#thw new prophecy
drewmoll03 · 1 month
Taylor Swift released her new album and it's kind of Bethyl coded?? Now I know I'm the ultimate delulu here but hear me out lol
"The Alchemy" - "what if I told you I'm back? The hospital was a drag.. I circled you on a map, I haven't come around in so long.." hospital is Grady obv and the map thing it's a big symbolism we've seen around her multiple times, even in the Bulletproof Picasso music vid.
Next we have the Black Dog - the title kind of tells me something but I don't know what that might be, anyway you can read below the lines of the song " someone plays the The Starting Line, but she's too young to know the song.. And I may never open up thw way I did for you, you said I needed a brave man.." this is pretty much self explanatory, but the starting line made me think about new beginnings (?)
Next "Clara Bow" ".. Half moonshine, a full eclipse" that's so sus to me "you look like Taylor Swift in this light" Emily has been compared to the Taylor swift of the show a few times in interviews!
Next "The manuscript" - "in the age of him she wished she was thirty and made coffee every morning in a French press." not sure how to read this except for the obvious age difference and French reference. "Since she was so wise beyond her years.. And the years passed like scenes of a show... Looking backwards might be the only way to move forward" again pretty self explanatory.
Next, "Who's afraid of little old me?" this song made me think about the theory of Beth holding resentment towards the group for abandoning one of their own "the scandal was contained, the bullet had just grazed... You don't get to tell me you feel bad... Is it a wonder I broke?"
Then we have "But Daddy I Love him" it's about a girl wanting a relationship with someone but everyone is against it one of the lines says "dutiful daughter, all my plans were laid.. Tendrils tucked into a woven braid" which we know Beth often had braids
Next we got "imgonnagetyouback" - "whether I'm gonna be your wife or gonna smash up your bike I haven't decide yet but I'm gonna get you back... Bygones will be bygones, eras fading into gray" grays it's obviously a big color symbolism for Beth, and that's not the only song that mentions gray
Next we got "How did it end?" - "We hereby conduct this post mortem... We'll tell no one except all of our friends, we must know. How did it end?" kind of made me think about Beth's supposed death and the mistery around it.
Another song named "The Prophecy" has a line that says "a greater woman stays cool, but I howl like a wolf at the moon"🐺🐺
Also she released a poem about this album that is also kind of familiar:
“He was in love with her/ Or at least she thought so/ She was brokenhearted/ Maybe he was too/ Neither of them knew. She was way too hot to handle/ He was way too high to try —/ He couldn’t even see her/ He wouldn’t open his eyes/ She was on her way to the stars/ He didn’t say goodbye”.
Something interesting I found out about Taylor is that she worked with the TWD makeup team to become a zombie for her music video "Look what you made me do".
That's about it, I'm cringing at myself for this in-depth delulu analysis that is probably not even a thing in the slightest but anywho, I'm delulu for a reason 💀💀K byee
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maikhiwi00 · 1 year
no, seriously though. this spanish production is making me cry what tf. i'm screaming at the jaded mandarin scene (in this prod they do not say that lfmao) more exactly at the moment when jesus caresses judas' face so freaking gently, like saying 'i know. it's not fair. i'm sorry it's you' and then he pushes judas like he just remembered he is not allowed to be that gentle with him or else he won't go to the romans and the prophecy won't come true and. UGH. i love that acting choice. that gentleness followed by brutality. i can't stop crying thanks
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violet-moonstone · 4 months
Skuld the Sorceress headcanons
shoutout to the httyd comics for giving me a bunch of characters to use in my fanfic. (this is for my thw rewrite)
so my backstory on skuld is that sometime after the events of httyd 2, she joins forces with the northern alliance, and while she's still up to her "sorceress" bullshit (at least thats the plan for now) she also has legitimately useful information about the barbaric archipelago that she's learned from travelling around and duping people. so she is actually useful but probably uses the mysticism to embellish and make herself appear more powerful. I think it would be great if she were like the mellisandre to drago's stannis (as in a mystical advisor blowing smoke up his ass about his destined greatness. i use a lot of asoiaf characters as analogies. except in this case skuld isnt a true believer, she's just a survivor who will say and do anything necessary). I really want to have some scenes of her giving vague-ass prophecies about the outcome of battles that could be interpreted as positive or negative based on the desires of the person listening. i love when shit like that happens.
