#thread: case from query and echo
@queryxecho continued from here
Nygma wasn't here? Damn. Must be messing around somewhere else then. He was out and about unfortunately and perhaps just hadn't come for Query and Echo just yet. He heard Barbara snort in his ear at the implication of his age and where he probably couldn't follow Nygma to. Against his better judgement, he sulked.
"You don't know how old I am."
It wasn't exactly hard to estimate though, given his height, voice pitch and general build. Maybe he should invest in lifts or something. Start disguising his silhouette a bit more.
"I can be reasonable. You guys aren't doing anything wrong at this precise moment, I just wanted to ask about your boss. I'll even bring food next time I drop by. What's up?"
He still kept his hand by his bo staff, just in case. But he also wasn't about to jump into a fight when neither of them were looking like they were about to jump him. Should be fine as long as he didn't let himself get pinned or cornered by them.
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lockedtowers · 14 days
&& @perfecteddeception ;; RE
lyric inspo: this is a gift, it comes with a price / who is the lamb, and who is the knife?
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"which one?" another query that echoes repeatedly in her mind. the teetering edge of the cliff she so anxiously dangles near in her mind, a flashing light encased in frozen stones. the loss too much, the thoughts too filled. what else was there when there was so little left for her. how much tragedy could one take before they snapped, the inklings of what remained splitting into individual threads, burnt away to keep the piece clean. "the beast or the burden, which one?"
what could be left of her?
yet she seems so calm about it. so... careless, perhaps. what little threads were keeping her together breaking into tones. the blade forged of her own blood held betwixt dancing fingers as it twists and flips like a waltz. eyes glance upwards as she stands from her knelt position; she was left alone all again. what else was there.
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"did you even go looking for me?" her head tilts as she turns towards her sister-- could she still call her that, when she wasn't even sure if that were the case. raised as such for certain, but she had a new family now, too. "jack's never been great at providing evidence if some didn't exist. he had nothing. yet, all those years locked below the walls, and not once did someone find me.. on purpose. now, see, i know, now, why so many are afraid of me. one can't absolve a monster's child of his crimes. but you claimed to love me. am i such a monster that even the one i gave so much for couldn't bear to try and find me?"
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deciphertheriddler · 2 years
✨ The Cryptoham and The Riddler presents...✨
This is reserved to canon characters, usually characters that are more common to Edward's canon circle, so they're more constantly brought up in threads and asks. It helps me because I don't have to randomly think of a dynamic based in my headcanons only, and instead will rely on the dynamic he has with some character. This by no means will make me not RP with duplicates, it's just a slight nod to people I RP with more often and have a relationship ooc.
When Edward talks about Carmine Falcone, he's thinking of... @rosesandgunfire!
When Edward talks about Jonathan Crane, he's thinking of... @arkhampsychiatrist!
When Edward talks about Robin/Dick Grayson, he's thinking of... @avisxe!
When Edward talks about Query & Echo, he's thinking of... @queryxecho!
When Edward talks about Joker, he's thinking of... @the-last-laugh!
Notice that this is different from relationships, because relationships and dynamic tags I will do in general for characters who have built some special interaction with Eddie. This is just so you know, for example, that when Eddie says he flirts with the Joker, he doesn't mean every single Joker, but Rex's Joker. You can always ask about a more specific version of a character, if you want to know about another dynamic.
What do you get by being my main? Uh, nothing. That's why I'm not even asking. You don't need to do the same for me, and this is basically a guide to my blog for newcomers. I will add to this whenever I feel like it, and can remove if I feel like we had a falling out/you became inactive and something else happened. But this is not because I love you less or anything. I don't do preference in replying because my brain simply doesn't work like this. You can take it as a permission to have 273561253752452 threads with me because it totally is.
This will be reserved for canon characters from crossovers who I have such a unique and fleshed out relationship that it simply wouldn't make sense to do it with any other person. So, it does mean I won't RP with any other version of that character.
Edward can't think of a life without... @defectivexfragmented's Daredevil!
What do you get by being my exclusive? Again, nothing, but permission to have 1264365124356 threads with me. You don't need to do the same for me. It's just something that makes sense for me to do. This is less likely to ever be removed, unless it's something we agreed ooc, but other than that, active or inactive, exclusives stay the same.
In case you just arrived in this blog, maybe you will want this information, just so you're not lost.
Edward has a wife and it's @the-blackened-dove
Edward and Roxxy have adopted children and it's @riddleskitten
If you're here, but don't want to be, simply message me and I will remove it!
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salcreus · 3 years
What is creation but the rebirth of destruction?
Hermitcraft S8 AU where the world is an unrulable beast, and the sun betrayed the moon. Chapter 1: Existence
And then light. And then shapes, and colours, and textures, and the rhythm of the melodies embracing you, holding you tight. And then grass that prickles you, rain kissing you hello, And then two beings that contemplated one another, as much as one can manage when you don’t have eyes, nor awareness, nor even a heart. Those hadn’t been invented yet, after all. One existed. The other existed back. If they had mouths, they would have smiled at each other.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The city bloomed with chattering and laughter. If you paid enough thought into it, you could hear the business conversations of wandering travellers that stood near the popular fruit market of the town, full with all sorts of wooden stands and their respective owners, some with the most glamorous of covers and others more akin to glorified shoe boxes. The plaza’s floor that hosted said market was adorned with black and white stone tiles, organized to create the most intricate of patterns, there to be marveled by the odd one that would come to visit this town. Though, at the end of the day, it always became a mere background to the busy lives of the people that lived here. A fountain of a fair decent size served as the marker of the middle of said plaza, made up of sculpted nymphs without names nor story. Not that all things need a story, after all- Sometimes, existing is enough of a gift as it is. You could spot a couple sitting on top of one of the borders, spitting sweet nothings to each other as they threw a golden nugget into the crystalline waters.
There were of course other places to sit, a bit further away from the masses, paired with holm oaks that had yet to fully grow, but provided enough of a shade as it were. You can tell that whoever built this place didn’t fully think about how much space the roots would need, as any stone tiles that once were neatly in place, have now popped out into a contorted mess of waves and twists. At least the trees didn’t seem to mind all that much, as long as they got enough food. Surrounding the tiled space, were buildings of lively colours, most akin to the pombaline architecture, with the off hand neo gothic style building. How they were able to make the two work together was something that you’d ponder about later, though it is quite the lively sight to behold. Clothes hung from some of the parapets, going as far as to have rope that connected them one by one, so that they could have more space to dry them all out. At night, the windows framed with metal would glow faintly of warmth and sun, maybe even let escape a chuckle or two, but for now, the bright blue sky reigned high, and thus, the windows stayed open, a curtain peeking out from time to time.
Back into the plaza, a crowd of kids, which don’t seem to look older than 13, gather around a man like a pack of hungry dogs looking at prey, which would be a scary comparison in any other scenario- Fortunately for him, they are merciful creatures, as merciful as one can be when they are filled with undying curiosity. As for said man, nothing special popped out from his stature, except for a ruby embedded into the left upper pocket of his long brown overcoat, a stone that was only ever heard of from legends of the past. It was always warm to the touch, and it smelled faintly of burnt charcoal. Surrounding it was a small embroidery design made out of gold threads, carefully crafted but not too overbearing, letting the precious gem be the star of the show. The kids couldn’t care less about it, though, focusing on their incessant chattering of questions and inquiries. Chorus of wonder, the creativity of children is a curious, yet wonderful thing. “Alright, alright, alright, one at a time! I’m only one guy, after all. Take your turns, and I promise I’ll get to you.” He finally exclaims, with no drop of malice in his tone, though it still earned a few grumbles as an answer. Their chattering dropped to a few murmurs between each other, each child trying to figure out their own words, until a small, yet fierce little girl, with hair coloured gold waved her arm in the air, taking the pause in the conversation to ask the Master a very simple query. “What are Virtues?” And thus, the crowd began to echo it like parrots that had learned a new sentence.
“Well- How do I put this in simple terms-” Pausing, he scrunched his nose instinctively, searching his pockets for any sort of object that could aid him, soon landing on a small leather pouch that contained some redstone he kept in case of need. It wasn’t perfect, but it would do the job. “-So, you know when you want candy really badly, and you keep asking your mom for it? Or you go gather things to make some? You can be so focused on that idea, that your work pays off, and you gain a Virtue! The- uh. Virtue of making candy, we’ll go with that! I mean, you don’t necessarily need to gain a virtue to be really good at making candy, but it can be like… An unlockable option, or even a gift from the gods if you really work hard for it.” The mention of the word “gods” earns a few gasps from the fairly sized gathering of kids, and the man could already tell that they would bug their parents about this story of his later. He even almost felt bad, but then again, it was fairly hilarious to imagine what sort of shenanigans they would get up to. “So you now have this Virtue! But where is it exactly, you might ask- which I know you will- It’s stored inside each one of you.” And on cue, he perks up the pouch mentioned earlier, dangling it near the middle of his chest. “Stored, in a little container, that is kept safe and sound, only accessible to you and you alone. The most common name is Vessel, but I’ve heard other terms being thrown around, like Heart, or Capsule? The world hasn’t decided on that one quite yet, I guess.” “Jeez, that’s gross-” Another kid perked up from the crowd, this time one with hair of ash and dust, freckled cheeks hosting a daring smile that only children can manage to pull off. “Do you have one?”
“First off, mister, it isn’t that gross. I mean, it’s not like you have bits and bobs jangling on your insides. Think of it as a manifestation, transformation, uh… Water, turning into ice! Yeah, we’ll go with that!” With that remark out of the way, and an amused chuckle following it (he was very proud of that analogy! A shame that the kids’ unimpressed looks outed their disagreement with the quality of said analogy.) he puts the tiny bag back where it belongs, clasping his hands together right after, in a way a teacher would when speaking to a class. “Second off, I assume that you mean to ask if I hold a Virtue or not, since the container I talked about earlier is something that all beings have- It just happens to be empty most of the time, because it has no Virtues to hold. Again, again, doesn’t mean that you are uncool, or not- hip. Just that it’s not being used to store things. Ah, the answer to the Virtue thing is no, by the way.”
Silence. For mere seconds, silence of contemplation, assimilating every complicated word they were just taught in a short amount of time, holding onto that curiosity for dear life, because what else is dear but existence and creation, right? After that, murmurs, whispers, tiny words passed by and onto tiny people, tiny ideas, tiny questions. Big questions following soon after, big words, screaming hearts, ideas, doubts, love. Back into the dance of dog and prey. Laughter, not coming from the children, nor the man, but yes from the passersby of the plaza, marvelled at the show being performed. It’s not often that one single person was able to gather such a big crowd, after all! That honour was usually reserved for when the Deities paid a visit, which, although rare, was always a wonder to behold. “Impulse!” The shout from far ahead made the Master jerk his head towards it, soon spotting a splotch of brown and yellow waving at him, and, in return, he chuckled lightly, much to the displeasure of the children surrounding him. “I’m sorry kids, but it seems I have to go now. Whenever I pass by here again, I’ll get to all your questions, I won’t forget about it!” And, even though they played stubborn, they kindly let him through, going back into their incessant chattering of gods and Virtues, as if the man had never been there to begin with. Said man, Impulse, took the opportunity given to him, sparing one last nod and smile as he hurriedly stepped through the tiled floors of the plaza, towards the person calling him. As he got closer, he could spot some smoke, followed by the protests of a half beaten up wagon, its engines rumbling hungrily for action. Near it, was another man, dressed in the same sort of overcoat Impulse bore, though with a pair of mechanical looking glasses held on top of his head, the lenses pairing perfectly with the ruby he also carried. “So, you got everything you had to do here settled, Tango?” One redstoner chirped. “Almost, I just need to take care of some jimagathings, but they don’t have the stock for those ready just yet. Missing out on slime over from the swamp production in the eastern village, they said.” The other redstoner replied. “Well well well, what about you, big guy? Being the folk’s entertainment once again?” With that, he took the opportunity to elbow Impulse, as one does when you want to sweetly mock a dear friend about the silliest of endeavours. “Oh you know how kids are- They haven’t reached that age where schools go more in depth about how it all works, so fancy words like that must look like monsters to them. I’m just their brave dragon slayer, here to help with their adventures.” Now THAT earned a laugh from his audience, one that radiated of effervescent blaze powder, and one could only be glad that there were no carriages of TNT nor brews around these parts. “More like recruiting peeps for Etho to shove his contraptions onto! What a valiant hero you are! If you keep it up, all the children in this town are going to go around crazy about superpowers and gods.” After his remark, Tango took the chance to do one last check on the shulker boxes his old beloved machinery was carrying, making sure it was all loaded in the right sections, before getting into the wagon, proudly taking the driver’s seat. The leather cushions protested at the weight, but luckily it was drowned by the sounds of pipes hitting each other every so often. Soon after, a lightheartedly peeved Impulse followed right along, taking a few steps to reach the free seat near his friend. The interior of the wagon was predominantly a mess of paper and machinery, the spruce wood only being revealed by the occasional forgiving gap in between the clutter, but even so, it was almost a second home at this point. Each scratch and mark that had been left throughout the years contained a story embedded in it, and neither of them would have it any other way. The stories this machine could spill if it had a mouth... “Hey, teaching people redstone never hurt anybody! Too much, that is- Sides, who knows? Maybe someday they
will be so noble that they get invited over to Hermitcraft.”
Tango let out a scornful laugh at the remark, not giving himself the work of sparing a glance to his friend. Instead, he seemed more preoccupied with checking the settings and levels of the contraption, making sure it was all ready to get fired. Only when he was sure he had everything prepared is when he thought about replying to Impulse. “Tsk, what a silly name for a playground made to please Deities of all things, don’tcha think?” To that, he received a simple shrug from the “co-pilot”. “Not our business to decide what gets named what. Sides, it’s a peaceful place, that’s enough for me. Want to keep on chatting, or are you ready to go, princess?” “Please save the princess nicknames for Bdubs or I’m kicking you off the wagon.” “Then better get at it, dude! We have a long way to go until we get to the next stop.” “You’re insufferable.” A thought crossed Tango’s mind, briefly associating his words with someone more akin to Cleo or Hypno, the official manufacturers of sarcastical witty callbacks laid upon the Masters, when they were both wasted, crackling at 3 am, as they kept on trying to make the simplest of circuits come into life, or when they caused havoc upon someone’s land with their newest gadgets. But his sentence had a different taste, one of whiskey and companionship, playful bantering that they both knew the recipe of, or at least he hoped they both did. With that brief moment aside, he finally gave in, blaring the horns of the machinery, as the cogs began twisting into motion, fully waking up the beast of metal that they called a wagon. It released soft puffs of steam every so often, hardened wheels beginning to roll at their perfected pace, as Tango drove along the streets of Abella.
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sergeanttpoliteness · 6 years
➹dizzy with a dame➹(spider-noir x fem!reader)
Requested by anon➝  May I please ask for a scenario of Noir x fem!reader with a sweet love confession and a kiss??
