#my lil familiar babs
mysterycitrus · 7 months
i love your art! i’m just beginning to get into your fics and am loving your writing too. i am in awe of your many talents 💛 was wondering what comics you recommend for new-ish readers? i’ve read a couple batman&batfam books but want to know where to go next. what’s the good stuff, you know?
ahh hello!!! ty kindly hehehehe. if ur just starting out and want to focus on batman specific books thee most accessible and cohesive list to begin with would be batman year one > long halloween > dark victory > robin and batman > robin year one > batgirl year one. this will get u super familiar with the earlier players — bruce, alfred, dick, babs, and the rogues. some of the comics are worse or better than others but they’re also the most likely finds at a comic shop!!
after that it’s all about figuring out what character you gravitate towards. u can look at big events like no man’s land, knightfall, and bruce wayne murderer/fugitive, or team books like justice league international, new teen titans, and young justice. other batbooks id recommend would be a lonely place of dying (tims intro), batgirl 2000 (cass’s solo), gotham knights and the batman chronicles (particularly oracle year one), and worlds finest: teen titans (the new og teen titans book). robin son of batman is a great book for damian, and we are robin and batman and the signal are great intros to duke thomas if ur after something more recent.
that can be overwhelming tho! if ur after some light hearted comics that cover a broad range of characters tiny titans and lil gotham are also excellent — and can introduce u to the wider universe! a lot of new readers start with under the red hood or red robin 2009 which are like…. among the worst points of introduction. they rely on a lot of context for pre existing canon, and rr specifically is not reflective of the rest of tims comic run.
some of my other personal favourites are impulse 1995, black mirror, wonder woman historia, and gates of gotham. there’s so many great and innovative comics out there!! please don’t be afraid of how deep the water looks before u jump!!!!!!!
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ask-caretaker-mael · 1 year
But caretaking is one of the most important jobs in the creatures department :( -Not Bab. Definitely not Bab
Nix nods, "We are in agreement. Tell management that. I can barely get them to stop sending the unpaid interns down here to get me coffee. I don't even drink coffee!" Nix paused, seemingly thinking about just that. Nix shook its head, "Regardless. I am well aware that my job is beyond important. I mean-" A familiar ALTR crawled up its arm and perched itself on its shoulder. "Who else would take care of this lil guy?" The ALTR, "Penwicklesauce", cooed.
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artnerd1123 · 7 years
How about 1, 5, 6, 14, 28, for Roo, /and/ Seraph? I wanna see how much they have in common. :3
b o idis a chunk bc it’s technically 12 asks in onebruhlet’s get a read more up in here cuz i kno for sure dis gon be long-
1: What is your OC’s favorite color?Roo’s favorite color is deep blue, for understandable reasons. He’s really attached to Aiden, so anything that matches the color of his hair/eyes is instantly comforting to the lil guySeraph, on the other hand, tends to like shades of fuchsia! The color is rlly relaxing to her. No specific reason, she just likes the color ^^
5: What is your OC’s first memory?Both of them have the same type of memory here! Their first memories are that of their originators looking down at them, with varying degrees of curiosity and nervousness (this is a pretty common first memory among all familiars tbh)With Roo, Aiden was more curious and was just hesitant to react to him. Roo remembers taking the incentive to timidly ask what Aiden’s name was, if he had a name, and if he needed anything done around the house. Aiden answered his questions and showed his new familiar around the house ^^Seraph remembers seeing her originator standing over her nervously, as if afraid she’d done the magic wrong. But seraph was fine, and the two got to work organizing the lady’s room together. It was pretty nice to bond on that first day, and Seraph learned a lot about her originator during the organizing, both through talk and what she found when organizing 
6: What’s your OC’s favorite animal? Least favorite?hmm… that’s a tough one…I can safely say they’re both not too fond of insects, tho they do like butterflies, and seraph is rather fond of moths ^^Roo likes salamanders and a lot of the smaller fluffy mammals! He’s kinda scared of larger animals, if only bc they could easily hurt him, and he is smolSeraph loves birds (no surprise there), but has a particular phobia/aversion of spiders, and anything with long spindly legs and a lot of eyes. 
14: What foods does your OC like to eat? What are their least favorite foods?I think i’ve answered this for both of em many times before, but basically it like dis: Roo likes warm and “simple” foods. Think bread, soup, biscuits, fresh cookies or brownies, soft pretzels, chicken, etcSeraph, on the other hand, tends to like more soft/squishy/sweet foods! Think cinnamon rolls, cookies, pastries, chewy candy, etc
28: What kind of nervous habits do they have? Do they stim? Do they have any kinds of addictions?Roo’s tail tends to twitch back and forth a lot if he’s stressed or nervous, and he’ll glance around a lot too. His paint runs more if he’s nervous/stressed.Seraph makes soft trilling noises, hums, and taps on stuff! The trilling probably sounds something like a dove cooing tbh, and humming/tapping is just her way of keeping her mind from going to the worst situations via musical distraction. For the stimming, i don’t think so, but i’m not exactly clear on what it is, so i couldn’t answer that accurately ;w;and if getting flustered whenever the other does something dumb/cute is an addiction, or both of them loving cuddles, or being v attached to their originators is one, then they’re both addicts XD
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critical-goat · 3 years
The Brothers Animal Forms
I know animal forms are something talked about a lot, but... I also wanted to chip in my two sense on the matter <3
Also thank you to the Discord server pals for inspiring this. All chosen for fun rather than realism.
 general head canons
while they can choose what animal they turn into, it takes extra energy to maintain a form that isn’t their familiar animal
they can’t exactly how that form appears, so their appearance for that form is consistent each transformation, but not necessarily the same compared to other forms
His default animal form is, unsurprisingly, a peacock. He’s been known to occasionally turn into a bat or a wolf if the need arises.
His feathers are solid black and shiny and his tail feathers sport blindingly white eye stalks (if you stick him in a dark room they glow!!)
If he has to go with you while shapeshifted, he WILL park himself right on your shoulder like a cantankerous shoulder ornament. His tail feathers are always draped over your shoulder, looking like a kick ass cape and if he tucks his head around your neck just right, he could be mistaken for a weird and clunky accessory. He does eventually get to be too much for your shoulders (bc these bastards weigh like 20 pounds, its ok at first but after awhile it gets HEAVY)
Even as a bird, he has a stare that would make all but the hardiest turn tail and run and given that peacocks are dicks and prone to violence, no one would think twice about getting close. (it goes double when they realize holy shit its the freaking Avatar of Pride)
You’re going to be hard pressed to convince him to turn into anything else. His wolf form closely resembles Cerberus but don’t mention it or accuse him of loving his dog, he’ll deny everything.
If you try to convince people Lucifer is your emotional support animal, he will bite you when no one is looking. Affectionately and in a very unsexy manner.
Default is a magpie, shiny black with a big white patch upon his chest. Sees no reason to turn into anything else. (I can see him taking a liking to ferrets just to hang off your shoulder like a floppy noodle)
Mammon refuses to NOT go with you, so he’ll sneak his little birdy butt into your bags when you go somewhere and hide out until you get somewhere he can (spy on) guard you from afar.
He’s found its a lot easier to snitch anything that catches his eye when he’s a bird, but he also doesn’t.... really have a way to distinguish bird instinct saying “oh, shiny. must keep” and “oh that’s something actually valuable” and at the end of the day he has more stuff that bird brain thought was valuable than things that are actually valuable.
Might explain why he tends to get away his thievery.
Itty bitty little snake!! Only alternative is Very Big snake. Bigger than a house. Could probably bite a ship in half (are we sure that’s a snake and not his true form??)
Narrow face and dark sleek scale. Longer than he is thick (wait are we still talking about snakes or- *bonk*)
Wraps himself around your neck like a scarf, and as much as he wants to hide away from prying eyes, could NEVER work up the courage to hide himself in your clothes, especially wrapping around your torso. What, are you trying to give him a heart attack or something!?
Please bring a sufficiently large enough bag for him to hide in, he can’t take all the stares.
Has the most boopable snoot. Do it. He’ll be upset if you do it in front of anyone.
Despite the current reputation of the unicorn in pop culture, there’s a reason they’re Satan’s familiars. The real ones are spiteful creatures and prone to fits of mischief.
But unicorns aren’t exactly..... inconspicuous or allowed into enclosed spaces. So he does have alternatives he often turns to instead. Go ahead and guess what he turns into...... If you guessed a cat, you are correct.
As a unicorn he’s a pale sandy color, with slender legs, hoof ‘feathering’, the traditional tufted tail, and a branching, jagged horn.
Cat Satan is rather petite, and ginger in color and the type of cat that will knock over a full glass of water for your attention. PET HIM DAMMIT. (Also has a boopable snoot, more receptive than Levi)
If you must bring him along as a cat, he will insist on trying to balance on your shoulder. Eventually gives up and settles for letting you cradle him oh so gently as you walk.
... It’s not that bad. Oh wait, is that Lucifer staring him down? Suddenly its become the best and only way to accompany you places. take that you cantankerous bastar-
Scorpion bab. As much as he finds beauty in his insect familiar, they’re not for travel. Can usually be found as rabbit instead. (insert horny joke here) The prettiest little bun you’ll ever see. Has also been known to turn into a sparrow and a stag.
Tiny bun, can fit in your hands for optimal ease of carrying. Champagne colors, with cute lil droopy ears and a dark nose.
He insists you carry him with you one of two ways. On your shoulder and continuing to pet and cradle him or in a fashionable bag. No compromising on it either.
Adores the attention he gets from strangers. He is rather adorable, isn’t he? <3
Wait, Asmo stop charming people into giving you more pats you fiend.
Good luck getting untangled from all the crowding people.
A fly. Has been known to turn into other bugs (mostly beetles) and not much else.
As a beetle, he’s a very bright and vibrant red color.
