercedes said sweetly as she ate more food herself. “Just curious,” she said softly. “They hasn’t been by to see Carter and everyone else can’t stop begging,” she said thoughtfully as she bit into her garlic bread.
“Dad is busy and well… Dallas is Dallas,” Samuel replied back to her easily. “He will show up eventually,” he shrugged lightly. “He came to the hospital, he may just be giving us space…” he stuck more food into his mouth, licking sauce off his lips slowly.
Nodding slowly, Mercedes sighed out as she said “yeah…” softly. She had assumed his dad would attempt to be a bit more involved after Carter was born but she understood how he could be busy. “Maybe,” she said softly, eating more of her spaghetti. Laying her head against his arm, Mercedes sat her fork down tiredly. It was finally really starting to hit her. She yawned softly, nuzzling her face in his arm a bit before she sat up-right in her seat and ate more. “I’m glad you’ve been finding steady work,” she said sweetly.
Samuel nodded his head, licking his lips again making sure he got all the red sauce off of his mouth before he stuck more food in. As she rested against him, he looked down at her for only a moment watching her yawn before he moved back to his plate. At her next words he nodded. “Mhm” was all he could manage to get out knowing that would be a very different story had she known exactly what he was doing as work. “We need money so…” he breathed trailing off as he began to scrape the plate and licking the fork.
Smiling softly, Mercedes finished off her small portion of spaghetti and garlic bread before she stood up and moved for the sink. She rinsed her plate before she sat it in the water to wash later. Humming softly, she nodded, “I know and I’m so grateful,” she said biting her lip. “It’s like things just started working out with perfect timing.” Turning from the sink, she wiped her hands on a towel before she stood behind him rubbing his shoulders a bit. She kissed his cheek before she said, “I’m going to lay down.”
Samuel nodded his head at her. “Well, what kind of father would I be if I couldn’t provide for him,” he said kicking himself subconsciously. “I told you I’d take care of us, I meant that,” he told her next. He began to swipe his garlic bread across the sauce on the plate biting it hungrily. “Okay,” he said looking back at her with a head nod.
“You’re a great father,” Mercedes said sweetly, nodding as she kissed him once more. “I know baby,” she said before she gave his shoulder a squeeze and walked out of the kitchen. She moved into their bedroom, toeing off her slippers as she laid down on top of the comforter with a deep, tired sigh.
At her words he smirked widely, nodding his head and when she confirmed that she knew he’d take care of them he smiled softly. She walked away and Samuel watched her with a lick of his lips. These 6 weeks were going to kill him slowly honestly. He turned back to his bread eating the last bit of it before he got up and moved to wash the dishes. It wasn’t something he did often, but now with the baby, he tried very hard to assist her every way he could. He ran a little water and cleaned the dishes that were there before he put them up.
Mercedes laid in the bed, growing more and more comfortable. She yawned softly, gripping the pillow as she laid in her stomach. She could faintly hear Samuel in the kitchen as she drifted off to sleep.
Samuel turned the game and the TV off; he turned the lights off and he moved towards their bedroom. Samuel pulled the monitor from her hip and he moved to sit it beside him as he turned the TV on and turned the volume down low lying there beside her.
As Samuel moved into the bedroom, Mercedes groaned quietly. She felt him pull the monitor from her and she shifted her body. As he rested beside her, she rolled into him, her hand on his chest as she curled up into his side.
Samuel shifted lightly against the bed, crossing his sock covered feet at his ankles. As she rolled into him, he looked down at her wrapping his arm around her and holding her close before his eyes moved back to the TV.
A small smile twitched at Mercedes lips as Samuel wrapped her up and she let out a small snore as she fell deeper into sleep. “I love you,” she mumbled in her sleep in between snores.
Samuel smirked rubbing her side lovingly and he said, “I love you to baby girl,” sweetly.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Love Overflowing
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones and Samuel Evans (with Erica Jones and Alexander Jones) TIME FRAME: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 LOCATION: Evans-Jones Condo and Hospital; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: After a long and trying pregnancy, Mercedes finally goes into labor and after 12 hours, Mercedes gave birth to their son. 
Mercedes laid in bed, staring at the TV idly. She was so tired but every single time she found herself drifting off to sleep, a stupid Braxton Hicks contraction would hit her, and she was withering in pain beside her fiancé who laid beside her knocked out. She tried to stay quiet and not move so much, not wanting to disturb him, but she was actually dying. Letting out a yawn into her hand, her heavy eyes fell as she looked at the TV. Slowly but surely her eyes drooped shut and she laid there, letting out soft breaths as she began to drift. Sleep was almost there; she could feel it.
Samuel laid sprawled out against the bed on his stomach, he was in such deep sleep until anything around him had fallen on death ears. He snored loudly as he usually did when he were this tired and he slept beside Mercedes with his lips parted open against his pillows.
Mercedes let out a soft snore as sleep overcame her and she rested there, hugged up to the body pillow, her back to Samuel as he slept away. She got about 30 minutes of sleep before she was startled awake once again. “Ugggh,” she groaned out clutching her stomach as she shifted in the bed. She puffed and huffed in pain, whimpering slightly as she managed to roll over to face her boyfriend. Tears filled her eyes as she placed her hand on his back, trying to shake him awake. “Sam,” she said in a strangled voice.
Samuel released another snore into the air, he shifted in the bed burying his face into the pillow even more. As he felt Mercedes hand nudging him in his sleep, he grunted a little shifting against her touch. “Hm,” he said in response to her as he fell back asleep.
Mercedes let out a harsh breath as the pain subsided and she continued to shake him gently. “Sam, wake up,” she said quietly. “I… keep having contractions,” she told him. “I… I’m not sure if they’re just Braxton Hicks anymore,” she said huffing slightly, her eyes shifting to the clock that read 3AM.
As Mercedes spoke Samuel got up opening his eyes. He licked his lips as he rolled onto his back now pulling the cover up over his chest. “Huh?” he said scratching his itchy ear a little as he got comfortable once more, he was going to go back to sleep.
“Sam!” Mercedes grunted, pushing his shoulder now. “Wake up,” she whined. “I think I’m in labor,” she said out-right as she carefully moved to sit up in the bed. She adjusted her tired body until she was sitting Indian-style on the bed with her back pressed up against the headboard. “I don’t know…” she admitted as her hands cupped her belly, rubbing tenderly.
As she shoved him again, Samuel opened his tired eyes looking at her wildly. At the mention of her being in labor, he shifted in the bed again looking up at her stupidly, the boy was honestly half asleep. “What we need to go to the hospital or something?” he asked her tiredly.
Mercedes could just strangle him sometimes. God! He worked her nerves. Looking over at him as he sat up in the bed, giving her a dumb expression, she let out an exasperated sigh before she pulled her bottom lip into her mouth. “I don’t think so, not yet,” she said quietly before she looked back down at her belly, rubbing it still. “I think we should call the doctor,” she told him, slowly lifting her eyes to him once more.
Samuel rubbed his eyes releasing a loud yawn into his hand and he finally sat up right in the bed. Damn, he was tired as fuck. As she went on to explain even more details to him, he nodded his head at her. “Okay,” he breathed. “Where is your phone?” he asked assuming he was supposed to get it and call the doctor himself.
Eying Samuel as he finally sat up in the bed, properly adjusting himself, Mercedes continued to rub her stomach. “If it’s not over there on the charger,” she said pointing towards their dresser. “I might have left it in the living room on the coffee table,” she said to him, breathing deeply. She wasn’t in pain at the moment nor was she having a contraction, but she was so out of breath and tired.
Samuel climbed out of the bed without another word, he moved in the directions she told him to scout out the phone. When he did find the phone, he moved to her handing it over.
Mercedes continued to breathe deeply, thinking things over in her head. She had been in pain since before she laid down for the night to sleep, but it was mild. Over the course of a few hours, her pain had grown and grown. Licking her dry lips, Mercedes reached out, taking the phone from Samuel. She held it up to her face, for a few seconds before it unlocked and she handed it back to him, her eyes closing as she rested against the headboard. A yawn escaping her tired body.
Samuel waited for her to unlock her phone and once she did, she handed it back to him. He moved to her contacts and scrolled until he found the doctors number before he called the guys number pressing the button and he held the phone up to his ear waiting.
Mercedes rested there with her eyes closed, just trying to remain calm and collected as her fiancé, she loved calling him that, called their doctor. Rubbing her belly in soothing circles, she opened her eyes to look at him as the phone rang. She shifted slightly stretching her short legs out in front of her.
The older man grabbed his phone in the dark, quickly lifting himself out of bed as to not disturb his wife. “Hello,” he said as he stumbled into the hallway of his home.
Samuel waited for the man to answer the phone and when he did, he said “hi, I am Sam,” he breathed “Mercedes Jones, boyfriend,” he added before he sighed. “Mercedes thinks she’s in labor,” he said in a very dry tone as he sat down on the bed.
Dr. David stood in the hallway of his house and he rested his back against the wall. “May I speak with her?” he asked Sam.
Samuel nodded his at the man though he could not see him, and he licked his lips. “Sure,” he said as he handed the phone to Mercedes. “Here...”
Mercedes took the phone from Samuel as he handed it over to her and she sighed out tiredly. “Hi doctor David.”
“Hi,” David said back to the girl gently. “How are you feeling?” He asked a subtle yet important question.
At the question, Mercedes let out another deep sigh. “I am so tired,” she said honestly. “I haven’t been able to get much sleep,” she said as she pulled the phone away from her ear and put it on speaker for Samuel to hear too. “Before I laid down to sleep, I was feeling some pain in my back, but it came and went,” she explained to the doctor. “Then it just kind of grew and spread,” she told the doctor, looking at Samuel. “It’s like the pain would subside and I would start to drift to sleep, then boom all over again,” she said into the phone. “Meanwhile Samuel was drooling and snoring beside me…” she said glaring at her boyfriend slightly.
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she placed the phone on the bed having turned it onto the speaker setting. At her sly comment about him he looked to her and then looked away, forgive him for being tired he guessed.
Dr. David listened to the young girl trying to be attentive to her considering she was simply a teen after all. He nodded his head and said, “do you know how long these pains you are feeling are lasting?” He asked her. “How far apart is one pain from the next?” He breathed. “If you think you are in labor Mercedes. Don’t hesitate to get Sam to take you to the hospital,” he reminded her. “If only just to make sure you are or aren’t in active labor…”
Gazing at her boyfriend, Mercedes huffed at his expression. He got all the sleep. Always. At this point in her pregnancy she was lucky to get 4 hours, while he laid around all of the time sleep. Listening to the doctor, Mercedes responded, “Uh, I’m not sure maybe 2 or so minutes,” she guesstimated. “I think they’re like maybe 30 or 45 minutes apart, I can’t tell, I’ve just been trying to sleep,” she just about whined out, sadly. “I think I might be,” Mercedes said honestly. “Don’t Braxton Hicks usually settle by now?” she asked the doctor as she still rubbed her belly.
The man continued to listen to her, and he nodded his head. If she was in labor, she was definitely in the early stages and had some time to go. “Well in that case Mercedes I would suggest keeping me posted,” he said to her. David licked his lips and said, “that sounds more like labor then Braxton Hicks contractions, yes,” he said with another nod. “But with them that far apart honestly, if you all go to the hospital now, they are just going to send you right back home and tell you to wait it out like I am,” he told her. “When they start to get longer and closer apart Mercedes that is when you should get going,” he told her.
Listening to the man, Mercedes nodded slowly, looking around their dark room. Hospital bag, check. Car seat, check. Back up chargers, check. Shoes by the door, check. She knew that inside the bag they had clothes for themselves and the baby, snacks, basically everything they could possibly need. She knew because she had packed it and double checked it every night before going to bed and every morning when she woke up. “Okay,” Mercedes said with a hum as she nodded slowly. “What about the pain? Do I just push through and try to get some sleep?” she asked him honestly. She had tried before, but she would try again if he told her to.
The man nodded. “That’s the best I can suggest,” he told her honestly. “I know it sounds crazy but you just have to push through the pain to find yourself some rest,” Dr. David offered.
Frowning up her face, Mercedes looked at Samuel and blinked tiredly. “Okay, thank you doctor,” she said softly. “We’ll give you a call back if anything changes,” she said with a deep exhale. Hanging up the phone, Mercedes gazed at Samuel before she let her head fall back against the headboard gently, her eyes closed. “So… we wait…” she said as she reached for his hand, placing it on her stomach gently.
Samuel listened to the man as he spoke and when she hung up, he said, “I’m sorry,” to her instinctively. He wasn’t being an ass. He was just sleepy to be honest, school and work, combined with her neediness equaled an exhausted him. As she rested his hand in her stomach, he let out a yawn and said, “yeah,” with a head nod. “You gotta get some sleep,” he told her as he moved to rest his tired head against her belly gently. He practically hugged her stomach as he closed his eyes. “What can I do to help?” He asked her caringly.  
Lifting her head, Mercedes looked at him sadly. “It’s not your fault,” she mumbled. As he rested against her belly, she shifted some, stretching her short legs out before her. “I know,” she said, “I tried,” she told him honestly. “Soon as I started to drift, another contraction would come,” she breathed out. Her hand rested in his hair as he laid against her and she shrugged. “Just hold me?” she asked him softly, prepared to lay back down in the bed.
Samuel nodded his head; he didn’t know the first thing about labor and delivery outside of the books and movies. But he also knew each woman was different in all of this. He leaned up and pecked her lips gently. “Okay,” he told her sweetly as he shifted and moved to his side of the bed. He’d hold her, that was easy. The body pillow did most of the work, he mused, in his mind as he smirked.
Kissing Samuel’s lips back, Mercedes smiled softly, her plump cheeks rising. Carefully she adjusted herself in the bed with her giant body pillow. Once she was good and comfortable, she reached back for Samuel. “He’s coming…” she said sweetly, placing his hand on her belly once more.  
Samuel slid up behind her, resting his hand on her stomach and he cupped it protectively. “Yeah,” he breathed with a bit of a smirk and new profound realization. “Damn,” he said as he rubbed her belly in slow circles. He pecked the side of her neck. “We are going to be parents; I can’t believe it babe,” he told her. Samuel cupped her belly again, once he was out he’d have to protect him from everything, she no longer could with him tucked safely inside.
Mercedes closed her eyes, letting Samuel’s soothing rubs of her belly take her away. “We are,” she said with a yawn as she grew more and more sleepy from his rubbing and his warmth. Before she knew it, she was asleep, resting comfortably with Samuel snuggled up to her.
Samuel nuzzled himself in her neck, he continued to rub her belly soothingly. Surprised their son was unmoving but he assumed with everything going on inside of there that was why. He looked at her and saw her eyes closed, he smirked. Kissing the side of her neck again he laid his head back down in his pillow, but he never stopped rubbing her round belly.
Three hours later, Mercedes woke up squinting around the room as sunlight began to peak through their window. She placed her hand on Samuel’s arm gently, turning her head slightly to look back at him before she gripped his arm tightly as a contraction hit her and she let out a harsh breath as she tried to breathe through it.
Samuel groaned in his sleep; he released a soft snore before he felt Mercedes shift next to him. She gripped his arm and he opened his eyes looking at her. “Hm,” he said, if she had said anything, he missed that within his sleep. “You okay?” he asked her as he let out a yawn, his hand rubbing her stomach where it had been resting.
Huffing out, Mercedes closed her eyes as she continued to grip Samuel’s arm tight. She inhaled and exhaled deeply, her hand holding onto him firmly until the pain subsided. At his question, she took a moment to really catch her breath before she said, “I’m okay, just another contraction,” she explained. Looking at the clock now, Mercedes was happy that she had at least gotten three hours of sleep. She felt a bit more refreshed and rejuvenated. But God, she had to pee. “Can you help me to the bathroom?” she asked him. She could go on her own, but she wasn’t sure how far apart her contractions were now, and she didn’t want to chance it and hurt herself or the baby.
Samuel nodded his head at her as she explained that it was just another contraction hitting her. He leaned up in the bed and stretched out his limbs before he nodded his head. “Yeah, of course,” he said to her with a nod of his head, he climbed out of bed stretching quickly again before he moved towards her. At her side, he grabbed her hand and pulled her forward with him. He pulled her up onto her feet to assist her with getting to the bathroom.
Mercedes bit her lip softly as he agreed to help her, and she waited until he moved around to her. Taking his hands, she grunted softly as she stood to her feet. She leaned into him her arm wrapped around his side as he helped her to the bathroom. When they reached it, released him slowly, moving for the toilet. She pushed her pajama bottoms down, sitting on the toilet.
Samuel hugged her close to his strong body, as they moved to the bathroom and once she was inside, he let her go. As she moved to sit down on the toilet, he asked her as he turned his back, “want me to wait in here… or go?” he asked her softly.
Sitting there, Mercedes dropped her head back as she peed, her eyes closing as she relieved herself. At Samuel’s question, she opened her eyes, looking at his back. “You can wait, I’m almost done,” she told him even as she continued to pee. About a minute later, she reached for the tissue, cleaning herself up. With a hum, she carefully stood up and pulled her pants up, flushing the toilet. Moving for the sink, she leaned against the counter slightly. “I don’t know how far apart my contractions are…” she told him softly as she dried her hands. She dropped the tissue in the trash before she placed her hand on his arm.
Samuel nodded his head as he slid his hands into his sweatpants pockets. As she finished, he nodded his head at her grabbed a hair tie and putting half his hair up in a ponytail. Once he did that, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and nodded his head. “Okay,” he said, “we will see,” he said moving back into their room.
Mercedes nodded her head as he hugged her close. She moved with him towards their room, climbing back into the bed when they reached it. Looking at the time, she sighed out, it was almost 7am. Licking her lips, she rested on her hands and knees in the bed, arching her back a little, trying to stretch her body. She let out a groan before she turned over, sitting down on the bed. “Should we call the doctor again?” she asked him.
Samuel sat down beside her on the bed, licking his lips as he watched her. He scratched his bare chest again and he shrugged gently at her “I don’t know babe; do you think we should?” he asked her curiously. “I mean we don’t have anything to report really….”
Mercedes nibbled her lip and she shrugged, hands on her belly. “I don’t know,” she said honestly. At his words, she nodded. He had a point; they didn’t really have anything to tell the doctor at this point in time. “Are you hungry?” she asked him softly. If her contractions were still 30 minutes apart, she could maybe whip them up a quick breakfast before the next one hit.
Samuel watched her and tilted his head. “Yeah, I could eat,” he told her, before he shifted in the bed. “We could order something,” he suggested, there was no way she thought she was going to cook and he sure as hell didn’t know how to.
As Samuel said he could eat, Mercedes nodded and held her hands out so that he could help her out of the bed. “I’ll make something,” she told him easily, her face scrunching a little. “Just something quick and small,” she told him, “and I’ll sit at the counter while I prep.”
Samuel looked to her giving her a knowing look. “Are you sure?” he asked, her squinting slightly because he wasn’t sure himself. “Babe,” he breathed even as he got up and helped her to her feet again. If she felt that she could do it, he would let her, but he didn’t think it was a good idea.
“I’m sure,” Mercedes told him sweetly as he helped her up. She stood to her feet, letting out a hum, her ankles were killing her. She leaned into him for a moment, her stomach pressed against his until she let out a breath and began to waddle towards the kitchen. Before she could reach it, she stopped at the couch and dropped down on it. “Okay,” she said gently. “We should order…”
Samuel nodded his head, God, she thought she could do everything but that wasn’t a fact. She needed to slow down and she couldn’t even realize it at all. As she left the room, he moved to make the bed up before he heard her calling out from the living room. Samuel quickly made the bed before he grabbed his phone and moved into her direction. “What do you have in mind?” he asked her as he moved to sit down beside her again.
Mercedes waited on the couch for Samuel, looking down at her stomach with a bite of her lip. They were actually going to be parents, really, really soon. As Samuel approached, sitting beside her, she leaned into him. Before she knew it, she was gripping him tightly as she hissed out, her eyes closing. She breathed deep and hard, huffing and puffing through the pain.
Samuel looked to her before he took note of what time it was, and he wrapped his arm around her hugging her close to him. He pecked her forehead and rubbed his hand up and down her arm. “Just breathe babe” he told her quietly.
At his coaching, Mercedes breathed in and out harshly, her small hands gripping his shirt balling her fists. She whimpered quietly, her body trembling a little in pain until it all subsided and she let out a pant.
Samuel continued to rub her arm before his hand moved to her back and he rubbed there as well. “You okay?” he asked her licking his lips slowly as he sat his phone aside. He looked at the time on his phone one more time before he grabbed her hand, loosen her grip of his shirt and he kissed the back of it.
“Mhm,” Mercedes breathed out, opening her eyes to look at her fiancé. “I’m okay,” she told him. As he kissed her hand, she shifted on the couch. “My back hurts so bad,” she told him truthfully. “I heard bouncing on the ball helps,” she said thoughtfully, “with labor,” she added.
Samuel looked to her and he gripped her side lovingly before she let him go, standing up on his feet, he nodded. “Okay, I’ll go get the ball for you baby,” he told her as he moved to the nursery where they were housing it. He grabbed it and brought it into the living room. “Here,” he told her as he picked his phone back up. “In the meantime, what do you want to eat, what should I order?” he asked her.
“Thank you, baby,” Mercedes said to him sweetly, her hands on her knees as she learned forward a bit. As he went to get the ball, she sat there, leaning forward slightly, her legs parted as she let her belly just breathe. When he returned, she lifted her head, taking the ball. “Uh,” she grunted as she shifted from the couch to the ball, bouncing gently. “Denny’s?” she asked him softly.
Samuel nodded at that “okay” he said as he began to look up the website once on it he navigated it to place an order for them. “What do you think you want?” he asked her curiously as he sat back down on the couch near her. Samuel tapped his foot lightly as he managed to think of something that he himself wanted to eat from Denny’s.
Thinking it over, Mercedes shrugged. “Eggs and waffles with the red skin potatoes,” she said thoughtfully as she bounced, her hands on her hips. “We have orange juice in the fridge, right?” she asked him gently.
Samuel nodded his head at her, taking note of what she wanted, and he added it to the order before he got up, his eyes still glued to the phone. Moving to the kitchen, he opened the fridge and looked inside. “Yes, we do babe,” he told her truthfully as he moved back towards her. He finished the order up, moving to grab his wallet and placed all the card information in before he placed the order. “Okay, did that” he told her as he moved to sit back down next to her.
Nodding as Samuel ordered for her and checked the fridge, Mercedes bounced up and down, up and down carefully on the exercise ball. Moving her hands from her hips to her belly, she rubbed gently. When Samuel sat down beside her, she reached for his hands, placing them on her stomach lovingly. “He’s moving a little,” she said pressing his hands against her belly a little harder.
Mercedes placed his hands on her stomach, and he felt their son as he pressed them harder into her belly. “He is,” Samuel confirmed as he leaned down and pecked her stomach gently with his lips. “You okay baby boy?” he asked her belly sweetly before he kissed it again gently.
Mercedes smiled as Samuel leaned down kissing her stomach before she gripped his hands tight, her face contorting in pain. She let out a harsh breath through her nose, squeezing his hands, a soft whimper escaping her as she balanced herself on the ball, not wanting to fall over.
Mercedes gripped onto his hands and like before he reminded her, “breathe in and out slowly baby,” as his hands rested pressed against her stomach. He shifted only slightly mindful of her and their son as he looked at his phone to check the time again. Samuel shifted back towards her still allowing her to grip one of his hands. “Babe, I think they are like 20 minutes apart,” he told her guessing, he couldn’t pinpoint the exact time her last one hit giving how much he’d done in that time but he knew the rough time estimate. He just wanted to make sure she knew since they hadn’t been taking note before.
Mercedes grunted hard, trying to follow his instructions of breathing deeply and slowly. She thought she was doing that but maybe not. She inhaled harshly, trying to hold it for a second before she exhaled slow. As the pain subsided, she looked at him, her eyes wide with exhilaration and pain. “They’re getting closer,” she said. “I think they were like 30 to 45 minutes apart before… when I couldn’t sleep,” she told him. “Maybe we should double check our bags and everything just in case,” she said thoughtfully before her phone began ringing in the bedroom.
As she breathed her way through the pain he nodded alongside her proudly. She was doing so well; he knew she would, but it was still refreshing to see it as so. At her next comment, he nodded his head at her and smirked. “Yeah,” he confirmed calmly. Samuel shifted against the couch and he nodded it was just a maternal thing he guessed but these last couple of weeks she’d been on edge, so he quietly nodded his head and said, “I’ll check it,” quickly. He heard her phone and he got up and moved for it, picking it up and moving back towards her. “Here,” he said thoughtfully. “I will check the bag,” he added before he went to do so.
Slowly Mercedes began to bounce on the ball once more, nodding at Samuel. “Thank you baby,” she hummed out sweetly. “How long did they say before the food arrive?” She asked curiously. As he got up to check their bags, she looked around the house. It was a mess. She wished she had the time to clean before they had to leave for the hospital, but she knew Samuel wouldn’t allow her. Frowning slightly, she took the phone from him with a quick, “thank you” as she checked the caller ID before she answered. “Hey Doc,” she began easily, looking at the clock. It was teetering in 8am now.  
Samuel picked up the bags and he checked each one, what was he checking them for, he didn’t know. She’d checked, rechecked, and so forth and so on so many times he knew they weren’t missing anything at all. Licking his lips, he shifted things only slowly looking before he closed them back and moved to stand up. Checking the email in his phone and seeing how long they had to wait on the food, he moved to sit down beside her again as she bounced on the ball.
Dr. David smiled, now fully dressed and ready to start his day. He figured Mercedes had been mustering through, considering if she had gone to the hospital, he would have gotten a call from them as well through the night. “Hey, I am checking in,” he said to her politely. “How are you feeling? Any updates?” He asked her curiously.
Placing the phone on speaker, Mercedes sat the phone on the couch. “I’m alright…” she said biting her lip. “Just waiting… I guess…” she said with a bit of a shrug. “My contractions are about 20 minutes apart now,” she informed him. “I got a few hours of sleep, so I feel okay,” she added. “When should we start to head to the hospital? What signs should we look for?” She asked him curiously as she looked at her boyfriend.
Dr. David nodded his head at her though she couldn’t see it, he listened to her quietly as she explained. “It’s good that you got some rest, that’s important,” he told her. “So, you’ve made some progress,” he noted, “usually some women go once they feel too uncomfortable to sit at their home, when their water breaks, when they get around maybe perhaps 4 minutes apart and lasting a minute or so,” he said. “Things are different for every woman and in every situation,” he informed. “If the pain is unbearable Mercedes, if your water breaks, bleeding, lack of movement from the baby, vaginal bleeding, anything that happens that isn’t of the norm,” he told her.