He’ll be damned if he lets you go before he comes clean. 
word count: 2.1k
a/n: oh my GOD, i went through such a trauma while writing this asjsjjs, tumblr basically was a little shit ! and i lost ! what i had written ! but,,, you see,,, my mind... she’s so powerful (not really) - i could still remember everything so no bad luck stopped me and i finished this after screaming and being in shock for about an hour. anyway, in spite of all that, i actually love this (’: i love spider noir and i loved writing for him, so thanks @ the incredibly sweet nonnie who requested this! i hope you, along with anyone else who reads it, likes it. be prepared for longer stuff cause there’s a lot coming. have a lovely week, y’all (:
taglist: @marvelousmorales  (hola)
It used to peeve him, your stubbornness. Your overbearing adamancy which creased the skin in between your eyebrows, set your jaw tight, embraced your body beautifully, like a gown ingrained with blinding and vigorous tenacity— it drove him crazy. Yet in that instant, albeit it was invariable, the same persistence as you leaned against the street lamp with your shoes in your hand, your bag neglected by your feet, you still roused him, but it was different. It was different while you glanced at him, your tainted lips curling upwards with astonishment, elation brighter than the bulb above you. 
“Detective… don’t know why I’m so surprised you found me.” You called out, voice echoing like a phonograph in the solitary streets.
When Peter didn’t shorten the distance between you two, you pushed yourself off of the lamppost, your bare feet padding softly against the concrete. “Wasn’t a letter perhaps too overdramatic?” He questioned, expression unvarying, unfazed as you paused inches away from him. “You could have just told me.”
You breathed out through your nose, directing a tight-lipped smile at the freshly-polished car parked beside you. “So you could tell me to change my mind?”
“You and I both know you wouldn’t have listened anyway.”
Your grin expanded, this time authentic, he knew, by the blush that trickled your cheeks as if you’d recently powdered them with contentment. “I see you learned something about me after these past four months of working together.”
His countenance then shifted, eased, the eyes behind his circular frames narrowing. “I’ve learned many more things about you, like how incautious you can be when it comes to your safety. What if they’d found you out here?”
“C’mon, detective, did you just come here to argue with me?” You snarled, crossing your arms across your chest. “If that’s the case, then maybe you should’ve stayed in your office.”
“No, I...” He breathed out. You quirked a brow, arms falling by your sides as he swallowed, stare drifting over your shoulder, at the bag that marked the finale of the story; the closing of the book, a farewell to the bickering and clashing of your minds, but the hush in between, too— the stillness of the water after the ripples, the unnecessary hours spent together, that shared glint in both of your eyes that persisted even at the end. It meant saying goodbye to everything, to... you.
It’s not the ending he wanted.
“I came to say goodbye.” 
You stepped nearer, your chests on the brink of touching, holding your head high, sight stern, testing.
“Then goodbye, sir.”
All he did was nod. Turn his body, long strides pushing him away from you. You watched his back retire, desert you as your plastic nonchalance dropped. Peter retained the same dejection as you while he strayed further afar, the same frown, same thunder wrecking, striking his body. The voice in his head urged him through the crackling to go back, to not let you go so easily. He continued, but so did his inner self— go back, you fool.
He listened.
Peter whirled around and retraced his steps back to you, like the inevitable pull of a magnet luring a metal, trapping it. It’s exactly what you did; it was your inescapable force as he walked up to you, clearing his throat. “I lied.” He confessed, shaking his head mildly. “Not fully, but… I did.”
“Figure it out, detective: did you lie or not?” You queried quietly, caught off-guard that he’d really turned back. Your heart wept with anguish, though, for that wrong choice you thought he wouldn’t make set the finger on the trigger of the gun that aimed right at him.
He looked at you, at your subtle heartbroken expression. It perplexed him further, tended that reluctance to fight against your wishes you’d phrased clearly. It’s a grudge he’d withstand, though; a last quarrel he’d carry through although it was a thing from the past and something he recognized you didn’t need, for there’s only so much woe one can sustain before your knees give out and you tumble to the ground. He’d do it purely for your safety, to unload the mass weighing you down even if you didn’t want to let go of it. Even if you, somehow already cognizant of what he was about to say, begged him silently and wordlessly to back away. But damn right he wouldn’t.
“I’m not giving up on the case.” He stated, determined. “I’m gonna find your father.” 
You glared at him as a warning. “No, you’re not.” You countered as if it were the final decision. However, his features didn’t harden and no irritation furrowed his brows. The softness he withheld boosted that ache in you, because he’s making this much harder than you wanted it to be.
“I’ve made up my mind.”
You groaned in exasperation, one you couldn’t discern from anger or sorrow as you threaded your fingers through your hair, loosening the curls. “You weren’t supposed to ignore me when I told you it was over or when I said goodbye. You were supposed to leave.” You hissed, lip trembling. 
Peter blinked, confused. “Why?”
“You know why.”
“That’s exactly why I can’t walk away, Y/N.” He said, his brows raised. You scoffed, but instead of a scowl, you wore a frown while you balanced on one foot to put on a shoe, disagreeing with your head.
“Yes, you can!” You insisted, followed by a swear under your breath when your heel wouldn’t slip into your footwear. “You have to, or else you’ll... God, stupid shoe!” You tore it off and slowly sank to the ground, uncaring about your skirt or the filth. In all your tousled glory— previously refined ringlets now undone, one foot shoeless, sat on the ground like a worn down child— you glanced up at Peter, sighing. “Listen, it’s either the both of us or just me. So, please. You did a great job, sir, but it’s time you back off and let me handle it from here.” 
He crouched down and took the discarded shoe, gently grabbing your ankle and helping you fit your foot into it. You eyed him, confusion crossing your face when you saw the corner of his lips twitch. “What’s funny?” You asked, your own smile daring to surface after his fully made an appearance.
“This is an awful remake of Cinderella,” He chuckled. It was small, quiet, but it was there, nevertheless: a laugh, escaping your throat. It encouraged him to remain resolute with his decision, regardless of the difficulty of witnessing your wretchedness. “Nothing’s gonna happen to me.” He reassured, tying your shoelaces. You wished to believe, as you’d seen what he’s capable of; but what if his admirable expertise failed him? What if he faltered, despite if it was merely a moment, and it was enough to beat him down? You couldn’t risk it. And if he wouldn’t budge, neither would you. 
He set your foot now clad with high heels down, waiting, expecting you’d give in, stop worrying for once. That’s not what he was gonna get, though. “My father killed his own son, detective.” You reminded him, blocking the grief that threatened to rise from where you’d buried it. He faintly winced, owning a sense of responsibility for your loss. “He won’t even hesitate to do the same to you if he finds out you were helping us bring him and his men down.” 
“A little help won’t hurt you. It’ll only get us closer to giving him what he deserves.” He urged, softly hitting the ground. 
“It’s no longer us, now it’s just me.” You pointed at your chest, brows snapped together. He looked heavenward, taking a deep breath before his harsh yet terrified stare landed on you.
“You’ll get hurt.”
“He won’t find me once I leave!” 
That damn pertinacity. The damn crease in between your eyebrows, your damn tightened jaw. You, goddammit. He came close to gripping his chest, perhaps so his heart would stop with its tumultuous rhythm; so it would cease to pump that fervor through his veins and spreading it all throughout his system. Peter stood back up, his hands in the pockets of his coat as he looked over you, the decision settled in his head. “Y/N, I’m not backing away.” He repeated one last time. You copied his actions and rose from the ground, chest heaving up and down, your legs finally buckling from the fear as heavy as concrete that collapsed on you.
“Why? God darn it, detective, are you just trying to make me mad?!” You cried out, waving your hand, shocking him with your outburst. He’d never seen you like this. “You say I’m incautious, while you’re here, waltzing into danger like a careless idiot! Why would you do that?!” 
He wriggled his jittery fingers, gulping. “It’s a lot more complicated than that.” He muttered. You exhaled, irked at his vague response, but attempted to compose yourself, folding your arms across your chest. 
“It’s only complicated if you choose to make it that way.”
He ran his fingers through his hair, a strand falling over his forehead. There were so many factors making it that way. So many he couldn’t control. He couldn’t simply flick his finger and vanish them, wipe them out of existence. However, then there was you. You, who, without a warning, weaved yourself into his life. You, with all those troubles in tow, risk as your loyal friend chained to you, following you to the end of the world. You, with that divine feeling you placed in his hands, which sprouted with your company, your voice, your warmth. He couldn’t control anything else nor you. But did have control over his own will, and even if it’s just him fighting, he’d make everything less complicated. 
You were worth it.
“I...care about you.” He admitted. Various emotions crossed your face all at once, and his eyes cowered away or else he’d be unable to speak. He had to, though. Now or never. “You... I... uh...” Oh, man, alright, maybe he can’t.
No. He has to. He nudged his glasses further up on the bridge of his nose, expanding his ribcage with courageous air. “I really do care about you. Way too much, even if it’s just been four months. I’m never gonna figure out how you did that. It’s kind of scary. All of this is scary, because I know that if I don’t do anything, or that if I’m too late, I’ll lose you. And, God, that’s terrifying. I just... I can’t let it happen, I can’t.” He finished with a whisper.
You took a step closer to him and reached up to brush the fallen strand of hair away from his sullen face. Peter weakened like a cat being pet when your hand moved to his cheek, and you truly had him under a spell as you traced your fingertip down to his jaw, stopping under his chin. “You’re dangerous, Peter Parker. You’re making me want to stay.” You laughed sadly, biting your lip.
Peter grabbed your wrist, although not to pull your hand away from his face. He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to do it; even if he were unhinged and wanted to. It was just the only time he’d ever be so close to you. “You can’t.” He said, heavy-hearted. Your mouth tugged upwards in a sly smile.
“I can’t.” You agreed, grasping his chin. “But I can do something.”
Your lips. It was just a short moment— a flutter of his eyes, an interrupted, stolen breath. Nothing more than a peck. But your tenderness was timeless, an immortal sensation that’d remain after you pulled away, flared pupils waiting for something else. And God, he’d give you that something else.
He truthfully had a way with his mouth, you realized. If only you’d realized sooner— hadn’t wasted minutes, hours, days, because the ticking of time blared in both of your ears as his delicacy put yours to shame; it beat loudly as his hand cradled your neck and your arms drooped, your body debilitating, your lips transcribing a love letter, inking the last few words on the page. The alarm rang— the car horn separated your kiss, finished the final sentence. You opened the door and threw your bag inside, but before you got in, you glanced back at Peter who framed your image in his head. “Be careful, alright, Peter?” You pleaded, eyes soft. “I care about you, too, y’know.”
He tilted his head with a crooked smile. “So you’re not gonna tell me to back away?” He teased, already missing your oppositions. You grinned, chuckling, giving him a once-over.
“You and I both know you wouldn’t have listened anyway.”
You closed the door— the period at the end of the paragraph. Not the ending of the book, though. He observed the vehicle drive away, assured that, in the future, a new paragraph awaited to be written. He’d make sure of it.
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Pulmonary hypertension -  Symptoms, Causes Risk factors & Complications
Allergic hypertension Hypertension can be actually really just a kind of hypertension which impacts the most suitable aspect of one's own heart as well as the blood vessels within the torso disease.
Pulmonary hypertension commences once tiny blood vessels in your lungs, known as pulmonary arteries, and veins eventually come to be destroyed, blocked or narrowed. This can make it tougher for blood also increases tension within the lungs' blood vessels. Whilst the stress builds, your heart lower chamber (right ventricle) needs to work harder to pump blood throughout the own lungs, finally causing your own heart to weaken and sooner or later neglect.
Hypertension can be a more very severe disorder which can be some times deadly and becomes increasingly more difficult. Treatment options are also available which could help alleviate signs and better your wellbeing Even though hypertension is not curable.
The symptoms and indications of pulmonary hypertension within its initial phases might possibly perhaps well not be evident for months and maybe many several decades. Signs and symptoms behave even worse Whilst the disorder develops.
Pulmonary hypertension disorders comprise:
Shortness of breath (dyspnea), originally while Doing Exercises eventually while rest Infection Dizziness or fainting spells (syncope) Chest pain or anxiety Swelling (edema) on your legs, thighs and finally on your stomach (ascites) Bluish colour to your own lips and skin (cyanosis) Racing heartbeat or heart palpitations Linked Finding Your Way Through the appointment In the event you believe that might possess hypertension or have been too more concerned about some other circumstances or your hypertension hazard as a result of the family , create a scheduled appointment. The treatment might be effective if hypertension is available .
This symptom can be familiar with a number of different illnesses, including asthma Although shortness of breath is just one of those indicators of hypertension. However, because is true for asthma if you in short supply of breath, then as opposed to just sporadically, create a scheduled appointment to understand your physician.
As there lots of earth to pay, and Since appointments may be short, it is really a fantastic notion. Listed here is a few information.
What you could certainly do Be more conscious of some pre-appointment limitations. In the moment you create the appointment, then make certain to question if there is such a thing you want todo beforehand, for example as for example for instance fill forms or confine your diet plan. By way of instance, To get several imaging evaluations, you can should quickly for a time period in advance. Writedown any signs you are enduring, for example some which might appear irrelevant to pulmonary hypertension. Attempt once they started to remember. Make certain, like weeks, months months, also give a wide berth to obscure terms including"time " Compose down vital private info, for example a history of pulmonary hypertensionlung disorder, cardiovascular problems, stroke, obesity, higher blood pressure or diabetes, obesity, along with also some other significant worries or latest lifestyle modifications. Create a set of most medications, in addition to some supplements or vitamins you're carrying. Be sure to inform your physician if you ceased taking some drugs. Require a relative or pal together, when at all possible. It may be hard to consider all of the info offered for you. May remember some thing which you forgot or just missed. Be ready to focus on your own diet plan and exercise customs. In starting, In the event you do follow a daily diet plan or exercise pattern, get prepared to speak with your physician about some obstacles that you have. Jot questions down to question your own physician. Your timing by means of your physician is more restricted, consequently getting ready a set of inquiries can allow you to get the most out of one's energy collectively. Organize your inquiries out of time runs outside. For hypertension, a few questions Include Things like:
What's likely resulting in symptoms or illness? Exactly what are additional potential causes of the outward symptoms or illness? What sorts of tests will I want? What is the Optimal/optimally remedy? What is a suitable degree of physical task? How frequently can I be screened because of changes within my personal ailment? Which will be the choices into this main way you're proposing? I've other health states. How could I manage these? Exist some restrictions whom I want to follow along? If I visit a professional? Can there be a universal alternate to this drug you are prescribing? Is there any some exemptions or other published stuff which I'm able to get hold of along with me personally? What internet sites would you advocate? Along with those questions you have got prepared to consult your own doctor, do not be afraid to ask questions you hardly know some thing.
Things to Anticipate from the physician Your physician is probably going to request quite a few queries. Getting prepared to remedy these can book the time to really go over whatever issues that you wish to spend more cash. Your Physician might inquire:
So when did you begin suffering indicators? Have you ever own outward symptoms become occasional? Just how intense are the signs? Imagine if anything else, appears to be to enhance your own symptoms? Imagine if anything else, looks to worsen with your indicators? Everything You Could perform at the Mean Time It is certainly not too premature to create life style modifications, like cutting back on sodium, quitting smoking along with eating foods that are healthy. These alterations may assist in preventing pulmonary hyper tension.
