#tim is his ken because of the “ken only has a good day if barbie looks at him”
beeqisch · 1 year
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kon barbie doodle cuz i watched barbie x
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New Rule: Whoa, Canada | Real Time with Bill Maher
And finally, New Rule. If we want to save our country, we should follow the advice good liberals have given for decades and learn from other countries.
Especially those beacons of progressivism like Canada, England, and Scandinavia, and I agree we should, as long as we're honest about the lessons we're learning. And as long as we're up to date on the current data. Such as, the unemployment rate in the US is 3.8 percent. And in Canada, it's 6.1. And of the 15 North American cities with the worst air pollution, 14 are in Canada.
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I'm not citing these stats because I have it out for Canada. I love Canada, and its people, and always have, but I hate zombie lies. Zombie lies. That's when things change but what people say about them doesn't. Yes, for decades, places like Vancouver, and Amsterdam, and Stockholm seemed idyllic, because everything was free and all the energy we needed was produced by riding a bike to your job at the windmill. Canada was where all the treasured goals of liberalism worked perfectly. It was like NPR come to life but with poutine.
Canada was the Statue of Liberty with a low-maintenance haircut and cross-country skis. A giant idealized blue state with single-payer health care, gun control, and abortion on polite demand. Canada was where every woke White college kid, wearing pajama pants outdoors who'd had it up to here with America's racist patriarchy, dreamt of living someday. I mean, besides Gaza.
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There's only one problem with thinking everything's better in Canada. It's not. Not anymore anyway. Last year, Canada added 1.3 million people, which is a lot in one year. The equivalent of the US adding 11 million migrants in one year. And now, they are experiencing a housing crisis even worse than ours. And we're sleeping in tents. The median price of a home here is 346 grand, in Canada, converted to US dollars, it's 487. If Barbie moved to Winnipeg, she wouldn't be able to afford her dream house and Ken would be working at Tim Hortons. And because of mortgage debt, Canada has the highest debt to GDP ratio of any G7 nation. I don't know what that means, but it sounds bad.
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So does their vaunted health care system, which ranks dead last among high income countries in access to primary health care and ability to see a doctor in a day or two. And it's not for lack of spending. Of the 30 countries with universal coverage, Canada spends over 13 percent of its economy on it, which is a lot of money for free health care.
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Look, I'm not saying Canada still isn't a great country. It is, but those aren't paradise numbers. If Canada was an apartment, the lead feature might be "America adjacent." And if America was a rental car, Canada would be "America or similar."
And again, honestly, Canada, I'm not saying any of this 'cause I enjoy it. I don't, 'cause I've always enjoyed you. But I need to cite you as a cautionary tale to help my country. And the moral of that tale is, "Yes, you can move too far left." And when you do, you wind up pushing the people in the middle to the right. At its worst, Canada is what American voters think happens when there's no one putting a check on extreme wokeness.
Like the saga of Canadian shop teacher, Kayla Lemieux, whose pronouns are she/her and those. Kayla is now back to being a guy named Kerry, but two years ago when "they" showed up to teach children, the progressive high school "they" taught at said that they-- They, the school, not the person. Really? You couldn't have found another word? We were using that one. Anyway, okay. They were committed to a safe environment for gender expression. Safe for who? What about the children? What about the equipment in that shop class?
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You know, there was once a weirdo D-list movie producer in the '60s named Russ Meyer who made low-budget B movies like Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! And Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. Always featuring women who look like this. His movies played in porn houses and were featured in Hustler and Playboy. Okay, fine, but who says, "No, when it comes to huge, ridiculous tits, let's save that for the kids."
And this is why people vote for Trump. They say in politics, liberals are the gas pedal and conservatives are the brakes, and I'm generally with the gas pedal, but not if we're driving off a cliff.
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On the trans issue, America is no ands, ifs, or buts about it, absolutely alone in the world now. An outlier country. Last month, England's National Health Service announced that there's "not enough evidence to support the safety or clinical effectiveness" of puberty blockers for third graders, and that they were going to stop fumbling around with children's privates, because that's Prince Andrew's job.
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So too with all the other good place countries in direct opposition to America's choice to affirm children's wishes on switching gender, no matter the age or psychiatric history. The Far Left, which always like to use, "Well, Europe does it." Yeah, no, that doesn't work on this one anymore.
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Or on immigration. Sweden opened its borders to over a million and a half immigrants since 2010. And now 20 percent of its citizens are foreign-born and its education system is tanking, and it has Europe's highest rate of gangland killings. And one result is that the far-right parties are in the government now there for the first time.
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To which liberals say, "Blaming immigrants for the rising crime rate is racist." Yeah, but is it true? Of course, it's true. It's not a coincidence. The quality of life went down after the Somali gangs started a drug turf war using hand grenades.
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Calling it "racist" doesn't solve the problem. It hands future elections to someone who will solve the problem, and who, I promise, you're not going to like.
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For the record, I've said literally all of this, including making the comparison of flying off a cliff if you rely entirely on the gas pedal. Just saying.
When Trump takes office again, and he will, people will act stunned and ask, "how could this have ever happened?"
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cksmart-world · 1 year
The Completely Unnecessary News Analysis
By Christopher Smart
August 29, 2023
“You don't need a weathervane to know which way the wind blows.” So said Bob Dylan. Folks have been talking about the weather forever. But these days Republicans need more than a weathervane, so they get their forecasts from conservative pundits and politicians. And the good news is the icecaps are not melting and the heatwaves and wildfires are just flukes of nature. Rising sea levels? Nah. Then-Florida Gov. Rick Scott barred officials in Florida from using the phrases “climate change” and “global warming.” Problem solved. Of course, this has nothing to do with Big Oil and other extractive industries pouring billions into conservative think tanks and the campaign coffers of right-wing lawmakers. Their efforts paid off: Only 35 percent of Republicans say climate change is a major factor in extremely hot days compared to 85 percent of Democrats, according to a Washington Post-University of Maryland poll. Similar results were found for severe storms, flooding, droughts and wildfires. That's a pretty good bang for their buck. In fact, the House GOP Energy, Climate, & Conservation Task Force has unofficially adopted for it's theme song R.E.M.'s standard, “It's the End of the World as We Know It, and We Feel Fine.”
The resurrection is here. We are, of course, talking about the magical centerpiece of the medals plaza from 2002 Salt Lake City's Winter Games — the Hoberman Arch. Like the Phoenix, it has risen — not from ashes but a mysterious dark place where icons and legacies go to die. (Cue the Biblical music, Wilson.) Remember the glory days in February 2002 when the world's eyes were trained on Salt Lake City and the 31,000-pound aluminum web — 36 feet high and 72 feet wide — that opens and closes like the iris of an eye; even more dazzling when colored lights play across it at night. But alas, in 2003 it was planted at Rice-Eccles Stadium, where it could not be opened and stood as an a disconcerting symbol of our so-called Olympic legacy. Then in August, 2015, it was schlepped down to Salt Lake City's impound lot at 2150 W. 500 South, where it sat like so much scrap until some of its 4,000 pieces were stolen. Embarrassed city officials hauled the rest of it to a secret location — out of sight, out of mind. Why after all these years is it reappearing at Salt Lake City International Airport, no less, where visitors can't miss it's wonderment. It couldn't have anything to do with the new push to bring the Games back to Utah. That's just cynical thinking. Our Olympic boosters just aren't like that — unless they have to be.
Wow, did you see Nikki Haley in the Republican debate. So smart. And that dude Vivek Ramaswamy was quick on his feet and cool. Mike Pence stood his ground and actually looked presidential. Seriously? The moderator ask them to raise their hands if they would support Donald Trump if he were the party's nominee. Six of the eight did. Only Chris Christie and Asa Hutchinson wouldn't go with the guy indicted on felonies in four jurisdictions. Looks like those spoiled sports aren't good Republicans, after all. Just because Trump has been charged in both federal and state courts with attempting to thwart the 2020 election, stop the peaceful transfer of power — effectively throwing democracy out the window — is no excuse not to back him. Those good patriots, Haley, Ramaswamy, Pence, Tim Scott, Ron DeSantis and Doug Burgum would vote for Trump anyway, because... he's honest, trustworthy, never sexually assaults women and always pays his lawyers. This Republican Party is dedicated to Monseigneur Trump, the mob boss who would be king. It sounds like a twisted take on a Greta Gerwig dark comedy — sans the comedy. Alas, Nikki Haley ain't no Barbie and Vivek Ramaswamy ain't no Ken, although he probably looks good in pink.
Post script — That's gunna to do it for another thrilling week here at Smart Bomb, where we keep track of driverless cars so you don't have to. WATCH OUT! Life is even more dicey in San Francisco since the California Public Utilities Commission approved driverless taxis in that city. The day after the vote, 10 autonomous taxis jammed up traffic on a busy street in a North Beach neighborhood when they simply stopped functioning. TILT! Those vehicles are owned by Cruise, a subsidiary of General Motors. A couple of days later a Cruise taxi drove into a paving project and got stuck in newly poured concrete. One also collided with a firetruck. The hits just keep on coming. Welcome to the future — it's only a matter of time before driverless cars are everywhere. Imagine an autonomous taxi attempting to get through Sugar House. No way — unless it had wings. YIKES! According to experts, AI will soon make your bed, brush your teeth and have sex for you. Well, yes, Wilson, it could also have sex with you. And yes, he or she will probably have a Kama Sutra setting. Like it or not, the future is coming and there's not a damn thing we can do about it, except maybe hide where there is no cell service — someplace like Wyoming, where they've passed a law banning anything new.
Well, here we are in familiar territory, going to hell in a hand basket. The term comes from the French Revolution when severed heads from the guillotine were caught in a wicker container. But we digress. We're sailing into an environmental black hole — say nothing of AI — and the conservatives keep saying, let them eat cake. So wake up the band, Wilson, and take us out with something for our insightful climate-denying friends:
That's great! It starts with an earthquake Birds and snakes, an aeroplane and Lenny Bruce is not afraid Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn World serves its own needs, don't mis-serve your own needs Speed it up a notch, speed, grunt, no strength The ladder starts to clatter with fear of height, down height Wire in a fire, representing seven games In a government for hire and a combat site Left of west and coming in a hurry With the furies breathing down your neck
It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
Team by team reporters baffled, trump, tethered crop Look at that low plane! Fine, then Uh oh, overflow, population, Common Food But it'll do. Save yourself, serve yourself World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed Tell me with the rapture and the reverent in the right, right You vitriolic, patriotic, slam, fight, bright light Feeling pretty psyched It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine
(It's The End Of The World — R.E.M.)
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xmasqoo-haineke · 4 years
Article Author: Fr. Dwight Longenecker (Priest, Author, and Speaker): “Why should he be a curmudgeon? Because by the time he has reached a certain age he should also have attained a certain level of wisdom and knowledge which will cause him to understand with increasing clarity how stupid, vain, shallow, lustful, greedy and idiotic most of this world and the people in it actually are.
For those of you who are Bible lovers, go to the venerable Book of Ecclesiastes for your proof text:
Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher,    vanity of vanities! All is vanity. 3 What does man gain by all the toil    at which he toils under the sun? 4 A generation goes, and a generation comes,    but the earth remains forever. 5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down,    and hastens to the place where it rises. 6 The wind blows to the south    and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind,    and on its circuits the wind returns. 7 All streams run to the sea,    but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow,    there they flow again. 8 All things are full of weariness;    a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing,    nor the ear filled with hearing.
And so the curmudgeon greets the world, and at this time of year he may be accused of being a Scrooge.
Long live Scrooge, saith the preacher, and spare me the saccharine sentimentality of Tiny Tim with his ukulele.
“Ah, but Scrooge was converted!” but what was he converted to? A gospel that consists of bringing an extra goose to the table?
Doing good is not the same thing as being good, and the Catholic curmudgeon might well say about Scrooge’s jumping ship and going over to the do gooders, “Bah Humbug!”
“Oh Fahhhther!” I can hear the prissy self righteous exclaim, “Why are you against the corporal works of mercy!??!”
I’m not you silly sentimentalist. I���m all for them, but one of the problems these days is that too many nice Christians mistake the corporal works of mercy for mercy itself.
The works of mercy are the result of having received mercy first. In other words, I bring a goose to the table of Bob Cratchit because I’ve realized what a goose I’ve become, repented and been converted inside out. I’ve had all the stuffing knocked out of me. That’s why its in the goose.”
That may well have happened, and I can’t tell the state of anyone else’s heart so I will say “Well done”. If they do good with a goose, then good for them. Who am I to judge?
I can still grumble because that’s what curmudgeons do.
But this was about how to be a joyful curmudgeon. The fact of the matter is, when you scratch most curmudgeons you find a joyful person underneath. Its just that they’re not prone to pasting on a smile and doing the small talk.
The Christian and the Christmas curmudgeon is joyful but it’s way down deep–as joy should be. Joy does not consist of an artificial smile. That’s plastic Barbie and Ken stuff.
