notepadnotes · 2 years
How in the fuck am I gunna be used in the same game, I’m no longer even fucking playing.
*Deep breath in
So I’m just a pawn, regardless if I play or not.
*Deep breath in
So, why even exist
*Deep breath in
if you’re forced to play 
*Deep breath in
If, nay should exit
*Deep breath in
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I wish there was someone out there that knows what im going through. I am so alone and i hate it.
I will forever be stuck with a sickness with no cure. My body will remain weak. My heart to. I will never be able to do what i could just a short year ago. My mornings will start the same:
Wake up
Take pills
Give myself a shot
Eat breakfast .
My afternoon boring:
If I have any energy
Play with my dogs in the yard
Or online college class
Or just sleep.
My evening short:
Eat dinner
Take meds
Try to attend online classes if missed in the afternoon
I normally can only stay awake for about 5 hours before my body gets tired and my legs get weak. My dreams were to become a police officer on the streets. I'm worried that I have to give up on that dream. I use to know where I would be in a year but now I have no idea. I'm so scared for my future. Please share.
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I'm a lost soul trying to find home. Free me from this mindset from this pain the hospital bed.
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