yourfavoriteleex · 5 months
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My ticklish goth puppy paws for you freaks 🙈
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yourfavoritelerx · 3 months
Tate Langdon offers up some fresh teases for all you little lees
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c0metpunk · 2 years
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Commish for candlegirl :)
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
bc ch4 of amor fati has given me permanent brainworms:
Request: Ch’enmiya. A rare evening of quiet and intimacy away from their burdens. Ch’en tickles the bnuuy: things escalate rapidly (and enthusiastically) from there. This time, there’s nobody waiting on them. And nobody to interrupt.
/shrieks in ticklekink trash!!
please enjoy lots of lovey-dovey service-top ch'en spoiling the life out of one (1) bnuuy!!!
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"Nuh-no, no! No more-hahaha! Ch'eh, Ch'en, plea-ahaha!"
It was awful, it was unfair of her, Ch'en knew: Amiya was already much more sensitive than most other people. And while she'd given an earnest try at fighting back, there wasn't much she could do once Ch'en had seated herself astride her on the bed, dragging her fingers up and down the stutter of her ribs, under her arms, across her stomach.
She just couldn't help herself. Amiya seldom had any time to relax, and rarer still were moments where they could share the time together, but an accidental brush of Ch'en's tail across the back of Amiya's thighs as they closed the door to the room behind them was all it took to make Amiya's voice bubble out in the most adorable squeak she'd ever heard.
-So they were here, Amiya draped halfway on, halfway off the bed with her head hanging off the side, her legs kicking and squirming from under Ch'en, helpless beneath her.
"Nnh, Ch'en-" Amiya pants so heavily, her eyelashes fluttering closed as she tries to talk, "-c-can't breathe, please, p-please-"
She swats at Ch'en with a wan, whimpering smile, her temples streaked with tears, eyes blurry with moisture.
Ch'en's fingers roam their way up Amiya's sides, lulling her into believing she was taking mercy, before dipping into the smooth, soft spot where the underside of her breasts connected to her underarm.
Amiya splits the air with another desperate, hoarse cry as Ch'en bullies her into place between her legs, tickling her relentlessly.
"This spot's the worst, isn't it?" Ch'en teases, tensing her legs tighter together around her as Amiya's hips jolt upwards. Unable to so much as speak, Amiya nods frantically, swatting feebly with no heart at all behind it-just empty little bunny swipes.
Ch'en catches her wrists and pins them down on either side of her before she thinks about what she's doing, before she can think of anything other than how prettily, how beautifully Amiya was begging, breathless and red in the face and still suspended halfway off the edge of the bed, staring at the wall upside-down behind her with her eyes glazed and half-mast.
She doesn't think. She sinks down until her body is flush with Amiya's, smothers her throat with long, languid kisses.
"H-Hahh-" Amiya melts beneath her, tilting her hips up, and this time, Ch'en shifts to let her open her legs, straighten them out to let Ch'en kneel between them, "-p-please, more, kiss me, more-"
Ch'en closes every gap between them, starting with their lips, wastes no time filling Amiya's mouth with her tongue. It strikes her then how desperate and how hungry everything is, suddenly.
It feels like they can just never get enough of one another. There's never enough time, never enough privacy-
Ch'en surfaces briefly to a mental count of three-Amiya does need to breathe-and falls back into her all over again. She hears Amiya's pleas again in her mind and her heart throbs at the thought. It's rare for Amiya to be so vocal or to make such an insistent demand.
Maybe all the tickling and laughing helped her voice along a little.
She's losing her mind over it. It's always in the back of her head, how little Amiya really, truly asks for.
And Ch'en wants to give her everything. Everything she could ever want, and more.
Because with her here, I already have everything I could ever want-
"M-Me too..." Amiya murmurs, responding directly to her thoughts.
"Amiya-" Ch'en's voice is husky and low with want, "-I want to-can I...?"
Over their connection, Ch'en shares what she wants, overwhelms her with all of it, and Amiya, clutching her hands over her heart, whimpering, panting, letting her-
Ch'en drags her touch down Amiya's body, worshiping her shape, kisses her way down until she can do away with her skirt, her tights, her underwear, slide them down and off her legs so she can kiss down her thighs.
She just wants to help Amiya say more of what she wants, to laugh and smile from the bottom of her heart.
She just wants her to feel good.
She just wants her to let go.
She just wants her.
So just as her mouth makes contact with her drenched slit, she slides both hands beneath Amiya's backside, then up, so she can dig her fingers into her ribs again, coax her voice into hysterics once more.
