#till weigel
missringsy · 2 years
Das klingt eher nach unfreiwilligen Ausstiegen re: Conor und Till, falls du den Post von Yannik und das Interview von Constantin gesehen hast. Was meinst du? Wenn du nicht spekulieren willst, gar kein Problem, dann ignoriere diese Frage einfach 🥰 Hoffe es geht dir gut, liebe Anni! ❤️
Hallo du, danke für deine liebe Nachricht. 💛
Du kennst mich da gut - spekulieren zu dem Thema werde ich nicht. Ich finde vor allem den Weggang von Yannik jedoch sehr schade. Seine Darstellung von Conor hat mir gut gefallen, da wäre durchaus noch Storypotenzial dagewesen. 🙁
Aber man merkt, dass damit auch wieder ein erneuter Umbruch bei UU eingeleitet wird, schließlich gehen damit gleich 2 Weigels und zugleich werden andere Familienstränge, z.B. mit Marie Lassner, deutlich gestärkt.
Ende August/September erwartet uns wohl ein weiterer Weggang in Form eines Serientodes. Ist also ordentlich Bewegung im Cast!
Liebe Grüße! 🦩
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memestarsblog · 2 years
Stephen Dürr Vermögen
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Stephen Dürr Vermögen Der deutsche Schauspieler Stephen Dürr wurde am 27. Juli 1974 in Hamburg geboren. Stephen Dürr, der in Hamburg wohnt, ist seit August 2009 mit Katharina, geb. Wedemann, verheiratet. Im August 2010 brachte das Paar zwei Töchter auf die Welt.
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Stephen Dürr Vermögen In Los Angeles, Kalifornien, studierte Stephen Dürr Schauspiel an der Stella Adler Academy. Seinen ersten Auftritt hatte er am 28. November 1994 in der Daily Soap Unter uns auf RTL. Dort spielte er die Rolle des Till Weigel, und er tat es. In der Daily Soap Alles was zählt spielte er von 2006 bis 2009 Mike Hartwig. Davor gehörte er sieben Jahre lang zum Cast der ARD-Serie In aller Hoffnung und war im Jahr 2000 in St. Angela (ebenfalls ARD) zu sehen. In den 13 Folgen der ARD-Koproduktion Die Sonnenlance spielte er in verschiedenen Episodenrollen mit.
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Stephen Dürr Vermögen Bei den Proben für die ProSieben-Show TV complete Turmsprung verletzte er sich am 14. November 2012 bei einem Unfall in der Berliner Schwimm- und Sprunghalle im Europasportpark. Dürr sprang unkontrolliert vom Drei-Meter-Brett und schlug mit der Stirn auf dem Wasser auf, wodurch sein Kopf zurückgeschleudert wurde. Danach wurde er wegen einer möglichen Rückenmarksverletzung drei Tage lang auf der Intensivstation behandelt. Er klagte 2016 vor dem Arbeitsgericht Köln auf Schmerzensgeld und Schadensersatz gegen die Kölner Produktionsfirma Brainpool. Im September 2016 nahm er an der vierten Staffel von Promi Big Brother auf dem Bezahlsender Sat.1 teil. Dürr belegte den elften Platz.
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Stephen Dürr Vermögen Der Schauspieler Stephen Dürr hat ein Nettovermögen von 20 Millionen Dollar. Seit mehr als 20 Jahren sind Stephen und Katharina Dürr ein Paar. 13 von ihnen haben bereits den Bund der Ehe geschlossen. Das erste Mal haben sie sich in einer Disco kennengelernt. Katharina, die neun Jahre jünger ist als sie, erkannte Stephen aus dem Fernsehen und nahm ihren ganzen Mut zusammen, um ihn anzusprechen. Zunächst passierte nichts. Doch zwei Jahre später verliebten sie sich im selben Club wieder ineinander. Seit der Geburt ihrer Zwillinge im Jahr 2010 hat Stephen Dürr nur noch ein paar kurze Fernsehauftritte. Er arbeitet als Vollzeitvater und möchte sich ganz seinen Mädchen widmen. Die Familie ist in Hamburg ansässig.
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Stephen Dürr Vermögen Read the full article
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drea-46 · 2 years
11.02.22Part 4
Easy: Ringo, are you there? I know what I said earlier hurt you. I’m sorry, that wasn’t my intention!
But please let us talk once more. This here is stupid, okay? I’m coming in! Ringo?
Robert: Are you looking for Richard?
David: Should I put them in the luggage room already?
Chris: Yes, please
Till: The guy lives in Amsterdam?
Chris: Yeah, but the guy knows all about those weird albums. We have to leave right away
Till: I’m sorry to hear. But I’m happy that you at least can join
Chris: Unlike you and Mareike, huh? For what I’m sorry for
Till: That’s just how it is. But I heard you already found a replacement
Ringo: May I? Ah, you’re here, too
Eva: You’re coming along?