He’s followed you around as a fly before and it was ok for a bit.... but you keep mistaking him for a regular fly and swatting him, much to your horror. Its ok, he knows you wouldn’t have if you remembered (somehow that makes you feel worse than if he’d been upset)
Eventully he opted for the beetle instead (its not any less confusing some times but the number of swats goes down significantly)
You don’t know why, but for some reason you were possessed to bedazzle beetle Beel exactly once. He came out so very pretty. You even managed to tie a ribbon on one of his atennae. Very pretty indeed. You still have pictures of the incident.
Beel was a very good sport about it.
Cow man. He refuses to turn into anything else. Too much effort. Once he turns into a cow, you’ll have a cow on your hands for quite some time, finding that he doesn’t care enough to turn back just yet.
Fuzzy cow, very long fur, droopy ears, and big soulful eyes. Wicked dangerous horn, though. He’s tried to trample Lucifer a large handful of times, Diavolo at least twice, and tried to gore Satan once. (Satan won that battle and he decided never again)
You’re not getting him to go anywhere. Even if he could be convinced to physically moce somewhere, its not like anyone is gonna let a whole cow in.
And so, for a great many reasons, cow Belphie happens very rarely
He makes for a wonderful pillow though.
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petracore101 · 4 years
My thing with Penny's body is like... They can emphasize as much as they want that Penny has always been real and that she made her new body the way she wanted, but at the end of the day the story about a girl accepting her validity in spite of her unusual body ended with her conforming to everyone else's standards. Maybe it'll be different if her body isn't actually flesh and blood but right now it doesn't sit right with me at all
Yeah, same, honestly. I... I do understand why a lot of people liked it, and I do appreciate that she at least seems to be made of aura/energy and doesn’t have “squishy-guts”, but I just can’t shake the feeling of... wrongness? disappointment? I’m just really torn about the whole thing tbh.
(under a cut because I’m about to just dump a whole bunch of my feelings but I know a lot of folks are tired of the discussion around this) <3
Because to some degree, it does feel like the message they are saying and the one they were showing didn’t fully match up, in a way that feels painfully familiar. They say that her robotic body doesn’t make her any less real, but write her into a situation where she must escape it to remain herself. And that just... well it gives me the same sunken feeling that every “robot becomes human and is happy now!” story has since I was a wee lil bab that had no idea the otherness they were feeling did not in fact mean that they were built wrong. But at the same time, their intention is clearly not that at all, and it definitely didn’t come off that way for everyone.
Honestly, I just think the message the writers were going for was a lot less subversive than what I’d thought, what I’d hoped. Here I was invested in a story about a girl who learns her body doesn’t make her any less real, any less of a girl, any less of a person; who discovers that what makes her different isn’t what holds her back, but part of what makes her who she is. Turns out they were telling a story about a girl trapped in a body built and corrupted by outside forces, who escapes her confines to become a pure expression of her own true soul. Which isn’t bad, or problematic or whatever.. just... disappointing. For me at least.
And maybe that’s a product of having essentially been raised by scifi, of having seen the robotic “other” thing done six ways til Sunday, or just of having spent most of my life learning to embrace my own otherness as part of me instead of seeing it as some kind of curse/burden/prison... but that scene really felt like a punch to the stomach. It turns out that Penny’s body was holding her back, it was a prison, it wasn’t even really part of her at all, and the solution to her pain was to escape it entirely and take on a form that at least appears normal. One that functions like a normal body, one that can do normal things, like feel the warmth of a hug. And watching it I just.. my heart broke a little. Because she was so happy, happy to be free of her damaged body, happy to be able to feel things they way her friends do, happy to be more like them, to be more normal...
But I know I won’t ever be normal, I won’t feel things the way others do, I won’t become more like them. And I used to think that meant I’d never be happy, because in every single story I saw about “others”, they were only truly happy when they became more normal. I learned eventually, after a long struggle and a lot of hurt, that it wasn’t true, that trying to be normal wouldn’t make me happy, that being different could be a blessing instead of a curse, that I could be happy as just.. me. Not in spite of being abnormal, but because of it. It didn’t come easy, but it is the single most important truth I’ve ever learned about myself. So seeing that same old message implied yet again, especially from a story I thought was actively refuting it, hurt. For me and.. apparently a lot of others.
Of course that’s not the writers fault, that’s just not the story they were telling. And a lot of people love the story they are telling. For many folks it came across as Penny getting to make herself a body as she wanted it to be, and that was exactly what they wanted for her. I’m really glad it resonated so well with them, and I hope they continue to enjoy this arc, even with all the mixed feelings swirling in the fndm. Because not everyone is going to read the story the same way, or get the same things out of it. We all have unique takes because we are all unique.. and that means sometimes a thing will delight some of us while devastating others. It’s just the way it goes, and that’s ok.
As for me... I guess I’ll wait and see where the writers take it now. And try to focus on the good parts.
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heleizition · 4 years
How Alfred interact with his shifter babies? Where is Barbara in all of this? Is she a shifter or human? Also, I want to know more about Tim's parents... How was they and how Tim ended up with batfamily?
ok hold on . .. i need a second . .. im thinking about alfred holding like, baby panther dick in hi arms n smilng softly,,, jst . .. give me a moment . ..... like ... hes cooking n hyerna jason who’s starting to grow jst sits beside him n tucks his head on the counter n looks at alfred like feed me and alfred is so so fond of his grandsons yk,,, of his family,,,, cries
OK SO beside that tim shifts from cat to human the first time with alfred,,, hes a safe adult in his eyes and he trusts him and its a trust alfred hasnt and wont ever betray. cass just likes to sit on his shoulder while he has tea,,, he makes her a cup and she flies over to drink when she feels like it but mostly she’s chilling. steph usually runs around and tries to pick things up to “help” alfred and he gives her lil pets,,,, duke usually feels like in the way when hes shifted and alfred is cleaning up or working around him so he usually shift back and helps and it makes alfred smile a lot even after he tries to shoo duke away bc thats His Job yk,,, duke still helps sefooefshofse
OK UM i admit i did not think of babs bc she always slips from my mind,,,, i dont have a big connection to her character,,,, im not sure if she’s a shifter yet i gotta think but i kinda feel  ,,, fox for her,,,,, if u have other suggestions im open ? i dont know much about her character sadly,,,,
OK SO under the cut is tim’s story n how he met and ended up w the bat, big tw for animal (shifter) abuse and child abuse, starvation, abandonment, umm mutilation & description of injury
tim first turned into a cat (to his parents knowledge) when he was about 4 or 5. he’d been already introduced to the world but as he was a small child they hadn’t really been showing him around everywhere so only a handful of people knew/remembered small boy tim. janet has a particular hate toward that branch in her family that can shift so she’s really jst. hating her son having it and she immediately just. decides that she just doesnt want to see him. so jack and her just start locking him in a tiny cat cage, which prevent him from turning back into a boy, feed him catfood when they remember to feed him. at some point they get him declawed (which gives him terribly vivid nightmares of human him getting his fingers torned off of his hand) and when they leave they give him a tight collar while leaving him out of the cage which prevnts him from shifting back bc the collar would just go through tim’s throat if he shifted to human.
so tim drake ends up . not existing. everyone forgets the drakes had a son, tim very rarely gets to be in human shape (which hurts at some point), and when he does his parents usually yell at him and making him feel very unwanted, going as far as throwing things at him until he jst, shifts back and makes himself as small and forgotten as possible. he stopped going to school early, but he still taught himself to read (u gotta do smth when ur stuck as a cat for years) and went through lots of his parents books (that were on bottoms shelfs bc its hard to put the books back in the right shelves while in cat form and he gets yelled at enough as it is just for existing).
so he’s like 10, and his parents have been gone for a while . and he’s rly not doing good. he’s not rly clinging to life. he’s underfed. everything hurts. his brain isn’t really reactive anymore. and hes on the wall between the drakes and the wayne’s estate dick and jason are in the garden, playing around, and he just. falls asleep. passes out from exhaustion and his body kind of giving up on him.
they hear him or see him, idk, they find him and jason shifts back, holding the small kitten in his arms and he runs inside, n they take care of him, the adress on the collar said he’s from next door,,, at this point they dont know he’s a shifter,, but when he wakes up tim’s all warm and tucked against a warm body (dick) and jason is beside them petting him gently and the second tim is awake he’s tense and trying to get away bc humans have done nothing but hurt him at this point yk,, he’s barely ever met anyone,,, he sticks to the drake’s house bc he’s terrified they’ll know if he goes somewhere else
(altho deep down he thinks they’d be happy if they came home to an empty house)
and when he wakes up. thats when dick n jay understand he’s not just a cat, he’s a shifter, n jason holds him in place to remove the collar bc he *knows* he cant possibly be able to shift to human with it,,, but even without it tim doesnt shift back, hes jst, scared cat,,,,
(”hey, it’s ok, we’re like you” jason says, in the most gentle voice dick’s ever heard him use. there is a moment of silence, where the kitten blinks, and then the familiar noise of flesh rearranging itself while jason shifts into his hyena form. he’s careful to keep his distance, laying on his stomach to make himself smaller - which helps, but not by much as he’s still huge compared to the little shifter in front of them. dick knows the lines of tension and those of exhaustion in their muscles, and remembers how they didn’t even stir when jason had carried them inside. he shifts. 