As the doctor answered all of her questions, Mercedes nodded slowly, her hands idly rubbing her belly. If she was counting from 3am, she had been in labor for about roughly 4 hours now. However, it was probably longer because she was feeling pain on and off before she had gone to bed so maybe about 7 hours? “Okay…” she said gazing at Samuel with sweet eyes. “Outside of the contractions… I feel fine…” she explained. “I can feel him moving…” she added. “Uh, yeah, so I guess… we’ll call you or head to the hospital if anything changes,” she said shrugging a bit. Her tongue rolled over her lips and she shifted, her feet planted firmly on the floor as she bounced up and down on the ball. “Thank you, Doctor.”
Nodding his head at her, he repositioned his phone and said, “sounds good,” he told her softly. “I’ll see you all at the hospital, eventually,” he added with a grin. “No problem,” Dr. David told the girl as he hung the phone up.
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she spoke to the man and he rested his head in his hands resting there. Once they were finished discussing what they had to say he sat upright and said, “about 30 minutes babe,” responding to her about the food. “Do you need anything in the meantime? Water?” he asked her curiously.
Looking at Samuel, Mercedes nodded slightly. “Okay, that’s not a long wait,” she said with a hum as she reached for him once more. She just wanted to be close to him right now for some reason. She shuffled closer to him, the ball moving with her as she bounced and she rested her head on his chest, her body leaning forward. “No, I’m okay,” she mumbled. “I just… I wanna be close,” she told him truthfully, nuzzling her face in his chest, her eyes closed. “I don’t think we should call our parents until we get to the hospital.”
As she shuffled towards him, he met her the rest of the way not wanting her to do the bulk of the work. Samuel rested a firm hand on her back as she leaned into him nuzzling her face into him. “Okay,” he told her at her confession. “If that is what you want then that is fine,” he told her simply as she sat there on the ball.
Mercedes just leaned against him, unmoving on the ball. Her eyes were closed and she breathed deeply. She had fallen asleep. She rubbed her face against his chest, letting out a pur. It wasn’t until a contraction hit her that she opened her eyes, letting out a low moan of pain. “Baby,” she whimpered, her arms wrapping around him, holding him tight as she huffed and puffed.
“It’s okay mama,” Samuel coached, she’d fallen very quiet for a moment and he heard her release a noise that told him that she had fallen asleep. However, now she was doubled over in pain again and he rubbed her back. “Breathe,” he told her once more, she was doing pretty good, but she wasn’t breathing evenly each time. Which would help her better than straining and holding her breath. Samuel grabbed his phone and looked at the time difference, it was about the same as the other. So, she was having contractions every 20 minutes or so and they were lasting her a minute or so as well.
Listening to him and following the rhythm of his own breathing and the rise and fall of his chest, Mercedes breathed in and out deeply as he told her to. Slowly but surely the pain subsided and she let out a breath, lifting her head to look up at him with a sheepish expression. “I wasn’t sleep…” she mumbled as their son shifted and moved inside of her.
As she followed along with him, he smiled at her tenderly. Pecking her forehead sweetly; they were young, but they seemed to have this pretty figured out already, didn’t they? At her comment, however, he chuckled at her, squeezing her gently against his hard frame. “Yes, you were,” Samuel said sweetly to her before he pecked her forehead again. “But it’s okay, I’m sure Dr. David would agree that you need your rest for this babe,” he told her. “If you want to lay, I could bring the body pillow out here on the couch or do you want to keep bouncing?” He asked. “I just want to make sure you are comfortable and that I am doing all that I can,” he said resting his hand on top of her belly. She had a lot of extra room up there that she didn’t have before, was that a sign of something they didn’t know?
Mercedes giggled softly as Samuel squeezed her. “You don’t know,” she said playfully, her face scrunching at him sweetly. “Okay, maybe just a little,” she admitted. “I want to keep bouncing for now, but can you still get the body pillow?” She asked him. She might want to lay in a bit. So, it was better to be prepared. “Your perfect baby,” she told him truthfully as she began bouncing once more. She leaned up, resting her hands under her stomach where their son now rested. “Is he sliding down?” She asked him with wide eyes. She knew that’s how it worked but she felt maybe it was too soon.
At her confession he smirked widely at her rubbing her back some. If she wanted to bounce, she could bounce, nothing wrong with it. He noted her wanting the pillow just in case however and he pulled away from her slightly. When she stated that he was perfect he hid his admiration behind tucked lips, he really was trying. Not only to be a good support system for her and the baby but an overall better person. There would be a little boy watching him from his day forth and he didn’t want his son to end up like him at all. At her question he shrugged looking back at her with a shocked expression. “Maybe,” he told her quietly, “they do have to shift into place at some point,” he said knowing that only from the books he read. “Is it a lot of pressure and discomfort?” He asked as he moved to grab one of the books that he had hidden from her to this day, he cracked it open and flipped the page before he sat Indian on the floor for the moment as he found what he was looking for. “Says, it can happen a few weeks before or when labor starts babe,” Samuel told her softly. “He’s probably worked his way down into your pelvis,” he said, flipping a page. “You might feel a little more pressure and stuff,” he said thoughtfully before he closed the book and set it aside. “I’ll be right back,” he told her as he moved to their room and grabbed her body pillow. Once he had it, he sat it on the couch and then moved to grab himself some water to drink. He looked at the time, their food should be around the corner now.
Letting her weight move up and down on the ball, Mercedes smiled softly at him, her eyes moving back to her stomach quickly. As he spoke about having read his books, her eyes lit up with amusement and adoration. He was really excited about being a father and it showed. He was genuinely being helpful and resourceful. “Not really,” she answered his question. “I just feel… well… full…” she admitted with a shrug. “I can feel him moving and stuff, I hadn’t really noticed he’d moved down further until now. I guess he’d been moving all morning,” she said as she thought about it. As he went to grab his book, she giggled, looking at the page with a nod. “Okay baby,” she said as she continued to bounce on the ball. When Samuel laid her body pillow on the couch, she smiled at him, her hands now on her hips as she just bounced. Looking at the time herself, she figured the food would be there soon. With that in mind, she carefully transferred herself from the ball to the couch, sitting sinking into the cushion.
“Yep, guess he’s doing his part in all of this,” Samuel said back to her as he watched her move from the ball to their couch. Looking at his phone, he opened up the app and looked to her. “I will be right back,” he said as he moved to grab their food. He practically met the guy in the hallway for their things and he moved back into their condo closing the door with his foot. He sat the food down and said, “breakfast is here,” to her before he locked their front door. “You wanna eat over there?” he asked.
Nodding her head, Mercedes held her belly now. “Okay, baby,” she said easily as he left. She sat there, stretching her short body out some. She placed her feet on the coffee table and slouched down on the couch some. When Samuel returned, she nodded. “Please.” She absolutely did not want to get up at the moment.
Samuel nodded as he moved the food towards her, sitting it down on the coffee table. He removed the items from the bag, taking out her food first, he removed the lid to the container and handed it over along with the plastic fork and knife in the bag. “You need anything extra?” he asked her curiously. Samuel walked away only for a moment, as he grabbed a glass and filled it up with some orange juice for her and he sat that on the table too.
As Samuel stood before her, gathering the food and handing it to her, Mercedes smiled. “Thank you baby,” she said lovingly. Taking the fork and the knife, she dug in immediately, mouth full of food when Samuel asked if she needed anything. “No thank you,” she mumbled around her fork as she stuffed her face with eggs and potatoes. “Syrup?” she asked Samuel, eyeing the bag in his hand.
Samuel nodded his head as he removed the rest of the content in the bag onto the table. At her question, he nodded as he opened up the syrup container and he poured it over her waffles for her before he sat the empty container in the empty bag. After that, he moved to sit down with his own food and he began to eat the steak and eggs he ordered, with a side of cheese grits. He used the plastic fork and knife to cut the steak far too lazy to get a real one.
Watching Samuel pour the syrup over her waffles, Mercedes let out a moan softly. It looked amazing. Before she knew it, she had basically inhaled the entire waffle before she returned to her eggs and potatoes. Looking over at Samuel as he opened his food, she eyed the grits and her eyes grew wide as she asked around her mouthful, “can I have a bite of your grits?” she asked him sheepishly.
Samuel stuck a piece of his steak into his mouth and he ate hungrily, moving between it and his eggs. He didn’t even need steak sauce. The meat was seasoned well enough on its own. At her question, he looked to her for a moment before he looked at his bowl of grits and he picked it up, holding it out for her to get some.
As Samuel allowed her to eat some of his grits, Mercedes beamed. She dug her fork into his bowl, scooping some into her mouth before she did so one more time. She hummed out happily before she relented and she sat back, eating more of her eggs and potatoes. Quickly, she finished her food before she sat the container aside, rubbing her stomach as she grabbed her juice, sipping some down.
Samuel watched her as she dug into his bowl twice before he sat it down once she was done. He moved back to his food tasting the grits himself before he ultimately finished his entire plate. Samuel finished off his bowl of grits scraping the container before he sat the empty containers in the bag he was using for trash. Samuel grabbed his water bottle and cracked it open taking a sip from it finally, and then guzzling it down until it was empty.
Sipping from the glass, Mercedes shifted on the couch slightly, a small moan passing her lips. She sat the glass aside, rubbing her belly and then her thighs. “Uh,” she said gently. “Can you help me up?” she asked him as she shifted once more, another moan passing her. She was definitely feeling some pressure now.
Samuel licked his lips and then he wiped them with his hand moving for the remote when he looked over at Mercedes. “Yeah,” he said as he moved to stand up on his feet and Samuel grabbed her hand and helped her up.
Mercedes gripped Samuel’s hands as he helped her up and she grunted out, lifting her body from the couch. As she stood up fully, the pressure she felt in her belly releasing with a whoosh as her water broke and the liquid spilled from between her legs, gushing out and pooling into the floor. Her eyes grew wide and she groaned out, dropped her head to Samuel’s chest as it happened. “Fuck…” she whispered.
Samuel moved his arm to her back as she stood up, he looked down, hearing the trickling of water and he knew what had happened without her saying it. Oh shit, he thought to himself as she leaned into his chest. He held her for a moment before he said, “babe,” softly. “I think… we need to go now,” he said for the first time in all of this, the books told him that her water breaking would change everything drastically. This happened to be a big deal in this whole birthing process. “Can I pull away?” he asked with sock-soaked feet. He needed to clean up this mess, grab their things, and get her to the car as quickly as possible; he may even need to get her cleaned up and into some new clothes as well.
Standing there, Mercedes stared down at the liquid on the ground as she nodded slowly. “Yes, we have to go,” she said quickly, lifting her eyes to look at Samuel. She was clearly alarmed, and it showed on her face. Her eyes wide with bewilderment. At Samuel’s question, Mercedes nodded slowly. “Yeah,” she told him cupping her belly. She couldn’t see herself, but she knew her bottoms were ruined. “I’m sorry…” she said biting her lip hard.
“Okay. I am going to clean you up, get you on some new clothes, then clean this up,” he said pointing as he spoke to her. He licked his lips and then said, “after that I am going to grab our bags and the baby bag,” he said counting off on his hands. “We go downstairs, you wait in the front lobby, put them in the car, pull it around so you can get in,” Samuel told her having thought the plan up on the spot and he moved to help her back into their room. “It’s okay, don’t be sorry,” he told her, “we should have put something on you just in case. We weren’t thinking,” he coached as he moved her into the bathroom.
Mercedes stood there her bottom lip tucked between her teeth as Samuel spoke. “O-okay…” she said softly. “Okay,” she said once more. Nodding along to Samuel’s words, Mercedes just stood there in shock. Their son was really coming today. As Samuel guided her into the bedroom, she moved with him, holding into him tightly. As he spoke, she nodded once more holding him close.
Samuel moved into their bathroom and he grabbed a washcloth and a small amount of soap, he let the water run in the skin and sat the cloth aside. Moving back to her; “step out,” he instructed as he pulled her pants down along with her underwear. Once they were at her feet, he took them off all the way and pushed them aside as he moved to the warm water. He grabbed the cloth and dipped it into the water, lathering it up and moving to clean her thick thighs off of the sticky liquid and whatever else came from the broken water. Once he cleaned her legs up, he moved to grab her some more yoga pants and some more underwear. He came back to her but moved to the cabinets swiftly and grabbed a menstrual pad, it would work for what he needed. Samuel moved to help her step back into the new pair of panties and once he pulled them halfway up, he opened the product. Looking it over, he did what he thought was to be down with it, he rested it in her panties and removed the pieces of paper over the adhesive. He folded the flaps over and tilted his head to see if what he had done made sense. Afterwards he pulled her panties up all the way and then he grabbed her yoga pants, “almost done,” he breathed softly.
Allowing Samuel to move her as he pleased, Mercedes stood there, stepping out of her bottoms as Samuel instructed her to. He cleaned her up and she stood there, her hand resting on his shoulder. She blinked slowly, her mind running a mile a minute. Before she knew it, she was stepping into her fresh pair of panties, her eyes slowly looking down at Samuel as he got her situated with a pad, for what reason, she had no idea. As his head tilted, she said, “it’s right…” to him softly, her hand still resting on his shoulder. As he pulled her panties up the rest of the way, she bit her lip.
“That way you won’t leak through these,” Samuel said, he thought he was a small genius right now. It was clever though; he’d read that her water could continue to ‘break’ essentially and that fluid would continue to leak from her body. Samuel placed her yoga pants over her feet one at a time before he pulled them up her thick thighs and up over her hips, however he left them up under her belly instead of over it. He wanted her to be comfortable after all. “Okay mama,” he said to her patting her hips as he moved her back into the bedroom and he grabbed her some shoes to put on her feet. “Here,” he said letting her step into them as he grabbed himself some shoes. He placed his feet into his slides and then grabbed himself a graphic t-shirt. “Alright let’s get the bags and go,” he said grabbing her hand and moving with her. He grabbed her purse and other bags, his phone, her phone, the keys and made sure he had it all before he moved with her for the front door. “Oh!” he said as he moved to their son’s nursery and grabbed his car seat, “need this,” he said coming back with the car seat and a ton of bags hanging from his buff body. “Let’s go,” he breathed moving her for the door once more to walk out of.
At his logic, Mercedes nodded her head slowly. It made sense and she gazed at him with loving eyes for thinking it up. “Thank you baby,” she said softly. Stepping into the pants, she held into him as he pulled them up over her hips and thighs. “Okay daddy,” she said back to him as they moved back into the bedroom. She leaned against the wall slightly as Samuel grabbed her some shoes. Stepping into them, she watched as he grabbed some himself and put on a shirt. “Okay baby,” she said quietly, holding her belly as she moved slowly but surely towards the bedroom door as he collected their things. She moved at the pace that was comfortable for her as Samuel rushed back to grab their son’s car seat. She reached the door and stepped into the hallway. She just began slowly but surely waddling down the hallway making her way as Samuel locked the door behind them. She wasn’t trying to leave him, she was just honestly trying to keep up because she knew once he got to moving, he was going to be dragging her along.
Samuel got her out the door and he sat the car seat down for a moment as he used his keys to lock the door behind him. He tucked his keys in his pocket, picked up the car seat from the ground, and moved to catch up with Mercedes grabbing her hand. He moved at her pace, nice and slow though he was in a bit of a rush to get her there just in case. “You okay?” he asked her as they moved for the elevators.
As Samuel caught up with her, moving at her pace, Mercedes looked at him sweetly. “I’m nervous,” she admitted, her hand on her belly and her other holding his. As they reached the elevators, Mercedes pushed the button before she let out a moan growl of pain as a contraction rippled through her body, her knees buckled slightly and she slapped her hand against the wall. “Uggggh,” she groaned out hard, dropping her head as she squeezed Samuel’s hand tightly in her own. This being the strongest contraction yet as she bent her knees slightly, trying to power through it.
Samuel nodded his head. “Don’t baby, we finally get to hold him and see him,” he said excitedly. Samuel wasn’t nervous one bit, she could clearly power through on her own, he was more happy to see their baby finally. It had been such a long pregnancy. As she bared down in pain, he reminded her. “In and out, slow and deep,” he breathed as he pulled her to him a little as she crushed his hand. He looked at the elevators as they waited, one needed to surface quickly so that he could get her off her feet and into the car.
Mercedes gritted her teeth, breathing harshly through her nose as she slapped the wall once more, her hand holding into Samuel’s tightly. She breathed in and out harshly until she pain left her and she groaned out. “Fuck,” she whispered. Lifting her head slowly, she looked at Samuel, still holding his hand tightly. “I…” she began before she loosened her grip on his hand. “I don’t know if I can do this,” she said panicked as the elevator doors slid open.
Samuel pulled his phone out and he looked at the time quickly for himself before he tucked it away as she continued to breathe harshly. At her words he looked to her wildly and moved her into the elevator. “What do you mean babe?” he asked as he pressed the lobby button and shut the doors.
Mercedes looked at Samuel just as wildly. “I don’t think I can have this baby,” she said as fear began to settle over her. “We’re kids!” she exclaimed as the elevator doors shut and she looked at him, her eyes wide and frantic. “Oh God,” she said as she began to fan herself with her hand. She was grade-A panicking. “We’re having a fucking baby,” she said looking around the elevator bewildered.
As she began to ramble off about her feelings right now, Samuel raised his brow at her. Well they couldn’t undo this now, so what were he to say. “Well, I should just take you back into the condo and we can pretend like he isn’t coming and that he doesn’t exist. Want to do that?” he asked her. He wanted her to understand that she sounded nuts right now, she’d been begging for the kid to come already and now that he was, she was unsure?
At Samuel’s words, Mercedes shot him a stank look before she wrapped her arm around his waist and sighed out deeply. She knew that she sounded ridiculous. “Hush,” she mumbled, dropping her head. The elevator moved down to the lobby and she stepped off with Samuel as the doors opened, moving to sit down beside the entrance so that he could bring the car around.
Reaching the lobby, he looked to her again, she was tripping hardcore right now. As they walked out, he sat her down before Samuel moved for the parking garage for their complex. He moved for their car, essentially jogging over to it and he placed their bags in his truck, before he placed the car seat on its base. Locking that in place, he climbed in and moved towards the lobby entrance to get Mercedes.
Sitting there waiting for Samuel, Mercedes stared down at her stomach in shock. Their son was coming. Actually, factually coming and she was freaking out. She was a mother. An actual mother. It blew her mind. She was excited to meet him but she knew that he was safer inside of her, and the two thoughts were conflicting.
Samuel moved to the front entrance of the complex; he put his car in park and climbed out of it. Moving to where she sat, he helped her up discreetly and helped her out of the building and towards his car. He opened the door and assisted her inside of the large truck before he closed her door and moved for the driver’s side again. He got situated and moved for their hospital where she was set to give birth.
Wrestling with her thoughts, Mercedes looked up at Samuel as he helped her up and she moved with him as he guided her to the car. Climbing inside carefully, Mercedes got situated, pulling the lever, letting the seat back quickly to release some tension. “God,” she whispered out as she buckled up.
Samuel looked at Mercedes as she adjusted her seat in his car, he moved down the road thinking about calling his father, but he didn’t. He bit down on his thumb nail as he cruised down the road, lucky for them the hospital was only 15 to 20 minutes away give or take Atlanta’s traffic at this time of day.
Sitting back, Mercedes began rubbing her belly once more, really focusing on her lower belly where their son rested, trying to sooth him and herself. Her eyes closed and she breathed in and out deeply. She reached over now, placing her hand on his arm gently.
She was calm for now which worked in favor; Samuel drove both diligently and carefully. Her water had broken but that didn’t mean she had dilated any by now, if so, not by much. “You should call your mother as soon as we get there,” Samuel told her as he moved back to biting his thumb nail. She gripped his arm and he looked over. “Do you need my hand?” he asked her.
Inhaling and exhaling slowly, Mercedes nodded. “I will…” she looked at him, “your dad?” Her hand rested softly on his arm and she nodded. “Please,” she said quietly, sliding her hand down his arm to his hand, lacing their fingers as she held it. She wasn’t in pain or anything right now. She just liked knowing he was right there, always.
“I’ll call him,” Samuel said to the girl quietly as he dropped his hand from his mouth. He switched hands and drove with his other as he allowed her to hold his hand. He pecked the back of it asking, “have you calmed down yet?” sweetly.
Nodding, Mercedes just gazed over at Samuel and she said, “your brother?” At his question and kiss of her hand, she smiled sheepishly. “YES!” She exclaimed part of the way though the word as a contraction hit and she let out a groan, dropping her head back as she squirmed in her seat. She squeezed his hand tight, her nails digging as well as she breathed in and out hard.
“I’ll send him a text,” Samuel replied to her easily as she asked about him. At her response to his question, “breathe mama,” he said as she dug her nails into skin. “We are almost there,” he told her as he laced their finger letting her squeeze his hand as hard as she wanted that way.
Squeezing Samuel’s hand forcefully, Mercedes growled out, her eyes rolling slightly from the pain. “Uuuuh,” she huffed and puffed trying to breathe. “It hurts,” she whined out, squeezing his hand tighter as she panted. Shifting in the seat, she placed one foot on the dashboard, whimpering softly until the pain went away and she let out a harsh breath, dropping her foot.
As she continued to speak, Samuel nodded his head at her looking between the road and her. As she lifted her foot up on his dashboard, he furrowed his brow for a moment before he turned the corner. Samuel continued to ride down the road as she breathed through the contraction harshly and he licked his lips. “You good?”
Mercedes breathed in and out deeply, panting as her chest rose and fell. Her contractions were increasingly getting stronger and stronger. At Samuel’s question, she looked at him, her ears ringing as she nodded. “They’re getting worse,” she told him breathlessly.
Samuel looked to her again as he pulled up to the hospital, he moved to find the parking that they were supposed to use. He found a spot and parked before he moved to get out and moved for the trunk grabbing the bags, dropping them on his shoulders. He moved for her side of the car and opened the door, “come on,” he said reaching for her hand.
As they pulled into the hospital lot, Mercedes let out a relieved sigh. As Samuel was grabbing their bags, Mercedes unbuckled her seatbelt and sat up in the seat. Taking his hand, she groaned as she climbed out of the car, leaning into him for support. She let out a low moan. “My back,” she whined out as they made way for the entrance.
A nurse saw them approaching and quickly grabbed a wheelchair for them. As they entered, she offered the chair to the couple.
“You’ll be in a bed in no time,” Samuel told her as he closed the door and locked it behind them. He moved for the entrance with her pacing himself, alongside her as he held the straps of the bags on his arm. As the nurse moved to them with a wheelchair he said, “thanks,” quickly before he helped Mercedes sit down in it. “Labor and delivery?” he asked the woman questionably. He didn’t know what direction they needed to go in and he knew the woman could help with that.
Mercedes sat down in the chair gratefully with Samuel help and she placed her feet on the petals as Samuel got situated as well.
“Fourth floor,” the nurse said easily to the couple. “I’ll take you up,” she said to Samuel. “Here I’ll push and you can just carry the bags,” she said trying to be helpful as the stepped behind Mercedes chair, rolling her along.
Samuel nodded his head. “Thanks,” he said as he held Mercedes purse in his other hand. “Her water broke already,” Samuel informed the woman, keeping her informed of what was going on with the girl before her. “Her contractions are like 15 to 20 minutes apart,” he said.
Mercedes sat there, allowing herself to be wheeled around as Samuel explained the situation to the nurse. She rested her hands under her heavy belly, letting out a deep sigh of pain as her back cramped up even more. “Uh, were patients of Dr. David,” she threw in there.
The nurse nodded as she stepped into the elevator with the couple, taking in all the information. “Okay we’re going to get you into a room, changed into a gown, and hooked up to your monitors, and I’ll have another nurse call Dr. David for you, he’s already here with another expecting mother I believe,” she inform as she stepped off the elevator onto the 4th floor and wheeled Mercedes to one of their empty rooms, notifying a few of her co-workers as she passed and everyone began to spring into action to help and prep.
Samuel continued to walk alongside Mercedes and the nurse nodding his head at her. “Okay,” he breathed softly to her as he looked down at Mercedes to make sure she was okay at the moment before he licked his lips. Once they made it to the elevators, he pressed the up button for them all as he readjusted the straps onto his shoulders from all their bags.
Mercedes laid in the bed, dressed in a hospital gown, hooked up to various monitors and machines, to keep track of her vitals and the babies. Resting there, she laid eyes closed as she tried to get a bit more rest, gathering strength and getting her mind right. As she rested there, she held Samuel’s hand in her own, their fingers laced.
Erica moved with her husband, rushing down the hallway towards Mercedes’ hospital room. Mercedes had called about 45 minutes ago explaining that she was in labor and she sprang into action, almost leaving the eye on the store lit as she rushed out of the house. Hitting the door, Erica slowed down, gazing at her daughter in the bed, laying sleep. “Hi,” she whispered to Samuel.
Alexander moved with his wife, keeping stride with her easily as she essentially ran down the hallway. Their baby girl was about to give birth and he was nervous as all get out. As they reached the doorway, he placed his hand on his wife’s shoulder, looking at Samuel, giving the boy a nod.
Samuel sat next to Mercedes having text both his father and brother, his dad was busy at work and didn’t know if he could make it up to the hospital anytime soon and his brother was off doing his usual, well, their usual thing. He looked over at Mercedes as she rested with her eyes closed and he continued to hold her hand in his. He looked up at her mother as she came into their room and approached Mercedes. “Hey,” he said to them both looking at her father and nodding his head.
Mercedes could faintly hear her mother’s voice in her light sleep-like state and she opened her eyes slowly, blinking a bit as she lifted in the bed carefully, resting up on her elbow. “Hi mom,” Mercedes said, her voice soft. She had been in labor for about 8 hours now and she was just tired. Her entire body was tired. “Nothing’s really happening yet,” she said just as quietly as she rested back down in the bed.
Erica smiled softly at Samuel, moving further into the room. She dropped a kiss on Samuel’s forehead before she gently wiped it, removing the lipstick she placed there before she kissed Mercedes forehead as well. “I know baby girl,” she said softly, carefully sitting down beside Mercedes on the edge of the bed as she stroked her wild curls. “How are you feeling?”
Alexander moved in further beside Erica and he placed his hand on Samuel’s shoulder, giving him a warm squeeze before he moved around to the other side of the bed, placing his hand on Mercedes’ shoulder lovingly. “Hi baby girl,” he said in his deep rumbling voice as he rubbed her arm.
Samuel smiled at her mother as she came over and kissed his forehead lovingly. He watched as she shifted towards Mercedes to greet her properly as well. Samuel looked to her dad and licked his lips; he gave the man a respectful smile. Samuel still didn’t really feel that the man liked him and thought he was good enough for Mercedes even to this day. He shifted in the chair he was sitting in and he blinked long and hard, he was tired now. Very sleepy in fact and he didn’t know why, maybe from all the excitement and adrenaline which was now nowhere to be found considering not much progress had been made.
Mercedes shifted in the bed slightly, smiling as Erica kissed her. Looking back at her dad, she smiled at him as well. “I’m tired,” she said looking back to her mother. “I’ve been in active labor for about an hour and before that I think I started labor last night,” she admitted. Looking at Samuel, she squeezed his hand.
Erica nodded slowly, still stroking Mercedes’ hair. “How many centimeters dilated are you?” she asked, looking between Mercedes and Samuel.