I imagine she's particularly good friends with griselda the grievous and despite not being particularly fond of children in general, she likes griselda and chaghatai's kids, especially oktai . I'm thinking chaghatai probably sees through the sorceress thing and doesn't trust her. ragnar is probably scared of her.
I want drago and skuld to actually be completely head over heels for each other but extremely hesitant to show anything other than lust because both of them think about love as a weakness. aghhh i cant get them out of my head!
also im using the premise of the fire tides as setup, so drago has that tormpentipede dragon attatched to his shoulder. uh...this is going to make intimacy between them...interesting. i have some ideas but idk how wild i wanna make things
anyway im in love with this villain couple and i need to draw them (especially with skuld in some new outfits i have in mind for her. i put some inspiration photos below)
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got some mellisandre obviously. the second photo is great because wings of war (working title for the wip) is also going to take place in fall/winter and i love the image of skuld surrounded by drago's freezing, exhausted soldiers meanwhile she's all elegant and unscathed
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hildur from norsemen. i love this conniving bitch with my whole heart. she's my favourite character in the show. also definitely using her fur lined cloak as inspiration
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reluctantly adding skade the witch from the last kingdom because i cant stand her but i like her clothes and accesories. I love the concept of her character but idk...maybe it was the acting? something about her felt whiny and juvenile when she should have been intimidating and sultry. anyway. next.
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morgana pendragon my actual wife. i. love. her. free my girl, she did all of that but like...can you blame her???
anyway, i think my ideas for skuld's clothes will look a lot like morgana's winter outfits but with the colour schemes of her gowns pre-villain arc.
i think skuld's outfits were a lot more similar to skade's before she joined the northern alliance, but the more she gained influence, the more they (specifically griselda and drago) were willing to indulge her finer tastes
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Storm's warning: trouble in paradise
Note: this is just a working title so if you come up with anything else please let me know.
There were plenty of reasons to like StarClan. The landscape was evergreen and the prey always ran well. The winds were mild and the sun always shining. Or so the living cats believed. Because some cats liked snow and others missed the feel of the wind rushing through their pelts or the rain plastering their fur to their sides. StarClan had a bit of everything to accommodate its residents.
Right now, however, the wind howled so fiercely that even the bravest of WindClan cats took their shelter in their dens. The trees shook so wildly that they might very well no longer have proper roots. The sky was dark grey, like a storm was on the very edge of breaking… but not yet. No, the storm had passed them over for the fifth night since its untimely arrival, like it was waiting for something…
A large group of cats sat before a pool so crystal clear that they could see their reflections on the rocks below the water, smooth as a puddle after a long rain.
“Thank you all for traveling so far on this blustery night.” The soft, feminine voice of the cat who spoke first held worry, which in turn alarmed her companions.
“Whatever alarms you so deeply deserves the attention of us all, m'dear.” A red-brown tom meowed smoothly, eyes alight with worry.
“Flirtation aside,” His brother, a light brown tabby with green eyes slurped out. “Oakheart is right. Why wouldn't you share this with all of StarClan?”
“I asked her not to.”
All eyes turned to the tortoiseshell she-cat who entered the clearing they resided in. Her equally tortoiseshell brother was practically a shadow at her side.
“Spottedleaf, Redtail.” A large golden tom, Lionheart, purred an anxious welcome. His pure white companion, aptly named Whitestorm, blinked his welcome, to which both twins nodded before Spottedleaf turned to address the rest of the group.
“Our First Ancestors have given me a sign, and while it correlates to the storm, I know not what it means.”
“Have you consulted fellow medicine cats?” Crookedstar demanded.
Spottedleaf nodded.
“That was the first thing she did. We've all come to one agreement.” A sharper but no less feminine voice snapped. Crookedstar dipped his head and lowered his eyes.