“i’m gonna get you some food, okay ?” he levels his tone with his brothers. “we should have some fruits around, upstairs. fish maybe ? if you’d like ? or something else.” he smiles that smiles only he knows how to smile. “or maybe you’d like to pick yourself ?”
the little cat manages to make themselves smaller.)
they eventually manage to feed him and hydrate him, and dick tells alfred and bruce about the little shifter while jason keeps an eye on him,,, bruce connect the drake and tim shaped dots. he remembers janet and jack rejecting a gala invitation a while back bc she had recently delivered, only he’d never seen the kid.
tim only lets jason and dick close a first, bc they’re younger, bc they’re shifters, and then alfred bc alfred always brings him food on a plate and with a fork and knife like he’s going to use them as a human. he talks to tim and pets him gently once tim allows it,,, he’s a safe adult.
bruce scares him a lot, even if he’s gentle and he’s a good dad. he’s bigger than jack has ever been, and he knows he could hurt him. he just scares him a lot. he has too much authority, too much presence.
tim shifts back into a human on is seventh day at the manor, while alfred sits with him in a little room tim had hid in. he’s a very small boy and he cries out in pain when he shifts, but alfred puts a hand on his cheek and just smiles
(”hello, my boy”)
tim is very quiet, takes a shower and shifts back before anyone else can see him,,, but slowly he lets it happen around the others. one time dick n jay wake up from a nap session to a little boy suggled between them,,, there is a lot of hurt and pain from jason bc he’s been that little boy, hurt and scared and in pain, and it brings back a lot of sad things,,,
eventually he lets himself shift into bruce’s arms on the second week and he cries a lot n bruce tells him he figured out he’s the drake’s son, and jst, h, he adopts
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otomeamethyst · 4 years
RFA reacting to fem! Mc in there clothes!
Warnings: suggested nsfw
Saeyoung Choi
It was afternoon when seven woke up, noticing the empty space beside him in bed and groaning.
He yawned as he slowly sat up, looking around with a huff. “Where is my goddess! And why is she not here!” He yelled in a tired tone.
A shuffle was heard and many small footsteps were heard in the hall, quickly making the way into the room.
You stood there, rubbing your eyes “sorry god seven” you bowed “I needed to pee” you said in a serious tone but within seconds you began cracking up.
“That-that is very much, not- not acceptable. The defender of justice may be greeted by his beautiful girlfriend ever morning or she shall be...” he chuckled
You fake gasped as he put finger guns up “punished!” He pretended to shoot you with a smile
“Bleh! Dead” you laughed, looking at him before scuttling over and tackling him, he put his glasses on, smiling.
You sat on top of him, straddling his lap as you cuddled him tightly. “Morning baby” you said gently, seriousbthis time.
“Mm...morning princess” he said with a smile, his hand rubbing your back gently before he slowly stopped, gasping. “Is that my shirt?”
Your head shot up and you looked at him with a innocent, happy smile, nodding.
“Give god seven a 360 view at this minute! Or...Perish in the sheets” he snickered and you jumped up.
A smirk on his face as he leaned back, his hands behind his head as he watched you.
You slowly spun round with a smile, the shirt laying comfortably on your thighs and the sleeves hanging over your hands.
“Hm, now try and touch the roof” he said as he stood up, oblivious you reached, making his shirt lift.
His hand smacked your ass before runnng “saeyoung Choi!” You yelled, chasing after him “YOU SNEAKY SON OF A B-“
“HAHA THE DEFENDER OF JUSTICE HAS BEEN GIFTED THE PLEASURES OF ASS!” He playfully yelled as you jumped onto his back, hitting him gently with a giggle.
“Hm..I love my lil crackhead” you mumbled and he scoffed
“I’m not the crackhead, you are”
“Oh you-“
Another chasing round broke out, a lot of laughing behind heard all over
Hyun ryu (quite sexual)
It was early in the morning when he slowly turned over, expecting you to be there in a deep sleep, almost a trance, like usual but you weren’t.
He slowly sat up, looking around confused when he heard the balcony door open, he quickly turned to the side to see the all to familiar shape of your hand.
It had his box of cigarettes in it, placing the box down before slowly shutting the door again.
He slowly got up, stretching and glancing in the mirror at his shirtless figure, not being able to find his shirt which was..odd.
Until he walked onto the balcony, spotting you, in his shirt, covered in his love bites, smoking one of his cigarettes.
He swear he drooled at the sight, slowly walking out and hugging her tightly from behind as he looked at her.
“Morning jagiya~” he said groggily into your ear with a smile, you jumped but slowly loosened up.
You turned round and smiled as you tapped the end of your cigarette, handing him it yet he shook his head, putting it out.
“Hm, you shouldn’t smoke my love..it’s bad for yourrr.....” his eyes travelled down as you yawned, landing on your chest.
The shirt only had a couple of buttons done and he suddenly realised that anyone could’ve seen your chest.
He gasped, quickly buttoning up the shirt for you which made you grin, he shuddered slightly. The sight killing him and how close he was to touching you was crazy.
You giggled “zenny, eyes up here love” you said in a morning tone, kissing his jaw slightly.
His eyes fluttered shut before he shook his head quickly “ah! Jagi I can’t unleash the beast now! I haven’t even had my morning jog yet!” He said and you pouted
His eyes travelled from your lips to your eyes with a sigh “how bout I go for a jog and just give you a kiss until I get back”
“How about you stay here...and use all that energy for jogging that you have stored in that body of yours, on me” you smirked
“Ah! How can I say no to my princess!” He scooped you up, his shirt was just too attractive on you, it killed him to not rip it off you
Jumin Han
It was a day were he had been quite busy, yes it was a day off but he had been on his laptop all day. Atleest he was in sweats
Which you convinced him to buy and now he loved them. Anyway.
You walked into the kitchen, in his striped dress shirt, the top four buttons undone as you yawned.
Grabbing some snacks you heard your lover clear his throat from behind you. You usually didn’t bother him on days like this nor would he start conversations. So it was weird.
You hesitantly turned round, facing him and looking at the beautiful sight in front of your eyes. He was sitting on the couch, leaned back, legs slightly spread and his arms on the back of the couch as a laptop sat beside him.
His hand lifted, his pointer finger and middle finger motioning ‘come here’. It was attractive to say the least.
Slowly you walked over, feeling week at the knees as you stopped infront of him, his eyes scanning over your outfit.
“Sit” he ordered, patting his lap before you sat down in it, his hands instantly going to your thighs, rubbing gently.
“Hm...what did I say about wearing my shirts kitten?” He asked in a rough voice as you looked down.
“Don’t wear them, You have your own” you repeated one of his past lectures, fiddling with the hem of the shirt.
“And what did you choose to wear when you woke up this fine afternoon?”
“Y-your shirt” you said nervously as he played with the material “hm..correct, now, unless you want me to forget all my work, please take it off” he said seriously, turning back to his laptop as you got off.
A light giggle left your mouth “mkay~” you said teasingly as you pulled it off with a smirk
“You little sh-“
...guess what happened next
Yoosung Kim
Suprisingly, he woke up first, the night earlier had been a long one ;) so he woke up beside you, both naked and still sweaty.
He kissed your cheek and stood up, admiring you for a minute before chuckling lightly and going to his bathroom
He turned the shower on and got in not to long after, leaning his head back and running his fingers through his hair.
He heard a light noise but ignored it, thinking it could be nothing.
You had woken up, stretching and frowning at yoosung’s absence but noticing the noise of a shower
A smile grew onto your face as you jumped up, shoving on yoosungs shirt over your body and shakily walking to the bathroom..long night.
Slowly you peeked your head in, moving to open the door fully and lean on the door frame.
He was humming along to his music happily with his eyes closed so he didn’t notice your presence
Until...you coughed, he went wide eyed and covered himself as he jumped.
“A-ah! Oh...hey bab-...” he uncovered himself but his eyes slowly trailed down your body, wide eyed.
You giggled as you walked to the sink, getting your toothbrush and brushing you teeth, it all seemed normal until you obliviously bent over causing a blush to ride onto his face “mc!”
You jumped and turned to him, wide eyed “what is it yoosungie?” You smiled and he shook his head quickly. “N-no it’s okay, carry on..I like the view~” he smirked
...you joined him
Jaehee Kang (short)
It was fairly normal for you both to share clothes, so it wasn’t a shock when she saw you in one of her shirts.
It started with her making a coffee in the kitchen, like every morning. She was wearing a pair dress nice pink pyjamas
And you, you were wearing one of her shirts with some underwear, the shirt just passed your ass as you stroked into the kitchen tiredly.
“Mmn...morning baehee” you giggled as you hugged her from behind with a yawn, she jumped before relaxing and turning to you with a smile
“Morning mc, sleep well?” She asked as she placed a hand on your waist with a smile, slowly looking at your outfit.
She snickered “hm, I like it, my shirt looks better on you..keep it yeah?”
You nodded with a blush and smiled, you both sat and had a calm relaxing breakfast
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atosofficial · 4 years
dragonsdreameruniverse-blog replied to your photoset “MORE SIBS!! It took a while, but here are the oldest and youngest of...”
I demand at least one kid having nightmare as a biological parent. Otherwise, they are adorable.
Boy do I have some good news for you 😂 Their sibling Nox is a Cross/Nightmare ship kid and was introduced earlier on. You can see a ref of them and the other OT4 kid, Falx, over here.
@serenade-bleue replied to your photoset “MORE SIBS!! It took a while, but here are the oldest and youngest of...”
they are adorable :3
Thank you ;w; I had a lot of fun drawing them ahahaha :”)
@kirango-rouge replied to your post “What are everyone's hobbies?”
This idea of hobbies is very fun to imagine >w< here my thoughts! Cross is surely baking pies with horror and horror must restrain him to do an overdose of chocolate like the idiot he is xD Killer would surely go with dust and also horror to their throwing knives/axes/cutting objects club. And as a twin myself i suspect dream and nightmare to have at least one hobby in common o-o (like judging anyone passing under the balcony while eating cookies xD)
Type: This is all so good??? Horror would absolutely be in the kitchen with Cross, making sure he makes no idiot mistakes while Dust and Killer have Sharp Object Shenanigans 😂👏 But aaaaa, i love what you said about Dream and Night having a hobby in common ;w; Lyra and I might have to put some serious thought into something like that :”) (And hhh the image of the two of them eating cookies while gossiping is so cute to me??? Thank you for the cute headcanon!!!!!! I love it so much!)