Alexander slowly pulled away from Mercedes, moving to stand in the corner out of the way until he was needed. He still felt very guilty about putting Mercedes out of the house and he was still trying to make it up. Right now, he honestly felt it would be best to just be seen and not heard.
As mother and daughter spoke, Samuel sat back in the chair a little and nodded his head. “The doctor says she’s 4 centimeters dilated,” Samuel replied to her mother, looking at Mercedes when he did. He didn’t know where their son was going to come at this point and that worried him, because he didn’t know how many more hours Mercedes was going to last.
Mercedes looked at Samuel and nodded along. “I’m pushing through though,” she said softly, closing her eyes as she squeezed Samuel’s hand once more. “I’m okay,” she whispered before she squeezed Samuel’s hand even tighter, a growl coming from the back of her throat as a contraction ripped through her. She shifted in the bed, moaning lowly as she held Samuel’s hand for dear life, breathing in and out as she and Samuel had practiced through her previous contractions.
“Just 4?!” Erica asked, shocked. “Wow,” she breathed out. Erica knew that first children always took the longest, but Mercedes had already been in labor for 8 hours and at this rate she was looking at, at least 5 or 6 more. As Mercedes began moaning and groaning, Erica knew it was a contraction and she coached, breathing in and out properly. “In for 5 seconds, out for 5,” she explained. “Don’t hold it, just in and out,” she said, rubbing her back and shoulder now.
Samuel looked to his future mother-in-law as she spoke to Mercedes about her labor process. He looked between the two of them until a contraction hit Mercedes and she gripped his hand. Samuel was fully prepared to coach her through it before her mother jumped in, great, maybe her mother knew more than he knew and could help her better than he was.
Mercedes held Samuel’s hand tightly in her own as she withered from pain in the bed. At her mother’s words, Mercedes opened her eyes, gazing at Samuel as she tried to breath in and out deeply, but it hurt so much that she honestly struggled to do so. As the contraction subsided, she looked at her mother breathlessly. “I’ve been trying to breath properly, but it takes my breath away,” she said as she loosened her grip on Samuel’s hand a bit.
Erica nodded slowly. “I know baby, once you get the epidural, it’ll be a lot easier,” she explained to her daughter. “I remember those first couple of contractions without it, they can be tough,” she said from experience, “but the epidural helps tremendously. One more centimeter and they’ll offer it to you,” she said with a hum gazing down at Mercedes.
As Mercedes finally released his hand, loosening her grip he pulled it away for a moment flexing it. She was killing him, but he wasn’t saying anything because well she was the one in pain and not him technically. Samuel licked his lips at her mother’s words and he looked back at her to see what she would say or what she was thinking.
Listening to her mother, Mercedes shook her head. “I’m not getting an epidural,” she explained. “I’m going all natural,” she told her mother truthfully as she shifted slightly in the bed, looking over at Samuel watching as he flexed his hand and she frowned, “I’m sorry,” she muttered gently before she looked back to her mother, placing her hands on her belly rubbing gently.
Erica’s neck jerked at Mercedes’ words. “What do you mean you’re not getting an epidural?” she asked her daughter shocked, looking over at Alexander with wide eyes. “Mercedes if you think you’re in pain now, you need to get an epidural because… it only gets worse from here,” she said gently, trying to reason with her daughter.
As Mercedes said she wasn’t Samuel looked down for a moment; he had suggested it, but he didn’t think she was actually going to go through with it. He didn’t know how she would, this was a lot right now for her as is and she had far to go. At her mother’s words Samuel looked at her quietly tucking his lips, oops, what had he done?
Mercedes looked at her mother, shaking her head. “Samuel and I talked about it and we decided against it,” she said gently. “Research shows that it’s not really the best and I know I can do this without it,” she said to her mother, “yes, I know but I am fi-” she stopped short, growling loudly, gripping the sheets and the railing as she fought through another contraction. “Uuugh,” she groaned out, wiggling in pain in the bed, her eyes closing as she did.
Erica looked at Samuel, squinting at him briefly before she looked back at Mercedes. “Girl,” she said waving her off. “You need an epidural, I do not care what you think,” she said shaking her head. As another contraction hit the girl, Erica shook her head even more as she rubbed Mercedes side, trying to soothe her through it. “If you don’t want to get one, you’re going to be in for a very rude awakening,” she said knowingly. She didn’t have time for an epidural when she got to the hospital with Tahj and she was very regretful.
Samuel looked to Erica as she gave him a squinted expression, he bit his lip again before he shifted in his seat. When Mercedes continued to express her thoughts, he stayed quiet and to himself. However, when the contraction hit her yet again, he shifted towards her, grabbing her hand and he said, “breathe babe,” quietly, she wasn’t really proving her point to anyone right now.  
Mercedes took Samuel’s hand as he grabbed her own and she squeezed it as she groaned out, turning onto her back now, her legs spread as she whimpered out. She breathed harshly, letting out another growl until the pain went away and she opened her eyes looking at her mother. “I can handle it,” she said breathlessly. “I don’t want it,” she said truthfully. “It hurts but I’m strong,” she said before she looked at Samuel.
Erica rubbed Mercedes' side until she settled in the bed and she pulled the sheet over her lower half, looking at her husband as he now stood facing the wall since Mercedes had exposed herself to him by accident. Nodding slowly at Mercedes, Erica sighed, “you’re a warrior,” she said gently, knowingly.
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she rested, once more after her bout with her contraction. He finally spoke and said, “it’s okay to cave in if it’s too much…” softly. Just adding that in there as he rested back in his chair falling quiet again.
Mercedes licked her dry lips and she nodded slowly, looking between her mother and her fiancé. “I know,” she whispered softly, closing her eyes for a moment before she looked at her dad facing the wall and she scrunched her face before she realized what she had done. “Sorry daddy,” she mumbled.
Erica noticed Mercedes lips were a bit dry and she reached into her purse, pulling out a lip balm and she gently rolled some into her lips before she said, “I’m going to go get you some ice-chips,” she said gently as she stood up from the bed carefully, exiting the room.
Alexander turned slowly, dragging his hand down his face. “It’s okay,” he said as he walked over to Mercedes. He pressed a kiss to her forehead before he said, “but I think I’m going to go wait in the lobby,” he told them both gently before he left the room.
Samuel looked to Alexander and then to Mercedes before him as her mother gave her chapstick and then got up to get her ice. He stood on his feet, the man had removed himself from the room and Sam watched him go. Just standing there beside her now, wanting to wake himself up a little considering he felt like he wasn’t doing such a very good job helping during her laboring.
“Okay,” Mercedes said to her father as he exited the room and she looked at Samuel as he stood up. She rubbed her thumb over the back of his hand lovingly. “Lay with me,” she said softly. There was more than enough room in the large bed for the both of them and she just, she needed him there with her right now. “Please,” she whispered gently tugging his hand before she said, “I love you so much,” her eyes filling with tears as she was suddenly overcome with so much emotion. “You’re being so great and helpful,” she said sniffling softly. “Thank you,” she breathed out, a tear rolling down her cheek.
Samuel shifted on his feet gently and he looked down at her as she begged him to lay with her. He didn’t know about this, what if he wasn’t supposed to? “I love you too babe,” he said as she got emotional and he lowered himself on the bed to please her. Still very nervous and concerned as to if he was supposed to or not. Licking his lips, he toed his shoes off and he moved to rest beside her delicately. As she went on to compliment him, he grinned a bit. “Thanks,” he told her sensibly. After all she entrusted him and he was living up.
Mercedes’ eyes shined with tears as Samuel climbed into the bed with her and she scooted over a bit more, making room for him. She kissed his lips, her eyes closing as she laced their fingers once more, her head resting on his chest. “You’re so amazing,” she whispered emotionally, sniffling a little as she blinked, more tears falling dampening his shirt. “I just want to hold him,” she cried now. Gripping his shirt on her hand.
Samuel wrapped an arm around her as she continued to cry and he kissed her back sweetly. “Shh,” he told her softly, he really wasn’t doing much in comparison to her and he knew that to be a fact. He held her close to him as she cried and he pecked her forehead sweetly. “I know, I do too,” he told her. “In time, this will be all over, it will just be a memory and he’ll be here,” he told her, rubbing her back as he cradled her. “If you need the epidural babe, get it. I don’t want you hurting,” he said softly. “If it’s too rough, forget what I said,” he breathed.
Holding onto Samuel, Mercedes cried as he tried to sooth her. She listened to his words of encouragement and she nodded against his chest, trying to suck up her tears. “I know,” she mumbled, her plump bottom lip trembling as she pulled her head back, looking into his eyes. “I don’t want it,” Mercedes told him. It wasn’t just him asking her not to get one anymore. Mercedes truly didn’t want an epidural. She knew the risks of getting one and she knew that she was strong enough to endure the pain without it.
Erica returned, holding a cup of ice cups and a cup of water for Mercedes. As she entered the room, she smiled softly at the couple, sitting the cup of water down as she gently leaned over Samuel in the bed to feed Mercedes a few of the ice cups. “Excuse me,” she said to Samuel as she did.
Samuel looked to Mercedes and he nodded his head at her. “Okay,” he said simply. She had made up her mind and he wouldn’t force her into either direction, he wanted her to do what it was she wanted to. As her mother returned with water and ice, he nodded to her and drew back from Mercedes a little allowing her the access she needed to receive the ice.
Mercedes looked at her mother as she re-entered the room and she opened her mouth, accepting the ice thirstily. She crunched on the pieces, the simple act giving her a relief that she had never known before. She sighed out, closing her eyes as she ate the ice, her hand still clutching Samuel’s shirt. “Thank you,” she said to her mother before she began to pant and grunt through another contraction. She turned into Samuel; her face pressed into his chest as she groaned out.
Mercedes seemed to find relief in the ice and that made Samuel feel a lot better knowing that. As another contraction hit her, he licked his lips and reminded her. “It’s okay, breathe, it’s almost over,” easily as his hand rested on her bare thigh.
The young nurse made her way towards room 410 taking easy strides as she did. Honestly, this kid amused her because he simply wanted to take his time and there was nothing they could do but watch and wait. It had been an hour or so since she last checked on the teen and she now made it her top priority. She needed to know how she was progressing. Knocking on the door the woman entered. “Hey,” she announced to the small group, “here to check up on you,” she said easily grabbing some gloves and putting them on. Jackie moved towards the girl’s monitors checking those first before she moved alongside them, “excuse me dad” she told the large boy moving closer to Erica as she prepared to check Mercedes cervix.
Mercedes inhaled and exhaled deeply, trying to work through the pain as best she could. She continued to grip Samuel’s shirt as he soothed her with his words and she nodded slightly, huffing and puffing until her pain went away. She let out a sigh of relief and loosened her grip on his shirt as the nurse moved through the door. She looked at the woman, carefully rolling into her back knowingly.
Jackie looked to Mercedes as she positioned herself on the bed. “Let’s see,” she told her as she moved her gloved hand between the girls legs gently. It took no time before she removed her hand and her gloves. “You are exactly 5 centimeters now,” she said. “So, about a centimeter an hour seems to be the new pattern,” she told her. She moved to look at the contractions the girl had, had while she was gone, holding the long piece of paper out and she asked her. “Did you want an epidural sweetie?” tearing off a portion of the log and taking it with her as she stood at the foot of the bed, folding the paper accordingly.
Mercedes allowed the woman to check her dilation and when she finished, she immediately turned back over, rolling into Samuel as she did. Her large belly rested against him as she listened to the nurse, nodding. “So, in 5 more hours I’ll be ready to push?” she asked, that was a long time. She was going to have to get more sleep. At the question, Mercedes shook her head. “No, thank you,” she told the nurse as she looked at her mother, reaching over Samuel to get the cup of ice.
Samuel shifted sitting up on the bed, he wanted to move however the nurse had done so and went to the other side. She checked Mercedes and stated that she was now 5 centimeters, they were closer than before. Which was good.
“Are you sure?” Jackie asked Mercedes. “Look, this is a serious topic, once you move past a certain point you can’t have it. There will be nothing we can do to alleviate the pain for you,” she said trying to reason with the young girl. Girl’s her age couldn’t handle the pain and the ones that tried just ended up screaming up and down the hallway all day and night. She was trying to help her, help herself.
“I’m sure,” Mercedes said after she listened to the woman try and talk her into getting one. “I’ll be okay,” she said with a bite of her lip as she looked to her mother for a moment. She then closed her eyes and rested her head on Samuel’s chest once more.
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she shifted against him again and he rubbed her arm idly.
Jackie looked to the girl, biting back a bit of remorse for her because honey she’d be begging for it later. “Okay, no problem,” she said happily however, “if you need me you know what to do. I am going to update Dr. David,” she breathed before she scurried off.
Several more hours had passed and now Mercedes laid screaming in pain as she withered in the bed. She gripped Samuel’s hand hard in her arm as she hollered at the top of her lungs, sweat pouring down her body. “I have to push,” she begged. “Please!” She cried out looking at Samuel pleadingly as she crushed his hand.
Samuel looked to Mercedes wildly, she needed the damn epidural and she turned it down. He knew she needed it, he felt it in his gut and now here she laid a sweaty mess who stopped at no end to let the entire floor know she was dying apparently. He pulled his eyes away from Mercedes and looked at Erica with large eyes, pleading with her silently to help him because Mercedes had ultimately lost her mind. At her words he looked at her. “Babe, I-I-” he stuttered, “I can’t get the nurse because you won’t let me go baby,” he stressed to her as she crushed his hand and by this time Samuel couldn’t take that anymore either. “Switch hands,” he begged her as he tried to pull his current one away.
Mercedes clutched Samuel’s hand as she panted and groaned out. She could actually feel it. Their son was ready to come out but she knew she couldn’t push until someone was there to catch him. “Fuuuuuuck!” She screamed out as she fought the urge. She looked at Samuel, then at her mother as she allowed Samuel to switch his hands out and she gripped that one tightly now as she cried.
Erica stood up from her spot as Mercedes screamed and cried and she marked her place in the magazine. She moved before Mercedes, lifting the cover to see that she was indeed crowning and her eyes bulged. “Okay, Samuel it’s really time,” she told him as she reached for Mercedes call button and sat the magazine aside as she moved to Mercedes other side, brushing her hand over Mercedes forehead gently. “Okay, you’re going to need to breathe,” she said.
Samuel got her to switch hands and he offered the other one to her. Exhaling and inhaling deeply he was so irritated himself right now. However, he allowed her to use him at the punching bag she needed until all was said and done.
Jackie moved down the hall, Mercedes call button had been pressed. She smoothly walked in, though you could hear the girl from the hallway. She was trained to keep calm so that’s what she did. She walked in the room and grabbed some gloves. “You rang?” She asked them as she watched the girl. “Oh momma,” she told her sweetly as she rested her hand on her thigh. “You are ready to rock and roll huh?” She asked her as she lifted the sheet covering the child’s legs. “Yep,” she said to herself, “let me page Dr. David, Mercedes and then I can get you going okay,” she told her as she did so quickly. Once that was done, she moved to near Sam. “Dad may I,” she said parting their hands herself for a moment as she moved to situate Mercedes the way she needed her on the bed. “Come down a little for me,” she said assisting the girl as she shifted the pillows and moved the setting on the bed around.
Mercedes held Samuel’s hand tightly as the nurse came into the room. She looked at the woman, biting her lip hard as she gloved herself and double checked. She nodded slowly, her nails digging into Samuel’s hand as she clutched it. As the woman separated their hands, she gripped the nurses arm, sliding down the bed as she assisted her. She moved her hips down the bed carefully, whimpering as she did.
“You gotta breathe girl,” Jackie told her. “You told me you got this and that you were strong,” she reminded, giving her a knowing look. “Don’t coward out on me just yet, his head isn’t even out,” she smirked. As she got Mercedes where she wanted her, she asked “stirrups?” Softly, these days women gave birth in all kinds of positions. Jackie didn’t leave it to the hospital to control that for them, she preferred comfortable mothers. She moved to place some more bed pads down before she tossed Samuel some gloves and Erica some gloves smoothly. “Just in case,” she said knowing people had all kinds of weird requests like catching the child themselves, which she wasn’t opposed to. However, she was very hygienic in the matter. “Push girl,” she told her easily as she moved the doctor’s chair before Mercedes, his head in no way would come out the first or second push, this she knew. So, she’d take the time to finish, however, relieving her was also on her to do list. “Dad, Mom,” she said looking to them both, “you can hold her legs back, less work for her,” she suggested.
Mercedes exhaled harshly at the woman’s words and she nodded her head. “I am strong,” she groaned out as she continued to fight the urge to push, it was literally killing her on the inside to do so. “No, no stirrups,” she panted out, looking over at Samuel with fresh tears in her eyes. She laid there, trying to catch her breath and calm herself down as one contraction rolled into the next and she growled out, loudly as the woman told her to push. She bared down with all her might, screaming out from the pain as she flexed, pushing as hard as she could as she now gripped into the railing as her mother and fiancé held her legs.
Samuel watched as the woman took over, she was so tiny and small, yet she dominated the three of them with ease and she couldn’t be any older than 22 in his mind. The woman commanded Mercedes to push and Samuel looked at her crazily. “Dr. David?” he questioned looking to Erica before he moved to Mercedes ounce more. However, he did as he was told and he held her legs back as she pushed their son out before him. “Do you need my hand?” he asked her softly.
Jackie looked to Samuel. “Here,” she said as she placed Mercedes foot in Samuel’s hand, “let her push against the both of you,” she said easily as she used a cloth to pat Mercedes face dry. “Oh, you came to show me huh?” she asked with a smirk, “that’s a good push momma,” she coach easily before she told Samuel, “he’s down the hall, I can feel it,” before she moved back between Mercedes legs. “He’s right there,” she said eyeing the child, she stuck her hand out. The boy's head was right there for the world to see but Mercedes hadn’t even begun the ring of fire process yet. His head hadn’t begun to stretch her yet, he’d have to come further down.
Mercedes panted now, that pushing taking a lot out of her. She laid back, her chest rising and falling rapidly as they held her legs open wide. Mercedes closed her eyes, nodding at Samuel before she opened them, taking his hand as another contraction hit her. She screamed out, the back of her throat burning as she pushed, lifting up in the bed some as her legs trembled from the force. “Fuuuuuuuuuuck!” she cried out at the top of her lungs her eyes closed as she crushed Samuel’s hand with a strength she had never known before.
Samuel watched Mercedes and he even looked to the nurse before he saw her doctor rushing into the room. The woman was right somehow, how did she know that? Anyhow as Mercedes screamed again, he looked down at her. “Babe you aren’t breathing,” he stressed as she continued to do nothing more but scream in his opinion. He licked his lips as she bared down again.
Jackie shifted leaning back up. “Hey, hey,” she said looking to Mercedes. “Stop screaming,” she said softly, “you have to breathe through them, count to 11 with me,” she said easily. She began to count down as the girl began to push “1, 2, 3, 4...” she said slowly as her doctor began to dress himself.
Dr. David finally reached Mercedes room and he grabbed a mask placing it over his mouth, before he washed his hands dressing himself all up before he sat down before Mercedes looking to Jackie as she coached. He finally exhaled after moving down the hallway as quickly as he could, you couldn’t miss her room because the whole hall heard her.
Mercedes looked at Samuel as he told her she wasn’t breathing and she growled at him before she looked at the nurse and she growled at her as well, dropping her head back. She finished pushing as her contraction subsided and she panted hard now. “2… 4…” Mercedes huffed and puffed as she stayed raised up on her elbows as the doctor walked in and she let out a sigh of relief as she wiped some sweat, plopping back down on the bed as she loosened her grip on Samuel’s hand, her thumb stroking over the back of it now.
Samuel watched Mercedes as she growled at him and his eyebrows threaded together. Before the nurse told her the same and she obliged counting with the woman as she instructed. “You are doing good,” he said despite his true feelings.
Jackie nodded her head at Mercedes. “That’s right,” she told her as the girl leaned back. She walked around the doctor and she began to set up the child’s little station off to the side. The next push to hit, she’d be back at the girl’s side to help her through.
Mercedes continued to count as she breathed hard, catching her breath a little. “6…8… 10… 12… 14…” she counted as her eyes shifted to her mother, who was right by her side, rubbing her arm and whispering to her that she was a warrior and that she could do this. She turned her head to look at Samuel once more, giving him a small curl of her lips before she groaned out as another contraction rippled through her body and she grunted, fighting the urge to scream as she pushed hard, breathing harshly. “1… 3.... 5… 7…” she tried to count as she pushed trying to remember to breathe as he did. “Uhhhhhhhh,” she ended up screaming anyway.
“Very good Mercedes,” Dr. David said to the girl encouragingly. He used a gauze to clean the child’s head of any gunk. As she began to crown fully, here came the uncontrollable burning and ripping feeling she’d experience as the experience what most call the ring of fire. “Keep pushing, big pushes,” he said using his finger to widen the hole for the child knowingly.
Jackie heard the girl restart her counts and she walked over, draping a blanket over her still rounded stomach. “Good, good,” she said, “work through the pain, keep breathing,” she told her. “You are going to feel a lot of pressure Mercedes, he’s right there. He’s close,” she told her as she grabbed the girl’s hand ushered it between her legs, allowing her to feel her own son’s head. “He’s right there keep pushing,” she told her. “8, 9, 10, 11…” she said with her, like most did she pressed down at the top of Mercedes stomach helping the child and the mother as she pushed.
“Ohhh myyyy Gooooood,” Mercedes cried out as the pain seemed to intensify beyond imagination. All of the counting and trying to focus on breathing went out of the window as his tiny head began to really push through, stretching her wider. She screamed out, bearing down hard, her body jerking as she squeezed Samuel’s hand even harder. She pushed and pushed, tears spilling from behind her closed eyelids as the nurse grabbed her hand and guided it down. She felt the top of her son’s head and her eyes sprung open, wide and red with tears as she looked at the nurse, still groaning, growling, and screaming in pain as her chest heaved.
Jackie looked to Mercedes and she said, “shh,” to her silencing her screams. “Mercedes,” she said with a stern voice, if her mother wasn’t going to do it, she was. “Breathe!” she commanded as she felt the boys head for herself. “Screaming isn’t helping momma, calm down,” she said trying to reason with the child. “Tell her,” she said looking at Samuel as she moved to see how close they were to the child actually arriving.
Mercedes stared at Jackie as she felt the infant's head before she looked at Samuel huffing and puffing. Switching hands, she brought their intertwined hands down between her legs so Samuel could feel it too as she breathed hard, calming herself as Jackie told her too. She began counting once more, her chest rising and falling as she stopped pushing, her head falling back as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks.
Samuel looked to Mercedes, Jackie had parted their hands again and thank God for it. It gave him a break as Mercedes felt the top of their son’s head. However, as his girlfriend snatched his hand up, he felt the top of their son’s head, well mainly all the hair he had and he smirked. “He’s almost here babe, it’s going to be over soon,” he told her, trying to encourage her to stay steadfast and strong.
Jackie looked to Mercedes as she quieted down and she moved from her spot, she finished the last of what she had to set up off to the side. Once she did, she moved back against the bed and she smiled at Mercedes as she counted.
Dr. David allowed Jackie to run the show, that is what she happened to do in the delivery rooms in this hospital. She was young but fiery and he didn’t mind her at all. She kept the mother in line. Despite their hands the man was more than capable of doing his job and honestly if she gave him one more big push, his head would be out. Every time she stopped it prolonged his arrival. “One more big push Mercedes, all your might,” he suggested easily.
Erica stood there, holding Mercedes leg back with one hand, the other stroking her daughters hair silently because she had gone and purchased some ear plugs from the gift shop hours ago. She couldn’t hear much of anything but it wasn’t like anyone knew that because her full hair hid the fact. She had endured Mercedes screaming until she just couldn’t anymore. She had told the girl to get an epidural, now look at her. She went through the motions, her eyes watching everyone as she stayed silent.
Mercedes cried, tears rolling down her plump cheeks as she felt all their hair on top of their son’s head. She was exhausted but feeling him for the first time made it all worth it and re-invigorated her to finish strong. At the Doctors orders, Mercedes geared up, feeling the contraction building and as it hit, she pushed hard, breathing in and out, panting a little as she did. She grunted and groaned but she continued to breath as she growled out, pushing with all that she had.
Jackie watched as Mercedes continued to push and she stood at the foot of the bed, this was it. After this push she may need to supply another, but the little boy was going to be born in just a few seconds.
Samuel watched as she cried and he used his free hand to wipe her tears idly, she was in so much pain. He hated it. He moved his hand only to grab her leg as he were supposed to and he watched as she pushed. “Good babe, just like that,” he told her knowingly. Their son was going to be born any second he couldn’t wait to see and hold him.
Mercedes pushed harder and harder until his little head was out and she felt a moment of relief, the stretching had stopped now that his head was out but she was completely unprepared for his shoulders and she screamed for a moment before clamping her lips, breathing harshly through her nose.
Dr. David looked to the little boy as his head finally appeared, he moved to unwrap his umbilical cord form around his neck. It had been wrapped around twice and he noticed that his body was not budging even as his mother pushed. “Stop pushing,” he told Mercedes slyly as he grabbed a suction and cleared the boys nose and mouth. The boy must have been stuck.
Mercedes stopped mid-push as the doctor commanded her too and she looked down at the man, huffing and puffing as she did. Once again, the urge to push and not doing so was killing her. She blinked slowly, looking at the man in a daze. Was he out? Was her son born? She looked over at the nurse as she stood there before she looked at Samuel and her mother, “w-what’s happening?” she asked.
Jackie looked at the little boy and then Dr. David, she shifted breezing past Erica. She moved in place with the woman. “It’s fine,” she said to the girl. “He’s just having a little trouble coming on down baby girl,” she breathed out to her gently. Her demeanor changed; they had a short period of time to get him out considering he was not breathing at all. “Momma look at me,” she said to Mercedes. “Dr. David is going to shift him; you are going to push and so am I,” she said seriously. “Push with all you might Mercedes ignore the pain, we need to get him out,” she said. “We can count again, okay, let’s go. 1, 2, 3, 4,” she said as Dr. David did his deed and she pressed her hand against Mercedes stomach harshly to assist.
Samuel looked to the doctor pushing was a good thing, so what was happening? He looked down at the blueish tint baby and he swallowed hard, shit, they didn’t come this far for something to happen to him right? He looked at Mercedes and then the nurse, he was nervous now for the first time as his heart began to race.
Erica noticed the change in the mood in the room and she looked at the expression on Mercedes face before she discreetly took out the ear plugs and caught onto what was happening, finally she spoke, “stay calm and just push,” she told Mercedes looking down at the baby as he turned a little blue. “Just push,” she repeated again, growing a little panicked herself as she looked at the child’s face.
Mercedes looked at Jackie as she explained that he wasn’t coming out and she panicked slightly before her mother told her to stay calm and she tried her best as she looked at Jackie nodding slowly. She was scared, tired, and most of all, she just wanted to hold her son. She began pushing as Jackie told her too, breathing in and out deeply as the doctor rotated the baby, causing her excruciating pain but she bit back her scream as she turned her eyes, focusing on Samuel as Jackie pressed hard against her stomach and she huffed and puffed, crying out as she pushed harder and harder, “UUUUUUUUUUUGH!”
