#ticklish stark daughter t
humansheild · 1 year
You and peter were just sitting on the couch with silence .you two couldnt dare to look each other because both of you are thinking tony will going to kick you out of here. And then you started the conversation .
-What do you think?
_ the thing you are thinking
Both of you said "we will be kicked out of the stark internship "at the same time.
"Maybe İt won't be bad as we think "you said.
And just because you are so lucky at that time tony walked in. And you could see the avengers yelling at tony
_tony you promised us that you won't be hard on them .remember that.natasha said.
_live me alone with my kids.
And from that moment Friday shut the door to avengers face.
_yeah it is not that bad as you are thinking it is worse .and there is something that never happened to me before.i don't even know how to fix that .
Tony took a deep breath and at that time you and peter were too busy with memorizing the pattern of the carpet.
İ can't believe you two .İ said million times to not go to dangerous places but school and just do your thing .it can't be that hard can it? Your mission is being helpful to the neighbors but it seems like it is not enough for you I'm even afraid when I'm saying it ohhhh gossshh
You two tried to fight with aliens who came from a million universe .
And peter just took a chance to talk
We almost made it
Shut up ..tony shouted with the voice that you don't even know that he has .and it broke your courage to talk and you just accepted your faith with m emorizing every detail on the carpet.and tony made you jump on the couch when he said "the adult talk here."
And you didn't even tried to hide your face .and the world was about to know who you are if we couldn't come there at the time .i don't even want to think about what could have been ? Why you are just so obbessed with being independent and can have the confidence like that .
How i can even expect him to understand us he never had to deal with anxiety, bullying . He just think that we have to be perfect like he don't know that it is impossible.the rest of the avengers weren on a mission and the city was falling apart . And he is just saying that we could have waited but it is not that easy especially when you are a teenager . Yeah all of you can say this is not the same thing i can understand you but just look at the wiew from our window
We are teenagers and like we are trying to live every day do you know how hard is that because everyone has a lot of things to say about how we should live our life like improve yourself don't be loser make a lot of money or be a good person or don't be a good person because then every one will walk over you .and after all that stuff we still trying to do the right thing just like we did today you just cant expect us to watching our city fall apart can you tony?
Everyone was looking at you . You talked with yourself while tony and peter were having argument and you thought that they weren't give attention to you peter just looked straight to your face like saying maybe there was a little hope about not being kicked out by tony but there is none now thanks to you and both of you decided to run to your room and you reached to the door finally you realized it was closed and then you heard that tony said let them go but lock other doors i am not still done with them .
2 hours later
İ still can't believe that you said it honestly it was .... Kind of nice
Yeah it was but i still can't stop thinking about what am i gonna do ? Like i feel guilty .you know.. because tony was the one who saved me when I hit the bottom he helped my education my mentally stuff vs.
Yeah ı can understand you it seems like tony had a soft spot for the children who doesn't have a family .
You let go of one of your highest laughter.
And that's what I am calling "dark humor "
But seriously w hat do you think which one it would be more comfortable? Like sleeping on the bank or floor
-The floor
Tony how did you get in there?
Y\N i thought that you are smart kid. it is my building .
Yeah but do you know the thing they call privacy.
No i don't know that
Tony sat on the couch
Come here (silence) .. i still sense of an attitude what can I do to break that
Just because peter was the only one who knows the answer of it he pulled you with himself to come near of tony
Look kid ı couldnt think clearly but you know why. I can't control my mind when i hear something bad happens to you and i don't even know that you are seeing me like that but ... You are my kids and i care about you a lot
And you started talking
We are sorry too we should have listened to you
Peter agreed .and you hugged each other .
And everyone in this room broke a promise soo .. don't you think that they should be grounded? Tony said while you and peter were trying to understand what is going on and then everything was clear when tony reached your ribs
Tony Nooooooo Ahhhhhh
And tony pulled both of you to the bed and started to tickling your torso and you let go one of your belly laughter while peter was screaming loudly .
Wait does it tickle? Tony said while his finger were dancing on your belly .wait if you aren't answering that it is not doing its job well enough can ı have an answer now
Yeeeeeesss it dooes tickleees
And you, what do you think spidey ?
You caughted a chance to look at peter and you couldn't believe how sensitive he is he already felt into silent laughter .
Pleaaasee leeeeet us goOoo
Yeah but i think i need to do one more thing
Guys don't ever think that i don't see you lose a lot of weight do you eat well kiddos maybe you should eat some fruits
Like what
Like this .....and he blew raspberries on your belly
And now you couldn't blame peter you felt into the silent laughter
Oh okay don't die on me now now get up we have some aliens to take care of when tony reached out the door
İ love you three thousand kiddos
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fluffy-lee · 4 years
"You Never Stopped Being My Kid."
This is a TICKLE fic.
Irondad. Which ALWAYS means PLATONIC. 
Warnings: Pretty emotional.
Summary: In this non-canon fic, Peter goes to stay with the Stark's over Spring Break after Tony has recovered from his injuries from defeating Thanos. Peter struggles with this new normal while Tony tries to help him understand that he's a part of the family.
A/n: This fic is very emotional and unlike anything I have done before. I hope you all enjoy it. It took me a long time, but I wanted to bring you some Irondad happiness during this time... I love you 3,000.
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Several months had passed since Tony saved the universe. Peter was sure he wasn’t going to make it, but by a miracle, Tony came out alive. His recovery had taken a while, but things were just now starting to go back to normal. Peter was so thankful every second of every day that he still had Tony as a mentor and friend. He always saw Tony as a father-figure, and he couldn't bear to lose that a third time.
 Tony had invited Peter to stay with them while he was on Spring Break. He thought it would be nice for the kid to get away from the city, and spend some real time with him without schedules or interruptions. 
  “Yes, May. I promise I’ll drive safe.” Peter smiled at his aunt, before she pulled him into a hug. 
  “Aww I love you, honey. You deserve a break.” She said, kissing his cheek.
   “I love you too, May.” Peter said with a smile.
Peter headed out the door and made his way to his car. He had been ecstatic to go spend some time with Tony and Pepper. Morgan as well, though they were still warming up to each other. She seemed to like him a lot, and he adored her, but he didn’t know if she really understood what had happened yet.
  Thoughts flooded Peter’s head as he drove on the highway toward Upstate. Peter felt a little awkward, but he didn’t know why. Things were a lot different before he died. Died. He still can’t comprehend that that’s what happened to him. He knew it would be different than going and working in the lab at the Avengers facility. 
  Tony was different now. A bit older and softer spoken, but he was still Tony. The events of Thanos snapping and wiping out half the population of the whole universe had a major effect on Tony, as it did everyone. Yet he, who is “Earth’s Best Defender,” lost to Thanos. He had no other choice but to try and move on. When he and Pepper welcomed their daughter into the world, life got better for Tony. The problem was, he drew all of his happiness from Morgan and Pepper, and bottled up the failure of what he felt was his responsibility, to protect the world. On top of that, he couldn’t protect his son from dying in his arms. He woke many nights in a cold sweat from his dreams of Peter begging “save me” before turning into ash as he held him. Tony became more sensitive from the events, and from raising his little girl. He had more patience and understanding. 
 Peter didn’t know what it’d be like visiting, since Tony was no longer in the hospital and was mobile, enjoying his retirement. Peter didn’t understand the weight of what Tony had done and how big of a part he played in Tony’s decision to look into time travel. All he knew is that his mentor, who wrapped him up in a hug as soon as he saw him, and even kissed his cheek, truly loved him like a son, even before the snap. 
  Peter arrived at Tony’s house in the late afternoon, the sun sparkling on the lake was beautiful, and he could smell the pine trees that towered all over the land. Peter felt a warm feeling in his chest. He turned his car off and pulled the key out, when suddenly he saw Tony step out on the porch holding Morgan, soon followed by Pepper. Peter got out of his car, smiling, as they made their way over to him. 
  “Hey Pete! Morgan say hi!” Tony said, walking over to Peter and wrapping him in a hug, still holding Morgan. 
  “Hi Peter! Can you do a flip like you did in the hospital?” Morgan asked, hugging Peter’s neck. 