Lyra: What cute headcanons! Horror basically holding Cross’s hand through the baking process is so sweet and 100% canon. He tells Cross, “you know... not everything has to have chocolate in it, right?” and Cross is like “you bite your tongue >:(” 😂 Type and I were just talking about pre-ATOS stuff with Killer, Dust, and Horror, and your idea is pretty accurate for the three of them uwu ALSO I LOVE THAT BIT ABOUT DREAM AND NIGHT SHARING A HOBBY!!!!!! Agreed with Type that it’s something we’ll have to discuss >:3c 
@ashfilledhart replied to your post “What are everyone's hobbies?”
Same with what bluedysania said! Dream was on his hands with his body curved in a fucking GORGEOUS smOOTH CURVE, using his feet to practice archery! Oh my god, if the other three in the OT4 saw it-!!!!! One of them would nosebleed right then and there, I guarantee it������
YUP. Exactly! No doubt about it, the curves and bends Dream can do leave his boys all a hot, hot mess 😌
bluedysania replied to your post “What are everyone's hobbies?”
yes yes yes yes yes also! absolutely inspired by a picture i saw on twitter. Dream, like Killer, practices his archery a lot. hes also hella flexible. he can shoot with pin point precision using only his legs and toes. all of his bfs find this ��������
Type: YES!! I KNOW WHICH ART YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT! Heki does such fantastic poses and that one of Dream doing archery while balancing on his hands was quality content mHMMM 👏👏👌 100% all the boys find his flexibility very very appealing 👀💦
Lyra: When I was drafting the ask, I actually had that exact art in mind, so I’m glad some of you also thought of it LMAOOOO Dream does that in front of his boyfriends, and none of them are immune to how hot that is. Nightmare is at least familiar with the sight since Dream has been doing that particular pose since pre-corruption era, but he’s no less affected 😏
(He tells Killer and Cross about all the times Dream fell on his face, trying to perfect that position, and Dream yells at him 😂😂😂)
bluedysania replied to your photo
Killer: look the answer to that is complicated. Color: ... that answer is more concerning than either of the answers i provided.
AHAHAHAHAHA 😂 Yeah, honestly that’s p much their relationship in a nutshell lmfaooooo
serenade-bleue replied to your photoset “A while back I took some outfit requests for Nightmare’s Gang (+Error)...”
They are so precious :3 And their outfits are so cute! I love every of them!
u//w//u thank you very much!!
@lonerhuman101 replied to your post “That idea about nightmare swearing/shouting in Spanish while angry...”
Nightmare: "¡Perra tonta! ¡nunca haces tu maldito trabajo y molestas a todos, al menos pon tu boca en algo útil! no necesitamos tus cabrón divagaciones!" Error knitting and ignoring Nightmare until he gets called a name: "Did you just call me a dumbass?"
Type: GFAKHJDGKASJH I had to run google translate on this since I don’t speak a lick of Spanish but omfg, yeah, that sounds about right XD That is absolutely something Night would say while ranting and definitely the response Error would have to it 😂👏
Lyra: AHAHAHAHAHAHA this is very accurate 😂 Gosh, these two,,,,they’re a couple of toddlers, throwing playground insults at each other heheheh
@stoffelees replied to your post “That idea about nightmare swearing/shouting in Spanish while angry...”
I love this and accept this headcanon!
YESSS HEHEHE Glad to spread the headcanon around ;)
bluedysania replied to your post “So I blame thinking up formal dress designs for the OT4 but one thing...”
he might get some interesting reactions from Fell AUs if you hold to the collar aspect. ;3
Who says their reactions wouldn’t be spot on? ;3c But oh man, for real tho, don’t even get me started on Fell AU collar headcanons-- (Lyra and I had this whole CreamMare idea where Cross wears a golden collar to match the golden crowns Dream and Night wear and 😩👏💦 I still want it HHHH)
serenade-bleue replied to your post “So, what would be Cross and Killer’s reactions to seeing a photo of...”
it's just so cute xD
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bigskydreaming · 4 years
Lemme get the timeline right, so Dick was about 15-16 when first Teen Titans happened, then he came back to Batgirl's debut, some time later he left for college & that was the issue where Bruce is kinda teary, looking at Dick's prizes, Dick teases him a lil? Or was that golden age? Then he's recruited by Raven, NTT happens, but the firing... I'm confusing these parts. He got fired after getting shot by Joker? He was Robin then so before Jason, but was he with NTT or in Gotham?
LOL don’t worry about being confused, because it very much IS confusing thanks to so many continuities and retcons.
Personally, I tend to go with pre-New 52 timeline and then just later stories like that timeline never ended and just kept going with New 52 and Rebirth stories....with any discrepancies being like....’flashback stories’ retroactively inserted at the appropriate point in the characters’ histories. That’s just my approach though, doesn’t necessarily work for everyone.
But pre-New 52, the ages up until Dick is around 16 or 17 are pretty flexible.....you can kinda pick and choose when you view the first Teen Titans having formed because there aren’t any hard age milestones to use as a marker. So regardless of what you go with, up until Dick was about sixteen, maybe seventeen, he lived full time in Gotham with Bruce, was Robin, and ‘moonlighted’ with the Teen Titans, who in their early years were kinda more an excuse to hang out with their superhero friends rather than like....a specifically focused team.
THEN is when it gets confusing, because enter the Age of Retcons:
ORIGINALLY, pre-Crisis of Infinite Earths, aka Retcon-Palooza, Dick went on to become Nightwing while he was still on good terms with Bruce. Bruce took Jason in and adopted him, but there was zero conflict with Dick over this....in fact, at this point in the comics, Jason was ALSO an orphaned circus acrobat whose family had been friends with Dick’s family, and DICK was the one who helped him after his parents were murdered, and took him to Bruce, which led to Bruce adopting him. 
(Fun fact, and part of why I side-eye people who dismiss retcons as ‘not counting’......Jason’s extremely iconic and well-known history as a street kid who Bruce found stealing his tires......only spanned about TWELVE ISSUES. Before his death, he literally only existed with that origin for about a year’s worth of comics....as opposed to pre-Crisis, when he existed for SEVERAL years worth of comics as the plucky acrobat who adored Dick and was always doing his homework and saying “Robin gives me magic” and stuff. Fandom lives mashing these two versions of Jason together, which is fine, but they have zero problem plying his twelve issues of having grown up as a street kid for angst, while being dismissive of other characters’ retcons, and that’s right up there when talking about Things That Make Me Go HMMMM).
Anyway, so originally, pre-Crisis, Dick moved on to become Nightwing when HE was good and ready, of his own volition, because he felt he was entering a new stage of his life and wanted to reflect that. And then HE gave Robin to Jason HIMSELF, like, literally bequeathed it to him, brother to brother, with Jason being appropriately grateful to HIM for that rather than crediting Bruce with it, who had absolutely nothing to do with it other than looking on fondly and proceeding from there with Jason as his partner. Dick then transitioned to living and working with the New Teen Titans full time in New York. 
He also briefly went to college at this time, but dropped out after just one semester or one year or so......which other people often skew to make it sound like he’s lazy or spoiled or just wanted to live off Bruce’s money all of which makes me gnash my teeth, lol.....nah, he already had the equivalent of several college degrees just from growing up being trained by Bruce. Dick dropped out for one reason only: nothing he wanted to do with his life benefited from a college diploma specifically, and none of the jobs he went on to work later required one. He’s a kid who comes from a family who never went to college either because they didn’t NEED to in order to do what they loved....and Dick was no different. People love to cite that Dick was already fairly old when his parents died and that’s why ‘he didn’t need Bruce to be his parent as much specifically’ or whatthefuckever....but then they turn right around and act like he should live his life more according to the expectations and standards of Bruce as opposed to.....in keeping with his first family and their priorities and whatnot. BUT I DIGRESS.
But anyway, at this point, he mostly lived in New York and came back to Gotham every now and then to visit or to help with cases. Babs had at this point been Batgirl for some time, before he became Nightwing, but again, the timelines are messy, so the only real marker that’s important IMO is that her history with Bruce and Dick as Batgirl predates Jason joining the family, AND post-Crisis, when Jason had his street kid origin.....I think she interacted with that version of Jason maybe once?
My point there is there’s a lot of piling on the angst and pointing back to Dick as the ultimate culprit, with people making a big deal about how Barbara and others were constantly comparing Jason to Dick and resenting him for not being Dick and this made Jason’s childhood even with Bruce especially difficult....but again, nah. The vast majority of the time Babs/Batgirl co-existed with Jason/Robin, it was pre-Crisis Jason, which meant that he was on great terms with Bruce AND Dick and Dick was on great terms with Bruce, all of which means....NOBODY WAS RESENTING ANYBODY OR COMPARING ANYONE TO ANYONE ELSE, THEY ALL COEXISTED JUST FINE.
This is where it gets messier and more complicated, because JUST LIKE the comics retconned Jason’s origin to make him a street kid - and which NOBODY has trouble acknowledging or balancing......the comics ALSO retconned Dick’s departure from Gotham. Now it was because there was a story in which Dick was shot by the Joker, Bruce freaked out about his safety, and decided the best way to express this was by firing Dick as Robin and alienating him. Dick lingered for a few weeks, its said, in the hopes that Bruce would change his mind, but when Bruce didn’t, Dick finally packed his bags and left to go live with the Titans full time, where he became Nightwing. Its further said that this was the last contact they had for about a YEAR AND A HALF.....with Dick being the one to make the first move to resume contact.....when he found out from the papers both that Bruce had taken in a new kid (Jason) and adopted him already, AND made him Robin.
(A name which no matter WHAT origin you go for in terms of what it means to Dick, is regardless HIS CREATION, the mantle HE made for HIMSELF, and was never Bruce’s to give away, whether or not you go with the take that it was Dick’s mother’s nickname for him, or it being a reference to Robin Hood, Dick’s favorite childhood hero).
Anyway, Dick confronted Bruce about this, and Bruce basically just....acknowledged this without actually ever putting the words “I’m sorry” or “I messed up” in there, and that was Dick’s one and only ON THE PAGE interaction with Jason post-street kid origin before A Death In The Family....which occurred like two story arcs later. 