Dr. David looked up at Jackie as she assisted him and he was quiet as he shifted the child. Something he did plenty of times before, it was an easy medical emergency for him however other parties involved, not so much. Once he did so, he watched the little boy as he moved into his hands slowly, leaving his mother’s body fully as she screamed out. “Alright,” he said as he placed him on top of the blanket and he smiled, “a boy,” he breathed, “a big boy,” he added as she moved to finish his work. The child didn’t cry right away, and he noticed that, as he looked to Jackie again, clamping off the umbilical cord. “Cry big guy, I know you want to,” he said to the child. He nudged Samuel handing him the scissors to cut the cord, rather breathing or not the child had to be separated from Mercedes so that they could assist.
Jackie pressed against Mercedes stomach as hard as she needed to until the child was out. “Good girl,” she told the girl as Dr. David rested him against Mercedes. He didn’t cry, which was okay. She used the blanket to clean him up a bit and turned him slightly as he got his color back. She spanked his little bottom gently to kick start his cries. The sooner he cried meant the moment his lungs would fill with air and push out any other fluid though his mouth and lungs. “You gotta cry” she said tilting her head at him as she continued to clean him off for the couple roughly until the baby finally cried and she smirked. “Thank you,” she said before she looked to Samuel, “cut dad,” she said.
Samuel eyebrows rose as they tried to work the child out of Mercedes, when they finally did, he watched him. He wasn’t crying still and no one said why. As their nurse tried to make him cry, Samuel grabbed the scissors but he didn’t use them because he was shaking with fear. Once the child cried, he sighed heavily and did as Jackie told him to, cutting where the doctor instructed before he moved back to their son. “You did it and he’s okay,” he said to her kissing her forehead lightly, his other hand resting on their son’s tiny back as he laid against Mercedes chest.
Mercedes let out a deep grunt as the child body slid from her and she panted softly, dropping back on the bed exhausted. She closed her eyes, trying to gather herself as their son was cleaned off slightly and laid on her chest. She brought her hand up, resting it on his little butt as she held him close, eyes still closed until he finally began to cry. She opened her eyes, looking at Samuel then down at their son on her chest and she let out a deep sigh of relief as fresh tears began to fill her eyes. “Oh, he’s perfect,” she whispered emotionally as Samuel kissed her forehead. “I did it.” She breathed out looking down at his tiny body wiggling against her chest as he cried. His cries made her chest tighten and she shifted his little body, cradling him in her arms. “It’s okay,” she whispered to him, gazing into his wide gray eyes.
Samuel smiled down at Mercedes, nodding his head, the kid was perfect and they managed to make him. He was shocked. He reached for his fingers, holding them as long as the squirming boy would let him. He took in his features. his hair, and his eyes for a moment before he noticed how long the little boy was and he smirked. He was a big boy just like their doctor said.
Jackie looked at the little boy one last time, he was a cutie pie if she ever saw one. She assisted Mercedes doctor in the removal of the after birth, the newborn baby was always a great distraction when it came to that. She took some cord blood and she began to clean up the small area they occupied. “I’ll give him right back,” she told Mercedes lovingly as she gathered the boy, taking him over to the bassinet where she took his temperature, checked his respiratory system, heart rate, weight, and length. Once she was done with that, she cleaned him up a little more; baby's first bath they call it. She cleaned the area around his cord making sure it was clamped off properly, she made sure to clean his eyes and she smiled, they were grey and bright. He was alert, she placed a small amount of ointment on both before she logged his time of birth, the day, and she made prints of his little feet. She cleaned his feet off once more, placed a little hat on his head for warmth, placed a little diaper on his bottom before she placed his wrist and ankle bracelets on. Such a crucial and important step if she wanted to keep her job. She grabbed a fresh blanket for him and she hoisted all 8 pounds and 10 ounces of him up before she brought him back to Mercedes. She placed the little boy on her chest, shifting ever so slightly to give them some skin to skin contact before she draped his blanket over him and tucked it into his sides for warmth. “You did it girl, all natural. How do you feel?” she asked her as Dr. David stitched Mercedes up gently. There wasn’t too much damage done, only about a stitch or two on both sides where needed. “Think your good?” she asked her. “Need me to get you something?” she asked her. “I want you to rest a little before we try to get him to latch on for his first feeding,” she said as she placed his name card on his bassinet and scribbled on the board in the room.
Mercedes couldn’t help but to smile at Samuel, despite how tired she was. They had a child. An actual baby. Wow. She looked down at their son as Jackie took him and cleaned him up more. She laid there, closing her eyes once more. He was a long, slightly chunky little boy and had taken so much out of her, but she wanted to stay awake to enjoy him. At this point she was so numb she didn’t even feel the doctor stitching her up. As Jackie placed the baby boy back on her chest, she placed her hand on his back gently. “I am exhausted,” she admitted. Looking back at Jackie, she nodded. “I am fine,” she said looking down at the boy as he rested quietly on her now. She looked at Samuel, her freehand reaching for his. “Look at what we created,” she said sniffling a little.
Samuel stroked Mercedes hair and when Jackie moved to leave their side with the boy, he couldn’t help but to follow her. He pulled his phone out his pocket and he snapped photos of their baby boy as he watched him get cleaned up. After he got some footage for himself, he moved towards Mercedes again and smiled at her. Her doctor finished his deed and he moved to leave them be, he figured her nurse had everything covered. Samuel watched as their son was placed back against Mercedes chest and he held her hand in his. “I know,” he said looking into his son’s eyes again. “Hey,” he said to him stroking his cheek lightly, Samuel leaned down and pecked the boys cheek before he kissed Mercedes. “So proud of you babe,” he said lovingly, “thank you,” he added confidently.
Closing her eyes once more, Mercedes felt at peace with their son on her chest and she shifted slightly, her hand still holding him protectively. As Samuel kissed his cheek, the infant cooed softly. “Do you want to hold him?” She asked opening her eyes to look at Samuel as she offered up the child to him. “Thank you,” she said. “I couldn’t have done it without you by my side.”
At Mercedes words he nodded his head as he rested against the bed a little. “Yeah I do,” he said, very eager to hold their baby boy. He wanted to wait for his time but honestly, he couldn’t wait. Samuel looked at her and he smirked. “You did good babe, I’m glad I was some kind of support for you,” he told her honestly.
Mercedes smiled gently, handing the infant over to Samuel carefully, making sure Samuel was supporting his little head as she gave him over. Slowly she laid back, closing her eyes once more. “You’re always going to be my rock,” she said softly as she shifted in the bed slightly, wincing a little as she did. She looked over at her mother, then at Jackie before she asked, “how long will I be sore?” before she reached for her mother’s hand.
Erica brushed her fingers through Mercedes’ hair and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “I’m so proud of you,” she told Mercedes truthfully. “A little warrior,” she confirmed kissing her forehead once more before she reached over and grabbed a damp cloth wiping around Mercedes’ face, cooling her down some.
Jackie looked to Mercedes and she unhooked monitors and tucked them away. She checked Mercedes vitals and heart rate before she looked to her, “give it a couple hours momma, he had to stitch you up a little,” she said as she rounded the bed carrying on with her task.
Samuel shifted, accepting their son and he wrapped him up in his blanket watching him closely and he held him as delicately as he could. He felt like he could break him, he was big but small and he fit comfortably in Samuel’s large hands. He pecked his forehead gently and watched as he closed his eyes. “He must be tired,” he chuckled gently, “I don’t blame him,” he said to looking over at her.
Nodding slowly at Jackie’s answer, Mercedes laid there, eyes closed as her mother wiped sweat from her face. She was sure that she looked a mess. However, she had a baby, she had the right to look a mess. As she laid there, eyes closed, she began to feel the exhaustion full force and before she knew it, she was asleep.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
She Said “Yes!”
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans and Mercedes Jones TIME FRAME: Friday, February 14, 2020 LOCATION: Special Venue; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: On Valentine’s Day, Samuel throws a party inviting all of their friends and family; he surprises Mercedes with a proposal. 
Samuel sat next to Mercedes on the couch, he was sure she was curious to know why he’d thrown a Valentine’s Day party in such a lavish looking setting and all of their immediate friends and family was there. Considering he didn’t tell her anything, he simply made her put on the dress and shoes he’d bought her to wear today and escorted her out the door. They were matching in their red and pink outfits for the day and everyone else fell in line with red, pink, white, or black. He was happy, people had done what he wanted them to and so far, everyone was enjoying themselves, including her family and his family.
Sitting on the couch beside her boyfriend, Mercedes leaned into him tiredly. Her head rested on his shoulder and she held his hand in her own, her thumb rubbing over the back of his hand. She had absolutely no idea what was going on anymore. Her boyfriend had come in with a dress and heels and told her to get dressed, so she asked no questions. It was Valentine’s Day and she was sure he probably had some type of surprise for her, so she wasn’t going to ask questions and ruin it, but she was highly intrigued despite her tiredness.
Samuel pecked Mercedes through all of her hair, and he reached his arm around hugging her to him. His hand ran up and down her arm before he said, “you okay babe?” sweetly, he wanted everyone to eat and be merry before he gave her his gift. “If you are ready to go, I can ask everyone to wrap things up and end the party” he told her.
“I’m okay,” Mercedes whispered softly. “I am just tired,” she admitted, moving their hands to her stomach gently. “I’m alright though,” she said to him sweetly, turning her head slightly and pressing a kiss to jawline though his beard. “What’s the big secret?” she asked him with a smile.
Samuel gently rubbed her stomach; their son was calm for a change and he could appreciate that. Nodding his head, he smirked as she kissed him, a smile growing at her question. “Secret?” he asked her playfully, he was toying with her now.
“Yes,” Mercedes giggled gently as Samuel rubbed her stomach. “The secret,” she said sweetly batting her eyelashes at him. “What are you trying to do?” she questioned him lovingly, nuzzling him lovingly.
“Have a Valentine’s party” Samuel chuckled at her “I just wanted to have a good time with everybody, is that wrong?” he asked her as he leaned into her as well. “Life is short you know…”
Mercedes eyes Samuel as he spoke, and she poked her lips out in a pout. “No, there’s nothing wrong with that,” she told him sweetly as she looked around at all their friends and family, “honestly it’s just not like you,” she admitted with a small smile. “You don’t like flashy stuff like this but thank you so much for doing this for me baby,” she said kissing his lips. “I know you’d rather be cuddled up at home.”
“You guys make me out to be the bad boy” Samuel said jokingly, he used a mocking voice, but it wasn’t hers. “I am just a man” he told her as he continued to lean into her “I don’t” he admitted “I’d do anything for you though” he told her sweetly before he moved to get up. “I know you thought that the gifts I gave you at the house was all that I had for you, but it isn’t” he breathed as he moved towards the DJ leaving her in her seat. He grabbed the microphone for the man and began to speak in it “hey guys” he said nervously. “I’m bad at this stuff” he told him as she looked down at the ground. “I try very hard to learn how to speak on a level that you all are on” he said beating himself up a little in the process. “Anyway” he said quietly “I wanted to do something very special for Mercedes today and I just want to thank Mr. Jones and Mrs. Jones for letting me” he said looking up for just a moment as he shuffled in the spot, he was standing in his nerves a wreck. “Um” he said pausing before he moved to Noah grabbing what he needed from the boy and tucking it away. He moved for Mercedes and helped her to stand on her feet, resting the red lip shape purse he had gotten her aside. “Mercedes” he started looking at her.
Mercedes giggled softly. “You are a bad boy,” she teased him sweetly before he moved to get up and she leaned up with him slightly, watching as he walked over to the DJ. What is he doing? She asked herself as she looked at him confused. Listening to him as he spoke into the microphone, Mercedes slid to the edge of her seat a bit, nervous and excited to hear what he had to say. She placed her hands on her belly, looking around at her mother, father, Santana, Noah, Steven, Dallas and everyone else with a smile on her face. She couldn’t believe he put this all together for her. Slowly she looked back at her boyfriend, having missed Noah as he handed Samuel something. As Samuel helped her stand up, she stood there with him, gazing up at him with loving eyes. “Yes baby?” she asked him softly a deep blush on her cheeks. What is he about to do? She asked herself, looking over at her mother quickly.
Samuel didn’t say anything for a very long time before he finally got the courage to speak again. He was choking up; the boy was scared for dear life and not to mention he was getting emotional as his eyes began to water slightly. “I am not perfect” he said shaking his head at himself “I have not been perfect, but I want to be that for you, for our son” he told her. “I have loved you for a very long time, since you stepped into our school as freshmen I was drawn to your energy” he said his eyes looking to the ground. “I didn’t deserve you then and I don’t know. I never will. A guy like me isn’t supposed to be with a girl like you” her said squeezing her hand gently in hers. “Though I am very happy about our son, I know I never wanted to do anything to stop you from being great” he said as a tear fell. “I regret this happening to young, but I know he’s a blessing” he said looking to his dad for a second before he looked away. “I know you will be a great mom; you already are a great girlfriend” he told her softly “and I know you will be a great wife” he said. He felt like he was ruining this, what was he talking about? “I’m sorry, I’m not making sense” he said as he let her hand go to reach in his pocket grabbing the ring box and he opened. “I am trying to say” he breathed “well ask you Mercedes” he said moving to get down on one knee like he’s supposed to “will you be my wife” he said just above a whisper in the microphone. “Please” he begged her before he looked up another tear rolling down.
Standing there, Mercedes looked at Samuel with wide eyes as he spoke and she nodded along, trying to figure out where he was going with this. “I love you too,” Mercedes said softly back to him softly, her eyes shifting between Samuel and their friends and family as he spoke. Her hand resting on her stomach, Mercedes tilted her head to the side, honestly trying to keep up with Samuel as he rambled a bit. However, as he dropped to one knee, she gasped softly. “Sam!” she said loudly, out of shock. Her eyes were wide as saucers. “Are you for real?” she asked him, her hands shaking as she began to cry. “Sam!” she said once more, unbelieving, looking around at their friends and family as they looked at her expectantly. “You’re serious?” she asked him, her eyes meeting his once more as tears rolled down her cheeks. “Oh my god,” she squealed out. “Yes!”
As Mercedes stood there, going through the motions he looked back to his dad again confused. Why didn’t she believe him, he was on one knee crying in front of everyone for her, of course he meant it, he wanted her to be his wife. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her, and he wasn’t joking about that. He’d been thinking about it for a while now and he wanted to do this. He’d saved up for the ring and everything, and he threw this entire event together to propose and celebrate it. “Yeah I am” he told her finally and as she continued to go through the motion she sighed as she finally said yes. “Good” Samuel told her as he took the sat the mic down, he took the ring out of the box and slid it onto her finger before he stood up on his feet and hugged her tightly.
Mercedes couldn’t believe this was happening. She couldn’t believe he was proposing to her. Tears of joy and love rolled down her face and she sniffled hard as Samuel slid the ring into her finger. She closed her eyes, her arms wrapping around him and she held him tightly as he hugged her. “I love you so much,” she gasped out as she held him for dear life, ruining her make-up as she cried.
Samuel smiled happily as their friends and family clapped for them and cheered, at first, he thought they were too young, but he asked her parents and by now everyone knew they’d do what they wanted to do. “I love you too baby, both of you” he said to her easily as he leaned back and kissed her lips sweetly.
Mercedes kissed his lips lovingly, her tears mingling with his. “Oh god,” she said with a giggle as she pulled away from him, reaching for something to dab her face with. “I can’t believe this,” she squealed out, looking at her mother, then at Santana.
As she pulled away from him to wipe her face, he wiped his as well hiding his tears he was a man. Men didn’t cry he told himself as he stood upright towering most of them in the room. Samuel smiled at his dad and gave him, and his brother thumbs up before he looked back to Mercedes.
“That ring big as fuck how much it cost” Noah asked Samuel as he walked up behind him.
Samuel looked at his friend and narrowed his eyes “shut up” he said elbowing him.
At Noah’s words, Mercedes looked at the rock on her finger and she smiled. It was indeed huge. She knew Samuel had to have saved so much for it. “It’s beautiful,” she said to her now fiancée as she pulled him close once her, hugging him, her head on his chest. “I can’t believe you kept this from me!” she said to Santana.
Santana giggled, flipping her hair to reveal her shaved side, due to her head injury and surgery, but the hair was slowly but surely growing back. “I had to!” she said happily. “I couldn’t ruin something this huge for you!” she squealed.
Samuel hugged Mercedes close to him and he chuckled at Santana and Mercedes before he said. “Thanks for helping” to them both happily “could not have done this without you too” he told him.
Smiling from ear to ear, Mercedes looked at her friends more tears wailing in her eyes. “Thank you, guys,” she said before she caught her mother’s eyes once more and she pulled away from Samuel gently, moving for her parents. She opened her arms, falling into her mother lovingly.
“Congratulations sweetheart,” Erica breathed as she hugged her daughter tightly.
Alexander walked up behind Erica and wrapped his arms around his wife and daughter with his long arms. “I love you Mercedes,” he began gently, “and I from the bottom of my heart apologize for how I treated you,” he said as he pulled away from the hug, gazing at Mercedes. “You’re my only baby girl and I reacted so poorly out of shock and disbelief. But sweetheart, I love you so much and I am so proud of you. I know you’re going to be an amazing mother and now… wife…” he said kissing her forehead. “Congratulations baby girl.”
Tahj walked over to Samuel and he looked the tall boy up and down before he smiled and said, “you know, I still don’t know how I feel about all of this,” as he gazed up at Samuel, “but congratulations man. You make my sister so happy, so just keep doing what you’re doing,” he said holding out his hand, prepared to pull Samuel into a bro-hug.
Samuel looked to Mercedes’ brother, these days they didn’t really mingle well together but the boy got an invite anyhow. In his words he raised a brow, what was happening was happening and no one could stop it. The baby would be here fairly soon, everyone had to just accept it and move forward in a positive light. “Yeah” he said nodding his head at the guy giving him a sideways hug, Samuel wasn’t a hugger by any means.
Tahj hugged Samuel, patting him on the back before he pulled away, shoving his hands into his pockets as he looked at Noah. “Haven’t seen you in a while man,” he said slapping hands with him.
Mercedes gazed at her father as he spoke, fresh tears flooding her eyes. “I love you too daddy,” she said sniffling hard. “And I’m sorry for putting you through all of this, but everything happens for a reason, and I couldn’t be happier,” she said, “there is nothing in this world I want more than my son and Samuel…” she said looking back at her man with a bright smile.
Erica let out a soft sigh as Mercedes and Alexander spoke and she nodded along, hugging Mercedes to her side as she pressed a kiss to her daughters forehead. “You don’t have to explain to us,” she breathed. “We love you Mercedes and we support you in everything you do and we’re so happy for you.”
Alexander nodded along to his daughter and his wife’s words and he pulled Mercedes into his arms once more, hugging her tightly.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
It Comes In Waves
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones and Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: Sunday, February 9, 2020 LOCATION: Yard House Restaurant & Jones-Evans’ Condo; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Going on what would most likely be their last date night before their son arrives, things start out pretty rocky but end with the young couple spent after sexual orgasms. 
Mercedes flexed her arm out and bent it back a few times, so happy to finally be out of that god-awful cast. She now had to make sure that she used the arm and regained some muscle and feeling back into it, though she hadn’t needed to wear the cast for that long, for her arm to heal. She also now had a sling to use for at least three to four hours a day, to continue to promote healing until their son was born. With a small sigh, she turned towards the mirror and looked herself over. The simple little black dress she was sporting clung to each and every single curve she had, including her belly. Her full breasts sat up, almost falling out of the slightly deep v-cut of the dress as she adjusted the straps a little. Licking her lips, she eyed her bare feet in the mirror, and she turned to her boyfriend. “Can you help me put my shoes on?” she asked him cheekily as she moved to sit down on the edge of the bed, looking at her heels, that she had no business wearing, on the floor.
Samuel tied his shoelaces as he sat against the bed before he leaned up looking to Mercedes. She looked good, almost too good, and he was afraid to even take her out because of it. She wore her big belly well and not to mention the dress clung to her so tightly he could see every grove and dip. Plus, her breast were nearly untamed as she tried to fix her top and he licked his lips. “Baby?” He said quietly. “You wearing that out?” He asked her before she asked him if he could help her with her shoes and then he asked further with wide eyes, “baby you wearing those?” as he picked them up.
“Hmm?” Mercedes hummed out as she placed her hands on her belly. “I’m going to put on a coat,” she said to him gently. She had to; it was under 50 degrees tonight. At his next question, she bit her lip. “I would hate to wear flats with this dress,” she admitted softly, looking at him with sad eyes. “Just for a few hours and I’ll take my flats to change into,” she said trying to compromise with him sweetly, as she batted her eyelashes at him. This would probably be their last real date night out before their son arrived and she just wanted to feel as pretty as she could, because most days, she felt like a panda and looked like one too. But tonight, she had fixed her hair up in a side ponytail, her curls cascading around her shoulder, and she had really taken the time to beat her face and it wasn’t an easy task because she had been sweating so much under the bathroom lights. Wiggling her toes before him, she pouted slightly, her plump cheeks and full lips, really making her look adorable.
Samuel nodded his head slowly, damn the coat, she needed an actual outfit that fit her properly. As she went on to explain her opinion about the shoes she was wearing, he tilted his head. Here she was due to give birth very soon and she wanted to wear heels. Not to mention, he was rubbing her feet nearly every night when they swelled, why would she want to suffer in this way. Women, he sighed to himself as she moved to grab her shoes and assisted her with them. “Okay,” he said simply not to ruffle her feathers as he placed the shoes on her feet.
Mercedes full cheeks lifted in a smile as Samuel agreed and placed the heels on her feet. “Thank you, baby,” she said sweetly as he laced them up for her and all. Wiggling to the edge of the bed, she stood up carefully and placed her hand under her belly as she took a step before her face dropped. Maybe the heels weren’t such a good idea after all. One step and her feet were already killing her, but she didn’t want to prove him right. So, she sucked it up and grabbed her coat, slipping it on, before she picked up her purse, her bottom lip between her teeth as she made her way to the door, tucking her flats into the bag as she did.
Samuel nodded. “You are very welcome,” he told her before he moved to grab his leather coat. As she grabbed her things, he made sure he had his keys and his phone before he followed her towards their front door. Samuel let her walk out of it as he locked the door and then grabbed her hand walking towards the elevator for them to reach the parking garage of their condominium.
Tip-toeing towards the door in her heels, Mercedes looked back at Samuel as he moved behind her. Stepping out into the hallway, she hissed softly. Her feet were already killing her, she could feel them swelling in the heels, and all she had done was walk from the bedroom to the front door. Closing her eyes as Samuel locked the door behind them, she let out a breath before she took his hand and moved with him, trying to keep up with his long stride as she tip-toed towards the elevator.
Samuel looked to Mercedes, she didn’t need the shoes on, and she wasn’t going to admit it to him. He was going to have to step up and take over and let her know that it was a bad idea and she just needed to wear her flats. But he kept quiet for now, to see how much she’d hold out as they reached the end of the hall. Samuel pressed the down button and as they waited he asked her slyly, “you still feeling good?”
At his question, Mercedes looked up at him and she shifted on her feet, leaning against the wall a bit discreetly. “I’m fine,” she lied through her teeth as their son began to kick and she looked down at her belly, being able to see his motions through her dress. She placed her hand over the spot he was kicking and closed her eyes as she poked back at him playfully.
“Okay, just making sure,” Samuel to her knowingly as he watched her. He looked to her belly and he rested his hand on top of it. “Be still some kid,” he told his son even as his mother poked at him playfully, which Sam was sure to cause him to become more active. The doors opened and Samuel held his hand against it as he waited for Mercedes to climb in the elevator before he did and once she was inside, he stepped in and pressed the button. “So where are we going to go eat?” he asked moving towards her, his hands resting on her full hip in the dress. He honestly could have stayed home after seeing her in this and fucked on her until he put her to sleep for the night. But a date never hurt anybody.
Nodding at Samuel, Mercedes shifted on her feet once more, despite the fact that she was leaning against the wall. As their son kicked back at her poking her belly, she giggled and moved her hand out of the way to let Samuel place his over her stomach. She placed her small hand on top of his, smiling softly. “He loves to kick back at me if I poke him,” she said chuckling. Stepping into the elevator, Mercedes leaned into her boyfriend as she shifted on her feet once more. “I was thinking Yard House,” she said honestly. “You know this is probably going to be our last date night for a while, we might as well go all out,” she said thoughtfully. Their son kicked again, she looked down at her belly, moving his hand from her hip to her stomach and the baby began to rapidly kick against his hand.
At the mention of where she wanted to go Samuel tried to bite back a groan. He was really trying to keep their finances in order now, the baby would eat away at a lot of it when he was here, and he knew they needed to work with what they had. “Yeah that’s probably right,” he told her with a head nod instead of protesting. As she placed his hand on her stomach, he smirked. “I wonder if he knows how much we love him already?” Sam asked her as he rested his forehead against hers.
Mercedes smiled softly. “He has to know,” she breathed out, looking down at her stomach before she looked up at him, allowing his forehead to rest against hers, since the heels gave her added height. “I love him so much,” she said tears wailing in her eyes. “Little Carter or Peyton or Myles or Jaylen,” she said gently. “We really have to narrow down these names,” she said with a giggle as she sniffled softly, sucking up her hormonal tears.
Samuel smiled at that thought as the doors rolled open and he grabbed her hand, his foot in place to keep the doors open. “We will narrow it down,” he told her confidently as he helped her off the elevator into the parking garage as they moved for his car. “Don’t worry,” he added as he draped his arm around her shoulder, moving with her as they made it to the large truck, and he unlocked it. “Okay,” he said knowingly as he opened her door for her. “Use me as leverage,” he reminded her as he stood there, her hand in his as he waited for her to step up.
Mercedes chuckled softly nodding her head. “I was thinking maybe Carter Jaylen Evans,” she said sweetly as he gazed up at him, “or Myles Peyton Evans,” she said lovingly, her heart swelling in her chest at the thought of their son carrying his last name. As they stepped off the elevator, she tip-toed towards the car in her sky-high heels. As they reached the truck, she took his hand and nodded slowly. She stood there for a second, eyeing the seat, that was damn-near 50ft off the ground before she put her weight on him, placing one foot on the runner as she gripped the door with her other hand, stepping up and into the car. She sat down with a huff and let out a harsh breath as she got properly situated. It never used to be that hard for her to get into his truck, God. She felt as if she had just ran a marathon as she sat her purse on the floor by her feet. Stretching out her short legs, she adjusted the back of the seat a bit, lowering it slightly to give her belly some room over her thick thighs.
