#tigraas incorrect quotes
luxthestrange · 10 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#38 Not on my watch...
Guy*Looking at You and Rimuru*Stay foxy~
Y/n*Putting an arm around Rimuru and pulling him close, looking up and down at him unimpressed* Die lonely~
Rimuru"Now I get why women fantasize about this-I feel so safe"*Happily latched to your side*...
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luxthestrange · 10 months
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#39
You Want to send hate mail to Leon SINCE... you're petty for Shizu and Rimuru
Y/n, writing in a letter: "I'm going to kick.. your... ass." Y/n: THERE. Now send it! Rimuru: Dude, your handwriting's terrible, are you sure you want to- Y/n: JUST DO IT! later Guy: So what does it say? Leon, reading the letter: They say they're going to "lick my...." Guy:.. Leon:.. Guy: Oh-
Leon*Standing up fast that he knocks on the chair he was sitting in and speed walks to the door*-I have to go now...
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luxthestrange · 1 year
TTIGRIAS Incorrect quotes#37 Haha Im in danger-
Guy: Sooo~*Leans over the table and smiles at you*It only makes sense your future husband and father of your Twelve babies win!~
Y/n*Eyes widen and drink*TWELVE BABIES!? YA MUST BE OUTTA YA MIND MAN!Im planning to play the field till im AT LEAST 34 then maybe MAYBE, If I decide to settle down and get married-i'll think about possibly considering about MAYBE toying with the notion of having one! ONE CHILD-
Guy*Smilling at you, taking it as a challenge*
Guy: Oooh~...So THAT'S how it gonna be?~
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#62 He has a type only you 2-
Y/n: Why do you let me win when we race up the stairs? You’re the faster one Diablo: Oh,it’s nice to see your smile when you win y/n-sama~
later in the afternoon, you have Rimuru on your lap as you both munch on tea-time snacks
Y/n: He was probably just staring at my ass, wasn't he Rimuru: Yeah, probably
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Interviewer*Holding a mic to diablo*Ass or Tits?-
Diablo*Without even blinking*Y/n-Sama & Rimuru-Sama BLEEPS on my face~
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luxthestrange · 1 month
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#69 Boooring
Imagine the Freedom Academy children just dubbing you & Rimuru as their "Mom & Dad" around the Tempest Federation...
After giving a tour the kids huddle around Rimuru
Alice*Tugging Rimuru coat,shivering*DAD IM COLD!
Ryota*Sneezes and nods*DAAD IM FREEZING!
Rimuru*Double-take at being called a dad, looking between the two only for-*!?!
Kenya*Whines with pout*DAD IM HUNGRY!!!
Chloe & Gabe*Rubbing their bellies with tummy gurgles*DAAAD WE'RE STARVIIING!~
Rimuru*Looking at everykid,mind going into over-drive*!?!?!
Alice: DAD!
Ryota: DAD!
Chloe: DAD!
Gale: DAD!
Kenya: DAD!
All of them*Huddle to him*DAAAAAD!?
Rimuru: OKAY!?-Can everyone stop saying, Dad!-
Chloe*Pouts and crosses her arms*I think Dad is actually BORING! "Mom" is way more fun
Rimuru*Pained gasp*...
Y/n*Heard what the kids said, carrying the kid's sweaters, and a picnic basket*Oooh~Thats nice to hear!~
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#67 Dog is God
Who's Y/n's favorite helper...and obviously it's ranga...he forever is both Rimuru and your best little boy and helper...much to the annoyance of Shion and Diablo...
Diablo*Found out Ranga got cuddles by Milim and seemed to enjoy it*Oooh~Y/n gonna be mad~
Ranga*droopy ears and looks shocked* AH!
Diablo: And then you're not going to be their favorite anymore~
Ranga*Tail between his legs and whines*AAH!?
Diablo*Grins with a deep voice*Then I'll be their favorite~
Ranga*Drops to the floor whining in pain, his paws covering his eyes as he cries*WAAAAAAH!AAAAAH!
Diablo *Blinks and actually...feels guilty plus he knows how...protective you are of ranga so he goes to comfort him*Woah...I'm just kidding!-...Ugh, babies never get my jokes...
-Boss music in the distance and a roaring shout is heard in the distance-
Diablo: Please stop crying-
Ranga*Sniffs and whines looking almost mad at him*??
Diablo: Do you know what a joke is? It's like lying but you know they are lying...so it's funny, those are my jokes anyway...funny lying hehe~
Ranga*sits up again and sticks out his tongue*Oh...I get it...thanks! I won't cry then!
Ranga*Wags his tail and looks at him*...
Then Ranga proceeds to cry again and behind Diablo, he can feel your dark aura
Diablo:....I Taught him how to joke, and he punked me...
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What you boss music?...mine is between mortal kombat theme song and Kordhell-Fatality
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#66...and that kids is how he fell inlove
Souei: I know over two hundred ways to kill a man
Y/n*Eating your icecream that...looks like slime Rimuru, turns to look at him with the most innocent gaze*You could glue an open jar of rats to his face then blowtorch the other side of the jar, so the rats have to eat their way out through his face...
Souei*Looking very impressed at you*...two hundred one...