“Forgive me, Brambleberry. This storm is…”
The tabby leader trailed off with an embarrassed cough and his brother pressed against him.
“It's quite alright, Crookedstar.” The black and white medicine cat murmured gently. “Tge point is that we've all come to an agreement. Whatever happens next, we cannot remain in these skies.”
That sent a ripple of unease throughout the group.
“Where will we go?!”
“Our First Ancestors haven't​ said much about the storm, but it is… keeping time, we believe.” Brambleberry picked up where Spottedleaf left off. “If only because the storm is menacing, but has yet to break. We are safe, for now. But if the clouds release their burden before we figure out our next course of action, who knows what will happen?! We don't want that. So we have gathered you all to speak your suggestions and make a decision.”
The group broke into murmurs, whispering panicked ideas amongst themselves.
“If we really must leave, then surely we could send some cats to find a place for us all?” Lionheart was the one to speak, though the idea came from Whitestorm. “We have time still, do we not?”
“The clouds have not yet darkened to bursting, so I would think that we still have time.” Spottedleaf murmured, pride in her voice. Whitestorm was one of her more clever friends, though he didn't speak often enough for other cats to know of that.
“That's a great idea!” Deadfoot, the former deputy of WindClan, exclaimed. “It's not like we'd know where we're going, and we'll be uprooting everyone from the dawn of the Clans! Perhaps if we send scouts, the Clans will be more willing to listen. One or two from each Clan should be enough.”
“But how will these cats know where to go when we don't even know?!”
“Our former ancestors willing, the Clans, or the cats chosen, will receive a sign just like Spottedleaf did.” Redtail insisted. “We must trust our First Ancestors as the clans trust us, and work with what they've given us.”
“Well said.” Bluestar nodded gratefully to her deputy. “Let us choose these cats before the weather gets any worse.”
Redtail, Oakheart, Deadfoot and Nightpelt approached the pool.
Oakheart waved his paw over the pool and it rippled heavily before smoothing to reveal a silver tabby with ice blue eyes. Cats fidgeted uncomfortably.
“She’s a RiverClan warrior, and that’s what matters.” Crookedstar insisted. “But I do worry… she’s one of our stronger cats. What if the Twolegs do something before we have the chance to figure out where we’re going?”
“We’ll have to fight without them, and survive for as long as we can.” Brambleberry murmured comfortingly. “Besides, Feathertail was always a curious soul. This way she can live out her life’s wish and remain a Clan cat.”
Oakheart blinked, satisfied, and stepped back then.
Deadfoot limped forward, waving his misshapen paw over the water. He skittered back with a horrified yelp when the shape appeared, a dark grey tom with bright blue eyes.
“First Ancestors, if you have any mercy at all, let this journey keep my son safe in your paws.” He murmured.
“Isn't your son an apprentice?” Redtail whispered urgently.
“He is close to becoming a warrior, thank the Ancestors. I must trust their decision, though it pains me so.”
Deadfoot was torn. The destiny of the Clans lay in these choices, but his son… he'd knock the Ancestors off their all-seeing perches if it would spare his son this horror.
Redtail dipped his head gratefully and took the black tom’s place at the head of the pool. The choice for ThunderClan wasn't all that surprising, but a few cats snorted when Brambleclaw was shown.
“Firestar’s going to hate you!” Spottedleaf sang.
“I’m more concerned about Goldenflower. You saw how she dealt with her former mate, she’ll come to StarClan herself just to skin me alive!”
A few cats laughed, Bluestar among them, and Redtail stepped back to let Nightpelt take his place at the pool.
A wave of his paw showed a tortoiseshell she-cat with fierce green eyes.
“Can another halfClan cat afford to go on this journey?” Someone wondered aloud.
“She’ll be of good use when it comes to learning how to adapt, especially considering how far they might have to travel.”
“That’s true…” Nightpelt murmured. “I guess it just feels like terrible timing. She’s slowly to regain her faith after what ShadowClan has been through. Wouldn’t this be a bit too soon?”
“We don’t exactly have time. And who knows, maybe the omens we’ll have to send will confirm her beliefs even more.” Brambleberry offered kindly.