“Hmm,” Samuel said to himself as she spoke of possible baby name options. “We will have to revisit this,” he told her as she moved to climb into his truck. He really needed a different car for all three of them, but he didn’t want to give up his baby. His truck was his pride and joy, had been since he suited the truck up. To part with it even for their child would break his heart. But he had to sacrifice now, he told himself as she climbed in and got comfy. He closed her door before he moved to the driver’s side of the truck and climbed into it. He started the car up and backed out before he moved to put the seatbelt on, as he moved through the parking garage towards the restaurant of her choosing.
Putting on her seatbelt, Mercedes nodded at Samuel, as she pulled the chest strap, adjusting it around her belly gently. As she got more comfortable in the seat, she looked over at him as he backed out of the space and she let out a hum, honestly happy to be off her feet. Once they got to Yard House, she would have him switch her shoes out for her. She had made it to the car, she had proved herself. Now she was over it. “Ah,” she cried out, dripping Samuel’s arm as he drove, a Braxton Hicks contraction washing over her and she hissed out, squeezing his arm.
Samuel moved down the street towards the direction of the restaurant thinking to himself more about the idea of him needing to get a car that worked for all three of their benefits. When she gripped his arm, he wiped his head in her direction. “What’s wrong?” he asked her as his eyes moved from the road to her and back a dozen times.
Mercedes held Samuel’s arm tight until the contraction passed and she let out a harsh breath, trying to catch it. “Braxton Hicks,” she groaned out rubbing her stomach, then her back as she looked over at him. “False labor contractions,” she explained to him as she breathed harshly. That was the strongest one that she had felt to date. “I wasn’t prepared,” she admitted. “That was the strongest one yet,” she told him softly as she caught her breath.
At Mercedes words he nodded at her. “Oh yeah, I know what those are,” he told her as he looked her over again. “Are you alright?” he asked her next as she went to explain, he nodded his head again. Samuel sighed before he said, “so are you ready to take off the shoes?” to her gently.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” Mercedes looked at Samuel, squinting slightly. “Yes, I would like to take them off,” she said with an exasperated sigh, sticking her tongue out at him with her face scrunched. She shifted in the seat, letting out a groan as another Braxton Hicks contraction rolled over her. “Ugh!” she groaned out, leaning forward, her hands on the dashboard as she breathed through it.
Samuel looked to her as she confirmed what he already knew. “I don’t know why you trying to be all cute, you already got the best fish in the sea,” he said cockily to her as she stuck her tongue out at him. As she groaned again and leaned forward, he eyed her and the road as he continued to drive towards their destination. “You sure you're good?” he asked her.
Groaning out, Mercedes breathed through gritted teeth, working through the false contraction. “I’m okay,” she said softly once the pain subsided and she lifted her head looking at him. “I was trying to be cute for me,” she said to him softly. “I’ve felt like a bear recently,” she admitted. “I just wanted to feel pretty for one night,” she admitted to him sadly as she sat back in her seat, holding her belly gently.
Samuel looked to her again, as she spoke and he sighed at her with a headshake. “Mercedes,” he started before he decided to drop the situation as he continued to drive down the road. “You look fine,” he stressed, “you don’t look like a bear or a whale or any of that other shit,” he stressed. “You look like a pregnant woman who’s going to be giving birth in a few weeks, that’s it,” he told her. “Why do you understand that?” he asked. “You look beautiful, stop…”
Looking at Samuel, Mercedes frowned at him. “It’s not about what you think,” she told him with a slight attitude. “It’s about how I feel,” she stressed to him with a huff, folding her arms over her chest. “I feel like a damn panda!” she fussed, turning to stare out the window, “and that’s what I see when I look in the mirror,” she told him with a huff. “Why don’t you understand that,” she said with a ‘hmph’. She shifted, crossing her ankles as she turned her back to him, her body shifting as she looked out the window now, a little irritated with him all of a sudden. “Stop it,” she fussed at her belly now as their son kicked.
Samuel looked between her and the road once more as she went off on him for essentially telling her she was beautiful. He didn’t understand women, he guessed he never would. If he said nothing, he’d be agreeing by default and would anger her. If he spoke his mind and told the truth he’d still get the same result. Fucking hell, where could he go in this? As she fussed at their son, he raised a brow at her, and he stayed silent for the duration of the drive. She turned her back to him anyway, so for now he just drove to the Atlantic station area so that they could eat.
Mercedes looked down at her belly as their son continued to kick at her and she sighed out, turning straight on her seat, stretching out once more, giving the big boy some room. She then reached over with her nose turned up and took Samuel’s freehand, placing it on her belly to calm the boy. “Shit!” she whispered, gripping Samuel’s bicep tightly as another Braxton Hicks contraction, rolled over her.
Samuel looked to his phone for a second as it lit up before he sat it back in his lap and he began to bit on his fingers nails before Mercedes reached out and snatched up his hand. Samuel switched them quickly and he looked at her crazily before he looked back to the road. He licked his lips slowly as he pulled into the parking lot. Samuel drove with one hand as he finally found a parking spot for them, it wasn’t close to the entrance, but it was the best one he could honestly find.
Mercedes powered through the contraction as Samuel pulled into the lot and she gripped his arm tightly, breathing harshly through her nose until it passed. “Sorry,” she said gently, to him, looking at him through her eyelashes as he found a spot.
Samuel put the car in park, and he didn’t say anything in response to her, he just wanted to keep the peace. He climbed out of the car after turning it off and he rounded the truck opening the door for her once he made it to her side fully.
Mercedes frowned as Samuel said nothing to her and got out the car and she bit her painted lip gently as he rounded the car and opened her door for her. She reached down, grabbing her purse and pulled out her flats, handing them to him quietly as she stared down at her belly.
Samuel removed Mercedes shoes from her feet looking at one of her ankles as it began to swell already. He replaced the heels with her flats before he sat her heels aside. He hoisted her up and placed her on her feet handing her, her purse before he closed the door and locked it looking at his watch. They didn’t look too packed which meant their wait shouldn’t be too long and they should be seated quickly.
Rubbing her belly silently, Mercedes allowed Samuel to change her shoes out for her before he lifted her out of the car and set her to her feet. She shifted in the flats, thankful for the change as she took her purse from him wordlessly. She began to walk towards the building without him, a little sad that he hadn’t accepted her apology and that he wasn’t speaking to her now. She was pregnant and hormonal, what did he expect from her? She had just a few more weeks to go, of course she was going to have mood swings, but she really meant it when she said she was sorry. Moving through the parking lot, Mercedes slowly but surely made her way to the front door of the restaurant as she muttered to herself.
Samuel followed behind Mercedes, oh she has even more of an attitude now that he didn’t have anything to say to her. When the fuck did, she not have a ‘tude or feel some type of way. He couldn’t wait until his son got here; Mercedes was such a headache as of late. As she walked into the building ahead of him, he grabbed the back of her arm and tugged her to him discreetly as he faked a smile walking past another couple. Gripping her arm, Samuel moved for the hostess and smiled, “table for two,” he said politely. “Booth if possible,” he added to her with a smile on his face, he was trying to mask the fact that deep down inside he wanted to beat the hell out of Mercedes right now.
As Mercedes moved to walk into the restaurant, she looked back at Samuel as he snatched her up by her arm, shocked. “Ouch, Sam…” she said to him softly as he dragged her along with him and she winced softly as he tightened his grip on her arm. What was wrong with him?! She looked at him wildly as he spoke to the hostess and she smiled softly at the woman, trying to bite back a whimper as he held her tightly. “You’re hurting me,” she whispered softly to him, gently trying to wiggle her arm out of his grip, trying to understand why he was so mad at her. She apologized. She didn’t understand what else he wanted from her. What else had she done? “Sam…” she said gently, trying to pull her arm away from him.
Samuel let Mercedes go when he realized he was clutching her as tightly as he was, as the woman looked over the seating paying no attention to them, rest his hand on the small of her back. Disguising his own anger still as he leaned into her. “What is your fucking problem, really?” he asked her. “I try to get you to understand that your body is beautiful, and you chew my fucking head off are you serious?” he asked her. “And I am just supposed to take that shit like I am some fucking bitch?” he questioned. “I do everything that I fucking can this shit isn’t easy for me either,” he barked into her ear angrily before he leaned up straight.
“Right this way if you two are ready…” the hostess said to them both looking them over as they stood before her. She had to menus in hand ready to take them to their available seating.
As Samuel let her arm go, Mercedes grabbed it gently, rubbing her arm softly as he spoke into her ear. She dropped her head, looking down at her stomach because she couldn’t look at the floor as he tore into her. She held back tears as she slowly lifted her eyes to the hostess, her eyes shiny and glossed over. She smiled at the woman softly, her lips trembling a little as she followed behind her gently, still rubbing her sore arm from Samuel’s strong grip. She blinked quickly, wiping the corners of her eyes to catch tears before they fell, not wanting to ruin her makeup and it all be noticeable. Sliding into the booth, she said, “thank you,” quietly to the hostess as she accepted the menu, her head down still.
Samuel followed behind the women and he ran his hands through his long hair as they reached their table. He could have sat across from her but instead he slid in beside her. “Thanks,” he told the woman as she sat the menu down before he looked to Mercedes. “Don’t you know I fucking love you?” he asked her. “Why do you do this to me?” he asked, “I am really trying to make everything perfect for you, and the baby, and everything, and at every turn you just give me attitude and shit,” he said. “It doesn’t make sense. One day you hate me one day you love me. I have done nothing,” he told her “I’ve been by your side as much as you would fucking let me, man…”
Looking at her boyfriend as he slid into the same side of the booth as she did, Mercedes slid all the way over away from him, pressing her body as tightly to the wall as she could, unsure of what he was going to do to her. He promised that he would never hit her again, and they were in public, but the way he just grabbed her arm had her terrified. She looked to the hostess nervously before the woman walked away. Holding her body against the wall of the booth, she gazed down at the table and she said in the smallest voice, “It’s not on purpose,” her body still shrinking away from him.
“Hmph,” left Samuel’s closed lips before he slid over some giving her all the space she needed, especially with the way she was acting now. “Right,” Samuel breathed shaking his head, he didn’t really know why he had put up with her shit for this long, but he assumed she felt the same damn way. Samuel flipped the menu open before shrugging his jacket off and sat it between them before he flipped the page of the menu.
Looking at Samuel out the corner of her eye as he gave her some room, Mercedes slowly but surely came off the wall and she let out a breath that she hadn’t even realized that she was holding. Her hands shook slightly as she reached for the menu and she tried to calm herself down. Ever since he hit her that one time in his car, when he grabbed her like that or spoke to her a certain way, she got so scared. Wiping the corners of her eyes again, she slumped slightly. She didn’t even want to be here anymore. Flipping through the menu, Mercedes kept her eyes low. “I said I was sorry…” she whispered softly, nervously. “I really don’t do it on purpose,” she said even softer. “I… I’m hormonal, I feel like crap most days… I’m sorry,” she breathed out, softly staring down at the menu.
“Don’t pull that shit with me man,” Samuel said as he continued to flip his menu. “Let me move over here if that would make you feel better,” he told her, “but you were apologizing for the same shit 9 months ago, how am I to believe you?” he asked her seriously. He picked his coat up and moved across from her now as he continued to read the menu.
At his words, Mercedes continued to stare down at her menu. This time it honestly was hormones. Had he not seen how much she had grown in the last few months? How much she had changed in preparation to be a mother? Licking her lips slowly, she shrugged her shoulders at his question, blinking away emotional tears as hard as she could, not wanting to ruin her makeup or have him see her cry. As he moved to the other side of the booth, she stayed exactly where she was, just a few inches off the wall as she stared down at her menu. “I’ll be back,” she said quickly as she slid across the long booth seat, trying to get to the bathroom so that she could properly dab her eyes and pull herself together.
Samuel continued to look at the menu, he was going to get a burger, he knew that now seeing them on the menu. Not to mention he was so damn hungry right now as well. So, whatever he got, had to keep him full for the night. As she moved to get up, he ignored her as he continued to read the list of burgers.
Mercedes scampered off to the bathroom quickly, grabbing a paper towel and dampening it. She looked in the mirror, dapping her eyes carefully and quickly. She cleared her throat softly, looking at another woman in the mirror as she exited the stall and moved to wash her hands. She moved into the stall quickly, locking it behind her. She hiked up her dress and pulled down her panties, quickly using the restroom. She wiped and flushed the toilet, fixing her clothes. Moving out of the stall, Mercedes washed and dried her hands before she sighed out, tossing her paper towel away as she rested her hands on her belly, turning to the side as she looked at herself in the mirror. She frowned softly, letting out a small sigh before she moved to exit the bathroom, making her way back to the booth as she buttoned up her coat, covering herself up, her belly seemingly poking out even more now. Sliding back into her side of the booth, she was silent as she flipped to the next page in the menu, trying to decide what she wanted.
Samuel watched her leave the area and when she returned, he looked at her. “What are we doing?” he asked her seriously in the moment. Here he thought he wanted to take the next step with her and honestly, they were just back and forth. For a while he thought all was good and she appreciated his growth but maybe she didn’t. He was trying, very hard right now; very, very hard. What did he need to do? And how could he show her exactly how beautiful she was?
“I haven't done anything,” Mercedes said in a quiet voice, looking up at Samuel confused as she flipped to the next page in her menu. What was he talking about now? Literally, she went to the bathroom and came back. How could that have possibly upset him?! She truly didn’t understand him and his misplaced anger all of the time. She was the pregnant one and she didn’t flip out nearly as much as he did.
“I am trying to understand what is going on with us,” Samuel said to her again, why was she acting so nonchalant? “Like how can we bring a baby to the house if we are upset and fighting like this?” he asked her “even if it's over small things…”
“I’m not upset about anything,” Mercedes responded to him, tilting her head to the side. “I’m honestly not,” she told him. “You’re upset with me, so I’m not saying anything…” she mumbled. “I don’t want to upset you any further,” she said subconsciously rubbing her arm where he grabbed her.
“I am just trying to give you what you need,” Samuel told her again. “Has nothing to do with anger, though of course I would be mad if you are ragging on yourself in front of me,” he told her. “What man wouldn’t?” He asked her seriously. Samuel slid back over to her and said, “look,” softly, his hand moving to her stomach. “I’ve told you before, I will never lay my hand on you again,” he whispered to her “I mean that, especially not while you are carrying my child,” he added. “I am sorry, I didn’t really mean to hurt your arm, okay,” he breathed to her. “I was angry then, I’m not right now,” he told her. “Don’t you understand that I love you both?” he asked her seriously. “I was just trying to get you to understand that you are beautiful Mercedes,” he said softly. “I mean I didn’t even want to come out tonight, I mean look at you,” he said unbuttoning her coat slowly. “I mean your breasts are like popping out of this thing,” he said eyeing her as he licked his lips slowly. “I didn’t even want any other men to see you in this,” he told her looking around as he adjusted himself in his jeans discreetly. “Your body is amazing in this state or not,” he said looking to her.
Listening to him silently, Mercedes nodded slowly. She said nothing as she just took it all in and as he moved back beside her, resting his hand on her belly, she placed her hand over his, gazing at him with soft eyes as she nodded. She bit her painted bottom lip softly, still nodding at his words. As he unbuttoned her coat and peeled it back slightly, she looked down at herself, her breasts really were falling out of the dress. She was already top heavy and the production of milk to eventually nourish their son only made them bigger. Shifting slightly, she leaned into him now as she finally opened her mouth. “I understand that,” she said in a soft tone, “but sometimes what you think I need and what I actually might want or need are different,” she said honestly. “I still appreciate everything that you do though,” she admitted. “I know I’m beautiful…” she said quietly, “but… right now…” she said looking down at her belly, “sometimes I just don’t feel it,” she told him. “It’s just something that comes and goes,” she explained. “I always appreciate your compliments,” she said, “even if I fuss at you for them,” she said with a small tug of her lips into a smile. “I know you won’t hurt me…” she whispered burying her face into his chest. “I know…” she said once more. “I just get a little scared sometimes… you know you have a temper,” she whispered before she lifted her head and looked down at herself in the dress once more. “Hence the coat,” she chuckled softly.
Samuel licked his lips slowly, he could fuck her right now if he could; but he couldn’t and it was shame. He looked her up and down before he looked back up to her eyes gazing at her and listening to what she had to say. As she told him that he had a temper, he nodded his head. “I know, I am working on that,” he said in confidence to her. He wasn’t a bastard, at least he didn’t try to be one, but he knew sometimes he could get caught up in his own emotions and feelings. He’d been angry for so long after his mother died, angry, sometimes was all that he knew. “Sorry,” he breathed again to her his head hanging low now.
Mercedes reached out, placing her hands on Samuel’s cheeks, lifting his face. “It’s okay,” she breathed out, kissing his lips tenderly. “We both have things to work on,” she whispered. “And we’ll get there…” she said gently.
Samuel looked at her sadly. “Yeah,” he told her. “Hopefully we find some common ground before the baby gets here. I just want the best for him, even with the little that I have,” he breathed.
“We have common ground,” Mercedes told him gently, taking both of his hands and placing them back on her stomach. “Love is enough,” she whispered, resting her forehead against his arm gently.
At her words Samuel smiled, a small chuckle leaving him as she placed his hands on her stomach. “You are right,” he told her as he pecked her forehead. “And as soon as I graduate, I am going to get a good job no matter what people think, and I am going to give you guys everything,” he told her.
Looking up at Samuel, Mercedes smiled gently, her eyes sparkling now as she nodded. She truly believed him. She knew Samuel would do whatever it took to provide for her and their son. “I know,” she said lovingly. “I know you’ll take care of us,” she breathed out.
Mercedes kissed Samuel’s lips lovingly, her belly pressed against his stomach as they made their way towards their front door, her arms wrapped around his body, tripping over her own feet slightly.
Samuel reached in his pocket for the keys to their front door, he leaned down hunched over as Mercedes assaulted his mouth with her own. “Mm,” he moaned out softly as she tripped under her own foot and he caught her, wrapping her up making sure she was not to fall as he tried to stick the key in the lock to unlock the door.
Mercedes groaned softly dragging her lips down from his mouth to his neck, nibbling and sucking gently as they got to the door and she leaned up on her toes now that they were stable and still. Her arm wrapped around his neck slightly to keep herself up as she suckled and nipped, leaving marks across the side of his neck as he tried to unlock the door.
Samuel turned the key and he hissed slightly as Mercedes marked his neck up, before he walked, legs parted wide enough for her to nestle herself where she was. He walked her into the house as he continued to grip her thick hips, leaning back to shut the door and lock it behind them before he danced his jacket off and dropped it on the ground. “I am going to fuck you so good baby,” he said, his dick was so hard for her right now that it was paining him to continue to move in the jeans he had on.
Stumbling slightly as Samuel got the door open and moved to walk them inside, Mercedes held into him tightly, her lips never once leaving his neck as they moved into the house. As Samuel closed and locked the door behind them, Mercedes shrugged out of her coat, dropping her purse to the floor as well. “Mmmm,” she groaned against his skin as his words. “Please,” she whispered.
Samuel unbuckled his belt as she continued to assault his neck and pulled it apart, moving to unzip his pants a bit giving himself some type of relief. “I’ve missed you so much,” he told her, really referencing her body, while she had the cast on, he surely didn’t want to bother her. But he had gone without for some time and the aggression he had was just pint up because he hadn’t had a release. He moved his hands back to her body and he hiked her dress up over her hips moving his hands to her round ass that he gave a hard squeeze pressing her and her belly to him.
Mercedes pulled back from him a little, breathing deeply as he spoke and she looked up at him, her eyes glazed over with lust. “I’ve missed you too,” she groaned, dragging her hand down his chest and into his now open jeans, rubbing against his hard-on. As he hiked her dress up and gripped her ass, she whimpered softly, shoving him back slightly towards their bedroom.
Samuel’s spine tingled feeling her hand touch his hard dick. When she shoved him back towards their bedroom, he chuckled a little to himself. She had no idea just how much he was going to tear her shit up as he unbuttoned his plaid button-down and pulled it off hurriedly. He licked his lips as he kicked his shoes off and tugged at his socks tossing them aside before he dropped down on the bed. “Come here,” he told her.
Moving with Samuel hurriedly, Mercedes stepped out of her flats with no problem, moving barefoot across the cold hardwood floors as she helped him unbutton his shirt. As they reached the room and Samuel dropped down on the bed, she stood before his legs, pulling the straps of her dress down her arms before she rolled it down her body, forcing it over her belly before it fell the rest of the way to the floor, pooling around her feet. She stood before him braless in a flesh colored thong.
Samuel caressed her thick thighs and he watched her as she rolled the slinky dress down all of her thick curves. Pushing it over her belly and letting it fall to the ground to reveal her large round breast to him and the thong she had on. He didn’t even know she still wore thongs right now and it turned him on even more at the sight. He grabbed her by her large ass and groaned at her sight of her. “You are so damn beautiful baby,” he told her sincerity laced in his voice as he spoke. He looked up at her pulling her down as he kissed her lips feverishly, he grabbed her legs pulling her into his lap and he held her there. Long arms wrapped around her frame as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. He smacked her round ass one time before he moaned out softly.
Mercedes blushed at his scrutiny, but his words made her smile and she giggled softly before he pulled her down and she kissed his lips hungrily as he pulled her into his lap. She sat there, her belly pressed against his stomach and chest as he gripped her ass, the smack pulling a deep moan from the back of her throat.
Samuel released her lips before he said, “tell me how you want it baby,” to her softly as he pulled one of her nipples into his mouth, sucking on it gently. Though he read all the books from cover to cover in the moment he just wasn’t thinking, he’d always loved her breast and her ass, honestly that’s what drew him to her.
Letting out a breath as Samuel asked her how she wanted it, Mercedes bit her lip hotly as she thought about what might work best before she gasped as he captured one of her sensitive nipples between his lips. She placed her hand on the back of his head, fingers lacing in his hair to hold him there as her head rolled back. “Mmm,” she groaned out, “let’s try doggy but I might not be able to take it like that,” she admitted. Usually she was a trooper and could take it anyway he flipped her but being pregnant changed things. All the options weren’t available and might not even be comfortable for her now. “If not,” she groaned once more, “I might have to lay on my side,” she told him, “or just ride it,” she said bouncing in his lap slightly.
As she combed through his hair, Samuel continued to suck on her erect nipple gently. “Mmm,” he moaned as a sweet but subtle taste filled his mouth a little. He drew back for a small second hearing her words but also not as he cupped her breast in his hands, both filled with her bosom as he sucked her nipple back into his mouth, it wasn’t his to take but he was intrigued. He lapped at her nipple gently before he broke away and moved to her other one. Giving it some attention, he smacked his lips slightly taking in the sweet tasting liquid once more closing his eyes. He hummed contently before he pulled away from her, his dick twitched as she bounced on it and he looked to her. “You know I love a good bounce baby,” Samuel told her hotly as he lapped at her nipple again, he licked up her chest before he kissed her again. Samuel slid himself out of his boxers before he slid her panties to the side, pushing his dick up against her until he found her hole and plunged in.
He was suckling her milk and Mercedes couldn’t be more turned on as he did so. Moaning out, she rolled her head back once more. “Baby,” she whimpered as he sucked from both of her nipples. Her fingers tangled in his hair, nails scratching at his scalp lightly as he tasted her milk. At his words, she let out a growl of appreciation as he adjusted their clothing to accommodate. When he finally slid into her, her mouth hung open and she let out a wonton moan of pleasure as she placed her hand on his shoulder, the other tightening in his hair, tugging gently as he filled her up. “Fuuuuuck,” she drugged out with a sigh of ecstasy.
Samuel groaned feeling her warmth around him for the first time in a while, she was still so tight and so wet as she engulfed him. “Fuck,” he breathed out dropping back against the bed carefully, he placed his hands on her hips as he pushed up inside her of her gently. “Fuck you feel good,” he breathed, lips parted, eyes closed as he laid there below her. He couldn’t believe he went this long without fucking her senseless, he had no clue what he’d been missing. Pregnancy had changed nothing about the way her pussy made him feel, that was a fact. Samuel shifted a bit as he continued to roll into her groaning as he did.
Squeezing his shoulder, Mercedes breathed deeply, her mouth still hung as Samuel pumped his hips. “Oh God,” she groaned as he laid back under her and she slid her hands down his chest, gathering leverage. She slowly lifted her hips before dropping them against him and she let out a low moan. “I-I can’t,” Mercedes breathed out, her thighs already trembling slightly in his lap. “You have to lay me down,” she groaned despite the fact that she was still lifting and dropping her hips, bouncing gently in his lap, moans and purrs of pleasure escaping her with each move of her hips and his.
Samuel opened his eyes looking up at her. “You okay?” he asked worried as he stopped his hip movement. He thought maybe sex was too much for her right now or that he was hurting her in some kind of way though he was trying to be gentle. As she told him, she had to lay down he nodded his head, he leaned up once more and he hoisted her up with him gently before he laid her on the bed. He pulled out of her when he did. “Do we need to stop? I’d understand,” he told her with a dick very much hard and standing at attention. He placed himself back into his boxers painfully as he pressed one knee into the bed his hand on her hip once more.
“I’m okay,” Mercedes responded quickly to his question. When he lifted her and helped her lay on the bed, she let out a small sigh of relief but a groan at the loss of him inside of her. Shifting on the bed, she laid on her side, grabbing a pillow, getting situated with it. “No!” she said quickly reaching for him. “Please,” she whimpered softly. “I want you,” she groaned out.
As she pleaded for him to return to her, Samuel nodded, this time he dropped his boxers to the ground all together. Once he did that, he moved to her, pulling her thong down from around her hips and he dropped that to the ground before he moved behind her. He aligned his dick with her entrance once more and filled her up. The sensation caused him to bite down on his lip as he moved his hand to her round belly, he shifted getting comfortable as he rested on one elbow and he began to pump into her once more, filling her up to the brink each time.
Looking at him, Mercedes bit her lip as Samuel took off his boxers and her thong. Her eyes closed happily, and she let out a groan as he laid behind her. He filled her up and she dropped her head, arching her back against him. “Fuck baby,” she groaned out, gently pushing her hips back against him.
Samuel kept his hand splayed on her belly using it to his advantage as he shifted her against him a little. He pumped inside her depths, filling her up repeatedly as he retracted his hips and pushed them back inside her. She felt like heaven right now and he wondered how long he’d last because of that. Again, it had been so long, he needed a good release to compensate for that, his insides felt like they would burst as he continued to fuck her.
Mercedes growled out in pleasure, lifting her leg just slightly, giving him a bit more room and heightening her own pleasure in the process. “Mmm,” she groaned out as she moved with him, her hips pressing off of his. “You feel so good,” she moaned out, gripping the sheets.
As she lifted her leg up, Samuel moved his hand to assist her. Holding it in place for her as he continued to plow into her dropping his head and he closed his eyes groaning out. “Fuck,” he breathed out to her gently as she pushed back against him and he looked down watching the bounce of her ass and breast and he bit his lip. “Fuck babe.”
Mercedes reached back gently placing her hand on Sam’s hip. “Deeper,” she moaned out, her other hand still gripping the sheets. God, she hadn’t realized just how much she needed him until now. They had gone months without really touching each other and now, she honestly didn’t know how long she could last as she moved against him, whimpering out, “Daddy…” as she arched slightly.