(However, something I like to point out is the issue where Dick and Jason meet after both their respective retcons, was a FLASHBACK issue. It literally starts the issue off with the caption “One year ago”.....meaning that even though Jason died only two story arcs later and we never saw Dick and he interact on the page again, that issue was deliberately scripted in such a way as to allow for a good couple years to pass IN UNIVERSE....which, IMO, is where Dick and Jason’s sibling bond and dynamic had more than enough time to form. Just because Dick was on bad terms with Bruce doesn’t mean he ever took this out on Jason, and we know from later stories that they at least interacted a few times we never saw, like when the two of them went skiing together - so while people act like they barely knew each other because Dick was never around, IMO there’s literally no reason to assume that Dick wasn’t just as good about reaching out to Jason and forming a sibling bond with him after that first initial meeting, as he later was with Tim and Cass and Damian. In fact, given how familiar Dick and Jason seem to be with each other after his return to Gotham years later, IMO the thing that ACTUALLY strains credulity is the idea that before Jason died, he and Dick only interacted a bare handful of times. Nah. That doesn’t track.)
ANYWAY. That’s how all that played out those two different times, and why there’s so much confusion, BUT I maintain a huge part of that confusion is artificially produced.....by people deliberately trying to mix and match continuities in a way that just flat out doesn’t work. Sooooooo many times over the years, we’ve heard takes on how Dick ‘quit’ being Robin and then Bruce made Jason Robin and Dick resented both of them for this, but uh.....that’s the one version of things that DIDN’T ever happen. There were two distinct ways it played out. In the first, Dick quit voluntarily, and then made Jason Robin himself, and he and Bruce and Jason were all on great terms. In the later version, (the definitive version, because just like Jason’s street kid origin, it was the retcon, yes, but it was also never refuted or contradicted, the way it would have to be to ‘reset’ canon to that earlier sequence of events/state of affairs) - but yeah, in the later version, Dick was fired, Bruce made Jason Robin, and Dick resented BRUCE for this.
But people keep trying to play mix and match so Dick both quit - thus ‘giving up his claim to Robin/theoretically having no basis to object to someone else being Robin’....AND Bruce made Jason Robin - thus getting ‘credit’ in Jason’s eyes for giving him this mantle, responsibility and trust - with Dick then resenting Bruce for giving away the thing he ‘gave up.’
And that’s so disingenuous and obnoxious, when people try and play that game. They don’t want Dick to have ‘the right’ to the same complaints they have about Jason and Tim being ‘replaced’ but they also don’t want him to get credit for giving Robin to Jason because that would imply a strong brotherly bond and connection between them, one in which Dick clearly loves his little brother, and its just....uggggggh. So annoying.
Anyway, that’s the scoop, the buzz, the happening.
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beansonbread2 · 4 years
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2019 > Self Esteem - ‘Compliments Please’ (see full list HERE)
2018 > Kero Kero Bonito - ‘Time ‘n’ Place’ (see full list HERE)
2017 > Richard Dawson - ‘Peasant’ (see full list HERE)
2016 > Blood Orange - ‘Freetown Sound’ (see full list HERE)
2015 > Holly Herndon - ‘Platform’ (see full list HERE)
2014 > FKA Twigs - ‘LP1′ (see full list HERE)
2013 > These New Puritans - ‘Field Of Reeds’ (see full list HERE)
2012 > Django Django - ‘Django Django’ (see full list HERE)
2011 > Shabazz Palaces - ‘Black Up’ (see full list HERE)
2010 > These New Puritans - ‘Hidden’ (see full list HERE)
2009 > Animal Collective - ‘Merriweather Post Pavilion’ (see full list HERE)
2008 > Wild Beasts - ‘Limbo, Panto’ (see full list HERE)
2007 > Animal Collective - ‘Strawberry Jam’ (see full list HERE)
2006 > Safetyword - ‘Man’s Name Is Legion’ (see full list HERE)
2005 > Animal Collective - ‘Feels’ (see full list HERE)
2004 > Devendra Banhart - ‘Rejoicing In The Hands’ / ‘Nino Rojo’
2003 > Dizzee Rascal - ‘Boy In Da Corner’
2002 > The Streets - ‘Original Pirate Material’
2001 > The Beta Band - ‘Hot Shots II’
2000 > Outkast - ‘Stankonia’
1999 > The Beta Band - ‘The Beta Band’
1998 > The Beta Band - ‘The Three EPs’
1997 > Radiohead - ‘OK Computer’
1996 > Beck - ‘Odelay’
THE RULES - No Re-issues, Live Albums, Compilations, or EPs.
SPECIAL MENTIONS for these collections
Bulbils (Richard Dawson & Sally Pilkington) - 50 lockdown albums
Dean Blunt ‘Roaches 2012-2019’
These New Puritans ‘The Cut (2016-2019)’  
Hudson Mohawke ‘B.B.H.E.’ & ‘Poom Gems’
Various Artists ‘Paul Institute - Summer 2020’
Various Artists ‘Return To Y’Hup - The World Of Ivor Cutler’
WORTH A MENTION (in no order) - A bunch of albums i enjoyed but didn’t quite make the final lists and others i just didn’t hear enough to be considered properly.  A list for future me to revisit.
Still House Plants / Fire-Toolz / Lomelda / Jerskin Fendrix / Zebra Katz / The Bug / Lorenzo Senni / Diamond Soul / Wilma Archer / Black Dresses / The Fantasy Orchestra / William Carkeet / Bonny Light Horseman / KA / Yung Lean / BlackPink / Rural Internet / Okay Kaya / Future / Belan / Tame Impala / Banoffee / JARV IS / Grimes / Whitmer Thomas / Jeff Parker / The Massacre Cave / Porridge Radio / Selena Gomez / Teyana Taylor / Sparkle Division / Cecile Believe / Lyra Pramuk / Waxahatchee / Happyness / Khruangbin / Bananagun / OHMME / Drakeo The Ruler / Missterspoon / Juice WRLD / Lonnie Holley / Jiafeng / October Drift / Roisin Murphy / KeiyaA / Dizzee Rascal / Salem / Tiña / The Weeknd / Aaron Cartier / Dana Gavanski / A.R. Pinewood / The Cool Greenhouse / Royce Da 5’9’’ / Rachel Aggs / Karl Band / Four Tet / Georgia / Sonic Boom / Kali Uchis / Luis Pestana / Salac / David A Jaycock / Klein / Temple After Faith / Roman Noseband / Dylan Henner / G.S. Sultan / Hinds / Jess Williamson / Coby Sey / Randolph’s Leap / Matthew D. Gantt / Stephen Kerrison / Katie Gately / Snails / Juniore / Good Dog / Lil B / Kamaiyah / Ryuichi Sakamoto / The Big Moon / Zoe Mc Pherson / Holy Fuck / Ovrkast / Reol / Andy Shauf / Ethan Gruska / Poliça / D Smoke / Sign Libra / Chara & YUKI / Wiley / Bad Bunny / Shirley Collins / Jordana / Gaika / DJ Python / North Americans / Michael / Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith / Lido Pimienta / Everything Is Recorded / Lwesberg / Sufjan Stevens & Lowell Brams / Rhodri Davies / LA Priest / Ian William Craig / Flohio / Irreversible Entanglements / Islet / Westside Gunn / Empress Of / NNamdi / Warm Digits / Baxter Dury / Kehiani / Eels / Emmy The Great / Owen Pallett / Elysia Crampton / The Beths / Julianna Barwick / Liv.E / Jimothy Lacoste / Ben Frost / J Hus / Sylvan Esso / Haiku Hands / Ariana Grande / Jean Dawson / Food House / Nuala Honan / Helena Deland / Boldly James / Headie One / Oliver Coates / Lowkey-E / Bree Runway / Warren Ellis / Boldy James & The Alchemist / Young Knives /  Little Dragon / The Garden / Melt Yourself Down / Quakers / Kamasi Washington / Mogwai / Gil Scott-Heron & Makaya McCraven / Eyeliner / ‘The Whalebone Box’ OST / Special Interest / Teyana Taylor / Nadine Shah / Tricky / Moor Mother / Nick Storring
2020 RUNNERS UP (in no order)
William Basinski ‘Lamentations’
Hook ‘Crashed My Car’
Vic Berger IV ‘Late Enough To See The Moon’
Nines ‘Crabs In A Bucket’
My Morning Jacket ‘The Waterfall II’
Firestations ‘Dream Home’
Moses Boyd ‘Dark Matter’
Dick Dent ‘Life’s Hard’
Nicholas Stevenson ‘Dead Arm, Vol.2’
Otto ‘Clam Day’
Pa Salieu ‘Send Them To Coventry’
Undermedvetenheten ‘Undermedvetenheten’
Martha Ffion ‘Nights To Forget’
Adrianne Lenker ‘Songs’
Happy Spendy ‘You’re Doing Okay’
Mark Korven ‘The Lighthouse’ OST
21 Savage and Metro Boomin ‘Savage Mode II’
Yorkston/Thorne/Khan ‘Navarasa’
Three Queens In The Mourning & Bonnie Prince Billy ‘Hello Sorrow / Hello Joy’
Shopping ‘All Or Nothing’
Megan Thee Stallion ‘Good News’
Obongjayer ‘Which Way Is Forward?’
Mush ‘3D Routine’
Geoff Barrow, Ben Salisbury & The Insects ‘Devs’ OST
Luke Abbott ‘Translate’
Spinning Coin ‘Hyacinth’
Princess Nokia ‘Everything Sucks’
Fleet Foxes ‘Shore’
Julia Holter ‘Never Rarely Sometimes Always’ OST
Sufjan Stevens ‘The Ascension’
Nicolas Jaar ‘Cenizas’
Pottery ‘Welcome To Bobby’s Motel’
Jessie Ware ‘What’s Your Pleasure?’