“Doesn’t all of this seem a bit too convenient?” Someone called out. “Most of these cats have some connection to ThunderClan.”
“Brambleclaw needs this journey to realize his true potential.”
“Tawnypelt is much like her brother, and will be perfectly fine fighting whoever she has to. She doesn’t fight to kill. Feathertail is eager to be useful and wants to be free of RiverClan's heritage issues.”
“The Ancestors have made their choices. We should warn them before the night is through.”
Others nodded along and the crowd dispersed.
Oakheart waited until every cat had gone their own way before padding over to a solemn Bluestar. She hadn't moved despite several of her warriors and her medicine cat touching noses with her and assuring her that things could work out.
“There is more to this than the storm, m'dear.” The red-brown tom murmured, winding himself around her.
“Spottedleaf and the others… they are uncertain. It troubles me when our best interpreters are uncertain about the future.”
“You are quite the perfectionist.” He purred. “Though I will admit that Crookedstar and I share your doubts. The storm could mean anything, and the fact that the Ancestors have chosen to warn us now… we've had peace ever since the battle with BloodClan. I shudder to think of what could disturb that; no mere Clan matter will ruffle the Ancestors’ pelts.”
“It must be an outside source, but what?! A cat, foxes or badgers? The Twolegs have left us alone for the most part so I wouldn't expect anything from them… then again, who knows what Twolegs do. They have always been strange creatures.”
“Has there been any sign of them in the forest?”
“Not since… not since the dogs.” Bluestar admitted, shaking.
Oakheart pressed his pelt against hers and wrapped a paw around her foreleg.
“Nothing can hurt you while I'm by your side.” He promised. “And I will ever be by your side.”
Her shaking ceased eventually, and she turned to look at her mate.
“Thank you.” The blue-grey she-cat murmured.
“Anytime, m’dear.” He purred. “Now, why don't you get some sleep, yeah? I've got a message to run. I'll catch you later, but don't wait up for me.”
Bluestar nodded and brushed her head along his throat.
“Tell me everything the Ancestors have you say.” She insisted. They parted ways then; Oakheart went back to the pool, where the other three deputies waited, and Bluestar loped out of the clearing, whirling mind soothed by Oakheart's reassurance.
“Is she alright?” Redtail asked, watching Bluestar as her grey pelt trailed out of the clearing.
“I think she will be.” Oakheart offered. “If I suspect anything, you'll be the first to know.”
“Thank you.” Redtail dipped his head and turned to the remaining two deputies.
“Oakheart, Deadfoot, Nightpelt… may the Ancestors guide our paws.”
“Indeed.” The other three chorused. As one, the quartet lapped at the crystal clear water from the pool.
May the First Ancestors be with us…  Was the last thing any of them thought before sleep crashed over them.  
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tvonq · 2 years
my brain wont let me sleep >:(
#my dream was kinda crazy tho so many things were happening#so it started off with me being in primary school but it was a memory and i had to grab this game that had money in it#cuz somebody in the present lost it all and thought ‘lets just grab it from myself in the past’#and thennnn i think i was visiting a school and we had to pick outfits that we thought they wore#and i think i was with stayc’s yoon 😭 anyways we got the fit wrong and instead of changing we went back to grab the right one#or maybe it was the pe kit? so now im changing and i look down and ive got like 4 shorts on 2 skirts and a pair of leggings#wlriktjwkfkan???? take THAT all off and put on thw shorts?? i honestly dont know the stalls were super low and my old friend was talking to#me the whole time . and ig i was taking too long cuz everyone left for pe and i had to find them so i just..flew around this campus that#looked like a super old uni. like the buildings were old#and then like mini clips of me in an endless minecraft loop that had mario odyssey controls#and thennnn uhhh idk some wizard killed somebody else OH i think we saw that in a prophecy at the beginning idek#and then oh okay so that dream somebody came to take the house and the woman was like nooo and the guy did smth and she ended up signing jt#now theres new houses being built outside but the woman’s electrics and pipes are vacummed up cuz ig she’s not paying for them and shes like#HUH and he goes ‘i put it in the fine print so u couldnt read it’#then shes crying on a beach and goes to her spare beach house where all my school friends are handing us random pieces of food#one of them was like a set of chocolate but they all looked like bugs . and moved#very confused i wish i was normal#🦀#☁️
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midnight---hollow · 2 years
Ninjago lore is so convoluted and stupid. Like i can explain almost all of it from season 1 to season 15 easily but that would take hours because there is so much before ninjago content and so many things tying into things qnd more things. This show is its own circle of hell and im trapped in it cus brain when "hur durh ninja when spin he ha he"
(Long "rant" ahead)
Like how do i explain that garmadon was bit by a snake that was gonna make him pure evil and cus of that he cucked his brother and married his crush and whike that was happing his brother,wu, adopted a kid and that kid died cus he wanted to be special.