Assessments and analysis Hypertension is difficult to diagnose as it is perhaps maybe not found at a regular physical assessment. Whenever the illness is complicated, its own symptoms and signs are like these of lung and heart disease. Your physician could perform a couple of evaluations to rule out the other good reasons behind the ailment. Include Things like:
Bloodstream evaluations. Your physician might order blood tests to assess for sure chemicals in your bloodstream which can reveal you've got sinus hypertension because of its own complications. Chest X Ray. This evaluation might find a way to assess for pulmonary hypertension in case your nasal blood vessels and also the most suitable ventricle your heart has been enlarged. The xray can look ordinary in nearly twenty one of those who have hypertension. Your physician might suspect you've got pulmonary hypertension dependent around the consequences with the evaluation. This test employs sound waves which enable your physician to understand your heart. Throughout the process, a little device called a transducer is put in your own torso. It hastens reflected sound waves (echoes) in the own heart and communicates them into some machine which employs the noise tide designs to write pictures of one's own beating heart to your track.
These graphics reveal how effectively your heart is working, and graphics that are listed permit your physician building. Your physician will suggest a fitness echocardiogram to help establish how well your heart functions under pressure. Prior to working on a stationary bicycle or treadmill along with a second evaluation 22, you'll get an echocardiogram.
When it truly is tough to receive a obvious photograph of one's lungs and heart having a normal echocardiogram, your physician can suggest a transesophageal echocardiogram. After having a spray from the trunk part of one's 30, Inside this action, a tube is directed and to the stomach. Out of this, your transducer could possibly acquire graphics of one's center. Proper coronary heart catheterization. Once you have experienced an echocardiogram, even in case your physician believes you've got pulmonary hypertension, then you will probably have the ideal heart catheterization. This evaluation is most the most dependable direction of treating hypertension. Throughout the process, a cardiologist puts a lean, flexible tube (catheter) into a vein in your throat or neck. The catheter is threaded to a right ventricle and pulmonary artery. Your physician to assess the strain from right ventricle and the pulmonary arteries is allowed by Appropriate heart catheterization. In addition, it is utilized to find what impact various medications could possibly have in your nasal hypertension.
Right heart catheterization is conducted at a hospital environment throughout sedation and anesthesia. You can go home right. You're going to want a person to drive you home.
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isaackuo · 6 years
Tumblr media
This is an intro to a social media project I’m working on, although I don’t think it’s of interest to most tumblr users because tumblr doesn’t really do comment threads; not exactly.
Introducing Project "Echommentary"
tl;dr - Echommentary is a multi-site writer/reader with a crosscommenting "echobot" to unify discussion threads between multiple social media sites. Since all comments are echoed to other sites, everyone participates in the same unified discussion.
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With the impending end of Google+, I've looked at various social media alternatives and have decided none are a perfect fit for what I really want. So...I'm rolling my own multi-site writer/reader solution. The features of the core system will include:
1) Echobot python console app uses web scraping or API to load new posts/comments from each source, to local storage. Core functionality is to scrape from your own profile pages, but you can also scrape followed profile pages to local storage.
2) Echobot echos new posts/comments to all other sources, so all followers participate in the same comment threads (rather than separate discussions on each site).
3) Local storage means it's possible to autopost everything to a new social media site/account if desired.
4) Ability to block users via delblock or shadowblock. A delblock auto-deletes comments by a user. A shadowblock simply doesn't echo a user's comments to other sites.
Project Echommentary's primary mission is to solve the problem of interoperability between diaspora, Mastodon, Google+ (while it exists), and other social media sites. It's an open source project so others are invited to help - especially with Python code for various sources.
There are, of course, a lot of products to multipost to many different social media sites, but these are more designed for commercial publicity rather than to foster cohesive community discussion. In particular, each copy of a post on the different social media sites has its own independent comment thread. I find this frustrating, because a lot of the best ideas are developed in comment threads, and only users from the same site will see those comments. Often, I find that one discussion thread on one site will have some interesting comments, while another discussion thread on another site will have other interesting comments. I wish that they could see each others comments!
So, my core idea is a comment echobot. It will take a comment from Sam on G+, and echo it on other sites with something that looks like:
Sam @ GooglePlus: Yeah, I noticed Aunt Cass in the sassy housewives ad. Actually a kind of subtle running theme of the movie that things on the Internet are often not quite true.
This is an "echo" comment, which appears to be made by the echobot user's account, rather than the original account. Unfortunately, this has some issues. For one thing, it may be best for the echo system to be opt-in. By default, everyone is shadowblocked. Their comments are NOT forwarded to other sites. But you could use a pinned post or something to ask folks whether it's okay to add them into the "echommentary" by echoing their comments to other sites.
Another issue - blocking. Let's say Anna wants to block Hans, so she never sees any comments by Hans. The problem is that she follows Elsa, and Elsa's echobot may echo a comment made by Hans on another site. Anna follows Elsa on G+, but Hans follows Elsa on Mastodon. Anna would see a comment on G+ like:
Hans @ mastodon.social: (@ Elsa @ mastodon.social) Hey Anna, chill out, babe!
The problem? This comment is seen on G+ as made by Elsa, not Hans. So Anna can't block these comments without blocking Elsa entirely. Unfortunately, the best solution may be for Anna to ask Elsa to block Hans. Elsa could block Hans with delblocking or shadowblocking; this prevents Hans's comments from being visible to Anna via echoing.
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The echobot stores what it scrapes to a SQLite3 database, as well as a static HTML file tree. This file tree is considered a source just like diaspora or Mastodon, but it offers no built in way to write posts or comments. It's mostly just for troubleshooting. Nevertheless, it can be a somewhat useful tool, and you can optionally serve it up with a web server for others to browse.
Far more flexible and powerful is the SQLite3 database, which stores all posts and comments, as well as their echoes (both pending and completed). This database can be accessed and modified by other programs, such as a writer/commenter, and a "universal reader".
My own interest is in a simple blog writer. It would have very basic functionality...just bold, italic, and inline images. This way, I could compose blog entries that would be directly inserted into the SQLite3 database for transmission to all sources. In addition to the basic functionality, I'd have automatic tag addition to include my own personalized hashtags. For example, if I have #myart in the post, it would auto-add #ijkmyart. That way, diaspora users could click on #ijkmyart to see just my own "myart" posts - like a Collection.
With this simple writer, I could compose blog posts offline and then publish them when I'm ready or on a schedule. I'd still go to diaspora or somewhere to actually read and write comments. The big advantage of the writer is that it could be lean and mean - relatively simple to develop and modify.
A universal reader, however, could be a very powerful tool because it uses SQL queries. You could filter things in powerful ways, including blocking users in ways unavailable in the source systems (such as diaspora, which still lets you see comments made by a blocked user on someone else's post). You could filter followees by hashtag or content matches; you could filter out spoilers by hiding (temporarily) content matching a show you haven't caught up on yet. Stuff like that.
With a universal reader, you could define numerous "read only" sources - not your own profile pages, but followee profile pages. Maybe even blog pages also. Maybe even including RSS feeds, and such.
I feel like a universal reader/writer/commenter is a more complex project than a simple blog composer, but it's also something that a lot of people would really want. As such, it's important for me to think about the SQLite database design in a way that accommodates it from the start. In particular, it needs to understand that some sources are read/write, while other sources are read only. The user owned read/write sources are all that's needed for Echommentary's core functionality, but followed read-only sources are critical for universal reader/writer/commenter functionality.
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Project Echommentary could be taken a step further to become its own independent peer-to-peer social media network, by exposing read-only SELECT functionality to a custom port. That way, echobots could directly pull posts/comments from each other's SQLite3 databases. Even with no outside sources, it could be possible to create an independent social media network somewhat similar to USENET - each node connects with a small number of trusted neighbor nodes.
One node connects to another node via an encrypted (ssh) connection, and then each node can send SELECT statements to the other side. Each node can pull new posts and comments. The reason I specify that it goes both ways, is because of the problem of NAT routers. Most users are behind NAT routers, and there's generally no way to connect to a "server" behind a NAT. But a user behind a NAT can connect to a server out there with a true permanent IP address (either standalone or behind a specifically configured router). So, only a small fraction of nodes need to be out there with permanent IP addresses.
Now, this is truly ambitious. But is it even necessary? I hope not. It's not like we desperately need yet another internet protocol "standard". But it's a potential thing to do which might be useful just in case.
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The core Echommentary echobot will be a simple Python console program, to make it very portable and easy to develop/run/maintain remotely. Remote troubleshooting can be assisted by running Python's built in http.server on the local storage file tree. But for most users, it will be easiest and best to simply run and maintain it locally. Using SQLite3 makes it possible for savvy users to do a lot of powerful things with the database directly. I do understand that not everyone knows SQL, though.
For the universal writer and reader, I think that a native Python program would be better than web based...but I'm not sure. I feel like it would streamline development to keep most everything Python + SQLite3. Avoiding web based client functionality means avoiding a lot of extra complexity, maybe - and also it could be more readily adapted to mobile iOS/Android versions.
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So, anyone interested in contributing, or just suggesting thoughts? Concerns?
#echommentary #socialmedia #python #sqlite #diaspora
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componentplanet · 5 years
How to Bypass Matlab’s ‘Cripple AMD’ Function, Restore Full Performance to Ryzen, Threadripper CPUs
One of the difficulties of CPU reviews is that they represent the best time to evaluate new features and software — while simultaneously representing the worst possible time to attempt to do a deep dive on any specific piece of software. Sometimes, reviewers adopt tests because a vendor has recommended them, without considering whether the test will perform identically on an Intel versus an AMD system. Sometimes, the vendor fails to disclose that an application is compiled in a manner that will lead to tests running much faster on one platform as opposed to another. This is one of those times.
When I published Matlab data in our Threadripper 3970X / Cascade Lake X joint review, it was because Intel had recommended this test and workload as a showcase for Intel’s HEDT desktop line. I specifically asked for recommendations, hoping that Intel would have some applications in mind that would show relatively light scaling at or above the 18-core mark with AVX-512 integration. Even professional apps don’t scale perfectly forever, and I knew going into this review that there was going to be a performance “island” for Intel to stand on at the intersection of higher clocks and lightly threaded applications. “Lightly,” in this context, should be understood to mean “apps that don’t scale all the way to 64 threads” as opposed to “apps that don’t scale past 4-8 threads,” which is usually what we mean when we call an app lightly threaded. It was obvious that Threadripper 3960X and 3970X were going to beat the 10980XE in every app that could scale to match their thread counts, especially in the 3970X’s case. With that as a given, it was worth exploring the areas that had historically been the strongest for Intel to see how performance would compare.
Intel recommended four workloads for this review: AIXPRT, Adobe Premiere Pro, Matlab, and Sony Catalyst. I wanted to spend more time evaluating AIXPRT before I started running it on systems, which made it less appealing. Adobe now requires that you provide them with a credit card in order to launch a 7-day free trial of their software, so that’s right out. I opted to test Matlab and Sony Catalyst. I was not aware of this investigation and report by redditor Nedflanders1976, made some eight days ago.
He writes:
Matlab runs notoriously slow on AMD CPUs for operations that use the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). This is because the Intel MKL uses a discriminative CPU Dispatcher that does not use efficient codepath according to SIMD support by the CPU, but based on the result of a vendor string query. If the CPU is from AMD, the MKL does not use SSE3-SSE4 or AVX1/2 extensions but falls back to SSE1 no matter whether the AMD CPU supports more efficient SIMD extensions like AVX2 or not.
There’s a way to disable this behavior in Matlab. Flanders writes. If you are a Windows user with Matlab installed, create a batch file with the following data:
@echo off set MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE=5 matlab.exe
Start the application using this batch file. You can make this permanent by entering: “MKL_DEBUG_CPU_TYPE=5” into the System Environment Variables. Nedflanders1976 also has details on how to perform this task for Linux. We played around with testing some variant ideas, including setting “MKL_DYNAMIC=FALSE” and “MKL_NUM_THREADS=64” to see if these settings would improve performance. They did not. Best performance was obtained using the settings above.
Updated Matlab Results
I have updated our Matlab results with new data, showing the impact of running the application in this mode. I display the total summary time for the entire workload at the bottom of each set of results. The top results show the performance of our three compared CPUs without any changes, the bottom chart shows the impact with the “set MKL_Debug_CPU_Type=5” flag. This may work for other applications that use the MKL library as well. It should be noted that in many cases, the CPU is only ~53-55 percent loaded during this test — a load level that correlates to 17-18 processor threads. In this case, however, these settings proved faster than forcing the MKL to use a higher number of threads. Telling the machine to use 48 or 64 threads only increased total execution time on the 3970X.
Click to enlarge
AMD’s performance improves by 1.32x – 1.37x overall. Individual test gains are sometimes much larger. Obviously these results are much worse for Intel, changing what looked like a narrow victory over the 3960X and a good showing against the 3970X into an all-out loss.
When Is It Alright to Test These Sorts of Applications?
I was not aware of Matlab’s behavior when I agreed to benchmark the application for the Threadripper 3960X / 3970X / Cascade Lake launch, but this is an excellent time to discuss the topic. The fact is, Matlab ships in a configuration that is automatically biased against AMD: It refuses to run SIMD code on an AMD CPU, even though the CPU supports the SIMD code in question.
It is not wrong to benchmark a real-world application. The performance of a real-world application you have to use may well be relevant to the hardware choices you make. If your job depends on running workloads in an application that heavily favors Intel microprocessors, you’re likely to buy Intel CPUs, even if you’d prefer to buy chips based on ARM or AMD designs. People deserve to know how the software that they run actually performs on the hardware that they use, and Matlab is a major piece of software used by more than 3 million people. The fact that Matlab favors Intel CPUs doesn’t mean Matlab users don’t deserve to know how the application performs. Of course they do.
But when we pick tests for a review, we’re intrinsically saying that you should pay attention to these specific tests and extrapolate general performance comparisons from there. MathWorks has every right to ship whatever software libraries it chooses. But if Matlab is going to ship using libraries that run SIMD code on Intel CPUs but refuse to run that code on AMD CPUs, we need to know that before we agree to test the application in a review. This is non-negotiable. We use review applications to give people an idea what performance will be like in other apps that serve the same market. Implying that AMD does poorly in Matlab raises the question of whether AMD CPUs
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perform well in applications similar to Matlab. That’s not a fair implication to make unless we simultaneously disclose that Matlab generates code that is intrinsically optimized in ways that tilt the playing field in favor of Intel.
Flanders asks that you contact Matlab to make a feature request if you want a solution to this problem, but you’ll need to be a Matlab subscriber already to submit anything. Regardless of whether the company changes its approach, we feel end-users need to be aware of how to bypass this issue and restore full performance to AMD CPUs.
I might have included the Matlab test even if Intel had disclosed that it would use Intel-specific optimization paths; I was looking for tests that favored Intel to compare against AMD’s much-higher core count. I had no intention of positioning these tests as anything other than what they were — best-case scenarios for Intel, but realistic scenarios nonetheless. I tested y-cruncher 0.78 for this review specifically because it’s an example of an AVX-512 optimized application where that SIMD set gives Intel a significant speed boost. I don’t have a problem with showcasing Intel or AMD CPUs to their best advantage. I just want to know when I’m doing it.