Joy is the water at the bottom of a deep well.
To be sure there are cynical curmudgeons who have no joy…only despair.
But the Christian curmudgeon is a joyful curmudgeon because beneath the grumpy exterior is faith, hope and love…and usually a few good jokes.
After all, he’s only being grumpy because he really believes the world ought to be a better place and that people should be better than they are.
He’s disappointed with the shabby, scabby, shoddy behavior and expects better. That’s hope. He thinks this sad, tired, vain and silly world should (and will be) redeemed, and that’s faith. He actually wants what is best for the other person–and that’s love.
And if he’s disappointed with the way things are, there’s one person who disappoints him more than any other:
December 20th, 2017|Categories:
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One Comment
Frederick Snyder December 20, 2017 at 3:27 pmLog in to Reply
“And if he’s disappointed with the way things are, there’s one person who disappoints him more than any other: Himself.”
We’ve never met, but you know me well, Father.
Knowing what is right is much easier than doing right daily. Explaining the need to learn and do right in ways others will accept seems harder yet.
Many old folks, I’m 73, complain about the way things are and yet know secretly we ourselves could do better with each day. Logs are more attractive to us than splinters. But splinters irritate my eye. _________ Don’t know where to post this:
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ogcosmicfragment · 6 years
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Rome, August 2025
(or, the ficlet literally no one asked for 🤷🏻‍♀️)
You landed in Sicily, just like someone else had done so many years ago; visited the Temples Valley under the scorching August’s sun, taking turns at rubbing coconut scented sunscreen on your freckled noses, sharing smiles and quick but tender kisses, there, in that land that had seen it all before. You then made your way up, with a quick ferry to Sorrento, rented a car and drove through the Amalfi Coast. You fucked and made love at the same time, a little sweet, a little hard. Calling out your names, I’m yours. All mine? All yours. Your pants and moans and groans echoing through the walls of your rented villetta . The tastes of fresh seafood pasta and limoncello were still on your tongues, shared and re-shared, carried around your naked bodies via languorous laps and licks. Armie’s hip tasted of antipasto di mare, while your tummy had a citrus note to it. Down both of your groins, your two essences mixed with the taste of italian delicacies.
A few days later you said goodbye to Naples and were welcomed by the deserted streets of Rome. Everyone seemed to be in vacanza, on vacation. You both felt like you owned the city, the museums, the churches, only some resilient tourists here and there. One of your last days in Rome, Armie brought you to one of his favorite places in the city, the Spanish Steps, managed to arrive there at the golden hour, the massive cascade of warm sunshines bathing the piazza in a sophisticated game of shadows and lights. It was in that moment that you looked him in the eyes, raptured: there was something of a mesmerizing nature in the way his hair and his face were catching the sunlight.
Then you focused on the multitude of shades in his eyes, stupidly, you thought you knew all of them by now, after almost ten years, and yet. Every time it was like looking at someone else, your very own - ever changing - chameleon. The long line of his nose, so straight and elegant,greek. That’s what Armie had always been known for: a Greek God made man, Hollywood eye candy, Barbie’s Ken. But you knew, oh if you knew, that there was so much more than that. More and more. He’d been kind and nice to you since the very beginning on set, with pleasantries had come affection, affection attracted trust and openness, the constant and unshakable feeling of having peaked. That’s it, Timmy and Armie, each one of you has met the best person, your person. Now what?
You managed to catch only few words of a sentence, “When we go back home.. Harper, Ford.. Next project...”
Armie, Armie.
Your, Armie. Always projected in the future, always thinking ahead. You seized up to him, took his hand, intertwined your fingers and mumbled “Let’s get a dog,Armie”
“What? Another?”
“Well, not another. One that’s gonna be just mine and yours, ours”
“But Archie is ours as, well, kind of...” he had trailed off.
“Yes, exactly, kind of” and you’d managed to put on your best french pout yet, crossing your arms around your chest, almost bracing yourself.
“What is that you’re really asking for T,mm?” a smirk on his face because he had already saw through you.
Of course he had.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I, eh.. I just wanted a dog.. yeah.”
“Just that?”
“... I, uh.. yeah, I guess so”
“Who? Moi? “
“Oui, you!”
“How so?”
“You left eyebrow twitched, it always twitches when you’re not telling me stuff!”
“I.. I? Don’t tell you stuff?! Says the guy who sold his Audi and came back with a minivan without saying anything! And my brows don’t twitch thankyousomuch”
“Ok. First, it took me like, 10 years to get me a freaking minivan. So, suck it up. We’re keeping it,” a smirk on his face, “Second, come on Timmy Tim... tell meee” he dragged on the last e in a faux exasperated way and kissed you right there, on the Spanish Steps and then added “...and third, your french brow does twitch when you’re hiding something from me, or something’s bothering you. What’s bothering you, babe?”
You then needed all the courage and strength you had in you to say something as big as the bomb you were about to drop.
So you took a step closer, latched your arms around his neck, lay your check on his shoulder and whispered straight into his ear, without looking at his face, as to not get distracted.
“Armie, I.. uh”
“Mmm, go on”
“I.. want. I want a baby, Armie. Would love to have a baby, with you. Well, not technically, of course. But you know what I mean?! With your middle name and my surname, or, I don’t know, my great uncle’s name and your surname. A baby to raise together, to make us a family. I know, I know, we are already one big family with Harper and Ford and you know I love them as they were my own, but this would be different. They’ll be the best big sister and brother a baby could ask for, they’ll teach stuff to our baby. You’ll teach me how to change diapers and get the bottles ready; you’ll tell me not to worry when the baby’s not going to want to eat all the food, because yes, sometimes it does look gross, I’ll teach you the lullaby my grandma used to sing to me and Pauline in french, you gonna fuck up all the words and I’ll love you even more; we’ll fight because if it’s a girl she’s going to be a daddies’ girl and we’re going to fight because I’m the one who’s gonna spoil her the most; if it’s a boy you’ll want to take him to baseball or football while I’d want him to play basketball or soccer. You’ll want him to play the guitar, I’d love for him to play the piano. We’re gonna fight to get the first word out of him or her, I want to share my worries with you when the baby will be teething or gets tummy aches. I want everything, the good and the bad sides, all of it. Laughters and tears. With you.”
Only after you finished you realized how strong his hold was around your body, how wet were both of your cheeks from the mixed tears.
“Tim... I.. “ he cleared his throat to keep the lump in there at bay, the one that was threatening a new wave of tears.
“Armie, I ... uh”
“I thought you’d never ask,Tim!Tim. Tim. Tim”
He peppered your face, punctuating every mention of your name with a kiss.
“Yes. Yes. Yes.”
You made your way back to the hotel room in half the time it took you to reach there, fucked your brains out in the most tender ways, whispering sweet nothings into each other’s ear. Spent the rest of the night cuddling on the king size bed, trailing each other’s profile with your fingers, then your tongues, and by the time you decided to stop you were both hard again. You made love to him, both on your sides. His broad back to your chest, one of your hand spread on his chest hair, the other on his tummy, holding him there. While whispering to his ear he took your wrist, the one with that special and old bracelet he gave you, brought it to his lips to kiss it, turned his head to the side and whispered “I hope it’s a girl”, almost like a wish.
Quindici blissful months later the most perfect of the babies, with your dark hair and green eyes, was born. Bellissima.
Her name is not for us to know.
ok, this happened because I was watching The Man from UNCLE (kudos if you recognize the Spanish Steps scene) and while going through IG stories, I came across a beautiful sunset from Bordighera. and here we are, back at square one! 🤦🏻‍♀️😜
xx - S. ♥️
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travelingtheusa · 4 years
13 Sep 2020 (Sun) – We toured Fort Adams this morning.  It is the largest fort we have ever seen in all the years we have traveled around.  We took the guided tour and got to see the casements, the tunnels, and the living quarters of the officers.  We would have wandered for hours had we not had the tour.
     After the fort, we drove into Newport and had lunch at the La Forge Restaurant.  It was a quaint building adjacent to the International Tennis Hall of Fame.  The service was slow but it was a pleasant day. Neither of us was particularly overjoyed with our meal – my fish sandwich was soggy fritters were doughy. The meal was also quite expensive. Since the coronavirus pandemic, prices have shot up.  I guess businesses are trying to recoup losses but…wow.  
    Following lunch, we toured the Tennis Hall of Fame.  Since we are not tennis players and didn’t know many of the personalities on display, the museum was not as interesting as it could have been.  My sister and her husband would enjoy it very much since they are both tennis players.
     Tim called me today and asked why Susan would have told him to tear up the checks.  Did I know what was going on?  I explained that she was trying to protect him from himself.  He is too nice and would let Barby have all the money and Susan did not want Barby to have it all; that he should have some of that money to offset his expenses, too.  I was really annoyed with Susan.  We spoke about it at the reception yesterday and she agreed to leave it alone then went and took back the checks anyway.  I did not call her though, because I do not like to fight about money.  Tim will get the money.  It’s just a shame the way it’s been done.
 12 Sep 2020 (Sat) – Today was the memorial service for Chris. There were quite a few people who showed up.  That would make anyone feel good to know so many remembered them.  I discovered that Barby comes from a family of 8.  With Tim coming from a family of 6, there would probably should have been many more aunts, uncles, and cousins there.  The minister was excellent.  He spoke without notes for 40 minutes.  The service was inspirational and uplifting.  Some of them can get very dark and tearful. Gladly, this one didn’t.  There was some drama, however.  Chris had a girlfriend who was with him the day of the accident.  She had gone to buy cigarettes and when she returned, she found his body.  They had been living together.  Barby doesn’t like her and would not let her attend the service. She came in during the visiting hour before the memorial service, then stepped out but paced in the outer room highly agitated and emotionally.  Fortunately, she did cause a scene.
     After the service, we went over Barby’s brother’s house.  It was the same house where we had all gathered by Tim’s wedding almost 40 years ago.  The brother and sister-in-law, Ken and Jan, were very gracious and friendly.  Even though Tim and Barby have been divorced for more than 20 years, everyone was pleasant; there was no acrimony.  
     I started a Go Fund Me page on Facebook to raise money to help them with the funeral expenses.  We raised about $5,500.  I told Susan more checks were coming to me in the mail and we probably had almost $6,000 donated.  We agreed that she would write two checks, each for $3,000 and give one to Tim and one to Barby (Susan was writing the checks because she has the liquidity. I will transfer the donations to her after Facebook places the money in my account.).  Christopher, Susan, Paul, Miranda, and I took Tim and Barby aside at the house, before the luncheon, and gave them the checks.  Tim promptly turned around and gave Barby his check as she has been putting all the expenses on her credit card.  Tim feels her expenses have been greater than his and he wanted to reimburse her.  Tim is a nice guy but we wanted him to cover his travel expenses from Florida to New York.
     Later in the day, Susan asked me about taking back the checks; telling Tim that they were drawn on the wrong account.  I said I thought we should leave everything alone.  He is a grown man and can decide what to do with the money we gave him.  If he wants to give it all to Barby, that’s his prerogative.  It’s not what we intended but I felt it wasn’t our call. Susan agreed to leave everything as was. It was in God’s hands.  She and brother Chris left to drive back to the New London Ferry and we said our goodbyes to everyone.
 11 Sep 2020 (Fri) – We went to The Elms today, another “cottage” owned by a millionaire back in the late 1800/early 1900s.  It is hard to believe that people actually liked to live in that kind of excessiveness.  Didn’t they feel guilty about it, given that the rest of the country – the common people – were starving?  It doesn’t make sense to me how people can squander money the way they did.
     After touring the mansion once owned by the Birnbaums, we drove over to see Tim.  He asked Paul if he could borrow some tools so he could make a cross to mark the spot where Chris died.  He was grateful for them.  We all drove down the street to the Symposium Diner and had lunch.  Barby joined us shortly after we got there.  After lunch, we went back to the house and visited for a bit before going back home.
10 Sep 2020 (Thu) – We now, officially, have slept/camped in all 50 states!  We have passed through Rhode Island dozens of times on our way south but have never actually stayed in it.  Now we have.  It was overcast and foggy today.  The forecast said it would start raining at noon so we decided to take a trolley tour in the morning and spend the rainy afternoon touring one of the many opulent mansions along Ocean Drive.  
     We drove into Newport and saw many historical buildings from the colonial era.  We took a tour of the area on a trolley bus.  It was not so good because it was difficult to hear the driver as he described the homes we were driving by, and everything seemed to be on the other side of the bus.  Ugh.
     After the tour, we walked over to the marina and had lunch at a lobster shack.  We each had lobster bisque and shared a plate of deep-fried lobster bites.  The boats in the marina were incredible.  The international yacht institute is located in Newport and there were some of the most opulent yachts I’ve ever seen.  They were several stories high; more like small ocean liners.  The largest yacht in the marina was about 7 or 8 stories high with an Australian flag.