Samuel watched as she reached back trying to push him deeper inside of her warmth and he groaned. “Okay baby,” he told her softly as he drilled into her deeper, as deep as he could from his position. He placed his hand over one of her breast, now using one of his legs to keep hers parted and fucked her harder. “Fuck,” he barked again as he picked up his pace, she used his pet name and he almost came.
“Fuck!” Mercedes cried out softly as he stroked her deeper, pounding into her. “Don’t stop,” she groaned out, her hand moving to his on her breast. “Fuck… baby...” she groaned out, panting a little as she guided his hand from her breast to between her legs. “Make me cum daddy,” she whined.
As she cried out for him, Samuel licked his dry lips having been panting all the while. He gripped her breast tightly as he continued to pound into her like she wanted and as she pushed his hand between her legs, he ignored the slight stickiness on his hand, and he strummed her clit roughly. “Is that what you want baby?” Samuel asked as he fucked her a little harder, fingers moving in time with his strokes.
Mercedes could feel her breasts leaking and was embarrassed about it but was too into the pleasure Samuel was giving her to care too much. As he stroked her clit, she cried out for him, whimpering his name as she trembled, placing her hand on her stomach gently. “Fuck baby,” she groaned out, thrusting back against him, her eyes rolling slightly. “Yes!” she groaned, on the very brink of her orgasm.
All Samuel wanted to do was wrap his lips around her big breast and suck all the essence that was seeping from her right now. “Fuck,” left his lips at the very thought as she continued to cry and babble before him. He continued to strum her clit as he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. She was going to cum so hard for him he already knew that as he continued to fuck her harder. “Cum mama,” he coached her.
At his command, Mercedes lost it and she gripped the sheets tightly as her body trembled and she moaned his name. Her walls squeezed him tightly, contracting around his dick. “Fuuuuuck,” she whimpered, her body shaking hard as her essence spilled out from her, ruining their sheets.
As she came her pussy gripping him for dear life Samuel grunted softly, feeling her essences as it coated his dick making her wall slicker as he continued to rock into her. He continued to strum her bundle of nerves for a few more seconds before he moved his hand back to her breast. He cupped her there once more as he closed his eyes leaning his forehead against her shoulder panting hotly behind her.
Mercedes groaned out as Samuel continued fucking her. “Baby,” she moaned out, her body still shaking a little and she bit her lip as she felt his hand on her breasts once more. She shifted slightly, her hips moving against his still. “Doggy?” she asked him with a small huff, as she tried to catch her breath. She was sure they could easily move into that without really breaking apart and she was sure he’d find more pleasure in that position.
Samuel picked his head back up from her shoulder and licked his lips as again as he looked to her. “Okay,” he told her as she shifted once more, Samuel pulled out of her for a moment only to make sure he got her comfortable first. Samuel assisted her onto her hands and knees before he shifted a pillow beneath her stomach and grabbed another one just in case. Once she was in position, he slid back into her as he placed one foot on the bed as he began to ram into her once more from behind. In this position he could at least hold her hips and have more control while he fucked her.
Mercedes moved into position with Samuel’s help and the gladly took the extra pillow for support before Samuel slid into her once more and she dropped her head, stretching her body and arching her back for him, her ass arched perfectly in his hands as she threw it back. “Shit,” she groaned out, fisting the sheets. Like this, she was definitely going to be done for.
As she arched her back for him, Samuel’s mouth watered a bit at the size of her round ass; like a full moon it drew him in. He watched the way it bounced against him and he closed his eyes. “Fuck,” he said he was going to cum soon, he already felt it. Samuel thought maybe he could hold out longer, but she was just fucking him too well in this opinion. “Just like that mama,” he groaned as he opened his eyes again. “Fuck I’m gonna cum,” he told her as he held her round ass in his hand his stomach muscles tightening with each thrust. “God damn,” he moaned loudly.
Mercedes gripped the sheets as she threw it back, circling her hips slightly, her ass jiggling against him. “Daddy,” she whimpered, looking back at him over her shoulder, her pussy, gushing with each thrust they bounce off each other. “Cum in this pussy,” she groaned out.
Samuel moaned softly, whimpering to her as his thrust became erratic and he came inside her nice and hard. Ramming into her as he leaned over her one of his hands on her hip still the other pressed into the bed as he shot the thick load into her heat. “Mm,” left his lips as his hips bucked. “Fuck,” he breathed tiredly as he pulled out of her falling back on the bed.
Groaned out, feeling his warmth as he filled her up. “Mmm,” Mercedes whimpered softly, still pushing back against him until he fell back on the bed. She bit her lip softly, panting a little as their mixture dripped from her core. She shifted on the bed, laying on her side once more as she rested beside him, her hand rubbing his chest happily.
As she laid down beside him, Samuel rolled over into her kissing her lips gently. “You need a bath babe,” he said cupping her face as he kissed her lips again, thumb stroking her velvety skin. “I need to clean you up,” he added, “and change the sheets,” Samuel breathed softly. He knew her chest had to be sticky and the messed they made between her legs needed to be washed away as well.
Mercedes eyes fluttered slightly, and she giggled before she opened her tired eyes and looked down at her leaking breasts, a blush rising on her cheeks. “Oh god,” she mumbled as she pulled herself up in the bed tiredly, hands on her belly. “I’m sorry,” she mumbled as she cupped her breasts now. “I definitely need a bath,” she said gently.
Samuel watched her and he smirked as she blushed, his brows creased lightly. “Why?” he asked her as he moved close wrapping his arms around her. “I know it shouldn’t be a turn on or even enticing but…” he said licking at the flesh of her breast, “it is baby,” he said sweetly. “Don’t hide from me,” he told her softly, as he lapped at her nipple moving her hand gently.
Mercedes bit her lip softly. “It’s embarrassing,” she said as he wrapped her up. As he told her it turned him on and was enticing, she furrowed her brows. Since when did he start using words like enticing. “A turn on?” she asked him softly as he moved her hand aside and suckled her nipple. She moaned softly, placing her hand on the back of his head as she whimpered. “Baby,” squirming a bit.
Samuel groaned softly. “Yeah, baby,” he nodded, “hope that doesn’t sound crazy or weird. I am just intrigued,” he told her as he dick twitched at her moan. “Let me fuck it again babe,” he said moving to her other nipple as he drunk down the food that was solely for their child. “Let daddy fuck you again, please, then I’ll bathe you baby, I promise,” he moaned out as he slid two fingers in her hole stroking her soaking pussy once more.
Mercedes’ mouth fell open as he continued to suck her nipples and steal her milk. “It’s not crazy,” she groaned out as he asked to hit again. His fingers stroking her, had her eyes rolling back and she nodded. “Yes daddy,” she moaned out, her hips lifting and dropping against his fingers.
As she agreed Samuel groaned around his mouthful of boob as he pushed against her. He knew her back wasn’t ideal but honestly, he had to bust again. Samuel had to, he was already hard as a rock again and he knew he’d make it quick for her. As he got her on her back, his mouth still attached to her nipple as he ravished her, pushing her legs a little with his own, his eyes closed. He slid back into her moaning loudly around her arm skin as he began to fuck her into the mattress. He hissed softly as she switched to her other breast pounding without much thought as he did.
Resting on her back, Mercedes gazed at Samuel shocked and she moved her hands to her belly, her mouth falling open as he pushed her legs back. “Oh fuck,” she moaned out loudly as he stroked her and suckled from her breasts at the same time. She placed her hand on his shoulder gently, her head falling back against the bed as the mattress dipped and bounced with each forceful thrust he provided her. She moved her hand from his shoulder, down his back scratching her nails up and down it as he pounded her, her breath hitching in the back of her throat.
Samuel hummed; eyes closed as he drank her milk down slowly. His hips thrusted into hers as she scratched down his back causing a hiss to leave him. He pulled away from her large breasts, finally, looking down at her he groaned, crashing his lips into her still mindful of her round belly as he did.
“Daddy…” Mercedes whimpered out in pleasure as Samuel continued his assault on her breasts. She couldn’t believe he was stealing her milk but also, she couldn’t believe it turned her on too. What was wrong with them?! “Mmm,” she moaned against his lips as he kissed her and she arched her back slightly, her belly pressing into him. She could taste her milk against his tongue, and it made her shiver. “Fuck baby,” she whispered against his lips as her nails scratched his back. “I’m going to cum again,” she panted out.
As she whimpered his pet name, Samuel continued to stroke her nice and deep. He moved his hand to her thick high and he gripped it as he leaned up a little to accommodate her stomach. Samuel’s body wiggled as her nails slid down his flesh once more, fuck, he thought to himself she was killing him. As she said she was going to cum again, Samuel panted softly. “Hold on baby, I’m almost there,” he coached as he picked up his pace a little more. He let out a low groan as she felt the familiar feeling swirling.
At his request for her to try and hold out for him, Mercedes whimpered, rolling her hips against his despite her belly being in the way. “Shit,” she gasped softly as he picked up his pace and she dropped her hand from his back, gripping the sheets. Her body trembled and she breathed hard. “Daddy please,” she begged him, her body shivering under him as she succumbed to the pleasure despite herself.
Samuel moves his hands to the bed, pressing them into it as he closed his eyes hearing her cry out beneath him. As she came her body shaking underneath his he groaned again as he let that bring him to his brink. He shot another load into her, muscles flexing as his thrust became erratic. “Fuck,” he breathed sharply again as he continued to pump her lightly, feeling her womb up. He huffed, opening his eyes as he panted above her gently, he pulled out of her pussy kissing her lips gently. Sitting up he exhaled tiredly before he wrapped his arms around her midsection and gently sat her upright. He kissed her deeply again and said, “let me run you that bath,” gently as he moved to pull his boxers back up and walk into their bathroom.
Mercedes came beneath Samuel, moaning his name as she did. Feeling him against her and his seed inside of her, she whimpered out, clutching the sheets tightly. “Mmm,” she groaned as he pulled out of her and sat her up. She turned into her side, laying right back down, eyes closed, her body humming with pleasure.
Samuel moved into their bathroom and he began to run some warm water for Mercedes, filling up their tub as he grabbed the bubble bath she liked and some Epsom salt. He poured some bubble bath into the water and then the salt, sprinkling that in as the water still ran before, he put it back where it belonged. He let the water fill up before turning the water off and moved to grab her a towel sitting it aside. Once he was finished, he moved back into the bedroom and looked at her with a chuckle. “Come on baby,” he told her sweetly as he moved to lean her up again, then he grabbed her hands wanting her to get to her feet.
Mercedes groaned softly as Samuel leaned her up once more and she looked at him with tired eyes as she reluctantly pulled herself onto her feet. “I’m so tired,” she told him honestly as a yawn escaped her and she placed one of her hands under her heavy belly.
“I know,” Samuel said nodding his head, “just a quick bath,” he told her honestly. “Just clean you up really quick and then we can get back in bed baby,” he told her softly as he walked her towards the bathroom. “Here get in,” he told her as he helped her to step into the tub. “I’ll bathe you,” he said.
Mercedes laid her head against Samuel’s chest as he guided her to the bathroom, coaxing her with his words. Licking her lips, she carefully stepped into the tub with his help and she sank down into the water carefully, looking at him with a small smile. “I can’t stay in here too long,” she told him softly, knowing bathes were common to induce labor at her stage in pregnancy and she was only 33 weeks, she didn’t need those complications.
“Okay,” Samuel said as he hurriedly grabbed a washcloth to bathe her with, kneeling down beside the tub he grabbed some of her body wash and lathered it up. Once he’d done that, he began to wash off her body gently up quickly, making sure she was all clean for bed.
Mercedes let out a soft moan as she soaked in the warm water, her tired body relaxing in the water as Samuel began to wash her up. “That feels good,” she moaned quietly, her eyes closing.
“Good,” Samuel said to her sweetly as he continued to reach all the areas of her skin that he needed to. He squeezed the water along her chocolate skin and made it his business to get every spot needed for her.
Mercedes’ neck rolled slightly as Samuel washed each and every inch of her skin and she smiled softly. Her eyes fluttered open and she gazed at him lovingly. “I love you so much,” she whispered.
“I love you too baby,” Samuel pecked her sweetly, giving her another once over before he prepared to get her out and into bed for the night.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Ol’ Friend How I’ve Missed You
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Santana Lopez TIME FAME: Sunday, January 26, 2020 LOCATION: Piedmont Hospital; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Since Santana is finally awake, Mercedes and Samuel take a trip to the hospital to visit her.
Mercedes slowly stepped out of the car, visibly shaking a little as she did. She had told Samuel that she was okay to ride in the car, but she was scared shitless. She knew that he would also do his best to protect her no matter what, but she couldn’t help it. She was shaken and would be for a while. Placing her casted hand under her belly, she closed the door behind her with the other and moved around the car slowly. “I’m nervous,” she admitted gently as she moved to Samuel’s side.
Samuel climbed out of the car and he closed the door locking it, looking to Mercedes he said, “why?” to her quietly; the girl was fine, she’d woken up. He didn’t find the need for anyone to be nervous. He grabbed her hand and led her towards an entrance to the hospital as he slid his keys into his pocket.
“Because I don’t know what she remembers,” Mercedes said gently. “What if she’s forgotten things?” she asked softly as she took Samuel’s hand and moved for the building. “She was really bandaged up,” she said, thinking back. “And it’s been weeks…” she said gently.
At her words Samuel nodded his head before he said, “no matter, I think I am just glad she’s awake. It could have been worse right?” he said as he shook her hand a bit in his moving towards the front desk. He knew they’d have to get some visitors passes and notify them of who they were here to visit. “Did you make sure you had your I.D.?” he asked her as he moved to pull his wallet out of his back pocket.
Mercedes sighed out as she squeezed Samuel’s hand. “You’re right,” she whispered gently as she cuddled into his side as they walked. “Yeah, I have it,” she said gently as she pulled away from him enough to grab her I.D. from her pocket. As they approached the counter, she slid her I.D. across the counter for a badge. “We’re here to see Santana Lopez,” she said softly.
Samuel sat his I.D. on the desk and nodded his head to Mercedes words, “her parents said we could come and visit her now that she’s up,” he said thoughtfully. Not that that was the guy’s business or as if he really knew what Samuel was talking about considering how many dozens of people were in the hospital at a time.
Mercedes nodded along with Samuel, chipping in. “We’re her best friends.” Leaning into Samuel, she wrapped one arm around his torso, her other arm just resting on top of her belly. “My feet her so bad,” she whispered to her boyfriend.
Samuel hugged her close as the guy added their information in nodding to them and seeing that there were on the visitors list before he moved to make them adhesive passes. Samuel looked down at her and he frowned. “I’m sorry babe,” he said rubbing her back, “you want to sit down for a minute?” he asked her next.
Mercedes shifted on her feet against her boyfriend and she shook her head. “I’ll be fine until we get to the room,” she said gently. The tennis shoes she had on, had some very lovely gel insoles, so it helped but she was just tired. She was always tired.
Samuel nodded his head at her before he accepted his tag, putting it on his shirt before he handed Mercedes hers. The guy told them what floor and what room to go to before Samuel nodded and walked off hand and hand with Mercedes.
Mercedes took the tag from Samuel and placed it on her jacket before she moved with him towards the elevators. “Think she’ll be happy to see us?” she asked him softly. She had so many ‘what if’ thoughts that her brain was overloading.
At her words Samuel shrugged lightly, “why wouldn’t see be babe?” he asked her as he pressed the button to the elevator.
Mercedes shrugged and said, “I don’t know,” she mumbled. “I walked away with just a few scratches,” she said lifting her cast. “She was in a whole coma….”
As she explained he nodded his head at her. “Knowing Santana… she wouldn’t have wanted it to go any other way,” he told her. “Could be you in that bed,” Samuel said still shaken by the revelation, “and I don’t know what we would have done,” he told her sadly.
Listening to him, Mercedes nodded slowly before she looked down at her belly. “I don’t know what would have happened if the roles were reversed,” she said quietly as the elevator doors rolled open and she stepped into it.
Samuel moved into the elevator with her and he said, “I would have died,” easily as he pressed the floor they were going to. “I hadn’t been in one of these places since my mom died, I hated it” he confessed. He hated it now, but he was doing it for her, and their friend.
Frowning, Mercedes looked up at Samuel. “Please don’t say that,” she said softly as she hugged him as close as she could around her ever growing belly. “I’m sorry Sammy,” she said gently, hugging him a little tighter, their son kicking against her stomach and into Sam’s.
As she spoke tucked his lips in. “Sorry,” Samuel breathed wrapping her up in his large arms. He felt his son and he chuckled, “this kid never rests, does he?” he asked her, placing a gentle hand on her belly, rubbing it in soothing circles.
Sighing out, Mercedes said, “it’s okay… I get it.” Looking down at her belly as she pulled away from him slightly, she let out an exasperated noise. “Never!” she said laughing, placing her hand over his. “He’s got so much energy,” she said with a giggled. “He’s going to be a sports kid, I just know it,” she said lovingly before she elevator doors opened.
Samuel smirked. “His dad will just have to remind him to behave,” he told her as he continued to rub her belly. When the doors opened, he moved to walk out of them, taking her with him.
Mercedes nodded slowly. “Yes, yes he will,” she said sweetly as they stepped off the elevator. Moving down the hallway behind Samuel, she held his hand firmly in her own and as they approached the open door, she slowly peered around Samuel to look inside to see her friend laying in the bed, eating and watching TV. She bit her lip as she stepped around her boyfriend and gently knocked on the doorframe.
As they made way to Santana’s room Samuel stood in the doorway before Mercedes moved around him and he watched her. “Hey, you,” he called out to Santana.
Santana looked over at the door slowly, still a little sore and dizzy. “Hey!” she said as she adjusted in the bed a lit, looking to her friends with a bright smile. Her eyes traveled to Mercedes’ stomach immediately and she said, “Oh thank God! When I woke and they told me what happened I was so scared,” she said honestly.
Mercedes waved at her friend and she smiled back as she moved into the room, taking a seat close to Santana’s bed. “Hi,” she said happily, her hands rubbing her belly out of habit. Damn it felt good to be off of her feet. “How are you feeling?” she asked Santana.
Samuel followed in behind Mercedes and as she sat, he stood behind her. He really hated hospitals. “Yeah, you don’t look half bad you know,” Samuel said chiming in with Mercedes.
Santana shifted in the bed once more, watching her friends as they entered the room. “You know, I try, I try,” she said despite the fact that her head was still bandaged up and she was very black and blue from bruises. “How are you guys? Mercedes you’re okay?” she asked eyeing the cast her friend was sporting.
Mercedes chuckled gently at Samuel’s comment, trying to lighten the mood. “I’m alright,” she admitted. “I broke my arm and a few ribs but other than that, the baby is okay and I’m okay,” she admitted gently. “I’ve just been worried sick about you,” she told Santana gently.
Samuel smirked at that, resting his hands on Mercedes shoulder and he massaged them gently. “Yeah, we were just hoping you came out all right,” he told Santana. “In the meantime, I took very good care of these two for you,” he joked again.
Santana looked between her friends and she nodded carefully, not wanting to get dizzy. “Me? I’m fine,” she said waving her friend off and she joked, “best sleep I’ve had in months!” At Samuel's joke, Santana winked at him. “Good, good, keep up the good work,” she told him.
Mercedes nodded looking back at her boyfriend as he placed his hands on her shoulders and she laughed at Santana’s poor joke. “Well, I’m so glad you’re okay,” she said. “Did they give you a release date?” she asked.
Samuel smirked again, looking down at Mercedes before he looked to Santana waiting expectantly.
“Not yet,” Santana admitted. “They’re still running cognitive function tests or some shit,” she told them. “But my mom thinks it’ll be by the end of the week,” she said happily. “I just want to take a real shower,” she said with an exasperated expression.
Mercedes nodded slowly. “Still?” she asked shocked. “I guess the tests are pretty extensive,” she said before she shrugged. “I hope so,” she said licking her lips. “We’re decorated the condo a bit, you should see it now,” she said with a content sigh.
Samuel leaned against the back of Mercedes chair looking down at her again. “Yeah,” he said nodding his head “we’ve made it look a little better than before…”
Santana chuckled. “So, what, you got the nursery and… a futon?” she asked them jokingly.
“We have an actual bed, thank you,” Mercedes laughed softly before she looked at Santana. “I’m really glad you’re okay,” she said before tears filled her eyes and she began to sniffle softly.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Crib Masters
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones and Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: Wednesday Evening, January 22, 2020  LOCATION: Jones-Evans’ Condo; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Samuel and Mercedes finally work to put their son’s crib together, to be ready for his arrival.
Mercedes sat crossed legged on the floor in the corner of the room as she read over the instructions carefully. “Uh, I don’t think that piece goes there, baby,” she said to Samuel as she looked up from the paper, watching him curiously.
Samuel stuck his tongue out slightly as he tried to figure out just how to put this crib together in the upcoming nursery. He just had to get this one piece to fit into the slot before him and he could move forward, possibly. Sighing, he rest back on his feet, knees aching from the flooring and he looked to Mercedes. “Oh yeah,” he said back to her as he wiped some sweat from his forehead.
Mercedes looked back to the instructions, reading them over a bit more. “Yeah…” she said as she flipped the page, reading more. “Look,” she said as she held the instructions out to him with her free arm. He was working up a sweat and she couldn’t understand why. They had only put together four pieces. It honestly amused her as she sat watching him. “I think that piece goes on the bottom,” she said pointing to the piece he was currently handling.
At her words he looked over at the instructions, squinting to see and as she went on to explain more. He sighed, “then what the hell does this go to?” he asked holding up another piece. “Why is this so complicated?” Samuel asked to no one in particular.
Taking the instructions back, Mercedes bit her lip. “I have no clue,” she admitted before she laughed softly as she looked at him. “I think we bit off a bit more than we can chew,” she looked around at all the pieces on the floor. “Let’s just follow the instructions piece by piece,” she said thoughtfully. “They all have letters on them, right?” she asked him.
Samuel tucked his bottom lip away before he placed the piece down. “That’s what I thought I was doing,” he said. “All of this stuff looks the same to me,” he told her.
“That’s what you were doing?” Mercedes asked him incredulously, a little shocked. “Okay, well let’s just sit down,” she said patting the spot on the floor beside her with her casted arm, “have a sip of water,” she added as she picked up the bottle and held it out to him, “and figure it out together.” She gazed at him with soft eyes before she said, “I’m sure we can figure it out.”
“That’s what I thought I was doing,” Samuel told her as she sighed to himself, he moved to sit down beside her like she asked. He took his shirt and slid it up wiping his forehead dry of sweat before he nodded taking a sip of water from the bottle before he closed it and set it down.
Watching her boyfriend as he sat beside her and sipped his water, Mercedes smiled gently. He was trying so hard and it absolutely warmed her heart. “Where is piece A?” she asked, looking at all of the pieces on the floor before she noticed a pattern. “Wait, no baby get all of the light brown wooden pieces,” she said thoughtfully as she looked back to the instructions. It was all starting to make sense to her.
Samuel looked at the pieces and picked up the one that said A on it, holding it up. When she told him the get the light brown pieces, he raised his brow before he moved to do so. Samuel stopped for a moment, putting his hair back into a bun before he collected all the pieces and moved back to her.
Mercedes watched as he collected all the light brown pieces before she explained. “These pieces are the base of the crib,” she said. “All of these fit together, then all of those are like the bars,” she said before she pointed over at another few pieces, her fingers wiggling in her cast, “and I think those are the feet,” she said.
As she began to explain Samuel nodded his head slowly to her, he reached for the screwdriver and he started to place the items just as she said. Screwing the items together, he started to make some sense out of all the mess that was on their floor.
As Samuel began to merge the pieces together Mercedes smiled. They were doing it. They were putting together their son’s crib. The thought warmed her heart and brought tears to her eyes. Before she knew it, she was sniffling as she watched him. Sitting the instructions to the side, she held her belly with her free arm. “He’s almost here,” she sniffled.
Samuel licked his lips slowly as he continued to screw pieces together, as he got the base done, he moved on to the next thing remembering what she told him. Looking up at her he tilted his head. “Hm?” he asked her having been so focused.
Sniffling, Mercedes allowed her tears to roll down her full cheeks and she shook her head waving him off as she sat there crying. “Nothing,” she replied back to him before she looked down at her belly, rubbing it as their son kicked. “What are we going to name him?” she asked, trying to suck up her tears. She was such a cry baby now.
Samuel eyed her a little more. “You sure?” he said as he stuck a screw between his lips, and he placed a few more pieces together screwing them together before he looked back up again. “Uh,” he said, “I am working on that,” he told her having bought a crap ton of stuff from the store secretly a few days ago.
“Just hormones,” Mercedes said reassuring him as she wiped under her eyes and nose. “Seeing you putting the crib together and knowing he’ll be here in a few weeks,” she whispered. “I want him to stay safe inside of me forever,” she said sadly before she looked at him and nodded, “tell me your thoughts,” she said, wanting to feel less sad.
At her words, he put a piece of wood down, damn his girl, his rider really had changed over the months. She was becoming and mom, with a whole new attitude had surface. Not that that was a bad thing, but he didn’t expect it. With everything she did, she thought of their son first and that warmed his heart a little. He moved over to her, one hand on her stomach and the other kissing her lovingly. “It’s okay baby, we are going to protect him from all the evil shit in the World,” he said. “Uh,” he breathed at her next statement and he moved back to the crib, getting back to work. “I don’t know, I was thinking Carter, or Greyson…” Samuel told her, “maybe Leo or Hunter,” he spoke as he assembled. “I’ve been reading all those name books and I wrote some down,” he confessed.
Mercedes watched Samuel as he continued to put the crib together before he stopped and moved towards her. She kissed him back lovingly. “We have to,” she said protectively, her hand over his before he returned to the task at hand. Listening to the names he’d thought of, she smiled softly. “I like Carter,” she said softly as she rubbed her belly. “I like Carter a lot,” she said thinking it over.
Samuel smirked. “Yeah, I have others but…” he trailed off as he continued to work. “I still have some more books to get through,” he admitted.
“You’ve really been reading the books?” Mercedes asked him, the information just hitting her. She hadn’t seen him read a single baby book. “Where have you been hiding them?” she asked playfully.
“Yeah,” Samuel said to her quietly before he stood up, leaning one half of the crib against the wall. At her question he smirked and said, “under the bed” to her gently.
Mercedes giggled. “Where you know I can’t find them,” she said with a smirk. “What have you learned from reading?” she asked him lovingly, watching him closely.
“Something like that,” Samuel with a smirk to himself as he moved towards some more pieces. “A lot” he said simply as he connected the larger pieces together. “I think you should breastfeed him if you can,” he told her, “the books say that’s the healthiest options, some formulas can be harsh,” he added.
Mercedes smiled at her boyfriend. He was such a dad already. “Oh, is it?” she asked him with a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips, her eyes sparkling as she gazed upon him. “I definitely want to breastfeed,” she finally said thoughtfully. “For as long as I can,” she said honestly. “Well up until he turns one, after that we’re done,” she said with a giggle.