Readers will ask why I haven’t jumped down Intel’s throat based on the historical facts of the “Cripple AMD” compiler issue. Let me reassure you, I’m fully aware of them. The facts of that situation are why Intel should have made certain to be careful of which tests were recommended and what it communicated concerning those tests. But I also don’t have copies of every scrap of Intel guidance on the last few HEDT launch cycles, and can’t say the test was added for this cycle rather than being a program Intel would’ve also recommended in previous cycles as well. Even if Matlab wasn’t mentioned in previous public benchmark guidance for earlier CPUs, I had specifically reached out to Intel to request data on tests that might incorporate capabilities like AVX-512. Intel should have practices in place to make sure reviewers know about pitfalls like this — but I can’t say for certain that this wasn’t a mistake.
With that said:
Readers should be aware that I also scanned Sony Catalyst using the Swallowtail patches capable of removing the “Cripple AMD” function from executables and found no sign of any pro-Intel bias after they had executed; the Threadripper 3970X executed the Sony Catalyst workload in the same period of time after the application had run. At this point, however, the Swallowtail patches are 10 years old. While I’ve confirmed that they work on old software, it’s not clear that they are capable of detecting the methods still being used to prevent code from executing optimally on AMD processors. I am no longer certain if Sony Catalyst Edit represents the kind of lightly-threaded app I was hoping to test for the 10980XE review, or if it uses as-yet undetected preferential code paths to improve performance on Intel CPUs. At the very least, I’m not as certain as I’d like to be.
I will say one more thing on this issue. As far as I’m personally concerned, any piece of software that claims to support AVX, AVX2, SSE, or any other SIMD code should prominently state whether that code executes solely on supported Intel microprocessors. Failing to inform customers that your software won’t execute ideal code on their platform due to hard-coded limits in your application ought to constitute false advertising. AMD advertises its CPUs based on factors like AVX2 support, but software vendors are under no obligation to inform you whether you’ll be able to use features you literally paid for. This should not be the case. Multi-million dollar software developers are capable of performing the due diligence required to be honest about their optimization practices.
Now Read:
AMD Threadripper 3970X, 3960X, and Intel Core i9-10980XE CPUs Tested: Intel Cuts Prices, AMD Redefines What’s Possible
AMD Promises New Architecture for Zen 3, Adopts Intel Tick-Tock Model
Welcome to the Second Golden Age of AMD
from ExtremeTechExtremeTech https://www.extremetech.com/computing/302650-how-to-bypass-matlab-cripple-amd-ryzen-threadripper-cpus from Blogger http://componentplanet.blogspot.com/2019/11/how-to-bypass-matlabs-cripple-amd.html
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renegade-skywalker · 7 years
Out of the Abyss, Chapter 7
Chapter 1 / Chapter 2  / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7: The Quiet Before the Storm
After years in exile, ex-Jedi General, Eden Valen continues to clean up after Revan and Malak’s mess of a war, only to find herself forever cursed with their unfinished business. As an ill-fated lead brings her to Tatooine, Eden finds that Revan’s mysterious plans go beyond the Republic, beyond the Outer Rim, and into the utter unknown. (A novelization of The Sith Lords and beyond)
Chapter Summary:  General Eden Valen's information has leaked, falling into the hands of bounty hunters, slavers and Republic Agents alike. As Vale and her crew plot their next move, there are already other forces at work threatening their slim chances at success.
3951 BBY, Coruscant
Rell’s eyes began to blur as she scanned pages upon pages of the holonet, tracking several covert forums while listening in on hacked communications – multitasking at her best. She blinked several times in quick succession, cracked her knuckles, and looked over at the row of intelligence officers beside her. They all had that same slack-jawed look about them as their attentive eyes scanned other corners of the holonet, their fingers typing away at commands, controlling remote consoles or looking into any number of leads the Republic was currently tracking.
She exhaled into a yawn before twisting her aching torso in her chair, pleased at the satisfying crack her back made when she turned. Only a few more hours and her shift would be over. Rell cracked her neck and stretched her arms once more before diving head-first into a forum linked to a notorious human trafficking ring orbiting Nar Shaddaa.
There was a certain level of compartmentalization at work as her eyes read queries about “restocked inventory” and “fresh meat”, trying to focus on code words and phrases they were given every few days, and sometimes every few hours, that told them a deal was about to be made. The code words helped her sleep at night, but she knew what they really meant. Despite the distance she kept, she still shivered when she got a lead, resisting the urge to retch when something particularly unsavory crossed her screen. Luckily for her, most of the images ever posted were basic ID photos or mugshots, nothing too graphic – though the “product descriptions” never made for a pleasant read. Whenever a new face came across her dashboard, she flagged and tagged it, and sent it to another department to register and cross-reference with surveillance or security footage. She was doing good work, she reminded herself, but she tried not to wonder just how many faces and files were eventually sent to cold-case…
Most of the faces today cycled from her previous shift, and she tried not to look any of them in the eye, lest she get too attached or too worried. None of them were familiar, though her console told her that most of these files had already been reported by her previously… except for one.
She almost scrolled right past it. It was buried in a message thread about new bounties – and unlike most postings, this one had replies from all over the damn galaxy. Usually, posts about a particular “item” remained within the same sector, or a system at most. Human trafficking was a dark business, but those who ran the rings new that travelling too far ran too many risks. This particular post didn’t have an inordinate amount of responses because it was posted not long ago, but the fact that they were from all over made her chest feel heavy.
Rell scrolled through the responses. Unsavory bounties, usually put on the head of a criminal who didn’t follow through for a crime syndicate were sold into slavery or worse for their “crimes”. Criminals were vindictive, and especially so when they were the on the foul end of a deal-gone-wrong or purposefully-sideways. Punishment for rogue criminals was far worse than what the Republic would do if they were intercepted. Life in prison was always favorable to most any punishment a crime lord could dream up. But this bounty was… different.
The woman’s face was almost familiar to Rell, but she couldn’t put her finger on it. She scrolled through the responses in search of a common interest. Human women were fairly popular among slave traffickers, but why was this one drawing such diverse attention?
Once she read further, she knew why.
“No fracking way,” she breathed involuntarily as the words registered in her mind as if echoing. A Jedi.
Suddenly coursing with adrenaline, her fingers typed furiously in search of more information, looking for the link, the source of the leak. She almost stopped breathing all together…
Rell stared blankly at the screen, the mysterious Jedi’s full profile accessed before her unblinking eyes.
It took her a few moments to think straight. She opened the dialogue box that allowed her to send files to the next department, but found that she wasn’t even sure which department it should go to.
Instead, she uploaded the information to her datapad, threw her headset down at her desk and walked briskly out of the intelligence offices despite the confused stares of her colleagues. She rushed to the main elevators and took it straight to the navy yard, hoping he’d be there.
The rest was almost a blur, her blood thrumming in her veins as she brandished her datapad before the deck officer in desperation.
“But I need to talk to Admiral Onasi immediately!” Rell pleaded, her hand white-knuckling her datapad.
The man was so rattled he didn’t even know what to say anymore, “Agent Amara, I know you’re frustrated but Admiral Onasi is-“
“Right here,” someone finished.
They both spun around to find the veteran now standing beside them, looking tired in his navy fatigues.
Rell almost mauled the man down as she flourished her datapad again, but Admiral Onasi lifted a weary hand, stopping her in her tracks.
“Agent Amara, is it?” he asked, the exhaustion evident in his eyes, “What is this about?”
Rell fell back into habit at Admiral Onasi’s words, stopping and saluting, then stating her name and station before continuing.
“Sir,” she inhaled deeply, “This is about General Eden Valen.”
3951 BBY, Telos IV
For now you will forget me.
Brianna swore that she felt the bitter wind nip at her nose before she awoke in her chambers, alone. Her bedthings were askew, a pillow haphazardly at her feet and her legs tangled in her blanket.
She threw her covers off before examining her fingers, still raw with the cold.
Her dream felt so real, more real than any in recent memory. Brianna had the misfortune of experiencing vivid dreams all too often. She had once believed them to be prophetic but was soon dissuaded by the unrelenting doubt of her sisters, and the slow persuasion of her Mistress. She resigned her delusions and paid her dreams no more mind, and yet, this one felt different. It felt more like a memory and its weight carried over into waking life. It was not odd for Brianna to find herself plagued with the thought of bad dreams upon waking, as would anyone else. Nightmares tended to dictate some portion of the day that would follow, but often in sentiment and not in physical feeling. Brianna felt her feet and found that her toes were ice. Her extremities were freezing, as if she had just come out of the bitter cold.
She emerged from her bed and walked over to her refresher with purpose, kicking her blanket free from her foot as she approached. Her cheeks were red in the mirror, almost bloody in comparison to her porcelain complexion and stark white hair. She stood there, hands cradling her face, as she pieced the vividness of her dream together.
The beginning was muddled. She knew it began with brief images of Atris, the Academy, her father and the imagined face of her dead mother. The rest was where it became clearer… she, Arianna and Orenna were scouting the mountain – which was decidedly odd as they never scouted the mountain, there was never any need. And yet, the three of five Echani sisters explored the mountaintop in search of something, dressed their traditional white attire, becoming one with the falling snow. The air had stilled, falling frozen around her, before Brianna recalled a figure in the fallen flurry, with a face she could almost remember until it all faded, and the last Brianna recalled was the cold sweat of her forehead as she shot out of bed.
Taking a deep breath, Brianna looked at herself one last time before dressing, mentally ridding her mind of the notion that her dreams could have any implication other than that she was different, that she was other, and that she did not belong.
She emerged from her chambers to find her sisters already congregated at the center table, eating in silence. Their eyes lifted in unison, surveying their youngest sister and lingering over the redness of her cheeks before returning to their morning meal. Brianna nodded at them, smiled, though only two of them returned the gesture. A small victory.
Without thinking, she watched Arianna and Orenna as she ate, looking out for signs of redness, any indication that they had been out in the cold. But they were as still and silent as the others, rendered quiet by discipline and their Mistress’s strict schedule.
Brianna was the last to finish her meal, but her sisters voiced no qualm. They were trained not to. Instead, she saw their impatience in their eyes.
She scarfed down the final bites of her meager breakfast, all part of their disciplinary lifestyle, before she pushed her plate away and stood with the rest of her sisters in unison. Without a word, they left the common room and filed into the training hall. Brianna noticed that she left her room’s door ajar, mentally berating herself for being so careless. Being the last in line, as always, Brianna slipped back to close her door before her sisters could notice – only to find Master Atris waiting for her.
“Ah- Mistress!” Brianna gasped. Atris had not been standing there as they rose from the table, and she wondered when her Mistress had slipped into the room. Atris had command of the Force, and though she and her sisters were well-versed in ways to resist its powers, she knew there was more to the Force than she was ready to understand.
“I’m sorry Brianna, but I wished to speak with you alone,” Atris said, her voice soft and sweet, almost uncharacteristically so.
“Bri-?“ she said, surprised, unused to Mistress referring to her by name.
“Brianna,” Atris said again, smiling.
Brianna returned the smile, but was unsure of how genuine it appeared. Fear swelled in her chest and she wondered if it showed.
“I wanted to ask you a few questions, and I have a request.” Atris stated.
“Of course, Mistress,” Brianna replied, bowing slightly. She then resumed her usual stance with the woman before her, finally in control despite her surprise.
“Do you remember the stories I told you? About my old student?” Atris asked, her voice controlled and calm. Brianna stood at attention, but even still she sensed the tenseness emanating off her Mistress despite her best efforts. She tried not to betray her knowledge, and her curiosity, as she nodded in affirmation.
“Good, good,” Atris began, clasping her hands before her as if it were part of a meditation exercise, “I believe I need to ask a favor of you, a favor that relies on your recollection of her appearance, and her most recent whereabouts.”
Brianna nodded again, awaiting instruction. The way Mistress spoke of her old student always felt familiar to Brianna. It was the one time Atris ever betrayed emotion, the one time she was unable to compose herself without practice, making itself imminent. It was not unlike how Brianna felt about her sisters, or so she thought. The pain was evident on her face.
“But I ask that you go alone.” Atris finished.
Brianna remained silent, uncertain. She was about to ask why when Atris continued.
“I need this to remain as discreet as possible. I don’t want you to breathe a word of this to your sisters.”
Atris moved closer, placing a careful hand on Brianna’s shoulder.
“I entrust you with this mission, alone.”
“Alone?” Brianna tried not to betray her inner uncertainty, but her Mistress’s hand stayed her.
“You are not unlike myself, Brianna,” she said, using her name again, “I feel as if only you are up to the task.”
“But what will I tell the others?” Atris laughed, her voice hollow but melodic, like distant chimes on the wind, “You need not worry.”
Atris’ eyes were steadying but cold. Brianna nodded, unfamiliar with anything but compliance.
Brianna’s eyes unwittingly looked toward her open chamber door, catching a glimpse of her skewed bed and blanket. Her fingers and her face were still cold.
Atris extended a hand to her cheek, as if to calm her, but her fingers were cold, too.
“There’s no need to worry about the cold where you’re going,” she said, as if reading her thoughts, “In fact, there’s no need at all.”
3951 BBY; Anchorhead, Tatooine
Erebus felt the void leave Anchorhead, sensing the energies in the universe manifest around it as if it were not there, moving around it seamlessly like water forking before a large stone staked in a river. He would be lying if he said he hadn’t taken up this line of work were it not for his sister and what she did at Malachor V, were it not for what she had become.
His sister’s connection to the Force was always a matter of dark import to the Masters on Dantooine, and a matter of objective scholarly interest to few on Coruscant, but none were brave enough to learn more – save for Master Nomi Sunrider. But when she was called away on business, there were no others who dared get close enough for fear of what his sister’s “bond” might do to them, lest it ensnare them unknowingly and rope in their energies, somehow. He believed it too, once, until Malachor was swallowed whole and he felt the Force gather tenfold in his bones as it slowly left the vestiges of his sister, leaving her to become the walking black hole that she was now – a gaping nothingness that defied the laws of all he knew, living despite what should have killed her.
But she seemed almost better for it, content, as if the universe paying her no mind were the best thing that could have happened. Given how many of the Jedi once looked upon her with uncertainty and unbridled fear, maybe it was. It wasn’t until Aiden embraced his fear and called himself Erebus did he give his sister the attention she had deserved.
In the aftermath of the war, he became unstable, unsure of his newfound power and unsure of what to do with it. Had he siphoned it off her, unknowingly? Had the Force fled her, after the massacre on the Mandalorian moon, and sought refuge in her twin? But the Force didn’t work that way. Despite all his years of research as a junior Jedi Historian and as an acolyte under Darth Nihilus, Erebus was not sure, even now. Perhaps his sister’s Force bonds were stronger than any of them realized, the Jedi and the Sith combined.
His Sith Masters mentioned her often, almost as if she were the birth mother of their darkness. In a way, she was. The Mass Shadow Generator should have killed her, or at least twisted her in the way it did Nihilus and his contemporary, Sion. They both considered Malachor to be their birthplace, as did their old mentor, a woman called Traya. But she was gone by the time Nihilus knighted Erebus and granted him the title of Darth. It was a privilege, yes, but he was still subordinate… for now.