Jung Jae II ‘Parasite’ OST
Freddie Gibbs & The Alchemist ‘Alfredo’
Doves ‘The Universal Want��
Brigid Mae Power ‘Head Above The Water’
Bab L’ Bluz ‘Nayda!’
James Yorkston ‘That Summer, We Flew’
Oklou ‘Galore’
Angel Olsen ‘Whole New Mess’
The Lemon Twigs ‘Songs For The General Public’
Marie Davidson & L’Œil Nu ‘Renegade Breakdown’
Gupi ‘None’
Alexia Avina ‘Unearth’
John Bence ‘Love’
Colin Stetson ‘Color Out Of Space’ OST
King Krule ‘Man Alive!’
Against All Logic ‘2017-2019’
Willie J Healey ‘Twin Heavy’
Jam City ‘Pillowland’
MXLX ‘Maximum Amounts Of Extremely Fucking Yes (Vol.1)’
80. Poppy ‘I Disagree’ 79. ThisisDA ‘Mud Hype’ 78. Fenne Lily ‘BREACH’ 77. Gorillaz ‘Song Machine’ 76. Soccer Mommy ‘Color Theory’ 75. 1995 Epilepsy ‘1995 Epilepsy’ 74. Jabu ‘Sweet Company’ 73. Actress ‘Karma & Desire’ + ‘88’ 72. Chloe x Halle ‘Ungodly Hour’ 71. Dirty Projectors ‘5EPs’
70. Beatrice Dillon ‘Walkaround’ 69. Matmos ‘The Consuming Flame: Open Exercises In Group Form’ 68. Blanck Mass ‘Calm With Horses’ OST 67. Eartheater ‘Phoenix: flames Are Dew Upon My Skin’ 66. Sega Bodega ‘Salvador’  65. Savage Mansion ‘Weird Country’ 64. Kelly Lee Owens ‘Inner Song’ 63. Daniel Blumberg ‘On&On’  62. Clementine March ‘Le Continent’ 61. HAIM ‘Women In Music Pt.III’
60. Dua Lipa ‘Future Nostalgia’ 59. Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs Pigs ‘Viscerals’ 58. Darkstar ‘Civic Jams’ 57. Lil Uzi Vert ‘Eternal Atake’ 56. This Is The Kit ‘Off Off On’ 55. Shabazz Palaces ‘The Don Of Diamond Dreams’ 54. Princess Nokia ‘Everything Is Beautiful’ 53. The Orielles ‘Disco Volador’ 52. Oro Swimming Hour ‘Pteradactyl’ 51. MXLX ‘Serpent’
50. Dan Deacon ‘Mystic Familiar’
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49. Jay Electronica ‘A Written Testimony’
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48. Fiona Apple ‘Fetch The Bolt Cutters’
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47. Galen Tipton ‘Ungoliant’
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46. Knife Liibrary ‘MARKS: Songs For Those I Have Killed’
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45. Deerhoof ‘Future Teenage Cave Artists’
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44. Caribou ‘Suddenly’
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43. Working Men’s Club ‘Working Men’s Club’
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42. Seamus Fogarty ‘A Bag Of Eyes’
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41. Field Music ‘Making A New World’
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40. Cornershop ‘England Is A Garden’
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39. Lambchop ‘Trip’
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38. Katy J Pearson ‘Return’
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37. Amaarae ‘The Angel You Don’t Know’
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36. James Ferraro ‘Neurogeist’
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35. Hen Ogledd ‘Free Humans’
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34. Spectres ‘It’s Never Going To Happen And This Is Why’
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33. Laura Marling ‘Song For Our Daughter’
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32. Bill Callahan ‘Gold Record’
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31. Bob Dylan ‘Rough And Rowdy Ways’
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30. A.G. Cook ‘7G’
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29. Good Sad Happy Bad ‘Shades’
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28. SAULT ‘Untitled (Black Is)’
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27. Run The Jewels ‘RTJ4’
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26. Clipping ‘Visions Of Bodies Being Burned’
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25. Thundercat ‘It Is What It Is’
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24. Pictish Trail ‘Thumb World’
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23. Jessy Lanza ‘All The Time’
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22. Yves Tumor ‘Heaven To A Tortured Mind’
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21. Sorry ‘925’
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20. Yaeji ‘What We Drew’
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19. A.G. Cook ‘Apple’
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18. Wesley Gonzalez ‘Appalling Human’
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17. Pet Shimmers ‘Face Down In Meta’ & ‘Trash Earthers’
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16. Arca ‘KiCK i’
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15. 100 Gecs ‘1000 Gecs And The Tree Of Clues’
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14. Tara Clerkin Trio ‘Tara Clerkin Trio’
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13. Richard Dawson ‘Republic Of Geordieland’
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12. Phoebe Bridgers ‘Punisher’
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11. Perfume Genius ‘Set My Heart On Fire Immediately’
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10. Charli XCX ‘How I’m Feeling Now’
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9. Rina Sawayama ‘SAWAYAMA’
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8. Dorian Electra ‘My Agenda’
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7. Alabaster DePlume ‘To Cy & Lee: Instrumentals Vol.1’
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6. SAULT ‘Untitled (Rise)’
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5. Tim Heidecker ‘Fear Of Death’
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4. Moses Sumney ‘græ’
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3. Oneohtrix Point Never ‘Magic Oneohtrix Point Never’
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2. Crack Cloud ‘Pain Olympics’
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1. The Flaming Lips ‘American Head’
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4 notes · View notes
cerus · 4 years
Fun Facts about yourself: GW2 edition
Tagged by: @jawlivari 🥺🥺🥺
List 5 facts about yourself as a player and tag people to get to know the fun and surprising stuff they’re willing to share 👍
i was a beta tester for gw2! i used to watch my dad play gw1 when i was a wee bab and had my own lil ritualist/monk on his account
cantha is by far my favourite region and when end of dragons was announced i just. bruh. jumped out of my seat. flappy hands. the whole nine yards. jade sea baby!!!!!!!!!
unsurprisingly caledon forest is my fave gw2 zone 🥺 sylvari give me brainrot. i live for the lil melody that plays in the grove outside of the actual ost
i used to be in a hardcore raid guild! im actually trying to find a new static rn :] i had to stop last year to focus on school but uuhhh yeah me pro gamer eperson
i currently main a chronomancer but guardian will always be my favourite class... the class i’m least familiar with is probably either revenant or necromancer
thAnks i tag @astralarias @ylwoe @istanibald @dwynwars2 @paulstation2 and anyone else who wants to!!
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asktheisle · 4 years
((alright the week's update is dooone~
current happenings:
ask hints are the pinned post now, and new additions will be labled accordingly as i can just reblog the ask sendout list on the scheduled days
Luxu's gotten a pretty decent intro done, so his ref will be added to the characters tab/main characters (mobile) as well as updated/clearer refs for Nat and Oscar in a bit
Xoloet's ref is still found in the side character2 tab(mobile) but is still considered a main character, so you'll see his info listed along Nat/Oscar/Luxu with Nat's team and various others in time underneath "read more" cuts
my quarantine is done! this coming work week is a very busy one (6+ days straight kill me) so quality may drop down a bit, but if anyone wants to send in asks that i can answer without a drawing/lil comments about what's happening plot wise/general things about the isle like that one import post from a few days ago i can take those in between my usual drawn answers; you don't have to feel obligated to do a character interaction!
oh yeah btw, my bab @the-cries-of-clockwork got the blog running up; might see a couple familiar faces and locations that pop up here on occasion so yknow, send a couple of asks and maybe a follow that way c; ))
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solaneceae · 4 years
i wrote a lil somethin’ for @tabbynerdicat ‘s Myth AU hehe, because her bird idiots have my whole heart and they’re gonna have a bab from the gods as a reward and it’s the most precious thing
He awoke to a song.
The light notes danced around him as his eyes cracked open- the room was dimly lit, pale sunlight shining through the blinds and warming up Jax’ fingertips. He could feel their precious charge pulled flush against his belly and chest, the concave shell warm between the two bodies curling up around it.
The song was one of hope- hope, and promises of love and protection. Mervyn’s voice evoked elation and smitten smiles and teary eyes- Jax thought he could never get tired of it. He looked up at his beautiful, perfect mate, amber eyes still dulled by cobwebs of sleep. “Hey.”
Mervyn smiled, his singing never faltering. He shimmied closer to rest his forehead against Jax’, his hand ghosting over the child-sized egg between them until it met his young husband’s fingertips- he laced their fingers together reverently as the last note lingered and faded, leaving them feeling raw but at peace. “Hello yourself, my love.”
It had been about a week- a week of light slumber, of frantic false alarms and soothing words from Mervyn to settle his mate’s worries. A week of gentle caresses, of longing eyes, of ethereal songs about love, light and short moments of eternity.
Jax didn't move much- sometimes human, more often not, tired eyes fixed protectively on the egg, their egg, given to them by the gods; refusing to leave its side except to use the bathroom. Mervyn had taken it in stride, getting up as little as he could to take care of his mate’s every need, even as Jax whined in protest whenever he left the room. They couldn't have one of them starve while watching over their young, now could they?
 “What do you think he’ll be like?”
The griffin blinked at Mervyn, hands stopping their gentle roaming on the surface of the egg. “He- how do you even know they’re a ‘he’?”
The phoenix’ lips stretched in a little smirk. “Come now, love… I spent centuries telling fortunes, very accurately I might add- is it so much of a stretch that I could feel such things?”
Jax snorted. “Way to ruin the surprise then, old man.”
Mervyn only hummed, shifting around the egg to gently grab his mate’s face and pull him into a kiss, drinking in Jax’ little sighs and moans, watching his eyes fluttering close… wasn't he just the most lovely mate an old bird like him could hope for?
“You didn't answer my question, brave heart…” the phoenix whispered, pulling back in amusement. Jax growled and kicked at him with a half-transformed paw, but there was no true heat in his actions. “Well if he takes after you, he’ll be one stubborn asshole, that’s for sure.”
