#time to trick everyone into thinking my fanfic series is canon hehe
pokimoko · 2 years
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I was reminded recently of how much I loved the Moon Knight SG Poster series and so I thought I’d take a crack at the style and make some posters for my own MK fanfic series, Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind. Consider these the official posters of my very official fic series ;). 
[Image ID:  First Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'The Absence Of Fear', the first fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre nearing the top there is a circle which has been made to represent a simple shield; the shield is cracked in the top right corner, and at its centre are two silhouettes, one of Steven who is facing us and is dark grey, and one of Marc, who is facing away but looking back over his shoulder, and is a lighter grey. Steven has a black line over his eyes, and there are more black lines across the shield, imitating black out poetry. Above the shield are stars and constellations (Cassiopeia, Pegasus, Ursa Minor, Pisces and Cygnus). Under the shield is a white pigeon to the left and a pile of books to the right. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Second Image: A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In the Absent Place' , the second fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series . The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre there is a white house that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the house sits the black silhouette Steven at his computer, the light of which beams out behind him and lights up the edges of Jake's white silhouette which merges into the house. He is reaching out to Steven, and behind him Khonshu—who is a black silhouette and merges with the black background—has a hand on Jake's shoulder, with the tendrils of his costumes also reaching out to Steven. Above all of them is the dial and display of a old time radio. Above the house is a grey circle that has rain cometing through it. The roof of the house is shaped like a pyramid, and there is a sword going into it, which has a handle that is in the shape of Khonshu's ushabti. Around the circle is a scattering of Scrabble letter which spell out 'DON'T GO INTO THE BASEMENT STEVEN'. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written.  Third image:  A silhouette-style monochrome minimalistic style poster inspired by Pokimoko's Moon Knight fanfic 'In Your Absence', the third fic in the ‘Eternal Sunshine of the Absent Mind’ series. The poster depicts a black background with white at the bottom; at the centre of the poster there is a white round fishbowl that merges with the white at the bottom of the poster. Inside the fishbowl is a layer of sand, upon which is a black sarcophagus; a poppy grows out from its stomach. Standing to the right of the sarcophagus is Steven, who is looking over to the distant silhouette of the house, which is the same shape as the one shown in the Absent Place poster. Inside the house are four doors at different heights, one of which is open. Above the fishbowl are two white goldfish swimming through a scattering of forget-me-not flowers. Below the poster is a black goldfish swimming in the opposite direction of the other fish and who is followed by a trail of black shards. At the bottom of the poster, the title of the fic is written. Note: The white at the bottom of all these images flow together to create a seamless flow between the posters. /. End ID]
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sweet-cool-twins · 6 years
KyouTen Fanfic: Raimon Jr High
Summary: Matsukaze Tenma enrols into Raimon Jr High! Join her on her adventures while she tackles club activities, meet new friends, and fall in love? Plus, the bully, Tsurugi Kyousuke, from her elementary school enrols into Raimon with her! Wait. He's nice now! IEGO Rewritten as a Shoujo High School Romance series. Fem!Tenma, KyouTen and other pairings.
FF.net: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13237659/1/Raimon-Jr-High
So like I went to watch Inazuma Eleven go galaxy just to catch Kusaka x Morimura moments (they are the cutest canon couple, fight me), and I just checked the last episode. Ten Made Todoke (GO OP1) played at the end, which like had me full on nostalgia and they even included episodes from GO and Chrono Stone and brought back Tenma's dribbles (which he is great at, practiced a lot back in the 1st episode I remember) and like OF COURSE I'LL GET FULL ON NOSTALGIA, U CANT DO THIS TO ME. Hence, I started to rewatch GO to relief this feeling, which made me really missed my childhood (more like teenage-hood whatever you call it) and how much my life has changed compared to like 8 years ago (gosh it's been so long). So I kinda want to relief this story-writing part back in my life. Without further ado, click on read more to start reading! :)
Disclaimer: I seriously, 100%, totally don't even own the charas, their backgrounds, their clothes, their whatever. My name is not Hino and I'm not even Japanese. There's a Shugo Chara part which I had taken for this story (if anyone does recognize it -cries-). Lots of genderbend characters. You've been warned.
Matsukaze Tenma, a girl with brown wavy hair styled in swirls like the wind, length that reaches down to her back, tan skin and sky blue eyes. Today was the first day in her new school as a first year. Wearing her uniform for the appropriate year, she left her house owned by her relative, Aki, and dashed down towards the gate of the school. She stood there eyeing the lightning sign at the top of the school building and smiled to herself with much determination.
Finally, her hard work paid off. She was able to get into the school of her choice, Raimon Junior High. She could not help but smiled wider. It was just then when she heard someone calling her.
"Tenma!" She turned her head to her side and saw her childhood best friend sprinting towards her, her left arm high in the air waving at her.
