isitfurbait · 8 months
Tiddalik the Frog
Posts that make you perform actual research for your furrybait blog where you're expected to say yes or no.
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Though not expressly a trickster god, being neither, this classification of anthropomorphized animal creates a sense of wonder in the realm of storytelling in general. For those who won't follow me to wikipedia, Tiddalick is known in Aboriginal Australian culture as a frog that became so thirsty, he drinks all the water of the land, leading other creatures to death. When he returns it, in some cases, the water replenishes the earth, and in others, he causes terrible flooding. How this pertains to furrybait, I do not know outside of its anthropomorphization of an animal. Intellectually, I'm fascinated in this route of considering any animal as a stand-in for real-world issues that affect humans as furry, but in this case, I'll have to respectfully decline this characterization. If I were to disrespect the concepts of the everynow, I would say "oh yeah, because of the water inflation thing," but I'm not that insensitive. I'm just a guy making furry posts, though, so what do I know?
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 year
8, 11, 17, 20 for the country ask thing <333
hii avie thanks for the ask <3
8. do you get confused with other nationalities? if so, which ones and by whom? hmm I mean I haven't gone overseas so I don't have any first-hand experience, but I have heard a lot of stories of aussies going to europe and receiving rude treatment until the europeans realise they're not american and then they get on well 😭
11. favourite native writer/poet? hm good question! there are a lot of writers and poets, but I'm all too familiar with the classic authors. but markus zusak is an aussie author who wrote the book thief, which is a book i really like!
17. are you interested in your country’s history? yeah! mainly the aboriginal dreamtime stories, i find them really interesting. we read a few in primary school; my favourites including tiddalick the frog and how the birds got their colours. I don't really remember any others - oh and not sure if it is a dreamtime story, but i like the story behind the three sisters in the blue mountains. besides those, i'm also interested in the history of aborginal groups before colonisation, especially the food. we did a unit on that in food tech which was great. damper is my favourite
20. which sport is The Sport in your country? hmm not much of a sports guy so i don't really know, but i would say rugby league, AFL (not that i can tell the difference between those two ;;) and cricket are the biggest!
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gayelectrician · 2 years
i am thinking abt Tiddalick
He was Large
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toby-determined · 10 months
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Day 28: Around the World in 30 Days - Glen Waverley, Victoria, Australia 
A suburb of Melbourne, about a half hour drive in if the traffic isn’t dense, meaning that while Magicks aren’t registered or regulated living there as opposed to those with residence in the city, but the stigma for certain Magicks is less tolerable due to the population being mostly families. But the over all Australian acceptance on Magicks and magic in general make it a nice place to live, Mundus and Magick alike.
It’s also a half hour drive away from the beach! It’s a large part of the culture, a nice weekend away to the beach could be anyone’s plans. The beaches here are nice and sandy with lovely waters. Lost of Magicks who possess abilities with water live along the coast, creating a lot of fun activities for locals and tourists alike. There’s one particular legend who is known for being able to manipulate water so well that she takes people out into the ocean under a bubble on tours along the ocean floor. She and her son, who has the ability to communicate with animals (ocean life included!), are one of the highlights of the area. 
Another notable thing about the beaches in the area is the local 
Sports are a big part of the culture in Melbourne, those that like it love it and those that don’t feel like it’s being shoved down their throats! Glen Waverley is known for having most of the footy grounds for the area. Meaning it’s home to a lot of pitches for football, cricket, rugby, etc etc. It hosts Mundus leagues, Magick leagues, and leagues that accept both with amended rules to make the games fair. 
Crime is low in this area, as well as the inner city, due to Australia’s regulations on weapons and minimum wage keeping most people living comfortably. Crime is mostly organized rather than opportunistic. The police employ Magicks and Mundus, though Magicks are favored due to their abilities being seen as an advantage. 
Since Australia is very Magick friendly, they also allow Magicks to enter their health care field. They encourage those with healing abilities to join. Those with such abilities are required to attend the same schooling and complete the same certifications as anyone else, but they are highly favored when seeking employment. 