“A very handsome stubborn asshole, thank you,” Merv preened teasingly. “Unless he takes after you instead. Then I fear that he will become a reckless little troublemaker with a problem with authority and a faulty survival instinct.”
He chuckled, bumping his head lovingly against Jax’ cheek. “And I mean that in the best way, of course.”
“For someone so old, you act like such a brat,” the griffin chuffed, rolling his eyes. “Why did I marry you again?”
Mervyn stilled, before a devious smile overtook his features. He raised his head to whisper into his mate’s ear. “Allow me to remind you…”
Jax’ breath hitched as his gut tightened in a familiar coil, his face flushing- Merv was kissing at his neck, his teeth grazing the heated skin with purpose. Jax whimpered, nuzzling his lover wantonly, his talons sharpening and trailing down Mervyn’s back-
-before coming to an abrupt stop. Two pairs of eyes flew open wide, gazed meeting in synchronized understanding. “Did-” Merv breathed out, “Did you-”
“Yeah, I felt it too.” Jax acquiesced. Nodding at each other, they grabbed the comforter covering them and pulled it away, revealing their egg scooped up between them. “Merv, listen…”
The egg was large, about the size of a human toddler- the shell smooth and and iridescent light grey, with tiny specks of gold spotting the surface like stars in the night sky- if one looked attentively, they could’ve made out a flurry of constellations...
And near the top, there was a crack. That definitely wasn't there a few minutes prior.
The egg shook again- the crack got just a tad bigger. Mervyn covered his mouth, eyes filling with overwhelmed tears, looking back at his mate in frantic bewilderment.
He was smiling like he’d never smiled in his life.
“He’s hatching, Merv. Our baby’s hatching.”
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artnerd1123 · 6 years
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Second up we have Seroo!!! My highly beloved ship, and a comfort couple o mine. These two are so sweet, they’re gonna give me cavities ;w;
The initial posing was,,, sort of a challenge,,, but I’m sooo glad I stuck with it. They’re gonna be competing for Nose Nuzzling Champs 2k19 at this rate X3
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norootsao3 · 5 years
When the devils arm seems strong (Brother keep on keeping on)
Three months. He’d had his robin for three months and he’d already lost him. Scarecrow was currently on his way back to Arkham, but not before testing his newest vein of fear gas on a few unsuspecting neighborhoods.
Not for the first time in the last few months Dick wonders how Bruce had handled it all. Because at the moment everything felt like too much, just problem after problem piling up. Dick ticked off his to-do list in his head. Find his Robin who seemed to have run off on his own, make sure that Gordon has enough antidote to deal with the affected citizens, prepare for this weekend's JLA meeting.
Launching himself off the roof Dick decides to call in the big guns.
“Hey O, it's your favorite Bat. Can you do me a favor?”
“Cass is my favorite Bat, but go on.” Her snarky answer comes through the comms.
“Ouch.” Dick drops down on the street next to the Batmobile. “Well, then as a favor to the Bat who shares a bed with you, do you mind sending BG out to help with damage control from Scarecrows latest. I have some Robin hunting I need to do. I get distracted by one Rogue and he thinks that’s a free pass to go off by himself. Kids gonna turn my beautiful hair gray.”
“This is why you should have behaved better as a kid. Karmas paying you back for all the grief you gave B when you wore the pixie boots. I can’t wait until this kid hits puberty.”
“Don’t even put that thought out into the world, O.” Dick groans as he heads towards the dock where he knows Damian’s been itching to go and bust Penguins latest operation.
“Hey O. Robin turned his comms off or maybe he’s just straight up ignoring me. Can you send me the coordinates from his mask?”
“Done.” A message pops up on the car computer. “Your headed in the wrong direction by the way.”
“No, I’m not. Penguins guys are meeting at the docks tonight. Damian made sure I knew how much of an idiot I was if I ignored it. If he went off by himself, he headed there.”
“Okay Boy Wonder, but then he’s there without his mask because if you’d actually look at what I sent you you’d see that Robins coordinates put him in Grant Park.”
Dick presses hard on the brakes and spins the car around. “Why would he be there?”
“He’s your sidekick. I don’t know why he does anything. He’s about as open a book as his dad was. Last time I came over the kid told me he was practicing how to move his organs.”
“He was probably just messing with you.”
“He’s weird.”
Dick chews on the inside of his lip, “Yeah... well if you get any intel on something happening in Grant Park send it my way, otherwise, I’ll let you get back to Oracleing and I’ll get back to Batmaning.”
In the short drive it took to arrive at Grant Park Dick had a whole speech rehearsed about how Robin has to listen to Batman and always keep his comms on and if Dick asked where he was, he needed to answer.
Pulling over close to where Babs had said Damian was, Dick steeled himself for the fight that was going to go down when he grounded Robin for the rest of the night.
Looking around, Dick saw that the park was empty. Which made since because it was two in the morning. Everyone who wasn’t crazy or a criminal was at home in bed. But that still left Dick one Robin short. Where was the little angry bird hiding and why had he come here of all places?
“Robin?” Dick started towards the picnic area that was to his left. Damian had mentioned its great vantage points on their last visit so maybe he had headed there for some reason. “I don’t really want to have to bench you next we-” Dick cut himself off when his foot came down on something other than grass.
Looking down he saw a familiar forest green and winced. Alfred wasn’t going to appreciate another damaged mask.
“Robin,” Dick picks up the mask as he calls out, “you better have a good explanation.”
Dick makes it a few more step before he hears it. There is a muffled whimper and a plea to stop. It takes less than a second for Dick heart to shatter as he puts the pieces together. During the fight with Scarecrow Damian must have somehow gotten injected with the toxin.
Dick quickens his pace towards the noise and ducks to peer under the concrete picnic table near the edge of the clearing.
“Hey Kiddo,” Dicks heart breaks again the moment Damian turns his fear blown eyes his way. He’s seen Damian scared before, no matter how hard he tries to hide it. But there’s a difference between that and the ten-year-old in front of him. All Dick saw was raw unfiltered terror.
“Don’t tell Mother.”
“I won’t” Dick knows from experience that Damian is in his own world right now and won’t hear or remember any of what Dick says or does but that doesn’t stop him. If anything, it’s more for himself than Damian, something to stop the guilt from eating at him as he tries to corral Damian to him and get him to the Batmobile.
“Hey Buddy.” Dick sheds all aspects of Batman besides the cowl. He’s in big brother mode, soft voice and calming movements, “I see you took your mask off. Looks like you scratched yourself a bit in the process. We’ll just have to add that to the list of things for Al to take care of, huh? I’m gonna join you really quick and then we’ll get you to the car, what do you say? We’ll head back to the bunker and give you something to make you feel better and then when you wake up well have a pajama day and I’ll make you watch the Goonies with me.” Dick keeps up a constant stream of words, making sure to explain everything before he makes his move and hoists Damian up into his arms. Surprisingly there is little to no fight as they head back to the car. Damian just shrinks further into himself, breaths coming fast and his small body trembling.
“I’ll do better.”
“Oh, Lil’ D you are the best there is. No need to do any better.” Dick runs his hand through his soft kid hair, “Well, you could work on your attitude towards Lucky Charms but we can discuss that later. Right now, we’ll focus on getting you buckled in-”
“No no no” Damian starts to struggle against an invisible enemy.
Dicks pretty sure the protest is against the hallucination but doesn’t want to chance it and cause more distress. “Okay I think I can manage the few miles it takes to get back to the bunker with you doing the koala thing. No problemo.” Dick press his comms on, “Hey A. Me and Damian have had an interesting evening. I was wondering if you could have some of that new antidote ready for us when we get back in a few minutes. Yep. That would be perfect. Thanks.” Dick jostles Damian on his lap a bit, like one would with a fussy baby. “You hear that Dames? A’s got you covered. You’ll feel better in just a little bit.”
“Please.” Damian whimpers against the batman symbol on his chest.
“I know. It sucks doesn’t it?” Dick pulls into the tunnel that will lead them to the bunker. “Hey we’re almost there, Bud. You know what? I wish I could get you cuddle like this when you weren’t all hoped up on Scarecrows toxin. Not that I’m happy you have to go through this.”
Dick starts rubbing circles on Damian’s back as he rushes on, “I’m just saying you make a good teddy bear. Honestly you’re surprising me a bit here. When I get hit with this stuff, I’m a bitc-” Dick censors himself, “Brat. I’m a ol’ big brat about it. Gave B a nice shiner back in the day when I was fourteen or something. You’re more like Jay was though. B used to like to get into the whole psychology of it. He loved going on and on about fight or flight. But that’s B for you, had to know the reason behind everything, even reactions to crazy people’s toxins. You know, you're really good at the flight thing. Sorry it took me a while to find you Buddy. But you do like to remind me about the whole assassin ninja thing so it makes sense. Your very small and that makes it easy to hide. I’d probably have stuck out like a sore thumb.”
“Hey, look Bud, we made it!” Dick’s out of the car in seconds rushing to were Alfred was prepped and ready for Damian, “Alfie’s here now Kiddo. So I’m gonna put you- nope- okay I’ll just sit on the cot and Al can give you this shot while you sit on my lap. Shhh. I know. It’s gonna be okay now kiddo I got you.” Dick glances up briefly to meet Alfred’s pained gaze. With a soft smile he mouths the words ‘Thank you’ before turning back to the little boy in his lap continuing his constant conversation without missing a beat, “And I’ll let you in on a little secret I know where Alfred keeps the frozen cookie dough. So, when you feel better, we can eat ourselves sick.”
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ayz0 · 5 years
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holy crap these are soooo much better than my old 2015 designs
Currently imagining a Warrior Cats arc 1 role swap AU where Greypaw ("Fluffy") is the kittypet and Firepaw is the Clan-born cat.