"Aoi!" Aoi, a short blue haired girl wearing the exact same uniform as Tenma. The bluenette stopped in front of her friend and gave a light pat on her shoulder,
"You made it to this school too, ne?" It was both their aim to study in Raimon.
"Nhn!" The brown haired girl nodded. The two girls walked into the school, heading to the signboard where they will know which class they would be in, before making their way to the hall where all students will be briefed about the start of their year in Raimon.
Tenma took a sit on her chair in the hall. She sighed, Aoi was not only not in the same class as her, the class bully back in her elementary school, Tsurugi Kyousuke, was in the same class as her! He was known for bullying students in the same class as him. Back in her elementary school, she was not in the same class that was why she was not targeted, but he still shook fear in the hearts of every student in the school. How did he get into Raimon, Tenma didn't know, but now that he was enrolled here and allocated to her class, Tenma could only fear of what was to come. Tenma shook her head. It'll work out somehow! Dont think about him anymore. Hm!
"Ah...! Tenma-san! I can't believe you are here!" An extremely short girl that could pass for a Pikachu, jumped on to a chair beside Tenma. She had bronze coloured hair with a blue headband to pull her short pig tails upwards, and leaving bangs on her forehead.
"Ano...do I know you?" Tenma asked curiously.
"I'm from the same class as you back in elementary school! Nishizono Shinsuke! I look up to you so much, Tenma-san!" Shinsuke said with a high pitch voice from how happy she was in meeting Tenma.
"Hehe...Nice to meet you, Shinsuke. You may drop the -san actually. I'm not used to people calling me with -san." Tenma whispered to keep the conversation to just the both of them. Her cheeks blushing from both the praise and the people looking at them after the sudden shouts from Shinsuke.
"Waaa...I get to call Tenma-san without a -san! I'm so lucky!" She dazed off to dreamland which Tenma giggled at the girl's cuteness. She was really looking forward to classes with her. Especially since her allocated seat was beside Tenma, and students in the same class sit in the same row.
"Students, listen up." A voice sounded from the speakers, drawing everyone's attention. An adult stood on the stage with a podium in front of him, he spoke through the microphone. "I'm your principal, Hirai. Thank you all for coming. Today's your first day of the year, I know all will be nervous, don't worry. The teachers and student councilors will help you if needed. I wish you all the best. I'll now let our student council president address you." Squeals were heard at the front of the hall. A boy, with a dark brown wavy hair reaching to his shoulders walked up on stage where Principal Hirai was. The squeals became louder and names could now be heard in between,
"Shindou-san~!" "Takuto-sama~!" "Shin-sama~!"
Weird names for a student council president, he seems to be ignoring those squeals. Tenma thought silently.
"Wa...! H-he's so handsome...!" Tenma could hear Shinsuke mumbling to herself. Well, Tenma had to say, he was attractive, and a student council president to boot. Almost like a representation of an Anime prince. Tenma could not help but be mesmerized by him too.
"I'm Shindou Takuto. Your student council president-"
"I-I'm Nishizono Shinsuke! You're very handsome, Shindou-senpai! Please let me be your girlfriend!" The shorty jumped up from her chair and stood tip-toeing on it to stand out from the crowd and to get Shindou's attention. Everyone in the audience stared at Shinsuke, wide eyed by her sudden exclamation. Even Tenma was speechless. Shindou, however, closed his eyes and said firmly,
"Sorry, but I'm not interested in dating right now."
"Oh...it's ok! Maybe next time!" Shinsuke answered back with a cheerful voice, as if the embarrassing situation didn't happened at all. She jumped back to a sitting position and sat there quietly, listening to Shindou continue.
"Shinsuke, why did you do that? You embarrassed yourself!" Tenma whispered to Shinsuke, drowning out Shindou's speech and focusing on her new friend.
"I learned it from you, Tenma! We should be straight forward with our feelings! You said that to a girl from your class who was having love troubles!"
"Shinsuke..." Tenma wondered if Shinsuke actually got the meaning of her words. She giggled, her new found friend was cute and funny.
"Students, look for your names and sit at your assigned seats." Their homeroom teacher, Otonashi Haruna, pointed at the screen where it showed the students sitting arrangement. Tenma, Shinsuke, and their classmates, entered the classroom in an orderly manner, took a glance at the screen and headed to their respective seats. Tenma looked for her name, she was assigned to the fourth table from the first row near the window which has a view of the soccer field outside. She was walking down the first row from the front of the classroom when she noticed a familiar navy blue hair, tied in a weird looking high pony tail, boy sitting in the seat beside her assigned seat. Tenma turned to double check the screen and saw 'Tsurugi Kyousuke' written in a box beside her name.