But now he had Eden in his grasp. Still undecided as to whether he would capture her and deliver her to Nihilus in hopes of an increase in rank or just approach her to simply talk, Erebus had staked out her droid repair stall in the meanwhile. She had hastily closed shop before leaving, but his frequent patrols dissuaded any potential burglaries, or so he imagined. He felt her void crawl back towards Anchorhead from the Dune Sea now, but as her emptiness neared, Erebus also felt something else.
The feeling was familiar, and it reeked of Malachor. It was hard to tell whether it had to do with Eden herself or something else entirely.
But that wasn’t the only development in her absence.
Since she had departed, the Exchange posted a bounty on all Jedi. The galactic black market was already alight with rumors and gossip, talk of potential candidates for the reward and word of where Jedi or other Force-users might be found, but there was a particular interest in General Eden Valen herself. Erebus and his Master were both aware, and Nihilus was particularly interested in news of the living Force wound.
Erebus’ skin crawled at the thought. He knew if he brought his sister before Nihilus that she would be subject to countless experiments, tests, and all means of torture in spite of his reverence – when part of Erebus really wanted to keep her all to himself. It was the reason he remained quiet about her upon first arriving, his gut wrenching at the news when her records were released.
He tried looking into where the leak originated to discover its source, but had no luck. Even extending his senses through the Force did no good. All he felt was malevolence and betrayal, and that wasn’t much to go on considering all the Sith or scum that sought such a prize. Despite the setbacks, Erebus knew he had the upper hand. He was the only one who knew she was here, he was the only one aware of her current excursion out to the Dune Sea, and he was the only one keeping tabs on her presence as her emptiness descended upon Anchorhead once again.
The confines of his ship rendered him restless, and it was time that he scout the area before her arrival. Erebus gathered his belongings, clipping his lightsaber to his belt, making sure it was well concealed beneath his cloak, before descending the loading ramp and making his usual rounds.
Energies milled about him, threatening to cloud his senses. After a breath or two, he could track each individual source of life within the city walls to some extent. He walked past the loading docks to the local bar, walking past a scuffle or two before entering the merchant’s district. This portion of the city was always in flux. Different stalls propped up every day as others disappeared into oblivion, but his sister’s shop remained.
Like any other Tatooine settlement, Anchorhead’s population was always changing, but Eden had chosen to stay. It was only in the past few days that he wondered why she was among them. The closer her nothingness approached the city, the more he suspected it had to do with the artifact he had originally come for. She knew, somehow.
Nothing dwelled about his sister’s shop, passersby heeding the ‘gone on business’ sign with some respect, it seemed. He slipped into the back entrance without being seen, and reached out with the Force to explore her residence without stirring a single droid this time.
Her workbench felt the most familiar. Erebus recalled Eden coming to him with her first crafted lightsaber. She was only eight. The pride was evident in her eyes, but the envy was more than evident in his. An absent hand traced the edges of the workbench, resurrecting the memory for just a moment, before he pulled himself away and meditated.
There was energy here, but faint. It was clear that there was something here, but the fact that the area was full of inactive droids and run by a person void of the Force made it feel hollow all the same. Yet somehow, despite the dissonance in the energy around him, it felt comforting. He felt some welcome sense of familiarity he was unwilling to let go of. Erebus almost hoped Eden would never return from whatever journey she had embarked on. Maybe it was better that way.
Then the unease set in, subtle and slow.
Before he knew it, Erebus knew she was on the precipice, at the very edge of the city.
His eyes shot open, his breath quick, his body unwilling to leave this place that felt so much like home – a home he never knew enough to even miss.
Nihilus would be waiting. He’d either capture Eden or let her get away. One of these scenarios ended in veneration, and the other in death.
Despite what ambition had inspired him these last nine years, Erebus stayed his hand, unsure of what to do next, waiting for his sister to arrive and discover him, for the first time since… when, exactly? He didn’t even recall what year their last meeting was, and his mind retreated to the mental place he found when he first discovered the part of him that was Erebus and became him.
The darkness enveloped his senses, quashing whatever sentiment remained, welcoming him like an old friend.
Maybe the decision was not as difficult as he predicted.
3951 BBY; approaching Anchorhead, Tatooine
Vale’s mind reeled as they neared Anchorhead again.
She had retreated to her makeshift quarters under the pretense that she was calibrating what she had recovered from the site the previous day. After encountering the Jawa, Orex ordered that they return to Anchorhead as quickly as possible. They had not stopped once since that meeting.
Vale was the first to meet them out on the sands. She was the only one with a handle on the equipment used to translate their gibberish. She knew a bit herself, but not enough to translate accurately. Even before her translator could do the work, a bad feeling crept over her as the miniature creatures squeaked and squawked at her. The Jawa had not come for the crawler. In fact, they never mentioned the salvaged vessel at all. Instead, they asked what became of their journey to “the untouched village” as they called it. They asked if they heard the voices, and heeded the whispers. Vale asked what they knew of the place, but the Jawa refused to elaborate on anything aside from the fact that they were lucky to leave with their lives. Of Tatooine’s many secrets, this was one they had always known to fear. They had known to stay away from the Star Forge navigational chart buried deep in the krayt dragon dens, but this… this was different.
“The Star Forge?” she asked, her transcoder repeating her words in high-pitched Jawaese.
“The dark one was here,” one of them said, the translation replied in a soothing monotone, “And the one they called Revan.”
Orex stood still beside her, his brows furrowed against the sun, but their eyes met at the mention of Revan’s name.
“The dark one?” she repeated, noting that they mentioned Revan by name but someone else, as well. Malak? But the Jawa ignored the question – whether intentionally or not, she could not tell – and continued.
“The people of before left mechanical maps, but the dark one left something else. The thing you carry is dark and dangerous, like them. The one called Revan came looking, too."
The Jawa wished them luck and sent them on their way, almost as if they were afraid to linger any longer before dissolving into the Dune Sea themselves, preferring the isolation of the sands to the darkness Vale and her crew now carried with them.
She was still unsure as to what their next move was. Who would they contact? Was there any way of destroying these artifacts safely? She had no idea, but she had every intention of finding out as soon as she had access to the holonet, if it were any help.
She sighed in relief as the treads slowed again, marking their return to Anchorhead.
Glitch parked the monolithic vehicle a ways outside of the city. Darek and Orex were already lugging salvaged swoop bikes from the cargo hold for their return. Vale heard the commotion down on the loading ramp, but felt someone watching her from the doorway as she gathered her things.
“What I still can’t figure out is why in the ‘verse Darek would have wanted me on this mission.” Asra stated, crossing her arms. “The hell if I know anything about… well, any of this.”
“Before I even signed on, I knew you were the best shot in town.” Vale said, watching Asra fidget. She couldn’t seem to decide whether she wanted to lean broodingly in the doorway, crack her knuckles or stroke her head-tails. “But really, it might be the montrals.”
Vale nodded at the white-striped blue montrals that protruded from Asra’s head. Like other Togruta, Asra wore a headdress around them – though hers was a simple silver chain with tear-drop beads weighing its linked tendrils in place. And also like other Togruta, Asra’s montrals were capable of sensing where something or someone was, even without the Force.
“You’re probably closer to a Jedi than I am these days,” Vale joked, though the humor fell flat and Asra’s eyes shifted.
“I didn’t know the Jedi could do that,” she said, her voice soft and tentative, “Strip the Force from a person? I may not know what it’s like, but it sounds like it would be horrible.”
“It’s not as bad as it sounds. Well, sort of,” Vale explained as she surveyed what droids remained in the hold, making sure that whatever diagnostics she could use were properly uploaded, “It’s a bit like living without a limb, only the loss of it doesn’t hurt as much as it hinders.”
Asra frowned, confused. Vale sighed, well-aware that she was doing a piss-poor job of explaining the Force, something she hadn’t felt in almost a decade.
“Imagine you woke up one day, and your dominant hand was missing. Not wrenched from you, not sawn off or anything gruesome. Just… gone.”
Asra considered her words, nodding, flexing her trigger finger as if taking Vale’s metaphor to heart. “You go to use it and… it’s not there?”
Vale nodded.
The feeling that flooded her at Malachor was worse than anything that came after. She wasn’t sure what happened, but once she left the Council chamber days later, her verdict ringing in her ears, the Force was void. It did not answer to her any longer, and it was almost as if it was never there. Almost.
Even still, she found herself trying to reach out with the Force at times. She was never skilled with mind tricks or the like, but as a Jedi Guardian she was used to harnessing the Force to enhance her speed or physical skill. Vale had to get used to taking things slow and steady, and accounting for gravity more than she was used to. She was now used to a shock staff more than she was a lightsaber, or so she believed, and a blaster felt more at home in her hand than she ever imagined one would be.
“I’m sorry to even ask, I just-“ Asra started, unable to finish her thought.
“It’s okay, really.” Vale hadn’t expected to make any friends out here, or ever, but from the moment she met Asra, she knew things were different. She tried to keep her distance, but in the past few months she had to admit that it was nice to see a familiar face around. Asra felt betrayed for a moment earlier, but she was trying to understand things now, and that was more than anyone had ever done for Vale, even before her exile.
“I still don’t feel right,” Asra admitted, absently stroking her head-tails again as Vale filled her pack, finding one of the mysterious onyx pyramids among her things, “I don’t know, maybe it’s because I’m not familiar with any of this, but-“
Vale stayed her, taking her hand from her pack and laying it gently on Asra’s shoulder. “I may have a history with this stuff, but we’re just as clueless as you are. And besides, I’m-“ Vale swallowed hard, “I’m really glad you were there.”
Dredging up memories was never easy, but Vale had no idea how she may have reacted if she had heard the ghost of Malak in her ear without Asra by her side. Asra looked up at her, appreciative, nodding in recognition.
“I guess I’m glad, too.”
Asra nodded in the direction of the droids, asking without words if Vale needed any more help. The Togruta helped her load some intelligence modules into a pack and load it onto one of the swoop bikes out on the dunes. Darek and Asra exchanged soft glances, and Orex looked at Vale with purpose.
“I think I may have an idea of who we can contact,” he said, though his voice was gruff and unsure. “I’ll need to check on a few things first, and it’s no guarantee.”
Orex and Vale spoke with their heads together, their whispers almost muted by the surrounding sands and the unforgiving winds upon them. Vale thought of Dxun and how the rain would drown out most sounds, allowing enemy troops to approach unannounced, despite their better efforts. She had a momentary flash of memory, of a man in his twenties disarming mines ahead of them, his boots caked with mud and what seemed like a permanent spatter of blood across his chest. Vale shook her head, looking at Orex with a better idea of who he was, once.
“It’s better than nothing,” she said. Orex nodded, his good eye glinting in the suns before he turned on his heel and mounted a swoop bike beside them.
Asra awaited her, ready. Vale swung her leg over the body of the mechanical beast, gripping Asra’s waist as the engine thrummed beneath them. She reached a hand back to make sure her pack was in place, her shock staff snug and secure in the straps. She lowered a pair of goggles over her eyes and nodded at Asra as she coaxed the throttle, sending them forward.
No one batted an eye as they entered the city. They were just another troupe of travelers, no one remarkable or of note. No one could feel the darkness they brought with them. Asra and the others cut their engines once they were inside the city gates, the other inhabitants milling about them without a second glance.
Vale lifted her goggles to rest on her forehead as she dismounted the swoop bike. Asra swung her leg around as well, careening the bike in the general direction of Vale’s shop as they walked. When they approached, the stall was quiet, but something wasn’t right.
Vale had no words for what she felt, or why, but she held up a hand to stay the others. Without words, they obeyed and milled about the market square as if nothing suspicious were happening. Vale approached her shop with caution, walking around the perimeter, keeping an eye out for foot prints or any other evidence that the place had been breached. Nothing caught her eye, but something didn’t feel right.
She lifted the sign she had left days ago, “gone on business”, and tucked it into her pack as she tentatively entered her shop alone. The droids were accounted for and untampered with, so it seemed. Her eyes scanned the area, looking for any sign of intrusion, of wrongness. Nothing jumped out at her. She approached her workspace in the back, and though nothing look disturbed, it felt… wrong. That same feeling of offness struck a chord with her, leaving a bad taste in her mouth, though she did not know how or why.
Asra poked her head in the front entrance before waving the rest of them inside. They had milled about the city center long enough, and it was time they discussed their next move.
Vale sighed as the rest of them filed inside. Darek, Orex and Asra brought their bikes around back and Glitch carefully shouldered the munitions pack onto the counter in the workshop. The others gathered at Vale’s side, after ensuring that the entrances remained closed. In turn, they shared dark glances, though none of them dared touch the pack – they knew not to. But it remained a reminder between them, and it made the air feel heavy.
They brought back more materials than anyone else ever had from the site before, and it wasn’t until now that they could truly remark on their loot, forgetting the more important topic at hand for just a few moments of reprieve and relief.
Darek was particularly excited about some Great Hyperspace War era weaponry, surprised at the near-pristine condition most of it was in. The swoop bikes were another perk, though those were not nearly as old. Glitch mumbled some things to Orex, to which he nodded in admiration though Vale hardly heard a word. Orex ruffled the girl’s hair and Vale wondered whether she was some kind of protégé of his, now that she knew the man a little better. The girl was good with explosives, which, as Vale recalled, was Orex’s specialty as a Republic soldier.
Vale even allowed herself to get excited. Some of the droids at the site were old, but their intelligence modules were still programmed to track moisture harvests with near precision, which was worth its weight in gold out here. She knew a lot of customers who might appreciate such a thing out in these parts, and for a decent price to boot - especially since Vale hadn’t put any money down to buy them. The others talked about the deserted town itself, digging into the lore conversationally as Vale unloaded her pack, happening upon the old relic again. She placed it carefully on the counter before her, watching how it caught the light as the others’ conversation slowed, and they, too, became engrossed in watching on.
“How old would you say is some of the stuff you saw there, Darek?” Vale asked, absently reaching for her work goggles.
“About a thousand years old,” Darek replied, his voice growing softer with each word, “Why?”
“How old would you say this thing is?” Vale said, gesturing towards the miniature pyramid. Darek only shrugged.
She placed her work goggles over her eyes and magnified the lenses so she could get a closer look. Upon further inspection, it looked as if there were miniature binary designs in the onyx, or whatever the hell it was, but she would need to examine the thing even closer before making any definitive conclusions.
“Is there someone we can send this to? Some kind of expert?” Asra asked, the worry evident in her tone of voice.
For a moment, Vale thought of her brother and of Atris, and how they would busy themselves with the datapads, ancient scrolls and books of the Jedi Archives. She wondered if the place still stood, and who was in charge now. If there was anyone left.
“Whoever can handle these things might be our only bet,” Orex said, clearly referring to the crystals stashed safely in the munitions pack.
Vale sighed, lowering her goggles before taking them off entirely, though she was almost tempted to throw them across the room. Resisting the urge, she placed them as gently as she could on her workbench and surveyed the others.
“So who do we go to? The Republic? Is that our next move?”
“Maybe,” Orex said, “Like I said, I still have some contacts there. The Jedi had close ties with the Republic, and I have a feeling that not every Jedi was wiped out at that conclave.”