  “Let’s let him get settled first-” Pepper began, but was cut off by Peter doing a backflip on the grass. 
Morgan cheered happily as Tony and Pepper chuckled. Peter smiled proudly. He loved how happy it made her. 
  “Be prepared to do a million more tricks, Pete, because she’s gonna ask you OVER AND OVER again!” Tony exclaimed sarcastically, tickling Morgan’s tummy, making her giggle and squirm. 
Peter blushed with a small smile before quickly turning away. 
  “It’s okay I don’t mind.” Peter said softly as he reached in the backseat to get his bags. 
Tony noticed Peter’s odd reaction and stopped tickling Morgan, setting her down to help Peter with his things. 
  Tony and Peter stood in the guest room where Peter would be staying. 
   “Here is the bathroom. It's got a shower, bath, and all the essentials, so just help yourself with anything you want and don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything.” Tony rambled as Peter stood, playing with his hands, nodding. 
  “You seem a bit on edge, kid. What’s up?” Tony asked, putting his arm around Peter’s shoulder, knowing that comforts him. 
  “Oh. You know, I’m just awkward.”
  “Yeah and?” Tony teased, squeezing him closer. 
  “It’s just.. It’s different, you know? You’re.. I’m mean. No, it’s great, Mr. Stark. I’m really happy to be here.” Peter assured. He didn’t want to be rude or upset Tony. 
 “Look.. I know things are different now, and I know I’m different. Everything changed for you in what felt like a second, while five years passed, but… Peter. I don’t mean to get all sappy on you. I just.” Tony froze and thought for a moment. 
Peter tilted his head, waiting for Tony to continue.
  “You never stopped being my kid. Not for a second.” expressed Tony, holding back tears. He really didn’t care if he was getting emotional. Five years without Peter was terrible. It’s crazy how the best five years of his life were also the worst. 
Peter nodded, and smiled at Tony. 
 “Thank you, Mr. Stark. I’m really happy for you. For retirement, and Pepper. And Morgan. She is absolutely adorable, you know!”
  “Thank you, Pete. And yeah, I know.” Tony smirked. 
Suddenly, Morgan came skipping into the room. 
  “Mommy said to tell you that dinner’s ready!” 
    The four of them had a nice dinner, laughing and conversing. Peter was starting to feel more at home and knew that it was going to be a fun week. After dinner, it was still light outside so Peter and Tony took a walk out to the dock. 
  “You know, you can call me Tony.” Tony said, sitting next to Peter on the edge of the dock. 
  “Yeah.. I guess “Mr. Stark” is just a habit.” Peter answered. He could never admit that “Mr. Stark” was his own way of saying “Dad.” He’d be mortified if he ever accidentally called him that. He liked how he had his own name for Tony. Occasionally he’d call him “Tony,” but something always felt off about it. 
  Peter and Tony stayed out of the dock talking and reminiscing until the sun went down. The wind blowing gently, the crickets chirping, and the water below them sloshing, were all wonderful sounds that Peter rarely ever got to hear growing up in the big city. He really enjoyed being out there with Tony. He was finally able to talk to Tony about everything he wanted to for the past several months. He always had interruptions or limited time with Tony in the hospital. Now, he had all the time, and he cherished it so immensely, especially because he knew how lucky he was that Tony was still here. 
  Tony just listened. He smiled at the kid in front of him, taking in everything he was saying. The excited tones in his voice, his precious facial expressions, and his silly sound effects. He had him home. He just listened to the kid ramble on, just as he remembered him. He did notice how he was growing and maturing. Post-blip had an effect on everyone and everything, yet Peter was still Peter. Strong, dorky, funny, extremely intelligent, and eager to please. 
   “Yes, Mr. Stark?”
   “Do you want to see the garage? It’s my workshop.” Tony asked. 
   “Oh yes! Definitely!” Peter said, hopping to his feet and extending his hands to Tony to help him up. 
   “Okay.” Tony said, taking Peter’s hand and getting to his feet. “It’s about time we go in anyway, before you get bit by a radioactive mosquito.” 
Tony ruffled Peter’s hair as they both giggled. 
“‘Guna! I’m going to show Peter the garage. Want to come with?” Tony asked Morgan who was playing on the living room floor with her “babies.” 
She put her dolls down and scrambled to her feet. 
 “Of course you do!” Tony chuckled before scooping her up and tickling her tummy like he often did, earning her precious giggles. 
Peter smiled at the scene, but also blushed profusely. It reminded him of all the times his parents, Ben and May, and more recently, Tony, had tickled him. It also reminded him of how ticklish he was. He wondered if Tony even remembered that he would sometimes tickle him. He wondered if he’d playfully attack him like that ever again. He secretly hoped so, as he loves affection, but the very thought of it happening again made him a bit nervous and flustered. However, he doubted that Tony would. He even convinced himself that he wouldn’t. That happened almost six years ago, and he probably thought it would be too childish now. All these thoughts swarmed Peter’s head until he was pulled out of them by Tony’s voice. 
  “Kid? Uhh you good?” Tony asked, ceasing to tickle Morgan. He was reminded of Peter acting this way when he first arrived today. He noticed Peter’s red face and awkwardness. 
  “Y-Yeah? I’m-I’m just excited t-to see the old equipment! Yeah, that’s all.” Peter stuttered.
Tony gave him a look, like an “I know something’s up with you” look, but ultimately pushed it to the back of his mind.
  “Here we are.” Tony said flicking on the lights, revealing his garage/workshop. 
  “This is AWESOME, Mr. Stark!” Peter exclaimed as he walked around looking at the whole set up, all while Morgan was on his shoulders. “It reminds me of the compound.”
  “Yeah, me too, Pete.” Tony agreed. 
He had moved a lot of the equipment he and Peter used before… the war. When Peter would come to the compound on the weekends, they’d build things and work on suit advancements. After the snap, and he and Pepper started their family, Tony wanted to bring home some of his favorite equipment. It wasn’t a coincidence that almost all of it was what he and Peter used frequently. They reminded him of Peter. 
 More time in the garage had passed, when Pepper came in. 
  “Madam Secretary, it’s your bedtime!” Pepper announced. “Who do you want to put you to bed tonight?”
  “Daddy and Peter!” Morgan answered.
  “Okay, well I’m going to take a bath and head to bed.” Pepper said as she walked over to Peter and Morgan. “Goodnight, sweet girl. I love you.”
Peter knelt down to let Morgan kiss Pepper. 
Pepper smiled at Peter and fondly ruffled his curls. “I’ll see you in the morning, Peter. I love you as well!” She gave him a kiss on the head, making Peter feel very loved and appreciative. 
Tony smiled at the scene, like he was looking at his completed jigsaw. 
  “Daddy, I want my bunny.” Morgan pouted slightly, as she laid tucked into her bed. 
Peter had just finished reading her a story, as Tony laid across the end of the bed, watching the two’s adorable interactions. 
  “Well where is he, hon?” Tony asked his daughter. 
  “I left him downstairs with my babies.” Morgan explained. 
  “I’ll go get him for you!” Peter said, jumping to his feet in pursuit of the gray stuffed bunny that Morgan had since she was a baby. 
 Peter entered the living room and grabbed the bunny, happily making his way upstairs. By the time he made it back to the room, Tony was tickling Morgan again all over her sides, tummy, and ribs as she howled with adorable laughter. Peter froze and felt out of place, almost like he was intruding. He didn’t know what to do or say, and he wanted to just walk out, but Morgan had already spotted him, and her bunny, while Tony was tickling her to pieces.
Peter walked briskly over to the edge of her bed and set the bunny down. 
  “Uuuuh h-here Morgan! Haha ok! G-Goodnight!” Peter spluttered as he awkwardly made his way out of the room, mentally cursing himself for being so obvious and weird. 
  “Where ya going?” Tony grinned as he observed Peter and stopped tickling Morgan. He definitely put two and two together as to why Peter kept doing this, and honestly? It melted his heart. It was too cute. 
