I mean, at this point I am 99% sure that Josh and Karlie are real. This is like the third time this year ppl are so sure about them splitting and then it never happens (just think that according to some ppl' sources the contract ended in August like lmao, that was such bs). I am still questioning Joe and Taylor because of Taylor's gay pride comment, but what if she's bi and is happy with him rn? Idk lol
I find myself thinking exactly like you. I rely mostly on what I can observe or what other smart and dedicated Kaylors find out, rather than rely on other people sources. BUT I have to admit that after the doc I feel... i don’t want to say optimistic, I don’t even know if I’m fooling myself but
a) joe’s presence is always a little bit staged and weird. She’s showing him backstage from a time where Lana said they didn’t even start filming yet. You can see camera flashes from what seems a very public moment rather than an intimate one bts. He always strikes me as completely uncomfortable and weird. She seems into it but she’s an actress, and I say that as a positive thing! She’s super talented she could sell me everything. Sometimes I think they could actually be real and I don’t wanna be the one questioning it and giving her hard time and maybe shown in a few years in another documentary as one of the many accounts who were trying to bring her down on twitter because if I knew she was really suffering for it, I’d stop and buy that she and joe are really a thing, full stop, no questions asked. But I don’t think that’s the case. Because if you look at breadcrumbs, you always find them.
B) talking about breadcrumbs. What do you make of her comment “dancers, cats, gay pride, country boots... everything that makes me ME”. Like wtf, how can you listen to it and be like ok, she was talking about generic things let’s move on. Like no. Those aren’t general and as she says she has spent time educating herself on the topic and I dont think she would use Gay Pride as something to describe her very own essence just for aesthetic or for the sake of 1 music video, knowing what it stands for.
C) I also found very telling that she’s deliberately talking about the skills it takes to always reinvent her persona and market that persona in the right way to the audience, in a way that they find COMFORTING but CHALLENGING for them. And then she says live out a NARRATIVE that they find interesting but not so crazy that it makes them uncomfortable. I think she is woke as fuck about this. I also think this “making people uncomfortable” part about her public persona has a complexity to it. As an artist, what part of your new reinvention, in your stile or in your lyrics, could make people really uncomfortable? Politics? She takled it. Feminism? I think it could only make old people uncomfortable as it’s pretty mainstream now (thankfully). Religion? Doesn’t seem likely for her. What’s left??? Mmm... LET ME THINK 🤔
D) Please just please put on your headphones and listen to the CIWYW part where there’s the second “I did one thing right” and then you come back here and tell me if you don’t hear that the second voice physically comes from someone standing in another point in space, like you can hear the person singing is closer to the microphone (ie the iPhone filming) and could not possibly come from Taylor who, i that exact moment, stands ever further away from the camera and microphone. You don’t even have to believe it’s Karlie’s voice, but it’s undeniable that it’s someone other than Taylor. And when you hear it, you’ll recognize it is Karlie’s laugh and you understand why Taylor makes that face like “I tricked you all again I’m so fucking genius they won’t even question it” 😂 So why put this clip in the doc if everything is over?
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That comment that guy made on Project Runway was so awful
It was indeed 🤣
I keep looking at her reaction and I’m just in pain for her at first but I think she handled it with a lot of class.
I think if we look at it from the GP perspective, it could still make sense because the designer could have alluded to “the Kushners” implying different things.
A) petty response the judge who wasn’t loving the dress. Kinda like, “you think my dress is not classy or elegant enough? Cool then wear it to your tacky dinners with that filthy family”. And she could’ve reacted the way she did and it would be totally understandable.
B) he felt attacked and reacted with bad humor and try to deflect from his bad situation calling out one of the most hated family in the USA right now, and it was clear he didn’t mention it in flattering way. Plus isn’t there a best seller book out there explaining very clearly that Karlie is not welcome in the Kushner family and that they excluded and looked down on her for a long time? So it could have also been perceived as a mocking comment...and she could’ve reacted the way she did and it would be totally understandable.
C) He brought it up because he knows stuff Kaylor and lavander marriage wise and he wanted to call her out on it because he was feeling badly judged and he said “bitch, you’re going down with me”.
Anyway, two super interesting points came out of this fun gig.
