humansheild · 1 year
You and peter were just sitting on the couch with silence .you two couldnt dare to look each other because both of you are thinking tony will going to kick you out of here. And then you started the conversation .
-What do you think?
_ the thing you are thinking
Both of you said "we will be kicked out of the stark internship "at the same time.
"Maybe İt won't be bad as we think "you said.
And just because you are so lucky at that time tony walked in. And you could see the avengers yelling at tony
_tony you promised us that you won't be hard on them .remember that.natasha said.
_live me alone with my kids.
And from that moment Friday shut the door to avengers face.
_yeah it is not that bad as you are thinking it is worse .and there is something that never happened to me before.i don't even know how to fix that .
Tony took a deep breath and at that time you and peter were too busy with memorizing the pattern of the carpet.
İ can't believe you two .İ said million times to not go to dangerous places but school and just do your thing .it can't be that hard can it? Your mission is being helpful to the neighbors but it seems like it is not enough for you I'm even afraid when I'm saying it ohhhh gossshh
You two tried to fight with aliens who came from a million universe .
And peter just took a chance to talk
We almost made it
Shut up ..tony shouted with the voice that you don't even know that he has .and it broke your courage to talk and you just accepted your faith with m emorizing every detail on the carpet.and tony made you jump on the couch when he said "the adult talk here."
And you didn't even tried to hide your face .and the world was about to know who you are if we couldn't come there at the time .i don't even want to think about what could have been ? Why you are just so obbessed with being independent and can have the confidence like that .
How i can even expect him to understand us he never had to deal with anxiety, bullying . He just think that we have to be perfect like he don't know that it is impossible.the rest of the avengers weren on a mission and the city was falling apart . And he is just saying that we could have waited but it is not that easy especially when you are a teenager . Yeah all of you can say this is not the same thing i can understand you but just look at the wiew from our window
We are teenagers and like we are trying to live every day do you know how hard is that because everyone has a lot of things to say about how we should live our life like improve yourself don't be loser make a lot of money or be a good person or don't be a good person because then every one will walk over you .and after all that stuff we still trying to do the right thing just like we did today you just cant expect us to watching our city fall apart can you tony?
Everyone was looking at you . You talked with yourself while tony and peter were having argument and you thought that they weren't give attention to you peter just looked straight to your face like saying maybe there was a little hope about not being kicked out by tony but there is none now thanks to you and both of you decided to run to your room and you reached to the door finally you realized it was closed and then you heard that tony said let them go but lock other doors i am not still done with them .
2 hours later
İ still can't believe that you said it honestly it was .... Kind of nice
Yeah it was but i still can't stop thinking about what am i gonna do ? Like i feel guilty .you know.. because tony was the one who saved me when I hit the bottom he helped my education my mentally stuff vs.
Yeah ı can understand you it seems like tony had a soft spot for the children who doesn't have a family .
You let go of one of your highest laughter.
And that's what I am calling "dark humor "
But seriously w hat do you think which one it would be more comfortable? Like sleeping on the bank or floor
-The floor
Tony how did you get in there?
Y\N i thought that you are smart kid. it is my building .
Yeah but do you know the thing they call privacy.
No i don't know that
Tony sat on the couch
Come here (silence) .. i still sense of an attitude what can I do to break that
Just because peter was the only one who knows the answer of it he pulled you with himself to come near of tony
Look kid ı couldnt think clearly but you know why. I can't control my mind when i hear something bad happens to you and i don't even know that you are seeing me like that but ... You are my kids and i care about you a lot
And you started talking
We are sorry too we should have listened to you
Peter agreed .and you hugged each other .
And everyone in this room broke a promise soo .. don't you think that they should be grounded? Tony said while you and peter were trying to understand what is going on and then everything was clear when tony reached your ribs
Tony Nooooooo Ahhhhhh
And tony pulled both of you to the bed and started to tickling your torso and you let go one of your belly laughter while peter was screaming loudly .
Wait does it tickle? Tony said while his finger were dancing on your belly .wait if you aren't answering that it is not doing its job well enough can ı have an answer now
Yeeeeeesss it dooes tickleees
And you, what do you think spidey ?
You caughted a chance to look at peter and you couldn't believe how sensitive he is he already felt into silent laughter .
Pleaaasee leeeeet us goOoo
Yeah but i think i need to do one more thing
Guys don't ever think that i don't see you lose a lot of weight do you eat well kiddos maybe you should eat some fruits
Like what
Like this .....and he blew raspberries on your belly
And now you couldn't blame peter you felt into the silent laughter
Oh okay don't die on me now now get up we have some aliens to take care of when tony reached out the door
İ love you three thousand kiddos
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