  “Downstairs!” Peter called as he made his way down the stairs to the living room couch. He immediately started thinking of something convincing to tell Tony when he inevitably asked him what THAT was. Telling the truth wasn’t an option. It was too embarrassing. 
   A few minutes later, Tony walked down the stairs and plopped on the other side of the couch, facing Peter and resting his cheek on his fist. 
Peter looked at him with wide eyes, waiting for what Tony was going to say.  
  “Sooo, what was that? Tony asked with a sly smirk. He knew. 
  “What was what?” Peter replied. 
  “You kinda ran off.”
Peter sighed and looked down at his hands. “I uhm.” Well, maybe he could be mostly honest. “I just didn’t want to intrude.”
  “Intrude? You were supposed to be there… You're supposed to be here.” Tony reassured him.
  “Yeah, I just know that I was gone for a really long time, and she’s your child.” Peter said. 
Tony shifted in his spot and thought for a moment. “Look kid, I’m not your dad. I was never trying to be. I’m not trying to be now. But you are my kid. I know, doesn’t really make sense. You mean more to me than a mentee, apprentice, ward, whatever people assume. I meant what I said earlier.”
Peter didn’t know what to say. He just smiled and launched forward, hugging Tony. 
Tony chuckled and didn’t hesitate to hug the kid back. A minute or two passed as Peter cuddled him, his eyes closed and ear pressed to Tony’s chest. 
Tony decided to drop the bomb on him, you know, to make sure the kid knew how well he still knew him. 
  “Also, Pete, I know that you acted weirdly because tickling makes you blush.”
Peter’s eye shot open and he pulled away to face Tony. His heart started to pound and his cheeks flushed from embarrassment. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
  “Oh really? You’re gonna try to lie to me? I think you’d be surprised to know how much I remember.” Tony beamed. 
  “R-Remember what? I-I uh. Remember?” Peter stuttered nervously. He started to think that Tony might be about to, maybe, tickle him again. It was so embarrassing that Tony caught on, but also kind of relieving. 
  “Well, I remember that you’re super…” Tony trailed off, putting on a serious face to mess with the kid. “TICKLISH!” And with that, Tony pounced on Peter, kneading his sides. 
Peter let out a surprised shriek, and fell into adorable, bubbly giggles. Tony’s heart melted. This was just like he remembered, but he wasn’t going to hold back this time. This kid needed a good wrecking. 
 “Mr. Stahahahaarrk! Noohohohoho hahahaha!” Peter cackled. He tried to toss around but Tony had him pinned.
  “No? Aww come on, kid! You’ve been waiting for me to tickle you all day! Just like you used to.” Tony teased ruthlessly. He began to scribble his fingertips into Peter’s tummy, a particular death spot of his. 
Tony’s comment made Peter’s ears burn and the tummy tickles definitely made his belly laugh come out. He couldn’t believe that Tony knew, like he could read his mind. Yet, he was loving this. 
Tony gave Peter a break so the kid wouldn’t pass out. Peter caught his breath for a moment. 
  “...How did you know? Peter mumbled, unable to even look him in the eye. He couldn’t keep the silly smile off his face. 
 “Because you make it so obvious!” Tony answered, before vibrating his fingertips into Peter’s ribs, sending him back into hysterics. 
 “Thahahahat tihihihickles!!” Peter burst through his laughter. 
 “Does it? I couldn’t tell!” Tony replied sarcastically. 
Peter laughed and squirmed trying, but failing, to escape the tickling. It took him back to when Tony used to tickle him, but somehow he was even better at it now, and was tickling him for a long time. 
Tony stopped tickling Peter’s ribs after a few minutes and Peter just laid there giggling. 
  “You know what else I remember, Pete?
  “Thahahat you’re evihihil?” 
  “Nope. I remember that your armpits are your most ticklish spot!” Tony said and shot his hands under Peter’s arms, tickling as best as he could. 
Peter trapped Tony’s hands under his arms and he absolutely lost it, howling with hilarious laughter, before silent laughing to the point where he gasped for air. 
  “Tickletickletickletickletickle!” Tony taunted, still digging into poor Peter’s armpits. 
Peter fell in and out of silent laughter and got to the point where he just laid there, taking the ruthless tickles, instead of trying to fight it. 
Tony was laughing fondly at his adorable reactions, and finally stopped, but couldn’t slip his hands out. 
  “Pete, you’ve trapped my hands! Lift your arms up!” Tony laughed.
  “Ihihihihi cahahahan’t!” Peter giggled, ticklish sensations still running through his hyper-sensative nervous system. 
  “You have to!” Tony chuckled. This was too good. 
  “It’s gonna tickle!” Peter squeaked. 
  “It won’t! Just do it really quickly!” 
It took Peter a while, but he finally lifted his arms up and let Tony’s hands free with a squeal, only to have Tony drill into his hips. 
  “NOHOHOHOT THEHEHERE! PLEHEHEHEASE!” Peter cried with laughter. This was another bad spot.
  “Aww why not? Too ticklish?” Tony teased. 
Tony finally let up after a while, and Peter rolled to his side, catching his breathing and giggling from the remaining tickly feeling. Tony just sat back and watched the kid recover. 
    “You good?” Tony asked. 
   “Yeahaha, Dad.” 
Peter and Tony both froze. 
Peter’s heart dropped. If he wasn’t flustered before, he definitely was now. He couldn’t believe he just said that. 
Tony had the biggest smile on his face. 
  “I’m sorry.” Peter said. 
  “Do NOT apologize.” 
  “I didn’t mean to.” 
  “Don’t be sorry! You can call me whatever you want. Doesn’t bother me one bit.” Tony attempted to reassure him, but Peter was obviously going to fret. 
Tony rubbed Peter’s back and looked over toward the kitchen. 
  “Come with me.” Tony said, getting up and walking toward the kitchen.
Peter slowly trailed behind. 
Tony grabbed a black picture frame off the shelf and placed it in Peter’s hands. Peter looked down at it fondly. 
  “How long have you had this in here?” Peter asked.
  “A really long time.”
  “Why are you showing me this?” Peter asked again. 
  “Because you're upset that you called me “Dad.”
 Peter looked up at him with confusion.
“I never told anyone this..” Tony trailed off, before proceeding to explain the significance of the picture, how it motivated him to discover time travel, and how it ultimately saved the universe.
Peter cried.  
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marvelgiggles · 5 years
Don’t Ever Doubt My Love
(Tony Stark x daughter!reader)
@iguessweallcrazyithinktho​ again I’m so sorry I lost the prompt before. @imrelatedtothedragon your prompt is next on my list.
This is a little angsty but ends in fluff!
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You couldn’t stop the tears from gathering in your eyes as you were driven back home by Happy. You were hoping that your father, Tony Stark, would show up to your presentation at MIT, as a 16 year old. Once again, he missed something that was important to you, within the last couple months, like presentations at school, as well as parent teacher conferences. He also hasn’t been around the compound that much to see how you’ve progressed in training with the other Avengers. You tried to remind him of everything by leaving notes in the lab, on the fridge, and texted him reminders about everything you wanted him to attend. 
“I’m sure he has a good excuse Y/N.” Happy told you from the driver’s seat. Happy’s heart broke when he saw your red rimmed when he picked you up, knowing that Tony once again didn’t show up. You just shrugged knowing deep down your dad probably didn’t love you anymore. You didn’t know what you did  to make your dad not love you anymore but it was something that you were going to have to come to terms with. Finally, Happy pulled up to the compound and before he could say anything about Tony. You just made your way up to your room before you would have to confront any of the Avengers. Suddenly you heard a knock on your door and it opened slowly to reveal Pepper. 
“Did he not show up again Y/N?” She asked gently as she sat on your bed and started to rub your back. All you could do is nod your head as you cuddled into Pepper.  “I’m sorry Y/N, I can talk to him if you want.” You quickly shook your head no. 
“I don’t think he loves me anymore.” You said quietly as more tears came to your eyes. You felt Pepper’s arms hold you a little closer. 
“Oh, Y/N. That’s not true, of course he loves you. How could he not?”
