fantroll-purgatory · 6 years
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(The image was made by me)
It’s a real good image. I want to let you know from the beginning of this review that CD and I have both been raving about what a good troll Charyl is from the second she set (prosthetic) foot in our inbox. She’s so so creepy and we both love her so much.
FIRST: Alternia, and she’s closer to being in the Hiveswap setting then the Hivebent one.
I think given our current info re: Hiveswap all that tells us is that she is living before Feferi was hatched.
Name (preferably include how you came up with it and why): Charyl (derived from one of the Deathstalker scorpion’s venom known to cause paralysis) Thytue (from a genus of scorpion called ‘Tityus’)
Age: 7.85 sweeps
Strife Specibus: Needlekind (the sewing kind)
I like it, especially since you can also swap it with the hypodermic kind. If I may suggest another option, maybe stringkind? She could use anything from silly string (comedic), to thread (thematic), to fishing line (deadly).
Fetch Modus: I can never think of a good one, lol.
I have two for you! The first is a simple SINGING MODUS based off Singer sewing machines.
The second is a CLAW CRANE MODUS like the ones you see in arcades and are invariably rigged to some extent. I like this for a few reasons:
1) it harkens back to her toy theme which is present throughout her bio, and
2) you could have the “claw” of this modus be her limp doll hand, which would just look so creepy.
Blood color: Cerulean,
Symbol and meaning: Scorrius, sign of the cunning (Hope + Derse)
We’ll get to that later in your bio!
Trolltag: tetraplegicTrinket (it’s referring to her dolls, which are trolls that are essentially permanently paralyzed, and she dolls them up)
It’s a good name! If you want to alter it slightly you can go for quadriplegicTinkerer so her abbreviation can be QT.
Quirk: Sh3 tr13s to 1ncoporat3 h3r s1gn 1n h3r sp33ch! (i want to find something that suits her better, if you have any suggestions!)
|-|-|-|- H(::)w about that she begins and ends her sentences with f(::)ur stitches and replaces “o” with (::)? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- B(::)th as a d(::)llmaker and as s(::)me(::)ne with bifurcated visi(::)n eightf(::)ld? -|-|-|-|
|-|-|-|- Als(::) it mimics the cutesy way s(::)me l(::)lita girls talk by making their (::)’s r(::)under -|-|-|-|
Special Abilities (if any): Vision eightfold, with it being split to both her eyeballs, to appear like buttons, going along with her doll-like theme. It doesn’t really do much for her.
I mean tbh that holds up. We don’t know how much of Vriska’s own abilities were from her vision eightfold, her psychic mutation, or her eventual role as a Thief of Light. The girl had a lot of stuff going on.
Lusus: ScorpionMom, a giant scorpion that paralyzes Charyl’s dolls for her with her giant stinger. She also eats the trolls that die after being turned into dolls. Charyl also laces her needles with her lusus’s poison, to kidnap trolls she finds fit for being turned into dolls. Their relationship is pretty good, all things considered, though ScorpionMom keeps to herself, most of the time. This adds on to Charyl’s feeling of isolation.
I think this is oddly permissive for a ceruleanblood lusus; while Vriska’s Spidermom was obviously an extreme case, it seems that bigger lusii generally need to get fed, and will not necessarily take kindly to their ward dangling almost-available food in front of them while they finish playing with it. I think it makes more sense that Charyl uses her lusus’s poison to paralyze (and eventually kill) her victims where Scorpionmom’s full sting would out-and-out kill a troll. It can still play into her isolation because she’ll need to work to keep away from her mom while her doll is still alive, and it still gives her an easy method of getting rid of the bodies.
Apperance: She is a tall troll, around 5’9, and rather thin. Charyl has vision eightfold, though split, and makes her eyes look like buttons. She styles her hair into two long twintails, and a bow wrapped around her horn that has her symbol on it. Charyl dresses in gothic trollita garb, which is mostly made by herself, consisting of a black, frilly dress with a cerulean bow, and mary janes, and knee-high socks.
Charyl is a quadruple amputee, from an accident where one of her dolls, a fellow cerulean blood, was under-dosed, and managed to mind control Charyl into breaking and contorting her own limbs, as a way of revenge. The cerulean blood escaped, and Charyl managed to recover from the life-threatening experience. She managed to take some rather large doll parts, and fashion them into workable replacement limbs with the help of an acquaintance experienced in robotics.
Hm. So I like the premise of this a lot. With that said, do we have evidence that psychic cerlueanbloods can influence their peers? After all, part of what makes them so dangerous is that they have psychic abilities on par with a lowblood sans their requisite vulnerabilities. If I may suggest a different scenario with a similar outcome, perhaps an indigoblood with a particularly STRONG immune system failed to succumb to the poison in the expected timeframe and overcame her with their remaining strength. This could spur her distaste for kidnapping highbloods and still leave her disabled.
Personality: She’s pretty bubbly and energetic, and quite motherly. Sometimes she wishes she were a jadeblood so she could take care of a wriggler. She also treats her dolls (both living and nonliving), like her children, loving to dress them up and take care of their needs. However she is also very controlling, and is quite uncomfortable whenever she isn’t able to offer her opinion, or do things how she wants.