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     We drove to The Breakers.  This was a “cottage” of the Vanderbilt family.  “Cottage” is nowhere near describing this mansion.  We have been in many mansions and this one was the biggest (70 rooms – 20 bathrooms) and the most opulent.  There were murals and tiles and reliefs and exotic materials on all the walls, floors and ceilings.  Each room was more jaw-dropping than the last room.  The kitchen was the largest we have ever seen.  While we were touring the “cottage,” it started pouring outside.  We, very prepared couple, had failed to bring raincoats or umbrella with us.  We had to walk the large grounds back to the parking lot and were thoroughly soaked by the time we got there.  That’ll teach us!
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 9 Sep 2020 (Wed) – We packed up and left New York at 10:15 a.m. After sitting in the driveway for 2 months, I had forgotten how to hook the trailer up.  Lol.  We finally figured it out.  The GPS had told us it was 3-1/2 hours to our campground.  Unfortunately, we ran into traffic and it was closer to 6 hours before we arrived at the Newport Naval Station campground.  
    There are just 6 spaces lined up along the fence overlooking the Narraganset Bay.  The sites are packed gravel on a grass surface.  They’re very long and with good space between sites.  We only have electric and water hookup; no sewer or Wifi.  There is no office here.  The campground is not on the base.
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0 notes
Hawaii Quotes
Official Website: Hawaii Quotes
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• A dreaming vortex is a place where it’s easy to change. You come to a dreaming vortex like Hawaii to step from one dream into another, from one world into another, to change, in other words. – Frederick Lenz • A travel agent told I could spend 7 nights in HAWAII no days just nights. – Rodney Dangerfield • According to a new study, Hawaii is the happiest place in America to live. And I thought it was just a great place to pretend you were born in. – Craig Ferguson • America has always been the richest and most secure, and sometimes the most dangerous country in the world. In the early years, the danger was to everybody near us, slaves, Native Americans, Mexicans. It finally expanded in 1898 to the Caribbean, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. – Noam Chomsky • Apparently President Obama’s favorite cocktail is a martini. When asked how he likes it, he said, ‘On the beach, in Hawaii, in 2017.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Are we as willing to go into debt for the work of God as we are for a vacation to Hawaii? – Erwin W. Lutzer • Are we going to New Orleans?” “No”, she said, backing out of the spot. “We’re going to West Virginia.” “I assume by ‘West Virginia,’ you actually mean ‘Hawaii,'” I said. “Or some place equally exciting. – Richelle Mead • As a new day begins in New York, the sun sets in Hawaii. – Tim McCarver • As a territory, American Samoa has no representation in the U.S. Senate, and we Samoans lost a respected and powerful ally with the passing of Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye. – Troy Polamalu • Barack H. Obama is a landmark presidential figure as the first black, multiracial, multicultural president from Hawaii and the Pacific. – Dinesh Sharma
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Hawaii', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_hawaii').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_hawaii img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Barack Obama isn’t pointing to anyone, and certainly doesn’t like it when others note (correctly) that his influences were the likes of Saul Alinsky, the Chicagoan and modern founder of community organizing, or Frank Marshall Davis, the communist journalist and agitator from Chicago who mentored Obama in Hawaii in the latter 1970s, and who Obama warmly acknowledges in his memoirs. – Paul Kengor • Beating the drums for Hawaii is not hard to do… the place just grows on you. – James MacArthur • Before I became a fighter pilot, everyone said that women didn’t have the physical strength. Well, I had just completed the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon. – Martha McSally • Being in Hawaii, it’s almost impossible not to be fit, I think. – Henry Ian Cusick • Come with me while the moon is on the sea The night is young and so are we Dreams come true in Blue Hawaii And mine could all come true This magic night of nights with you – Leo Robin • Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii. – John Lewis • Ever since I was young I understood the whole meaning of life isn’t how much money you accumulate, how much fame you experience, it’s how many lives you touch, how many faces you bring smiles to. I see myself back in Hawaii doing something in the community to improve the lives of young children. Everything I’ve done is to prepare myself to give back. – Manti Te’o • Every city I go to is an opportunity to paint, whether it’s Omaha or Hawaii. – Tony Bennett • Every time I flicked channels, there I was, talking. I was talking too much and writing too little. So Naomi and I went to Hawaii. The phone was cut off and we lost touch. This gave me the chance to have a good think about my life. – Joe Eszterhas • For a while I got into the South Pacific theater of World War II. I read “American Caesar” by William Manchester, the biography of General MacArthur. Because of that I ended up reading “Tales of the South Pacific” by James Michener and then because of that reading his “Hawaii.” That is what happens. – Dave Barry • For many years I had allowed my second husband to take credit for my paintings. But one day, unable to continue the deception any longer, I left him and my home in California and moved to Hawaii. – Margaret Keane • For me, the magic of Hawaii comes from the stillness, the sea, the stars. – Joanne Harris • For some reason my father saw no problem with us pplaying “barbie and ken go to hawaii to save their marriage by picking up another couple for sexy good times,” but if barbie and ken had gone to hawaii to “rescue another couple from a crazed kidnapper,” that would have been wrong. – Michele Jaffe • Good schools, good jobs, good government. These are not unreasonable demands. But sadly, some of our people have already lost heart and have left Hawaii to look for these things elsewhere. – Linda Lingle • Grew up in Hawaii that gave [Barack Obama] a kind of optimism, an ability to see things, you know, and frankly, an ability to trust, you know, in his fellow, you know, white countrymen in a way that I, for instance, you know, and the vast majority of black people I know never really could. – Ta-Nehisi Coates • Growing up, the ukulele was always a respected instrument. It’s a big part of our culture. It wasn’t until I started traveling outside of Hawaii that I realized people didn’t really consider the ukulele to be a real instrument. – Jake Shimabukuro • Have you guys ever ghost hunted in Hawaii? No? Well, I have this fat friend… I shouldn’t say fat, that might offend him, but he’s Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts. – CM Punk • Hawaii ain’t a bad place to work. – T.I. • Hawaii can be heaven and it can be hell. – Jeff Goldblum • Hawaii doesn’t win many games in the United States. – Lee Corso • Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here. – Dan Quayle • Hawaii is a beautiful place to bring up a family. – Henry Ian Cusick • Hawaii is a small, close community. – Jake Shimabukuro • Hawaii is a special place because we have a very diverse population there, who are very respectful and tolerant of those who have differing opinions and different views. – Tulsi Gabbard • Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that is by itself. It is a-it is different than the other 49 states. Well, all states are different, but it’s got a particularly unique situation. – Dan Quayle • Hawaii is absolutely beautiful. – Rachelle Lefevre • Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace. – Paul Theroux • Hawaii is paradise. It sounds cheesy to say it, but there’s music in the air there. – Bruno Mars • Hawaii is the best form of comfort for me. When I die, I want to be cremated, and I want half my ashes spread in the Pacific around the island, the rest on the property. – Richard Pryor • Hawaii is the birthplace of surfing, and many Hawaiians or part-Hawaiians surf, but in the rest of the United States it’s a pretty white sport. – William Finnegan • Hawaii made the mouth of her soul water. – Tom Robbins • Hawaii was beautiful of course, we played at Turtle Bay an amazing resort right on the ocean. – Natalie Gulbis • Hawaiis own Patsy Mink served as the first congresswoman of color and first Asian American woman in the House; she later sought the Democratic Party presidential nomination. – Colleen Hanabusa • Hawaii’s the 50th state? I thought it was a suburb of Guam. – Bobby Heenan • Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not. – Wayne Allyn Root • Hula is the art of Hawaiian dance, which expresses all we see, smell, taste, touch, feel, and experience. It is joy, sorrow, courage, and fear. – Robert Cazimero • I am privileged to be able to work for the people of Hawaii in whatever capacity. – Tulsi Gabbard • I bought almost every single thing that I furnished my house with at the Salvation Army in Hawaii. All second hand. Some of them are kind of retro, and some of them you’d never know. – Evangeline Lilly • I can’t even speak Hawaiian, but if you go there and listen to a Hawaiian song, you get captured because it’s so beautiful, like the melody is just gorgeous and you know Bob Marley is on the radio every single day. It’s very reggae-influenced down there. Basically, you haven’t been to paradise if you haven’t been to Hawaii. – Bruno Mars • I decided that we’d have to take our chances with the law and get the hell out of Baltimore. I thought of seeking asylum in Canada or Australia or England, but I didn’t want to leave the United States, because for better or worse I’m an American, and this is my land; so I decided to fight it out on home ground, and finally we hit upon Hawaii, because of the liberal atmosphere created by its racial admixture, and because of its relatively large population of Buddhists, who are largely nontheistic. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • I dive all over the world: Fiji, Australia, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and many other places. – Frederick Lenz • I don’t care about the money. I’m just interested in the perks. I’ll do a series if I am picked up by a limo, work only until 4, and the show is shot in Hawaii. – Harry Morgan • I don’t care where [Ted] Cruz comes from. I don’t care where the President comes from. Day one, I opened an investigation on a fraudulent government Hawaii document, period, on a birth certificate, so if you can say Cruz has fake documents, okay. – Joe Arpaio • I don’t have any simple things. I only have things like a gold-studded leather jacket. Then I’m going to Hawaii and I’m asking myself “Do I pack it? It could be cold.” I’m inventing scenarios where I could wear it. – Shaun White • I don’t like to spend money when I’m traveling. I like to go places like Hawaii and not spend money. I splurge on time. – Jonny Weston • I don’t look down on tourism. I live in Hawaii where we have 7 million visitors a year. If they weren’t there, there would be no economy. So I understand why a tourist economy is necessary. – Paul Theroux • I ended up in the Army Air Corps in the Pacific, operating out of Ayuka field in Hawaii. – Louis Zamperini • I got into this little habit of architecture and building. I designed a house in Colorado and one in Hawaii. The idea is supposed to be build and sell – but then I can never bring myself to sell them. – Trey Parker • I grew up in a musical family; the majority of my growing up was done in Hawaii. It’s what we do. You sing, you dance, you play ukulele and you drink. – Dwayne Johnson • I grew up in Hawaii and I think those islands are some of the most amazing places on the planet. – Mateus Ward • I grew up in Hawaii so I was outside a lot playing in the water. – Kelly Preston • I had actually been going to Hawaii for quite a while before I ever picked up the uke. I think with anything new you’re going to get more enjoyment out of it if it comes to you quickly, and the uke facilitates that. – Eddie Vedder • I had done ‘Die Hard’ and it was somebody’s franchise. I actually just got done with the ‘Hawaii Five-O’ pilot and I was developing some things of my own. So ‘Total Recall’ one of those projects that I read wanting more not to like it. – Len Wiseman • I had never been to Hawaii, and now I say that my body is from L.A. but my heart is from Hawaii, because I’m in love with it and it’s home on every level, from a spiritual, soulful place. – Shailene Woodley • I hate painting with a broad brush, but I think the birther thing, at its root, is racist. The guy was born in Hawaii. A black guy is president. It’s cool. Get over it. Just deal with it. There’s nothing you could show these birther people that would shut them up. – Henry Rollins • I have never been afraid to tackle tough or controversial issues, but I have always done it with the intent to do what I was elected to do, and that is represent the interests of my constituents, the working people of Hawaii. I feel that we are facing some of the most difficult issues in recent history with regard to food security, a widening income gap, and the rapidly increasing rise of the cost of living in our State. I know that the office of Lieutenant Governor can do more to address these issues. – Clayton Hee • I have to say, though, that somebody pointed out to me on YouTube that Conan O’Brien was being interviewed, and he was talking about how, oddly enough, he went to see that movie [South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ] in Hawaii with his girlfriend or wife or whoever, and he didn’t even realize his character was in it. But there he was, and he said, “This voice comes out of me, and I’m thinking, ‘That’s not me! Who is that? That doesn’t even sound like me!’ – Brent Spiner • I just got back from Hawaii on Saturday, and it’s so depressing how quickly all the stresses and the stressful energy of L.A. comes bombarding back. Everyone’s in a rush, you’re annoying everyone, get out of their way, everyone’s most important than you are, has got somewhere more important to be – very draining town. But I still love it in many ways. I wouldn’t leave California. I think it’s a fantastic state, if you can’t be in Hawaii all the time. – Natalie Maines • I know I can serve Hawaii and our country well in the U.S. Senate, know we can mount a solid statewide campaign, know we have a good chance of prevailing. – Ed Case • I know that some of those plans [of the North Korea] could very well lead to a missile that might reach Hawaii, if not the West Coast. We do have to try to get the countries in the region to work with us to do everything we can to confine, and constrain them. – Hillary Clinton • I love Hawaii. I really enjoy surfing in Oahu, and Waianae is such a great area. And Maui – I like Maui a lot, too. – Troy Polamalu • I mean, Hawaii is beautiful, but the world is full of beautiful places. – Robert Kiyosaki • I remember watching Swan Lake and everybody looking exactly the same, but being able to relate because they were the only company I had ever seen even on video that had Asian dancers. The Asian community in Hawaii is actually almost as dominant as the Caucasian community. I thought “I can relate to that company because they look like people that I see every day.” They weren’t all little stick-thin Russian ballerinas. – Joan Chen • I see life everywhere I look. I get the energy off the water. Hawaii really, when I am there, it feels like how we are supposed to live and how it’s supposed to be: slower, just appreciating our surroundings. I love the people there and the aloha, the history. They’re really rooted in something. – Natalie Maines • I shined off high school band, marching, jazz studies. At the time I was too cool for school, I had this professional gig and I was going home taking a shower and heading to downtown Hawaii, Waikiki. – Eric Hernandez • I still consider myself a little, fat kid from Hawaii. – Robert Kiyosaki • I take golf trips with my brother or with friends. We usually go to Pebble or Bandon Dunes. One year we went to Hawaii. – Greg Maddux • I think I learned years ago when I went to Hawaii that you don’t bring puka shells back. You’ve got to be careful of your vacation purchases. – Joshua Homme • I think I was a mermaid and I used to swim the shores or Hawaii and used to pop up and see coconuts and pineapples everywhere. – Ella Henderson • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think that being isolated from the Hollywood world of premieres and red carpet events was probably good for me because I could ease into those at will and by my own choice. But in other aspects, when it comes to fanfare, Hawaii is nuts and in L.A. they’re all so jaded. They don’t care. – Evangeline Lilly • I think there’s a really great amount of potential for Hawaii to become an example of what’s possible with renewable energy because there are so many renewable resources here: energy, solar energy, and wind energy. There’s so much potential here. – Jack Johnson • I thought my book was done, then we went to Hawaii and the whole last chapter happened. – Mariel Hemingway • I truly believe the brightest days lie ahead for the Great State of Hawaii. – Linda Lingle • I volunteered to deploy to Iraq. I was one of the few soldiers who were not on the mandatory deployment roster – close to 3,000 Hawaii soldiers were. – Tulsi Gabbard • I want people to think of Hawaii and think of palm trees and magical islands and Bruno Mars. – Bruno Mars • I want to stay in Hawaii a little while. I’m kind of liking it over there. – Josh Holloway • I wanted to go back on ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ I did it. One of my favorite shows is ‘Hawaii Five-0.’ I went on, guest starred. I wanted to be in a film, did ‘Tasmanian Devils’ in Vancouver. Wanted to host a show, boom, did it. – Apolo Ohno • I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii – Steve Case • I was born in Hawaii, but I was raised in Iowa. – Jason Momoa • I was in Jersey when the whole World Trade Center thing happened and I felt powerless. So, I went to Hawaii and did a surf movie. It’s kind of fluffy. – Michelle Rodriguez • I was introduced to skateboarding through my father. He was a surfer back in the 50’s & 60’s in Hawaii, where my parents grew up. They later moved to California and I was born. Skateboarding was the thing for surfers here in California in the 60’s and my Dad immediately made me a homemade board. – Christian Hosoi • I was just asking Chad [Myers], how can you get a volcano in Iceland? Isn’t it too- when you think of a volcano, you think of Hawaii and long words like that. You don’t think of Iceland.You think it’s too cold to have a volcano there. – Rick Sanchez • I was over there in Hawaii. I was there on the big island. The ‘Big Island’ – that name cracks me up. First of all, it’s not that big, so I’m pretty sure a guy came up with that name. – Carol Leifer • I was raised all over. Kansas, Hawaii, Georgia, Texas and Kentucky, by the time I was 11. – Jeri Ryan • I would love to rent a little cottage or cabin in Colorado and learn to ski or snowboard. And on the warmer side, I also want to rent a house in Hawaii and learn to surf! – Karlie Kloss • I wrote ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ on my first trip to Hawaii. I took a taxi to the hotel and when I woke up the next morning, I threw back the curtains and saw these beautiful green mountains in the distance. Then, I looked down and there was a parking lot as far as the eye could see, and it broke my heart this blight on paradise. That’s when I sat down and wrote the song. – Joni Mitchell • I`ve always thought of him [Barack Obama] and from conversations know him to be a guy who takes the long view, who doesn`t get too high, doesn`t get too low and seizes the opportunities when they`re there and knows how to ride the wave. I ascribe that to Hawaii. He`s a body surfer, so he knows how to get on the wave. He knows just the right time. – Howard Fineman • I’d left Hawaii twice in my life, so I’d been on an island my whole life. I had no clue. I didn’t know how to live in a city. – Maggie Q • I’d love to be [one of MacGyver’s buddies]. I’d watch that one and just think, wow, what a life. Living in Hawaii, driving around in someone’s Ferrari, and solving mysteries. – Rhys Darby • I’d love to go somewhere warm, somewhere near the beach and somewhere with a cool culture. It could be Hawaii, Cuba, South America – anywhere that has a cool culture and a beautiful climate. – Steve Nash • If a nation’s security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble. Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation’s immigration policy. – Joe Arpaio • If there’s a Disney animated feature based in Hawaii, I knew I had to be part of it. I’m very proud to be from Hawaii. There was no question the role was mine. – Tia Carrere • If we quit Vietnam, tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii, and next week we’ll have to fight in San Francisco. – Lyndon B. Johnson • If you don’t have at least a working knowledge of the Hawaiian language… you can’t chant well. You cannot… receive the images of poetry paints for you. It’s like having peas and no pod. – Keali’i Reichel • If you want to surf, move to Hawaii. If you like to shop, move to New York. If you like acting and Hollywood, move to California. But if you like college football, move to Texas. – Ricky Williams • I’m a surfer at heart. Both my parents moved to Hawaii in the 1970s, where they met and became Christians. Then they taught me and my two brothers how to love the Lord – and how to surf! – Bethany Hamilton • I’m not sure it’s possible to stay in Hawaii. It’s kind of impractical. – Terry O’Quinn • I’m of Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent, and was raised on Hawaii. – Tia Carrere • I’m quadracontinental. I’ve got a life in London, New York, L.A. and Hawaii. – Rebecca Mader • I’m still a little girl in Hawaii, I have the same friends I had when I was a kid who love me for who I am – not what I do. I never got caught up in the club scene or took wrong roads. – Kiana Tom • Imagine, if you will, you’re sitting at my desk in Hawaii. You have access to the entire world, as far as you can see it. Last several days, content of internet communications. Every email that’s sent. Every website that’s visited by every individual. Every text message that somebody sends on their phone. Every phone call they make. – Edward Snowden • In Hawaii they say, “aloha.” That’s a nice one, It means both “hello” and “good-bye” Which just goes to show, if you spend enough time in the sun you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. – George Carlin • In Hawaii, if you’re invited to dinner, it’s assumed that the children are invited as well. On the islands, no one treats children like they’re not part of the conversation. People talk to children as people and include them in adventures and conversations. – Gabrielle Reece • In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley. – Bruno Mars • In Hawaii, the environment is fabulous. In Malibu, the people are fabulous. Our family unity is tight, and we have the Pacific Ocean outside our door in both places, so there is consistency. – Laird Hamilton • In Hawaii, there are 50-year-old grandfathers, because they got married so early. – Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa • In Hawaii, they’re happy to hear that you’re filming a show. They love it that people actually come and make use of their beautiful landscapes. – Rachelle Lefevre • In Hawaii, we go to this wonderful place, all families. My wife and I go directly from breakfast to a beach chair where we read all day. My daughter goes from water to pool to running around with friends she meets, some of whom are regulars there. – Stephen Collins • In Hawaii, we greet friends, loved ones or strangers with Aloha, which means love. Aloha is the key word to the universal spirit of real hospitality, which makes Hawaii renowned as the world’s center of understanding and fellowship. Try meeting or leaving people with Aloha. You’ll be surprised by their reaction. I believe it and it is my creed. Aloha to you. – Duke Kahanamoku • In Hawaii, we have something called Ho’oponopono, where people come together to resolve crises and restore peace and balance. – Duane Chapman • In my nostrils still lives the breath of flowers that perished twenty years ago. – Mark Twain • In the case of Five-O, I believe it was a combination of many ingredients – timing, chemistry, Hawaii. – James MacArthur • Indian-styled garments are very popular in the U.S., especially in areas near the beach, like Hawaii and Los Angeles. – Maggie Grace • Insiders say Obama’s pretty comfortable around actors. He should be. He has been ‘acting’ like he was born in Hawaii for a long time. – Craig Ferguson • It doesn’t matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom. – Ed Silvoso • It doesn’t matter to me where Barack Obama goes. If he wants to go to Hawaii because it’s his home state, fine! Hunky-dory. Plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roller dittos. – Rush Limbaugh • It is really so nice here-country-busy-busy with so many different kinds of things-… I must say I feel far away in another world here-… always we go to a new place…the people have a kind of gentleness that isn’t usual on the mainland. – Georgia O’Keeffe • It’s easier to be healthy in Hawaii than it is, almost anywhere else I’ve lived. You spend a lot of time outside, in the ocean and on the beach. – Terry O’Quinn • It’s good to visit Hawaii if you’re seeking power. You don’t really need to live here. Just to come over for a week is enough. Switzerland is another spot like this. It’s very similar. These are the two clearest spots, Switzerland and Hawaii. – Frederick Lenz • I’ve always been under the impression that it would be such a bummer to be in a peaceful place like Hawaii or the tropics and be stressed about catching waves. – Shaun White • I’ve been surfing for a couple years, in the offseason in California and in Hawaii. I’m not very good, but it’s just something that to be out there in the water, no cell phone, no music… very few sports are as pure as that. – Troy Polamalu • I’ve enjoyed the accommodations offered by police departments from Florida to Hawaii. Any time I saw a badge, something in me would snap. – Grace Slick • Jason Lee is the most famous actor from Hawaii I can think of. – Tia Carrere • Life is very nice in Hawaii. I rent a place that has its own cottage so when my friends and family come to visit, they have somewhere nice to stay. – Jorge Garcia • Make good the good in you…and you will slowly steal into the Hawaiian heart, which is all of softness, and gentleness, and sweetness. – Jack London • Many believe that Hillary Clinton was channeling President Obama during her recent speech in New York City. She focused on equality, justice, and how hard it was for her growing up as a young black man in Hawaii. – Jimmy Fallon • Many exhibits from this aquarium use Hawaii’s abundant natural daylight. This allows Waikiki to display only live coral, which creates beautiful exhibits. It’s also a world leader in the propagation of live coral. The aquarium features some unusual and rarely seen species, including the chambered nautilus and the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. – John Grant • Most of my ukulele heroes were traditional players from Hawaii, like Eddie Kamae and Ohta-san. There may not be uke stars in popular culture, but there are certainly pop stars that play uke – George Harrison, Eddie Vedder, Taylor Swift, Train, and Paul McCartney. – Jake Shimabukuro • Most of the time, I’m working in places I’m not familiar with. Sometimes it’s Slovakia, and sometimes it’s Hawaii. Not to bash on Slovakia, but I really did enjoy Hawaii. – George Clooney • Most people are walking around the city like corpses; they aren’t alive enough to notice the trash. They come from other places and they see it as a big garbage dump. Do you want to live and work in a garbage dump? I don’t. That’s partly because I grew up in the most pristine environment possible – Hawaii, where it is sacrilege to leave your garbage on the ground. – Bette Midler • My boyfriend, who I love to death – he’s only 17 so he’s the youngest guy I’ve ever dated – he just moved here from Hawaii to be with me and I met him when I was 10. Anyway, in Hawaii they have such a different mentality and different priorities. – Nikki Reed • My father is Chinese, Spanish, and Filipino; my mother is half-Irish and half-Japanese; Greek last name; born in Hawaii, raised in Germany. – Mark Dacascos • My father moved to Hawaii from Brooklyn and my mother came there as a child from the Philippines. They met at a show where my dad was playing percussion. My mom was a hula dancer. – Bruno Mars • My husband is from Hawaii and his father who was also born in Hawaii was a teenager when Pearl Harbor happened, right before church and he ran up and got on the roof of his grandfather’s house and watched the planes go over. – Sigourney Weaver • My kids have never known me not working on The Bachelor. But they’ve lived in Paris and Italy and been to Hawaii and Bora-Bora with me, and it’s incredible to me that they’ve had these experiences. – Chris Harrison • Not very many companies go through Hawaii on their way to anywhere. San Francisco Ballet was the only company I remember, and Bolshoi, coming through Hawaii when I was younger. – Joan Chen • Nothing is more often misdiagnosed than our homesickness for Heaven. We think that what we want is sex, drugs, alcohol, a new job, a raise, a doctorate, a spouse, a large-screen television, a new car, a cabin in the woods, a condo in Hawaii. What we really want is the person we were made for, Jesus, and the place we were made for, Heaven. Nothing less can satisfy us. – Randy Alcorn • One volcano in Hawaii, one volcano in Indonesia, produces enough gases in the atmosphere, which include those natural elements that are in the Earth’s crust, that, uh, kind of make all the, you know, the science that we have about what we produce, moot. – Jim Gibbons • Over the years, I’ve traveled to many places for inspiration and research, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, California, and Hawaii. – Jennifer Chiaverini • President Obama and his family are spending the holidays in Hawaii, and while they’re gone, they got a fence jumper to house sit. Tomorrow, he will be in Hawaii playing golf with Raul Castro and the Pope. – David Letterman • President Obama has decided that he wants his presidential library to be in Chicago, not Hawaii. Today Hawaii’s governor said, ‘Great, who’s going to want to come to Hawaii now?’ – Conan O’Brien • Running gives me a clearer perspective on the world, and it makes me feel special. I’ve never been a traditional tourist. I’ve always seen the world by running, and that has allowed me to view things in a different way. Places look different in the early-morning hours, when the streets are deserted. – Grete Waitz • Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians, among whom armchair arguments about war are being glibly bandied about in the name of state politics, have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. – Isoroku Yamamoto • Since my mom is the President of Ballet Hawaii, I’m always in touch with stuff going on. – Joan Chen • Six years ago, I completed the premier episode of Hawaii Five-O, and Jack Lord and I immediately realized that we had a good series, that this was a success such as we’d never hoped for! – James MacArthur • So it was a really pleasant surprise when [Independence Day] turned out to be a successful film. I don’t know if you’ve heard that they’re going to be re-releasing it next Fourth of July in 3-D. I’ve actually only seen it once, and it was in Hawaii, in a little theater in Oahu shortly after it was released. But Roland Emmerich is a really smart guy, and he makes really fun movies to watch. – Brent Spiner • Some people say Hawaii is spoiled, but I don’t think so. It’s modern. It’s a part of today’s world. – James MacArthur • Somehow, the love of the islands, like the love of a woman, just happens. One cannot determine in advance to love a particular woman, nor can one so determine to love Hawaii. – Jack London • That isn’t to say that Hawaii’s better. On the mainland, everyone seems to be trying to get somewhere. Kids are taught to shoot for the moon, to believe in their ability to do anything, to follow their passions. In Hawaii, you’re stuck in the middle of the Pacific, and it can be difficult to see how you’re going to follow your passion from there. – Gabrielle Reece • That’s a traditional Samoan dance. I was lucky that I was able to fly my cousins, who are professional dancers, up from Hawaii and they were able to be in the movie with me. We had a great time. – Dwayne Johnson • The Aloha spirit is something that is very special and very meaningful to us and our Polynesian culture. Those of you who have had the opportunity to visit Hawaii, or any of the Polynesian islands, know that it’s a very special thing. It’s an intangible, and when you get off the plane and have your feet on the ground there, it energetically takes you to a different place. – Dwayne Johnson • The band would play on the night off for the local hotel bands and we’d back all the different acts. So I’d been advised by good friends of mine to come back to Hawaii. Oh, I loved Honolulu, playing at a place right on the beach at Waikiki! – Martin Denny • The beauty of Hawaii probably surpasses other places. I like the Big Island and the two mountains, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea, where you can look out at the stars. – Buzz Aldrin • The best thing about wearing black is that you can hide pretty easily, unless you’re in like Hawaii, then you can’t hide. – Gerard Way • The cause of Hawaii and independence is larger and dearer than the life of any man connected with it. Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station. – Liliʻuokalani • The day before I left to fly in New York, I went in the ocean and was just lying on my black looking up at the sky, which was that Hawaii blue. Just that moment was worth the entire thing. The ocean is everything. It can heal you. – Gavin Rossdale • The five principles of aloha, when practiced together, awaken our awareness of our human potential and the sacredness of our life. – Paul Pearsall • The mindless rejoicing at home is really appalling; it makes me fear that the first blow against Tokyo will make them wilt at once…I only wish that [the Americans] had also had, say, three carriers at Hawaii. – Isoroku Yamamoto • The number one issue that Ocean Mysteries has opened my eyes to is, no matter where you are, whether you’re on a beach in Hawaii, you’re diving in the Pacific, you’re in a remote archipelago, or you’re in the middle of nowhere – I am blown away and sobered and crushed, emotionally crushed, by the amount of marine debris, of garbage, that is now in our ocean. – Jeff Corwin • The one we keep pitching and there are no takers is The Fabulous Baker Boys Go to Hawaii. There don’t seem to be any takers on that one! – Beau Bridges • The paintings are transferred from my computer to a disk, and I can hand it to the printer this way; or I can modem the painting to the printer over the phone lines from my house in Hawaii. – Buffy Sainte-Marie • The person who betrayed you is sunning themselves on a beach in Hawaii and you’re knotted up in hatred. Who is suffering? – Jack Kornfield • The sentiments in Hawaii about Washington’s failure of leadership are no different than the rest of the country. – Ed Case • The smell of the sea, of kelp and fish and bitter moving water, rose stronger in my nostrils. It flooded my consciousness like an ancestral memory. The swells rose sluggishly and fell away, casting up dismal gleams between the boards of the pier. And the whole pier rose and fell in stiff and creaking mimicry, dancing its long slow dance of dissolution. I reached the end and saw no one, heard nothing but my footsteps and the creak of the beams, the slap of waves on the pilings. It was a fifteen-foot drop to the dim water. The nearest land ahead of me was Hawaii.- Ross Macdonald • The spiritual destiny of Hawaii has been shaped by a Calvinist theory of paternalism enacted by the descendants of the missionaries who had carried it there: a will to do good for unfortunates regardless of what the unfortunates thought about it. – Francine du Plessix Gray • The U.S. started with no stars. In fact, it started with a completely different flag. The last two were added in 1959, Hawaii and Alaska. – Juan Enriquez • There are many things I’m looking forward to in 2013, both personally and professionally. Plans for new restaurants in the U.S., including Eataly Chicago, are underway, and I’m gearing up for the 2013 Ironman world championships in Hawaii – if I’m lucky enough to get a spot! – Joe Bastianich • There are several states where you can get married. But I think I can say without fear of contradiction, ‘Paradise awaits.’ We’ll be happy to welcome you. And if you do get married in another state, think about honeymooning in Hawaii. – Neil Abercrombie • There are spirits in Hawaii. They’re very protective and very good and they watch over these islands. I must confess, they’re not entirely happy with what they see, with the way the civilization is moving. But they’re patient. They’ve been here for a long time, and they’ll be here long after the human beings have ceased to inhabit the islands. – Frederick Lenz • There is one bright side to this, said Fang. “Yeah? What’s that?” The new and improved Erasers would mutilate us before they killed us? He grinned at me so unexpectedly I gorgot to flap for a second and dropped several feet. “You looove me,” he crooned smugly. Holding his arms out wide, he added, “You love me this much.” My shriek of appalled rage could probably be heard in California, or maybe Hawaii. – James Patterson • There’s nothing – there’s nothing – as action-packed as ‘Hawaii Five-O.’ – Michelle Borth • This sounds cheesy but when I would get in discussions with people about religion or spirituality, a lot of people would say, “I believe God is nature, there’s God in that tree” – and I would think, What the hell are they on about? But it was about four or five years ago in Hawaii where that all made sense to me and I got it all, and I felt God was in the trees and in the grass and the flowers, and I completely understood. – Natalie Maines • Though there is something cruel about being in Hawaii and you have a computer in front of you the whole time. – Justin Theroux • To be honest I don’t watch the show, I don’t watch any TV, so I have no idea what the show is about. I go to Hawaii, shot my scenes and script and ‘Ciao.’ I’m not a ‘Lost’ fanatic and it’s a disappointment for thousands people and friends that are dying to know what will happen. They know more than me. – Sonya Walger • Waterworld was the best time of my life. It was physically demanding, but it was fun. I mean, you’re in Hawaii for nine months shooting on the water every day. – David R. Ellis • We are truly the land of the great. From the rock shores of… Hawaii… to the beautiful sandy beaches of… Hawaii… America is our home. – Sarah Palin • We have great cities to visit: New York and Washington, Paris and London; and further east, and older than any of these, the legendary city of Samarkand, whose crumbling palaces and mosques still welcome travelers on the Silk road. Weary of cities? Then we’ll take to the wilds. To the islands of Hawaii and the mountains of Japan, to forests where Civil War dead still lie, and stretches of sea no mariner ever crossed. They all have their poetry: the glittering cities and the ruined, the watery wastes and the dusty; I want to show you them all. I want to show you everything. – Clive Barker • We have North Shore, Hawaii and Lost all there, so they have softball tournaments between the casts. It’s hilarious. – Josh Holloway • We need Hawaii just as much and a good deal more than we did California. It is manifest destiny. – William McKinley • We packed up all the worldly possessions we could carry with us and took the next flight to Hawaii from Washington. It took just about every cent my family had to our name just to pay the plane fare. When we arrived, we had about $15 left among us. We were really in pitiful shape. But we were together, and we were alive, and this was all that mattered. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • We shot on location in our very first weeks, in our very first shows. I would like to go on location again, Hawaii would be good!! But normally, we tape five days a week in the studio starting at about 8:00 a.m. and continuing until about 8:00 p.m. – Juliet Mills • We were just floored by the kindness of the people here. The minister of the Unitarian Church in Honolulu invited my family over to his office the day we arrived and told us to make it our headquarters while we looked for a permanent residence. When we couldn’t find a place for about a week, he let us live in the church; that’s ironic, isn’t it? But it points up the vastly different intellectual atmosphere that prevails here in Hawaii. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • We were on the island of Hawaii. I think I was there three months. It was fantastic. It is not much different than films. It depends on the television show but much of television today is as good or better than most films. – Bo Derek • Well, filming in Hawaii, you know, is a blessing. It’s one of the most beautiful places on this planet. It has a very mystic energy which informs you as an actor. – Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje • Well, President-elect Barack Obama and his family are gonna spend the holidays in his home state of Hawaii. And you know who couldn’t be more thrilled with this? The press, the reporters who follow the president. Well, think about it. After eight years of spending every holiday cutting brush in Crawford, Texas, they get to go to Hawaii! – Jay Leno • We’ve had every official in Hawaii, Democrat and Republican, every news outlet that has investigated this, confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii, Aug. 4, 1961, in Kapiolani Hospital. – Barack Obama • When I get in the sun I get very tanned. You can’t tell me from the native fishermen in Hawaii or Mexico. – Desi Arnaz • When I’m in New York, I bike everywhere. I have a couple of bikes stored over at Ed Norton’s. It’s the only way to go. But in Hawaii, I drive. I have a little Volkswagen Bug, from the ‘Drive it? Hug it?’ phase. I run it on biodiesel. – Woody Harrelson • When Japanese went to Hawaii they would go straight and buy the same thing that they would buy in Japan. They just got it cheaper, which they liked. And so they would still eat the red bean ice cream or the green tea ice cream, but they didn’t really take advantage of the variety and it wasn’t clear that they cared. – Sheena Iyengar • When people are worried about the future, they don’t take trips to Hawaii. – Linda Lingle • When you go to Hawaii, it’s all about “Aloha.” It means hello, goodbye and I love you. – Gabriel Iglesias • Whenever I finish a book, I go off and have some kind of adventure. Having had an adventure in my writing chair or on my writing sofa, an internal adventure, then I need to balance that off with an external adventure, so I’ll go tramping through Africa or whitewater rafting or float to Hawaii in a martini shaker or something. – Tom Robbins • Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? – Steven Wright • With my being from Hawaii and being very family oriented I don’t really have a fear of a tragic ending. I dont see any tragic ending for me. – Bruno Mars • With the departure of Congressman Neil Abercrombie (D), who is running for the governorship of Hawaii, and with the tragic and very sad passing of my personal friend Jack Murtha (D-Pa.), mine is now the deciding vote on the health care bill and this administration and this House leadership have said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots. – Eric Massa • You are the lei I entwine with the beauty of your smile. – Robert Cazimero • You know, I think there was a point in time when people didn’t really understand how birth certificates were kept in the state of Hawaii, and now, I think that it’s been pretty much disclosed that they used to have a long form and now they don’t have a long form. Arizona used to have a long form, we now have a short form. – Jan Brewer • You know, or three kinds of ice cream bars and you’d see this and like this… okay they could clearly benefit from some more choices and I remember having these discussions with the Japanese because they you know they often like to go to Hawaii for vacation because it was definitely much cheaper for them and I would ask them, “So when you go to Hawaii, you know do eat all these other things?” – Sheena Iyengar • You think that you can hide; you think you can lay low? I’ll roll up on your ass like Hawaii 5-0! – Busta Rhymes [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Hawaii Quotes