“He hasn’t seemed interested in my events for months and he hasn’t responded to any of my texts or sought me out here at the compound.” You weeped as you cried in her arms. Pepper hadn’t realized it’s been that long, she cuddled you calmed down and she went to go seek out Tony and she tried to find one of the many reminder notes you’ve left him.  She eventually found him in the lab working on something. 
“Tony.” Tony looked up at her and immediately knew he did something wrong, he could tell from how she was standing and the look on her face.
“Hey Pep.”
“Busy working on something?”
“No, just tinkering around. Did I forget the milk or something.” He asked trying to ease the tense look on her face. 
“Not quite.” Pepper handed him one of your many notes. Tony looked at the note and his eyes got wide. 
“T-that was tonight.” He stuttered. Pepper watched as his shoulders fell and he walked over to a stool to sit down, putting his head in his hands.
“Yes, that was tonight.” Pepper could see the guilt overwhelm him, she walked over to him and kneeled in front of him needing to be honest with him. “Tony this isn’t the first event of her’s that you’ve missed. It’s been months since you’ve shown up to something of hers. Every single time she is hopeful and optimistic that you will show up but she's been crushed so many times. The first couple times she shrugged it off but recently she’s been coming home in tears. I think tonight was her breaking point because she doesn’t think you love her anymore and it’s all her fault.” Tony’s head shot up to look at Pepper in shock and had tears in his eyes.
He really screwed up if his little girl didn’t he loved her anymore. There was nothing he loved more in life than her and he knew he had to make it up to her. He stood up and made his way to your room, he hesitantly knocked on your door before opening it. His heart broke at the sight of you curled on your bed with your back facing him, he noticed that you were holding you baby blanket that he got you. You never would leave home without it, even though you were 16. He walked over to sit on your bed, “Y/N,” he started and saw you jump a little, “I’m sorry for the horrible father that I’ve been lately. Is there anything I can do to make you forgive me?”
It took all of your will power to turn around and look at him. “What did I do to make you not love me anymore?”
Tony didn’t care anymore he took you in his arms and held you close as he pressed multiple kisses to your hair, cheeks, and forehead. “Oh, bug. It breaks my heart that you think I don’t love you anymore. There is nothing I love more in my life than you. The problem is I don’t really have a good reason as to why I forgot all of your events these last couple months.” He said as he shifted you so he could whisper all of that in your ear and you flinched a little trying not to giggle. This sparked an idea for Tony to hopefully get rid of the depressing mood that was surrounding the room. 
“Can I try and show you how much I love you?” Tony asked you and you hesitantly nodded your head, not really sure what was going to happen next. You felt your dad hold you a little tighter against him as he bent down to whisper in your ear. “Well I love how much you giggle when I do this.” Suddenly you felt your dad’s hands work their way into their underarms. You squealed and then let out frantic giggles as you tried to work your way out of your dad’s arms. “Oh no what’s wrong, Y/N?” Your dad also knew that you couldn’t stand to be teased. After a while your dad stopped tickling your underarms and proceeded to move down to your ribs. 
“I also love how squirmy you get when I tickle you here.” He said as he started to poke into your each and every one of your ribs and you dad was right. This is the spot that made you squirm the most because you couldn’t stand getting tickled here. After many times of losing his place and he finally decided to move on to your sides. “I also love how helpless your giggles sound when I tickle you here.” You let out hysterical giggles as your down slowly and methodically walk his fingers up and down your sides..
“Ohohohokay. Stahahahap.” You giggled while still trying to get out of your father’s arms to get him to stop tickling you. 
“But bug, I need to show you how much I love you.” Your dad quickly flips you on your back and sits on your forearms so you can’t move and fight against him.
“No Dad, please. I know you love me, let me go.” You pleaded with your best puppy dog look. Your dad didn’t seem to care as he started to tickle your stomach. You arched your back and started laughing deep from your belly. “I also love the sound of your belly laughter, and it’s ironic that your belly getting tickled does that to you.” You dad continued to tease you with a smile on his face. You officially gave up that he would show you any mercy until he tickled every single tickle spot that you had. 
“Now I know I love to tickle you here but I can’t remember why.” Your dad suddenly began to squeeze right above your knees and since your dad was sitting in between your legs you were free to kick out and try and knock his hands off. Although your dad had an iron grip on your knees and just continued his torture. “OH! That’s why, I love how much you kick when I tickle you here.” After a while your dad gave you a break so you could breathe. Although your dad shifted so he was sitting down by your feet. You tried to quickly kick your legs so you could escape but your dad was too quick.
“Y/N.” He sang. “You know that if you try to get away will only make it worse.” As he lightly traced your foot up and down. You didn’t have time to try and stop the laughter from coming out of your mouth. You squealed, shrieked and laughed while desperately trying to get away from your dad’s fingers. “I love tickling you here because it’s your most ticklish spot.” Your kept this up until you were silently laughing and you weren’t struggling anymore.
Your dad picked you up and tucked you into your bed and kissed your forehead. “I love you so so much bug. I think the two of us need to reconnect somewhere on a father daughter trip, I’ll have Pepper pack your bag, you just sleep my love.”
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squashedbananatk · 5 years
Tickle Monsters Part 2
Heyo! I saw that my other fic was really liked so I made that sequel! I hope whoever reads it likes it as much as the first! ❤️
If you haven’t read part one please go check that out! https://squashedbananatk.tumblr.com/post/186217255824/tickle-monsters
“NopeNopeNopeNopeNopeNope!” Tony repeated as ran down the hall with Pepper, Peter and Morgan all chasing him.
“Don’t let him get away!” He could hear Pepper call out.
Tony ran down stairs not knowing where to go he he ended up in the sparring room and hid behind one of the doors.
It was silent for a minute or two, Tony took a breath thinking he was safe.
Tony then suddenly felt someone grab his side.
“Hey!” Peter said from behind him.
Tony literally jumped in the air when he heard Peter’s voice. Tony turned around covering his midriff to find Peter hanging upside down on one of his webs with a smirk on his face.
“AH! Kid! Where the hell did you come from?!” Tony exclaimed.
“Haha! You are not that stealthy Mr Stark.” Peter pointed out slightly spinning on his web.
Tony then turned around to find Pepper standing right behind him along with Morgan.
“Gah! Oh come on!” Tony yelled backing away only to hit a wall.
“You are gonna get it Stark!” Pepper claimed with a big smile before digging her hands into Tony’s ribs.
“Gah! P-Pehehepper!! Ahahahaha!”
Tony laughed.
Looks like daddy is ticklish too!” Pepper claimed before darting her fingers down to Tony’s stomach making him yelp and giggle.
“Nohoho! Stohohohop it!” Tony laughed out.
“Yay! Get him mommy!” Morgan cheered.
“This is what you get Tony! You always pick on the poor kid!” Pepper teased.
“Thehehe kihihid ihis a puhunk!” Tony replied squeezing his arms to his sides as Pepper’s hands went for his flanks.
Peter gawked at that.
“Hey peter!” Pepper called over.
“If Tony ever gets at ya again, Just tickle him riiiiight here!” Pepper explained before kneading into one spot on his lower right side just above his hip causing Tony to throw his head back before sliding down to the floor.
“Yes THAT spot!” Pepper teased looking back at Peter who had a rather amused smile on his face as he lowered down to the ground next to Morgan.
“What are you guys waiting for? You gonna help or what?” Pepper called over to the teen and her daughter.
“Dohohon’t you dahahare!” Tony called pointing to the two. Peter and Morgan looked at one another, Peter knew he would be so dead oh what the hell! and he charged.
Pepper moved off Tony to let the kids get some action. Only Tony took this opportunity and jumped up grabbing his wife swinging her over his shoulder.
“Ahaha! Tony! Put mehe down!” Pepper exclaimed giggling as Tony playfully threw her onto one of the big mats used for high stunt jumping.
“Did you really think I wasn’t going to retaliate?!” Tony teased before he began tickling his wife’s thighs causing her to burst out in laughter.
“We’ll save you mommy!” Morgan called out as she and Peter charged for Tony.
“Gotcha!” Peter exclaimed jumping onto his mentor’s back.
Peter immediately went into action tickling the hero’s sides.