“Or so we hope,” Vale said, mentally reminding herself not to tempt her curiosity on the matter. Malak was gone forever, yes, but there were still others that she had once cared for that were alive and well before she knew any different. Revan was missing, for one. But she also thought of the Council: of Atris’ stoic stare, full of betrayal and hurt-nearing-hatred; and Kavar’s eyes, a dark and deep sapphire like sea after a storm, heavy with regret. And she thought of Nomi, too, her first Master. In her desperation, she had sought Master Sunrider out not long after her exile, when she still stumbled blindly out on the Rim without the guidance of the Force. But she had no luck. And none, either, when she sought information on her brother and his whereabouts. The last she had heard, however, was that he was no longer on Coruscant, but that could mean a thousand things. She wondered if he, too, had gone to the conclave on Katarr. She wondered if any of them had.
“I’m pretty sure they prepare for this sort of thing. The Jedi would know not to all gather in one place, especially if something like this could happen. It might have happened before, but I'm not sure.” Vale said, vaguely remembering a scandal from around the time that she was first asked to join Revan’s cause that flirted with the idea of a Jedi fail-safe. "Either way, they're definitely in hiding now, and probably impossible to get a hold of."
“And they wouldn’t want to be found,” Orex finished. Vale nodded.
“Who do you still keep in contact with?” she asked. “In the Republic?”
“A few soldiers and techs, you’d remember them,” Orex responded almost fondly, “And they’d be glad to know you were still around, too.”
Vale felt her cheeks grow warm at the thought, but Orex continued without comment.
“Who was that Republic soldier that traveled with Revan?” Vale suddenly remembered before getting too sentimental. “He was a Republic soldier, right?”
She remembered the name had sounded familiar when talk of Revan's return were abound, but the name escaped her now.
Orex nodded in affirmation before saying, “I think he’s a higher up, now.”
“He would be,” she replied, considering the chain of command, “Do you know anyone working directly with him?”
“Pretty sure he’s heading the relief efforts so it shouldn’t be hard,” Orex answered.
“He might be our best bet,” Vale considered, unsure of where her gut was getting its ideas. She was still eyeing the pyramid before her, dredging up memories she had once sworn to bury. She thought of Revan, she thought of Dxun, and she tried to recall nights when Malak awoke in a sweat, screaming. Perhaps he had said something in passing, or shouted it from the depths of his dreams before waking her. There had to be something, anything. But despite what she could recall, Revan was still out there and she was their best hope, their only hope.
Revan had gone missing on purpose, but was this the reason why?
The miniature relic betrayed no secrets, and remained silent and still.
The heat enveloped her, and welcomed her more than the cold ever did. Still, she was instructed to draw her hood – all the better to mask her features, to keep herself hidden and nondescript. Despite the shade, Brianna relished in the plush warmth of the suns basking down on her from above, settling over her cool skin like velvet. She had been cold for far too long.
The hood hid not only her notable features but also the smile that crept across her mouth at the sensation. Her skin yearned to drink in the heat of this planet and let it settle deep within her bones, but she was not to be here for long. She was only here to observe. As per her Mistress’ instructions, there would be a shop ahead, several hundred paces ahead of her – though all she could see were the masses milling about the marketplace. Once in the general vicinity, she would wait for word, and watch. She had never been trusted enough to go anywhere on her own. Despite the ill feeling that plagued her at the thought, the warmth that pervaded her hooded cloak, the sensuous smells of the sand, and even the feel of it embedded in her fingernails and stuck in the crevices of her boots made her feel a little bit more alive and she did not envy the creeping cold back home. It was seldom she experienced anything other than snow, if she were allowed outside at all. The shifting weight of the sand beneath her boots was something so unlike the solid crunching of snowfall underfoot that she was almost entranced enough to forget where it was she was going. Though she was more familiar with what was cold and lonesome, she had seen places other than the mountain. Dense jungle frontier, the pervasive thickness of swamp land, the nothingness of vast plains – and yet the desert beyond this town was something she had never seen. Sure, the prairies and plains of other worlds seemed endless but there was something entrancing about the vast neverendingness of the desert. Unlike other wastelands, this one did not feel empty and she could not explain why. She had tried to divulge her feelings, but her mistress had simply bid her to “Heed not, child,” and she obeyed, despite the very thought of it dogging her brain. A building bearing the same facade described in her mission came into view, even though many of the formations here looked so similar – clay walls topped with burnt orange doors to match the tents overhead and the hue of the sky when the twin suns set. Her steps slowed as she approached, soaking it all in.
The shop sign read as described, and Brianna was not one to admit that she was almost afraid. She stopped and looked about, looking for a place from which to watch safely. Not far off was a food stall and several well-worn tables covered with meager shade. She ordered something she could eat slowly, and parked herself at a vacant table for two. Tempted as she was to watch everything around her, Brianna was drawn to the place she was assigned to keep an eye on, if not for the import of her mission, but for the curiosity that drew her eye there. Beyond its walls was the woman that betrayed her Mistress, the woman who abandoned the Jedi and all they stood for.
Soon, there would be swarms in the market-place, and though Atris already predicted the outcome of the scuffle to come, Brianna was to report the results promptly and not leave a single detail out of her retelling. Brianna watched and waited, eager for the action to unfold.
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tanjacochran88-blog · 5 years
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On Home windows eight or Windows eight Pro, whenever you insert a CD disc to the optical driver, you will notice audio tacks are within the extension ofcda with a reputation in the format Monitor##.cda. Please present us some more details about what exactly happening if you end up attempting to convert movies and in addition ship an e-mail to help@ , include a brief description of the difficulty, copy and paste the link to this thread inside the email for additional help. With this new feature you could "Load art work" and "Save art work" for all of your mp3 recordsdata. Solely bmp, jpg and png footage are allowed to be loaded as artwork, however you should utilize saved artworks in your participant, your smarphone or ipod. Convert CD Audio monitor to Windows Media Audio. These are small digital information that you just'd see on windows when shopping an audio cd, they simply level to the situation of a observe on the audio cd. How do I convert wma information within the Mac version? There isn't any ‘RealPlayer library' to repeat the recordsdata to. The CDA To WAV WMA Plus three.1 will be run without cost beneath a trial mode for 14 days of trial period. The trial mode is a limited version of the software and it shows a registration window at any time the CDA To WAV WMA Plus three.1 is opened or closed. Hello nautico, Normally, CD-RW isn't recommended for convert cda to wma online burning music because the CDs can't be played in dwelling or car stereos. Just use CD-R - they're cheaper too -157, I addition, most burning applications require that you "shut" the disk (CD-R)when burning music CDs.(This system you've got may shut it routinely) you do not shut the disk, it will not play. CD rippers convert the raw digital data on music CDs into information a computer can learn. Quicker On-line YouTube to Mp3 Converter Y2mate.media is a convenient and faster YouTube to Mp3 converter with greatest options. Online Convert is probably not as visually interesting as different web-based converters, nonetheless it gets the job completed, and helps quite a few totally different conversion kinds (together with WMA to MP3). The ultimate action that you must take is to click on the Start button to begin the audio conversion process. I understand that the file does not play in Home windows Media Player. On this case, I like to recommend you to test whether it plays in RealPlayer. You can convert provided that it performs in RealPlayer. If it doesn't play then you'll want to redownload the file to convert. Please bear in mind that RealPlayer does not help copy-protected contents.
Both you have one file or 100 of them it can take you seconds to set the conversion course of. Choose the files checking checkboxes or just press Select All button. ), take away all files completely different from MP3, convert cda to wma online OGG, WMA, WAV, MP2, http://www.audio-transcoder.com MP1 or CDA from the compilation. The CD Participant in my automobile will my play MP3 or WAV formatted audio CDs. Format Manufacturing facility is one among good decisions for changing CDA to MP3. It is a highly effective and multi-practical converter that helps to transform nearly all standard audio, video and image formats. You should use this CDA to MP3 converter to simply convert CDA file to MP3. As well as, it could possibly repair the damaged video information and compress audio size to save laptop space. Format Manufacturing facility additionally supports over 60 languages, so users all over the world need not worry you can't understand the way to function it. Now let's learn how to convert CDA to MP3 with Format Manufacturing facility. All the above mentioned third social gathering CDA to MP3 converter softwares are safe to use and they're free from any viruses or malwares I've tried my greatest to record down the top free Audio CD Ripper tools that may convert cda to mp3 format and more. When you have any queries relating to about cda to mp3 converter instruments then you can ask me by leaving a remark beneath. — Free online audio converter to convert audio recordsdata online cda to mp3 converter free to any format. Merely choose the audio file, then click on on the Add File" button and look ahead to a few seconds. At its core, FreeRIP MP3 Converter reads audio out of your CDs and lets you save them to your laptop computer in a wide range of digital formats along with WMA, MP3, Ogg, Wav, or FLAC audio information (this process is known as CD ripping or CD to MP3 conversion and converter MP3). We counted what number of steps every program took to finish a wide range of duties and located that Xilisoft makes changing audio files simple and simple. It extracts audio from a wide range of video files, including MPEG WMV and MP4. The conversion and extraction course of take a bit longer than the most effective applications we examined, which isn't great for converting a number of large recordsdata. This program has a batch processing function that permits you to convert multiple recordsdata with one click on of the mouse. You may add results like echo and refrain and normalize volume, which is useful for coverting recordsdata taken from vinyl recordings or cassette.
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starboundfic · 5 years
Interlude 1
These events are set during/after the events of Chapter 16.
Chapter 16 - 
“Just to make sure I understand all of this,” Horace began, trying to not let his irritation at the matter show. “Two more L-vessels crashed on Elpis.”
“Yes sir.”
“And then you lost them.”
Commander Delmas at least had the decency to look ashamed for a moment. “Yes sir. We’re still looking into the security breach.”
“Good. Were you at least able to learn anything about the one you were able to bring to the base for study?”
“Not much. Nothing we have here was able to get it open, and we’ve cross-referenced every single dictionary, both human languages and alien languages, but there’s nothing even remotely like the symbol that was on the green one. But one thing we did find out was that…well, that the material they made of doesn’t exist.”
“Come again?”
“Or, well,” she stuttered slightly. “It does exist, since it’s what the L-vessels are made of, but it’s nothing on the periodic table, traditional or extended. The research team wasn’t able to figure out what they run on, either. The best guess we have is that they’re solar-powered, and even then, there are doubts.”
That was…interesting, to say the least. “What about their pilots? Anything on species?”
She smiled faintly. “About that. The base’s security footage didn’t have anything, unfortunately—they got set on loop somehow—but an inquiry into the nearby town was another story.”
An image came up, clearly from the security camera of a simple convenience store, but it was who was shown in the image that had the president’s attention. He quickly brought up the file on the Great Race, just to make sure he wasn’t simply seeing things.
He wasn’t.
“Not a stunt I’d expect from two mere mechanics,” he mused. It was a strange mixture of irritation and relief, the former because they’d impeded on government business, and the latter because if two of the team were alive, it meant the others might be as well.
Then again, he’d already had that suspicion when the team he’d gotten cleared to send out to Alwas had reported no sign of them at all whatsoever. Not even their star-racer could be found, whole or in fragments. (The second one, anyways. The first was located in a state of beyond repair in a junkyard on the planet.)
If he had to guess, one of the others had been piloting the red one away from Alwas then. Horace understood why they hadn’t come back to Earth then, or simply landed on Elpis—not with the unknown vessel tailing them.
But why not this most recent incident?
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
It was unfortunate, what had befallen Captain Lirax, but perhaps he was better off having perished, than living to report yet another failure involving the paladins. The same could not be said of the two subordinates of his. They would be punished, upon their return to Central Command.
But perhaps it was not a complete loss, the druid mused, gazing at the two vials now held in hand. One contained a few strands of hair, and the other a small sample of blood.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She’d waited until both Lance and Hunk were guaranteed out-cold before opening up her laptop. Katie grimaced when she saw the email from her mom, which she decided could wait until after she was finished drafting the first outgoing piece.
It had taken a bit of nosing around on Commander Delmas’ computer in the middle of the night—a perk of being in charge of all military operations on Elpis was that her computer had a signal strong enough to reach the extended internet—but she’d found out a little more information on who Stan had wanted her to contact.
A little more information than she’d expected, if she had to be honest with herself, along with an honest incentive to plant a little computer-worm of her making into the system.
The surprising part to the information was that it turned out that the person Stan wanted her to contact doubled as his and his adoptive brother’s employer and foster parent.
That wasn’t all, either.
Katie wasn’t sure what the Great Race of Ōban was supposed to be, but the level of security on things even mentioning it put the clearance blocks on the Kerberos Mission to shame.
And that by itself piqued her interest.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
He’d resigned himself to it, when the final thread had snapped after the fifth round. His pawn had been chosen, and the centuries he’d spent nudging fate in the necessary directions had all been for naught.
It mattered little, in the end, upon having reason to reflect further on the nature of the Lions. In simply being present on Alwas, the Red Lion had provided him an alternative.
One that needn’t require a pawn at all, but an accomplice.
He simply had to be patient for a while longer, and let the victor become complacent.
It would not take long for that to happen.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
She wasn’t sure who’d suggested it, in the end, but all of them sans Shiro were gathered on the bridge, in the midst of a haphazard mess of blankets and pillows taken from various empty bedrooms. Allura and Coran had gone along with it, curious about the human concept that was a sleepover.
Eva also wasn’t sure what exactly woke her up just then.
She sat up, blinking sleep out of her eyes, before looking around. It definitely wasn’t a blanket being stolen from her—by the look of it Koji had taken one of the ones Stan had been using this time. They and Allura were off to the left, as were the mice.
It wasn’t a sound, since she’d since figured out how to filter out Coran’s whistly snoring; he was somewhere by the main console, just in case.
Then she noticed the lack of another sound she’d gotten used to, and looked further to the right to see Jordan staring up vacantly at the crystal. “Can’t sleep either?” she asked quietly.
He started a bit, visibly biting back an exclamation. “Eva? Why’re you up?”
She paused, thinking it over for a minute, before saying “I’m not really sure. It—it almost feels like I…missed something. And you?”
He shrugged. “Dunno. Just can’t sleep, I guess. I’ve been in and out for the past two hours.” He looked back to the ceiling, expression going blank, before making a small, short sound not unlike a nervous chuckle. “Actually, now that you mention it? I kinda—kinda feel like I just…dodged a bullet, or something.”
She frowned at him. “Really?”
“Y-Yeah.” He shuddered a little. “Don’t know why.”
Red had gone pensive in the back of her head, like he was pondering something, but when she directed a query at him, he shrugged it off before suggesting trying to go back to sleep. It wasn’t a bad idea, either.
“You doing okay now?” She almost missed Jordan’s question, which she had to think about.
Yes, she felt better after that emotional outburst, but okay would be a stretch. She’d spent the last ten years thinking she knew something, and then found out she was wrong. Her memories of what happened between her and Spirit before…then, were hazy at best, and everything after that was a painful blur, but enough things were clear.
Rick hadn’t been there when they’d gotten back, and that was that. They’d just have to keep looking, for both him and her father. And Prince Aikka, too—Allura had mentioned seeing G’dar on Alwas before she’d fallen asleep.