Official Website: Hawaii Quotes
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• A dreaming vortex is a place where it’s easy to change. You come to a dreaming vortex like Hawaii to step from one dream into another, from one world into another, to change, in other words. – Frederick Lenz • A travel agent told I could spend 7 nights in HAWAII no days just nights. – Rodney Dangerfield • According to a new study, Hawaii is the happiest place in America to live. And I thought it was just a great place to pretend you were born in. – Craig Ferguson • America has always been the richest and most secure, and sometimes the most dangerous country in the world. In the early years, the danger was to everybody near us, slaves, Native Americans, Mexicans. It finally expanded in 1898 to the Caribbean, Cuba, Puerto Rico, Hawaii, and the Philippines. – Noam Chomsky • Apparently President Obama’s favorite cocktail is a martini. When asked how he likes it, he said, ‘On the beach, in Hawaii, in 2017.’ – Jimmy Fallon • Are we as willing to go into debt for the work of God as we are for a vacation to Hawaii? – Erwin W. Lutzer • Are we going to New Orleans?” “No”, she said, backing out of the spot. “We’re going to West Virginia.” “I assume by ‘West Virginia,’ you actually mean ‘Hawaii,'” I said. “Or some place equally exciting. – Richelle Mead • As a new day begins in New York, the sun sets in Hawaii. – Tim McCarver • As a territory, American Samoa has no representation in the U.S. Senate, and we Samoans lost a respected and powerful ally with the passing of Hawaii Sen. Daniel Inouye. – Troy Polamalu • Barack H. Obama is a landmark presidential figure as the first black, multiracial, multicultural president from Hawaii and the Pacific. – Dinesh Sharma
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Hawaii', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_hawaii').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_hawaii img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Barack Obama isn’t pointing to anyone, and certainly doesn’t like it when others note (correctly) that his influences were the likes of Saul Alinsky, the Chicagoan and modern founder of community organizing, or Frank Marshall Davis, the communist journalist and agitator from Chicago who mentored Obama in Hawaii in the latter 1970s, and who Obama warmly acknowledges in his memoirs. – Paul Kengor • Beating the drums for Hawaii is not hard to do… the place just grows on you. – James MacArthur • Before I became a fighter pilot, everyone said that women didn’t have the physical strength. Well, I had just completed the Hawaii Ironman Triathlon. – Martha McSally • Being in Hawaii, it’s almost impossible not to be fit, I think. – Henry Ian Cusick • Come with me while the moon is on the sea The night is young and so are we Dreams come true in Blue Hawaii And mine could all come true This magic night of nights with you – Leo Robin • Donald Trump has made it clear that certainly over the last few years that President [Barack] Obama was born in Hawaii. – John Lewis • Ever since I was young I understood the whole meaning of life isn’t how much money you accumulate, how much fame you experience, it’s how many lives you touch, how many faces you bring smiles to. I see myself back in Hawaii doing something in the community to improve the lives of young children. Everything I’ve done is to prepare myself to give back. – Manti Te’o • Every city I go to is an opportunity to paint, whether it’s Omaha or Hawaii. – Tony Bennett • Every time I flicked channels, there I was, talking. I was talking too much and writing too little. So Naomi and I went to Hawaii. The phone was cut off and we lost touch. This gave me the chance to have a good think about my life. – Joe Eszterhas • For a while I got into the South Pacific theater of World War II. I read “American Caesar” by William Manchester, the biography of General MacArthur. Because of that I ended up reading “Tales of the South Pacific” by James Michener and then because of that reading his “Hawaii.” That is what happens. – Dave Barry • For many years I had allowed my second husband to take credit for my paintings. But one day, unable to continue the deception any longer, I left him and my home in California and moved to Hawaii. – Margaret Keane • For me, the magic of Hawaii comes from the stillness, the sea, the stars. – Joanne Harris • For some reason my father saw no problem with us pplaying “barbie and ken go to hawaii to save their marriage by picking up another couple for sexy good times,” but if barbie and ken had gone to hawaii to “rescue another couple from a crazed kidnapper,” that would have been wrong. – Michele Jaffe • Good schools, good jobs, good government. These are not unreasonable demands. But sadly, some of our people have already lost heart and have left Hawaii to look for these things elsewhere. – Linda Lingle • Grew up in Hawaii that gave [Barack Obama] a kind of optimism, an ability to see things, you know, and frankly, an ability to trust, you know, in his fellow, you know, white countrymen in a way that I, for instance, you know, and the vast majority of black people I know never really could. – Ta-Nehisi Coates • Growing up, the ukulele was always a respected instrument. It’s a big part of our culture. It wasn’t until I started traveling outside of Hawaii that I realized people didn’t really consider the ukulele to be a real instrument. – Jake Shimabukuro • Have you guys ever ghost hunted in Hawaii? No? Well, I have this fat friend… I shouldn’t say fat, that might offend him, but he’s Samoan and claims to have seen ghosts. – CM Punk • Hawaii ain’t a bad place to work. – T.I. • Hawaii can be heaven and it can be hell. – Jeff Goldblum • Hawaii doesn’t win many games in the United States. – Lee Corso • Hawaii has always been a very pivotal role in the Pacific. It is in the Pacific. It is a part of the United States that is an island that is right here. – Dan Quayle • Hawaii is a beautiful place to bring up a family. – Henry Ian Cusick • Hawaii is a small, close community. – Jake Shimabukuro • Hawaii is a special place because we have a very diverse population there, who are very respectful and tolerant of those who have differing opinions and different views. – Tulsi Gabbard • Hawaii is a unique state. It is a small state. It is a state that is by itself. It is a-it is different than the other 49 states. Well, all states are different, but it’s got a particularly unique situation. – Dan Quayle • Hawaii is absolutely beautiful. – Rachelle Lefevre • Hawaii is not a state of mind, but a state of grace. – Paul Theroux • Hawaii is paradise. It sounds cheesy to say it, but there’s music in the air there. – Bruno Mars • Hawaii is the best form of comfort for me. When I die, I want to be cremated, and I want half my ashes spread in the Pacific around the island, the rest on the property. – Richard Pryor • Hawaii is the birthplace of surfing, and many Hawaiians or part-Hawaiians surf, but in the rest of the United States it’s a pretty white sport. – William Finnegan • Hawaii made the mouth of her soul water. – Tom Robbins • Hawaii was beautiful of course, we played at Turtle Bay an amazing resort right on the ocean. – Natalie Gulbis • Hawaiis own Patsy Mink served as the first congresswoman of color and first Asian American woman in the House; she later sought the Democratic Party presidential nomination. – Colleen Hanabusa • Hawaii’s the 50th state? I thought it was a suburb of Guam. – Bobby Heenan • Here’s my gut belief: Obama got a leg up by being admitted to both Occidental and Columbia as a foreign exchange student. He was raised as a young boy in Indonesia. But did his mother ever change him back to a U.S. citizen? When he returned to live with his grandparents in Hawaii or as he neared college-age preparing to apply to schools, did he ever change his citizenship back? I’m betting not. – Wayne Allyn Root • Hula is the art of Hawaiian dance, which expresses all we see, smell, taste, touch, feel, and experience. It is joy, sorrow, courage, and fear. – Robert Cazimero • I am privileged to be able to work for the people of Hawaii in whatever capacity. – Tulsi Gabbard • I bought almost every single thing that I furnished my house with at the Salvation Army in Hawaii. All second hand. Some of them are kind of retro, and some of them you’d never know. – Evangeline Lilly • I can’t even speak Hawaiian, but if you go there and listen to a Hawaiian song, you get captured because it’s so beautiful, like the melody is just gorgeous and you know Bob Marley is on the radio every single day. It’s very reggae-influenced down there. Basically, you haven’t been to paradise if you haven’t been to Hawaii. – Bruno Mars • I decided that we’d have to take our chances with the law and get the hell out of Baltimore. I thought of seeking asylum in Canada or Australia or England, but I didn’t want to leave the United States, because for better or worse I’m an American, and this is my land; so I decided to fight it out on home ground, and finally we hit upon Hawaii, because of the liberal atmosphere created by its racial admixture, and because of its relatively large population of Buddhists, who are largely nontheistic. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • I dive all over the world: Fiji, Australia, the Caribbean, Hawaii, and many other places. – Frederick Lenz • I don’t care about the money. I’m just interested in the perks. I’ll do a series if I am picked up by a limo, work only until 4, and the show is shot in Hawaii. – Harry Morgan • I don’t care where [Ted] Cruz comes from. I don’t care where the President comes from. Day one, I opened an investigation on a fraudulent government Hawaii document, period, on a birth certificate, so if you can say Cruz has fake documents, okay. – Joe Arpaio • I don’t have any simple things. I only have things like a gold-studded leather jacket. Then I’m going to Hawaii and I’m asking myself “Do I pack it? It could be cold.” I’m inventing scenarios where I could wear it. – Shaun White • I don’t like to spend money when I’m traveling. I like to go places like Hawaii and not spend money. I splurge on time. – Jonny Weston • I don’t look down on tourism. I live in Hawaii where we have 7 million visitors a year. If they weren’t there, there would be no economy. So I understand why a tourist economy is necessary. – Paul Theroux • I ended up in the Army Air Corps in the Pacific, operating out of Ayuka field in Hawaii. – Louis Zamperini • I got into this little habit of architecture and building. I designed a house in Colorado and one in Hawaii. The idea is supposed to be build and sell – but then I can never bring myself to sell them. – Trey Parker • I grew up in a musical family; the majority of my growing up was done in Hawaii. It’s what we do. You sing, you dance, you play ukulele and you drink. – Dwayne Johnson • I grew up in Hawaii and I think those islands are some of the most amazing places on the planet. – Mateus Ward • I grew up in Hawaii so I was outside a lot playing in the water. – Kelly Preston • I had actually been going to Hawaii for quite a while before I ever picked up the uke. I think with anything new you’re going to get more enjoyment out of it if it comes to you quickly, and the uke facilitates that. – Eddie Vedder • I had done ‘Die Hard’ and it was somebody’s franchise. I actually just got done with the ‘Hawaii Five-O’ pilot and I was developing some things of my own. So ‘Total Recall’ one of those projects that I read wanting more not to like it. – Len Wiseman • I had never been to Hawaii, and now I say that my body is from L.A. but my heart is from Hawaii, because I’m in love with it and it’s home on every level, from a spiritual, soulful place. – Shailene Woodley • I hate painting with a broad brush, but I think the birther thing, at its root, is racist. The guy was born in Hawaii. A black guy is president. It’s cool. Get over it. Just deal with it. There’s nothing you could show these birther people that would shut them up. – Henry Rollins • I have never been afraid to tackle tough or controversial issues, but I have always done it with the intent to do what I was elected to do, and that is represent the interests of my constituents, the working people of Hawaii. I feel that we are facing some of the most difficult issues in recent history with regard to food security, a widening income gap, and the rapidly increasing rise of the cost of living in our State. I know that the office of Lieutenant Governor can do more to address these issues. – Clayton Hee • I have to say, though, that somebody pointed out to me on YouTube that Conan O’Brien was being interviewed, and he was talking about how, oddly enough, he went to see that movie [South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut ] in Hawaii with his girlfriend or wife or whoever, and he didn’t even realize his character was in it. But there he was, and he said, “This voice comes out of me, and I’m thinking, ‘That’s not me! Who is that? That doesn’t even sound like me!’ – Brent Spiner • I just got back from Hawaii on Saturday, and it’s so depressing how quickly all the stresses and the stressful energy of L.A. comes bombarding back. Everyone’s in a rush, you’re annoying everyone, get out of their way, everyone’s most important than you are, has got somewhere more important to be – very draining town. But I still love it in many ways. I wouldn’t leave California. I think it’s a fantastic state, if you can’t be in Hawaii all the time. – Natalie Maines • I know I can serve Hawaii and our country well in the U.S. Senate, know we can mount a solid statewide campaign, know we have a good chance of prevailing. – Ed Case • I know that some of those plans [of the North Korea] could very well lead to a missile that might reach Hawaii, if not the West Coast. We do have to try to get the countries in the region to work with us to do everything we can to confine, and constrain them. – Hillary Clinton • I love Hawaii. I really enjoy surfing in Oahu, and Waianae is such a great area. And Maui – I like Maui a lot, too. – Troy Polamalu • I mean, Hawaii is beautiful, but the world is full of beautiful places. – Robert Kiyosaki • I remember watching Swan Lake and everybody looking exactly the same, but being able to relate because they were the only company I had ever seen even on video that had Asian dancers. The Asian community in Hawaii is actually almost as dominant as the Caucasian community. I thought “I can relate to that company because they look like people that I see every day.” They weren’t all little stick-thin Russian ballerinas. – Joan Chen • I see life everywhere I look. I get the energy off the water. Hawaii really, when I am there, it feels like how we are supposed to live and how it’s supposed to be: slower, just appreciating our surroundings. I love the people there and the aloha, the history. They’re really rooted in something. – Natalie Maines • I shined off high school band, marching, jazz studies. At the time I was too cool for school, I had this professional gig and I was going home taking a shower and heading to downtown Hawaii, Waikiki. – Eric Hernandez • I still consider myself a little, fat kid from Hawaii. – Robert Kiyosaki • I take golf trips with my brother or with friends. We usually go to Pebble or Bandon Dunes. One year we went to Hawaii. – Greg Maddux • I think I learned years ago when I went to Hawaii that you don’t bring puka shells back. You’ve got to be careful of your vacation purchases. – Joshua Homme • I think I was a mermaid and I used to swim the shores or Hawaii and used to pop up and see coconuts and pineapples everywhere. – Ella Henderson • I think somebody like Wes [Anderson] has a very good sense of style and is original. I think my sense of style got a little bit better after I was exposed to you guys at Valentino. Because I’m just in Hawaii and Malibu; it’s just kind of T-shirts and surfing-type stuff. – Owen Wilson • I think that being isolated from the Hollywood world of premieres and red carpet events was probably good for me because I could ease into those at will and by my own choice. But in other aspects, when it comes to fanfare, Hawaii is nuts and in L.A. they’re all so jaded. They don’t care. – Evangeline Lilly • I think there’s a really great amount of potential for Hawaii to become an example of what’s possible with renewable energy because there are so many renewable resources here: energy, solar energy, and wind energy. There’s so much potential here. – Jack Johnson • I thought my book was done, then we went to Hawaii and the whole last chapter happened. – Mariel Hemingway • I truly believe the brightest days lie ahead for the Great State of Hawaii. – Linda Lingle • I volunteered to deploy to Iraq. I was one of the few soldiers who were not on the mandatory deployment roster – close to 3,000 Hawaii soldiers were. – Tulsi Gabbard • I want people to think of Hawaii and think of palm trees and magical islands and Bruno Mars. – Bruno Mars • I want to stay in Hawaii a little while. I’m kind of liking it over there. – Josh Holloway • I wanted to go back on ‘Dancing With the Stars,’ I did it. One of my favorite shows is ‘Hawaii Five-0.’ I went on, guest starred. I wanted to be in a film, did ‘Tasmanian Devils’ in Vancouver. Wanted to host a show, boom, did it. – Apolo Ohno • I was born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaii – Steve Case • I was born in Hawaii, but I was raised in Iowa. – Jason Momoa • I was in Jersey when the whole World Trade Center thing happened and I felt powerless. So, I went to Hawaii and did a surf movie. It’s kind of fluffy. – Michelle Rodriguez • I was introduced to skateboarding through my father. He was a surfer back in the 50’s & 60’s in Hawaii, where my parents grew up. They later moved to California and I was born. Skateboarding was the thing for surfers here in California in the 60’s and my Dad immediately made me a homemade board. – Christian Hosoi • I was just asking Chad [Myers], how can you get a volcano in Iceland? Isn’t it too- when you think of a volcano, you think of Hawaii and long words like that. You don’t think of Iceland.You think it’s too cold to have a volcano there. – Rick Sanchez • I was over there in Hawaii. I was there on the big island. The ‘Big Island’ – that name cracks me up. First of all, it’s not that big, so I’m pretty sure a guy came up with that name. – Carol Leifer • I was raised all over. Kansas, Hawaii, Georgia, Texas and Kentucky, by the time I was 11. – Jeri Ryan • I would love to rent a little cottage or cabin in Colorado and learn to ski or snowboard. And on the warmer side, I also want to rent a house in Hawaii and learn to surf! – Karlie Kloss • I wrote ‘Big Yellow Taxi’ on my first trip to Hawaii. I took a taxi to the hotel and when I woke up the next morning, I threw back the curtains and saw these beautiful green mountains in the distance. Then, I looked down and there was a parking lot as far as the eye could see, and it broke my heart this blight on paradise. That’s when I sat down and wrote the song. – Joni Mitchell • I`ve always thought of him [Barack Obama] and from conversations know him to be a guy who takes the long view, who doesn`t get too high, doesn`t get too low and seizes the opportunities when they`re there and knows how to ride the wave. I ascribe that to Hawaii. He`s a body surfer, so he knows how to get on the wave. He knows just the right time. – Howard Fineman • I’d left Hawaii twice in my life, so I’d been on an island my whole life. I had no clue. I didn’t know how to live in a city. – Maggie Q • I’d love to be [one of MacGyver’s buddies]. I’d watch that one and just think, wow, what a life. Living in Hawaii, driving around in someone’s Ferrari, and solving mysteries. – Rhys Darby • I’d love to go somewhere warm, somewhere near the beach and somewhere with a cool culture. It could be Hawaii, Cuba, South America – anywhere that has a cool culture and a beautiful climate. – Steve Nash • If a nation’s security is only as strong as its weakest link, then America may be in serious trouble. Hawaii may be our weakest link and could have a serious impact on our nation’s immigration policy. – Joe Arpaio • If there’s a Disney animated feature based in Hawaii, I knew I had to be part of it. I’m very proud to be from Hawaii. There was no question the role was mine. – Tia Carrere • If we quit Vietnam, tomorrow we’ll be fighting in Hawaii, and next week we’ll have to fight in San Francisco. – Lyndon B. Johnson • If you don’t have at least a working knowledge of the Hawaiian language… you can’t chant well. You cannot… receive the images of poetry paints for you. It’s like having peas and no pod. – Keali’i Reichel • If you want to surf, move to Hawaii. If you like to shop, move to New York. If you like acting and Hollywood, move to California. But if you like college football, move to Texas. – Ricky Williams • I’m a surfer at heart. Both my parents moved to Hawaii in the 1970s, where they met and became Christians. Then they taught me and my two brothers how to love the Lord – and how to surf! – Bethany Hamilton • I’m not sure it’s possible to stay in Hawaii. It’s kind of impractical. – Terry O’Quinn • I’m of Filipino, Spanish, and Chinese descent, and was raised on Hawaii. – Tia Carrere • I’m quadracontinental. I’ve got a life in London, New York, L.A. and Hawaii. – Rebecca Mader • I’m still a little girl in Hawaii, I have the same friends I had when I was a kid who love me for who I am – not what I do. I never got caught up in the club scene or took wrong roads. – Kiana Tom • Imagine, if you will, you’re sitting at my desk in Hawaii. You have access to the entire world, as far as you can see it. Last several days, content of internet communications. Every email that’s sent. Every website that’s visited by every individual. Every text message that somebody sends on their phone. Every phone call they make. – Edward Snowden • In Hawaii they say, “aloha.” That’s a nice one, It means both “hello” and “good-bye” Which just goes to show, if you spend enough time in the sun you don’t know whether you’re coming or going. – George Carlin • In Hawaii, if you’re invited to dinner, it’s assumed that the children are invited as well. On the islands, no one treats children like they’re not part of the conversation. People talk to children as people and include them in adventures and conversations. – Gabrielle Reece • In Hawaii, some of the biggest radio stations are reggae. The local bands are heavily influenced by Bob Marley. – Bruno Mars • In Hawaii, the environment is fabulous. In Malibu, the people are fabulous. Our family unity is tight, and we have the Pacific Ocean outside our door in both places, so there is consistency. – Laird Hamilton • In Hawaii, there are 50-year-old grandfathers, because they got married so early. – Cary-Hiroyuki Tagawa • In Hawaii, they’re happy to hear that you’re filming a show. They love it that people actually come and make use of their beautiful landscapes. – Rachelle Lefevre • In Hawaii, we go to this wonderful place, all families. My wife and I go directly from breakfast to a beach chair where we read all day. My daughter goes from water to pool to running around with friends she meets, some of whom are regulars there. – Stephen Collins • In Hawaii, we greet friends, loved ones or strangers with Aloha, which means love. Aloha is the key word to the universal spirit of real hospitality, which makes Hawaii renowned as the world’s center of understanding and fellowship. Try meeting or leaving people with Aloha. You’ll be surprised by their reaction. I believe it and it is my creed. Aloha to you. – Duke Kahanamoku • In Hawaii, we have something called Ho’oponopono, where people come together to resolve crises and restore peace and balance. – Duane Chapman • In my nostrils still lives the breath of flowers that perished twenty years ago. – Mark Twain • In the case of Five-O, I believe it was a combination of many ingredients – timing, chemistry, Hawaii. – James MacArthur • Indian-styled garments are very popular in the U.S., especially in areas near the beach, like Hawaii and Los Angeles. – Maggie Grace • Insiders say Obama’s pretty comfortable around actors. He should be. He has been ‘acting’ like he was born in Hawaii for a long time. – Craig Ferguson • It doesn’t matter if the Republican or the Democratic candidate wins the governorship [of Hawaii]. Either one is already in the kingdom. – Ed Silvoso • It doesn’t matter to me where Barack Obama goes. If he wants to go to Hawaii because it’s his home state, fine! Hunky-dory. Plastic banana, good-time rock ‘n’ roller dittos. – Rush Limbaugh • It is really so nice here-country-busy-busy with so many different kinds of things-… I must say I feel far away in another world here-… always we go to a new place…the people have a kind of gentleness that isn’t usual on the mainland. – Georgia O’Keeffe • It’s easier to be healthy in Hawaii than it is, almost anywhere else I’ve lived. You spend a lot of time outside, in the ocean and on the beach. – Terry O’Quinn • It’s good to visit Hawaii if you’re seeking power. You don’t really need to live here. Just to come over for a week is enough. Switzerland is another spot like this. It’s very similar. These are the two clearest spots, Switzerland and Hawaii. – Frederick Lenz • I’ve always been under the impression that it would be such a bummer to be in a peaceful place like Hawaii or the tropics and be stressed about catching waves. – Shaun White • I’ve been surfing for a couple years, in the offseason in California and in Hawaii. I’m not very good, but it’s just something that to be out there in the water, no cell phone, no music… very few sports are as pure as that. – Troy Polamalu • I’ve enjoyed the accommodations offered by police departments from Florida to Hawaii. Any time I saw a badge, something in me would snap. – Grace Slick • Jason Lee is the most famous actor from Hawaii I can think of. – Tia Carrere • Life is very nice in Hawaii. I rent a place that has its own cottage so when my friends and family come to visit, they have somewhere nice to stay. – Jorge Garcia • Make good the good in you…and you will slowly steal into the Hawaiian heart, which is all of softness, and gentleness, and sweetness. – Jack London • Many believe that Hillary Clinton was channeling President Obama during her recent speech in New York City. She focused on equality, justice, and how hard it was for her growing up as a young black man in Hawaii. – Jimmy Fallon • Many exhibits from this aquarium use Hawaii’s abundant natural daylight. This allows Waikiki to display only live coral, which creates beautiful exhibits. It’s also a world leader in the propagation of live coral. The aquarium features some unusual and rarely seen species, including the chambered nautilus and the endangered Hawaiian monk seal. – John Grant • Most of my ukulele heroes were traditional players from Hawaii, like Eddie Kamae and Ohta-san. There may not be uke stars in popular culture, but there are certainly pop stars that play uke – George Harrison, Eddie Vedder, Taylor Swift, Train, and Paul McCartney. – Jake Shimabukuro • Most of the time, I’m working in places I’m not familiar with. Sometimes it’s Slovakia, and sometimes it’s Hawaii. Not to bash on Slovakia, but I really did enjoy Hawaii. – George Clooney • Most people are walking around the city like corpses; they aren’t alive enough to notice the trash. They come from other places and they see it as a big garbage dump. Do you want to live and work in a garbage dump? I don’t. That’s partly because I grew up in the most pristine environment possible – Hawaii, where it is sacrilege to leave your garbage on the ground. – Bette Midler • My boyfriend, who I love to death – he’s only 17 so he’s the youngest guy I’ve ever dated – he just moved here from Hawaii to be with me and I met him when I was 10. Anyway, in Hawaii they have such a different mentality and different priorities. – Nikki Reed • My father is Chinese, Spanish, and Filipino; my mother is half-Irish and half-Japanese; Greek last name; born in Hawaii, raised in Germany. – Mark Dacascos • My father moved to Hawaii from Brooklyn and my mother came there as a child from the Philippines. They met at a show where my dad was playing percussion. My mom was a hula dancer. – Bruno Mars • My husband is from Hawaii and his father who was also born in Hawaii was a teenager when Pearl Harbor happened, right before church and he ran up and got on the roof of his grandfather’s house and watched the planes go over. – Sigourney Weaver • My kids have never known me not working on The Bachelor. But they’ve lived in Paris and Italy and been to Hawaii and Bora-Bora with me, and it’s incredible to me that they’ve had these experiences. – Chris Harrison • Not very many companies go through Hawaii on their way to anywhere. San Francisco Ballet was the only company I remember, and Bolshoi, coming through Hawaii when I was younger. – Joan Chen • Nothing is more often misdiagnosed than our homesickness for Heaven. We think that what we want is sex, drugs, alcohol, a new job, a raise, a doctorate, a spouse, a large-screen television, a new car, a cabin in the woods, a condo in Hawaii. What we really want is the person we were made for, Jesus, and the place we were made for, Heaven. Nothing less can satisfy us. – Randy Alcorn • One volcano in Hawaii, one volcano in Indonesia, produces enough gases in the atmosphere, which include those natural elements that are in the Earth’s crust, that, uh, kind of make all the, you know, the science that we have about what we produce, moot. – Jim Gibbons • Over the years, I’ve traveled to many places for inspiration and research, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, South Carolina, California, and Hawaii. – Jennifer Chiaverini • President Obama and his family are spending the holidays in Hawaii, and while they’re gone, they got a fence jumper to house sit. Tomorrow, he will be in Hawaii playing golf with Raul Castro and the Pope. – David Letterman • President Obama has decided that he wants his presidential library to be in Chicago, not Hawaii. Today Hawaii’s governor said, ‘Great, who’s going to want to come to Hawaii now?’ – Conan O’Brien • Running gives me a clearer perspective on the world, and it makes me feel special. I’ve never been a traditional tourist. I’ve always seen the world by running, and that has allowed me to view things in a different way. Places look different in the early-morning hours, when the streets are deserted. – Grete Waitz • Should hostilities once break out between Japan and the United States, it is not enough that we take Guam and the Philippines, nor even Hawaii and San Francisco. To make victory certain, we would have to march into Washington and dictate the terms of peace in the White House. I wonder if our politicians, among whom armchair arguments about war are being glibly bandied about in the name of state politics, have confidence as to the final outcome and are prepared to make the necessary sacrifices. – Isoroku Yamamoto • Since my mom is the President of Ballet Hawaii, I’m always in touch with stuff going on. – Joan Chen • Six years ago, I completed the premier episode of Hawaii Five-O, and Jack Lord and I immediately realized that we had a good series, that this was a success such as we’d never hoped for! – James MacArthur • So it was a really pleasant surprise when [Independence Day] turned out to be a successful film. I don’t know if you’ve heard that they’re going to be re-releasing it next Fourth of July in 3-D. I’ve actually only seen it once, and it was in Hawaii, in a little theater in Oahu shortly after it was released. But Roland Emmerich is a really smart guy, and he makes really fun movies to watch. – Brent Spiner • Some people say Hawaii is spoiled, but I don’t think so. It’s modern. It’s a part of today’s world. – James MacArthur • Somehow, the love of the islands, like the love of a woman, just happens. One cannot determine in advance to love a particular woman, nor can one so determine to love Hawaii. – Jack London • That isn’t to say that Hawaii’s better. On the mainland, everyone seems to be trying to get somewhere. Kids are taught to shoot for the moon, to believe in their ability to do anything, to follow their passions. In Hawaii, you’re stuck in the middle of the Pacific, and it can be difficult to see how you’re going to follow your passion from there. – Gabrielle Reece • That’s a traditional Samoan dance. I was lucky that I was able to fly my cousins, who are professional dancers, up from Hawaii and they were able to be in the movie with me. We had a great time. – Dwayne Johnson • The Aloha spirit is something that is very special and very meaningful to us and our Polynesian culture. Those of you who have had the opportunity to visit Hawaii, or any of the Polynesian islands, know that it’s a very special thing. It’s an intangible, and when you get off the plane and have your feet on the ground there, it energetically takes you to a different place. – Dwayne Johnson • The band would play on the night off for the local hotel bands and we’d back all the different acts. So I’d been advised by good friends of mine to come back to Hawaii. Oh, I loved Honolulu, playing at a place right on the beach at Waikiki! – Martin Denny • The beauty of Hawaii probably surpasses other places. I like the Big Island and the two mountains, Mauna Loa and Mauna Kea, where you can look out at the stars. – Buzz Aldrin • The best thing about wearing black is that you can hide pretty easily, unless you’re in like Hawaii, then you can’t hide. – Gerard Way • The cause of Hawaii and independence is larger and dearer than the life of any man connected with it. Love of country is deep-seated in the breast of every Hawaiian, whatever his station. – Liliʻuokalani • The day before I left to fly in New York, I went in the ocean and was just lying on my black looking up at the sky, which was that Hawaii blue. Just that moment was worth the entire thing. The ocean is everything. It can heal you. – Gavin Rossdale • The five principles of aloha, when practiced together, awaken our awareness of our human potential and the sacredness of our life. – Paul Pearsall • The mindless rejoicing at home is really appalling; it makes me fear that the first blow against Tokyo will make them wilt at once…I only wish that [the Americans] had also had, say, three carriers at Hawaii. – Isoroku Yamamoto • The number one issue that Ocean Mysteries has opened my eyes to is, no matter where you are, whether you’re on a beach in Hawaii, you’re diving in the Pacific, you’re in a remote archipelago, or you’re in the middle of nowhere – I am blown away and sobered and crushed, emotionally crushed, by the amount of marine debris, of garbage, that is now in our ocean. – Jeff Corwin • The one we keep pitching and there are no takers is The Fabulous Baker Boys Go to Hawaii. There don’t seem to be any takers on that one! – Beau Bridges • The paintings are transferred from my computer to a disk, and I can hand it to the printer this way; or I can modem the painting to the printer over the phone lines from my house in Hawaii. – Buffy Sainte-Marie • The person who betrayed you is sunning themselves on a beach in Hawaii and you’re knotted up in hatred. Who is suffering? – Jack Kornfield • The sentiments in Hawaii about Washington’s failure of leadership are no different than the rest of the country. – Ed Case • The smell of the sea, of kelp and fish and bitter moving water, rose stronger in my nostrils. It flooded my consciousness like an ancestral memory. The swells rose sluggishly and fell away, casting up dismal gleams between the boards of the pier. And the whole pier rose and fell in stiff and creaking mimicry, dancing its long slow dance of dissolution. I reached the end and saw no one, heard nothing but my footsteps and the creak of the beams, the slap of waves on the pilings. It was a fifteen-foot drop to the dim water. The nearest land ahead of me was Hawaii.- Ross Macdonald • The spiritual destiny of Hawaii has been shaped by a Calvinist theory of paternalism enacted by the descendants of the missionaries who had carried it there: a will to do good for unfortunates regardless of what the unfortunates thought about it. – Francine du Plessix Gray • The U.S. started with no stars. In fact, it started with a completely different flag. The last two were added in 1959, Hawaii and Alaska. – Juan Enriquez • There are many things I’m looking forward to in 2013, both personally and professionally. Plans for new restaurants in the U.S., including Eataly Chicago, are underway, and I’m gearing up for the 2013 Ironman world championships in Hawaii – if I’m lucky enough to get a spot! – Joe Bastianich • There are several states where you can get married. But I think I can say without fear of contradiction, ‘Paradise awaits.’ We’ll be happy to welcome you. And if you do get married in another state, think about honeymooning in Hawaii. – Neil Abercrombie • There are spirits in Hawaii. They’re very protective and very good and they watch over these islands. I must confess, they’re not entirely happy with what they see, with the way the civilization is moving. But they’re patient. They’ve been here for a long time, and they’ll be here long after the human beings have ceased to inhabit the islands. – Frederick Lenz • There is one bright side to this, said Fang. “Yeah? What’s that?” The new and improved Erasers would mutilate us before they killed us? He grinned at me so unexpectedly I gorgot to flap for a second and dropped several feet. “You looove me,” he crooned smugly. Holding his arms out wide, he added, “You love me this much.” My shriek of appalled rage could probably be heard in California, or maybe Hawaii. – James Patterson • There’s nothing – there’s nothing – as action-packed as ‘Hawaii Five-O.’ – Michelle Borth • This sounds cheesy but when I would get in discussions with people about religion or spirituality, a lot of people would say, “I believe God is nature, there’s God in that tree” – and I would think, What the hell are they on about? But it was about four or five years ago in Hawaii where that all made sense to me and I got it all, and I felt God was in the trees and in the grass and the flowers, and I completely understood. – Natalie Maines • Though there is something cruel about being in Hawaii and you have a computer in front of you the whole time. – Justin Theroux • To be honest I don’t watch the show, I don’t watch any TV, so I have no idea what the show is about. I go to Hawaii, shot my scenes and script and ‘Ciao.’ I’m not a ‘Lost’ fanatic and it’s a disappointment for thousands people and friends that are dying to know what will happen. They know more than me. – Sonya Walger • Waterworld was the best time of my life. It was physically demanding, but it was fun. I mean, you’re in Hawaii for nine months shooting on the water every day. – David R. Ellis • We are truly the land of the great. From the rock shores of… Hawaii… to the beautiful sandy beaches of… Hawaii… America is our home. – Sarah Palin • We have great cities to visit: New York and Washington, Paris and London; and further east, and older than any of these, the legendary city of Samarkand, whose crumbling palaces and mosques still welcome travelers on the Silk road. Weary of cities? Then we’ll take to the wilds. To the islands of Hawaii and the mountains of Japan, to forests where Civil War dead still lie, and stretches of sea no mariner ever crossed. They all have their poetry: the glittering cities and the ruined, the watery wastes and the dusty; I want to show you them all. I want to show you everything. – Clive Barker • We have North Shore, Hawaii and Lost all there, so they have softball tournaments between the casts. It’s hilarious. – Josh Holloway • We need Hawaii just as much and a good deal more than we did California. It is manifest destiny. – William McKinley • We packed up all the worldly possessions we could carry with us and took the next flight to Hawaii from Washington. It took just about every cent my family had to our name just to pay the plane fare. When we arrived, we had about $15 left among us. We were really in pitiful shape. But we were together, and we were alive, and this was all that mattered. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • We shot on location in our very first weeks, in our very first shows. I would like to go on location again, Hawaii would be good!! But normally, we tape five days a week in the studio starting at about 8:00 a.m. and continuing until about 8:00 p.m. – Juliet Mills • We were just floored by the kindness of the people here. The minister of the Unitarian Church in Honolulu invited my family over to his office the day we arrived and told us to make it our headquarters while we looked for a permanent residence. When we couldn’t find a place for about a week, he let us live in the church; that’s ironic, isn’t it? But it points up the vastly different intellectual atmosphere that prevails here in Hawaii. – Madalyn Murray O’Hair • We were on the island of Hawaii. I think I was there three months. It was fantastic. It is not much different than films. It depends on the television show but much of television today is as good or better than most films. – Bo Derek • Well, filming in Hawaii, you know, is a blessing. It’s one of the most beautiful places on this planet. It has a very mystic energy which informs you as an actor. – Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje • Well, President-elect Barack Obama and his family are gonna spend the holidays in his home state of Hawaii. And you know who couldn’t be more thrilled with this? The press, the reporters who follow the president. Well, think about it. After eight years of spending every holiday cutting brush in Crawford, Texas, they get to go to Hawaii! – Jay Leno • We’ve had every official in Hawaii, Democrat and Republican, every news outlet that has investigated this, confirm that, yes, in fact, I was born in Hawaii, Aug. 4, 1961, in Kapiolani Hospital. – Barack Obama • When I get in the sun I get very tanned. You can’t tell me from the native fishermen in Hawaii or Mexico. – Desi Arnaz • When I’m in New York, I bike everywhere. I have a couple of bikes stored over at Ed Norton’s. It’s the only way to go. But in Hawaii, I drive. I have a little Volkswagen Bug, from the ‘Drive it? Hug it?’ phase. I run it on biodiesel. – Woody Harrelson • When Japanese went to Hawaii they would go straight and buy the same thing that they would buy in Japan. They just got it cheaper, which they liked. And so they would still eat the red bean ice cream or the green tea ice cream, but they didn’t really take advantage of the variety and it wasn’t clear that they cared. – Sheena Iyengar • When people are worried about the future, they don’t take trips to Hawaii. – Linda Lingle • When you go to Hawaii, it’s all about “Aloha.” It means hello, goodbye and I love you. – Gabriel Iglesias • Whenever I finish a book, I go off and have some kind of adventure. Having had an adventure in my writing chair or on my writing sofa, an internal adventure, then I need to balance that off with an external adventure, so I’ll go tramping through Africa or whitewater rafting or float to Hawaii in a martini shaker or something. – Tom Robbins • Why are there interstate highways in Hawaii? – Steven Wright • With my being from Hawaii and being very family oriented I don’t really have a fear of a tragic ending. I dont see any tragic ending for me. – Bruno Mars • With the departure of Congressman Neil Abercrombie (D), who is running for the governorship of Hawaii, and with the tragic and very sad passing of my personal friend Jack Murtha (D-Pa.), mine is now the deciding vote on the health care bill and this administration and this House leadership have said, quote-unquote, they will stop at nothing to pass this health care bill. And now they’ve gotten rid of me and it will pass. You connect the dots. – Eric Massa • You are the lei I entwine with the beauty of your smile. – Robert Cazimero • You know, I think there was a point in time when people didn’t really understand how birth certificates were kept in the state of Hawaii, and now, I think that it’s been pretty much disclosed that they used to have a long form and now they don’t have a long form. Arizona used to have a long form, we now have a short form. – Jan Brewer • You know, or three kinds of ice cream bars and you’d see this and like this… okay they could clearly benefit from some more choices and I remember having these discussions with the Japanese because they you know they often like to go to Hawaii for vacation because it was definitely much cheaper for them and I would ask them, “So when you go to Hawaii, you know do eat all these other things?” – Sheena Iyengar • You think that you can hide; you think you can lay low? I’ll roll up on your ass like Hawaii 5-0! – Busta Rhymes [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
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