“AH! Peheheter! Geheheht ohohoff!” Tony laughed out trying to grab Peter from behind. Pepper took this opportunity to roll away and get to safety.
“Morgan! We gotta use team work! I’ll get him down then you attack!” Peter yelled out.
Peter then dug into that spot Pepper showed him and Tony collapsed onto his front roaring with laughter.
“AH! KID! KIHIHID! STOHOHOHOP AHAHAHAHA! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!” Tony yelled out twisting and turning almost making Peter fall off. Peter then pinned Tony down as Morgan continued the tickle attack.
“Ha! Hows it feel to be on the receiving end for once Mr Stark! Haha! We’ve gotcha now!” Peter taunted joining in on tickld attack.
“HAHAHAHA! OHOHO YEAHAHA!?” Tony laughed out before flipping the two on the mat below. The two of them looked up to see Tong looming over the them on the
“Now who’s got who?!” Tony roared before blowing a big raspberry on Peter’s neck. And skittering his fingers on Mrogans little tummy. Causing them both to immediately break into adorable squeaky laughter.
“AH! MR Stahahahahahark! Eek! NOHOHOHOHO!!” Peter screeched out kicking his legs out.
“AH! Dahahaddy! ihihihit tihihickles!” Morgan squealed out.
“Don’t forget guys that I know Aaalll your tickle spots!~” Tony teased.
“Liiike, your knees!” Tony teased squeezing Peter’s knee caps.
“Hehehehehey!” Peter squeaked out face glowing a bright shade of pink.
“Your ribs!” Tony pointed out gently digging into his daughters ribs.
“Kyaaaahahahaha! Dahahahaddy nohohoho!” Morgan squealed.
“Your hips!” Tony chuckled digging into peter’s hips making him jump and arch his back!”
Quihihihit THAHAHAT!” Peter squealed grabbing at Tony’s hands as his face grew redder..
“You’re two adorable tummies!” Tony teased spidering all around the kid’s bellies.
“AH! TOHOHONY Nohohohoho!” Peter screached out.
“Oh! Can’t forget you’re bellybutton Pete! Tony remembers before skittering his fingers all over the young hero’s bellybutton.
“GYAahahahahaha! Nohohohoho AH!!” Peter knew what was coming and the anticipation was killing him.
“And we most certainly can not forget your armpits!” Tony called out before darting his hands into one armpit each.
“AHAHAHAHA! T-TOHOHOHONYHYHY! NOHOHOHOHOHO! AHAHAHA!” Peter howled clamping his arms to his sides as tightly as he could.
Tony then let up on the two of them smiling down at them seemingly satisfied with his work.
“Haha! No one can defeat the true tickle monster!... Me!” Tony cheered in triumph.
“Y-You... Suck...” Peter gasped.
Tony chuckled at that as he hoisted Morgan up onto his shoulders.
“We should probably go eat that pizza before it gets cold.” Tony suggested.
“Hehe! Onwards Horsy! To the Pizza!” Morgan cheered as they made their way to the kitchen.
Pepper chuckled looking over at Peter who was still laying on the mat.
Pepper walked over looking down at the teen.
“Tony really does care about you, you know? You’re very special to him. Heh, Morgan really likes you too. She talks about you like your her big brother all the time.” Pepper mentioned with a smile as Peter sat up.
“Y-Yeah? heh... That’s really nice to hear...” Peter blushed still not as comfortable around Pepper as he is Mr Stark.
Pepper noticed how shy Peter had suddenly become
“I think you’re a pretty awesome kid too. I want you to feel confident in that ok?” Pepper told Peter with a smile offering Peter a hand up which Peter gratefully took.
“And don’t worry I’ll be sure to teach him a lesson.” Pepper winked.
“C-mon, we better get to the kitchen before those two eat the whole pizza.” Morgan joked as they walked out of the gym.
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ongnable · 6 years
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the art of brewing
There was a difference between fate and coincidence.
The two of you never lacked fate – but it was too unpredictable. And neither of you all knowing. So he could only rely on coincidence.
“There’s no such thing as coincidence.”
“I know,” his expression looking all too much like a fox’s. “I was intent on seeing you again.” 
Again and again. Over and over. Until you couldn’t find yourself without him by your side.
{ supernatural au } kdn | bjy | pwj | osw | hmh | hsw
a/n: 3.8k of sweetness, gumiho minhyun for my soulmate/supernatural au. can be read stand-alone; please note that they use formal speech with each other throughout this fic until the third cut.
The clear night does nothing to still your racing heart when Minhyun hitches his robes up to sit besides you at the foot bath. Peering over the world you grew up in.
You’d come out to try and find a cure to your sleeplessness, but it was obvious to you that Minhyun seems to think that you’re thinking of the other realm again.
“When you look at something for a long time, you’re supposed to learn to appreciate it more.” Minhyun says out of the blue in the way that he does as the two of you dangle high above the city, firefly lights dancing amongst the stained-glass waters, bustling streets of the heavenly realm reflected in the steaming foot bath.
”But it’s different when you’re looking over someone.” His gaze burns through you, unwavering in its intensity of affection, whilst the cricket songs seemingly still. It should scare you how much it seems as if Minhyun likes you. But at least, he knows you like him.
“How?” Whispered, barely loud enough over the winds that have suddenly picked up, it sounds accusing rather than inquisitive. It’s not what you intend, but maybe somewhere deep down, it’s a defensive mechanism. That having witnessed all your shortcomings, you worry that he’s given up on you.
“When you look over someone, you’ll either grow tired of them, or find that you can no longer live without them. Even if they do not return your affection, and even when they are not aware of your care and presence.”
To him, the moment you met, the universe shifted.
But to you, in front of the person you wanted to give the whole universe to, you felt small and insignificant.
“Is that why you never came to find me until I came to try and cancel our engagement? Because you grew tired?”
“No.” Shaking his head as he answers. Minhyun’s arms wrapped tightly around your waist, and his hair tickles the side of your neck as he moves to lean on your shoulder.
You still remember how the peach blossoms painted the palace grounds, draping it in swaths of petals - despite the winter landscape - to welcome the return of its prince when you’d raised hell in the main palace – demanding to meet the Crown Prince the daughter of the Minister of Magical Relations had been offhandedly gifted to.
So… Perhaps, you were a bit of a handful.
There’s great fire in your soul – so people will either warm themselves at it and burrow in your embrace, or see nothing but smoke and a future of carcasses and go their own way. That is the fate of those born with flame in their blood.
Your fate was recited to you as soon as you were old enough to understand.
To be the fox’s bride, or lead your realm to ashes. 
It was ingrained in your souls for the two of you to both balance one another. And to bring equilibrium to the realms.
You just wished you’d known how important Minhyun would become for you.
“No,” Swaying his legs, causing ripples to cascade along the surface before he picks up again. “one disappears to be found. I simply could not find you.”
There were strict rules regarding the privacy of humans, though he could send his foxfires throughout the magical realms, the non-magical earth was governed by another set of laws.
“It was an unexpected turn to see you come to me instead.”
You didn’t come to find him. You’d come to rid yourself of the duty you carried as a disposable chess piece. But you suppose the end you were searching for was definitely Minhyun. Everything was just a means to him.
Reaching to pet the top of his head, you smile contently when you feel him hum at your side, the beginnings of a soft purr. Bringing you back to a memory of a slightly chubbier, bright eyed, and shorter haired Minhyun complaining to you about not having anyone willing to spoil him with such meaningless little actions of affection as they refused to touch his head.
It never occurred to you as a child to ask the reason. But now, it made sense that no one would willingly pet the crown prince over his head.
“Just a little.” Lashes fluttered to follow his dedicated attempts to stay awake. Nudging his foot with your own, you’re rewarded with a yelp of surprise as he scoots away, eyes wide and cheeks flushed. Ticklish.
“Go back in first and rest, I’ll come join you a little later.”
“Should I?” He glanced at the way you played with the water, kicking and swaying to make patterns on its surface, distorting the image of the heavens, mixing it with the lunar lights of the human realm - celebrating the arrival of another year.
“I’m a big girl, and the palace is probably the safest place on Earth. I won’t stay out here for long, just go in to rest - I’ll see you in the morning.”