She’s pretty spoiled from her highblood upbringing, but is equally friendly to both highbloods and lowbloods, due to her not caring about the hemospectrum that much (though she turns more lowbloods into her dolls than highbloods, due to them being easier to abduct). Charyl is a lonely troll, and uses her dolls as a way to not feel as alone as she does, due to her lack of friends outside of the ones she meets online.
Yeah kidnapping lowbloods sure is easier when everything about the hemospectrum makes them easier to kill huh?
Due to the experience with the cerulean blood (which is one of the reasons why she prefers lowbloods for her dolls), she hardly leaves her hive, aside from going outside to find new victims. She is also socially awkward, and prefers the company of her dolls, mostly due to not fearing the social apprehension she feels when interacting with highbloods.
Interests: Charyl absolutely loves fashion, especially gothic trollita clothes. She likes sewing, and making her own dresses and accessories, for herself, and also her dolls.
If it wasn’t obvious, she also is obsessed with dolls, though her favorite type are the trolls she kidnaps, and permanently paralyze with her lusus’s poison. Most are unable to speak, and eventually die to the poison. Charyl dotes on them, dressing them up and taking care of their needs. She has a rather large collection of both living and nonliving dolls.
Charyl also likes playing doctor, though treats “patients” through the process of bloodletting, with the same needles she uses for her sewing.
Title: (got any suggestions?)
I do, because I don’t think she’s actually a Hope player. I mean if we wanted to stay on that track she’d be more likely to be a Rage player because her whole schtick is narrowing her own and others’ options, and I could make arguments for her being a Life or a Doom player, buuuuut.
You’ve made her bio one that’s very Of Things. She likes having material things, whether they’re bodies or dolls or clothes. And her hobby of kidnapping real, actual trolls to turn them into dolls is technically a form of recycling and of creativity.
Basically, she’s a fucked-up kind of Space player. More specifically, she’s a Thief of Space, which is GREAT because she’s like if Kanaya and Vriska had a creepy and fashionable lovechild, ESPECIALLY given that you said she sometimes wishes she was a jadeblood!
Her inverse would be a Page of Time, which I think kind of works given that she’s effectively fucking with others’ time both by freezing their progress and by dramatically shortening their lives!
Land: Doesn’t have one yet! Still on the fence on if she’ll actually play sburb or not
That’s fine! For the sake of argument let’s say her land is Land of Chloroform and Frogs (LOCAF). All these frogs just floating in chloroform. Maybe some of them are splayed out like an anatomical diagram. Maybe some of them have been taxidermied. Many of them will be dissected like a high school bio unit. It’ll certainly make it easy to see which frog have the anatomical traits you want in the future Bilious Slick. The Land probably isn’t even safe to traverse without a gas mask given how damn fast the stuff works. It’s macabre and fits really well with how Space players’ frogs tend to be frozen in time in some manner.
Dream Planet: Derse
I definitely agree that she’s a Dersite given how much she seems to be in her head. With that, she’s a Scorga, sign of the Deviser, which sufficiently vague that I guess it works?
…Oh MAN I just looked that one up and the fuckin’ arrow tail looks like a scorpion poised to strike! It’s perfect for her!
Thanks again!
Thank YOU for this creepy creepy lady! My redesign will be very very minimal but HOO BOY did I have fun making her sprite!
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This is gonna come with my requisite list of credits especially because I do not have a tablet and had no goddamn idea where to start with spriting her dress. That base is from deviantart user Thefantrolls and was then heavily edited to match your picture. The horns are straight-up Vriska’s, the bow is from naphal, and the hair was made by compositing like 4 different fan-troll templates.
For the redesign, I used a prosthetic base by hmnj to make it a little more obvious that her legs are prosthetic while maintaining the doll aesthetic. For the hair I wanted to do the scorpion callback but didn’t want to do anything as obvious as the stinger braid (especially since it might lose the lolita aesthetic), so I took a note from Gothorita’s design and tried to give her scorpion claw buns?
Anyway thank you again for this scary scary woman I can’t wait to see her in action.
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The Punishment of Tythus, 1565
~Tiziano (1488/90-1576)~
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r0gue-of-r4ge · 5 years
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its been too long since ive drawn my girl!
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character-composer · 6 years
Charyl Thytue is a cerulean-blooded child born into nobility. She's a very creepy child, meant to sort of parody the creepy little girl trope in horror movies. While very naive and childlike, she also kidnaps trolls so she can turn them into her "dolls", for which she has an affinity for all kinds. The process is pretty morbid, but she's pretty desensitized to it.
Music composed by character-composer
Charyl Thytue © @plumb1tes
Thank you plumb1tes for commissioning me!
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poinko · 6 years
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My gothic lolita troll, Charyl Thytue! She’s a spoiled child with an obsession with dolls!