then they team up to fight snakes cus snake people are here now fighting i think to prevent the overload prophecy but it might have just been cus the humans where racist idr. They fight against garmadons old teacher who is evil btw. They are losing really badly but while doing a sad walk through a village they see a snake charamer and realize that they can hypnotize the snakes with the flutes so they do that and banshin 5 strong snake guys to death and also garmadons teacher to like an island or something, but oh no these guys that where fighting with them turn out to be evil and want to take over the world so they like punch them or something and seal their elements into these weird blade thing, oh yeah did i mention there are elemental masters, anyways.
Peace returns till garmadon becomes fully evil and plans to take over using these golden wepons of mass destruction (that are honestly kinda useless but eh) but wu has to stop him so they fight two golden weapons on two golden weapon and garmadon win and tries to kill wu but wu is wearing a gi that has a binding or some shit that says "no you" and strikes garmadon down into the underworld and from there he like beats up some skeletons and becomes their king or something. Wu thinking the weapons are to dangerous goes out to give them to fucking dragons cus they exist to and makes a map and gives it to a fire dude i dont remember the name of. Then said fire dude gets kidnapped by said evil that got their powers stealed by the blades leaving the new fire dude and his sister parentless and the map that they dont know of with them
I think ninjago is just a big fever dream tbh
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scourge-sympathiser · 4 years
wat's ur opinion on da l8est books [if u read em]? whenever i look at the new books dere'z sum chaotic shit goin on and i cant keep up x__x
i havnt read thm.. tbh i havnt evn read the last few omen of the starz bookz lol
warriorz kinda lost my attention with the Ghost War stuff liek i do not care,, seemz like the newest bookz r.... pretty chaotic tho... but thtz not a bad thing, im sure ill read thm eventually??
i keep going like oh yeah im gonna reread thw whole seriez in order but thn i get 2 the new prophecy n go aaa i wish this waz better thn it is aaaa the concept haz so much unused potential aaaaaa thy failed 2 pull off the found family trope So Bad
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fortunatelylori · 5 years
Dear Lori I'd also like to point out that perhaps thw torch stands for truth and knowledge. It's not by chance that in the Greek/Roman mythology the god of knowledge is Apollo/Helios/Sol, who brings the new day and is also associated with oracles-prophecies and political (human) achievements. It binds really well with what the Starks will face in s8 and also it may hint that they'll hide the truth, as dealing with the WW is more important. Love your metas btw.
Hey, Nonnie!
Could be ... could be. It could also signal the start of the Long Night? 
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oflgtfol · 7 years
finished skyclans destiny so Finally onto the new prophecy
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keithlouis3-blog · 7 years
21st Century goddess “No mommy! Please dont leave me!” “Run sweetie, run!” “I love you please save yourself” “YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM ME!”
I woke up panting and out of breath. Tch. Those nightmares again. They keep on bugging me this past few days. They keep on turning back *sigh* i clentched my fist as i remember that day.
Flashback: “Let’s get Azura to safe place please” my mom said to my dad. We keep on running and running, it’s like we’re running away from death. “YOU CANT GET AZURA AWAY FROM ME!” I heard the sound of death and with a very loud explosion, everything went black.