I won’t disappear again,
Guilt edged itself in you and painted over your voice each time he looked scared to leave you alone. And it only worsened when you knew he could tell, but you tilted your head back towards the rooms before turning back to look at sparkling city line, feeling the tension in your shoulder slump as you hear his footsteps beyond the sliding doors.
You’d stay there by his side.
With the last of your boxes rolled safely in place, you collapse on the floor, moaning in pain at the dull ache in your shoulders.
Minhyun must’ve heard you because he trots over, soft steps and gentle smile in place. You’d known that he was in the garden pavilion earlier, but you hadn’t known for what reason until you spot the cups in his hand.
“Ahh~ Green tea!” It was especially nice during this chilly weather and he was excellent at brewing. What a treat you were in for.
When you make tea... it reflects what you feel at that time. Sweetness when you’re happy and bitterness when you’re in despair. Anger transfers in the form of heat.
Never overheating the water to let subtle notes escape. Minhyun’s tea is rounded. Crisp with delicate sweetness, fragrance that travels miles, and has sparkling green clarity. There’s a calming effect to whatever he brews. Like himself.
Minhyun’s tea is exactly to your taste because of the person brewing it.
Taking a sip, you smile down at the cup. What would Minhyun taste in yours?
“This is why I love you. Truly, you know me best, Minhyun.”
He knew exactly how to remind you of the happiness in stall for the both of you. Together. It was as if a small cup of liquid jade could tell you that you won’t regret your decision to stay and that he’d never let you feel unvalued.
The stark change of expression of his face transitions from acceptance to alarm in mere seconds. Eyes blown wide as the fine layer of white dust that always seems to surround him turns ice cold.
“You loved me once, and that would’ve been enough. There’s no need for you to express pleasantries when your heart obviously lies elsewhere.” 
He didn’t want you to resort to lying. Gazing at the boxes that lay in neat lines by the left hallway, he’d already resigned himself. He’d known that you must’ve want to go back, but he hadn’t thought it’d be so soon.
Minhyun didn’t want to have any regrets. Not again.
“Minhyun… What are you talking about?”
By now, his tails were taking on a diaphanous form, swaying behind him as his emotions ran in erratic circles.
“Our fate… shouldn’t be forced. There is timing for everything. I understand. But it still pains me to think that it is not our time yet.”
Waiting was nothing. Just as fox showers were just a passing rain, it shan’t last. Time was of no essence to a gumiho. What hurt was the thought of him not being enough to keep you by his side. But he knew that there was too much to give up.
He could tell that the fox in him was yipping, annoyed at his complacency and his coat had begun slipping from him. Begun to reach for his mate against his will, tails lashing out, unwilling to let go of companionship yet. But they both knew there was nothing he could do to force you to stay.
You could see the strain in Minhyun’s expression. Wasn’t he glad that you would be by his side-? Did he think you were leaving?
You’d forgotten that he was in classes the day you’d first moved in. Oh dear.
“Did you think that I’m leaving?”
“Are you not leaving?”
“Obviously not!”
Why would you pay extra to have the courier come up to such a rural area with your stuff only to move out?
Minhyun drops the cup he was holding, spilling tea over the wood chipped floor as the cup rolls towards your feet, the stain seeping through the layers magically disappearing to leave only fragrant mist behind
“But- how?” Why?
“I’m staying with you.” The tone of finality in your voice surprising you as well.
“But your parents- your home-“
“I got accepted at your institute under special circumstances!” 
You weren’t giving up anything! What was repeating four months of classes compared to Minhyun?
“Why-?” Why would you give up such normalcy for me?
“Can you not tell that... That you’re the only reason I have to stay?”
Was this why he’d kept this distance? Only reaching out for you when you’d reached for him first? Because he’d thought it temporary… That you’d soon be leaving?
Minhyun stood. Unmoving. As the words wrapped around him, the winds outside stilling and snow fell in slow motion.
“You like me too?”
The words that leave him sound foreign. Unthinkably so. But those words cause him such immense happiness. He’d never had to doubt or cared of what anyone had to feel for him before you.
“Were you always this stupid?”
Oh my god, were you the stupid one for calling the emperor stupid?
Gaping, you search Minhyun for any signs of joking. Only to be struck with genuine inquisition.
“Oh my god, we’re going to have an idiot as emperor.” 
Was it not obvious?
You’d face palm if it wasn’t so inappropriate and you didn’t want to keep staring at Minhyun. Oh my god, he must have seen you talking to the couriers.
“Why else would I be staying here with you?”
How could someone so smart be so dumb?
“You thought I was leaving again!” You accused, but instead of retaliating Minhyun only exchanges the look of lost on his face to a dopey smile.
And with the way the birds and cicadas have started singing, and the peach blossoms have rebloomed alike to the day you stepped foot on the mountain, you can tell that spring must’ve bloomed outside.
Walking over to hold your hands between his own, warm from his cup, dangling them for too long for your liking. You think that his smile must’ve been the persuasion winter needed to thaw.
“I like you too. I like you so much.”
Pouting, you loosen his hold to wrap your arms around his waist instead, burying yourself on the glistening pelt he has draped over his shoulders as a sign of his status.
“Then just hug me already.”
Smiling when you feel him practically melt into you, you wonder if he knows that he’s spoiling you too often here.
“I’m still in love with you, y/n.” He sat back down from the kneeling position he’d shifted to, lacing his fingers through your own. “Can I say that I love you again?”
“You already said it.”
“I’ll say it many more times, as long as you let me.”
There was a difference between fate and coincidence.
The two of you never lacked fate – but it was too unpredictable. And neither of you all knowing. So he could only rely on coincidence.
“There’s no such thing as coincidence.”
“I know,” his expression looking all too much like a fox’s. “I was intent on seeing you again.” Again and again. Over and over. Until you couldn’t find yourself without him by your side.
You stand, surprisingly steady on your feet. To press a kiss on his lips. Fleeting love imprinted on the corner of his mouth. Over before it’s barely begun. But the touch of your warmth lingers on Minhyun and he can tell that something lingers on your mind. A hint of negativity clouding the moment of gentle happiness.
“You were a princess last time.” He says to distract you, and in the depths of his eyes, you could hear the tender words he left out. I spent countless summers looking for you went unsaid.
You didn’t think you’d talk about it at such a moment.
“Thank-you for waiting.” It hadn’t occurred to you that Minhyun might’ve tried to search for you because of something you’d said off-handedly as a kid. You’ve met your fair share of girls claiming to be princesses at soirees and conferences (not that they necessarily weren’t). 
And the two of you had been so young. You didn’t think he’d remember. 
“Why did you say so?”
You winced, embarrassed. How were you supposed to explain that your younger self was ecstatic over the idea of marrying a prince and becoming a princess – too caught up in the romantic fantasy to understand the notion of fairytales - to care about marrying for love. Too young to understand that you were a princess consort.
How were you supposed to know what an engagement entailed and how titles worked? In the books - love was supposed to be a war. The greatest trial. No one ever finds their soulmates so easily.
Just like that. Like this. Where all you’d wanted was him. From beginning to end. Always him. Everything just fell in place.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to lie.” Pouting, this didn’t seem fair! Minhyun must’ve known from the start after all! “How was I supposed to know that I was talking to the prince!”
“Crown prince,” he corrected. Lips pursed in a tight smile, so charmingly fox-like, your heart flips a few times. Being spoiled by him surely shouldn’t be good for your health. “There’s nothing stopping you from regaining your title.” Minhyun teased, falling in thought, before a grin spreads. “Barring marriage.”
“Firstly, I was never a princess so I can’t regain the title; and secondly, urgh-“ You dreaded the idea of having to explain to your parents after the ruckus you’ve caused that you’d like to keep the engagement. Or to talk of your love life with them. “Let’s keep that talk for the future.”
“Unless you don’t want to?” He feigns a look of ignorance, rubbing the bottom of his chin between his thumb and index finger. “We could run away to the mountains…”
“Minhyun… We’re already in the mountains.”