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hiveswapreviews · 6 years
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Name: Charyl (derived from one of the Deathstalker scorpion’s venom known to cause paralysis) Thytue (from a genus of scorpion called ‘Tityus’)
Age: 4.6 sweeps (around 10-11 earth years)
Blood Color: Cerulean
Sign: Scorga, sign of the Deviser (Space + Derse)
Trolltag: tetraplegicTrinket (it’s referring to her dolls, which are trolls that are essentially permanently paralyzed, and she dolls them up)
Quirk: She replaces her ‘o’s with (::) to replicate her pupil pattern, which in turn is supposed to look like buttons.
Abilities: Charyl can mind control, but its so weak to the point it’s just simple compulsion. For example, she wants you to eat something, you’ll think in your mind “huh, that looks good” but you can easily shake it off and say “nah, i’m on a diet”,and ignore the compulsion, so it’s not very effective.
She has vision eightfold, split between her eyes, but since I don’t know much about vision eightfold I can’t exactly tell what it does??
Lusus:  Charyl has a moderately large scorpion, around the size of a large dog, for a lusus. Her lusus often does her own thing, and doesn’t really interact with Charyl, which in turn makes her feel isolated, and the lack of interaction between her and her lusus caused her to become pretty socially awkward with others. Charyl borrows the poison from her  lusus’s stinger to paralyze her victims in order to turn them into dolls, so they can’t move. Charyl feeds her lusus the dead corpses of the trolls that died after becoming dolls, which lasts her a few weeks.
Appearance: Charyl is a young troll, and is quite short for a highblood. She is a quadruple amputee, which means she had to amputate both of her hands and legs due to a freak incident that left her almost dead. Charyl decided to get prosthetics, which she ordered to look like doll limbs, due to her obsession with dolls. She has a passion for gothic Lolita fashion, and sews her own clothes for herself and her dolls. She puts her hair up in twin tails, shaped like scorpion stingers, and a bow wrapped around her horn with her sign on it. Charyl has vision eightfold, split to both of her eyes.
Charyl’s pretty bubbly and energetic, and pretty childlike due to still being pretty young. Due to her highblood upbringing, she’s very spoiled. Indifferent towards the suffering of those lower than her on the spectrum, Charyl is very self-centered. She is a pretty controlling person, and dislikes situations where she’s not the one in control.
Charyl is also pretty socially awkward when it comes to interacting with other trolls. She treats lowbloods, or those lower than her on the hemospectrum, as if she’s superior to them, and will constantly put lowbloods in their place whenever she talks to them. If one dared to bite back to her, she wouldn’t hesitate: throwing a fit/calling the drones/kidnapping you and feeding you to her lusus (she only turns trolls into dolls if she likes them).
However, when it comes to highbloods, she gets pretty nervous and awkward. She actually dislikes talking to highbloods more than she does lowbloods, which isn’t saying much because she tries to keep all social interaction to a minimum. She outright fears those Indigo and above, and is uneasy around fellow ceruleans. She becomes drastically more shy when interacting with a highblood, and will try to avoid interaction, due to her superiority complex. Charyl is constantly put down by other higher castes when socializing, due to her social ineptitude. This causes Charyl to isolate herself from others, and prefers the company of her dolls (which are, if you haven’t figured out, normal trolls that were permanently paralyzed, dressed up, and taken care of by Charyl until they die somehow), due to not fearing social reprimanding in front of them. Charyl is a very materialistic person, and uses her dolls, clothes, and toys to fill the void of having no real friends.
Title: Thief of Space
Thanks for reading! ______________________________________________________________ Submitted by  @plumb1tes
First thoughts: This character looks gorgeous, certainlty has a cerulean blood aesthetic going on and looks like she would fit in her caste well not to mention the art is pretty top notch. The only complaint I have is her horns look a tad like Vriska’s although we have seen that many trolls share similar horns so this isn’t a huge issue
Description: I love the incorporation of her lusus with her name, as is custom with canon trolls, as well as her personality being somewhat childish and spoiled would make a lot of sense for a highblood. I also enjoy the idea of her being a bit of an outcast from fellow cerulean as she is shy. However there are a few problems I noticed, these mainly being the mind control aspect, this is common for cerulean bloods, my question mainly is if she doesn't have major mind control how does she acquire these paralyzed trolls? Does she save them from being culled or does she do the paralyzing herself? These would be some good things to think on as I’d love further detail on them. More on her aspect would also be interesting. How does she act as a space player, and why is she a theif? I think the main thing she suffers from is simply a lack of detail here and there but in all this is a great character with many strong suits that I could easily see being in friendsim or something like it~ Final Thoughts: She appears a good character that simply needs a bit more development, using her more and thinking about certain aspects of her life would be rather helpful, for example what was the accident she ended up in needing her limbs replaced? Who helped her or did she escape on her own learning to not trust other trolls and that is why she’s so shy? Perhaps giving her a Morail who acquires the ‘dolls’ for her and builds her robotic parts for her limbs would be a nice addition to explain some confusion. Other than that, keep on keeping on this is a lovely character and I’d love to see more~ Total Score: 8/10 For the lovely Cerulean -Mod Ghost
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