Ringo: Just call me Till
Eva: Haha. I’m Mareike, hello
Ringo: Great. Then we share a room. Don’t worry, I won’t come too close
Eva: You’re still going to sleep on the floor
Ringo: If you share your sparkling wine. I take the flute
Translation @happyladybug93
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leeuwchen · 4 years
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Ringos neue Kernkompetenz: Der Intrigen-Check
Preise auf Anfrage. Erstberatung kostenlos. 
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easyxringo · 4 years
Ringsy 6290+6291
Wednesday, Feb. 5th + Thurday, Feb. 6th
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keinbutterdieb · 4 years
Thank you for being here. And thank you, that you all exist.
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magnolialex · 6 years
Saskia: But that’s not a bad omen now, is it? Tobias: Ah nonsense, it’s fall, it’s a little stormy then. Ringo: The only superstitious person in this house is Elli... Easy: ... and she would take it as a good omen. As a wind of change for her marriage. Ringo: Exactly. Jakob: Do you always finish each other’s sentences? Ringo: Uh-huh! Saskia: You’re right. I’m a bit crazy. It’ll all go well. Easy: Exactly. Elli is going to be in top form again soon. Eva: Yes, definitely. Ute: Hey. Eva: Haven’t you toasted the good news yet? Ute: We have, but let’s just do it again. Everyone: To Elli!
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ringsybeliever · 6 years
Mein Held der Folge war übrigens Till 😂
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applesdefinitely · 3 years
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they cut the scene, so here’s my version of another boring kids and weather talk lol. (the original post by @leeuwchen )
"Actually, yeah," Ringo contemplated the fridge's contents, "you should apologize to Leni. Like, what if your parents were all aww my son has a crush on you, isn't it adorable? You'd totally flipped out, run away to Australia and become Crocodile Dandee or something."
"Just so you know," Paco said, " - and close the damn fridge already! Just so you know, I lost my virginity at fifteen. To my mom's super hot best friend."
"That's kind of gross." Ringo took a bottle of water and sat on the windowsill. "and also a criminal offence, so I don't know what you got to to be so smug about. Or was it legal in your youth? When was it, the sixties?"
"Oh shut up, man! How old were you, Mr. Prude, twenty?"
Ringo's grin flickered for a second. "No, fifteen as well. Summer camp, terribly unoriginal."
"A hot girl instructor? Or maybe a hot guy instructor?"
Ringo laughed, "You know I'm not into old people. I had a crush on Till once but that was more about his tailored shirts I think."
Paco's face lit up like a christmas tree. "Whaaaaat? Till Weigel? Oh god that's amazing. Can i tell him? Wait, wait, I'll tell him that you have a crush on him now still and like, has been suffering manfully in silence for years, yearning for his sweet sweet smile. Maaan that's gonna be awesome."
Ringo shrugged. "Have fun, I guess. But if Ute challenges me to pistols at dawn I'm giving you up immediately, just so you know." he stretched his legs the length of the windowsill and closed his eyes. "Like I don't have enough drama in my life."
"You? Shut you mouth, man, you're the most happily married guy in the neighborhood." Paco's smile dimmed. “Or the only one even.”
Ringo glanced at him and said a little hastily, "Instead of planning pranks you really should be on your knees praying right now."
"Yes, praying ardently so your daughter doesn't take too much after you in the virginity-losing aspect. She already likes older guys, you know.."
"Bite your tongue you vile creature," Paco's face was a picture of unimaginable horror.
Ringo paused. "Although in this analogy, wouldn't she have to sleep with - me?" he made a face. "Ugh. You can sleep soundly, best friend."
Paco laughed and shuddered at the same time. "Oh god help us all, I have no idea how we'll get through this. Puberty is hell."
"Tell me about it." he jumped down and straightened his suit jacket. "Come on, I'll buy you a coffee for your troubles."
"Easy will get me one for free, you mean."
"Naturally. And Paco? Apologize to your daughter, okay? While she's not off to space to become Cowboy Bebop yet."
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ffahey · 6 years
top 5 ed characters, top 5 uu characters?
uhhhh love these! thanks, dear anon xx
emmerdale: - aaron dingle (always and forever) - moira dingle - liv flaherty - charity dingle - matty barton (helloooooo)
unter uns: - richard beckmann - eva wagner - tobias lassner - till weigel - benno hirschberger
this was fun :)
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missringsy · 4 years
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rheinsiegmagazin · 4 years
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Nach 20 Jahren: „Unter uns“-„Till Weigel“ wird einfach ausgetauscht Große Veränderung bei der RTL-Serie „Unter uns“. Nach fast 20 Jahren steigt Schauspieler Ben Ruedinger aus, um sich neuen Projekten zu widmen.
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leeuwchen · 4 years
Auf einer Skala von 1 bis ‘Emilia Richter’, wie nervig war Till heute?
