#thread: ramsey
pedropascal24-7 · 1 year
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Craig is on Threads and was answering fan questions last night.
We need to see some of these outtakes.
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The sheer force in which Joel shoves Ellie away that she falls back hard when he tells her to leave him is so fucking powerful.
He wants her to live.
He truly wants her to survive even if that means she has to leave him for dead. For Joel Miller, if that is how it is then so be it.
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whisky-soul · 2 years
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I’m starting my TLOU press thread so mute “tlou press thread” if you don’t want to deal with that thread (I feel like it’s going to be long 😅)
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purplebass · 8 months
I was writing a fan fiction and it got me thinking about how Kell and Lila deal with anxiety. So if you find anxiety a trigger, do not read this post :)
There's this natural remedy for anxiety called Laila. Laila is pronounced lie-la just like Lila. It's so funny to me that a remedy for anxiety is called after her. One may argue that anxiety is a foreign concept to Lila because she throws herself into things as if nothing scares her. But on closer inspection, her nervousness comes through in other ways. She often fights anxiety with actions that are unexpected and rash, and that make her look impulsive. She also manages her anxiety by saying things to justify what she is doing/did but her body language gives her away. Think about the times she cried on page and or times others witnessed her being vulnerable and hurt. That was Lila trying not to lose control over her feelings and keep her emotions in check and rein her anxiety and fear, but she could not because emotions have a way to come out if we try to bury them all the time. She is a pro at masking her anxiety compared to others. That's because she believes that showing anxiety and fear to others is a weakness, and she is scared to show herself vulnerable. Hence, the rare occasions she shows her vulnerable side to someone are precious and denote trust and respect for that person, other than affection. "I feel safe sharing this side of myself with you. Only you will ever see this part of me because I trust you," kind of statement.
Kell is a little different. In my opinion, he's the anxiety king of this series. He isn't cunning and scheming like Lila (who is self-conscious about every thing she does), and you can clearly see he's anxious in a lot of occasions. He worries a lot about Lila and Rhy for example, because they tend to act rashly instead of thinking things through like he does, and they do not always do things that he considers "safe". This generates a lot of anxiety in Kell. At the same time, he wants to leave the people he loves freewill, but he also wants to control their actions because they make him anxious. He isn't reluctant to show himself vulnerable in front of others, but he blames himself a lot when he makes a mistake. He's probably his own worst critic and he tends to hide from the people he loves the most when this happens because he deals with it alone. He wallows a lot when he's anxious and he overthinks stuff instead of finding a practical solution to it, because his mind is his refuge. His anxiety is eased when he goes out of his head and from his looping thoughts, and dares himself to think outside the box, which he rarely does.
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mirananananan · 1 year
bella answering the real questions we needed answers to:
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aiden-stevens · 4 months
CLOSED STARTER for @missxrivera at a bar of your choosing
"What, are you too good to say 'hi' to me?"
Aiden doesn't mean it when he slides up against the wall beside Ramsey. She's not the sort, she just hadn't seen him yet. Aiden made sure of that, because he wanted a reason to give her shit just for the Hell of it. She can take it, and that's one of the things he does like about her.
"Thought you were busy hiding away at home. Think you said something about it on our 'date' at Neptune."
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safiadecastilla · 3 months
LOCATION: Bare Necessities
WITH: @owenramsey
The pair had danced their usual tango. He had watched from the side lines, patiently waiting for her to finish her time on stage until she was free. All Owen had to do was make eye contact with her and she knew. Truthfully, it was a relief whenever he made a visit because it meant for an hour, Safia could put up her feet and switch off from putting on a constant show. It was exhausting, pretending to be someone she wasn't.
Once they were inside the private room, Safia had made quick work of untying her heels, carelessly tossing them aside with a sigh of relief. Without invitation, she leaned forwards for Owen's packet of cigarettes, her slender fingers plucking one for herself. "I was almost worried you weren't going to come tonight." she confessed gently, the lighter flashing as she lit her cigarette which hung between her lips. "I thought I was gonna have to dance for stinky Pete again." Safia chuckled in amusement, knowing everyone knew exactly who that man was.
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christinaxwagner · 5 months
closed - @missxrivera
Christina walks over and places the cup of coffee in front of her friend before sitting in the chair across from her. "Start from the beginning, it's the only way I'm going to be able to understand what you're talking about."
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l0stxpieces · 2 years
@mxserybusxness​ (closed for Manon)
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The text from -A had startled everyone it seemed, almost made him think it was Allie but then again it brought up shit with Annie and all of the other fucking -A’s that this town had in the past. Fuck. This was all a fucking mess. Moving his bad hand a little bit, he heard the door and knew it his was wife since his kids were off, hopefully being safe. “Hey, love.” Austin was feeling a lot, which meant that she probably was too. -A, was a sore subject for all of them. “Are you doing okay?” Naturally Austin would bury his shit because Manon needed him and he would always be there.
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chascwilliams · 1 year
main street w/ @missxrivera
Chase walks down the street, glancing down at his phone. He was supposed to meet up with Ramsey about an hour ago but of course unlike every other time he's meeting up with someone... He is the one who is running late. He turns and walks up to the door only to find Ramsey trailing down the side walk in his direction. "Runnin' late too?"
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babygirlispunk · 1 year
On Threads
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Highly doubt he’ll join but wishful thinking becos I missed out on twitter era Pedro 🙏🏼
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pedropascal24-7 · 1 year
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Craig, why? 😭
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thewolfruns · 1 year
@someotherdog / cosima & becks ( cont'd from here )
whatever hell she was being pulled into had to be better than the one she was escaping. she grabbed onto the arms of the stranger like she was being pulled from perdition and hoped like hell they didn't belong to a scar. or something worse. she was sure there was a whole lot worse, but in the wlf, she'd been lucky enough to avoid seeing it first hand. even when she went out it was in a group more experienced than she was. not that it was difficult. cosima was green as they came, far from knowing anyone of any modicum of importance. save, being recognized vaguely as the ramsey girl. she didn't even rate a first name.
it took a moment for her to recover from the shock of being dragged through the window like she was some grounded teenager sneaking out of the stadium to make out with a crush at the dog kennels after midnight. it wasn't even a gentle rescue, so that made her wonder if maybe she'd just found her way from one trap into another. now, beyond the threshold of the window that she'd assumed she was going to have to break to get through, she tried to get her bearings.
"what're--" she began, unsure what she was going to ask first even as the words left her lips, only to die on her tongue as he shushed her. her first instinct was to be annoyed, but he was right. obscured by the darkness of the room, she couldn't get a good look at him and it made her nervous. his features were as ambiguous as his intentions. she brought her brows close together as her eyes adjusted. she wasn't completely useless, despite how she felt separated from her team. she followed his gaze first to the window, and then scanned the room. he seemed to be doing the same as any of them had been: looking for supplies.
as she was trying to get a lay of the room, the din of infected clashing on the fire escape made her focus snap back to the window. she nearly grabbed the stranger again, but tried her best to remain calm. instead, she brought her face as close to his ear as she dared and whispered. "is there another way out?" there had to be, unless he'd been there awhile. the fire escape seemed like it hadn't been used in a long time.
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tixij · 2 years
This is how I feel about pronouns too
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brewerycknight · 2 years
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Tag dump: Relationships
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mirananananan · 1 year
the only thing i like about threads so far is that bella ramsey is there.
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