Flashback ends:
The temperature of the room suddenly changed. This is not good. I need to control myself.
“Lady Azura! Breakfast is ready.” I am Azura. The salvation of this dimension is in my hands. I am the girl in the prophecy. The one who will save our world from thw domination of Black Magnus. The girl who possess the power to create and destroy. The one who possess the four elements and i am the 21st Century goddess.
I relaxed myself and feel the presence of the air. As i relaxed, i felt a strong force on my palm. A force that wants to come out. I raised my hand with a very good posture of an archery and pull out the power within me. A bow and arrow that is made out of air. I stretched my arm then release my load. “Bullseye!”
I am here at the forest. Training myself more. This forest is our hideout. The survivors from the attack of Black magnus are my companions.
We trained ourselves to become stronger amd to beat Black Magnus. As of now, i mastered all my elements including all of its subpower. I felt someone is coming so i prepared. I sensed someone on the top of the tree so i quickly made an airball with blades covering it and immidiately attack the person. “awwww! Milady that hurts!” But i didnt listen to him. I continued attacking him with speed. I made many airballs that’s floating mid-air. “Hi Falcon” and with that i release my load and started aiming where he stands. Falcon’s Pov I stood up in a branch of tree as i watch Lady Azura train. She’s really good. She’s beautiful and dmart amd brave and beautiful “Aww Milady that hurts!” But she didnt even listen. She continued attacking me. Holy mother of earth. But instead of attacking her back, i avoided all of her attacks *smirks* “Hi Falcon” and with that, the moment she says my name, i regreted smirking at her. Cause she’s attacking me non-stop with those airballs! Urgh. Its not really good to pissed her. But still i avoided it all. Im one of the generals so its a piece of cake. I am Falcon Zuckerburg. An earth user and i am one of the generals. Azura’s Pov Falcon. One of my generals is here. The generals, my second in command. They are the one who standout during the battles. And when i say battles, its an event i made to know who’s the strongest among my people. And Falcon is one of them. “What are you doing here?” “What’s your plan milady?” Falcon suddenly asked. For a man he’s so nosy. “Its none of your business Falcon” Then he pouted. Tch. He’s really annoying. I dont even know why did i end up picking him as one of my generals. Tch. “Call the generals. We’re up for a meeting.” “Right away milady” then he disappeared. Tch such an annoying creature. *meeting “What’s your plan Lady azura?” “Black Magnus is near on dominating the whole Valerian” “We must prepare for a war immediately” As i entered the room, i heard so many rants about that bastard. *blaggggggg* i slammed the wooden table as hard as i can before talking. “We’re going to attack tomorrow night. We’ll declare a war that’ll surely make Black Magnus down.” They all gasped in shock. Tss. I planned it all. Not to tell them when will we attack just to see their epic faces. “Yes we’re attacking tomorrow night.” “Knight, youre assigned in aerial battle. Ready your archers. They’re a big help for the war. Then call our allies in your kingdom.” “Affirmative Lady Azura” Knight Aerodite is the strongest air user during the battles. He mastered all the techniques of hus elements. Aeronus, the kingdom of all the air users in the Valerian. Their kingdom has been wiped out and they are only few who survived. His parents were killed by Black Magnus because of protecting their kingdom. “Falcon, youre assigned in Land. Ready your Giants too and the dragons. The dragons will help the archers in the aerial battle.” “Roger boss!” Tch. Annoying as ever. He’s from Earthus kingdom. The kingdim of all the earth users. That place used to be a very green place but when Black Magnus attacks and dominates it. The place turned black, the trees were gone and only the chosen one can make that paradise come back. “Blue, take care of the healers. Order all of the water users to make an inner shield on each and every one of us. You also takecare of the defense. Protect the first line.” Blue Rosvill, a water user. He��s from the kingdom of Hydra. A very calm person but when he’s mad, he can instantly drown you to death. The kingdom of hydra is our strongest ally. They’re the one who survived and the only kingdom who manage to protect their place. As of now, we’re staying at Hydra to build more armies for the upcoming war. And if youre asking why Black Magnus didnt make it here? Its because i created an illusion to keep our place hidden. Thats why were in the forest. And lastly “Blaze, youre incharge on the offense too together with Falcon. You ready your army. Youre a big help in this war. Besides youre the strongest among the generals” “Right away