“Live off our own vegetables…”
You glanced at the open garden past the sliding doors to reveal the round patches of cabbage waiting to be frost kissed, edamame beans ready to be harvested, and colourful batches of sweet and spicy peppers. The persimmons looked too creamy to be collected just yet.
“Do our own cleaning…”
“As if you didn’t do that already.” Rolling your eyes, you’d seen him ushering the maids out to do so himself after deeming them not complacent enough at their paid jobs!
“And name the hundreds of koi fish we have in our free time.” Bursting into giggles, you poked him right under his ribs, in which he responds by wriggling away and throwing you off his lap.
“You want to retire already?”
“No. But if you want to, we can. I’ll just be a puppet king and let the counsel decide everything.”
Sighing, you realize that this is what it’s really about.
“You know you can’t lie to me.” Granted. He lacked Sungwoon’s power to differentiate truth and falsity, but with you – he didn’t need anything.
“Why do you try to carry the realms on your shoulders?
“So that my arms can be yours’ only.”
Trust him to try and cheer you up when it was his authority and likeness being mocked.
“Will you blame me if I fail?”
You really wish he’d stop trying to pretend that he was fine.
“No. I will raise you above them all.”
If there was one thing that didn’t make sense to you, it was how easy sound travelled through the palace. It was the reason for Minhyun staying in his own quarters by the gardens instead of the main branch and the servants leaving the place after sun down, to protect the intense privacy of the palace.
It’d made sense in the olden days, before the abilities of each race could be used to complement each other and before technology become incorporated with the magical realm, as it ensured the translucency and fairness of the monarchs – but it was more of liability now.
Because now, it meant that the elders – still stuck in their war time idealities and pre-treaty prejudices could talk about the man you loved in whatever light they wanted to paint, knowing full well that the servants could hear them, and that above all – Minhyun would hear them.
You know he must’ve. Seeing the cold fires of Aristotle, blue-green flames of damp white woods; the foxfires had pulsed alarmingly bright and drifted towards you to protect and warn of a stranger as they sensed your unease.
“You know you don’t have to listen to them.”
“I know.” He smiles, and that only makes you hurt more. To see someone so kind having to deal with such pressure. “I grew up with it. But you haven’t, y/n. There’s no point in giving weight to their gossip.”
“But they-“ They were talking about you. Right in front of me. As if they knew I was a weakness they could exploit.
“Which is well within their right. You don’t have to fight my battles. Just being here by side is more than enough.”
You wish it was. You wish that you could be as much support to him as he was to you. Yet, the gentle way he looks at you, lashes a curtain, and the careful touches he leaves on your skin make you feel like he does know.
“Sometimes I just worry that they’re taking advantage of your kindness.”
“My kindness is only for you to take advantage of.”
Blushing, you’d have hit him if you weren’t so touched. Why was he so good at dissipating worry in you? To be able to assure you with only a few words?
“You’re getting too good at this. Why do you always have the right words when I need them the most?” I just wish I could help you with what you hold dear too.
“Words can only have a positive effect if and when you are ready to listen.”
“See, you’re doing it again.” Downplaying his importance. “It’s not just words… Everything about you is comforting.”
You hugged him a little tighter, trying to show him just how important he is, hoping he knows how much you care. Because you do. A lot. And you hate to think that he thinks that he likes he more when he means so much to you.
“And you’re doing it again too. Flattering me.”
Not enough. You think.
“If you’re worth anything in the future, you are worth something now. All those that make you feel lesser are doing it because they are lesser than you – a lesser person. Hwang Minhyun, you have the biggest heart out of everyone I know – and maybe it because you have large hands,” you throw in when you see the doubtful look he’s wearing. “But wheat is wheat, even if they tell you it’s grass in the beginning.”
“Did you just compare me to wheat?” He laughed, mouth wide in disbelief.
“Is that all you got out of what I said?!” 
The nerve of him! Future ruler of the realms be damned-
He threaded his hand over yours until palms touched. 
“And that you like my hands.”
The pointed glare you give him would have made a lesser fox cower, however many tails they may have between their legs.
“I swear, Hwang Min-“ You let him pull you back onto his lap, resisting the urge to bury yourself closer. Letting him rest his chin on your head. Rubbing circles over your skin.
“What else I have gathered...”
He pulled away to hold your locked hands by his lips, leaving them there to ghost for a moment, brushing over slim fingers with the barest hint of a kiss.
”Shall I also tell you that I fell a little more in love with you? Or will that give you too much power over me?”
Power my ass, you’d have shouted if it was anyone other than Minhyun. That man-boy rendered you speechless too often for your liking. He was the one that transcended yin and yang, future emperor of the magical realms.
The one who had power over you.
“You’re still the same as when we were younger, not even two weeks of meeting again and you’re already saying you love me.”
“But I do!” Minhyun’s eyes disappear as he laughs, as if the mere thought of him not being enamoured by you was the most ludicrous thing he'd ever happened upon.
“You’re in luck then,” auspicious things, these fox spirits. Always got what they wanted.
You bumped your nose against his in protest, giggling a little when he scrunches his face and shivers at the unexpected show of affection at such a sensitive spot.
It’s too late to try and leave now even if you want to, you lament. No creature should be blessed the power of having all the stars align in their favour. But Minhyun has already built a home in your heart and stayed.
“I love you too.”
note.  it’s written in 酉陽雜俎 that nine-tailed fox spirits can transcend yin/yang. if you’ve read other instalments of this series, you’ll know that yin/yang is the basis of energy in-universe, so the fact that minhyun transcends them means that he’s the most powerful as far as abilities go – hence, the emperor title.
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winterrose527 · 7 years
Chapter 2 of what I wrote earlier...
“Mommy!,” Kitty shouted as they arrived to the soccer field, tackling her mother who was sitting on a flannel blanket.
“Hi baby!,” Myrcella ‘Ella’ Stark said, smoothing Kitty’s curls as the little girl settled in her lap. “Did you have fun with Auntie Sansa?”
“Yeah! We had hot cocoa and went to the park and I climbed the monkey bars, the whole way!,” Kitty said excitedly, “Jon helped a little but I did it Mommy!”
Jon? Ella mouthed over her daughter’s head at Sansa and she couldn’t help but blush.
Jon Sansa mouthed back, biting back a smile, and Ella being Ella didn’t press the matter, not with so many ears around.
“Oh Kitty, thank the gods, we need you,” her little brother Rickon said as he came over to pull his niece out of her mother’s arms. Kitty went happily, and took the hat her uncle was wearing and pulled it on her own head, “Now what do we tell Theo and Billy?”
“NO PRISONERS!,” Kitty shouted, earning looks from a few of the parents. In their defence, this was a six year old’s soccer game.
Rickon clearly didn’t see anything wrong with it though, because he said, “That’s right, Kitty, NO PRISONERS!”
Billy and Theo were the first to take up the chant, but soon all the other boys on their team took it up, as Rickon jumped up and down in the middle of it all.
Her brother Robb buried his face in his hands, shooting apologies at the referees and other coaches.
Ella took the opportunity and tugged her down, completely unfazed by her 4 year old daughter starting a riot.
“Jon?,” she asked again.
Ella was her oldest friend and Sansa should’ve known that her one-track mind would go right back to this.
“We met him at the coffeeshop,” she said, then by way of explanation, “He has a husky.”
“He does, does he?,” Ella said and smiled when Sansa blushed, “Well you can borrow my daughter any time you need a wingwoman.”
Sansa smiled and bit her lip, thinking of how helpless Jon had been with Kitty.
“I may take you up on that,” Sansa said and Ella turned to her incredulously. There were tears in both their eyes when they met.
Ella put an arm around her and kissed her temple. “This is good, Dove, this is really good,” she whispered.
I think so too, she thought, as she burrowed into her sister-in-law’s embrace.
Just text her, Ghost seemed to say when they got home from their errands.
Just text her, he seemed to say again, when Jon had eaten his take-out dinner.
Just fucking text her, he seemed to shout, as they got into bed.
Jon was not known for his words so texting was his absolute nightmare. Emojis always seemed crazy to him, and he often overthought his punctuation.
