#starclan chooses
harriertail · 6 months
actually realising how bullshit the 'nightpelt didnt get his lives because brokenstar was still alive' decision was. i initially assumed it was not a choice by StarClan, as Brokenstar was still leader even in exile, but with further books having the 'alive but chose to leave Pinestar' let Sunstar get 8 lives, and recently alive Bramblestar 'step down' and let Squirrelstar presumeably get her lives, it becomes a choice that StarClan made- and a fucking stupid one.
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francy-sketches · 1 year
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Oh we are reaching warriorcats level of discourse
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green-tea-lemonade · 4 months
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And there she stood. It seems the stars had been kind enough to at least give her the decency of a normal appearance. She stood there, her tail gently swaying as he walked in her direction. She smiled, the stars in her form glowing a little brighter at the sight of him. He never realized how much he had missed seeing it. Seeing her. If not for the current state of things, it was as though the incident had never happened at all. It had though, and her eyes were the proof.
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frankiescatts · 3 months
i really do love spottedmouse i think there’s a certain french I don’t know about the way ur like yeah pretty sad stuff! but ur gearing up for the classic happy ending that every warrior cat gets when they have the starclan death reunion, same old same old, and then u remember that spottedmouse is 500000000x more fucked up and evil than every other romance because spottedleafs ghost gets forever dead like ten minutes before mousefur dies and joins starclan. it’s like a black comedy it’s so twisted. shakespeare is throwing up with jealousy
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yuridovewing · 9 days
moth flight should die again. she died too peacefully the first time
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augustheart · 3 months
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decided to use the notes feature on clangen for the first time to honor little flailhollow.
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theblankest123 · 7 months
Worst timeline: Nightheart becomes the leader of Riverclan
Ok timeline: one of the park cats becomes the leader of Riverclan
Best timeline: Frostpaw gets more and more competence and with the help of others comes to a relisation.......she doesn't need to choose another cat. She chooses herself. She becomes the next leader of Riverclan.
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featherdawn · 5 months
honestly why the fuck is tigerstar brown and not orange. nobody ever talks about this and why
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need1etail · 1 year
Close to redoing my SunClan and MoonClan lore rn. Like to the point that I wanna change the -star suffix to -sun and -moon for each Clan respectively and fuck with medicine cats.
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wheatstar · 1 year
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some of my normal ocs as warrior cats!! some extra information: SunClan was founded by Lightstar, but he abandoned it because he got bored and it split apart into several rogue groups. some of these groups still follow the warrior code, but they are not clans. Morningstar was trained by Rattlestar and then appointed leader in InfernalClan after their medicine cat, Mantisclaw, saw a vision from Rattlestar and thought it was from StarClan. InfernalClan did not have a leader after Rattlestar's death because he never appointed a deputy, not believing any of them were worthy.
ColorClan is a clan that was taken over by Diamondstar, who several of the warriors did not trust. As a result, a group of them left, led by Hazelcreek and waged war on ColorClan. Hazelcreek's group lost and are now scattered rogues and loners, including Clawwing and Spiderthistle.
MonsterClan is mysterious and they rarely leave their own territory. At gatherings, only their leader Duskstar is seen and she only speaks to InfernalClan's leader, Morningstar. Unbeknownst to the other leaders but not to her own clan, most of Duskstar's major decisions actually come from Monsterstar in StarClan, who she frequently gets visions from.
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cicadagaze · 1 year
I’d like to know your then vs now opinion on Nightstar
so funny thing is.... I didn't really think about him at all as a kid. I thought he was at least somewhat interesting, but I didn't really think much more. now? oh boy oh boy.... he is EVERYTHING to me. literal all time fave now. he's chronically ill, he questioned the "all-knowing" powers of starclan, he was denied his nine lives, his brother is CLAWFACE????
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bayofwolves · 6 months
you guys i need to make a starclan's champions sideblog so i can share plot ideas and character analyses and art and refs but i need to figure out a new name for the arc beforehand. help
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lightningwaters · 2 years
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officialclangen · 1 year
CLANGEN UPDATE: ALL IS FAIR (in love and war)
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New update has gone live!
- Cats can now have more than one mate, with no upper limit.  The choose mate screen has been redesigned to support selecting multiple mates!
- In addition to two biological parents, cats can have an unlimited number of adoptive parents. Adoptive parents are treated the same as biological parents for relation-tracking. You can manually add new adoptive parents.
- New war system, with more fleshed out events. The game will now remember wars when you close and reopen.