milady” Blaze Fier. The hottest of them all, literally hot. He’s he strongest among my generals. So im really counting in him. “Meeting adjourned” soon Black Magnus youre going to the pits of hell. * Azura’s Pov Finally, my most awaited time. War. I look up above and the sky is just so beautiful. Youll witness the end of Black Magnus. “Knight, any news?” Were talking through telepathy. “Milady the coast is clear” *smirks* were here at the boundary of Hydra. This is the start of a bloody war. “Ready your archers, Blaze?” “Yes boss?” “Go help the archers. I want to watch some fireworks” “Affirmative young lady” and when i say fireworks *bogsh*bogsh* Flying burning arrows. It created a big dome of fire where Black Magnus is currently partying. A tear escaped from my eye as i watch the kingdom of Black Magnus burned in fire. “BRING THEM DOWN!” and with that the war has just started. Knight, Falcon, Blue and Blaze took care of his army and i, i will going to find Black Magnus. I release my water snake and attacked my enemies who’s getting in my way. I felt something behind me so i immediateky dodge it eith my fireball “weaklings” i made a bow and arrow that is made out of air. I cant waste my time here “urghhhhhh” i didnt see that coming. “looking for me young lady?” That voice… “Run baby! Run!” “Plesse save yourself” “YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM ME!” “YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM ME!” “YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM ME!” “YOU CANT GET AWAY FROM ME!” anger started to devour me as i turn around. My hands are covered with fire holding a blue flamed sword. This is my speacial weapon. It can burn you to death. *smirks* “you cant kill me. Dont worry youll be with your parents soon” Urgh i really hate smirks “go to hell” i attacked him with an incredible speed. But he dodge it easily “too slow” tch. Our attacks were always clashing that made a big impact in the battleground.I let my sword disappear and made a hundreds of fire, water, air and earth ball aiming for him. “Youre dead” i released it with a speed *boggggggggggshhhhhh* “You cant kill me with that” i heard him at my back so i immediately get away from him. Hes so fast. “Thats all youve got? I though youre the 21st century goddess? Youre not even worth it!” He started attacking me with blades made out of darkness. He started attacking me non-stop and he managed to give me wounds. I need to get away from him. I flew away from him and started attacking him in air. I made a tornado, three tornados that can trao him “You cant get away from this attack.” I made a firewall and made the ground shake. He’s now struggling on the inside. “Azura! Youll pay for this!” “Hell yea!” *smirks* i made a big hole where hesstanding at and it immediately swallowed him. I filled it with water and immediately froze it. “Its over…… mom, dad its over” #ShortStory #CreativeWriting #Fantasy #Goddess
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masjidreseda · 4 years
we take it for granted we are born that way for the sahaba they could not imagine A world the without the prphet (SAW) they could not imagin…It’s something their mind could not conceive of and thats why when the news came at uhud what happened the sahaba they reacted the way they did and that’s why when the prophet (SAW) actually passed away medina was in gloom as anas said, we had never seen that sadness in our whole lives so they could noy imagine a world without him so they never thought may allah protect all of our loved ones but we can never imagine living without our loved ones with our parents the world is there with them the world with them then when they go thats when the shock to us sothe prophet(SAW) issaying count six things number one mawti awf said it was a shock to me i was what your mawt beforehis mind can grasp number 2 3 4 5 6 come so he has to pay attention number two he said,then the prophet(SAW) saw him shocked he said,count that as number one he’s emphasising the first sign of judgement day is the death of the prophet (SAW) that’s the first sign his death is the beginning of number two he said, fateh baitul muqaddas the conquest of muqaddas has that happend? yes,in abu bakr’s time subhanallah abu bakr’s last day of khilafah was the conqyest of baitul muqaddas and the first day of umar he received the khilafah and the news of the conquest on the same day fateh baitul muqaddas and when he said this it was impossible to even think of muqaddas being in muslim lands wallahi is one of the biggest miracles of the truth of ISLAM. that the prophet (SAW) predicted these things and they took place within a year his death. A year after his death baitul muqaddas is conquest and if you really understand history at that time this was impossible to conceive of that this small group of muslims in medina who have not yet even conquest mecca and they’re going to go