Amiya sobs her name, again and again, the pitch jumping an octave each time in between peals of giggles and exhilarated gasps, and Ch'en doesn't stop licking and kissing until she feels it happening, until Amiya's body snaps taut beneath her and she melts into an absolute mess, until it's all over Ch'en's face, until she's drunk on her scent. She feels something crest inside her with Amiya's release, and scoops her fully onto the bed, laying their heartbeats together, letting her soothe, regulate.
Amiya is trembling like a leaf. Her eyes are wide, dewy, gentle.
So Ch'en doesn't see it coming when a pair of much smaller hands dive into the front of her jacket and under her shirt. An embarrassing sound leaves her mouth, and Amiya just giggles, sweet as can be.
"S-Sorry!...Hehe. Ah, Ch'en...! That was very cute..."
Amiya's fingertips brush against the underside of her breasts, ghost over her ribs, then dip into her waist; Ch'en crumples with laughter over her, and she realizes that Amiya is targeting where she was most ticklish with a little too much precision.
Ah, it's like that, is it?
"-Naughty girl-" Ch'en chastises her, her fingers diving in against Amiya's waist in turn relentlessly, sending her into another fit of laughter, "-looking for my weak spots?"
Ch'en remembers the last time she ever did anything close to this-rolling around under the covers with Talulah as children, Talulah always overpowering her, how she always managed to make her laugh no matter how awful things got with the man they called their father.
It all seems so far away, now. There are parts of her past she wants to reconnect with; the ache in her heart Talulah left in her, and the more...psychic wounds of her childhood are still raw, but there's a certain liberation in sharing so much affection so freely again.
Amiya's hands wander, gently and cautious as ever, lower and lower as they trade kisses and laughter.
"-I just want...to do all the same for you, Ch'en..."
She's so loving, so sensitive, to a fault.
"...I'm alright with that. But I won't make it easy for you."
Maybe some day, she'll get a chance to connect both her past and her future, but right now, in the present-
-They're going to be here a while.
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trulymadlysydney · 9 months
i’m so sorry to come on here and terrorise you like this after LITERAL YEARS BUT streetwear!harry has been giving me tickly boyfriend vibes and as soon as i has that thought i knew i needed to tell you 😭 i can’t explain it but this man in his hoodie and shorts would tickle & tease any girlie he’s with i just KNOW IT - ticklekink!anon
Hi I’m so sorry I haven’t been on in so long DHDKDJ but NO DONT EVEN GET ME STARTED IM SOOOOO ITS SO TRUE
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My tickle kink + announcing fanfic 4
My name is Tyler-AC. But here i go by the nickname littlelittleticklish boy. I want to share a personal tickle fantasy which i had when i was young. And i also wanna share my expierence of becoming the ticklefreak that i am today
At the age of 14, I discovered that i absolutely loved everything about tickling. My stepdad and his brother used to tickle me a lot until i couldn’t breath. And i always loved to tickle others. It was a kind of feeling that i couldn’t place yet but i knew it did something to me.
As im getting older i started to have normal teen boys stuff hitting puberty, getting body hair, lowe r voice you name it. But it was one day that i was just exploring my sexual feeling I stumbled upon videos of people getting tickled on Youtube. It started with girls tickling brothers, nephews etc. But that didn’t gave me that feeling. When i came out as gay i started watching boys getting tickled. Mostly naked. Their screaming, begging and enjoying drove me wild and i knew i had something with tickling.
After searching on internet i found a forum for people with a tickle kink. After a couple of months i made contact with my tickler (named Mike in my stories) we made an tickle appointment and the more we met the more i became the lee i am today. He lets me scream, beg, moan and makes me feel in heaven.
But back to me at the age of 14/15. I was fresh in my tickle kink. I had a classmate. For his sake we are going to call him Lucas. Lucas was the most ticklish boy at our entire school. He also bullied me. Soo i fantasied alot about tormenting the crap out of him. Soo i decided to write a story about it. Coming soon.
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tummytouches · 1 month
my door is unlocked, my shirt is up and my tummy is on display. I'm lying down, kind of horny and sleepy. What are you going to do about it?
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yourfavoritelerx · 1 year
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He’s a short king. We stan.