Y/n*Gleams at him for being helpful and gives him a lick of your icecream*
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....the human mind truly is the best at creating new ways of torture huh
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#65...Spray him with hose-
Diablo finally got his wish...he wished on every shooting star, every well, dandelion, wish bone-HE GOT A COLLECTION OF FOUR LEAF CLOVERS FOR THIS WISH HE IS FINALLY GONNA GET IT-
F!Y/n: It’s just…I haven’t shaved down there in a while…
Diablo: I eat candy stuck to the wrapper*Looks with his blood-shot eyes straight into your eyes as he is thriving with your thighs squishing his head*Lay your succulent ass down My mistress and let me feast on your altar, I want a real woman not a child as my lover
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#64 VIP only-
You Invited your Favorite People who aren't from the federation to a tea party with bakery goods you made, from your life back on earth
Frey*Holding a thing called "Banana bread" and sniffing it curiously*So...It's bread made from Bananas
Y/n*Smiles and nods*It is
Frey: YOU made this bread
Y/n: I did!
Frey: You can put stuff on it?
Y/n: I meaaan i wouldn't recommend making a sandwich with it but knock yourself out!~
Gazel*Is happily chewing at a bread but he is confused by the taste*...This one doesnt taste like bananas...
Y/n*Gleams seeing him eating it* That one has Oreos on it
Gazel*Stares at the bread and spots the white n black thing you called "Oreo Cookies" that you shared with him once...and that he found very delicious, pupils dilating, and gives you a smile*...I like Oreos...
Y/n:Me too!
Carrion*Looking at his own bread that is different from Frey's and Gazel's*...What's in this one?
Y/n: Chocolate chips!
Carrion*On brooding stare at you*...why?
Y/n*Shrugs, looking back at him with a derpy grin*Why not?
Carrion*Stares longer at you*Your invited to my birthday party...
Y/n*Gleams knowingly but spots the Ramiris*??
Ramiris*Putting slices of meat and cheese...and making a sandwich with the banana bread*Y/n When you say you wouldn't recommend making a sandwich out of it, this is a suggestion, correct?
Y/n: It's not illegal-
Ramiris*Putting the things you call Chips into it and closing it,drooling*Good...Imma need more of this, okay?
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just the idea of big-shot rulers ...eating cute pastries and drinking tea from heart-shaped teacups with you-
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luxthestrange · 2 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#63 Wanted
The squad has just arrived in a new city to see negotiations for Jura Tempest Federation, You look around at the wanted posters to see if they’re on any of them
Rimuru: Y/n, are you a criminal?...
Y/n: Not here, I’m not!
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#61 GOT EM-
Veldora*Is planning to ask you, ifrit and Rimuru* I’ve never asked someone out... How do you even do it? Y/n: Oh, what I do is, I look them up and down and I say: “Hey… how you doin’?” Ifrit, scoffing: Oh, please. Y/n, to Ifrit: Hey, how you doin’? Ifrit:... Ifrit*giggles and blushes*
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luxthestrange · 3 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#60 Again plz-
F!Y/n: I don’t like to kiss and tell but I heard-
Frey*Kissses you on the lips* Alright, now you can tell me
F!Y/n:*Blue screens and Blushes* Oh my god, Frey-
Frey: Is that not the rule of “kiss and tell”?
F!Y/n: Well not exactly, it just means-
F!Y/n:Actually you have to do it a few more times before I can tell you the rest-
Frey*Was actually being a tease but smiled at this*...I see~
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par t 2 of:
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luxthestrange · 4 months
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#59 DIBS
Y/n: I'm asking permission to marry your "Son"
Hakuro: What is this? Are you talking about the dark ages? you know what? since you’ve asked, no you can’t. beat me in a duel first-
Benimaru(The "Son")*Coming home to see Shuna tending to Hakuro whose back gave out and you...who looked like you had been through the ringer*WHAT HAPPEN!?
Y/n*With bandages on legs, writing wedding invitations*Hey so you're taking my last name and how many kids do you want? Hakuro called dibs on naming the firstborn-
Shuna*Smiles at him* And I got dibs on the second born~
Y/n*Nods at that*Yep...So we can only have full control of our kid's name till...kid #6-
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Souei, Shion, and Kurobe called dibs too-...also what REALLY happened is...Hakuro sprained his back...just as we were about to fight...and we carried him on our back to Shuna's...earning his approval-
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luxthestrange · 1 month
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#70 He loves your swamp-
F!Y/n*Looking around*Diablo my love did you see a hairy frog?
Diablo*Is looking at you with a gentlemanly smile, hand on his chest*The only hairy frog I'm interested in My darling~ is the one between your legs~
F!Y/n*Blushing but smirks and scratches his chin*It's not just a frog~It's the whole swamp~
Diablo*Gets on his knees his eyes almost rolling back, hugging your waist like a good little boy*True~
F!Y/n*Giggles at his reaction*
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luxthestrange · 5 days
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#72 Convert me
Milim: Are you religious? I'd like to introduce you to my religion!
Carrion & Frey*sighing*What is your religion, Little one?
Milim*Shows picture of You fighting with a cat for a yarn ball...the cat is winning*
Carrion & Frey: I'm interested...
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luxthestrange · 5 days
TIGRAAS Incorrect quotes#73 OH SNAP-
In the school the kids are tasked to ask who they admire questions about themselves...a group of orc, and goblin kids follow behind Benimaru while he is speaking with Diablo
Goblin Kid: What's your type Mr.Benimaru?
Benimaru*Blushes but manages to keep his cool*W-well I suppose someone as kind...funny and admirable as Mx Y/n-
Goblin Kid*Turning to the Diablo*
Goblin Kid: What about you sir?
Diablo*Smilling at Benimaru* Y/N-SAMA...and rimuru-sama~
Diablo & Benimaru*Both glare at another*...
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