#thunderflames angst
saintchaser · 2 years
a very nice and not angsty (/j) self-indulgent snippet of the murder wives thunderflames au that @arakhnee and i are brainrotting about <3
"So I did all of this for nothing?" Dorcas asked, quirking up an eyebrow.
They felt like Zoya had pushed a dagger in their heart, in deep and out long, their heart on her knife, blood spilling out, love spilling out, staining her hands. Because loving Zoya Zabini was like a losing game; she'd slip between their fingers and then she'd be back, begging for one more time, one more person to get rid of. They'd do it all for her love, putting themselves on a plate for her to see, all soft spots and rough edges, and she had sweeped them off their feet, stolen them away.
"You never really cared for me, did you?" They spit the words out, bitter, disgusting, and angry on their tongue.
"I care for myself and Blaise more." She looked away from them, and that was what had told Dorcas that she was telling the truth. They had a pawn in her game, the king, and Zoya's game was over. Checkmate. And when she would get rid of everyone, she'd look at Dorcas, hands stained with blood and murder and horrified, and she'd smile.
"Cheers to us," She'd say, a glass of champagne in her hand, and even with Zoya's lips on theirs, Dorcas couldn't think of anything else but murder. They had done it all for her, empty promises in the dead of the night, empty champagne bottles, empty hearts, filled with nothing but death.
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