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easyxringo · 4 years
Ringsy 6256+6257
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soundshollow · 5 years
We’ll See You in Hell  “4.9  Predator & Predator 2″
0:01  On with the Joe, hurt, neighbor broom on the ceiling, first mention of Hellions
0:02  Murderinos, What the Fuckers, What the Fuckettes, Ricky Gervaisino’s, Pilkinator, To Catch a Predator, Shane Black The Predator
0:03  Alien vs Predator, Stool
0:04  Pat’s Pilot, CBS, Best Buy
0:05  Predator in 3D, Predator Trilogy, 3D Television
0:06  Marijuana, The Wizard of OZ in 3D, Dark Side of the Moon, Mad Max Fury Road, Guardians of the Galaxy
0:07  Logan, DNA test, adopted man, 23 and me
0:08  List of diseases, Maple Syrup Urine disease
0:09  Joe has a New Jersey story, Caroline Rhea, Caroline in the City, Sweet Caroline
0:11  Pat’s stutter
0:12  Pat meets with writers
0:14  Spazz, Retard
0:15  Pat’s Movie Corner
0:15  Joe - Predators
0:16  Adrien Brody, Walt Goggins, Topher Grace, Lawrence FishburneDanny Trejo
0:17  Rob Delaney, Darjeeling Limited
Wow Adrien Brody, Owen Wilson, Jason Schwartzman, is this thing called Darjeeling Limited or Nose Train?
0:18  Summer of Sam, The Jacket, 25th Hour, Edward Norton, Barry Pepper, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Rosario Dawson, Pope of Greenwich Village, Spike Lee, Da Sweet Blood of Jesus
0:19  Inside Man, Do the Right Thing, 25th Hour, Summer of Sam, Malcolm X, Fatso
0:20  Oldboy, Chi-raq everyone is rhyming, Greek Chorus
0:21  Samuel L. Jackson, Shakespeare
0:22  Trump says Carnage, Jiminy Glick
0:24  Cool Ranch
0:25  Joe’s Scary Stuff
0:25  Joe - Scream Factory, Australia, Minotaur
0:26  MinoTarget, Momotar and Pop shops, guys we’re not doing well, What’s the Matter with Helen, Debbie Reynolds, Shelly Winters, The Godsend, The Outing, The Lamp, The Vagrant, Bill Paxton
0:27  Predator Discussion
0:28  Arnold Schwarzenegger, Carl Weathers
0:29  Joe thinks Predator is the #1 Action/Sci-Fi movie, above Die Hard, above Alien, Pat doesn’t put it in his top 50, Predator 2, Danny Glover
0:30  Gary Busey, Bill Paxton, Joe - Predator is the best action movie of all time, better than Die Hard
0:31  Pat thinks Die Hard, Die Hard 2, and Die Hard with a Vengeance are better than Predator, Joe disagrees, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Shane Black, Jessie Ventura, Bill Duke
0:32  Raiders of the Lost Ark, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade, True Lies
0:33  Dusk Till Dawn
0:34  Joe likes Predator 2, voodoo subplot
0:36  Gary Busey, Danny Glover as an actor
0:37  Lethal Weapon, The Royal Tenenbaums
0:38  Speed, Pat - Speed is better than Predator
0:39  Jurassic Park III, Keanu Reeves
0:40  Rambo, First Blood, Sandra Bullock, Devil’s Advocate
0:41  Dennis Hopper
0:42  Jeffrey Jones, Craig T. Nelson, Charlize Theron, Al Pacino
0:43  Scent of a Woman, Chris O’Donnell
0:44  Point Break, Teri Weigel
0:46  Kindergarten Cop
0:48  Communion, Fire in the Sky, D. B. Sweeney, Johnny Galecki
0:49  Robocop, Colors, Ice-T
0:51  pussy joke, Don Rickles
0:54  Want some candy
0:55  We’re going to be able to pack more into this show
0:56  Dark Horse Comics, Top 5 Arnold Schwarzenegger Movies
0:57  Sylvester Stallone, Twins, Junior
0:58  Predator is racist, Roger Ebert
0:59  Chappie
1:00  Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back, The Fugitive, Patty’s Pub, Clusterfest
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magnolialex · 6 years
Tobias: Paco and Elli, in case you’re listening to this out there – get your asses over here, otherwise we’ll start without you! Kotzi out. Easy: Maybe the car has died again. It didn’t want to start this morning either. Irene: Then they would’ve called. Easy: Oh my God! Ringo: Awesome! Robert: Woah! Easy: Guys, Elli has a heart! Tobias: Come here, dear brother. Ringo: Dear half-brother! Saskia: Come on, we’ll take a group picture for Elli. Easy: Uh, shouldn’t we wait for Sina and Bambi? Saskia: I bet they’re at the hospital already. Irene: Take your professional camera! Ute: Ah nonsense, it’ll work with a phone. Easy: Exactly. Okay, everyone come together. Closer, closer, closer. Three, two, one... Elliiiii!
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