Glen Waverley is known for having some of the better public schools within the area, making it a desirable place to live for families. There is no separation of Magckis and Mundus in the schools, though they do offer certain after school programs for certain Magicks. Example: There are sorcerer centric events at the local secondary for the younger kids about to graduate to find an older sorcerer to fall under an apprenticeship with. 
Due to the magical wildlife that populates Australia there are a lot of them found within the suburbs as the population and infrastructure branched out from the city, over taking the natural landscape. Glen Waverley in particular is known for having large influxes of the Oozlum bird. The local football club has even claimed the bird for their mascot. 
But some of the magical wildlife are not as friendly or as pretty as the Oozlum bird. Some are more scary and deadly! Though Glen Waverley is not as prone to having these animals find their way into the suburbs as those closer to the Australian bush, they do see their fair share. The Wildlife Service’s number is known as well as 000! They are equipped to take care of animals like the Yara-ma-yha-who, Tiddalick, and Drop Bears, as well as snakes, spiders, and the like. 
Glen Waverley is about the last train stop from Melbourne heading that way. Like all public transportation, it’s not perfect. Sometimes it’s late, sometimes it breaks down, but it is cheap. The inner city has the Tram system that’s free to the public as well, no pass, card, or membership required! The trains have all been enchanted. When they were first put in, sorcerers were asked to put protection charms, efficiency spells, self cleaning charms, etc, on the trains. They are regularly updated biannually to keep up to code and working well. 
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lemonemenom · 6 years
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Tiddalick the frog WIP
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paninimaker · 3 years
First off, i need to say that i am australian, and i also study film and editing as a side passion, this is critisism coming from a guy who literally studies how to make a good film based on editing, anyway, onto my angry rant
How come every australian made film or series is filmed the exact same
Im aussi, and i want some fekin variety. I dont want the light blue-grey overwash over a dramatic scene of someone being yelled at with no music wHAT SO FUCKING EVER
FIRST OFF, why the FUCK is there barely any aboriginals or POC people in them. Majority of the time im watching a series or film, i dont see a single person that isnt white, or if i do they plat a very unsignifiant role. The only time i see a solid amount of POC representation is if the film is literally based on aboriginal dream time stories (tiddalick the frog, how the echidna got the spikes, etc) but those are usually kids shows. The non-animated shows usally have no fucking representation
And dont get me fUCKIG STARTED on how theres no LGBTQ+ rep, or if there is, its ONLY a nonbinary lesbian with a dark blue terf haircut, and theyre only there to be a punchline. Theres no fucking variety.
And im saying specifically aussi films/series bc i want to consume content from my country (im a drama student so i like seeing how the standard of work would be), but i get so bored while watching it bc the editings always super confusing and boring and the angles are just,,, no, they do the repeating shots where it shows one persons face than the other, THERES NO INTERESTING ANGLES, NO LOW OR HIGH SHOTS, JUST EYELEVEL ITS SO BORING TO LOOK AT. which, as a guy who likes studying film and stuff, is a massive no because it makes the editing look cluncky and boring, it dosnt appeal the audience visually at all, its just a big nono unless youre doing a comedic back and forth where its snappy and fast, the angles are different so its visually appealing
And theres always just a blue grey overtone over everything, or an ugly orange-brown overtone over it, its not visually pleasing to look at, and it makes the colours look either washed out or it turns everything look dusty
And, like i said before, THERES NO MUSIC. in a scene, if its suppost to be dramatic, like a guy digging his own grave for e.g. you add action packed songs, it just adds a sense of suspense to it, makes it sound good, makes you want to pay attention, but literally every single aussi production ive seen has the same thing
anyway, thats my rant on my local cinema, bc i want actually decent cinema and it annoys me that every single aussi film/series i see is so visually or audio-ly boring and confusing, i hate it because wven the storytelling is co fusing as fuck
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burntblackfeathers · 4 years
Hi dear, sorry if I don't choose from the ask list, but I really like to know about the folklore of your country, if you don't mind
Hello love!  Hmmmm folklore huh? Well there’s a few flavours really, (White) Australia is a young country so I’ll tell you some stories from our Aboriginal communities.  Each community has different tales, but here is some versions of The Seven Sisters (x), the story of how the The Pleiades stars were formed.  My favourite is Tiddalick the Frog, about a greedy frog who drank all of the water in the billabong, and the efforts of the other animals to make him laugh, releasing the water.  If you want to find out more about dreamtime and songline stories, this is a great resource (x) (x) . Go hear it from the community itself! The other main type is bush tales, and my fave is The Drover’s Dream (Thanks to @ahartfulloflove for helping me find this vid). Have Walzing Matilda as well, because it is quintesential aussie.   Then of course I am legally obligated to mention dropbears and Ned Kelly, although both are true.  Thanks for asking <3   
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enbyincrisis · 4 years
hello! whats your favourite dream time story??