conquer bilad ash-sham and bilad al-rum and bilad al-faris it’s incoceivable and yet within a year that took place on of the most unexpected historical turns for western historian is the rise ofISLAM it is inexplicable,they cannot explain it how could a group from their perspective of pagtag bedouins come and disrupt human civilation distroy the sassanid empire carve out the byzantine empire creat a civilization that was even more glorious than the both of those previous ones combined they dont understand how that happened so for us our prophet (SAW) said,number two it will be the conquest of jerusalem. Number three a plague that will come amongst you and distroy your children and your wealth and property and it will purify your good deeds our scolars say this is plague of amvas in the 18th year of the hijrah there was a massive plague in the time if umar ibn khattab it was the worst plague of early islam and they say this is that prediction number four wealth will be distributed amongst you so much that if a person given 100 dinars he will not be happy. the sahaba were very poor 1 dinner was a big deal 100 dinars was a fortune to them and we are now at a time when 100 dinars is no big deal. We are at this time now. NUmber five there will be a fitna atrial that will not leave any of your houses exept that it will touch it our scholars say in all likehood this is the fitna of the sahaba that every single household was affected siffin,jamal,aisha,talha,zubayr,muwawiya,yazid….that fitna that first war the civil war that took place they say this others say thismight yet be another fitna that will happen and then number six ans this is what we are interested in number six, there will be a traety between you and the romans there will be treaty between you and the romans and then they will betray you and march agint you with 80 banners under each a which will be 12,000 troops in other words 100,000 people this hadith is in ibn majah another hadith mentions, another hadith mentions that you will form a treaty with the romans and you will fight an enemy common to both of you, you will form a treaty with the romans and you will fight an enemy common to both of you then you will be victorious and as you are returning back on of the romans will raise the cross on a mount and say this has caused us victory and a muslim will get angry and destroyet that cross say allah has caused us voctory and war will break out and the romans will break their truice and then this incident of marching againt you will take place so these are only two or three hadith about this that’s it. but they predict another genre of predictions and that is there will be a third enemy, who is that third enemy? ALLAHU ALAM but it’s neither the muslim people the muslim peoples nor the europeans there is snother power on the rise may allah proyect us from all of them as well but anyway alaah knows whether that power will bw thw acyual one so there will be a third race a third group of people you and the romans will join hands in fighting them and there will be an alliance between you and you will be victorious once that enemy has gotten rid of been gotten rid of then the ramans will essentianlly break their treaty with you because of this minor skirmish where A muslim said no it’s not the cross and he destroys the cross and it’s between two people but the romains will take that as an excuse to destroy the treaty and they will then attack you they will march against you with 80 banners now many of our modern scholars say this is must be a reference to the modern united nations i say allahu alam (ALLAH KNOWS BEST) but 80 flags on one side every flag has a major 10,000/12,000 people that’s a major war so this is another prediction of a great armageddon that will take best now again is this the armageddon? or is it one of them again it’s all cryptic allah knows best it can also be said,and this is a valid interpretation i am not denying it at allit can also be said that the final battle between dajjal and jesus will be an easy battle not a difficult one and that the muslims will nor die en masse in that battle and that will be a gift from allah to the believers the hadith are not explicit iam simply saying it can be derived how can we derive this? because when the dajjal sees jesus what’s going to happen? he will scream a loud scream and flee away and dissolve and jesus was kill him now it could be said,another interoretation of all of these is the final battle is nor malhama the malhama is the one before it which is this one the ro,ains and 80 flags on one side and the muslims on the other as for the actual final battle it will be a gift, Why will be a gift? there will be no resistance frome the other side you understand this point right? i have given you multiple interpretations allah knows best.https://masjidreseda.org/valley-muslims/
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