“One’s a good age,” Samuel nodded to her as he put the finishing touches on the crib, and he smiled proudly at himself. “Okay, at first that was killing but… we got it done,” he said happily as he looked it over. “Looks good” he added before he said. “We need to start packing bags and stuff, finalizing birthing plans…” he added.
Mercedes nodded at her boyfriend. “Yeah, I feel like if he can talk, then he’s too old,” she said thoughtfully. She hated seeing kids 2 and 3 years old still breastfeeding, it was just weird. As she looked at the finished product, she smiled at her boyfriend. “You did it!” she said clapping her hand against her cast gently. “Test it out, like put a bit of weight on it,” she told him gently, wanting to make sure it didn’t collapse or anything. “You’re so right,” she said with a bit of her lip. “All I know is that I want an epidural,” she said with a hum.
Nodding his head, Samuel put pressure down on the crib like she told him to. Checking it out, after he did, he took all of the plastic off the mattress and placed it in. He checked that out as well before he looked to her “you know… people have their complaints about those. The books talk about that,” he told her.
As he checked, the crib, Mercedes shifted slightly, pressing her back against the wall for leverage as she unfolded her legs and stretched them out in front of her before she spread them, giving her belly room to just be. “About what?” she asked him. “Epidurals?”
Samuel nodded his head at her, and he finally turned in her direction, “you know the whole modern medicine thing,” he told her gently. “But it’s up to you,” he told her as he crouched down, sitting in front of her now.
Mercedes listened to him and she bit her lip. “I know…” she said with a sigh. “The pain…” she said shifting once more. “I just don’t know if I can do it.” As he crouched before her, she gazed into his eyes. “I’ll think about it,” she said gently.
Samuel looked to her, his elbows resting on his legs, propping his head up. “It’s no big deal” he smirked. “It’s whatever you want,” he told her.
Leaning forward, Mercedes placed a hand on her belly. “I know you just want what’s best for him too,” whispered thoughtfully before kissing him. “I won’t get the epidural so long as you’re by my side the entire time.”
Samuel kissed Mercedes back and nodded his head. “There is no place I’d rather be,” he added softly. “I am by your side until the day I die...”
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Back To School Shopping
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones and Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: Tuesday, August 6, 2019 LOCATION: Target; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Mercedes and Samuel take a trip to the store to get new school supplies for the upcoming school year.
Mercedes leaned into her boyfriend as she walked through the store, pushing the basket with a hum. They started back with school in just a few short days and she was just now going back to school shopping, so she had been sorting through literal scraps. “I don’t know why I waited until the last minute,” she said, shaking her head at herself.
Samuel walked alongside Mercedes, looking down at her as they strolled. “Because you haven’t felt well” he said rather her question was rhetorical or not. “I just need a pack of pens a notebook… what are you getting?” he asked her curiously.
Mercedes nodded at Samuel’s response. He was right. She had been feeling like utter shit the last two weeks and honestly still felt a bit like crap. At this point, she had good days and bad days. “True,” she said as she nodded. “I need notebooks, binders, loose leaf paper, pens, pencils, dividers, tabs, sticky notes, the works…” she said as she pushed the cart through the aisle, her stomach rumbling.
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she listed a multitude of items that she needed for school and he pursed his lips. “Okay” he said not knowing how to respond considering he gave 0 fucks about school. “Well we will get that” he added as he thought to himself if he needed a new backpack.
Sighing out, Mercedes stopped the cart, looking over their selection of binders and the various colors that were offered. The had an organization system. One class, one color. It made it simple and easy to find things. So that meant is math was red, the binder was red, the notebook was red, the sticky notes were red, everything math was red. The only problem was, their selection was pretty plain at this point and it was going to throw off her entire system. Huffing slightly, she grabbed eight binders and threw them into the basket. “This store never has what you need,” she mumbled before placing a hand on her stomach, rubbing it gently.
Samuel looked to around slowly before he looked to Mercedes, he grabbed a single pack of pens and a 5-star notebook and dropped it in the basket before he chuckled at her. “Yeah, you may be right about that,” he told her.
Mercedes was frustrated and highly irritable but being around her man definitely helped. “At this point, I’m just about to grab whatever,” she said with a small laugh as she moved forward some, tossing some of the notebooks into the basket. “How’s work?” she asked him curiously.
“It’s just school babe” Samuel tried to reason hoping that helped, though he knew how she was. “Um... it’s okay I guess, it ain’t shit but what’s new?” he said to her looking at some supplies.
“Just school,” Mercedes repeated him with a nod of her head. He was right. It was just school, why was she stressing. Placing various items into the basket, Mercedes stopped short as a smell wafting from the food department at the front of the store hit her nose. “God,” she mumbled as she held her stomach, biting back the urge to throw up. “That smell is unbearable,” she said, talking about the pizza.
Samuel made it his business to pick up a backpack and place it into the basket before he looked to her at her words. “Huh?” he asked her quietly “I don’t smell anything” he said sniffing himself slightly.
Mercedes looked at him incredulously. “You don’t smell that?” she asked. “It’s making me sick!” she said as she pulled away and began to quickly move down the aisle. “I’ll be back,” she rushed out as she ran for the bathroom.
“No” Samuel said looking around them, his girlfriend was simply going crazy he felt. He’s hit her and all of a sudden, she was sick all the time and smelling things that weren’t there. He didn’t get it at all.
Rushing into the restroom, Mercedes moved for a stall quickly as she cringingly lifted the seat and leaned over, throwing up what she had in her stomach. Groaning out, Mercedes coughed some before dropping the seat and wiping her mouth with a bit of tissue before she dropped it into the toilet and flushed it.
Samuel watched as she scurried off and he ran his hands through his long hair, sighing he moved to wheel the basket in the same direction preparing to check on her.
Mercedes moved for the sink, rinsing her mouth out with water since she had left her bag in the basket with Samuel, which contained a small bottle of mouthwash. Sighing out, she ran her hands over her stomach gently, rubbing it as it continued to churn a bit. “What is wrong with me?” she mumbled to herself before she grabbed a napkin and dried her hands, exiting the restroom, face flushed and a bit pale.
Samuel found the bathrooms and stood there waiting, knowing someone would have issue with him going in if he did. When she surfaced, he looked to her “are you alright?” he asked looking to her, taking her in.
“I’m fine,” Mercedes said looking up at her boyfriend, face a bit drained of her natural color. “That damn bug,” she said, shaking her head. “I’ve tried everything, it just won’t go away. I’m going to head to the doctor soon because I must be dying,” she said a bit jokingly.
At her words Samuel said “that’s not funny babe, and you should” he suggested. “Honestly you should have gone a while ago...”
Mercedes bit her lip at her boyfriend’s slight scolding of her and she dropped her head. “I know, I know,” she said with a sigh. “You know I hate doctors,” she said as she stepped closer, burning her nose into his firm chest, inhaling deeply. “But I’ll go I promise,” she told him as she looked up at him, a small pout on her lips as her color slowly began to return.
“That’s no excuse” Samuel said wrapping an arm around her, “you know, you are worrying me” he told her as he ran his hand up and down her back. “Okay, that’s a promise I am going to hold you to” he said.
“I knoooow,” Mercedes said with extreme exaggeration and a sigh as she took another deep breath of his smell. “C’mon,” she said as she pulled away, reaching into her purse for some gum. “Let’s get the rest of this stuff and get out of here,” she said with a small smile.
He nodded his head, “okay” Samuel said rubbing her back gently as she grabbed a piece of gum. He wondered to himself if the girl would actually go or lie and say that she did.
Mercedes smiled softly as he rubbed her back and she grabbed the basket once more, pushing it along. Moving through the store, Mercedes glanced down various aisles as they made way back towards the supplies. Passing the hygiene aisles, Mercedes glanced down one, something specific catching her eyes. The pregnancy tests. At the sight, wheels began turning in her head and she licked her lips slowly as she continued to move through the store. Impossible, she thought. They were always careful and when they didn’t have a condom Samuel always pulled out. Gnawing on her lip, Mercedes looked at Samuel curiously.
Samuel followed behind Mercedes his hands in the pocket of his sweatpants as they walked through the store. “You know, I need snacks to pack in my bookbag,” he thought to himself rubbing his chin, he looked down at her as she looked at him and he said, “I’ll get it later,” shrugging.
Mercedes mind was running a mile a minute as she moved through the store. “Mm,” she said barely hearing him as she grabbed items, tossing them into the basket. He would tell her if he slipped up, right? Licking her lips, she shifted her weight as she stood there, staring at packs of paper before she grabbed a few of a specific brand and type, tossing it into the basket. “Sam…” she began before she shook her head. “Never mind.”
Samuel continued to follow her, and he stood there waiting patiently before she called his name and he said “huh?” to her before she said never mind to him.
“Nothing,” Mercedes said quickly. “It’s nothing.” Shaking her head, she ran her fingers through her hair. “Uh, I think this is it. I'll just get whatever else I need later.”
Samuel nodded “alright, cool” he told her as he nodded his head as he moved towards the front of the store to find a register.
Nodding at her boyfriend, Mercedes nibbled her bottom lip as she began to move towards the front of the store, getting into a line to pay for their items. The more she thought about it, the more her heart began to beat out of her chest, and she turned to him, burying her face in his chest. She took a deep breath, then another, and another to calm herself down from having a panic attack. Once she felt stable, she lifted her head from his chest and began to take items from the cart and place them on the belt.
Samuel looked down at Mercedes again and he raised an eyebrow, she was going insane and he didn’t know how he was going to be able to break to her that she was actually crazy.
Mercedes placed all the items on the belt before she moved forward in line as the cashier began scanning the items. Grabbing her wallet from out of her bag, she pulled out her card and licked her lips slowly as she watched the cashier scan and bag everything. She slid her card and punched in her pin when it was all said and done before she began placing the bags in the cart and she asked Samuel, “did you want to grab something to eat?” she needed something in her stomach since she was just thrown up.
Samuel placed some bags in the cart and shrugged, “if you want to, I don’t care” he offered as she paid for the items.
Mercedes nodded slowly. “Well for sure, pizza is out of the question,” she said with a small laugh as she moved to exit the store.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Early Signs
INVOLVED: Samuel Evans and Mercedes Jones TIME FRAME: Wednesday, July 31, 2019 LOCATION: Jones Residence; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: After weeks of not seeing each other, Samuel spends some time just laying around with Mercedes.
Mercedes hugged up against her boyfriend lovingly, her nose buried in his chest as she inhaled deeply taking in his scent. “You smell so good,” she mumbled softly, nuzzling her face against him, now that it had fully healed and no longer hurt her when touched.
Samuel rubbed his hand up and down Mercedes back as he laid out fully against her bed. “Thanks baby,” he chuckled at her as he continued to rub her back tenderly. “I am so tired, I can just lay like this with you all day,” he told her honestly.  
Mercedes smiled softly at Samuel’s words. “You’re welcome,” she responded to him easily, nose still buried in his firm chest. “You’re going to work yourself half to death,” she told him out-right. “You’ve been working way more than usual,” she pointed out. “Why?”
Samuel continued to run his hand up and down her back. “It’s okay,” he lied to her. At her question he looked to her for a moment before he said, “because I need a place to stay when I graduate and that’s going to take a lot of time and money.”
Mercedes lifted her nose from his chest, eyebrows pulled together. “What?” she questioned him slightly shocked.
“I need a place to stay for when I graduate. I need to save. It’s not like I’d ever make into college anyway…” Samuel shrugged. “Plus I can’t stay with my dad forever,” he sighed as he shifted in the bed.
Mercedes was taken back completely. “When you graduate?” she questioned, still trying to process the information. “Is he kicking you out after graduation?” she asked shocked, not seeing that even being an option considering Dallas still lived there and he had graduated years ago.
“Uh, yeah,” Samuel said to her looking down at her; he didn’t know what she hadn’t understood. “No, it’s my choice, I hate it there and why would I stay?” he asked her seriously.
Mercedes nodded slowly at Samuel’s explanation and she laid her head back down against his chest. “Would you have to work so much if we moved in together and shared the load?” she asked him softly.
At her words, Samuel was now taken back, he stopped rubbing her back and just rested it his hand against her shoulder. “Huh?” he asked her.
Mercedes lifted her head once more, hand gently rubbing his chest. “If we move in together… would it make it easier on you?” she asked him softly.
“Your parents would never let you ‘move-in’ with me, are you crazy?” Samuel asked her seriously.
Sighing out, Mercedes dropped her head back to his chest. “You’re right…” she mumbled softly, sadly. Sometimes she hated her parents.
Samuel went back to rubbing her back, closing his eyes gently as he did. “And knowing your brother, he is going to rat me out and I won’t ever be able to see you again anyhow,” he said, shaking his head at himself.
Mercedes rolled her eyes. “Can’t nobody stop me from seeing you,” she said softly. “I don’t care,” she said turning her nose up slightly.
“Your dad?” Samuel asked her with a raised brow as he opened his eyes looking to her. “Why you try to be so badass, you know you scared of that man…” he told her rolling over to his side and he wrapped his arms around her, closing his eyes again.
Mercedes shifted slightly as her boyfriend did. “Man, nobody!” she said poking his chest a little to punctuate her point. “I’ll run away before I let somebody tell me I can’t be with you,” she said honestly. “I love you and that’s a fact,” she told him sweetly as she moved with him, her leg over his hip now as she continued to cuddle him. Just wanting to be close to him.
Samuel opened his eyes looking down at her and he chuckled lightly. “You talkin’ a lot of trash right now,” he said amused. He kissed her lips gently. “I love hearing that shit though,” he said honestly. “I love you too,” he added with a smirk. “I’m tryna go half on a baby and put a ring on your finger,” he said half joking as she cuddled him.
Mercedes giggled softly, shaking her head at him. “Speaking a lot of truth,” she countered him lovingly. Kissing his lips back sweetly, she smiled before her nose was right back in his chest. “Are you using a new cologne or body wash?” she asked him curiously. “Oh, are you now?” she asked him with a big smile. “I can get down with that,” she said thoughtfully.  
“Hm?” Samuel asked her as he lifted his shirt to his nose before he shook his head. “Just the regular,” he said to her having noticed she sniffed him a few times. Samuel’s hand move to her ass and he cupped her there for a moment as he closed his eyes again. “I know,” he told her.
Mercedes watched as he sniffed his own shirt before she sighed out, shaking her head. “Can’t be babe. You smell soooooo goooood,” she said with extreme exaggeration as she once more buried her nose in his chest. As he cupped her ass, she smirked, nuzzling him a little before she ran her hand over his strong arm lovingly. “You know only as long as all of this snaps back,” she said with a laugh, snapping her fingers to punctuate the point.
Samuel raised a brow at his girlfriend, he didn’t know what was wrong with her because he honestly did not do anything differently at all. Shampoo, deodorant, and body spray was all the same. He shifted a bit getting comfortable as he closed his eyes again. “Mhm,” he dragged out quietly. “I have no doubt,” he told her.
Mercedes smirked at him slightly before she rested back on the bed, finally pulling her nose from his chest. She didn’t know what was wrong with her either. He just smelled amazing to her at the moment. Maybe it was because she hadn’t seen him in a while. “Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen you in a while,” she reasoned softly, her hand resting on her grumbling stomach. “Are you hungry?” she asked him curiously. “I’m hungry…”
Samuel opened his eyes as she shifted and he nodded his head slowly against the pillow. “Could be,” he told her quietly before he shifted again leaning up on his elbows. “I can always eat,” he smiled at her.
Sitting up in the bed, Mercedes rubbed her stomach a bit more before she slid from the bed. “There’s left over pasta,” she told him sweetly, not about to cook anything at the moment. Sliding out of the bed, Mercedes stretched her short limbs with a groan before she walked out the room headed for the kitchen.
Samuel sat up in her bed and groaned slightly from all the grueling work he had been doing lately. At her words he nodded his head at her. “Okay,” he said as he fell back on her bed with a loud thud.
Mercedes giggled at her boyfriend as he continued to lay in the bed, sleepily. Moving into the kitchen, she opened the fridge and pulled out the container of leftover pasta realizing that there wasn’t actually much left and that she’d have to make more. She groaned softly before she moved for the cabinets. Lucky for her, it was a simple task, since it wasn’t from scratch.
Samuel folded his arms over his chest and closed his eyes again, finally a little silence. He drifted off a bit, opening his eyes after a few minutes looking at the door for Mercedes. Without seeing her, he closed his again and laid there on his back, arms folded as he slept.
Within 20 minutes, Mercedes was finished stirring the pasta in the sauce pan and she was plating it with a hum. Letting it cool a bit, she took the time to wash the dishes, placing them in the dish rack. Once she was all finished, she grabbed two water bottles and the plate, with enough pasta for them to share, moving back up the steps. “Foods ready,” she said as she entered the room, before she got quite seeing her boyfriend asleep on the bed. Smiling softly, she tiptoed the rest of the way in and sat down on the bed, sitting the bottles on the nightstand as she lifted the fork from the plate and took a bite.
Samuel released a loud snore into the room as he laid there, his mouth hung only slightly as he slept away his exhaustion. He heard Mercedes and opened his tired eyes. “Mhm,” he said rubbing his nose a little and clearing his throat as he fell back asleep quietly.
Mercedes looked back at Samuel as he shifted in the bed and she watched him with a hum, eating more of the pasta before he stomach began to grumble and she sat the plate aside. “Mmm,” she hummed to herself as she rubbed her upset stomach. “You can have the rest,” she told him with a groan before reaching for the bottle of water.
Samuel opened his eyes again, using his finger to wiggle it around in his itching ear before he stretched his back. “You good?” he asked her in a tired voice,  as he sat up a bit in her bed.
“My stomach,” Mercedes mumbled softly as she guzzled down some of the water, hoping that it would help. It did not. The water only made her stomach hurt worse and she groaned as she quickly stood up from the bed and moved for the bathroom connected to her room. She got down on her knees, lifting the lid and the seat as she began to throw up.
Samuel shifted on the bed again, sitting upright and he grabbed the food nodding his head slowly. As he watched her, Samuel ate a fork full of food she’d made happily; it was good. He swallowed it down as he watched her get up from the bed and rushed to her bathroom. “You okay babe?” he called out as he sat the plate aside. Moving to stand up, he walked towards the bathroom as she threw up. “Babe?” he questioned. “Do I need to get you something? What do you need me to do?” he breathed.
Mercedes leaned over the toilet, moaning softly as she threw up what little she ate and more. Gagging slightly, Mercedes caught a break and she lifted her head slowly, looking at her boyfriend as she shook her head. “I’m okay,” she mumbled before a second wave of nausea came over her and she dropped her head once more, letting more of her stomach contents come up.
She said she was okay but she kept throwing up anyhow. Samuel stood there as he watched her, waiting. “Are you sure?” He asked her not convinced at all with the response she gave.
Groaning, Mercedes lifted her head once she could and she slumped against the wall slightly. “My stomach,” she confessed with a small huff as it finally began to settle. “I really think I’m fine now,” she told him as she slowly moved to get up from the floor, flushing the toilet. “I guess the pasta just didn’t sit well with me,” she said with a sigh as she moved to the sink to rinse her mouth out with water and mouthwash before reaching for her toothbrush to brush her teeth.
Samuel looked to her again and he licked his lips as she finally stated that she was indeed okay.
Brushing her teeth thoroughly, Mercedes looked at her boyfriend through the mirror before she rinsed her mouth out once more. She gargled with mouthwash before she sighed out, splashing her face with water. Patting her face dry, Mercedes moved to lay back down on the bed, cuddling up to the pillow feeling extremely tired now.
Samuel continued to watch Mercedes as she cleaned her mouth out and teeth, when she was done she moved back into the bedroom. Moving into the room behind her, Sam moved for the bed with her as well. He climbed inside and shifted towards her, rubbing her back a little before he rubbed her side.
Mercedes mushed her body into the pillow with a small sigh. “I think it was just the pasta,” she said easily as she closed her eyes, loving the feeling of Samuel’s rubbing. Scooting closer to him, she said, “I’m okay now,” even through her stomach was still a bit upset, she felt better than she had just a moment ago.
Samuel nodded his head against her pillow as he continued to caress her side lovingly. “Okay,” he told her softly before he pecked her forehead. “Let me know if you need anything,” he told her. Samuel shifted in the bed and grabbing the plate on the side, eating some more food down hungrily.
“I will,” Mercedes said softly as she laid there, curling up slightly as she did. She was close enough to smell his wonderful scent and it made her feel a bit better as she began to drift to sleep.
Samuel stuffed his mouth full of food, chewing it down hungrily as she cuddled and curled her body up beside him. He looked down at her licking his lips as he continued to scarf down some more food from the plate.
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teacupcedes · 5 years
Piece by Piece
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones, Samuel Evans, and Tahj Jones TIME FRAME: Friday, July 12, 2019 LOCATION: Jones Residence; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: After their explosive day at the waterpark, Samuel goes to Mercedes to apologize. 
Samuel drove up to Mercedes home his car coming to an abrupt, screeching like stop as he parked on her family’s lawn. He hopped out of the car, slamming the door shut behind him as he moved for her front door ringing the doorbell twice. 
Mercedes stood in the kitchen, holding the towel filled with ice to her still sore cheek until she heard the doorbell. She already knew it was Samuel. She wasn’t stupid. Dropping the towel of ice into the sink, she moved for the door, standing at it with a small frown, tears in her eyes. “Leave me alone Sam!” she said to him loudly through the door. 
Samuel waited his hands on his hips waiting for an answer, if she didn’t Samuel was going to grow very, very, very disgusting in a matter of seconds. As he heard her and he sighed. “Just let me in Mercedes,” he told her tiredly. 
Mercedes stood there, a tear rolling down her cheek as she let out a sigh and slowly unlocked the door, opening it, revealing the dark black and blue bruise that spanned the whole side of her face from his slap. Stepping aside, she allowed him into the house as she kept her eyes low.
Samuel licked his lips and he looked up to the door as she actually opened, well that was easy, he thought to himself. As he looked to her face he sighed. “I am sorry Mercedes,” he said pinching the bridge of his nose as he kicked his own ass. “I should not have done it, I really didn’t mean to do it,” he said. 
Mercedes continued to stare down at the floor as Samuel spoke and she pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, nodding slowly as she sniffled. “It’s fine…” she said in a tiny voice, refusing to look up at him. 
“No, it’s not fine actually,” Samuel said to her. He had hit women in the past, that was something he wouldn’t deny or lie about but those women he didn’t love. That didn’t make the action right at all, but he loved Mercedes so why would he have been comfortable doing so. He was a rebel, asshole, and overall horrible guy this he knew but he tried not to be with her. Samuel licked his lips before he said, “I love you, I should have never put my hands on you to begin with. That’s not what people who love someone do,” he said. “And I am sorry…”
Listening to him, Mercedes continued to stare down at the hardwood, nodding along to his words. “I love you too…” she said quietly before she stepped further out of the way. “You can get your things…” she whispered before she began to walk away from him slowly. She loved him so much but the fact that he had actually hit her was really messing with her head. Yes, they had been arguing but there was so much anger behind it. At this point, she wasn’t sure what to do.
“Do you believe me though?” Samuel asked her as she moved to walk away from him slowly. 
Mercedes looked back at her boyfriend over her shoulder and she nodded slowly. “Yeah…” She honestly did believe him, she was just hurt at the moment. She’d heard about him, obviously. Before her, he ran through girls, treated them like shit, dogged them out, even hit a few of them, but he had never been like that with her until now. She didn’t know how to take it and she surely didn’t like it. 
Samuel looked to her, sighing softly he felt like shit which he should have considering. Shutting the door behind himself, he stood there for a moment before he said, “what will make it better baby? I’ll do it” he replied “no matter what it is…” 
Mercedes finally turned to him looking him in his eyes, her own spilling over with tears. Walking over to him, she laid her head on his chest sadly as she began to cry. “Just promise me that you’ll never hit me again…”
“I swear to God I won’t,” Samuel said to her as he wrapped his arms around her plush body hugging her close. “I really didn’t realize what I had done at first,” he breathed defeatedly. “I never wanted to put my hands on you, ever,” he confessed. “I’m really sorry,” he kept reiterating because he didn’t want to lose Mercedes despite his setbacks he was a better person with her. “This is all my fault I should have just been happy about being at the park with you…” 
Crying into his chest, Mercedes nodded slowly as she listened to him. Slowly she tilted her head up, gazing at him as she sniffled. “I egged you on and for that I apologize too,” she said softly as she reached up gently stroking his cheeks with her nails. 
Samuel thumbed a couple tears away, leaving out the bruised side of her face for now. “Doesn’t make it right or your fault, it’s still mine,” he said as he licked his lips slowly beating himself up about it. His thumb gently glided over the other side of her face making sure not to press against it harshly. He kissed her forehead and pulled away. “You still want to be with me after this?” he asked feeling unworthy, which he should have. He was a piece of shit an actual motherfucker and he hated himself for it. 
More tears fell, even as Samuel wiped then away and Mercedes sniffled hard. “I do…” she said gently. He had made a mistake but she could forgive him. “I forgive you Sam…” she said whispered. 
At her words he nodded his head, wrapping her arms around her again as he hugged her tightly to his chest. “Okay,” Samuel said, “maybe I should give you like some space for a fews days?” he asked more than anything, he just hated this had happened and that she was being so understanding, he kind of wished she lashed out or maybe told her brother to kick his ass or something then he’d feel like the score was even. 
Mercedes hugged Samuel back tightly in her arms. “No, you don’t have to,” she said quietly. She wanted more time with him, not less. “I just…” she sighed out. “I told… Tahj…” she said in a tiny voice. 
Samuel looked to her, licking his lips slowly and nodded his head at her. “Okay baby,” he breathed. “Of course you did,” Samuel said sighing. “You should have, he’s your brother,” he told her as he backed away from her slowly. “Where is he?” he asked her cautiously as he continued to back up, he’d been set up. Damn. He deserved it. 
Mercedes frowned as Samuel began to back away from her. “I don’t know…” she said honestly. After her brother had seen her face and she told him what happened, he went on a rampage, then left the house. She hadn’t seen him since. “I haven’t seen him since I told him,” she admitted. 
Samuel nodded his head slowly. “Okay,” he breathed out almost in a whisper as he continued to slowly back his way to the door. “I am going to text you,” he said quietly, “tell me when he comes back home,” he added as he grabbed the door knob pulling the door open. 
Mercedes nodded as Samuel continued to back away from her. “Okay…” she said softly a frown on her face. She knew Tahj was looking for a fight but she hoped things didn’t get too bad.
Tahj had been waited for Samuel to show up at his home so that he could give him a piece of his own medicine. He had some nerve to call himself putting hands on his little sister. So when he noticed Samuel’s car pulling up outside his home from down the street in his girlfriend's car, he smirked rubbing his hands together. As Samuel entered his home and the door closed behind him, he got out of the car, walking up the block until he was standing outside of the door waiting. When the door finally opened again, Tahj hesitated for just a moment, making sure it wasn’t his sister before he got to swinging. He punched Samuel in the gut before hitting him dead in his eye. “If you want to hit on somebody, do it on somebody your own size,” Tahj said his blood boiling before he punched Samuel against, this time in the center of his chest.