But when a girl like Sansa Stark gives you her number, it is your moral imperative to text her.
They’d had a great time at the park. Kitty had made it her mission to find Ghost the perfect fetch stick, and while she’d run around, Ghost at her heels, making sure everyone gave the little girl a wide berth, he and Sansa looked on, chatting about this and that.
He’d learned that she was from a big family, three brothers and one sister, that her older brother Robb, Kitty’s father, had married her best friend.
He learned that she worked for a non-profit now, though she’d originally studied to become a fashion designer.
He learned that she could jokingly reference obscure facts from ancient history and thanks to Kitty, that the back of her left knee was obscenely ticklish.
But most of all he’d learned that he was a total fucking goner, though he’d known that the moment she pressed her pert nose to the window of the coffee shop.
He pulled out his phone, looking in wonder at her contact Sansa Stark.
Jon: Hi Sansa, it’s Jon… I hope it’s alright that I’m texting you.
Sansa: Would have been rather strange of me to give you my number if it wouldn’t be…
Jon: Good point. How did the game go?
Sansa: It was a blood bath, literally. Kitty incited a riot and the Winterfell Wolves played the dirtiest game of first grade soccer I’ve ever seen.
Jon: Classic Kitty.
Jon: So, do you think I could take you for a drink this week?
He had to wait a long time for her response, but it was worth it.
Sansa: Yes, I think you could.
He didn’t waste anytime texting her back.
Jon: Thursday, 8 o’clock at Weirwood?
Sansa: I’ll be the one that looks like me.
Jon’s smile lasted the rest of the weekend, and he earned more than one dumbfounded glance during the Monday morning debrief.
 “Let me see the black again,” Ella said into the computer on Wednesday night.
“Just a minute,” Sansa said, before disappearing back into her closet and pulling on her black turtleneck.
She had it paired with a black and gold brocade mini skirt, black tights and structured black flats.
She posed in front of the camera of her computer, so that Ella could see the whole outfit.
“Do you guys really not spend enough time together?,” Sansa’s little sister Arya asked as she appeared in Ella and Robb’s kitchen, waving hello to Sansa.
“Don’t be jealous, sissy,” Ella said, smacking a kiss on her cheek, “I’m just helping Sansa here choose an outfit and then I’m all yours.”
“An outfit for what? Donor meeting?,” Arya asked as she started chopping carrots at the kitchen counter.
They’d invited Sansa over for dinner as well tonight, but she knew Robb wanted to speak with Arya alone. He was worried she wasn’t finishing university (at 23 she was already behind a year) and he didn’t like to have those conversations with Sansa around. As close as the girls were now, their teen years had been fraught with normal sibling discord that could still start to simmer when Arya felt she was being attacked.
Robb, a father of three, was also the father for his younger siblings, given that their parents had died when she was seventeen. Both Bran and Rickon lived with him and Ella still, as they were still in high school. Robb never complained though, and in truth, he was the best man she knew.
Ella caught her eye through the screen and it was Sansa who said, “No…I sort of have a date.”
This perked her little sister’s interest. It would have even perked Rickon’s at this point.
“Is that so?,” Arya said, as though it didn’t matter to her. You don’t have to tiptoe around me anymore, Sansa thought, though it touched her all the same. “Well it wouldn’t hurt to show off the goods Sans, don’t you have anything a little bit more booby?”
“Haha Auntie Arya said booby!,” she heard Billy say as Robb entered the kitchen, with a son holding onto either arm and Kitty on his back.
“Billy, sweetling, please take your sister to wash her hands for dinner,” Ella said, nipping that in the bud, “Theo, you go too, please.”
The three children slowly slid off their father and out of the frame, though Sansa heard Kitty saying something about how she was the one that had to make sure Billy washed his hands.
“Hey Dove,” Robb said, his face getting comically close to the computer. He who was one of the brightest political minds of his generation was a total dorky dad when it came to technology.
“Hello Robbert,” Sansa said, suddenly wishing she had taken Ella up on her offer to come to dinner.
“What’s this I hear about a date?,” he asked as he stepped away, going up behind his wife and pressing a kiss to her neck.
“Get a room,” Arya said, making gagging noises.
“This whole house is our room,” Robb said, sounding less like a man nearing thirty and more like a cocky older brother. “Now, Dove, what’s this I hear about a date?”
“I think the connection is cutting out,” Sansa said, pretending to poke her computer screen, “Can you guys hear me? Ella? Robb? KITTY CAN YOU HEAR ME!?!?!?”
“YESSSSSSS,” her little niece said, running back into the room, Grey Wind at her heels.
“Nice try, Sansa,” Arya said with a grin, “Too bad Kitty is more adept with technology than her father.”
“Old Mr. Luwin is more adept with technology than Robb is, so is Grey Wind come to think of it,” Rickon said as he came, into the frame, his dog Shaggy behind.
“He has other talents,” her middle brother Bran said as he came in with his friend Jojen.
“He certainly does,” Ella said, giving Rickon a playfully reproachful look. Rickon, helpless as ever against Ella, threw his hands up in defeat before planting a kiss on his sister-in-law’s cheek and shepherding his nephews to the table.
“So a date?,” Robb asked again, but their family was settling in around the table and Ella was calling him over to carve the turkey she’d made.
As the commotion takes over, Ella comes over to the computer and winks at Sansa, my emotional bodyguard, “You don’t need to be booby to dazzle him, Dove. You look perfect, text me if you need anything, actually, text me regardless.”
She blew her friend a kiss and signed off.
She knew she should be nervous for tomorrow, and she was, but more than that she was excited.
When you’re older, I hope you find someone brave, gentle and strong, her father had once said.
Me too, Daddy, me too.
Jon walked into Weirwood, one of the only cocktail bars in the city he could stand (he was more a fan of pubs), at 7:59. He’d intended to change after work, but he’d gotten stuck in a meeting and had to text his friend Sam to let Ghost out just so he could make it on time.
He was wearing a black suit with a white collared shirt, though he’d unbuttoned the top button and lost the tie on his way over. He sat down on one of the bar stools that had a good view of the door and ordered a whiskey neat.
He felt the mood change in the room and he turned towards the door, where Sansa Stark had just glided in, looking gorgeous and untouchable in a black turtleneck and black and gold skirt. She didn’t wear heels, but her legs seemed to go on for miles in those black tights and she drew the gaze of every male in the room.
He stood up and waved at her, catching her answering smile somewhere deep in his ribs.
“Jon,” she said as she neared him, planting a hesitant kiss on his cheek and filling his nose with the sent of lavender.
“Sansa,” he said, and he knew that he sounded the fool. He said her name like he couldn’t believe she was standing in front of him, because he couldn’t.
“Something for the lady?,” the bartender asked as Sansa slit into the seat next to Jon.
“Vodka martini with a twist, please,” Sansa said. Then she turned to Jon and smiled at him shyly, tucking a lock of auburn hair behind her ear.
“Did you uh, have a good day?,” Jon asked and could swear the bartender shook his head in pity as he set the martini down in front of Sansa.
“I did… I had a meeting with our accountant and we are 90% cleared for a new venture, so a couple months a head of schedule… how was yours?,” she asked as she took a sip of her drink.
Jon was distracted by the way she licked her lip to catch an errant drop. He didn’t like vodka, but he would have been more than happy to do that for her.
“It was okay,” he said and she narrowed her eyes at him.
“You wouldn’t be able to tell me though if it weren’t, would you?,” she asked him with a grin.
Jon chuckled, too clever for your own good, “No, I suppose I couldn’t… well I could, but I’d have to blame it on the rain or a flat tire or something.”
“So Jon, any flat tires?,” she asked, leaning forward conspiratorially, and placing her chin in her palm as though she were a spy in a film noir.
He took up her game, because he’d take up anything she proposed, and he shook his head and leaned in, whispering in her ear, “And not a cloud in sight.”
She let out a giggle, a tinkling sound that warmed his insides and held up her glass, “Well here’s to blue skies.”
“And to you, Sansa Stark,” he said, clinking it with his own.
@jeynewesterling @asongforjonsa @dropofrum @qinaliel @alwaysjonsa
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