No, no...Anything but that! It was already a bad thing when Shinsuke's seat was at the front of the room, in the middle at that! She was too far! She turned her head back, seeing Tsurugi staring outside the window. Unlike the normal Raimon male uniform, he was wearing purple coloured pants and cape. A red shirt with slevees rolled up to his elbow and wristbands of the colour, red and white respectively. He gave off an intimidating aura like a gangster. Tenma gulped. It'll work out somehow! Tenma said to herself before walking forward and sat on her seat. She felt Tsurugi's eyes on her for a long time before the boy finally spoke,
"You're Matsukaze aren't you?" Tenma felt her heart thumping in nervousness as she turned her head and answered,
"Yes." Her voice seemed to sound alright. Tsurugi leaned back on his chair and crossed his arms, his eyes looked to the front of the class,
"Tsurugi Kyousuke." He introduced himself, even though Tenma already knew his name, "You're my partner for the rest of the year. Let's work hard together."
"R-right..." Tenma was stunned, where did his bullying personality go? He should have whispered into her ear to meet him after school to bash her up or steal her money, but none of that happened. He just introduced himself that was all. Was this a trick to get Tenma to let her guard down? That's not right. Tsurugi is usually straight forward in his bullying. What happened to him? She turned back to the board, drowning out Haruna's explanations about their exams. Somehow, Tenma was not afraid of Tsurugi.
"Shinsuke, I want you to meet my other friend, Aoi." Tenma said to Shinsuke as they walked down the hallway to another classroom which was Aoi's classroom. It was their break time and Tenma wanted her new found friend to meet her childhood friend.
"Wa...! I get to meet Tenma's friend! Is she the blue haired girl?" Tenma nodded, since Shinsuke already knows about Aoi, there was no need for much introductions.
"Are you Nishizono Shinsuke?" Someone else spoke. The two looked to their front to find the student council president, Shindou standing in front of them. The two widened their eyes in shock. The student council president, the handsome and popular student council president was standing in front them!
"S-Shindou-senpai!" They both exclaimed. Wow he's so prince like in person! Tenma and Shinsuke mentally commented in unison. Shindou gave a warm smile which increased his princely handsomeness. Tenma and Shinsuke could not help but blush.
"I'm here about back there in the hall." Tenma and Shinsuke snapped out of the trance Shindou unknowingly put them in.
"Oh it's ok, Shindou-senpai! I'm sorry for my sudden outburst because of how handsome you look!" Shinsuke replied by trying to reassure to Shindou, even though her weird reasoning, that he need not be guilty for the rejection. Shindou chuckled which made both the girls to blush even redder.
"No, It's really my fault. I don't want other girls to try and win my heart so I had to say that. Sorry if I was too offensive."
"Ah! I-it's ok! T-totally fine with it! Heh heh..." Shinsuke scratched the back of her head. It really was a pleasure to have the student council president apologize to her.
"I'm glad. Though I still feel guilty for my actions, you may call me whenever you want if you need help. Here's my number." The brown haired boy held out two slips of papers to the two girls who took them with sparkles in their eyes.
"Ne, Shindou-senpai. You must be very popular based on the squeals this morning." Tenma asked. Shindou looked bashful as he replied,
"I'm not trying to be boastful but yes, I was voted the most popular recently. Although I don't like having that title. My best friend is more like you two actually, a normal student. I feel bad that she has to go through all this popularity with me. She says she's never bothered by it."
"I see...I thought you would have a friend who is equally in popularity as you." Shindou shook his head,
"Nope." Shindou checked his watch, "Sorry, I have a meeting with the other councillors."
"Nhn! Thanks for the number! Bye Shindou-senpai!" The two first years waved at Shindou's retreating figure who also waved back.
"Bye." He turned around and walked off, leaving Tenma and Shinsuke to watch him leave with a dazed off look on their eyes. He even looked beautiful from behind...This story has been sitting in my drafts since 2013. Cuz it's a chapter fic plus my high school entrance exams, I could not put in too much effort into it. Majority of the fic was in drafts but the idea and uncompleted plans were roughly there. It really was the most planned fic I had and I was very proud it. The first few (including this) were already written. Just never evaluated. And how grateful I am for not uploading that time. My writings were so cringey. So now this fic finally got to see the light of day with hopefully less cringey sentences. Hopefully everyone (new or old IE fans) will love it.
A little note written by my past self. :P I know I could at least complete my other chapter stories, but I really like the idea of this and decided to type it out! It came in a dream. It's instead of their life involving around soccer, I'm writing about their lives in school. Everyone are in different clubs. It's sort of yaoi, the ukes are genderbend. Don't ask why they are girls. The dream made them girls so I followed my dream. If not, I'm going to get very messed up with the story. The girls look like the picture in zerochan which showed all the guys genderbend. The ukes look like that, well some of them look like the picture. Depends. (What was I even writing about -_-'')
Thanks everyone for reading this! I hope you all like it. Sorry if it's a little bit weird, please bear with me for this. I'm not used to writing school life stories. Please review~! (Again I have no shame -_-"")
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