Other changes in the AU:
Firepaw's family are Clanborn too
Princess ("Leafpaw") leaves the Clan before their Warrior ceremony, and becomes a kittypet, then having Cloudkit, so that arc continues as it is in canon --Jake met Nutmeg/"Seedpelt" (Fire's mom) within the Clans
Willow is a rogue, having Darkstripe first with Tawnyspots. She gave Darkkit to his father, as she was certain a Clan wouldn't take her in. Tawnyspots brought the kit into ThunderClan with a story of 'finding a lost kit'. Willow then became a kittypet when pregnant with Greykit 
(btw, I saw that Greystripe's father is now just "unknown" on the official family trees, so I feel that him having an unknown kittypet father works out, here. It used to be Patchpelt, but since he's been removed now, it works if Willow isn't related to Patchpelt whatsoever either. It’s not like Willowpelt or Patchpelt ever played a huge role in books where they were growing up - Spottedleaf and Redtail were the focused-on siblings out of the four. I think in the books Willow and Patch are never even mentioned as being siblings? Thus, Willow gets to not be a part of the family anymore lol since it doesn’t change anything important there)
Into The Wild events
"Fluffy" grew up with Willow's stories of his older half-brother, whom he thought very brave and lucky, and heroic, for living in the wild. So, he sought to do the same in Into The  Wild, and met Firepaw. Willow ended up coming with him, not wanting to lose another son this time. 
Willow and Fluffy enter ThunderClan together, and Willow feels that a certain dark, striped cat looks very familiar... Tawnyspots had died at this point, and had told Darkstripe of his origins before he'd passed. Darkstripe, resentful at his heritage, is the one to fight Fluffy.
During the fight, Willow realizes that Darkstripe is indeed her son. Fluffy beats Darkstripe similarly to how Rusty beats Longtail in canon (it isn't Longtail in this scenario as I feel he is more Firepaw's rival), he becomes Greypaw 
Wanting to stay with her sons, Willow pleads to become a part of the Clan as well, and is hesitantly accepted. She becomes Willowpelt, and similarly to how Firepaw was mentored by Bluestar, Tigerclaw, & Lionheart, Willowpelt is taught by Darkstripe (begrudgingly) & Whitestorm
At this current time, Lionheart is Firepaw's mentor, and thus while Willowpelt is educated by following along with Darkstripe & Dustpaw, and Whitestorm & Sandpaw, Greypaw is educated alongside Lionheart & Firepaw and Tigerclaw & Ravenpaw. similar to canon here.
 During this time, Willowpelt manages to mend her relationship with her son Darkstripe slightly, but he still resents her past and her actions. Willowpelt also grows close to Whitestorm at this point, and he later becomes her mate to sire Sorrelkit, Rainkit, Sootkit - as in canon.
After a time of temporary mentorship, Greypaw is then eventually officially apprenticed to Bluestar, as Firepaw was in canon. Greypaw is probably going to one day be Greystar in this AU, if he's truly role-swapping with Firepaw. Lol
Fire and Ice & Forest of Secrets events
Still debating whether the Silverstream romance happens with Greystripe, or not. I think it still would. But then he’d truly go and pull a Bluestar and give up his kits to RiverClan to become deputy, and only Fireheart knows of all this. Silverstream remains alive during the birth, as she stays in the RiverClan camp instead of seeking out Greystripe like in the books - thus she was able to get medical attention as soon as her labour began.
Greystripe does not join RiverClan here, as the Wiki states “To avoid a battle, Graystripe brings Stormkit and Featherkit to RiverClan and decides to stay with them since they are the only living connections he has to Silverstream.“ Since Silverstream is still alive, they simply continue their secret meetings, and although he wishes to be with his family, he does not gain the desire to join RiverClan.
However, she did still suffer heavy blood loss and anemia, and was not able to fully recover and only got worse over time - especially considering that she still sneaks off with her kits to go see Greystripe in secret, instead of resting - so she does still die later on, before the kits are apprenticed.
Before she passes, Silverstream wishes for the kits to join their father in ThunderClan, as they’ll have no remaining kin in RiverClan after her passing. As her final action, she attempts to sneak out one last time to take them to Greystripe, but is far too weak due to anemia complications. Her best friend Mistyfoot finds her outside of the camp, as she was keeping a closer eye on her weakening friend. Silverstream tells Mistyfoot of who Featherkit & Stormkit’s father is, and is determined for her final action to be passing them on to their father. Mistyfoot believes the kits belong with RiverClan, but wants to honour her dying friend’s wish, and helps to get them all to the border.
Greystripe had been at Sunningrocks at the time, worried about the decreasing condition of his mate, plus he hadn’t been seeing her as often, and commonly waited near the area in case she arrived. The scene of her death is in the same place ad plays out similarly to Silverstream’s death in canon, with the exceptions that their kits and Mistyfoot are present, and it’s not a birth scene lol. Greystripe still panics and Fireheart fetches Cinderpaw (who is still med-apprentice, as Fireheart was still the one to suspect Tigerclaw, and Tigerclaw still tried to trap and kill him, causing Cinderpaw’s accident), with Tigerclaw in tow. Silverstream is too far-gone, however, and passes away with her kits and mate next to her.
Thus, Stormkit & Featherkit join ThunderClan, and Silverstream still passes away and is buried at the same area that she does in-canon. (and Cinderpaw is still traumatized the same way because she couldn’t help the dying cat)
Mistyfoot accompanies the group back to ThunderClan to ensure the kit’s safety on the way. Greystripe is devastated by the loss, and doesn’t keep it a secret anymore that he is a dad, and he dotes on his kits just, SO much, same as in canon haha. Anyway, ThunderClan finds out, obviously, about Grey’s half-clan babs, and Bluestar is initially furious (because oops, somebody made the same mistake she did! and omg, it was her own apprentice!!!) but Mistyfoot defends Silverstream’s family and tells Bluestar off for being so harsh while they’re grieving a loss. She says that TC should be grateful that ThunderClan is gaining two amazing cats, and they’re only here because of her best friend’s dying wish, and that she’d whisk them back to RC if they weren’t appreciated here. Bluestar then softens up at her (secret!!!) daughter’s words.
After Mistyfoot leaves and returns to RC, Bluestar enters the nursery where Greystripe and Fireheart are with the kits. (oh dude that sounds like Fire’s their second dad? i’m gonna do it. make em dads make em GAY parents and fire totally adopts storm & feather and grey has his bf to help him thru this extremely tough time UNLIKE IN CANON WHERE HE WAS ALL ALONE TO GRIEVE WTF ERINS) Anyway, Bluestar still explains the same as in canon how she’s mistyfoot and stonefur’s mother, etc, except in this version Fireheart isn’t the only one she tells, Greystripe now knows as well.
Fireheart & Greystripe are stretching their legs and taking a break from the nursery, with Fireheart’s apprentice Cloudpaw in-tow. The shit with Tigerclaw still goes down, but this time it’s Greystripe who saves Bluestar’s life (Fireheart heads straight for the nursery and guards Featherkit & Stormkit in this AU, so it’s Greystripe who sees Tigerclaw heading into Bluestar’s den) and she makes him deputy for multiple reasons - she sees her missed chances in him and wants him to have the full, happy life that she didn’t get the chance to. and she trusts him as much as she does Fireheart in this AU since Grey didn’t turn traitor in this one (and i mean he was her apprentice too so they’re pretty close!)
Rising Storm, A Dangerous Path events
Pretty standard role-swap AU from here as far as Greystripe and Fireheart are concerned, other than the fact that Fire is still Cloud’s mentor, that didn’t swap at all lol.
Fireheart isn’t stretched as thin as Greystripe is the deputy, leaving him more time for Cloudpaw’s training. Cloudpaw doesn’t behave as difficult as he does in canon about doing kittypet things. He’s still a lil shit though
Greystripe is healing quite nicely from Silverstream’s passing, as he is in his own familiar clan, has his children and his best friend BOYFRIEND with him, and has his deputy duties to thoroughly distract him and keep him on his feet. Bluestar is still degrading mentally, the same as in-canon, so he worries about her as well
Fireheart is still the one to find out about Tigerclaw and the dog pack, and their attack, and he is still the one to try and rescue Bluestar and be with her at her death along with Stonefur and Mistyfoot. Greystripe is with his kits at the time of evacuation, leading the Clan to safety as well
(This is such a cool contrast btw!!! omg cause the wiki says “After his leader's death, Fireheart looks at Graystripe. The dark gray tom dips his head in the deepest respect, and Fireheart is horrified because he realizes he is now the leader of ThunderClan, and has lost the easy friendship he shared with Graystripe.” and GOD my AU is like, holy shit, the exact opposite with their relationship. they are closer than ever! this is cool as hell)
The Darkest Hour events
Greystripe becomes Greystar. Mysteriously, he is not granted a 9th life, as the cat destined to give him that life is not present. He has no time to be confused, however, as the ceremony is still interrupted by a prophecy, as it is in-canon.
Whitestorm is still the one appointed deputy
Greystar is extremely conflicted and disappointed in his kin when he is forced to exile Darkstripe. Happens similar to canon, but it’s Greystar instead of Firestar of course
Not entirely sure yet what brings the gang over to RiverClan to save Misty & Stone from being executed. Also not sure if Stone is still going to be killed like in canon, or if I’ll let him live in this version.... I’ll figure it out tho
After Whitestorm dies, Fireheart is obviously appointed as Greystar’s deputy
Firestarheart’s Quest events
When Willowpelt dies in the beginning of the book, Greystar is obviously devastated, and has even more reason to stay with his remaining family during this time - hence, I did not swap his role with Fireheart’s role for this book’s journey.
Fireheart & Sandstorm still journey together to restore SkyClan
They become very good friends on the quest and do indeed still become mates and have Leafkit & Squirrelkit (Greystar sees them as much as family as he could! Cats are basically one big family community after all. Besides, with Fire and Grey’s relaxed and extremely close relationship, I don’t think that Grey would feel threatened or jealous over Sandstorm at all! So Fireheart can totally be Greystar’s bf as well as Sandstorm’s husband at the same time :D)
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