Hello!! I’m not indigenous and I don’t know all of them but out of the ones I know definitely Tiddalick the frog!! What about you?? <333
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ommido · 6 years
Bir Kurbağa Efsanesi
Avustralya`nın yerli halkı olan Aborjinler, doğanın dengesinin sorunsuz bir şekilde devam etmesi için dengeli bir enerjinin sürdürülmesi gerektiğine inanıyordu. Böylelikle yaşanılabilir bir dünyada tüm canlılar hayatlarına devam etmekteydi. Bu denge mevsimlerin, rüzgarların, denizlerin, ırmakların, insanların, kara ve deniz canlılarının normal yaşam standartlarının devamlılığını…
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sosublog · 2 years
Sidste dag i praktik
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I dag er det desværre min sidste dag i praktik hos Sentia Early Learning i Melbourne. Jeg har været så super glad for at være her, og jeg har lært en hel masse af det!
Tingene foregår meget anderledes her, end jeg ellers har været vant til derhjemme, blandt andet fordi de har en del flere ressourcer her, end vi typisk har derhjemme. Det er jo en privatinstitution, hvor forældrene betaler 800kr hver dag for deres børn, så der er en del flere penge til at tage på udflugter, lave aktiviteter, og få besøg udefra. Der kommer for eksempel en udefra hver torsdag, for at have "Sports" i en halv time, hvor børnene i denne uge øvede sig i at sparke en bold mellem nogle kegler, uden at ramme keglerne, for at øve deres grovmotorik. Om onsdagen kommer der en og har "Science" med dem i en time, og denne uge handlede det om mad, og børnene fik lov til at dyppe noget kakaopulver i vand, og opdagede så, at det ikke blev vådt. De har også "Bop-along" i en halv time hver uge, hvor der kommer en udefra og spiller noget musik og synger med dem.
En ting som adskiller sig fra derhjemme, er også kulturen i børnehaven. De fleste børn kommer fra familier som også har en anden kultur en australsk derhjemme, og derfor samles de i børnehaven meget om den australske kultur, især historier og viden om de indfødte "aboriginals". De har for eksempel en bog (Finding Our Heart) som handler om, hvordan man kan mærke, at man er australsk inde i hjertet. Hver dag siger de også en remse (acknowledgement of country), for at vise deres respekt overfor de indfødte, som lyder:
Here is the land Here is the sky Here are my friends And here am I We thank the Boonwurrung People For the land on which we learn and play Hands up Hands down We're on Kulin Nation ground.
De har også lavet nogle mytiske figurer i ler, fra de indfødtes gamle tro. De har for eksempel lavet frøen "Tiddalick", som ifølge en fortælling drak alt vandet fra en stor flod her i Australien, hvorefter de andre australske dyr (en echidna (myrepindsvin), en kookaburra (en fugl) og en vombat) forsøger at få vandet tilbage igen.