- one one hand they could’ve edited it out and they didn’t. Not only that. They used it as cliffhanger to close and then reopen with commercial. They created buzz, and used it to their advantage, so I don’t think KK and JK’s bearding team think of this gig as the most threatening thing ever.
- on the other hand, one officially verified account openly referred to Karlie’s wedding as “closet” and that is SO FUCKING LOUD I CANT EVEN HEAR MYSELF
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What if Taylor is bi or pan, some of her relationships were real and some weren't, her and Karlie had something going on at some point and she is now dating Joe. I think this is the most rational option rn.
Sadly, I agree.
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Miss Americana trailer. WTF!?
So I’ve thought about it a little bit and at first when I saw the trailer I was like: ok, Joe’s here! Are they really a thing!? Is this real!? Ok, I still root for Kaylor at heart but I am willing to let it go if this doc is going to tell me once and for all that they are real (and by this I mean if in the doc we get genuine, not PR like, weird vibes). So I was ready right?
Also I thought: if this really is her truest journey, the liberation, a woman harnessing the full power of the her own voice and her full blown freedom of thought and speech, the moment in life where finally label executives and business reps don’t talk down to her and hinder her willingness to be open and transparent and it really feels “so fucking awesome” to being liberated from all of that imposed unauthenticity........... then why the hell would you want to put Joe in the trailer?
Was a leftover condition from a contract? Other thing got in the way and you had to postpone the CO because of personal reasons and family issue? Ok...makes sense. But guys.. I don’t know..
You all know how she’s like with parallels and stuff. If she had done this with Karlie you all would be splashing #koincidenceithinknot all over the Kaylor tag so.... do you think she would still have this parallel in the trailer if she and joe would be fake?
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Please convince me I’m wrong 😔
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I heard the difference in the voices in CIWYW but thought maybe it was Taylor leaning back and laughing so I watched the video again, and for sure it looks like she mouthing it. And I also think her bearding life is suppose to reflect her real love life so her also saying, “I fell in love with someone...” I back on the Kaylor train and I guess we will know for sure the status by the time the next album comes out
She’s leaning back but if you put your headphones on you hear the sound closer to the mic, not further away where Taylor is leaning towards! :) also, if you whatch as many Karlie’s interviews and IG stories as we all do, you can’t NOT hear her laugh come on!
Also, when she talks about winning the Grammy and not having a PARTNER to call... that’s Calcium erasure right there, and we do stand for that always but still, it’s piling up on all things people chose to ignore they ever heard but i don’t know how many times did ever happen to you that you casually forgot you had a boyfriend. And what’s with the gender neutral term anyway?
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Also, you said Taylor can sell you anything and it’s Toe that sucks at selling it and maybe Jerklie is real. But Karlie can’t sell shit, I mean she posted on her wedding night at 2am, STILL IN HER WEDDING DRESS eating cake. Like we all know what happens on your wedding night and Karlie is out here posting at 2am... in her wedding dress. Not even a reception dress. We’ve seen Karlie change multiple times on a regular day and you mean to tell me she just had that ONE dress...
😂 you got a point. I’m investing on something right now related to that
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I was thinking.. when taylor did that ig live and was nervous and told us about the diaries everybody was saying"this is it she's going to come out* me included. But now, after Vogue I feel like people are backing off. I know everybody tried to light up the situation and create excuses but at the bottom line I don't see people talking about she coming out soon any more. What do you think?
I mean, given the buildup and the consistent hints at rainbows, inclusive pronouns and the almost lgbt centric or lgbt related content and aesthetics that she has showcased from the beginning of Rep Era I almost believed that as well.
It kind of felt like a climax that was either going to explode with a final coming out or implode and cause a retreat that would send us back to the initial ambiguity.
At this point i don’t know what to think. I mean I don’t know if she was ever planning to actually come out, she might have just been really stressed about new music coming out for the first time without BMR. Let’s not forget that every album she puts out there is like her baby, she pointed out I think when she was at Ellen that she still get anxious about general reception, critics and I guess about sales and records as well. So It could be that.
However, if we are really delusional, Kaylor doesn’t exist, she’s straight and happy with joe-looking-for-my-personality-have-you-seen-it, I can’t really fathom why she sticks to this ambiguity.
