#thx for sending dem in lycan aaaaaaaaa
artnerd1123 · 7 years
How about 1, 5, 6, 14, 28, for Roo, /and/ Seraph? I wanna see how much they have in common. :3
b o idis a chunk bc it’s technically 12 asks in onebruhlet’s get a read more up in here cuz i kno for sure dis gon be long-
1: What is your OC’s favorite color?Roo’s favorite color is deep blue, for understandable reasons. He’s really attached to Aiden, so anything that matches the color of his hair/eyes is instantly comforting to the lil guySeraph, on the other hand, tends to like shades of fuchsia! The color is rlly relaxing to her. No specific reason, she just likes the color ^^
5: What is your OC’s first memory?Both of them have the same type of memory here! Their first memories are that of their originators looking down at them, with varying degrees of curiosity and nervousness (this is a pretty common first memory among all familiars tbh)With Roo, Aiden was more curious and was just hesitant to react to him. Roo remembers taking the incentive to timidly ask what Aiden’s name was, if he had a name, and if he needed anything done around the house. Aiden answered his questions and showed his new familiar around the house ^^Seraph remembers seeing her originator standing over her nervously, as if afraid she’d done the magic wrong. But seraph was fine, and the two got to work organizing the lady’s room together. It was pretty nice to bond on that first day, and Seraph learned a lot about her originator during the organizing, both through talk and what she found when organizing 
6: What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?hmm… that’s a tough one…I can safely say they’re both not too fond of insects, tho they do like butterflies, and seraph is rather fond of moths ^^Roo likes salamanders and a lot of the smaller fluffy mammals! He’s kinda scared of larger animals, if only bc they could easily hurt him, and he is smolSeraph loves birds (no surprise there), but has a particular phobia/aversion of spiders, and anything with long spindly legs and a lot of eyes. 
14: What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?I think i’ve answered this for both of em many times before, but basically it like dis: Roo likes warm and “simple” foods. Think bread, soup, biscuits, fresh cookies or brownies, soft pretzels, chicken, etcSeraph, on the other hand, tends to like more soft/squishy/sweet foods! Think cinnamon rolls, cookies, pastries, chewy candy, etc
28: What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?Roo’s tail tends to twitch back and forth a lot if he’s stressed or nervous, and he’ll glance around a lot too. His paint runs more if he’s nervous/stressed.Seraph makes soft trilling noises, hums, and taps on stuff! The trilling probably sounds something like a dove cooing tbh, and humming/tapping is just her way of keeping her mind from going to the worst situations via musical distraction. For the stimming, i don’t think so, but i’m not exactly clear on what it is, so i couldn’t answer that accurately ;w;and if getting flustered whenever the other does something dumb/cute is an addiction, or both of them loving cuddles, or being v attached to their originators is one, then they’re both addicts XD
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