- The way traits are assigned has been changed. Under the hood, cats have four personality facets that determine their trait.
- New skill system! Apprentices and kits now get low-level skills, and cats can have up to two skills. Skills are no longer linked to status/rank. Cats can now improve their skill as they age!
- With a new trait and skill system, the way mentors influence personality and skills has also changed.
- New sprite inspect screen, with options for viewing a cat in previous life-stages and saving the sprite as a transparent image.
- New murder events!
- Re-draw of the Classic Forest Camp!
- New vitiligo pattern: BLEACHED
- Pelt tints have been adjusted.
- More cat history information is now stored, including the moon-number that some important events occur. (Note: some history information on old saves may be lost)
- More in-depth relationship information on the family tree.
- The current event-list is now saved with clan information, and persists upon closing and reopening the game.
- You can now "un-retire" cats.
- A new way for same-sex couples to adopt if same-sex breeding is turned off.
- New personality traits have been added: arrogant, competitive, grumpy, cunning, oblivious, gloomy, sincere, flamboyant, and rebellious
- Severe conditions no longer have a 100% chance of causing early retirement.
- Fleshed out leader ceremonies, with more trait dependence and tasty flavor text.
- New patrols, thoughts, events, names
- Official Social Media buttons added to the start screen.
- Some keybinds added for easy navigation.
- "Cat List" and "StarClan" tabs have been combined. Some buttons on the cat profile page have been reorganized.
- Save-file corruption (nullification) has been fixed.
- Lots of small tweaks to event chances.
- Bugfixes galore!
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timlets · 6 months
I get why people say..."Wow...Poor Squirrelflight, now she has to be leader?! Just let her rest she's so tired of being used by the narrative :-(..." But that's the point of Squirrelflight's Hope, she could've stayed in Starclan the way Leafpool did, when Leafpool decided to give in to staying there instead of keep going on. Squirrelflight basically said, "No, I can't wait to go back. I won't let it end like this, it's too sad. I want to make things right, I want to keep going. I love being alive I have MORE to do."
I think that Squirrelflight choosing to come back and keep going is something that is awesome because she could've stayed in Starclan where everything is roses but she decided "No...It can't end like this, I want to make it better, I'm not ready to die." and I think that is so awesome guys idgaf about the narrative using her to death I think that she should be happy and being in Starclan obviously wasn't going to do that for her.
idk it's inspiring to me because sometimes you just have to keep getting back up because you know you deserve happiness, you deserve better, and you're going to fight for it because no one will do it for you...squirrelflight wants to be more than the sad story she was(the way people only talk about her with leafpool and with ashfur lol) she wants to be more than just that, she wants to be someone awesome and have a life fulfilled and she wants to eventually die peacefully and happy... i'm kind of like squirrelstar i'm so happy for you sweetheart i'm in your corner rooting for you
idk i went crazy but like it's kind of parallel to an abuse victim recovering and stepping forward to fight for their life when they didn't think they could... and im happy with it as fuck
edit 12/07/23: HEY IM SUPER HAPPY THIS IS GETTING SOME ATTENTION!! I made a Squirrelstar piece you can check out here :-)
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cryptidclaw · 5 months
I feel like the first signs of Bluestar's failing mental stability already start to show in the first book...
Of course in actuality its just the Erins needing her to do things that don't make since for the plot but I choose to read into it anyways.
Like Bluestar choosing Tigerclaw as Deputy does not make since! She knows how violent he is, she actively has to undermine and lie to him several times because she knows that if she doesn't he will do something violent/bad. She literally secretly plans with Firepaw (a child, which is a whole other sign tbh) a plan to find Yellowfang without Tigerclaw knowing so he doesn't KILL HER.
Blue knows Tiger is a violent cat who with make brash and unfair decisions. Yet she made him Deputy when she knew he could very well become leader due to how few lives she had left. This decision does not make since. And I choose to believe that Blue is already loosing it at this point. After so many cats dying she is desperate for someone strong that she believes will not die on her like her previous deputies, she wants a cat that she can depend on to be there. So she ignores all of Tigerclaw's flaws and chooses him. She willingly stays blind to Tigerclaw's red flags too, I think her brain just cand handle processing how bad he is bec she needs him as support so she refuses to see all the alarming shit he does.
Generally I think Bluestar is just desperate for someone dependable, that she believes will not die or leave in some way. After all the people she has lost in her life she just can't handle loosing someone again. Which is also very much so shown in her relationship with fire, who she believes to be a prophecy cat... so of course he won't die on her, he is sent by Starclan.
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