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
fic request guidelines masterpost and tag library
fic requests are currently [OPEN/CLOSED]
fulfilled requests quick link [here].
see below the read-more for guidelines!
things I prefer to do:
f/f ships
nsft(w) depending on prompt
my otp chenmiya (typically I age up amiya for these)
sweet and wholesome, sane and consensual
toxic and messy, insane and dubious
ticklekink trash
other ships I love; ch'en/blaze/amiya, ch'en/blaze, horn/mandragora, texland, abyssal hunters/each other/irene in any combination, ursus girls in any combination, scavenger/closure, leizi/blaze. I'll update this as I remember more but those are the top ones
characters I love, all the above plus; dorothy, scavenger, warfarin, closure, earthspirit, cantabile
things I'll do:
almost any f/f ship
star ocean 2 femslash <- and if you're a star ocean 2 fan i wanna be fwiends (つ≧▽≦)つ
ex astris girls
fandoms you know i know
polycules (abyssal hunters, ursus girls, nearl and the girls and most any others you can think of)
het on a case by case basis-there's a few I'm down with like whisperain/phantom (based purely on the op rec interaction being really cute) and...I can't remember any others rn
I can and will write fucked-up shit. Don't be shy. You will not surprise me and I will not judge you.
examples: sexy cannibalism, sister incest, dub-con in the right circumstances.
gen-fic is okay too though i promise
au's are fine too
things I won't do:
self-insert or cis male!doctor/anyone. if I'm writing the doctor they are either female, nb or genderqueer in some way and they will be their own unique character
anything that goes so far against a character's personality that it's too difficult to write. if you want something specific you can get detailed in your prompt request though and I'll do my best to rise to the challenge!
lesbian-coded characters in het ships. I know this can be a little subjective so it doesn't hurt to ask if you're not sure.
blaze/greythroat. sorry. it's just an ick for me.
characters that are fairly obviously not even pre-teens yet. suzuran is too young.
some considerations:
amiya is kind of a special case. there's a lot the game suggests about her mental maturity vs. her age and i think in any setting aside from arknights i usually call bs because it's usually a lay-up to some kind of 'ship yourself with this underage character, look it's okay' kind of vibe, but arknights puts pretty exclusive emphasis on the familial relationships with amiya and the 'self-insert' character. i feel that as a pharmaceutical CEO with a lot of stress and centuries of grief and empathy stored in her body...girl can do what she's gotta do with the other characters. I do like to age her up a little bit to avoid the gymnastics of trying to explain everything every time though. I ship her with pretty much any woman in the game in the right contexts.
I do reserve the right to refuse a request for any reason. I do this for fun in my free time, for free, to work on my writing a little, and while I don't refuse things outright most times, please understand if I just lose a little steam.
length of the work will depend entirely upon my inspiration-I'll try to make sure you at least get a drabble size of a few sentences, but I'll do my best to make the most out of the prompts you take the time to send me.
i know most triggers to tag for but if you need something else tagged drop me a line. I gotchu.
okay, that's about it! I'll update when I'm taking requests at the top of the post, so check for availability before you send in a prompt.
thank you for reading! can't wait to write for you.
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taehyungsgrowl · 5 years
I rly wanna learn more abt my sign/s but I have no idea how to find out about the whole moon and sun sign stuff, SOS - ticklekink!anon
There are a couple of good websites for that. I’ve heard that cafeastrology is pretty good. There’s also an app called co-star!
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misty-reeyus · 7 years
You got me into tickling, so there's that 'one weird kink I never thought I was into but oh my god wow self-discovery time' thanks to you.
i am somehow both incredibly flattered and immensely embarrassed that this is my fucking legacy
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trulymadlysydney · 5 years
Going through all your tickle related harry concepts is currently giving me life¡ esp the tickle fight ones bc?? Is there anything cuter?? -ticklekink!anon
OH MAN I haven’t done that in a hOT ASS MINUTE but also mood... like I could talk about that shit for hours lmao
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yourfavoriteleex · 3 months
Found this link where you can create an image of yourself or your partner being absolutely wrecked with tickles, and I thought you all might enjoy it!
Also enjoy a picture my husband made of me being tickled 🙈
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tummytouches · 4 months
Wearing a top that's just a little too small, my belly button exposed. Having someone press me against a wall and shove their finger unexpectedly inside my navel.
Being told I'm a naughty fucking belly slut and that I deserve to be groped.
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dumbdomb · 1 year
urge to cockwarm while being tickled
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Are there any fics where one of them has a tickle kink?
Birthday Traditions - toomanytickles
Summary: Dan and Phil have a birthday tradition every year that leaves Dan in a giggly mess. (for Dan’s 25th birthday!)
Sweet Surprises - toomanytickles
”If the cat’s away, the mice will play…” When Dan’s out of the house almost every day of the week nowadays, Phil decides to go snooping in Dan’s room to see what’s up. What he finds, however, is rather shocking and he can’t wait to use it against Dan…
Tickle Me Pink - amazingdanielhowell
Summary: Dan has a tickling kink.
- Eliza
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