It could’ve really be just as simple as laughing it off or stating in any moment of the last 6 years something like: Hey guys, I noticed someone started to make a big deal about me and Karlie. I love her but we’re just very good friends. Not that there’s anything wrong with women in love. As a matter of fact, I am a big supporter of the lgbt community and I’m going to advocate for it more in the future because it’s something I really believe in.
That never happened.
What do we get instead? Dancing with our hands tied, Dress, the Reputation Prologue, constant and unbelievable coincidences and graphic remainders of what canonically relates to them, dates that link back to Karlie, awkward, deafening silence and a messed up timeline. And let’s not forget she has eyes everywhere and she knows what things are being attributed to Kaylor.
What are we supposed to do???
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I mean I think they’re are still together. Obviously they’ve had really hard times but like we know that’s Karlie’s hand in the YNTCD video. So something was still happening in May/June with them, so I think if they can make it this far, then they’re golden. They made through 3 beards, the election... I still have faith in Kaylor
The Kaylor faith is restored for me as well
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to answer your question, I was shocked seeing Joe in the trailer and I was shocked seeing the LA Times review after the documentary last night. but today I've digested and I've been reading other reviews, and I'm learning that she doesn't mention him by name, the only scene that features him is the one in the trailer where they're backstage, and we don't even see his face. it's like, just enough to keep ppl invested in their rs but it's also 🤔for someone like me, who thinks it's always been PR.
Yes! It’s always something in the middle like this that makes you mad :/
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Tbh maybe they didn’t have that much footage of Joe to work with and I just don’t think she meant them to be parallels. I could be wrong. But I mean him being there on opening night of Rep tour in that outfit isn’t new... like they made sure every Swiftie saw those videos of him.
Yes that’s also true, the part she chooses to include it’s also from the only night we know he was there awkwardly nodding and “feeling the music” :S
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I am low-key starting to think that karlie and josh might be real. I don't believe in toe but like, idk what to think
Why now!? I mean I am usually pretty pessimistic but lately I’ve been feeling like there’s a new wave of optimism and hints leading up to something big, kinda like they were in June before the whole 2xSB gate happened.
Regarding Josh and Karlie: Did you see that for the first time an official account made a comment about Karlie and Josh’s marriage being fake? She deleted it then but.. you can see it here https://warmsapphicblood.tumblr.com/post/190040979681/um-at-least-one-verified-account-is-talking-about
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I AM SO DONE WITH THE MARRIAGE SHAM TOO. LIKE, WTF KARLIE. It's so annoying and she's been extra loud about it lately. Like... just stop. We can see right through you.
Honestly I am more annoyed by the almost exclusively commercial content in her SM as well. I mean, ok we get it, investors, personal branding, sponsorships, her career that’s ok.
I would understand if she had chosen to shut down the sharing of all of her “personal” stuff and reduce content or black out like Taylor did ..but this is painful to watch. I swear to god every time I see her posts or story I’m always looking for the “@“insertshadybusinessinwhichmyhusbandorsbarestakeholders
Wtf am I watching it’s like a never ending commercial. Of things I’m never clicking/buying/gonna get interested in because they come from the most toxic reputation ever
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So... latest thoughts on Karlie and Josh? Idk what to think
Honestly, recently a little bit more optimistic!
I feel like after Kushner gate something is going on 😂
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I’m glad you got out of the Toe funk! He’s really irrelevant.
Thanks! :) that audio of ciwyw kinda changed a lot for me
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The thing that upsets me the most about that sham marriage is that he is LITERALLY the only one benefitting from it!!
Maybe she ran with the wolves and refused to settle down
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I'm in the BTI5 group too, and people who claim to know Toe is real are always people who know people who know people that know something or claim something. Whether Kaylor was real, is real, or never was real, I still don't believe Taylor is in a loving, authentic relationship with Joe. I don't know what, if anything, would make me change my mind at this point.
Let’s hope she will make us change our mind. I mean on one side obviously I guess we’re all happy if she’s happy, whoever she’s with.
On the other hand, if she came out and told the real story, it would be a milestone in media and musical history and it would really make people reflect on how heteronormativity is so spread and natural for some people. And it would help crush so many stereotypes, I feel like so many people would be so empowered by it. And also I think she would go from being one of the most (unfairly and unfortunately) hated and under appreciated person to kind of a hero.
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