I min fritid har jeg også oplevet en masse spændende ting! Jeg har blandt andet været i teatret og se Hamilton, været til "winter wonderland"-udstilling med en masse flotte lys, og så har jeg været i Ballarat Wildlife Park, hvor jeg var så heldig at få lov at kæle med en koala, og håndfodre kænguruer.
Det bliver sørgmodigt at skulle sige farvel til børnene og mine kolleger i dag, og jeg kommer til at savne at være her. Det er virkelig en dejlig arbejdsplads, og jeg har lært en hel masse i den måned, som jeg har vært så heldig at få lov til at være her i.
Mvh. Freja, PA hold 200854
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dreamtime-ew-au · 6 years
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so yea, basically im working on this au for eddsworld about the aboriginal australian dreamtime. matt is a bird from “how birds got their colours” tord is tiddalick the frog edd is the rainbow serpent tom is the koala from the stubby tail story
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isitfurbait · 8 months
Anansi the Spider
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Of the many depictions of this Western African creation, this animated version of Anansi appears to be the most popular. Anansi is anthropomorphic by virtue of being a bridge between animal and man. Anansi is the great storyteller of this folklore, weaving in "webs of beautiful complexity and tells stories about the tangled webs we weave" (Gates and Tatar, 3). He is not a trickster by trade, but a depiction of the fact that there is no paragon of virtue nor distinctly evil person in reality.
Is Anansi furrybait? Potentially. Similar to Tiddalick as I had just talked about, it could be disrespectful and irresponsible of me to make this call. However, my understanding is that disregarding Anansi, because maybe you may find him unattractive is foolish. I would say that the bridge between animal and human is shared in furry history.
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spaghett-onaplate · 1 year
usually i drink water to help against my ails (headache or stomach ache) but brother even doing it tiddalick the frog* style would not ease these cramps
*dreamtime story about a frog that drank all the water in the world, causing a drought
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isnothappy-blog · 6 years
DreamTime! EW AU (prep)
Ok so, I’m making an au for eddsworld I’m gay ik.
Tord is gonna be Tiddalick the Frog (yes a frog), which is greedy
Matt is gonna be a bird. (Because it’s naive and colourfully and it’s gotten hurt)
Edd is gonna be a rainbow serpent. (WEEEEEE I live where that story was originated)
Toms a koala. A lazy one.
Like @moonsliv-draws I’m gonna have a character in it- but it’s gonna be more of a narrator 
If you have any questions or ideas. Dish em. I need ideas for the other characters.
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Project Idea 2 Tiddalick Splash Park
The Tiddalick Splash Park will be a 10m circular shallow wading pool with a large frog in the centre. The frog sucks up all the water in the pool through its base and then releases it from its mouth at regular intervals. Located in the recreation precinct, this wading pool will attract families, and create positive interactions.
The Tiddialick splash park is based of the dreamtime story of Tiddalick the greedy frog. In the story Tiddialick drinks all the water from the pond and when he laughs he releases all the water back into the pond. This story is the base of the concept. The wading pool will be a large circle with Tiddalick on the edge as can be seen in the picture. The local community will be invited before the opening to decorate the inside of the wading pool with the handprints in a circular rainbow pattern.  As previously mentioned, co-creation adds value by “fostering a sense of ownership... and community spirit of a place” (Cohen, 2018). By inviting the local families to come and have their input, they will be creating valuable memories that they will be adding value to each time they return. With 20% of the Hamilton Community and 25% in the Inner Brisbane community being apart of a family (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2019), a space created for families by families will be a welcoming environment.
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ecl310lvd-blog · 7 years
Prompt 2
The most recent class display I was fortunate enough to create was during my 3rd Year placement last year. I was lucky enough to participate in a GEP program through Deakin and was placed in a school in Canada. As part of their artwork, we incorporated dreamtime stories from Australian Aboriginal culture into their class plan and created dot paintings based on the story ‘Tiddalick the Frog’. These paintings were displayed around the classroom and made me and the students both feel super proud!
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