Samuel turned his back around moving to step down when Tahj punched him in the stomach, he snuck him but it was warranted. Samuel licked his lips as he shifted on his feet to only be hit in the eye and he grunted as his head fell back. “Okay,” he breathed two punches was enough he got it. When Tahj punched him a third time he said, “alright,” before he shoved the boy his hand resting on his chest as he slowly walked away headed for his truck. “You got it,” he said. 
Mercedes watched Samuel walk out the door only to be hit by Tahj and she screamed. “Tahj stop!” She moved outside quickly, trying to grab her brother but not wanting to be hit again. “Stop!” she said again before Samuel walked away and she ran after him, her arms wrapping around him from behind. 
Tahj shook his head at his sister. “He hit you and you’re sticking up for him?!” he asked shocked. “Are you kidding me?” he asked her throwing his hands into the air.
Samuel rubbed his chest lightly with his hand as he moved for his car. “Get back in the house bae,” Samuel said softly to the woman as she came up behind him. 
Mercedes held onto Samuel tightly, even as he told her to go back into the house. “Baby!” She said with a small plea in her voice. “Please don’t...“
Tahj chest rose and fell hard. “Mercedes!” Tahj yelled out before he said, “go in the house!” he huffed. 
“I’m not going to do anything,” Samuel said looking to her seriously, “I am just going to go,” he told her quietly as he pulled his keys out. 
Mercedes moved with Samuel quickly, her arms still around him, her head on his back. “Okay, just go,” she said gently releasing him before she turned to her brother. “Shut up! You don’t tell me what to do!” she screamed at him, shoving him down into the grass before she moved into the house.
Tahj shook his head as Mercedes still fought for this piece of shit. “I can’t believe this,” he said before Mercedes pushed him down and he looked up at her his spot in the grass. “When he haul off and slap you upside the head again, don’t come crying to me!”
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she released him and nodded. “Okay,” he said unable to read if him leaving while the guy cooled down was upsetting to her or not. He just wanted to keep the peace. 
Mercedes slammed the front door behind her, huffing at her brother’s comment as she screamed back. “FUCK YOU!” Running up the steps, she entered her room and threw herself down on the bed agitated. 
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teacupcedes · 5 years
INVOLVED: Mercedes Jones and Samuel Evans TIME FRAME: Thursday, July 11, 2019 LOCATION: Water Park; Atlanta, Georgia SUMMARY: Attempting to spend the day at the water park together, things quickly turn sour for the couple.
Mercedes hummed out as she laid out on the beach chair on top of her towel, with her sunglasses on her face. Feet crossed at her ankles, she flipped through the magazine she was reading before she looked over at her boyfriend. Sitting the magazine down, she picked up the jug of water, taking a sip before she sat it down. Standing, Mercedes stretched her body a little before she looked at Samuel again. “Let’s get on the slide,” she said with a smile, pointing to the slide that started at least 8ft in the air, that you needed either a single or a double floaty to go down.
Samuel sat his arms folded over his chest as he practically roasted in the sun next to Mercedes. His skin was red and sizzling beneath the sun's rays, but he slept on anyhow. His hair in a sloppy bun he shifted a bit in his chair, adjusting his large package in his swim trunks as he looked up to Mercedes. “Hm?” he asked her softly as he shifted again. “Aight,” he said scratching his shoulder lightly as he woke himself up completely. 
Smiling, Mercedes looked at him once more, taking in his red skin and she shook her head before she reached for her sunscreen. “Baby let me put some sunscreen on you before you burn up,” she told him as she popped the cap and squirted some into her hand. 
Nodding his head at her, he leaned up fully in the chair stretching his long body as he looked to her. “I am so thirsty,” Samuel said as he reached for her jug and took a long sip of cool water thankfully. 
“You’re dehydrated,” Mercedes told him honestly as she moved around him to rub sunscreen on this shoulders and down his back. She worked it in easily before she moved to work it into his chest as well, getting his arms too. 
“How long was I sleep?” Samuel asked her seriously as she worked sunscreen into his body and he looked up to her thankfully. “Thank you baby,” he breathed drinking more water down. 
“About an hour,” Mercedes said gently as she rubbed more sunscreen into his red skin. When she was finished, she cleaned her hands on a towel before she reached for him, trying to pull him up with a grin. 
Samuel groaned at that, he hadn’t meant to fall asleep on her but he was so tired lately thanks to Dallas until he couldn’t help it. Licking his lips, he drunk down some more water before he closed off the jug and moved to stand at her urgency. With Gucci covered flip-flops he shook them off his feet before he moved with her. 
Mercedes giggled at him as he stood and she took his hand onto her own, walking towards the entrance to the slide. She moved around random people with ease, maneuvering through the crowd. As they reached the entrance, Mercedes began to move up the steps for the slide. 
Samuel allowed her to navigate them through the park and towards the ride she wanted to get on. He followed behind her and moved up the steps towards the lines quietly as he stretched his body more. Samuel rested his hand on Mercedes full hip giving it a squeeze, her bathing suit was barely containing anything. Might he add, he loved how confident she was in it. 
Feeling Samuel’s hand on her hip, Mercedes looked back at him with a smirk. Releasing his hand, she adjusted her large breasts in the bathing suit top, before she fixed her bottoms some as well. “I knew I should have gotten a new one…” she said with a giggle as they moved up the steps further, joining the line of people waiting. 
“You look good baby, it’s fine,” Samuel told her quietly as he looked her over, satisfied with her appearance. He pecked the side of her head and moved up in line with her. 
Mercedes smirked at him. “I am bursting out of this thing,” she said with a giggle. “Which isn’t a problem but…” she looked back at him. “It’s a bit tight.”
“That ain’t the look you were going for?” Samuel asked her as he squeezed her round ass a bit. “We should have gotten you a new one then babe….” he told her. 
Mercedes giggled. “It was not,” she told him honestly. She didn’t mind the tightness or that she was busting out, she just knew it was indeed a lot. “I don’t mind, but I would love a new suit,” she said honestly, tucking curls behind her ear as she moved up on the line some.
“Just got to get you a new one,” Samuel shrugged lightly, as they moved up in the line and he rested against the railing as he kept his hand in the spot he desired it to be. 
Mercedes gently pushed back against him with her ass before she leaned forward on the steps, looking back at him. “Have you spoken to Puck at all?” she asked him curiously. She and Santana spoke just about every day about random things but mainly about Santana’s battle trying to get that mystery girl. 
“Yeah, he’s bored but what can he do. His dad thinks he’s a badass and needs to be away from us,” Samuel said with a shrug. “He’s not coming back until 2 weeks before school starts, his dad is a bitch” he told her. 
Mercedes rolled her eyes at that. “That’s a fucking bummer,” she said shaking her head as she moved up in line. “Two weeks?!” she said looking at him shocked. “Damn…” she shook her head once more. “I feel really bad for him,” she said honestly.
“Yeah he’s a shithead,” Samuel said as they moved a little more.
Mercedes nodded with a laugh, moving in the line more. Looking ahead she realized there were only a few more people ahead of them.
Samuel gave her ass a hard smack. 
Mercedes giggled, biting her lip as his hand smacked her ass and she bit back a moan of pleasure. Moving forward in the line, Mercedes reached the landing and grabbed the two person floaty. 
Samuel looked to her, oh the monster he made the day he deflowered her. It was one of his many achievements in life that often found himself basking in. As she grabbed the float he assisted her, holding it for her to climb onto before he climbed on himself. Some was never fond of rides like this or roller coasters but he’d do whatever she wanted. 
Mercedes smirked at her boyfriend as he helped her with the floaty and as she ride attendant gestured, she moved forward, resting the floaty down on the slide before she sat down in the first opening, her ass sinking right in. Holding onto the bars to stay in place, she looked back at Samuel, waiting for him to climb in and when he did, she smirked. “One, two… three!” she said with a squeal as she pushed them forward, the momentum and their combined weight had them hurling down the slide at a rapid pace and Mercedes laughed out as the tunnel grew very dark as water splashed all around them. 
Samuel allowed Mercedes to take the lead and he sat in the float, unamused by the slide. “We are going fast as fuck,” Samuel commented as she laughed her way down the slide with him. 
Howling with laughter, Mercedes looked back at Samuel briefly before she squealed, “brace yourself!” seeing the water fast approaching. As they hit the water, Mercedes flew from the floaty and she tumbled into the water with a loud crash and a huge splash. She flipped under the water before she surfaced, still laughing. “Oh my God!” she said looking to Samuel with a bright smile. 
At her words, he scrunched up his face as they reached the water and he sighed heavily as he watched them flip of the floaty. Samuel stood right up in the water and he looked to his girl friend. “almost died yo, that shit is brazy,” he said as he fixed his hair, rebunning it again on the top of his head as he moved towards Mercedes. 
Mercedes laughed. “You’re over exaggerating,” she told him easily as she moved for him as well. She splashed some water at him before she began to swim away, moving for the steps to exit. 
Samuel chuckled lightly as he followed behind her, moving for the exit with a smirk. He reached the steps and walked up them slowly, following behind her. “Where to next?” he asked her. 
Walking up the steps, Mercedes smiled before she asked him, “Where do you want to go? What do you want to do?”
“Babe you know I don’t give a fuck,” Samuel said, “as long as you’re happy,” he replied easily. “Wherever you want to go,” he told her.
Mercedes let out a sigh. Sometimes she hated his ‘don’t give a fuck’ attitude. She wanted his opinion on things sometimes. She wanted him to take charge sometimes instead of just saying ‘whatever you want to do’. “Okay…” she said gently as she began walking through the park, looking around at different water rides and play areas. “Tornado,” she said softly, walking towards the line for it.
Samuel continued trailing behind her like the puppy he was and he nodded his head at her response. “Alright,” he said easily as they moved towards its line. “You know, I’m hungry,” he told her as it hit him and he rested his hands on his hips. 
At Samuel’s words, Mercedes turned to look at him over her shoulder. “What did you want to eat?” she asked him. 
“I don’t know,” Samuel said rubbing his chin as he walked up behind her. He wrapped his arm around her midsection. “I have a taste for some pizza,” he told her seriously. 
Mercedes nodded slowly. “We can go get food,” she told him as she took his hand into her own, exiting the ridiculously long line. Walking towards one of the many concession areas. “Pizza sounds good,” she said sweetly. 
Samuel smirked as she obliged and he followed her to a concession stand and at that moment he realized he had no money on him. “Babe let me go get my wallet,” he told her as he pulled away moving in the direction of their things. 
Mercedes stood in the line for the concession stand and she  looked up at him with a nod. “Okay baby,” she said looking at the menu trying to decide if she wanted anything herself. 
Samuel scurried through the park towards their seats, he reached into Mercedes bag and grabbed his wallet out before he made his way back to Mercedes. 
Staring at the board, Mercedes settled on nachos and a lemonade. Licking her lips slowly, she adjusted the bikini bottoms around her round ass some, before she looked towards a few different water attractions, listening to the happy screams of riders.
Samuel passed a group of chicks, talking about him no less, and he continued to rush past a few people until he made his way back to Mercedes. When he finally did he walked up to her. “Got it,” he said holding it up. “Are you getting anything?”
Mercedes looked back at Samuel as he approached her and she hummed out, “yes, I’m thinking I want nachos and lemonade.” Wrapping her arms around him, Mercedes laid her head on his chest. 
“Good choice,” Samuel said nodding his head at her “I want like 3 slices of pizza to be honest,” he said as she wrapped her arms around him. He looked down to her, resting his arm on her shoulder gently. 
Standing there, Mercedes kept her head resting on his chest as she nodded. “Sounds good,” she said gently, stepping backwards a bit as the line moved forward. “You know we can go if you’re not having fun,” she told him in a soft tone.
Samuel looked down at her. “I didn’t say I wasn’t having fun,” he told her defensively. He was having a good time, he just didn’t care about much of anything. Everything was, eh, to him it had nothing to do with her. It was apart of his player handbook, he was too cool for this type of stuff; But for her he could tolerate it. 
Mercedes could hear the change in his tone and she sighed gently. “It’s not something that you have to verbalize,” she told him. “You just don’t seem like you’re really enjoying this…” she spoke candidly. “You don’t have to go through the motions for me… it doesn’t make it much fun for me either when you do it…” she explained.
Samuel pursed his lips at her. “Well then,” he replied to her as they moved up in line. 
Looking up at him with soft eyes, Mercedes pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, stepping backwards as he stepped forward. “Yeah…” she whispered.
Samuel didn’t know what to say, he couldn’t be like everyone else that wasn’t his modus operandi. “So what? You ready to go?” he asked her as he moved up again. 
Mercedes shifted on her feet a little, a small frown on her face. “Let’s eat first,” she said gently. Sometimes she just wished he would drop the whole ‘fuck boy, i’m hard’ act and just live a little. 
Samuel nodded as he looked to her. “I am having a good time, thank you very much,” he added under his breath as he moved up once more looking the attendant in the eye. “Nachos, lemonade, 3 slices of pizza, and a coke,” he said easily as he pulled out some money. 
Hearing his mumble, Mercedes rolled her eyes slightly as she took another step backwards. As he spoke to the attendant, Mercedes turned to look at them herself, her tongue rolling over her lips slowly. 
Samuel handed the individual some money, accepting the change he took that into his wallet. He watched as the items were placed before them and he grabbed his, looking to Mercedes to grab hers as he moved out of the way of the other park goers.  
“Thank you,” Mercedes said to the attendant as she grabbed her nachos and lemonade, moving with Samuel before she began to make way back to where they had set up their base near the lounge chairs. 
Samuel walked through the park with Mercedes and he looked to her for a split second before he looked away. Reaching their spot he put his wallet back into her bag and he sat down with his items. Nestled in the chair Samuel began to eat his pizza quietly. 
Sitting down in her chair, Mercedes got comfortable, legs crossed Indian-style, as she placed her nachos down in the chair as well, her lemonade on the floor. Reaching into her bag, she grabbed her hand sanitizer, squirting some into her hand, prepared to offer her boyfriend some before she noticed him already digging in. 
Samuel ate hungrily to himself. To hate him was to love him, he thought to himself as he continued to chump down on his meal. He licked his lips and fingers before he moved over to the next slice of pizza seeing same of the chicks from before. He gazed over at them, eating hungrily before he took a sip of coke as his eyes lingered. 
Mercedes tucked the sanitizer away, rubbing her hands together immediately after, getting it worked in. Once her hands were dry, she began to eat her nachos in silence. Glancing at her boyfriend, she watched him closely before she said, “what the hell are you looking at?” Her eyes shifted between him and the girls that walked past a few times before settling on him.  
Samuel continued to eat, his mind elsewhere before he looked to Mercedes. “Huh?” he asked her confused. He licked pizza sauce off his lips before he took another sip of his drink. 
“Huh?” Mercedes repeated him. “You were staring at those girls…” she told him flat out with a roll of her eyes. “Those toothpicks…” she mumbled with a huff, eating more of her nachos.
“I was not,” Samuel said as he moved to his third slice of pizza. “Nobody looking at those ugly ass girls,” he whispered to her before he looked away. 
“I watched you watch them Sam,” Mercedes retorted back to him with a shake of her head and a scoff. 
“I-” Samuel started as he looked to her, he gave her a stank expression. “You swear you know every damn thing,” he told her before he looked away again. “First it’s I don’t want to be here, next it’s going to be I want one of them?” he asked her seriously. 
Mercedes stared at Samuel before she rolled her eyes, looking away from him. Huffing softly, she continued to eat her nachos in silence. After a minute or two she looked at him saying. “You don’t want to be here.” Shaking her head, she continued. “You’d rather be playing some stupid video game or something rather than actually spend some time having real fun with your girlfriend,” she fussed. “You do it all the time…” she said rolling her eyes once more. “If we’re not fucking, you’re not having a good time…” she said shaking her head, snatching up her lemonade. 
Samuel looked to Mercedes as she spoke and he finished off his last slice before he drank some of his coke down his eyes fixed on Mercedes. “That’s not true,” Samuel said to her immediately after. “There are plenty of places I go that I enjoy with you that has nothing to do with sex….” 
“Name them,” Mercedes recoiled quickly, staring him in his eyes.
“Movies! Skating! Bowling!” Samuel said aggressively to her. “You just don’t like to do the things I like to do, so fucking seems more prominent,” he shrugged as he took another sip of his soda. “Besides like I said I am having a great time,” he said to her. 
Mercedes let out a huff at that. Literally the last time they went skating they ended up fucking in the backseat of his truck. “Okay…” she said simply not even feeling like arguing any further. Eating more of her nachos, she licked some cheese off her fingers, staring off in the distance as she did. 
“So you mad?” Samuel said looking to her unamused. 
“No,” Mercedes responded quickly. “I just don’t have anything else to say.” Looking at him, she glared slightly before she looked away once more, staring at nothing in particular as she finished off her nachos. She crumpled the paper container in her hand before she stood. “I’m going to go ride the tornado… you can just sit here I guess,” she told him before she moved to walk away, tossing the paper in the trash as she passed it.
“Hmph,” left his mouth in a both amused and dissatisfied manner as she prepared herself to leave; he didn’t fight for her to stay. Samuel watched her go and rested his plate in her seat as he leaned back and got comfortable again. She could have fun without him, he knew she could so he crossed his arms over his chest and closed his eyes again. 
Mercedes got back in line for the water ride and immediately, the two teenage boys in front of her began to chat her up and she smiled, talking back with them here and there as they all waited. 
Samuel scratched his ear tenderly as he licked his lips, he really should’ve gotten something else to drink, the soda wasn’t helping him in this heat at all. He took another sip of the cool liquid before he opened his eyes and shifted looked around once he did, he closed them again. 
Mercedes laughed with the two boys before she moved forward in the line with them. One of them offered that she move in front of them in the line and she accepted, kindly stepping before them only for one of the boys to playfully smack her ass. She turned slowly, eyes wide before she glared at them and sucked her teeth. With a nod she walked off, quickly moving back to Samuel. She stood over him. “One of those idiots boys just smacked my ass,” she said with a huff. 
At Mercedes words Samuel opened his eyes slowly looking to her. “What boy Mercedes?” He asked her as he stretched his long body against the chair, standing up fully as he looked to her. 
Mercedes watched as Samuel stood up and she stared up at him before she pointed towards the tornado. “One of those two idiots in line,” she explained as she began walking back towards the ride, looking back to make sure Samuel was in tow. “They were talking to me. So being polite I was talking back. Then they offered for me to cut them in the line then one of them, I don’t know which one, but one of them smacked my ass,” she explained to him with a huff. 
Samuel looked to Mercedes and he looked in the direction she pointed before he slid his foot into his Gucci slides and moved behind her. He had no intention of showing his butt today at the park with her, but he saw he had to now. 
Mercedes moved through the line for the ride, shoving people out of the way now, because she was irritated. Approaching the boys, Mercedes arched an eyebrow. “Which one if you slapped my ass?” she questioned before looking back at her boyfriend, that was towering over them all.
Samuel continued to follow behind the short girl, pushing past people in line as they made their way to the two trouble makers. At Mercedes question, he raised a brow as he stood before them waiting expectantly. 
The two boys looked up at the taller boy towering over them and they looked at each other before they pointed at one another, neither one of them wanting to have any problems with the giants. “Which one!” Mercedes huffed, glaring between the two.
Samuel cracked his knuckles slowly as he looked between the boys. “I can kick both your asses it’s no problem,” he replied looking to them both. 
Mercedes looked between the two of them expectantly before one of the boys said, “it was him!” Mercedes looked to the brunette boy and she sucked her teeth. 
Samuel looked to Mercedes. “You sure babe?” he asked as he grabbed the dude by his neck tugging him towards his large chest before he punched him in his face hard. 
Mercedes looked to her boyfriend and she nodded her head, watching as he grabbed the guy and punched him. She looked to the other boy before she rolled her eyes, punching him in the face as well for good measure.
Samuel slammed the boy to the ground. “You got some fucking nerve,” he told the boy before he punched his again. “Fucking say sorry,” he barked. 
Shaking her hand out, Mercedes stepped out the way as Samuel slammed the boy down and she looked at him on the ground, arms folded over her chest now as she other boy held his bloodied nose. “I’m sorry!” the boy yelled out.
Samuel stood upright pressing his large foot to his chest, “louder,” he told the boy having gone very light on him. He would’ve cut the boy or beat him to death by now but the fact of the matter was his body was so very tired. No matter, he deemed respect for Mercedes, and he will get it for her at all cost. 
Mercedes stood there, still waiting as the boy let out a sorry ass apology. “I’m sorry! God, I’m sorry!” he said again as he trembled on the ground.
Samuel dropped his foot to the ground and he grabbed Mercedes tugging her with him back towards their things. 
Mercedes looked at Samuel as he drug her back to their things and she snatched from him slightly. “Why are you being so rough, God.”
“I’m not,” Samuel said lowly to her as she snatched away and he kept walking ahead. He moved to sit back down quietly as he looked off into the distance. “He only slapped your ass because you over there all in his face with a too little ass bathing suit on, think you slick as fuck…..” 
Mercedes rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, shaking her head. “Oh but just a while ago there was nothing wrong with my bathing suit…” she said to him as she plopped down in her chair. “You liked it,” she said with a roll of her eyes once more. “I’m not going to apologize for being thick like I am,” she said with a shake of her head, folding her arms over her chest. “People are going to look regardless,” she told him turning her head away from him as she stared off in the distance. 
“I don’t care about you being thick,” Samuel said to her rolling his eyes he loved her just as she was. “Nobody asking you to apologize for your body,” he said as he folded his arms over his chest now. “Aight,” Samuel said to her, “bet” he added as he leaned back in the chair. “Go get on your rides then and just let me know when the next fuck ass touches you….” he said gesturing to the park. 
Upset now, Mercedes rolled her eyes at her boyfriend, grabbing her windbreaker and pulling it on before she laid the towel over her lap, covering her body. “I don’t even want to ride it anymore,” she said frustrated. “Let’s just go,” she said, shaking her head. This was a complete waste of a day. What should have been her having fun with her boyfriend, turned into them arguing and fussing at each other over every little thing. Standing up, Mercedes tied the towel off around her waist before she began to gather her things, sliding her feet into her sandals and angrily stuffing her things back into her backpack. 
“Oh now you don’t want to ride,” Samuel said, “should’ve just rode it with him and I am sure you would have been far more happy,” he said to her as he got up grabbing his things as well. “You just don’t respect me,” he said quietly “or the things I do for you….” 
Ignoring him, Mercedes continued to snatch up her things. “You’re such a fucking asshole,” she said angrily, with frustrated tears in her eyes as she snatched up the keys from his pile of things and began stomping towards the exit. If she had to steal his car and leave him she would. 
“Me the asshole?” Samuel asked her with a head tilt, “Fuck you Sam” he said to himself, it was always fuck Sam. He grabbed his earphones before he followed behind her, if the short woman stepped one foot into the driver side of his truck aka his baby he was going to have to kill her. And that was something Samuel didn’t know if he could hide properly. 
Mercedes whipped her head, looking back at him at his sarcasm as she continued to stomp away. “Yes! You the asshole!” she said huffing out. “You couldn’t even pretend like you were enjoying yourself,” she said throwing her hands into the air. “Can’t even pretend to enjoy spending time outside of the house with your girlfriend that you’ve barely seen since the summer began,” she said as a tear rolled down her cheek. Walking through the turnstile for the exit, she refused the handstamp. There was no way in hell she was going back in.
“Man cut that shit out… you embarrassing me with all that,” Samuel said to her as she continued to stomp around like a damn fool. Samuel held up his swim trunks as he moved towards the exit and he glided past as he caught up with her. “Man give me the keys,” he said once, because he sure as hell wasn’t going to say it again. 
“Shut up!” Mercedes responded right back to him. “I don’t give a damn if I’m embarrassing you,” she said turning and looking him up and down disgusted. “Here!” she said shoving the keys into his chest before turning on her heels and stomping to the car. She stood on the passenger side, waiting rather impatiently.
“Aight,” Samuel said to the girl as he moved for his car, he wasn’t going to keep arguing with her. As he unlocked the door he climbed in and closed his door sitting his things in the backseat as he started the truck up. 
Mercedes ripped the door open as he unlocked the car before she jumped in, tossing her things into the backseat. Slamming the door closed behind her, she shoved her headphones into her ears and pressed play on her spotify as she turned her whole body to stare out the window.
Samuel watched as Mercedes yanked his truck door open only to then slammed it shut after. He looked to her crazily before he yanked her headphones out of her ears and grabbed her by her shoulder tugging her to him. “Don‘t fuck with me okay,” he barked loudly into her face. “Drop the attitude, before I do some shit I regret,” he threatened. 
Mercedes whipped her head around to Samuel as he yanked her headphones out. “I wish you fucking would,” she said looking him up and down with a snarl as she snatched away from him. 
“Or what?” Samuel said so close to her their noses could be touching. “I will fucking kill,” he said darkly to her. 
Mercedes breathed deeply, letting out a harsh breath in his face. “Do it!” she screamed at him before knocking her forehead against his, pushing him back. 
Samuel looked to her as she egged him on and headbutted him, he chuckled lightly as he started the car up and speed off in the parking lot quickly. 
Mercedes stared at him, still looking him up and down as he chuckled and she sucked her teeth, sitting back as he started the car and pulled off. That’s what I thought, nigga… Putting her headphones back in, she turned back towards the window.
Samuel whipped the car out of the parking lot and he began to speed in the direction of her home quickly. Cutting the corner sharp, he sped down the road as he cut someone off on the road. 
Mercedes whipped her head around at her boyfriend as drove recklessly and she said to him, “oh but you love your car so fucking much,” with a roll of her eyes.
Samuel continued to drive, passing through lanes. At the very sound of her voice his hand went across her face. “Shut the FUCK UP!” he spat out. 
Mercedes let out a gasp as his hand slapped her across the face and she hissed, eyes watering from the pain before she barked out with all her might. “STOP THE FUCKING CAR!” Holding her face, she stared at him with fire burning in her eyes. “STOP THE FUCKING CAR RIGHT NOW!”
Samuel looked to her and he whipped the car stopping in the middle of an intersection as he looked to her wildly. 
As Samuel screeched to a halt, Mercedes huffed. Her chest rising and falling rapidly. Everything in her wanted to knock his head into the window but instead she just reached into the backseat and grabbed her stuff before she threw the door open and hopped out the car in the middle of the street. Slamming the door back, she ignored the honks and cars stopping abruptly trying not to hit her as she moved for the sidewalk, stomping the entire way, even kicking someone’s bumper as they almost hit her.
Samuel looked to her as he came to a stop and as she grabbed her things and climbed out of the car stomping her way into oncoming traffic, he whipped his car in the opposite direction. Driving down the road as he was before avoiding two cars from almost hitting him as he did. 
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