“I will be,” she decided, stifling a yawn. To the side, Koji mumbled something incomprehensible, which got a quick smile; she hadn’t taken him for one to sleep-talk. “We better get back to sleep. Shiro’s gonna be up tomorrow morning, isn’t he?”
“Yeah.” Jordan paused, before saying, “Hey, uh, Eva? I was wondering if—” He stopped when she looked over at him again, puzzled, face flushing faintly before saying “Never mind,” and turning away with a quiet “Night.”
She looked at him for a few seconds longer before echoing the statement, the sensation that had first awoken her now forgotten.
Though something else hit her seconds after, eliciting a quiet “Oh no,” from her.
“What?” Jordan asked, apprehensive.
“How…how are we going to tell Shiro what happened today?”
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coppolafrancis · 5 years
Tanzanite, 50 Years Later
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When Tiffany & Company introduced tanzanite in 1968, the company was sure the semiprecious stone would be successful. (“Tanzanite is the first transparent deep blue gemstone to be discovered in more than 2,000 years,” a Tiffany vice president told a Times reporter the next year.)
But no one anticipated the creativity that it would still be inspiring.
Named for Tanzania, where the only mine still operates, tanzanite’s allure lies in its colors, including green, red, purple and blue, “depending on which angle you look at it,” said Melvyn Kirtley, Tiffany’s chief gemologist and vice president for global category management including high jewelry.
The new gemstone had an enormous effect on the house’s design style in the ’60s, Mr. Kirtley said, turning it from simple gold jewelry to colorful designs with large stones. Cases in point: Donald Claflin’s ornate 1968 diamond floral brooch with an 84-carat tanzanite and, in 1969, Jean Schlumberger’s fantastical winged-bird pin with diamonds, sapphires, rubies, a cabochon emerald and a large tanzanite as its stomach.
For the stone’s 50th anniversary with Tiffany, Reed Krakoff, the house’s chief artistic officer, has showcased it in two new Paper Flower collections introduced in the United States this month and at Harrods in London on June 21, then across Britain in July. The high jewelry earrings echo the colors of an iris with tanzanites ranging from soft blue to violet and blue sapphires; in fine jewelry, tanzanites accentuate abstract blossom designs.
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Debuting at the Cannes Film Festival this week, Chopard’s latest Red Carpet collection includes a multistone choker with six tiers of tanzanite beads and a blue titanium-edged pink ceramic disc with a 12.4-carat pear-shaped aquamarine that “give a modern twist,” Caroline Scheufele, Chopard’s artistic director and co-president, said in an email.
Matchesfashion.com has been offering several tanzanite pieces, including a dome-shaped tanzanite, emerald and diamond pink-gold ring by Selim Mouzannar; a diamond rose-gold band with a lilac tanzanite teardrop by Diane Kordas; and a single rose-gold drop earring by Irene Neuwirth that combines a round blue tanzanite with a pear-shaped pink tourmaline.
“We are seeing a lot of our customers and designers turning toward semiprecious stones with amazing colors, which allow designers to put a stamp on their designs rather than just using the standard sapphire, ruby and emeralds,” Patti Worth, a Matchesfashion jewelry and accessories buyer, wrote in an email.
Mr. Mouzannar, who made tanzanite jewelry even before he opened his workshop in Beirut, Lebanon, in 1994, created his 2015 collection Mille et une Nuits, or One Thousand and One Nights, around the stone. The collection’s bold arch design, inspired by Ottoman architecture, sets off full-cut tanzanites. A full cut, which has as many as 58 facets, is “more modern and more brilliant than rose cut,” Mr. Mouzannar said, adding that he also cut a shallow stone so that it was less ostentatious and had less fire to its sparkle.
Combining tanzanite with other stones “creates a dance between the colors,” Mr. Mouzannar said, citing a ring of rhodolite, tsavorite and tanzanite in his 2017 Mina collection. “Rhodolite is a garnet, and they have the same reflection, but the color of red rhodolite — you can also find it in the rough of the tanzanite,” he said.
The color also is an important element for Alice Cicolini, a jeweler based in London, who said she played “with the idea of tanzanite as a color pop.” She placed tanzanite beads on either side of the orange lacquered sphere in her multistone Candy Kimono Nibble necklace “to bring attention to the center of the necklace.”
She also added a tanzanite briolette to her blue topaz, sapphire and lapis lazuli chandelier earrings. “It adds movement between the flowers,” Ms. Cicolini said, “and that extra layer of articulation, and because the thing that is articulating has such a vibrant color, hopefully it catches the eye more.”
Annoushka Ducas, creative director of her namesake brand, has included tanzanite and diamond earrings and rings in her new Imperial collection, inspired by the Russian kokoshnik headdress. “I use it quite a lot with brown diamonds as I like the not-so-bling look and the softness of the brown and the blue working together,” she said. “If you set tanzanite with brilliant white diamonds, it has a colder more ostentatious effect, whereas with brown it’s more low-key and everyday.”
The Brazilian designer Yael Sonia captured a tanzanite gem in the black rhodium-plated openwork cage of her Perpetual Motion series. “The black rhodium cube makes the tanzanite edgy, and the tanzanite softens the black rhodium,” she said.
More literal uses of the stone’s blue tones have been made by the Canadian jeweler Holly Dyment, who created the iris in her evil eye rings with tanzanite. And Wendy Yue, a Hong Kong designer, adorned a snake’s head with a triangular tanzanite for her new necklace, which has a matching ring.
Although tanzanites can be worn in everyday jewelry, they are not as hard as diamonds or rubies, so designers use various methods to protect the stones. After Mimi So, a New York jewelry designer, had 120 tanzanite beads threaded individually to create the tassel for a necklace, she strategically placed 18-karat gold flowers accented with diamonds or emeralds at the top of the grouping, helping them to move freely. The Taiwanese designer Anna Hu set a 102.15-carat tanzanite on her multistone pendant brooch with invisible bezel prongs — a secure yet delicate way to set the stone — so “all you can see are the vibrant colors,” she said.
Wallace Chan, a Hong Kong jeweler known for his innovation, creates extra-soft tools for his work with tanzanite. They include a polishing wheel made with leather from a sheep’s belly for the 15.90-carat tanzanite adorning his multistone Bridging Dreams ring, “to buff out the micro scratches on the gemstone to perfect its finish,” he said in an email.
Experts disagree on how soon the world’s supply of tanzanite will be exhausted, with some saying it is almost mined out. But some designers are still discovering the gemstone — “to keep a step ahead,” said Ana Khouri, a New York-based designer who was adding tanzanites to her ear pieces, including a new white-gold-and-diamond ear crawler with pink, green and blue tanzanites.
If you are in search of emerald cut diamonds earrings then please contact us and send your queries.
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globalmediacampaign · 4 years
Creating an External Replica of AWS Aurora MySQL with Mydumper
Oftentimes, we need to replicate between Amazon Aurora and an external MySQL server. The idea is to start by taking a point-in-time copy of the dataset. Next, we can configure MySQL replication to roll it forward and keep the data up-to-date. This process is documented by Amazon, however, it relies on the mysqldump method to create the initial copy of the data. If the dataset is in the high GB/TB range, this single-threaded method could take a very long time. Similarly, there are ways to improve the import phase (which can easily take 2x the time of the export). Let’s explore some tricks to significantly improve the speed of this process. Preparation Steps The first step is to enable binary logs in Aurora. Go to the Cluster-level parameter group and make sure binlog_format is set to ROW. There is no log_bin option in Aurora (in case you are wondering), simply setting binlog_format is enough. The change requires a restart of the writer instance, so it, unfortunately, means a few minutes of downtime. We can check if a server is generating binary logs as follows: mysql> SHOW MASTER LOGS; +----------------------------+-----------+ | Log_name | File_size | +----------------------------+-----------+ | mysql-bin-changelog.034148 | 134219307 | | mysql-bin-changelog.034149 | 134218251 | ... Otherwise, you will get an error: ERROR 1381 (HY000): You are not using binary logging We also need to ensure a proper binary log retention period. For example, if we expect the initial data export/import to take one day, we can set the retention period to something like three days to be on the safe side. This will help ensure we can roll forward the restored data. mysql> call mysql.rds_set_configuration('binlog retention hours', 72); Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.27 sec) mysql> CALL mysql.rds_show_configuration; +------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | name | value | description | +------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | binlog retention hours | 72 | binlog retention hours specifies the duration in hours before binary logs are automatically deleted. | +------------------------+-------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1 row in set (0.25 sec) The next step is creating a temporary cluster to take the export. We need to do this for a number of reasons: first to avoid overloading the actual production cluster by our export process, also because mydumper relies on FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK to get a consistent backup, which in Aurora is not possible (due to the lack of SUPER privilege). Go to the RDS console and restore a snapshot that was created AFTER the date/time where you enabled the binary logs. The restored cluster should also have binlog_format set, so select the correct Cluster parameter group. Next, capture the binary log position for replication. This is done by inspecting the Recent events section in the console. After highlighting your new temporary writer instance in the console, you should see something like this: Binlog position from crash recovery is mysql-bin-changelog.034259 32068147 So now we have the information to prepare the CHANGE MASTER command to use at the end of the process. Exporting the Data To get the data out of the temporary instance, follow these steps: Backup the schema Save the user privileges Backup the data This gives us added flexibility; we can do some schema changes, add indexes, or extract only a subset of the data. Let’s create a configuration file with the login details, for example: tee /backup/aurora.cnf SHOW GRANTS FOR 'user'@'%'; +---------------------------------------------------------+ | Grants for user@% | +---------------------------------------------------------+ | GRANT USAGE ON *.* TO 'user'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY PASSWORD | | GRANT SELECT ON `db`.* TO 'user'@'%' | +---------------------------------------------------------+ We can still gather the hashes and replace them manually in the pt-show-grants output if there is a small-ish number of users. pt-show-grants --user=percona -ppercona -hpercona-tmp.cgutr97lnli6.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com > grants.sql mysql> select user, password from mysql.user; Finally, run mydumper to export the data: mydumper -t 8 --compress --triggers --routines --events —-rows=10000000 -v 3 --long-query-guard 999999 --no-locks --outputdir /backup/export --logfile /backup/mydumper.log --regex '^(?!(mysql|test|performance_schema|information_schema|sys))' -O skip.txt --defaults-file /backup/aurora.cnf The number of threads should match the number of CPUs of the instance running mydumper. In the skip.txt file, you can include any tables that you don’t want to copy. The –rows argument will give you the ability to split tables in chunks of X number of rows. Each chunk can run in parallel, so it is a huge speed bump for big tables. Importing the Data We need to stand up a MySQL instance to do the data import. In order to speed up the process as much as possible, I suggest doing a number of optimizations to my.cnf as follows: [mysqld] pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid log-error=/var/log/mysqld.log datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock log_slave_updates innodb_buffer_pool_size=16G binlog_format=ROW innodb_log_file_size=1G innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0 server-id=1000 log-bin=/log/mysql-bin sync_binlog=0 master_info_repository=TABLE relay_log_info_repository=TABLE query_cache_type=0 query_cache_size=0 innodb_flush_neighbors=0 innodb_io_capacity_max=10000 innodb_stats_on_metadata=off max_allowed_packet=1G net_read_timeout=60 performance_schema=off innodb_adaptive_hash_index=off expire_logs_days=3 sql_mode=NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION innodb_doublewrite=off Note that mydumper is smart enough to turn off the binary log for the importer threads. After the import is complete, it is important to revert these settings to “safer” values: innodb_doublewrite, innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit, sync_binlog, and also enable performance_schema again. The next step is to create an empty schema by running myloader: myloader -d /backup/schema -v 3 -h localhost -u root -p percona At this point, we can easily introduce modifications like adding indexes, since the tables are empty. We can also restore the users at this time: (echo "SET SQL_LOG_BIN=0;" ; cat grants.sql ) | mysql -uroot -ppercona -f Now we are ready to restore the actual data using myloader. It is recommended to run this inside a screen session: myloader -t 4 -d /backup/export -q 100 -v 3 -h localhost -u root -p percona The rule of thumb here is to use half the number of vCPU threads. I also normally like to reduce mydumper default transaction size (1000) to avoid long transactions, but your mileage may vary. After the import process is done, we can leverage faster methods (like snapshots or Percona Xtrabackup) to seed any remaining external replicas. Setting Up Replication The final step is setting up replication from the actual production cluster (not the temporary one!) to your external instance. It is a good idea to create a dedicated user for this process in the source instance, as follows: CREATE USER 'repl'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; GRANT REPLICATION SLAVE ON *.* TO 'repl'@'%'; Now we can start replication, using the binary log coordinates that we captured before: CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_HOST='aurora-cluster-gh5s6lnli6.us-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com', MASTER_USER='repl', MASTER_PASSWORD='percona', MASTER_LOG_FILE='mysql-bin-changelog.034259', MASTER_LOG_POS=32068147; START SLAVE; Final Words Unfortunately, there is no quick and easy method to get a large dataset out of an Aurora cluster. We have seen how mydumper and myloader can save a lot of time when creating external replicas, by introducing parallel operations. We also reviewed some good practices and configuration tricks for speeding up the data loading phase as much as possible. Optimize your database performance with Percona Monitoring and Management, a free, open source database monitoring tool. Designed to work with Amazon RDS MySQL and Amazon Aurora MySQL with a specific dashboard for monitoring Amazon Aurora MySQL using Cloudwatch and direct sampling of MySQL metrics. Visit the Demo https://www.percona.com/blog/2020/08/26/creating-an-external-replica-of-aws-aurora-mysql-with-mydumper/
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dailykhaleej · 4 years
New NFL uniforms 2020: Here are the jerseys for Patriots, Buccaneers, Falcons, Browns and Chargers
New 12 months, new threads.
Nothing invigorates a fanbase like a brand new set of uniforms. New kits oftentimes sign a brand new period for groups, which brings hope and pleasure for loads of followers. It additionally brings about loads of unhealthy and hilarious Tweets ripping the uniforms.
When Nike took over for NFL’s uniform making in the early 2010s, a couple of issues had been promised: innovation and the way forward for design. The innovation in materials and jersey expertise have been obvious and efficient whereas the design has seen various levels of success.
MORE: Rating Nike’s NFL uniform redesigns
This offseason, we have seen loads of groups revert to outdated appears whereas others have been very style ahead. In all, 5 groups have unveiled new uniforms with a couple of extra to come back.
Here’s how all of them look with a few of their extra outstanding modifications:
Tampa Bay Buccaneers new uniforms
https://ift.tt/2xO91qM quality=80
What’s new: Perhaps the higher query is: what’s outdated? 
The Buccaneers spurned their futuristic-looking kits from their 2015 rebranding for one thing extra conventional and acquainted. 
The Bucs say that their uniforms are impressed by the 1997 by means of 2013 period of Tampa Bay soccer, one by which they received their first and solely Tremendous Bowl in 2003. Actually, the quantity font is the similar to that of these prior uniforms, with the pink a deeper one to that of their prior uniforms. Buccaneers proprietor Ed Glazer identified a few of the particulars of the new uniforms .
This new however acquainted look is a direct results of the helpful suggestions we obtained from our followers. We are excited to return to our traditional Tremendous Bowl period uniforms whereas additionally introducing a glossy Coloration Rush uniform that showcases our signature pewter in a brand new and dramatic means. The refreshed traditional design of our residence and away mixtures bridges our previous with our thrilling new future, and we are assured it would resonate with our followers.
With a brand new all-pewter alternate uniform, the Buccaneers have simply three uniforms in rotation for the time being. 
Atlanta Falcons new uniforms
https://ift.tt/2xIepfk quality=80
What’s new:  The Falcons went all-in with a brand new look for 2020 and past.
When their outdated kits had been launched in the 2002 season, they had been virtually too futuristic for some to deal with. However the appears endured throughout the Michael Vick and Matt Ryan eras and finally grew to become dated. 
Now, the Falcons take one other quasi-futuristic method with their uniforms whereas additionally simplifying them. The crew has eight totally different colour mixtures with the new uniforms and introduce a brand new gradient alternate uniform, which truly works effectively. They are additionally maintaining 1966 throwback uniforms as a wardrobe staple.
However arguably the nicest and most original a part of the Falcons new uniforms is the satin end of their black helmets; it makes the lids look virtually deep grey, which performs effectively with the remainder of their up to date colour palette. With a single stripe down the sides of the uniforms and and up to date quantity font (with shadowing that works and is not overstated), the uniforms are definitely toned down however supply a brand new look.
Per the Falcons’ launch , there have been three objectives in the creation of the new design: deliver black to the forefront, maintain it easy and “reflect the modern progression of the city.” With the colours, the design and the “ATL” throughout the chest, all three missions had been achieved.
Cleveland Browns new uniforms
Browns uniforms
https://ift.tt/3eHrV3l quality=80
What’s new: As with the Buccaneers, perhaps the greatest query to ask is what’s outdated?
The Browns went in with a daring rebranding in 2015, and it labored to some levels. Whereas the new, deeper orange was way more inviting and straightforward on the eyes when paired subsequent to their signature brown, the remainder of the branding updates
That is not the case with their new look for 2020. The Browns went with one thing less complicated, extra conventional and inviting, a technique that does not or would not work for most NFL groups. Co-owner and government vp JW Johnson echoed these sentiments:
We needed to get again to the roots of who the Browns are. We have heard it from our followers and from our gamers. We would have liked to get again to our roots. As you take a look at iconic franchises like the Browns, the Bears, the Packers, the Cowboys — they’re true to who they are. They don’t seem to be doing loads of modifications and attempting to make loads of flashy strikes with their uniforms. I believe once we went by means of the course of, it simply felt proper that we obtained again to who we are and who we’ll all the time be.
These uniforms are way more just like the unis of the ’50s by means of ’80s and eradicated the “BROWNS” extremely branding on the leg and Cleveland throughout the chest. Whereas the Browns haven’t got quite a bit they’ll work with on the subject of motifs, these are a welcome sight and change.
New England Patriots new uniforms
https://ift.tt/3bvw7kM quality=80
What’s new: The Patriots have used the Coloration Rush uniforms as an alternate for a couple of years now, and it is one among the extra visually appeasing units of unis in the league. With Tom Brady now out as Patriots quarterback, the new uniforms signify a brand new period in New England soccer. Jen Ferron, chief advertising and marketing officer of Kraft Sports activities and Leisure, felt like a reasonable change was greatest for the model.
As we began to consider the 2020 season and a brand new decade, we started to check what we needed our uniforms to mirror. The success of the ‘Coloration Rush’ uniform that we have worn for the previous couple of years had us considering that we did not have to make actual substantive modifications, relatively we might make modest modifications to our residence uniform and then use a complementary model with those self same aesthetics for our away uniform.
The brand new uniforms for the Patriots characteristic blue tops with blue bottoms, whereas a white high with blue backside will probably be their major away digs. The shoulder stripes are an ode to throwback uniforms and 
Whereas the Patriots haven’t got a white or silver pants various — one thing that might have regarded good with the blue tops — these are a welcome 
Los Angeles Chargers new uniforms
https://ift.tt/2RYVWCa quality=80
What’s new: The Chargers improved on an already-great look by simplifying the shoulder bolts, updating the numbers and including a couple of shades of blue for their alternate kits. 
Apart from that, the Chargers re-added the numbers again to their helmets (a staple of Charger unis of yesteryear), elongated the bolt on the lids and eliminated the pointless backdrop stripe on the shoulder bolts. 
All in all, one among the greatest uniforms in the sport, in truth, obtained higher.
Indianapolis Colts new emblem
https://ift.tt/3eCjQwV quality=80
What’s new: Of the seven groups who launched new or up to date uniforms this offseason, the Colts did the least. They launched a brand new wordmark, which may be very becoming for their model. Additionally they launched black into their colour scheme, although it is not featured of their uniforms.
What’s featured of their new uniforms, although, is a brand new font for their numbers which mirrors their wordmark. These are the solely modifications for the Colts for the upcoming season, however they’re good ones that work.
The Colts handled some controversies, although, as their new secondary emblem drew the ire of somebody who had initially designed one thing comparable.
Los Angeles Rams new uniforms
The Rams’ new uniforms aren’t out but, however many count on them to be their present blue and gold alternates up to date to common standing, just like what the Patriots did with their Coloration Rush uniforms.
The reveal is anticipated a while in Could.
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suzanneshannon · 5 years
Clips from my DEV AMA
I recently did an AMA over on DEV. Just taking the opportunity to port over some answers here like a good indiewebber.
If you were starting out as a front end dev in 2020, what would you say is the first thing you would learn and why?
You need to put yourself in a position where it's your job to create and take care of a website. Even if that feels like a stretch for you early on. Get the domain, get the website on the public internet. Put your name on it. Now you've given yourself stakes, and you'll learn technology because you must make your ideas come to life.
For me, 650 years ago, that was putting up a website for the ol' college band. We needed a website! That sounded like fun to me, and I managed to struggle through buying a domain, hosting, and putting up a WordPress website. Then, over time, I learned front-end web technologies because I wanted to change up the design, change up the templates, add cool features, etc.
Get yourself a project and learn through the project.
How do you determine what you want to turn into a blog post and what you leave as a simple Tweet?
I usually won't avoid the tweet. The tweet is usually a good proving ground for the blog post anyway. If nobody cared, eh, maybe not that good of a post. If it does get good engagement, it's like the conversation around it is useful in the creation of the blog post. Plus, tweets are so easy to kick out the door. Blog posts, for me, on purpose, have a longer schedule that includes editing and scheduling and such.
Here's an example tweet. Just a silly little UI experiment. I didn't feel like waiting to blog about it to drop the demo. But from the Twitter thread, I got some interesting technical feedback, info about what parts people were most suprised by, and some other related ideas. That will, hopefully, lead to a much more robust blog post.
I even treat DEV like that, honestly. I wrote this blog post reaction quickly here, but then refined it for my own blog with some of the feedback.
Do you have a favorite CSS-Trick, where you were just like "wow"?
I think "scroll shadows" in CSS is one of my favorite CSS tricks of all time. It's originally by Roman Komarov, but explained and improved by Lea Verou. I saw a tool the other day around the idea by Stefan Judis.
It's a real mind-bender involving four-layered gradient backgrounds, each positioned, sized, and colored differently, and then behaviorally different regarding scrolling.
It's not just a neat trick because it has real UX implications. Showing a shadow of where you can scroll is important UX. Consider this story of a recent design update in iOS that led to complete confusion around UI actions hidden behind a place you could scroll to, but had zero affordance on how to get there. (Happens to me all the time in Spotify, for the record.)
What would be your top 3 pieces of quick advice for developers trying to follow a similar path to growing their influence and exposure?
I think writing is literally the only way.
I can't think of a developer with influence who has that influence for anything other than writing. Or if it's not writing, then it's a YouTube channel or some other form of creating public stuff.
How much do you see yourself personally playing with Houdini APIs as they are released? Which API are you most excited about (Painting, Layout, Typed OM, ...)?
This super-low level stuff sometimes feels over my head. It's hard for me to picture the industry implications of stuff like this just by looking at specs, ya know?
To me, it seems the Layout API has the most powerful potential.
What I'm imagining right now is that Houdini doesn't affect normal day-to-day front-end developers like me that much. I won't be writing much Houdini code. But I'll use fancy things that other people create, because it does something useful for me. Just like most people don't write their own libraries or have published npm packages — they just use them.
It's fun to be wow'd by Houdini. If anyone is looking for that, make sure to look at Vincent De Oliveira's showcase website.
What is your favorite thing about working at CodePen and/or CSS-Tricks?
You know what I really like? I like getting into the office every day and having a pretty decent amount of freedom of what I'm going to do that day. I'll probably have meetings. I'll probably have some stuff on the ol' calendar. I'll probably have some team expectations I'm trying to meet. But I also usually have plenty of time to pursue things that are interesting to me at the moment.
Sometimes I'm in the moment to drill through some emails. Sometimes I want to tinker with some demo that sounds like fun. Sometimes I want to write up a thought or record a video. Sometimes I want to plan something out or document something. Sometimes I want to talk something out with other people or do some pair programming.
I'm fortunate that I'm the boss (lol) and I put myself in that position on purpose so I have that freedom.
What is something that you wish we could add in CSS?
I feel like every time someone asks this we all should take every opportunity to scream Container Queries! until we get them.
The idea is that we should be able to write CSS that says, "When this element is this wide, this CSS should take effect." And not just width, but whatever media queries we have at the page level already.
The best demo of a use case out there is Philip Walton's page.
I want to write a card component that shuffles itself around based on how wide it is, not how wide the page is, because there isn't always a direct connection between those two things (e.g. a card component can show up in a narrow sidebar on a large screen, but be full-width on a tablet or something).
Every component can be in a situation like that, so for the love of CSS, let me write media queries scoped to those components. I echo a lot of other people when I saw that if we had this, the vast majority of media queries we write would be these, not page-level.
Do you think it's worth suggesting a { position: above-fold; }?
I'm not sure I've ever made a big fold-based decision once in my career. Not a big fan of that thinking. THERE IS A LINE IN WHICH THIS IMPORTANT MODULE MUST NOT CROSS, haha. Prioritizing the most important stuff to be higher up the page, sure. Websites don't fold like newspapers.
Plus, we've got viewport units now, so if you absolutely need to position something in the top visible viewport area, you can.
Since you've been writing blog posts for so long, have you developed a process for writing one?
Sorta! It still feels pretty casual to me (let's call my writing medium quality), so it's not like I'm renting a cabin in the wilderness and finding inspiration in the sunsets and cheap whiskey.
I write down every blog post idea that comes to me. I try to keep that list fairly public but I also have a personal list where I can be even sloppier.
I put as much context into those lists as I can, so I can hope to summon up the same emotion that made me write it down in the first place. If I revisit the idea a week later and can't, it's probably not a very good idea.
I write up the post with as much context as I can. Light research is typically involved.
We have a lead editor on CSS-Tricks, so it's reviewed by at least one person before being scheduled.
CSS or CSS-in-JS?
I see a ton of cool stuff happening in CSS-in-JS. I think it solves a lot of interesting problems for certain websites. For example, I very much like the idea of having the option to write styles that are scoped to a component programmatically, and thus are tree-shaken when the component isn't used automatically.
But the web is a big place, and dare I say most websites aren't built with JavaScript-powered component models. Thus, CSS-in-JS isn't necessary or appropriate for a lot of sites.
Although, two things to be clear:
You can't have CSS-in-JS without CSS. CSS-in-JS is still styles that are applied to elements. It doesn't absolve you from learning CSS.
The CSS-in-JS landscape is wide. It's a little hard to talk about so vaguely. Each project in the bucket of CSS-in-JS handles things a bit differently and how the styles are applied to the site is even quite wide. I think it sometimes gets lost in the arguments that some of the approaches literally make a CSS stylesheet that you link up like you would any other CSS — even Sass-produced CSS — which there doesn't seem to be much argument about anymore.
The post Clips from my DEV AMA appeared first on CSS-Tricks.
Clips from my DEV AMA published first on https://deskbysnafu.tumblr.com/
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bitcoingape · 6 years
Analyst Expects “Sideways” Action Until Bitcoin (BTC) Passes $6,000
New Post has been published on https://bitcoingape.com/analyst-expects-sideways-action-until-bitcoin-btc-passes-6000/
Analyst Expects “Sideways” Action Until Bitcoin (BTC) Passes $6,000
Bitcoin Needs $6,000 For Extended Rally
DonAlt, a notable crypto analyst and industry personality, recently took to Twitter to issue his thoughts on the current state of the Bitcoin (BTC) market.
He noted that as it stands, many optimistic investors are under the impression that if BTC convincingly breaks above $4,400 — the peak of the cryptocurrency’s micro-rally following December 14th’s $3,150 low — further highs would have a high likelihood of coming to fruition. However, DonAlt claims that this sentiment isn’t sensical, remarking that a “higher low in combination with a higher high” doesn’t conclusively indicate that the bear market has breathed its final breaths.
I see the notion thrown around quite regularly that if BTC can go to $4400+ that'd be the start of a bull market. A higher low in combination with a higher high does not mean the bear market is over.
I'll trade expecting sideways till 6k is breached. Sell resistance buy support. pic.twitter.com/snnnjmu1wK
— DonAlt (@CryptoDonAlt) February 23, 2019
To back his somewhat harrowing point, DonAlt drew attention to Bitcoin’s price action at the peak (or bottom) of 2014/2015’s bear market. As depicted in the tweet above, BTC posted a higher low and higher high after falling to $165, but fell to yearly lows in rapid succession to liquidate long positions en-masse.
Responding to queries regarding his analysis, DonAlt remarked that while he’s not arguing that the cryptocurrency market looks week, he doesn’t expect any drastic upside pressure until Bitcoin surmounts $6,000.
DonAlt isn’t the only industry commentator expecting for this market to remain inconclusive whether its “bull” or “bear” until the $6,000 price point. Alex Kruger, a markets researcher & trader based out of New York, recently released an extensive thread on the state of cryptocurrency today, touching on key levels. He noted that for Bitcoin to return to a bullish state, BTC will need to rally through $6,000 with a notable amount of public interest — something that currently isn’t present.
What About $5,000?
While the aforementioned analysts are making a case that $6,000 is a key level to watch in the near-term, some have argued that the $5,000 price range is just as important for the medium-term prospects of Bitcoin. Per previous reports from Ethereum World News, Mati Greenspan of eToro remarked that if BTC clearly breaks above $5,000, with volume and community sentiment to back such a move, that would confirm that a reversal had occurred and the bear market could be coming to an end.
Former insurance agent turned full-time markets trader, Financial Survivalism, also recently claimed that he is currently keeping an eye on the $4,600 to $4,800 range for Bitcoin, as that’s where the essential 200-day exponential moving average and long-term bear trendline have found a home.
Leading crypto analysis unit Bitcoin Bravado echoed Survivalism’s astute points. The team took to Twitter to remark that as there is a “lot of confluence” near the aforementioned technical level, there is likely to be major resistance around that level, currently situated right around $4,800. Bravado added that $5,000 will be a psychological level of resistance, especially due to the sum’s round nature.
Photo by Mark Finn on Unsplash
The post Analyst Expects “Sideways” Action Until Bitcoin (BTC) Passes $6,000 appeared first on Ethereum World News.
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